/** * @file llvoavatar.cpp * @brief Implementation of LLVOAvatar class which is a derivation fo LLViewerObject * * Copyright (c) 2001-$CurrentYear$, Linden Research, Inc. * $License$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include #include #include "llstl.h" #include "llvoavatar.h" #include "audioengine.h" #include "imageids.h" #include "indra_constants.h" #include "llchat.h" #include "llfontgl.h" #include "llprimitive.h" #include "lltextureentry.h" #include "message.h" #include "noise.h" #include "sound_ids.h" #include "lltimer.h" #include "timing.h" #include "llagent.h" // Get state values from here #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llcriticaldamp.h" #include "lldir.h" #include "lldrawable.h" #include "lldrawpoolavatar.h" #include "lldrawpoolalpha.h" #include "lldrawpoolbump.h" #include "lldriverparam.h" #include "lleditingmotion.h" #include "llemote.h" #include "llface.h" #include "llfasttimer.h" #include "llfirstuse.h" #include "llfloatercustomize.h" #include "llfloatertools.h" #include "llgldbg.h" #include "llhandmotion.h" #include "llheadrotmotion.h" #include "llhudeffectbeam.h" #include "llhudeffectlookat.h" #include "llhudeffecttrail.h" #include "llhudmanager.h" #include "llhudtext.h" #include "llinventorymodel.h" #include "llinventoryview.h" #include "llkeyframefallmotion.h" #include "llkeyframemotion.h" #include "llkeyframemotionparam.h" #include "llkeyframestandmotion.h" #include "llkeyframewalkmotion.h" #include "llmenugl.h" #include "llmutelist.h" #include "llnetmap.h" #include "llnotify.h" #include "llquantize.h" #include "llregionhandle.h" #include "llresmgr.h" #include "llselectmgr.h" #include "llsky.h" #include "llsprite.h" #include "llstatusbar.h" #include "lltargetingmotion.h" #include "lltexlayer.h" #include "lltoolbar.h" #include "lltoolgrab.h" // for needsRenderBeam #include "lltoolmgr.h" // for needsRenderBeam #include "lltoolmorph.h" #include "llviewercamera.h" #include "llviewerimagelist.h" #include "llviewerinventory.h" #include "llviewermenu.h" #include "llviewerobjectlist.h" #include "llviewerparcelmgr.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" #include "llviewerstats.h" #include "llviewerwindow.h" #include "llvosky.h" #include "llvovolume.h" #include "llwearable.h" #include "llwearablelist.h" #include "llworld.h" #include "pipeline.h" #include "llglslshader.h" #include "viewer.h" #include "lscript_byteformat.h" //#include "vtune/vtuneapi.h" // Direct imports, evil extern LLSky gSky; extern void set_avatar_character(void* charNameArg); extern BOOL gRenderForSelect; LLXmlTree LLVOAvatar::sXMLTree; LLXmlTree LLVOAvatar::sSkeletonXMLTree; LLVOAvatarSkeletonInfo* LLVOAvatar::sSkeletonInfo = NULL; LLVOAvatarInfo* LLVOAvatar::sAvatarInfo = NULL; BOOL gDebugAvatarRotation = FALSE; //extern BOOL gVelocityInterpolate; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constants //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const F32 MIN_PIXEL_AREA_FOR_COMPOSITE = 200.f; F32 SHADOW_OFFSET_AMT = 0.03f; #define DELTA_TIME_MIN 0.01f // we clamp measured deltaTime to this #define DELTA_TIME_MAX 0.2f // range to insure stability of computations. const F32 PELVIS_LAG_FLYING = 0.22f;// pelvis follow half life while flying const F32 PELVIS_LAG_WALKING = 0.4f; // ...while walking const F32 PELVIS_LAG_MOUSELOOK = 0.15f; const F32 MOUSELOOK_PELVIS_FOLLOW_FACTOR = 0.5f; //Ventrella const F32 PELVIS_LAG_WHEN_FOLLOW_CAM_IS_ON = 0.0001f; // not zero! - something gets divided by this! //end Ventrella #define PELVIS_ROT_THRESHOLD_SLOW 60.0f // amount of deviation allowed between #define PELVIS_ROT_THRESHOLD_FAST 2.0f // the pelvis and the view direction // when moving fast & slow const F32 MIN_SPEED_PELVIS_FOLLOW = 0.1f; #define TORSO_NOISE_AMOUNT 1.f // Amount of deviation from up-axis, in degrees #define TORSO_NOISE_SPEED 0.2f // Time scale factor on torso noise. const F32 BREATHE_ROT_MOTION_STRENGTH = 0.05f; const F32 BREATHE_SCALE_MOTION_STRENGTH = 0.005f; #define PELVIS_NOISE_FACTOR 0.5f // amount of random noise #define AUDIO_STEP_PRI 0xC0000000 #define AUDIO_STEP_LO_SPEED 0.01f // as average speed goes from lo to hi, #define AUDIO_STEP_HI_SPEED 3.0f // from lo to hi #define AUDIO_STEP_LO_GAIN 0.15f // the resulting gain will ramp linearly #define AUDIO_STEP_HI_GAIN 0.15f const F32 DAMPED_MOTION_TIME_SCALE = 0.15f; const F32 LOOKAT_CAMERA_DIST_SQUARED = 25.f; #define AVATAR_HEADER "Linden Avatar 1.0" #define AVATAR_SECTION "[avatar]" #define AVATAR_DEFAULT_CHAR "avatar" const F32 MIN_SHADOW_HEIGHT = 0.f; const F32 MAX_SHADOW_HEIGHT = 0.3f; #define MIN_REQUIRED_PIXEL_AREA_BODY_NOISE (10000.f) #define MIN_REQUIRED_PIXEL_AREA_BREATHE (10000.f) #define MIN_REQUIRED_PIXEL_AREA_PELVIS_FIX (40.f) const S32 LOCTEX_IMAGE_SIZE_SELF = 512; const S32 LOCTEX_IMAGE_AREA_SELF = LOCTEX_IMAGE_SIZE_SELF * LOCTEX_IMAGE_SIZE_SELF; const S32 LOCTEX_IMAGE_SIZE_OTHER = LOCTEX_IMAGE_SIZE_SELF / 4; // The size of local textures for other (!mIsSelf) avatars const S32 LOCTEX_IMAGE_AREA_OTHER = LOCTEX_IMAGE_SIZE_OTHER * LOCTEX_IMAGE_SIZE_OTHER; const F32 HEAD_MOVEMENT_AVG_TIME = 0.9f; const S32 MORPH_MASK_REQUESTED_DISCARD = 0; const S32 MIN_PIXEL_AREA_BUMP = 500; // Discard level at which to switch to baked textures // Should probably be 4 or 3, but didn't want to change it while change other logic - SJB const S32 SWITCH_TO_BAKED_DISCARD = 5; const F32 FOOT_COLLIDE_FUDGE = 0.04f; const F32 HOVER_EFFECT_MAX_SPEED = 3.f; const F32 HOVER_EFFECT_STRENGTH = 0.f; F32 UNDERWATER_EFFECT_STRENGTH = 0.1f; const F32 UNDERWATER_FREQUENCY_DAMP = 0.33f; const F32 APPEARANCE_MORPH_TIME = 0.65f; const F32 CAMERA_SHAKE_ACCEL_THRESHOLD_SQUARED = 5.f * 5.f; const F32 TIME_BEFORE_MESH_CLEANUP = 5.f; // seconds const S32 AVATAR_RELEASE_THRESHOLD = 10; // number of avatar instances before releasing memory const F32 FOOT_GROUND_COLLISION_TOLERANCE = 0.25f; const F32 AVATAR_LOD_TWEAK_RANGE = 0.7f; const S32 MAX_LOD_CHANGES_PER_FRAME = 2; const S32 MAX_BUBBLE_CHAT_LENGTH = 1023; const S32 MAX_BUBBLE_CHAT_UTTERANCES = 12; const F32 CHAT_FADE_TIME = 8.0; const F32 BUBBLE_CHAT_TIME = CHAT_FADE_TIME * 3.f; const S32 MAX_BUBBLES = 7; const bool USING_VENTRELLA_AVATAR_MOTION_TEST = false; S32 LLVOAvatar::sMaxVisible = 50; LLVOAvatar::ETextureIndex LLVOAvatar::sBakedTextureIndices[BAKED_TEXTURE_COUNT] = { LLVOAvatar::TEX_HEAD_BAKED, LLVOAvatar::TEX_UPPER_BAKED, LLVOAvatar::TEX_LOWER_BAKED, LLVOAvatar::TEX_EYES_BAKED, LLVOAvatar::TEX_SKIRT_BAKED }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Utility functions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static F32 calc_bouncy_animation(F32 x) { return -(cosf(x * F_PI * 2.5f - F_PI_BY_TWO))*(0.4f + x * -0.1f) + x * 1.3f; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Static Data //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- S32 LLVOAvatar::sMaxOtherAvatarsToComposite = 1; // Only this many avatars (other than yourself) can be composited at a time. Set in initClass(). LLMap< LLGLenum, LLGLuint*> LLVOAvatar::sScratchTexNames; LLMap< LLGLenum, F32*> LLVOAvatar::sScratchTexLastBindTime; S32 LLVOAvatar::sScratchTexBytes = 0; S32 LLVOAvatar::sNumVisibleAvatars = 0; S32 LLVOAvatar::sNumLODChangesThisFrame = 0; LLUUID LLVOAvatar::sStepSoundOnLand = LLUUID("e8af4a28-aa83-4310-a7c4-c047e15ea0df"); LLUUID LLVOAvatar::sStepSounds[LL_MCODE_END] = { LLUUID(SND_STONE_RUBBER), LLUUID(SND_METAL_RUBBER), LLUUID(SND_GLASS_RUBBER), LLUUID(SND_WOOD_RUBBER), LLUUID(SND_FLESH_RUBBER), LLUUID(SND_RUBBER_PLASTIC), LLUUID(SND_RUBBER_RUBBER) }; S32 LLVOAvatar::sRenderName = RENDER_NAME_ALWAYS; S32 LLVOAvatar::sNumVisibleChatBubbles = 0; BOOL LLVOAvatar::sDebugInvisible = FALSE; BOOL LLVOAvatar::sShowAttachmentPoints = FALSE; BOOL LLVOAvatar::sShowAnimationDebug = FALSE; BOOL LLVOAvatar::sShowFootPlane = FALSE; BOOL LLVOAvatar::sShowCollisionVolumes = FALSE; BOOL LLVOAvatar::sVisibleInFirstPerson = FALSE; BOOL LLVOAvatar::sAvatarLoadTest = FALSE; F32 LLVOAvatar::sLODFactor = 1.f; BOOL LLVOAvatar::sJointDebug = FALSE; S32 LLVOAvatar::sCurJoint = 0; S32 LLVOAvatar::sCurVolume = 0; struct LLAvatarTexData { LLAvatarTexData( const LLUUID& id, LLVOAvatar::ELocTexIndex index ) : mAvatarID(id), mIndex(index) {} LLUUID mAvatarID; LLVOAvatar::ELocTexIndex mIndex; }; struct LLTextureMaskData { LLTextureMaskData( const LLUUID& id ) : mAvatarID(id), mLastDiscardLevel(S32_MAX) {} LLUUID mAvatarID; S32 mLastDiscardLevel; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class LLBodyNoiseMotion //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class LLBodyNoiseMotion : public LLMotion { public: // Constructor LLBodyNoiseMotion(const LLUUID &id) : LLMotion(id) {mName = "body_noise";} // Destructor virtual ~LLBodyNoiseMotion() { } public: //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // functions to support MotionController and MotionRegistry //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static constructor // all subclasses must implement such a function and register it static LLMotion *create(const LLUUID &id) { return new LLBodyNoiseMotion(id); } public: //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // animation callbacks to be implemented by subclasses //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // motions must specify whether or not they loop virtual BOOL getLoop() { return TRUE; } // motions must report their total duration virtual F32 getDuration() { return 0.0; } // motions must report their "ease in" duration virtual F32 getEaseInDuration() { return 0.0; } // motions must report their "ease out" duration. virtual F32 getEaseOutDuration() { return 0.0; } // motions must report their priority virtual LLJoint::JointPriority getPriority() { return LLJoint::HIGH_PRIORITY; } virtual LLMotionBlendType getBlendType() { return ADDITIVE_BLEND; } // called to determine when a motion should be activated/deactivated based on avatar pixel coverage virtual F32 getMinPixelArea() { return MIN_REQUIRED_PIXEL_AREA_BODY_NOISE; } // run-time (post constructor) initialization, // called after parameters have been set // must return true to indicate success and be available for activation virtual LLMotionInitStatus onInitialize(LLCharacter *character) { if( !mTorsoState.setJoint( character->getJoint("mTorso") )) { return STATUS_FAILURE; } mTorsoState.setUsage(LLJointState::ROT); addJointState( &mTorsoState ); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } // called when a motion is activated // must return TRUE to indicate success, or else // it will be deactivated virtual BOOL onActivate() { return TRUE; } // called per time step // must return TRUE while it is active, and // must return FALSE when the motion is completed. virtual BOOL onUpdate(F32 time, U8* joint_mask) { F32 nx[2]; nx[0]=time*TORSO_NOISE_SPEED; nx[1]=0.0f; F32 ny[2]; ny[0]=0.0f; ny[1]=time*TORSO_NOISE_SPEED; F32 noiseX = noise2(nx); F32 noiseY = noise2(ny); F32 rx = TORSO_NOISE_AMOUNT * DEG_TO_RAD * noiseX / 0.42f; F32 ry = TORSO_NOISE_AMOUNT * DEG_TO_RAD * noiseY / 0.42f; LLQuaternion tQn; tQn.setQuat( rx, ry, 0.0f ); mTorsoState.setRotation( tQn ); return TRUE; } // called when a motion is deactivated virtual void onDeactivate() {} public: //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // joint states to be animated //------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLJointState mTorsoState; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class LLBreatheMotionRot //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class LLBreatheMotionRot : public LLMotion { public: // Constructor LLBreatheMotionRot(const LLUUID &id) : LLMotion(id), mBreatheRate(1.f), mCharacter(NULL) { mName = "breathe_rot"; } // Destructor virtual ~LLBreatheMotionRot() { } public: //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // functions to support MotionController and MotionRegistry //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static constructor // all subclasses must implement such a function and register it static LLMotion *create(const LLUUID &id) { return new LLBreatheMotionRot(id); } public: //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // animation callbacks to be implemented by subclasses //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // motions must specify whether or not they loop virtual BOOL getLoop() { return TRUE; } // motions must report their total duration virtual F32 getDuration() { return 0.0; } // motions must report their "ease in" duration virtual F32 getEaseInDuration() { return 0.0; } // motions must report their "ease out" duration. virtual F32 getEaseOutDuration() { return 0.0; } // motions must report their priority virtual LLJoint::JointPriority getPriority() { return LLJoint::MEDIUM_PRIORITY; } virtual LLMotionBlendType getBlendType() { return NORMAL_BLEND; } // called to determine when a motion should be activated/deactivated based on avatar pixel coverage virtual F32 getMinPixelArea() { return MIN_REQUIRED_PIXEL_AREA_BREATHE; } // run-time (post constructor) initialization, // called after parameters have been set // must return true to indicate success and be available for activation virtual LLMotionInitStatus onInitialize(LLCharacter *character) { //Ventrella // I'm replacing the code below because I need to change // the logic in order to add other body parts /* mCharacter = character; if (!mChestState.setJoint( character->getJoint("mChest"))) { return STATUS_FAILURE; } mChestState.setUsage(LLJointState::ROT); addJointState( &mChestState ); return STATUS_SUCCESS; */ bool success = true; if ( !mChestState.setJoint( character->getJoint( "mChest" ) ) ) { success = false; } if ( USING_VENTRELLA_AVATAR_MOTION_TEST ) { if ( !mNeckState.setJoint ( character->getJoint( "mNeck" )) ) { success = false; } if ( !mCollarLeftState.setJoint ( character->getJoint( "mCollarLeft" )) ) { success = false; } if ( !mShoulderLeftState.setJoint ( character->getJoint( "mShoulderLeft" )) ) { success = false; } if ( !mElbowLeftState.setJoint ( character->getJoint( "mElbowLeft" )) ) { success = false; } if ( !mWristLeftState.setJoint ( character->getJoint( "mWristLeft" )) ) { success = false; } if ( !mCollarRightState.setJoint ( character->getJoint( "mCollarRight" )) ) { success = false; } if ( !mShoulderRightState.setJoint ( character->getJoint( "mShoulderRight" )) ) { success = false; } if ( !mElbowRightState.setJoint ( character->getJoint( "mElbowRight" )) ) { success = false; } if ( !mWristRightState.setJoint ( character->getJoint( "mWristRight" )) ) { success = false; } if ( !mHipLeftState.setJoint ( character->getJoint( "mHipLeft" )) ) { success = false; } if ( !mKneeLeftState.setJoint ( character->getJoint( "mKneeLeft" )) ) { success = false; } if ( !mAnkleLeftState.setJoint ( character->getJoint( "mAnkleLeft" )) ) { success = false; } if ( !mHipRightState.setJoint ( character->getJoint( "mHipRight" )) ) { success = false; } if ( !mKneeRightState.setJoint ( character->getJoint( "mKneeRight" )) ) { success = false; } if ( !mAnkleRightState.setJoint ( character->getJoint( "mAnkleRight" )) ) { success = false; } } if ( success ) { mChestState.setUsage(LLJointState::ROT); addJointState( &mChestState ); if ( USING_VENTRELLA_AVATAR_MOTION_TEST ) { //------------------------------------------- // neck //------------------------------------------- mNeckState.setUsage(LLJointState::ROT); addJointState( &mNeckState ); //------------------------------------------- // left arm //------------------------------------------- mCollarLeftState.setUsage(LLJointState::ROT); addJointState( &mCollarLeftState ); mShoulderLeftState.setUsage(LLJointState::ROT); addJointState( &mShoulderLeftState ); mElbowLeftState.setUsage(LLJointState::ROT); addJointState( &mElbowLeftState ); mWristLeftState.setUsage(LLJointState::ROT); addJointState( &mWristLeftState ); //------------------------------------------- // right arm //------------------------------------------- mCollarRightState.setUsage(LLJointState::ROT); addJointState( &mCollarRightState ); mShoulderRightState.setUsage(LLJointState::ROT); addJointState( &mShoulderRightState ); mElbowRightState.setUsage(LLJointState::ROT); addJointState( &mElbowRightState ); mWristRightState.setUsage(LLJointState::ROT); addJointState( &mWristRightState ); //------------------------------------------- // left leg //------------------------------------------- mHipLeftState.setUsage(LLJointState::ROT); addJointState( &mHipLeftState ); mKneeLeftState.setUsage(LLJointState::ROT); addJointState( &mKneeLeftState ); mAnkleLeftState.setUsage(LLJointState::ROT); addJointState( &mAnkleLeftState ); //------------------------------------------- // right leg //------------------------------------------- mHipRightState.setUsage(LLJointState::ROT); addJointState( &mHipRightState ); mKneeRightState.setUsage(LLJointState::ROT); addJointState( &mKneeRightState ); mAnkleRightState.setUsage(LLJointState::ROT); addJointState( &mAnkleRightState ); } } if ( success ) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { return STATUS_FAILURE; } //end Ventrella } // called when a motion is activated // must return TRUE to indicate success, or else // it will be deactivated virtual BOOL onActivate() { return TRUE; } // called per time step // must return TRUE while it is active, and // must return FALSE when the motion is completed. virtual BOOL onUpdate(F32 time, U8* joint_mask) { mBreatheRate = 1.f; F32 breathe_amt = (sinf(mBreatheRate * time) * BREATHE_ROT_MOTION_STRENGTH); mChestState.setRotation(LLQuaternion(breathe_amt, LLVector3(0.f, 1.f, 0.f))); //Ventrella if ( USING_VENTRELLA_AVATAR_MOTION_TEST ) { F32 wave = ( sinf ( time * 2.0f ) * 0.5f ); mChestState.setRotation ( LLQuaternion( wave, LLVector3( -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) ) ); mCollarLeftState.setRotation ( LLQuaternion( wave, LLVector3( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) ) ); mShoulderLeftState.setRotation ( LLQuaternion( wave, LLVector3( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) ) ); mElbowLeftState.setRotation ( LLQuaternion( wave, LLVector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) ) ); mWristLeftState.setRotation ( LLQuaternion( wave, LLVector3( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) ) ); mCollarRightState.setRotation ( LLQuaternion( wave, LLVector3( -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) ) ); mShoulderRightState.setRotation ( LLQuaternion( wave, LLVector3( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) ) ); mElbowRightState.setRotation ( LLQuaternion( wave, LLVector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) ) ); mWristRightState.setRotation ( LLQuaternion( wave, LLVector3( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) ) ); mHipLeftState.setRotation ( LLQuaternion( wave, LLVector3( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ) ) ); mKneeLeftState.setRotation ( LLQuaternion( wave, LLVector3( 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f ) ) ); mAnkleLeftState.setRotation ( LLQuaternion( wave, LLVector3( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ) ) ); mHipRightState.setRotation ( LLQuaternion( wave, LLVector3( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ) ) ); mKneeRightState.setRotation ( LLQuaternion( wave, LLVector3( 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f ) ) ); mAnkleRightState.setRotation ( LLQuaternion( wave, LLVector3( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ) ) ); } //end Ventrella return TRUE; } // called when a motion is deactivated virtual void onDeactivate() {} public: //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // joint states to be animated //------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLJointState mChestState; //Ventrella LLJointState mNeckState; LLJointState mCollarLeftState; LLJointState mShoulderLeftState; LLJointState mElbowLeftState; LLJointState mWristLeftState; LLJointState mCollarRightState; LLJointState mShoulderRightState; LLJointState mElbowRightState; LLJointState mWristRightState; LLJointState mHipLeftState; LLJointState mKneeLeftState; LLJointState mAnkleLeftState; LLJointState mHipRightState; LLJointState mKneeRightState; LLJointState mAnkleRightState; //end Ventrella F32 mBreatheRate; LLCharacter* mCharacter; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class LLPelvisFixMotion //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class LLPelvisFixMotion : public LLMotion { public: // Constructor LLPelvisFixMotion(const LLUUID &id) : LLMotion(id), mCharacter(NULL) {mName = "pelvis_fix";} // Destructor virtual ~LLPelvisFixMotion() { } public: //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // functions to support MotionController and MotionRegistry //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static constructor // all subclasses must implement such a function and register it static LLMotion *create(const LLUUID& id) { return new LLPelvisFixMotion(id); } public: //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // animation callbacks to be implemented by subclasses //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // motions must specify whether or not they loop virtual BOOL getLoop() { return TRUE; } // motions must report their total duration virtual F32 getDuration() { return 0.0; } // motions must report their "ease in" duration virtual F32 getEaseInDuration() { return 0.5f; } // motions must report their "ease out" duration. virtual F32 getEaseOutDuration() { return 0.5f; } // motions must report their priority virtual LLJoint::JointPriority getPriority() { return LLJoint::LOW_PRIORITY; } virtual LLMotionBlendType getBlendType() { return NORMAL_BLEND; } // called to determine when a motion should be activated/deactivated based on avatar pixel coverage virtual F32 getMinPixelArea() { return MIN_REQUIRED_PIXEL_AREA_PELVIS_FIX; } // run-time (post constructor) initialization, // called after parameters have been set // must return true to indicate success and be available for activation virtual LLMotionInitStatus onInitialize(LLCharacter *character) { mCharacter = character; if (!mPelvisState.setJoint( character->getJoint("mPelvis"))) { return STATUS_FAILURE; } mPelvisState.setUsage(LLJointState::POS); addJointState( &mPelvisState ); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } // called when a motion is activated // must return TRUE to indicate success, or else // it will be deactivated virtual BOOL onActivate() { return TRUE; } // called per time step // must return TRUE while it is active, and // must return FALSE when the motion is completed. virtual BOOL onUpdate(F32 time, U8* joint_mask) { mPelvisState.setPosition(LLVector3::zero); return TRUE; } // called when a motion is deactivated virtual void onDeactivate() {} public: //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // joint states to be animated //------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLJointState mPelvisState; LLCharacter* mCharacter; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLVOAvatar() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLVOAvatar::LLVOAvatar( const LLUUID& id, const LLPCode pcode, LLViewerRegion* regionp) : LLViewerObject(id, pcode, regionp), mHUDTargetZoom(1.f), mHUDCurZoom(1.f), mLastHeadBakedID( IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ), mLastUpperBodyBakedID( IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ), mLastLowerBodyBakedID( IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ), mLastEyesBakedID( IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ), mLastSkirtBakedID( IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ), mIsDummy(FALSE), mSpecialRenderMode(0), mTurning(FALSE), mPelvisToFoot(0.f), mLastSkeletonSerialNum( 0 ), mHeadOffset(), mIsSitting(FALSE), mTimeVisible(), mTyping(FALSE), mMeshValid(FALSE), mVisible(FALSE), mWindFreq(0.f), mRipplePhase( 0.f ), mBelowWater(FALSE), mAppearanceAnimSetByUser(FALSE), mLastAppearanceBlendTime(0.f), mAppearanceAnimating(FALSE), mHeadLayerSet( NULL ), mUpperBodyLayerSet( NULL ), mLowerBodyLayerSet( NULL ), mEyesLayerSet( NULL ), mSkirtLayerSet( NULL ), mRenderPriority(1.0f), mNameString(), mTitle(), mNameAway(FALSE), mNameBusy(FALSE), mNameMute(FALSE), mNameAppearance(FALSE), mLastRegionHandle(0), mRegionCrossingCount(0), mFirstTEMessageReceived( FALSE ), mFirstAppearanceMessageReceived( FALSE ), mHeadBakedLoaded(FALSE), mHeadMaskDiscard(-1), mUpperBakedLoaded(FALSE), mUpperMaskDiscard(-1), mLowerBakedLoaded(FALSE), mLowerMaskDiscard(-1), mEyesBakedLoaded(FALSE), mSkirtBakedLoaded(FALSE), mHeadMaskTexName(0), mUpperMaskTexName(0), mLowerMaskTexName(0), mCulled( FALSE ), mTexSkinColor( NULL ), mTexHairColor( NULL ), mTexEyeColor( NULL ) { LLMemType mt(LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR); //VTResume(); // VTune lldebugs << "LLVOAvatar Constructor (0x" << this << ") id:" << mID << llendl; mPelvisp = NULL; for( S32 i=0; ibind(); mShadowImagep->setClamp(TRUE, TRUE); mInAir = FALSE; mStepOnLand = TRUE; mStepMaterial = 0; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // initialize joint, mesh and shape members //------------------------------------------------------------------------- mRoot.setName( "mRoot" ); // skinned mesh objects mHairLOD.setName("mHairLOD"); mHairMesh0.setName("mHairMesh0"); mHairMesh0.setMeshID(MESH_ID_HAIR); mHairMesh1.setName("mHairMesh1"); mHairMesh2.setName("mHairMesh2"); mHairMesh3.setName("mHairMesh3"); mHairMesh4.setName("mHairMesh4"); mHairMesh5.setName("mHairMesh5"); mHairMesh0.setIsTransparent(TRUE); mHairMesh1.setIsTransparent(TRUE); mHairMesh2.setIsTransparent(TRUE); mHairMesh3.setIsTransparent(TRUE); mHairMesh4.setIsTransparent(TRUE); mHairMesh5.setIsTransparent(TRUE); mHeadLOD.setName("mHeadLOD"); mHeadMesh0.setName("mHeadMesh0"); mHeadMesh0.setMeshID(MESH_ID_HEAD); mHeadMesh1.setName("mHeadMesh1"); mHeadMesh2.setName("mHeadMesh2"); mHeadMesh3.setName("mHeadMesh3"); mHeadMesh4.setName("mHeadMesh4"); mEyeLashLOD.setName("mEyeLashLOD"); mEyeLashMesh0.setName("mEyeLashMesh0"); mEyeLashMesh0.setMeshID(MESH_ID_HEAD); mEyeLashMesh0.setIsTransparent(TRUE); mUpperBodyLOD.setName("mUpperBodyLOD"); mUpperBodyMesh0.setName("mUpperBodyMesh0"); mUpperBodyMesh0.setMeshID(MESH_ID_UPPER_BODY); mUpperBodyMesh1.setName("mUpperBodyMesh1"); mUpperBodyMesh2.setName("mUpperBodyMesh2"); mUpperBodyMesh3.setName("mUpperBodyMesh3"); mUpperBodyMesh4.setName("mUpperBodyMesh4"); mLowerBodyLOD.setName("mLowerBodyLOD"); mLowerBodyMesh0.setName("mLowerBodyMesh0"); mLowerBodyMesh0.setMeshID(MESH_ID_LOWER_BODY); mLowerBodyMesh1.setName("mLowerBodyMesh1"); mLowerBodyMesh2.setName("mLowerBodyMesh2"); mLowerBodyMesh3.setName("mLowerBodyMesh3"); mLowerBodyMesh4.setName("mLowerBodyMesh4"); mEyeBallLeftLOD.setName("mEyeBallLeftLOD"); mEyeBallLeftMesh0.setName("mEyeBallLeftMesh0"); mEyeBallLeftMesh1.setName("mEyeBallLeftMesh1"); mEyeBallRightLOD.setName("mEyeBallRightLOD"); mEyeBallRightMesh0.setName("mEyeBallRightMesh0"); mEyeBallRightMesh1.setName("mEyeBallRightMesh1"); mSkirtLOD.setName("mSkirtLOD"); mSkirtMesh0.setName("mSkirtMesh0"); mSkirtMesh0.setMeshID(MESH_ID_SKIRT); mSkirtMesh1.setName("mSkirtMesh1"); mSkirtMesh2.setName("mSkirtMesh2"); mSkirtMesh3.setName("mSkirtMesh3"); mSkirtMesh4.setName("mSkirtMesh4"); mSkirtMesh0.setIsTransparent(TRUE); mSkirtMesh1.setIsTransparent(TRUE); mSkirtMesh2.setIsTransparent(TRUE); mSkirtMesh3.setIsTransparent(TRUE); mSkirtMesh4.setIsTransparent(TRUE); // set the pick names for the avatar mHeadMesh0.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_0 ); mHeadMesh1.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_0 ); mHeadMesh2.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_0 ); mHeadMesh3.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_0 ); mHeadMesh4.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_0 ); mEyeLashMesh0.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_0 ); mUpperBodyMesh0.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_1 ); mUpperBodyMesh1.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_1 ); mUpperBodyMesh2.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_1 ); mUpperBodyMesh3.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_1 ); mUpperBodyMesh4.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_1 ); mLowerBodyMesh0.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_2 ); mLowerBodyMesh1.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_2 ); mLowerBodyMesh2.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_2 ); mLowerBodyMesh3.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_2 ); mLowerBodyMesh4.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_2 ); mEyeBallLeftMesh0.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_3 ); mEyeBallLeftMesh1.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_3 ); mEyeBallRightMesh0.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_3 ); mEyeBallRightMesh1.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_3 ); mHairMesh0.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_4); mHairMesh1.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_4); mHairMesh2.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_4); mHairMesh3.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_4); mHairMesh4.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_4); mHairMesh5.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_4); mSkirtMesh0.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_5 ); mSkirtMesh1.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_5 ); mSkirtMesh2.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_5 ); mSkirtMesh3.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_5 ); mSkirtMesh4.setPickName( LLViewerJoint::PN_5 ); // material settings mEyeBallLeftMesh0.setSpecular( LLColor4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ), 1.f ); mEyeBallLeftMesh1.setSpecular( LLColor4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ), 1.f ); mEyeBallRightMesh0.setSpecular( LLColor4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ), 1.f ); mEyeBallRightMesh1.setSpecular( LLColor4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ), 1.f ); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // register motions //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (LLCharacter::sInstances.size() == 1) { LLKeyframeMotion::setVFS(gStaticVFS); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_BUSY, LLNullMotion::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_CROUCH, LLKeyframeStandMotion::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_CROUCHWALK, LLKeyframeWalkMotion::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_AFRAID, LLEmote::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_ANGER, LLEmote::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_BORED, LLEmote::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_CRY, LLEmote::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_DISDAIN, LLEmote::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_EMBARRASSED, LLEmote::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_FROWN, LLEmote::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_KISS, LLEmote::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_LAUGH, LLEmote::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_OPEN_MOUTH, LLEmote::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_REPULSED, LLEmote::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_SAD, LLEmote::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_SHRUG, LLEmote::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_SMILE, LLEmote::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_SURPRISE, LLEmote::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_TONGUE_OUT, LLEmote::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_TOOTHSMILE, LLEmote::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_WINK, LLEmote::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_WORRY, LLEmote::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_RUN, LLKeyframeWalkMotion::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_STAND, LLKeyframeStandMotion::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_STAND_1, LLKeyframeStandMotion::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_STAND_2, LLKeyframeStandMotion::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_STAND_3, LLKeyframeStandMotion::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_STAND_4, LLKeyframeStandMotion::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_STANDUP, LLKeyframeFallMotion::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_TURNLEFT, LLKeyframeWalkMotion::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_TURNRIGHT, LLKeyframeWalkMotion::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_WALK, LLKeyframeWalkMotion::create ); // motions without a start/stop bit addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_BODY_NOISE, LLBodyNoiseMotion::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_BREATHE_ROT, LLBreatheMotionRot::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_EDITING, LLEditingMotion::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_EYE, LLEyeMotion::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_FEMALE_WALK, LLKeyframeWalkMotion::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_FLY_ADJUST, LLFlyAdjustMotion::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_HAND_MOTION, LLHandMotion::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_HEAD_ROT, LLHeadRotMotion::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_PELVIS_FIX, LLPelvisFixMotion::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_SIT_FEMALE, LLKeyframeMotion::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_TARGET, LLTargetingMotion::create ); addMotion( ANIM_AGENT_WALK_ADJUST, LLWalkAdjustMotion::create ); } if (gNoRender) { return; } buildCharacter(); // preload specific motions here createMotion( ANIM_AGENT_CUSTOMIZE); createMotion( ANIM_AGENT_CUSTOMIZE_DONE); //VTPause(); // VTune } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // LLVOAvatar::~LLVOAvatar() //------------------------------------------------------------------------ LLVOAvatar::~LLVOAvatar() { lldebugs << "LLVOAvatar Destructor (0x" << this << ") id:" << mID << llendl; if (mIsSelf) { gAgent.setAvatarObject(NULL); } mRoot.removeAllChildren(); delete [] mSkeleton; mSkeleton = NULL; delete mScreenp; mScreenp = NULL; delete [] mCollisionVolumes; mCollisionVolumes = NULL; mNumJoints = 0; delete mHeadLayerSet; mHeadLayerSet = NULL; delete mUpperBodyLayerSet; mUpperBodyLayerSet = NULL; delete mLowerBodyLayerSet; mLowerBodyLayerSet = NULL; delete mEyesLayerSet; mEyesLayerSet = NULL; delete mSkirtLayerSet; mSkirtLayerSet = NULL; mAttachmentPoints.deleteAllData(); delete mTexSkinColor; mTexSkinColor = NULL; delete mTexHairColor; mTexHairColor = NULL; delete mTexEyeColor; mTexEyeColor = NULL; std::for_each(mMeshes.begin(), mMeshes.end(), DeletePairedPointer()); mDead = TRUE; // Clean up class data LLVOAvatar::cullAvatarsByPixelArea(); mAnimationSources.clear(); lldebugs << "LLVOAvatar Destructor end" << llendl; } void LLVOAvatar::markDead() { if (mNameText) { mNameText->markDead(); mNameText = NULL; sNumVisibleChatBubbles--; } mBeam = NULL; LLViewerObject::markDead(); } BOOL LLVOAvatar::isFullyBaked() { if (mIsDummy) return TRUE; if (getNumTEs() == 0) return FALSE; BOOL head_baked = ( getTEImage( TEX_HEAD_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); BOOL upper_baked = ( getTEImage( TEX_UPPER_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); BOOL lower_baked = ( getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); BOOL eyes_baked = ( getTEImage( TEX_EYES_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); BOOL skirt_baked = ( getTEImage( TEX_SKIRT_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); if (isWearingWearableType(WT_SKIRT)) { return head_baked && upper_baked && lower_baked && eyes_baked && skirt_baked; } else { return head_baked && upper_baked && lower_baked && eyes_baked; } } void LLVOAvatar::deleteLayerSetCaches() { if( mHeadLayerSet ) mHeadLayerSet->deleteCaches(); if( mUpperBodyLayerSet ) mUpperBodyLayerSet->deleteCaches(); if( mLowerBodyLayerSet ) mLowerBodyLayerSet->deleteCaches(); if( mEyesLayerSet ) mEyesLayerSet->deleteCaches(); if( mSkirtLayerSet ) mSkirtLayerSet->deleteCaches(); } // static BOOL LLVOAvatar::areAllNearbyInstancesBaked() { for (std::vector::iterator iter = LLCharacter::sInstances.begin(); iter != LLCharacter::sInstances.end(); ++iter) { LLVOAvatar* inst = (LLVOAvatar*) *iter; if( inst->isDead() ) { continue; } else if( inst->getPixelArea() < MIN_PIXEL_AREA_FOR_COMPOSITE ) { return TRUE; // Assumes sInstances is sorted by pixel area. } else if( !inst->isFullyBaked() ) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } // static void LLVOAvatar::dumpScratchTextureByteCount() { llinfos << "Scratch Texture GL: " << (sScratchTexBytes/1024) << "KB" << llendl; } // static void LLVOAvatar::dumpBakedStatus() { LLVector3d camera_pos_global = gAgent.getCameraPositionGlobal(); for (std::vector::iterator iter = LLCharacter::sInstances.begin(); iter != LLCharacter::sInstances.end(); ++iter) { LLVOAvatar* inst = (LLVOAvatar*) *iter; llinfos << "Avatar "; LLNameValue* firstname = inst->getNVPair("FirstName"); LLNameValue* lastname = inst->getNVPair("LastName"); if( firstname ) { llcont << firstname->getString(); } if( lastname ) { llcont << " " << lastname->getString(); } llcont << " " << inst->mID; if( inst->isDead() ) { llcont << " DEAD ("<< inst->getNumRefs() << " refs)"; } if( inst->mIsSelf ) { llcont << " (self)"; } F64 dist_to_camera = (inst->getPositionGlobal() - camera_pos_global).magVec(); llcont << " " << dist_to_camera << "m "; llcont << " " << inst->mPixelArea << " pixels"; if( inst->isVisible() ) { llcont << " (visible)"; } else { llcont << " (not visible)"; } if( inst->isFullyBaked() ) { llcont << " Baked"; } else { llcont << " Unbaked ("; if( inst->getTEImage( TEX_HEAD_BAKED )->getID() == IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ) { llcont << " head"; } if( inst->getTEImage( TEX_UPPER_BAKED )->getID() == IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ) { llcont << " upper"; } if( inst->getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_BAKED )->getID() == IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ) { llcont << " lower"; } if( inst->getTEImage( TEX_EYES_BAKED )->getID() == IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ) { llcont << " eyes"; } if (inst->isWearingWearableType(WT_SKIRT)) { if( inst->getTEImage( TEX_SKIRT_BAKED )->getID() == IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ) { llcont << " skirt"; } } llcont << " ) " << inst->getUnbakedPixelAreaRank() << "/" << LLVOAvatar::sMaxOtherAvatarsToComposite; if( inst->isCulled() ) { llcont << " culled"; } } llcont << llendl; /* if( inst->isDead() ) { llinfos << "DEAD LIST " << llendl; for( S32 i = 0; i < inst->mOwners.count(); i++ ) { llinfos << i << llendl; LLPointer* owner = (LLPointer*)(inst->mOwners[i]); LLPointer* cur; if( !owner->mName.isEmpty() ) { llinfos << " " << owner->mName << llendl; } LLViewerObject* key_vo; for( key_vo = gObjectList.mActiveObjects.getFirstKey(); key_vo; key_vo = gObjectList.mActiveObjects.getNextKey() ) { cur = &(gObjectList.mActiveObjects.getCurrentDataWithoutIncrement()); if( cur == owner ) { llinfos << " gObjectList.mActiveObjects" << llendl; } } for( key_vo = gObjectList.mAvatarObjects.getFirstKey(); key_vo; key_vo = gObjectList.mAvatarObjects.getNextKey() ) { cur = &(gObjectList.mAvatarObjects.getCurrentDataWithoutIncrement()); if( cur == owner ) { llinfos << " gObjectList.mAvatarObjects" << llendl; } } LLUUID id; for( id = gObjectList.mDeadObjects.getFirstKey(); id; id = gObjectList.mDeadObjects.getNextKey() ) { cur = &(gObjectList.mDeadObjects.getCurrentDataWithoutIncrement()); if( cur == owner ) { llinfos << " gObjectList.mDeadObjects" << llendl; } } for( id = gObjectList.mUUIDObjectMap.getFirstKey(); id; id = gObjectList.mUUIDObjectMap.getNextKey() ) { cur = &(gObjectList.mUUIDObjectMap.getCurrentDataWithoutIncrement()); if( cur == owner ) { llinfos << " gObjectList.mUUIDObjectMap" << llendl; } } S32 j; S32 k; for( j = 0; j < 16; j++ ) { for( k = 0; k < 10; k++ ) { cur = &(gObjectList.mCloseObjects[j][k]); if( cur == owner ) { llinfos << " gObjectList.mCloseObjects" << llendl; } } } for( j = 0; j < gObjectList.mObjects.count(); j++ ) { cur = &(gObjectList.mObjects[j]); if( cur == owner ) { llinfos << " gObjectList.mObjects" << llendl; } } for( j = 0; j < gObjectList.mMapObjects.count(); j++ ) { cur = &(gObjectList.mMapObjects[j]); if( cur == owner ) { llinfos << " gObjectList.mMapObjects" << llendl; } } } } */ } } //static void LLVOAvatar::cleanupVertexPrograms() { } //static void LLVOAvatar::initVertexPrograms() { } //static void LLVOAvatar::restoreGL() { for (std::vector::iterator iter = LLCharacter::sInstances.begin(); iter != LLCharacter::sInstances.end(); ++iter) { LLVOAvatar* inst = (LLVOAvatar*) *iter; inst->setCompositeUpdatesEnabled( TRUE ); inst->invalidateComposite( inst->mHeadLayerSet, FALSE ); inst->invalidateComposite( inst->mLowerBodyLayerSet, FALSE ); inst->invalidateComposite( inst->mUpperBodyLayerSet, FALSE ); inst->invalidateComposite( inst->mEyesLayerSet, FALSE ); inst->invalidateComposite( inst->mSkirtLayerSet, FALSE ); inst->updateMeshTextures(); } } //static void LLVOAvatar::destroyGL() { deleteCachedImages(); cleanupVertexPrograms(); } // static void LLVOAvatar::deleteCachedImages() { if (LLTexLayerSet::sHasCaches) { lldebugs << "Deleting layer set caches" << llendl; for (std::vector::iterator iter = LLCharacter::sInstances.begin(); iter != LLCharacter::sInstances.end(); ++iter) { LLVOAvatar* inst = (LLVOAvatar*) *iter; inst->deleteLayerSetCaches(); } LLTexLayerSet::sHasCaches = FALSE; } for( GLuint* namep = (GLuint*)sScratchTexNames.getFirstData(); namep; namep = (GLuint*)sScratchTexNames.getNextData() ) { glDeleteTextures(1, namep ); stop_glerror(); } if( sScratchTexBytes ) { lldebugs << "Clearing Scratch Textures " << (sScratchTexBytes/1024) << "KB" << llendl; sScratchTexNames.deleteAllData(); LLVOAvatar::sScratchTexLastBindTime.deleteAllData(); LLImageGL::sGlobalTextureMemory -= sScratchTexBytes; sScratchTexBytes = 0; } gTexStaticImageList.deleteCachedImages(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // static // LLVOAvatar::initClass() //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void LLVOAvatar::initClass() { LLVOAvatar::sMaxOtherAvatarsToComposite = gSavedSettings.getS32("AvatarCompositeLimit"); char xmlFile[MAX_PATH]; /* Flawfinder: ignore */ snprintf(xmlFile, MAX_PATH, "%s_lad.xml", gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_CHARACTER,AVATAR_DEFAULT_CHAR).c_str()); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ BOOL success = sXMLTree.parseFile( xmlFile, FALSE ); if (!success) { llerrs << "Problem reading avatar configuration file:" << xmlFile << llendl; } // now sanity check xml file LLXmlTreeNode* root = sXMLTree.getRoot(); if (!root) { llerrs << "No root node found in avatar configuration file: " << xmlFile << llendl; return; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // (root) //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if( !root->hasName( "linden_avatar" ) ) { llerrs << "Invalid avatar file header: " << xmlFile << llendl; } LLString version; static LLStdStringHandle version_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("version"); if( !root->getFastAttributeString( version_string, version ) || (version != "1.0") ) { llerrs << "Invalid avatar file version: " << version << " in file: " << xmlFile << llendl; } S32 wearable_def_version = 1; static LLStdStringHandle wearable_definition_version_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("wearable_definition_version"); root->getFastAttributeS32( wearable_definition_version_string, wearable_def_version ); LLWearable::setCurrentDefinitionVersion( wearable_def_version ); LLString mesh_file_name; LLXmlTreeNode* skeleton_node = root->getChildByName( "skeleton" ); if (!skeleton_node) { llerrs << "No skeleton in avatar configuration file: " << xmlFile << llendl; } LLString skeleton_file_name; static LLStdStringHandle file_name_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("file_name"); if (!skeleton_node->getFastAttributeString(file_name_string, skeleton_file_name)) { llerrs << "No file name in skeleton node in avatar config file: " << xmlFile << llendl; } std::string skeleton_path; skeleton_path = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_CHARACTER,skeleton_file_name); if (!parseSkeletonFile(skeleton_path)) { llerrs << "Error parsing skeleton file: " << skeleton_path << llendl; } // Process XML data // avatar_skeleton.xml llassert(!sSkeletonInfo); sSkeletonInfo = new LLVOAvatarSkeletonInfo; if (!sSkeletonInfo->parseXml(sSkeletonXMLTree.getRoot())) { llerrs << "Error parsing skeleton XML file: " << skeleton_path << llendl; } // parse avatar_lad.xml llassert(!sAvatarInfo); sAvatarInfo = new LLVOAvatarInfo; if (!sAvatarInfo->parseXmlSkeletonNode(root)) { llerrs << "Error parsing skeleton node in avatar XML file: " << skeleton_path << llendl; } if (!sAvatarInfo->parseXmlMeshNodes(root)) { llerrs << "Error parsing skeleton node in avatar XML file: " << skeleton_path << llendl; } if (!sAvatarInfo->parseXmlColorNodes(root)) { llerrs << "Error parsing skeleton node in avatar XML file: " << skeleton_path << llendl; } if (!sAvatarInfo->parseXmlLayerNodes(root)) { llerrs << "Error parsing skeleton node in avatar XML file: " << skeleton_path << llendl; } if (!sAvatarInfo->parseXmlDriverNodes(root)) { llerrs << "Error parsing skeleton node in avatar XML file: " << skeleton_path << llendl; } } void LLVOAvatar::cleanupClass() { delete sAvatarInfo; sAvatarInfo = NULL; delete sSkeletonInfo; sSkeletonInfo = NULL; sSkeletonXMLTree.cleanup(); sXMLTree.cleanup(); } void LLVOAvatar::updateSpatialExtents(LLVector3& newMin, LLVector3 &newMax) { LLVector3 center = getRenderPosition(); LLVector3 size = getScale(); //maximum amount an animation can move avatar from drawable position LLVector3 animation_buffer(5, 5, 5); newMin.setVec((center-size)-animation_buffer); newMax.setVec(center+size+animation_buffer); mDrawable->setPositionGroup((newMin + newMax) * 0.5f); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // parseSkeletonFile() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatar::parseSkeletonFile(const LLString& filename) { LLMemType mt(LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // parse the file //------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL success = sSkeletonXMLTree.parseFile( filename, FALSE ); if (!success) { llerrs << "Can't parse skeleton file: " << filename << llendl; return FALSE; } // now sanity check xml file LLXmlTreeNode* root = sSkeletonXMLTree.getRoot(); if (!root) { llerrs << "No root node found in avatar skeleton file: " << filename << llendl; } if( !root->hasName( "linden_skeleton" ) ) { llerrs << "Invalid avatar skeleton file header: " << filename << llendl; } LLString version; static LLStdStringHandle version_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("version"); if( !root->getFastAttributeString( version_string, version ) || (version != "1.0") ) { llerrs << "Invalid avatar skeleton file version: " << version << " in file: " << filename << llendl; } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // setupBone() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatar::setupBone(LLVOAvatarBoneInfo* info, LLViewerJoint* parent) { LLMemType mt(LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR); LLViewerJoint* joint = NULL; if (info->mIsJoint) { joint = (LLViewerJoint*)getCharacterJoint(sCurJoint); if (!joint) { llwarns << "Too many bones" << llendl; return FALSE; } joint->setName( info->mName ); } else // collision volume { if (sCurVolume >= (S32)mNumCollisionVolumes) { llwarns << "Too many bones" << llendl; return FALSE; } joint = (LLViewerJoint*)(&mCollisionVolumes[sCurVolume]); joint->setName( info->mName ); } // add to parent if (parent) { parent->addChild( joint ); } joint->setPosition(info->mPos); joint->setRotation(mayaQ(info->mRot.mV[VX], info->mRot.mV[VY], info->mRot.mV[VZ], LLQuaternion::XYZ)); joint->setScale(info->mScale); if (info->mIsJoint) { joint->setSkinOffset( info->mPivot ); sCurJoint++; } else // collision volume { sCurVolume++; } // setup children LLVOAvatarBoneInfo::child_list_t::iterator iter; for (iter = info->mChildList.begin(); iter != info->mChildList.end(); iter++) { LLVOAvatarBoneInfo *child_info = *iter; if (!setupBone(child_info, joint)) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // buildSkeleton() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatar::buildSkeleton(LLVOAvatarSkeletonInfo *info) { LLMemType mt(LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // allocate joints //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!allocateCharacterJoints(info->mNumBones)) { llerrs << "Can't allocate " << info->mNumBones << " joints" << llendl; return FALSE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // allocate volumes //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (info->mNumCollisionVolumes) { if (!allocateCollisionVolumes(info->mNumCollisionVolumes)) { llerrs << "Can't allocate " << info->mNumCollisionVolumes << " collision volumes" << llendl; return FALSE; } } sCurJoint = 0; sCurVolume = 0; LLVOAvatarSkeletonInfo::bone_info_list_t::iterator iter; for (iter = info->mBoneInfoList.begin(); iter != info->mBoneInfoList.end(); iter++) { LLVOAvatarBoneInfo *info = *iter; if (!setupBone(info, NULL)) { llerrs << "Error parsing bone in skeleton file" << llendl; return FALSE; } } // add special-purpose "screen" joint if (mIsSelf) { mScreenp = new LLViewerJoint("mScreen", NULL); // for now, put screen at origin, as it is only used during special // HUD rendering mode F32 aspect = gCamera->getAspect(); LLVector3 scale(1.f, aspect, 1.f); mScreenp->setScale(scale); mScreenp->setWorldPosition(LLVector3::zero); } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLVOAvatar::buildCharacter() // Deferred initialization and rebuild of the avatar. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern BOOL gPrintMessagesThisFrame; void LLVOAvatar::buildCharacter() { LLMemType mt(LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // remove all references to our existing skeleton // so we can rebuild it //------------------------------------------------------------------------- flushAllMotions(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // remove all of mRoot's children //------------------------------------------------------------------------- mRoot.removeAllChildren(); mIsBuilt = FALSE; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // clear mesh data //------------------------------------------------------------------------- mHairMesh0.setMesh(NULL); mHairMesh1.setMesh(NULL); mHairMesh2.setMesh(NULL); mHairMesh3.setMesh(NULL); mHairMesh4.setMesh(NULL); mHairMesh5.setMesh(NULL); mHeadMesh0.setMesh(NULL); mHeadMesh1.setMesh(NULL); mHeadMesh2.setMesh(NULL); mHeadMesh3.setMesh(NULL); mHeadMesh4.setMesh(NULL); mEyeLashMesh0.setMesh(NULL); mUpperBodyMesh0.setMesh(NULL); mUpperBodyMesh1.setMesh(NULL); mUpperBodyMesh2.setMesh(NULL); mUpperBodyMesh3.setMesh(NULL); mUpperBodyMesh4.setMesh(NULL); mLowerBodyMesh0.setMesh(NULL); mLowerBodyMesh1.setMesh(NULL); mLowerBodyMesh2.setMesh(NULL); mLowerBodyMesh3.setMesh(NULL); mLowerBodyMesh4.setMesh(NULL); mEyeBallLeftMesh0.setMesh(NULL); mEyeBallLeftMesh1.setMesh(NULL); mEyeBallRightMesh0.setMesh(NULL); mEyeBallRightMesh1.setMesh(NULL); mSkirtMesh0.setMesh(NULL); mSkirtMesh1.setMesh(NULL); mSkirtMesh2.setMesh(NULL); mSkirtMesh3.setMesh(NULL); mSkirtMesh4.setMesh(NULL); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // (re)load our skeleton and meshes //------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLTimer timer; BOOL status = loadAvatar(); stop_glerror(); if (gNoRender) { // Still want to load the avatar skeleton so visual parameters work. return; } // gPrintMessagesThisFrame = TRUE; lldebugs << "Avatar load took " << timer.getElapsedTimeF32() << " seconds." << llendl; if ( ! status ) { if ( mIsSelf ) { llerrs << "Unable to load user's avatar" << llendl; //set_avatar_character( &LLString(AVATAR_DEFAULT_CHAR)); } else { llwarns << "Unable to load other's avatar" << llendl; } return; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // initialize "well known" joint pointers //------------------------------------------------------------------------- mPelvisp = (LLViewerJoint*)mRoot.findJoint("mPelvis"); mTorsop = (LLViewerJoint*)mRoot.findJoint("mTorso"); mChestp = (LLViewerJoint*)mRoot.findJoint("mChest"); mNeckp = (LLViewerJoint*)mRoot.findJoint("mNeck"); mHeadp = (LLViewerJoint*)mRoot.findJoint("mHead"); mSkullp = (LLViewerJoint*)mRoot.findJoint("mSkull"); mHipLeftp = (LLViewerJoint*)mRoot.findJoint("mHipLeft"); mHipRightp = (LLViewerJoint*)mRoot.findJoint("mHipRight"); mKneeLeftp = (LLViewerJoint*)mRoot.findJoint("mKneeLeft"); mKneeRightp = (LLViewerJoint*)mRoot.findJoint("mKneeRight"); mAnkleLeftp = (LLViewerJoint*)mRoot.findJoint("mAnkleLeft"); mAnkleRightp = (LLViewerJoint*)mRoot.findJoint("mAnkleRight"); mFootLeftp = (LLViewerJoint*)mRoot.findJoint("mFootLeft"); mFootRightp = (LLViewerJoint*)mRoot.findJoint("mFootRight"); mWristLeftp = (LLViewerJoint*)mRoot.findJoint("mWristLeft"); mWristRightp = (LLViewerJoint*)mRoot.findJoint("mWristRight"); mEyeLeftp = (LLViewerJoint*)mRoot.findJoint("mEyeLeft"); mEyeRightp = (LLViewerJoint*)mRoot.findJoint("mEyeRight"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Make sure "well known" pointers exist //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!(mPelvisp && mTorsop && mChestp && mNeckp && mHeadp && mSkullp && mHipLeftp && mHipRightp && mKneeLeftp && mKneeRightp && mAnkleLeftp && mAnkleRightp && mFootLeftp && mFootRightp && mWristLeftp && mWristRightp && mEyeLeftp && mEyeRightp)) { llerrs << "Failed to create avatar." << llendl; return; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // initialize the pelvis //------------------------------------------------------------------------- mPelvisp->setPosition( LLVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) ); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // set head offset from pelvis //------------------------------------------------------------------------- updateHeadOffset(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // start default motions //------------------------------------------------------------------------- startMotion( ANIM_AGENT_HEAD_ROT ); startMotion( ANIM_AGENT_EYE ); startMotion( ANIM_AGENT_BODY_NOISE ); startMotion( ANIM_AGENT_BREATHE_ROT ); startMotion( ANIM_AGENT_HAND_MOTION ); startMotion( ANIM_AGENT_PELVIS_FIX ); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // restart any currently active motions //------------------------------------------------------------------------- processAnimationStateChanges(); mIsBuilt = TRUE; stop_glerror(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // build the attach and detach menus //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (mIsSelf) { gAttachBodyPartPieMenus[0] = NULL; gAttachBodyPartPieMenus[1] = new LLPieMenu("Right Arm >"); gAttachBodyPartPieMenus[2] = new LLPieMenu("Head >"); gAttachBodyPartPieMenus[3] = new LLPieMenu("Left Arm >"); gAttachBodyPartPieMenus[4] = NULL; gAttachBodyPartPieMenus[5] = new LLPieMenu("Left Leg >"); gAttachBodyPartPieMenus[6] = new LLPieMenu("Torso >"); gAttachBodyPartPieMenus[7] = new LLPieMenu("Right Leg >"); gDetachBodyPartPieMenus[0] = NULL; gDetachBodyPartPieMenus[1] = new LLPieMenu("Right Arm >"); gDetachBodyPartPieMenus[2] = new LLPieMenu("Head >"); gDetachBodyPartPieMenus[3] = new LLPieMenu("Left Arm >"); gDetachBodyPartPieMenus[4] = NULL; gDetachBodyPartPieMenus[5] = new LLPieMenu("Left Leg >"); gDetachBodyPartPieMenus[6] = new LLPieMenu("Torso >"); gDetachBodyPartPieMenus[7] = new LLPieMenu("Right Leg >"); for (S32 i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (gAttachBodyPartPieMenus[i]) { gAttachPieMenu->appendMenu( gAttachBodyPartPieMenus[i] ); } else { BOOL attachment_found = FALSE; for (LLViewerJointAttachment* attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getFirstData(); attachment; attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getNextData()) { if (attachment->getGroup() == i) { LLMenuItemCallGL* item; item = new LLMenuItemCallGL(attachment->getName(), NULL, object_selected_and_point_valid); item->addListener(gMenuHolder->getListenerByName("Object.AttachToAvatar"), "on_click", mAttachmentPoints.reverseLookup(attachment)); gAttachPieMenu->append(item); attachment_found = TRUE; break; } } if (!attachment_found) { gAttachPieMenu->appendSeparator(); } } if (gDetachBodyPartPieMenus[i]) { gDetachPieMenu->appendMenu( gDetachBodyPartPieMenus[i] ); } else { BOOL attachment_found = FALSE; for (LLViewerJointAttachment* attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getFirstData(); attachment; attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getNextData()) { if (attachment->getGroup() == i) { gDetachPieMenu->append(new LLMenuItemCallGL(attachment->getName(), &handle_detach_from_avatar, object_attached, attachment)); attachment_found = TRUE; break; } } if (!attachment_found) { gDetachPieMenu->appendSeparator(); } } } // add screen attachments for (LLViewerJointAttachment* attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getFirstData(); attachment; attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getNextData()) { if (attachment->getGroup() == 8) { LLMenuItemCallGL* item; item = new LLMenuItemCallGL(attachment->getName(), NULL, object_selected_and_point_valid); item->addListener(gMenuHolder->getListenerByName("Object.AttachToAvatar"), "on_click", mAttachmentPoints.reverseLookup(attachment)); gAttachScreenPieMenu->append(item); gDetachScreenPieMenu->append(new LLMenuItemCallGL(attachment->getName(), &handle_detach_from_avatar, object_attached, attachment)); } } for (S32 pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) { for (LLViewerJointAttachment* attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getFirstData(); attachment; attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getNextData()) { if (attachment->getIsHUDAttachment() != (pass == 1)) { continue; } LLMenuItemCallGL* item = new LLMenuItemCallGL(attachment->getName(), NULL, &object_selected_and_point_valid, &attach_label, attachment); item->addListener(gMenuHolder->getListenerByName("Object.AttachToAvatar"), "on_click", mAttachmentPoints.reverseLookup(attachment)); gAttachSubMenu->append(item); gDetachSubMenu->append(new LLMenuItemCallGL(attachment->getName(), &handle_detach_from_avatar, object_attached, &detach_label, attachment)); } if (pass == 0) { // put separator between non-hud and hud attachments gAttachSubMenu->appendSeparator(); gDetachSubMenu->appendSeparator(); } } for (S32 group = 0; group < 8; group++) { // skip over groups that don't have sub menus if (!gAttachBodyPartPieMenus[group] || !gDetachBodyPartPieMenus[group]) { continue; } std::multimap attachment_pie_menu_map; // gather up all attachment points assigned to this group, and throw into map sorted by pie slice number for (LLViewerJointAttachment* attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getFirstData(); attachment; attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getNextData()) { if(attachment->getGroup() == group) { // use multimap to provide a partial order off of the pie slice key attachment_pie_menu_map.insert(std::pair(attachment->getPieSlice(), attachment)); } } // add in requested order to pie menu, inserting separators as necessary std::multimap::iterator attach_it; S32 cur_pie_slice = 0; for (attach_it = attachment_pie_menu_map.begin(); attach_it != attachment_pie_menu_map.end(); ++attach_it) { S32 requested_pie_slice = attach_it->first; while (cur_pie_slice < requested_pie_slice) { gAttachBodyPartPieMenus[group]->appendSeparator(); gDetachBodyPartPieMenus[group]->appendSeparator(); cur_pie_slice++; } LLViewerJointAttachment* attachment = attach_it->second; LLMenuItemCallGL* item = new LLMenuItemCallGL(attachment->getName(), NULL, object_selected_and_point_valid); gAttachBodyPartPieMenus[group]->append(item); item->addListener(gMenuHolder->getListenerByName("Object.AttachToAvatar"), "on_click", mAttachmentPoints.reverseLookup(attachment)); gDetachBodyPartPieMenus[group]->append(new LLMenuItemCallGL(attachment->getName(), &handle_detach_from_avatar, object_attached, attachment)); cur_pie_slice++; } } } mMeshValid = TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // releaseMeshData() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::releaseMeshData() { LLMemType mt(LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR); if (sInstances.size() < AVATAR_RELEASE_THRESHOLD || mIsDummy) { return; } //llinfos << "Releasing" << llendl; // cleanup mesh data mHairLOD.setValid(FALSE, TRUE); mHeadLOD.setValid(FALSE, TRUE); mEyeLashLOD.setValid(FALSE, TRUE); mUpperBodyLOD.setValid(FALSE, TRUE); mLowerBodyLOD.setValid(FALSE, TRUE); mEyeBallLeftLOD.setValid(FALSE, TRUE); mEyeBallRightLOD.setValid(FALSE, TRUE); mSkirtLOD.setValid(FALSE, TRUE); //cleanup data if (mDrawable.notNull()) { LLFace* facep = mDrawable->getFace(0); facep->setSize(0, 0); } for (LLViewerJointAttachment *attachmentPoint = mAttachmentPoints.getFirstData(); attachmentPoint; attachmentPoint = mAttachmentPoints.getNextData()) { if (!attachmentPoint->getIsHUDAttachment()) { attachmentPoint->setAttachmentVisibility(FALSE); } } mMeshValid = FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // restoreMeshData() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::restoreMeshData() { LLMemType mt(LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR); //llinfos << "Restoring" << llendl; mMeshValid = TRUE; updateJointLODs(); if (mIsSelf) { updateAttachmentVisibility(gAgent.getCameraMode()); } else { for (LLViewerJointAttachment *attachmentPoint = mAttachmentPoints.getFirstData(); attachmentPoint; attachmentPoint = mAttachmentPoints.getNextData()) { if (!attachmentPoint->getIsHUDAttachment()) { attachmentPoint->setAttachmentVisibility(TRUE); } } } // force mesh update as LOD might not have changed to trigger this gPipeline.markRebuild(mDrawable, LLDrawable::REBUILD_GEOMETRY, TRUE); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // updateMeshData() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::updateMeshData() { if (mDrawable.notNull()) { LLFace* facep = mDrawable->getFace(0); U32 num_vertices = 0; U32 num_indices = 0; // this order is determined by number of LODS // if a mesh earlier in this list changed LODs while a later mesh doesn't, // the later mesh's index offset will be inaccurate mEyeBallLeftLOD.updateFaceSizes(num_vertices, num_indices, mAdjustedPixelArea); mEyeBallRightLOD.updateFaceSizes(num_vertices, num_indices, mAdjustedPixelArea); mEyeLashLOD.updateFaceSizes(num_vertices, num_indices, mAdjustedPixelArea); mHeadLOD.updateFaceSizes(num_vertices, num_indices, mAdjustedPixelArea); mLowerBodyLOD.updateFaceSizes(num_vertices, num_indices, mAdjustedPixelArea); mSkirtLOD.updateFaceSizes(num_vertices, num_indices, mAdjustedPixelArea); mUpperBodyLOD.updateFaceSizes(num_vertices, num_indices, mAdjustedPixelArea); mHairLOD.updateFaceSizes(num_vertices, num_indices, mAdjustedPixelArea); // resize immediately facep->setSize(num_vertices, num_indices); facep->mVertexBuffer = new LLVertexBufferAvatar(); facep->mVertexBuffer->allocateBuffer(num_vertices, num_indices, TRUE); facep->setGeomIndex(0); facep->setIndicesIndex(0); // This is a hack! Avatars have their own pool, so we are detecting // the case of more than one avatar in the pool (thus > 0 instead of >= 0) if (facep->getGeomIndex() > 0) { llerrs << "non-zero geom index: " << facep->getGeomIndex() << " in LLVOAvatar::restoreMeshData" << llendl; } mEyeBallLeftLOD.updateFaceData(facep, mAdjustedPixelArea); mEyeBallRightLOD.updateFaceData(facep, mAdjustedPixelArea); mEyeLashLOD.updateFaceData(facep, mAdjustedPixelArea); mHeadLOD.updateFaceData(facep, mAdjustedPixelArea); mLowerBodyLOD.updateFaceData(facep, mAdjustedPixelArea); mSkirtLOD.updateFaceData(facep, mAdjustedPixelArea); mUpperBodyLOD.updateFaceData(facep, mAdjustedPixelArea); mHairLOD.updateFaceData(facep, mAdjustedPixelArea, TRUE); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // The viewer can only suggest a good size for the agent, // the simulator will keep it inside a reasonable range. void LLVOAvatar::computeBodySize() { LLVector3 pelvis_scale = mPelvisp->getScale(); // some of the joints have not been cached LLVector3 skull = mSkullp->getPosition(); LLVector3 skull_scale = mSkullp->getScale(); LLVector3 neck = mNeckp->getPosition(); LLVector3 neck_scale = mNeckp->getScale(); LLVector3 chest = mChestp->getPosition(); LLVector3 chest_scale = mChestp->getScale(); // the rest of the joints have been cached LLVector3 head = mHeadp->getPosition(); LLVector3 head_scale = mHeadp->getScale(); LLVector3 torso = mTorsop->getPosition(); LLVector3 torso_scale = mTorsop->getScale(); LLVector3 hip = mHipLeftp->getPosition(); LLVector3 hip_scale = mHipLeftp->getScale(); LLVector3 knee = mKneeLeftp->getPosition(); LLVector3 knee_scale = mKneeLeftp->getScale(); LLVector3 ankle = mAnkleLeftp->getPosition(); LLVector3 ankle_scale = mAnkleLeftp->getScale(); LLVector3 foot = mFootLeftp->getPosition(); mPelvisToFoot = hip.mV[VZ] * pelvis_scale.mV[VZ] - knee.mV[VZ] * hip_scale.mV[VZ] - ankle.mV[VZ] * knee_scale.mV[VZ] - foot.mV[VZ] * ankle_scale.mV[VZ]; mBodySize.mV[VZ] = mPelvisToFoot + // the sqrt(2) correction below is an approximate // correction to get to the top of the head F_SQRT2 * (skull.mV[VZ] * head_scale.mV[VZ]) + head.mV[VZ] * neck_scale.mV[VZ] + neck.mV[VZ] * chest_scale.mV[VZ] + chest.mV[VZ] * torso_scale.mV[VZ] + torso.mV[VZ] * pelvis_scale.mV[VZ]; // TODO -- measure the real depth and width mBodySize.mV[VX] = DEFAULT_AGENT_DEPTH; mBodySize.mV[VY] = DEFAULT_AGENT_WIDTH; /* debug spam std::cout << "skull = " << skull << std::endl; // adebug std::cout << "head = " << head << std::endl; // adebug std::cout << "head_scale = " << head_scale << std::endl; // adebug std::cout << "neck = " << neck << std::endl; // adebug std::cout << "neck_scale = " << neck_scale << std::endl; // adebug std::cout << "chest = " << chest << std::endl; // adebug std::cout << "chest_scale = " << chest_scale << std::endl; // adebug std::cout << "torso = " << torso << std::endl; // adebug std::cout << "torso_scale = " << torso_scale << std::endl; // adebug std::cout << std::endl; // adebug std::cout << "pelvis_scale = " << pelvis_scale << std::endl;// adebug std::cout << std::endl; // adebug std::cout << "hip = " << hip << std::endl; // adebug std::cout << "hip_scale = " << hip_scale << std::endl; // adebug std::cout << "ankle = " << ankle << std::endl; // adebug std::cout << "ankle_scale = " << ankle_scale << std::endl; // adebug std::cout << "foot = " << foot << std::endl; // adebug std::cout << "mBodySize = " << mBodySize << std::endl; // adebug std::cout << "mPelvisToFoot = " << mPelvisToFoot << std::endl; // adebug std::cout << std::endl; // adebug */ } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // LLVOAvatar::processUpdateMessage() //------------------------------------------------------------------------ U32 LLVOAvatar::processUpdateMessage(LLMessageSystem *mesgsys, void **user_data, U32 block_num, const EObjectUpdateType update_type, LLDataPacker *dp) { LLMemType mt(LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR); LLVector3 old_vel = getVelocity(); // Do base class updates... U32 retval = LLViewerObject::processUpdateMessage(mesgsys, user_data, block_num, update_type, dp); //llinfos << getRotation() << llendl; //llinfos << getPosition() << llendl; if (update_type == OUT_FULL ) { if( !mIsSelf || !mFirstTEMessageReceived ) { // dumpAvatarTEs( "PRE processUpdateMessage()" ); unpackTEMessage(mesgsys, _PREHASH_ObjectData, block_num); // dumpAvatarTEs( "POST processUpdateMessage()" ); if( !mFirstTEMessageReceived ) { onFirstTEMessageReceived(); } // Disable updates to composites. We'll decide whether we need to do // any updates after we find out whether this update message has any // "baked" (pre-composited) textures. setCompositeUpdatesEnabled( FALSE ); updateMeshTextures(); setCompositeUpdatesEnabled( TRUE ); } } return retval; } // virtual S32 LLVOAvatar::setTETexture(const U8 te, const LLUUID& uuid) { // The core setTETexture() method requests images, so we need // to redirect certain avatar texture requests to different sims. if (isTextureIndexBaked(te)) { LLHost target_host = getObjectHost(); return setTETextureCore(te, uuid, target_host); } else { return setTETextureCore(te, uuid, LLHost::invalid); } } // setTEImage //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // idleUpdate() //------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOOL LLVOAvatar::idleUpdate(LLAgent &agent, LLWorld &world, const F64 &time) { LLMemType mt(LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR); LLFastTimer t(LLFastTimer::FTM_AVATAR_UPDATE); if (isDead()) { llinfos << "Warning! Idle on dead avatar" << llendl; return TRUE; } if (!(gPipeline.hasRenderType(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR))) { return TRUE; } // force immediate pixel area update on avatars using last frames data (before drawable or camera updates) setPixelAreaAndAngle(gAgent); // Update the LOD of the joints //static const F32 UPDATE_TIME = .5f; // force asynchronous drawable update if(mDrawable.notNull() && !gNoRender) { LLFastTimer t(LLFastTimer::FTM_JOINT_UPDATE); if (mIsSitting && getParent()) { LLViewerObject *root_object = (LLViewerObject*)getRoot(); LLDrawable* drawablep = root_object->mDrawable; // if this object hasn't already been updated by another avatar... if (drawablep) // && !drawablep->isState(LLDrawable::EARLY_MOVE)) { if (root_object->isSelected()) { gPipeline.updateMoveNormalAsync(drawablep); } else { gPipeline.updateMoveDampedAsync(drawablep); } } } else { gPipeline.updateMoveDampedAsync(mDrawable); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // set alpha flag depending on state //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (mIsSelf) { LLViewerObject::idleUpdate(agent, world, time); // trigger fidget anims if (isAnyAnimationSignaled(AGENT_STAND_ANIMS, NUM_AGENT_STAND_ANIMS)) { agent.fidget(); } } else { // Should override the idleUpdate stuff and leave out the angular update part. LLQuaternion rotation = getRotation(); LLViewerObject::idleUpdate(agent, world, time); setRotation(rotation); } // attach objects that were waiting for a drawable lazyAttach(); // animate the character // store off last frame's root position to be consistent with camera position LLVector3 root_pos_last = mRoot.getWorldPosition(); updateCharacter(agent); if (LLVOAvatar::sJointDebug) { llinfos << getFullname() << ": joint touches: " << LLJoint::sNumTouches << " updates: " << LLJoint::sNumUpdates << llendl; } LLJoint::sNumUpdates = 0; LLJoint::sNumTouches = 0; if (gNoRender) { return TRUE; } // *NOTE: this is necessary for the floating name text above your head. if (mDrawable.notNull()) { gPipeline.markRebuild(mDrawable, LLDrawable::REBUILD_SHADOW, TRUE); } // update attachments positions { LLFastTimer t(LLFastTimer::FTM_ATTACHMENT_UPDATE); for(LLViewerJointAttachment *attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getFirstData(); attachment; attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getNextData()) { LLViewerObject *attached_object = attachment->getObject(); BOOL visibleAttachment = isVisible() || !(attached_object && attached_object->mDrawable->getSpatialBridge() && (attached_object->mDrawable->getSpatialBridge()->getRadius() < 2.0)); if (visibleAttachment && attached_object && !attached_object->isDead() && attachment->getValid()) { // if selecting any attachments, update all of them as non-damped if (gSelectMgr->getSelection()->getObjectCount() && gSelectMgr->getSelection()->isAttachment()) { gPipeline.updateMoveNormalAsync(attached_object->mDrawable); } else { gPipeline.updateMoveDampedAsync(attached_object->mDrawable); } attached_object->updateText(); } } } //force a move if sitting on an active object if (getParent() && ((LLViewerObject*) getParent())->mDrawable->isActive()) { gPipeline.markMoved(mDrawable, TRUE); } // update morphing params if (mAppearanceAnimating) { ESex avatar_sex = getSex(); F32 appearance_anim_time = mAppearanceMorphTimer.getElapsedTimeF32(); if (appearance_anim_time >= APPEARANCE_MORPH_TIME) { mAppearanceAnimating = FALSE; for (LLVisualParam *param = getFirstVisualParam(); param; param = getNextVisualParam()) { if (param->getGroup() == VISUAL_PARAM_GROUP_TWEAKABLE) { param->stopAnimating(mAppearanceAnimSetByUser); } } updateVisualParams(); if (mIsSelf) { gAgent.sendAgentSetAppearance(); } } else { F32 blend_frac = calc_bouncy_animation(appearance_anim_time / APPEARANCE_MORPH_TIME); F32 last_blend_frac = calc_bouncy_animation(mLastAppearanceBlendTime / APPEARANCE_MORPH_TIME); F32 morph_amt; if (last_blend_frac == 1.f) { morph_amt = 1.f; } else { morph_amt = (blend_frac - last_blend_frac) / (1.f - last_blend_frac); } LLVisualParam *param; // animate only top level params for (param = getFirstVisualParam(); param; param = getNextVisualParam()) { if (param->getGroup() == VISUAL_PARAM_GROUP_TWEAKABLE) { param->animate(morph_amt, mAppearanceAnimSetByUser); } } // apply all params for (param = getFirstVisualParam(); param; param = getNextVisualParam()) { param->apply(avatar_sex); } mLastAppearanceBlendTime = appearance_anim_time; } dirtyMesh(); } // update wind effect if ((LLShaderMgr::getVertexShaderLevel(LLShaderMgr::SHADER_AVATAR) >= LLDrawPoolAvatar::SHADER_LEVEL_CLOTH)) { F32 hover_strength = 0.f; F32 time_delta = mRippleTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() - mRippleTimeLast; mRippleTimeLast = mRippleTimer.getElapsedTimeF32(); LLVector3 velocity = getVelocity(); F32 speed = velocity.magVec(); //RN: velocity varies too much frame to frame for this to work mRippleAccel.clearVec();//lerp(mRippleAccel, (velocity - mLastVel) * time_delta, LLCriticalDamp::getInterpolant(0.02f)); mLastVel = velocity; LLVector4 wind; wind.setVec(getRegion()->mWind.getVelocityNoisy(getPositionAgent(), 4.f) - velocity); if (mInAir) { hover_strength = HOVER_EFFECT_STRENGTH * llmax(0.f, HOVER_EFFECT_MAX_SPEED - speed); } if (mBelowWater) { // TODO: make cloth flow more gracefully when underwater hover_strength += UNDERWATER_EFFECT_STRENGTH; } wind.mV[VZ] += hover_strength; wind.normVec(); wind.mV[VW] = llmin(0.025f + (speed * 0.015f) + hover_strength, 0.5f); F32 interp; if (wind.mV[VW] > mWindVec.mV[VW]) { interp = LLCriticalDamp::getInterpolant(0.2f); } else { interp = LLCriticalDamp::getInterpolant(0.4f); } mWindVec = lerp(mWindVec, wind, interp); F32 wind_freq = hover_strength + llclamp(8.f + (speed * 0.7f) + (noise1(mRipplePhase) * 4.f), 8.f, 25.f); mWindFreq = lerp(mWindFreq, wind_freq, interp); if (mBelowWater) { mWindFreq *= UNDERWATER_FREQUENCY_DAMP; } mRipplePhase += (time_delta * mWindFreq); if (mRipplePhase > F_TWO_PI) { mRipplePhase = fmodf(mRipplePhase, F_TWO_PI); } } // update chat bubble //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // draw text label over characters head //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (mChatTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() > BUBBLE_CHAT_TIME) { mChats.clear(); } const F32 time_visible = mTimeVisible.getElapsedTimeF32(); const F32 NAME_SHOW_TIME = gSavedSettings.getF32("RenderNameShowTime"); // seconds const F32 FADE_DURATION = gSavedSettings.getF32("RenderNameFadeDuration"); // seconds BOOL visible_chat = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("UseChatBubbles") && (mChats.size() || mTyping); BOOL render_name = visible_chat || (isVisible() && ((sRenderName == RENDER_NAME_ALWAYS) || (sRenderName == RENDER_NAME_FADE && time_visible < NAME_SHOW_TIME))); // If it's your own avatar, don't draw in mouselook, and don't // draw if we're specifically hiding our own name. if (mIsSelf) { render_name = render_name && !gAgent.cameraMouselook() && (visible_chat || !gSavedSettings.getBOOL("RenderNameHideSelf")); } if ( render_name ) { BOOL new_name = FALSE; if (visible_chat != mVisibleChat) { mVisibleChat = visible_chat; new_name = TRUE; } // First Calculate Alpha // If alpha > 0, create mNameText if necessary, otherwise delete it { F32 alpha = 0.f; if (mAppAngle > 5.f) { const F32 START_FADE_TIME = NAME_SHOW_TIME - FADE_DURATION; if (!visible_chat && sRenderName == RENDER_NAME_FADE && time_visible > START_FADE_TIME) { alpha = 1.f - (time_visible - START_FADE_TIME) / FADE_DURATION; } else { // ...not fading, full alpha alpha = 1.f; } } else if (mAppAngle > 2.f) { // far away is faded out also alpha = (mAppAngle-2.f)/3.f; } if (alpha > 0.f) { if (!mNameText) { mNameText = (LLHUDText *)LLHUDObject::addHUDObject(LLHUDObject::LL_HUD_TEXT); mNameText->setMass(10.f); mNameText->setSourceObject(this); mNameText->setVertAlignment(LLHUDText::ALIGN_VERT_TOP); mNameText->setVisibleOffScreen(TRUE); mNameText->setMaxLines(11); mNameText->setFadeDistance(CHAT_NORMAL_RADIUS, 5.f); mNameText->setUseBubble(TRUE); sNumVisibleChatBubbles++; new_name = TRUE; } LLColor4 avatar_name_color = gColors.getColor( "AvatarNameColor" ); avatar_name_color.setAlpha(alpha); mNameText->setColor(avatar_name_color); LLQuaternion root_rot = mRoot.getWorldRotation(); mNameText->setUsePixelSize(TRUE); LLVector3 pixel_right_vec; LLVector3 pixel_up_vec; gCamera->getPixelVectors(root_pos_last, pixel_up_vec, pixel_right_vec); LLVector3 camera_to_av = root_pos_last - gCamera->getOrigin(); camera_to_av.normVec(); LLVector3 local_camera_at = camera_to_av * ~root_rot; LLVector3 local_camera_up = camera_to_av % gCamera->getLeftAxis(); local_camera_up.normVec(); local_camera_up = local_camera_up * ~root_rot; local_camera_up.scaleVec(mBodySize * 0.5f); local_camera_at.scaleVec(mBodySize * 0.5f); LLVector3 name_position = mRoot.getWorldPosition() + (local_camera_up * root_rot) - (projected_vec(local_camera_at * root_rot, camera_to_av)); name_position += pixel_up_vec * 15.f; mNameText->setPositionAgent(name_position); } else if (mNameText) { mNameText->markDead(); mNameText = NULL; sNumVisibleChatBubbles--; } } LLNameValue *title = getNVPair("Title"); LLNameValue* firstname = getNVPair("FirstName"); LLNameValue* lastname = getNVPair("LastName"); if (mNameText.notNull() && firstname && lastname) { BOOL is_away = mSignaledAnimations.find(ANIM_AGENT_AWAY) != mSignaledAnimations.end(); BOOL is_busy = mSignaledAnimations.find(ANIM_AGENT_BUSY) != mSignaledAnimations.end(); BOOL is_appearance = mSignaledAnimations.find(ANIM_AGENT_CUSTOMIZE) != mSignaledAnimations.end(); BOOL is_muted; if (mIsSelf) { is_muted = FALSE; } else { is_muted = gMuteListp->isMuted(getID()); } if (mNameString.empty() || new_name || (!title && !mTitle.empty()) || (title && mTitle != title->getString()) || (is_away != mNameAway || is_busy != mNameBusy || is_muted != mNameMute) || is_appearance != mNameAppearance) { char line[MAX_STRING]; /* Flawfinder: ignore */ if (title && title->getString() && title->getString()[0] != '\0') { strncpy(line, title->getString(), MAX_STRING -1 ); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ line[MAX_STRING -1] = '\0'; strcat(line, "\n"); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ strncat(line, firstname->getString(), MAX_STRING - strlen(line) -1 ); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ } else { strncpy(line, firstname->getString(), MAX_STRING -1 ); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ line[MAX_STRING -1] = '\0'; } strcat(line, " "); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ strncat(line, lastname->getString(), MAX_STRING - strlen(line) -1); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ BOOL need_comma = FALSE; if (is_away || is_muted || is_busy) { strcat(line, " ("); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ if (is_away) { strcat(line, "Away"); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ need_comma = TRUE; } if (is_busy) { if (need_comma) { strcat(line, ", "); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ } strcat(line, "Busy"); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ need_comma = TRUE; } if (is_muted) { if (need_comma) { strcat(line, ", "); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ } strcat(line, "Muted"); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ need_comma = TRUE; } strcat(line,")"); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ } if (is_appearance) { strcat(line, "\n(Editing Appearance)"); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ } mNameAway = is_away; mNameBusy = is_busy; mNameMute = is_muted; mNameAppearance = is_appearance; mTitle = title ? title->getString() : ""; mNameString = utf8str_to_wstring(line); new_name = TRUE; } if (visible_chat) { mNameText->setDropShadow(TRUE); mNameText->setFont(LLFontGL::sSansSerif); mNameText->setTextAlignment(LLHUDText::ALIGN_TEXT_LEFT); mNameText->setFadeDistance(CHAT_NORMAL_RADIUS * 2.f, 5.f); if (new_name) { mNameText->setLabel(mNameString); } char line[MAX_STRING]; /* Flawfinder: ignore */ line[0] = '\0'; std::deque::iterator chat_iter = mChats.begin(); mNameText->clearString(); LLColor4 new_chat = gColors.getColor( "AvatarNameColor" ); LLColor4 normal_chat = lerp(new_chat, LLColor4(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.f), 0.7f); LLColor4 old_chat = lerp(normal_chat, LLColor4(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1.f), 0.7f); if (mTyping && mChats.size() >= MAX_BUBBLE_CHAT_UTTERANCES) { ++chat_iter; } for(; chat_iter != mChats.end(); ++chat_iter) { F32 chat_fade_amt = llclamp((F32)((LLFrameTimer::getElapsedSeconds() - chat_iter->mTime) / CHAT_FADE_TIME), 0.f, 4.f); LLFontGL::StyleFlags style; switch(chat_iter->mChatType) { case CHAT_TYPE_WHISPER: style = LLFontGL::ITALIC; break; case CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT: style = LLFontGL::BOLD; break; default: style = LLFontGL::NORMAL; break; } if (chat_fade_amt < 1.f) { F32 u = clamp_rescale(chat_fade_amt, 0.9f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f); mNameText->addLine(utf8str_to_wstring(chat_iter->mText), lerp(new_chat, normal_chat, u), style); } else if (chat_fade_amt < 2.f) { F32 u = clamp_rescale(chat_fade_amt, 1.9f, 2.f, 0.f, 1.f); mNameText->addLine(utf8str_to_wstring(chat_iter->mText), lerp(normal_chat, old_chat, u), style); } else if (chat_fade_amt < 3.f) { // *NOTE: only remove lines down to minimum number mNameText->addLine(utf8str_to_wstring(chat_iter->mText), old_chat, style); } } mNameText->setVisibleOffScreen(TRUE); if (mTyping) { S32 dot_count = (llfloor(mTypingTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() * 3.f) + 2) % 3 + 1; switch(dot_count) { case 1: mNameText->addLine(".", new_chat); break; case 2: mNameText->addLine("..", new_chat); break; case 3: mNameText->addLine("...", new_chat); break; } } } else { if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("SmallAvatarNames")) { mNameText->setFont(LLFontGL::sSansSerif); } else { mNameText->setFont(LLFontGL::sSansSerifBig); } mNameText->setTextAlignment(LLHUDText::ALIGN_TEXT_CENTER); mNameText->setFadeDistance(CHAT_NORMAL_RADIUS, 5.f); mNameText->setVisibleOffScreen(FALSE); if (new_name) { mNameText->setLabel(""); mNameText->setString(mNameString); } } } } else if (mNameText) { mNameText->markDead(); mNameText = NULL; sNumVisibleChatBubbles--; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // draw tractor beam when editing objects //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!mIsSelf) { return TRUE; } // This is only done for yourself (maybe it should be in the agent?) if (!needsRenderBeam() || !mIsBuilt) { mBeam = NULL; } else if (!mBeam || mBeam->isDead()) { // VEFFECT: Tractor Beam mBeam = (LLHUDEffectSpiral *)gHUDManager->createViewerEffect(LLHUDObject::LL_HUD_EFFECT_BEAM); mBeam->setColor(LLColor4U(gAgent.getEffectColor())); mBeam->setSourceObject(this); mBeamTimer.reset(); } if (!mBeam.isNull()) { LLObjectSelectionHandle selection = gSelectMgr->getSelection(); if (gAgent.mPointAt.notNull()) { // get point from pointat effect mBeam->setPositionGlobal(gAgent.mPointAt->getPointAtPosGlobal()); mBeam->triggerLocal(); } else if (selection->getFirstRootObject() && selection->getSelectType() != SELECT_TYPE_HUD) { LLViewerObject* objectp = selection->getFirstRootObject(); mBeam->setTargetObject(objectp); } else { mBeam->setTargetObject(NULL); LLTool *tool = gToolMgr->getCurrentTool(); if (tool->isEditing()) { if (tool->getEditingObject()) { mBeam->setTargetObject(tool->getEditingObject()); } else { mBeam->setPositionGlobal(tool->getEditingPointGlobal()); } } else { mBeam->setPositionGlobal(gLastHitNonFloraPosGlobal + gLastHitNonFloraObjectOffset); } } if (mBeamTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() > 0.25f) { mBeam->setColor(LLColor4U(gAgent.getEffectColor())); mBeam->setNeedsSendToSim(TRUE); mBeamTimer.reset(); } } F32 avatar_height = (F32)(getPositionGlobal().mdV[VZ]); F32 water_height; water_height = getRegion()->getWaterHeight(); mBelowWater = avatar_height < water_height; return TRUE; } void LLVOAvatar::slamPosition() { gAgent.setPositionAgent(getPositionAgent()); mRoot.setWorldPosition(getPositionAgent()); // teleport setChanged(TRANSLATED); if (mDrawable.notNull()) { gPipeline.updateMoveNormalAsync(mDrawable); } mRoot.updateWorldMatrixChildren(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // updateCharacter() // called on both your avatar and other avatars //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void LLVOAvatar::updateCharacter(LLAgent &agent) { LLMemType mt(LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR); // update screen joint size if (mScreenp) { F32 aspect = gCamera->getAspect(); LLVector3 scale(1.f, aspect, 1.f); mScreenp->setScale(scale); mScreenp->updateWorldMatrixChildren(); resetHUDAttachments(); } // clear debug text mDebugText.clear(); if (LLVOAvatar::sShowAnimationDebug) { for (LLMotionController::motion_list_t::iterator iter = mMotionController.getActiveMotions().begin(); iter != mMotionController.getActiveMotions().end(); ++iter) { LLMotion* motionp = *iter; if (motionp->getMinPixelArea() < getPixelArea()) { std::string output; if (motionp->getName().empty()) { output = llformat("%s - %d", motionp->getID().asString().c_str(), (U32)motionp->getPriority()); } else { output = llformat("%s - %d", motionp->getName().c_str(), (U32)motionp->getPriority()); } addDebugText(output); } } } if (gNoRender) { // Hack if we're running drones... if (mIsSelf) { gAgent.setPositionAgent(getPositionAgent()); } return; } LLVector3d root_pos_global; if (!mIsBuilt) { return; } // For fading out the names above heads, only let the timer // run if we're visible. if (mDrawable.notNull() && !mDrawable->isVisible()) { mTimeVisible.reset(); } if (!mIsSelf && !isVisible()) { return; } // change animation time quanta based on avatar render load if (!mIsSelf) { F32 time_quantum = clamp_rescale((F32)sInstances.size(), 10.f, 35.f, 0.f, 0.25f); F32 pixel_area_scale = clamp_rescale(mPixelArea, 100, 5000, 1.f, 0.f); F32 time_step = time_quantum * pixel_area_scale; if (time_step != 0.f) { // disable walk motion servo controller as it doesn't work with motion timesteps stopMotion(ANIM_AGENT_WALK_ADJUST); removeAnimationData("Walk Speed"); } mMotionController.setTimeStep(time_step); // llinfos << "Setting timestep to " << time_quantum * pixel_area_scale << llendl; } if (getParent() && !mIsSitting) { sitOnObject((LLViewerObject*)getParent()); } else if (!getParent() && mIsSitting && !isMotionActive(ANIM_AGENT_SIT_GROUND_CONSTRAINED)) { getOffObject(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // create local variables in world coords for region position values //-------------------------------------------------------------------- F32 speed; LLVector3 normal; LLVector3 xyVel = getVelocity(); xyVel.mV[VZ] = 0.0f; speed = xyVel.magVec(); BOOL throttle = TRUE; if (!(mIsSitting && getParent())) { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // get timing info // handle initial condition case //-------------------------------------------------------------------- F32 animation_time = mAnimTimer.getElapsedTimeF32(); if (mTimeLast == 0.0f) { mTimeLast = animation_time; throttle = FALSE; // put the pelvis at slaved position/mRotation mRoot.setWorldPosition( getPositionAgent() ); // first frame mRoot.setWorldRotation( getRotation() ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // dont' let dT get larger than 1/5th of a second //-------------------------------------------------------------------- F32 deltaTime = animation_time - mTimeLast; deltaTime = llclamp( deltaTime, DELTA_TIME_MIN, DELTA_TIME_MAX ); mTimeLast = animation_time; mSpeedAccum = (mSpeedAccum * 0.95f) + (speed * 0.05f); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // compute the position of the avatar's root //-------------------------------------------------------------------- LLVector3d root_pos; LLVector3d ground_under_pelvis; if (mIsSelf) { gAgent.setPositionAgent(getRenderPosition()); } root_pos = gAgent.getPosGlobalFromAgent(getRenderPosition()); resolveHeightGlobal(root_pos, ground_under_pelvis, normal); F32 foot_to_ground = (F32) (root_pos.mdV[VZ] - mPelvisToFoot - ground_under_pelvis.mdV[VZ]); BOOL in_air = ( (!gWorldPointer->getRegionFromPosGlobal(ground_under_pelvis)) || foot_to_ground > FOOT_GROUND_COLLISION_TOLERANCE); if (in_air && !mInAir) { mTimeInAir.reset(); } mInAir = in_air; // correct for the fact that the pelvis is not necessarily the center // of the agent's physical representation root_pos.mdV[VZ] -= (0.5f * mBodySize.mV[VZ]) - mPelvisToFoot; LLVector3 newPosition = gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(root_pos); if (newPosition != mRoot.getXform()->getWorldPosition()) { mRoot.touch(); mRoot.setWorldPosition(newPosition ); // regular update } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Propagate viewer object rotation to root of avatar //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!isAnyAnimationSignaled(AGENT_NO_ROTATE_ANIMS, NUM_AGENT_NO_ROTATE_ANIMS)) { LLQuaternion iQ; LLVector3 upDir( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ); // Compute a forward direction vector derived from the primitive rotation // and the velocity vector. When walking or jumping, don't let body deviate // more than 90 from the view, if necessary, flip the velocity vector. LLVector3 primDir; if (mIsSelf) { primDir = agent.getAtAxis() - projected_vec(agent.getAtAxis(), agent.getReferenceUpVector()); primDir.normVec(); } else { primDir = getRotation().getMatrix3().getFwdRow(); } LLVector3 velDir = getVelocity(); velDir.normVec(); if ( mSignaledAnimations.find(ANIM_AGENT_WALK) != mSignaledAnimations.end()) { F32 vpD = velDir * primDir; if (vpD < -0.5f) { velDir *= -1.0f; } } LLVector3 fwdDir = lerp(primDir, velDir, clamp_rescale(speed, 0.5f, 2.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); if (mIsSelf && gAgent.cameraMouselook()) { // make sure fwdDir stays in same general direction as primdir if (gAgent.getFlying()) { fwdDir = gCamera->getAtAxis(); } else { LLVector3 at_axis = gCamera->getAtAxis(); LLVector3 up_vector = gAgent.getReferenceUpVector(); at_axis -= up_vector * (at_axis * up_vector); at_axis.normVec(); F32 dot = fwdDir * at_axis; if (dot < 0.f) { fwdDir -= 2.f * at_axis * dot; fwdDir.normVec(); } } } LLQuaternion root_rotation = mRoot.getWorldMatrix().quaternion(); F32 root_roll, root_pitch, root_yaw; root_rotation.getEulerAngles(&root_roll, &root_pitch, &root_yaw); if (gDebugAvatarRotation) { llinfos << "root_roll " << RAD_TO_DEG * root_roll << " root_pitch " << RAD_TO_DEG * root_pitch << " root_yaw " << RAD_TO_DEG * root_yaw << llendl; } // When moving very slow, the pelvis is allowed to deviate from the // forward direction to allow it to hold it's position while the torso // and head turn. Once in motion, it must conform however. BOOL self_in_mouselook = mIsSelf && gAgent.cameraMouselook(); LLVector3 pelvisDir( mRoot.getWorldMatrix().getFwdRow4().mV ); F32 pelvis_rot_threshold = clamp_rescale(speed, 0.1f, 1.0f, PELVIS_ROT_THRESHOLD_SLOW, PELVIS_ROT_THRESHOLD_FAST); //Ventrella //if ( gAgent.getCameraMode() == CAMERA_MODE_FOLLOW ) //{ // pelvis_rot_threshold = clamp_rescale(speed, 0.1f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); //} //end Ventrella if (self_in_mouselook) { pelvis_rot_threshold *= MOUSELOOK_PELVIS_FOLLOW_FACTOR; } pelvis_rot_threshold *= DEG_TO_RAD; F32 angle = angle_between( pelvisDir, fwdDir ); // The avatar's root is allowed to have a yaw that deviates widely // from the forward direction, but if roll or pitch are off even // a little bit we need to correct the rotation. if(root_roll < 1.f * DEG_TO_RAD && root_pitch < 5.f * DEG_TO_RAD) { // smaller correction vector means pelvis follows prim direction more closely if (!mTurning && angle > pelvis_rot_threshold*0.75f) { mTurning = TRUE; } // use tighter threshold when turning if (mTurning) { pelvis_rot_threshold *= 0.4f; } // am I done turning? if (angle < pelvis_rot_threshold) { mTurning = FALSE; } LLVector3 correction_vector = (pelvisDir - fwdDir) * clamp_rescale(angle, pelvis_rot_threshold*0.75f, pelvis_rot_threshold, 1.0f, 0.0f); fwdDir += correction_vector; } else { mTurning = FALSE; } // Now compute the full world space rotation for the whole body (wQv) LLVector3 leftDir = upDir % fwdDir; leftDir.normVec(); fwdDir = leftDir % upDir; LLQuaternion wQv( fwdDir, leftDir, upDir ); if (mIsSelf && mTurning) { if ((fwdDir % pelvisDir) * upDir > 0.f) { gAgent.setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_TURN_RIGHT); } else { gAgent.setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_TURN_LEFT); } } // Set the root rotation, but do so incrementally so that it // lags in time by some fixed amount. //F32 u = LLCriticalDamp::getInterpolant(PELVIS_LAG); F32 pelvis_lag_time = 0.f; if (self_in_mouselook) { pelvis_lag_time = PELVIS_LAG_MOUSELOOK; } else if (mInAir) { pelvis_lag_time = PELVIS_LAG_FLYING; // increase pelvis lag time when moving slowly pelvis_lag_time *= clamp_rescale(mSpeedAccum, 0.f, 15.f, 3.f, 1.f); } else { pelvis_lag_time = PELVIS_LAG_WALKING; } //Ventrella //if ( gAgent.getCameraMode() == CAMERA_MODE_FOLLOW ) //{ // pelvis_lag_time = PELVIS_LAG_WHEN_FOLLOW_CAM_IS_ON; //} //end Ventrella F32 u = llclamp((deltaTime / pelvis_lag_time), 0.0f, 1.0f); mRoot.setWorldRotation( slerp(u, mRoot.getWorldRotation(), wQv) ); } } else if (mDrawable.notNull()) { mRoot.setPosition(mDrawable->getPosition()); mRoot.setRotation(mDrawable->getRotation()); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // the rest should only be done when close enough to see it //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (mPixelArea > 12.0f) throttle = FALSE; if (mPixelArea < 400.0f) { throttle = (LLDrawable::getCurrentFrame()+mID.mData[0])%2 != 0; } if ( !(mIsSitting && getParent()) && (throttle || (!isVisible() && (mPixelArea < MIN_PIXEL_AREA_FOR_COMPOSITE))) ) { mRoot.setWorldRotation( getRotation() ); mRoot.updateWorldMatrixChildren(); return; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Update character motions //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // store data relevant to motions mSpeed = speed; // update animations { LLFastTimer t(LLFastTimer::FTM_UPDATE_ANIMATION); updateMotion(); } // update head position updateHeadOffset(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Find the ground under each foot, these are used for a variety // of things that follow //------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLVector3 ankle_left_pos_agent = mFootLeftp->getWorldPosition(); LLVector3 ankle_right_pos_agent = mFootRightp->getWorldPosition(); LLVector3 ankle_left_ground_agent = ankle_left_pos_agent; LLVector3 ankle_right_ground_agent = ankle_right_pos_agent; resolveHeightAgent(ankle_left_pos_agent, ankle_left_ground_agent, normal); resolveHeightAgent(ankle_right_pos_agent, ankle_right_ground_agent, normal); F32 leftElev = llmax(-0.2f, ankle_left_pos_agent.mV[VZ] - ankle_left_ground_agent.mV[VZ]); F32 rightElev = llmax(-0.2f, ankle_right_pos_agent.mV[VZ] - ankle_right_ground_agent.mV[VZ]); if (!mIsSitting) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Figure out which foot is on ground //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!mInAir) { if ((leftElev < 0.0f) || (rightElev < 0.0f)) { ankle_left_pos_agent = mFootLeftp->getWorldPosition(); ankle_right_pos_agent = mFootRightp->getWorldPosition(); leftElev = ankle_left_pos_agent.mV[VZ] - ankle_left_ground_agent.mV[VZ]; rightElev = ankle_right_pos_agent.mV[VZ] - ankle_right_ground_agent.mV[VZ]; } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generate footstep sounds when feet hit the ground //------------------------------------------------------------------------- const LLUUID AGENT_FOOTSTEP_ANIMS[] = {ANIM_AGENT_WALK, ANIM_AGENT_RUN, ANIM_AGENT_LAND}; const S32 NUM_AGENT_FOOTSTEP_ANIMS = sizeof(AGENT_FOOTSTEP_ANIMS) / sizeof(LLUUID); if ( gAudiop && isAnyAnimationSignaled(AGENT_FOOTSTEP_ANIMS, NUM_AGENT_FOOTSTEP_ANIMS) ) { BOOL playSound = FALSE; LLVector3 foot_pos_agent; BOOL onGroundLeft = (leftElev <= 0.05f); BOOL onGroundRight = (rightElev <= 0.05f); // did left foot hit the ground? if ( onGroundLeft && !mWasOnGroundLeft ) { foot_pos_agent = ankle_left_pos_agent; playSound = TRUE; } // did right foot hit the ground? if ( onGroundRight && !mWasOnGroundRight ) { foot_pos_agent = ankle_right_pos_agent; playSound = TRUE; } mWasOnGroundLeft = onGroundLeft; mWasOnGroundRight = onGroundRight; if ( playSound ) { // F32 gain = clamp_rescale( mSpeedAccum, // AUDIO_STEP_LO_SPEED, AUDIO_STEP_HI_SPEED, // AUDIO_STEP_LO_GAIN, AUDIO_STEP_HI_GAIN ); F32 gain = gSavedSettings.getF32("AudioLevelFootsteps"); LLUUID& step_sound_id = getStepSound(); LLVector3d foot_pos_global = gAgent.getPosGlobalFromAgent(foot_pos_agent); if (gParcelMgr && gParcelMgr->canHearSound(foot_pos_global) && gMuteListp && !gMuteListp->isMuted(getID())) { gAudiop->triggerSound(step_sound_id, getID(), gain, foot_pos_global); } } } mRoot.updateWorldMatrixChildren(); if (!mDebugText.size() && mText.notNull()) { mText->markDead(); mText = NULL; } else if (mDebugText.size()) { setDebugText(mDebugText); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // updateHeadOffset() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::updateHeadOffset() { // since we only care about Z, just grab one of the eyes LLVector3 midEyePt = mEyeLeftp->getWorldPosition(); midEyePt -= mDrawable.notNull() ? mDrawable->getWorldPosition() : mRoot.getWorldPosition(); midEyePt.mV[VZ] = llmax(-mPelvisToFoot + gCamera->getNear(), midEyePt.mV[VZ]); if (mDrawable.notNull()) { midEyePt = midEyePt * ~mDrawable->getWorldRotation(); } if (mIsSitting) { mHeadOffset = midEyePt; } else { F32 u = llmax(0.f, HEAD_MOVEMENT_AVG_TIME - (1.f / gFPSClamped)); mHeadOffset = lerp(midEyePt, mHeadOffset, u); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // updateVisibility() //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void LLVOAvatar::updateVisibility(BOOL force_invisible) { BOOL visible = FALSE; if (mIsDummy) { visible = TRUE; } else if (mDrawable.isNull()) { visible = FALSE; } else if (!force_invisible) { // calculate avatar distance wrt head mDrawable->updateDistance(*gCamera); if (!mDrawable->getSpatialGroup() || mDrawable->getSpatialGroup()->isVisible()) { visible = TRUE; } else { visible = FALSE; } if( mIsSelf ) { if( !gAgent.areWearablesLoaded()) { visible = FALSE; } } else if( !mFirstAppearanceMessageReceived ) { visible = FALSE; } if (sDebugInvisible) { LLNameValue* firstname = getNVPair("FirstName"); if (firstname) { llinfos << "Avatar " << firstname->getString() << " updating visiblity" << llendl; } else { llinfos << "Avatar " << this << " updating visiblity" << llendl; } if (visible) { llinfos << "Visible" << llendl; } else { llinfos << "Not visible" << llendl; } /*if (avatar_in_frustum) { llinfos << "Avatar in frustum" << llendl; } else { llinfos << "Avatar not in frustum" << llendl; }*/ /*if (gCamera->sphereInFrustum(sel_pos_agent, 2.0f)) { llinfos << "Sel pos visible" << llendl; } if (gCamera->sphereInFrustum(wrist_right_pos_agent, 0.2f)) { llinfos << "Wrist pos visible" << llendl; } if (gCamera->sphereInFrustum(getPositionAgent(), getMaxScale()*2.f)) { llinfos << "Agent visible" << llendl; }*/ llinfos << "PA: " << getPositionAgent() << llendl; /*llinfos << "SPA: " << sel_pos_agent << llendl; llinfos << "WPA: " << wrist_right_pos_agent << llendl;*/ for (LLViewerJointAttachment* attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getFirstData(); attachment; attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getNextData()) { if (attachment->getObject()) { if(attachment->getObject()->mDrawable->isVisible()) { llinfos << attachment->getName() << " visible" << llendl; } else { llinfos << attachment->getName() << " not visible at " << mDrawable->getWorldPosition() << " and radius " << mDrawable->getRadius() << llendl; } } } } } if (!visible && mVisible) { mMeshInvisibleTime.reset(); } if (visible) { if (!mMeshValid) { restoreMeshData(); } } else { if (mMeshValid && mMeshInvisibleTime.getElapsedTimeF32() > TIME_BEFORE_MESH_CLEANUP) { releaseMeshData(); } // this breaks off-screen chat bubbles //if (mNameText) //{ // mNameText->markDead(); // mNameText = NULL; // sNumVisibleChatBubbles--; //} } mVisible = visible; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // updateAllVisibility() //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //static void LLVOAvatar::updateAllAvatarVisiblity() { LLVOAvatar::sNumVisibleAvatars = 0; F32 render_priority = (F32)LLVOAvatar::sMaxVisible; for (std::vector::iterator iter = LLCharacter::sInstances.begin(); iter != LLCharacter::sInstances.end(); ++iter) { LLVOAvatar* avatarp = (LLVOAvatar*) *iter; if (avatarp->isDead()) { continue; } if (avatarp->isSelf()) { avatarp->mRenderPriority = 1000.f; } else { avatarp->mRenderPriority = render_priority * 10.f; // 500 -> 10 if (render_priority > 0.f) { render_priority -= 1.f; } } avatarp->updateVisibility(LLVOAvatar::sNumVisibleAvatars > LLVOAvatar::sMaxVisible); if (avatarp->mDrawable.isNull()) { llwarns << "Avatar with no drawable" << llendl; } else if (avatarp->mDrawable->isVisible()) { LLVOAvatar::sNumVisibleAvatars++; } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // needsRenderBeam() //------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOOL LLVOAvatar::needsRenderBeam() { if (gNoRender) { return FALSE; } LLTool *tool = gToolMgr->getCurrentTool(); BOOL is_touching_or_grabbing = (tool == gToolGrab && gToolGrab->isEditing()); if (gToolGrab->getEditingObject() && gToolGrab->getEditingObject()->isAttachment()) { // don't render selection beam on hud objects is_touching_or_grabbing = FALSE; } return is_touching_or_grabbing || (mState & AGENT_STATE_EDITING && gSelectMgr->shouldShowSelection()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // renderSkinned() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- U32 LLVOAvatar::renderSkinned(EAvatarRenderPass pass) { U32 num_indices = 0; if (!mIsBuilt) { return num_indices; } if (sDebugInvisible) { LLNameValue* firstname = getNVPair("FirstName"); if (firstname) { llinfos << "Avatar " << firstname->getString() << " in render" << llendl; } else { llinfos << "Avatar " << this << " in render" << llendl; } if (!mIsBuilt) { llinfos << "Not built!" << llendl; } else if (!gAgent.needsRenderAvatar()) { llinfos << "Doesn't need avatar render!" << llendl; } else { llinfos << "Rendering!" << llendl; } } if (!mIsBuilt) { return num_indices; } if (mIsSelf && !gAgent.needsRenderAvatar()) { return num_indices; } // render collision normal if (sShowFootPlane && mDrawable.notNull()) { LLVector3 slaved_pos = mDrawable->getPositionAgent(); LLVector3 foot_plane_normal(mFootPlane.mV[VX], mFootPlane.mV[VY], mFootPlane.mV[VZ]); F32 dist_from_plane = (slaved_pos * foot_plane_normal) - mFootPlane.mV[VW]; LLVector3 collide_point = slaved_pos; collide_point.mV[VZ] -= foot_plane_normal.mV[VZ] * (dist_from_plane + COLLISION_TOLERANCE - FOOT_COLLIDE_FUDGE); glBegin(GL_LINES); { F32 SQUARE_SIZE = 0.2f; glColor4f(1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f); glVertex3f(collide_point.mV[VX] - SQUARE_SIZE, collide_point.mV[VY] - SQUARE_SIZE, collide_point.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(collide_point.mV[VX] + SQUARE_SIZE, collide_point.mV[VY] - SQUARE_SIZE, collide_point.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(collide_point.mV[VX] + SQUARE_SIZE, collide_point.mV[VY] - SQUARE_SIZE, collide_point.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(collide_point.mV[VX] + SQUARE_SIZE, collide_point.mV[VY] + SQUARE_SIZE, collide_point.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(collide_point.mV[VX] + SQUARE_SIZE, collide_point.mV[VY] + SQUARE_SIZE, collide_point.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(collide_point.mV[VX] - SQUARE_SIZE, collide_point.mV[VY] + SQUARE_SIZE, collide_point.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(collide_point.mV[VX] - SQUARE_SIZE, collide_point.mV[VY] + SQUARE_SIZE, collide_point.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(collide_point.mV[VX] - SQUARE_SIZE, collide_point.mV[VY] - SQUARE_SIZE, collide_point.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(collide_point.mV[VX], collide_point.mV[VY], collide_point.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(collide_point.mV[VX] + mFootPlane.mV[VX], collide_point.mV[VY] + mFootPlane.mV[VY], collide_point.mV[VZ] + mFootPlane.mV[VZ]); }glEnd(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // render all geomety attached to the skeleton //-------------------------------------------------------------------- static LLStat render_stat; LLViewerJointMesh::sRenderPass = pass; if (pass == AVATAR_RENDER_PASS_SINGLE) { BOOL first_pass = TRUE; if (!mIsSelf || gAgent.needsRenderHead()) { num_indices += mHeadLOD.render(mAdjustedPixelArea); first_pass = FALSE; } num_indices += mUpperBodyLOD.render(mAdjustedPixelArea, first_pass); num_indices += mLowerBodyLOD.render(mAdjustedPixelArea, FALSE); { LLGLEnable blend(GL_BLEND); LLGLEnable test(GL_ALPHA_TEST); num_indices += renderTransparent(); } } /*else if (pass == AVATAR_RENDER_PASS_CLOTHING_INNER) { if (!mIsSelf || gAgent.needsRenderHead()) { num_indices += mHeadLOD.render(mAdjustedPixelArea); } LLViewerJointMesh::sClothingInnerColor = mTexSkinColor->getColor() * 0.5f; LLViewerJointMesh::sClothingMaskImageName = mUpperMaskTexName; num_indices += mUpperBodyLOD.render(mAdjustedPixelArea); LLViewerJointMesh::sClothingMaskImageName = mLowerMaskTexName; num_indices += mLowerBodyLOD.render(mAdjustedPixelArea); LLViewerJointMesh::sClothingMaskImageName = 0; if( isWearingWearableType( WT_SKIRT ) ) { glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER,0.25f); num_indices += mSkirtLOD.render(mAdjustedPixelArea); glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER,0.01f); } if (!mIsSelf || gAgent.needsRenderHead()) { num_indices += mEyeLashLOD.render(mAdjustedPixelArea); num_indices += mHairLOD.render(mAdjustedPixelArea); } } else if (pass == AVATAR_RENDER_PASS_CLOTHING_OUTER) { LLViewerJointMesh::sClothingInnerColor = mTexSkinColor->getColor() * 0.5f; LLViewerJointMesh::sClothingMaskImageName = mUpperMaskTexName; num_indices += mUpperBodyLOD.render(mAdjustedPixelArea); LLViewerJointMesh::sClothingMaskImageName = mLowerMaskTexName; num_indices += mLowerBodyLOD.render(mAdjustedPixelArea); LLViewerJointMesh::sClothingMaskImageName = 0; }*/ LLViewerJointMesh::sRenderPass = AVATAR_RENDER_PASS_SINGLE; //llinfos << "Avatar render: " << render_timer.getElapsedTimeF32() << llendl; //render_stat.addValue(render_timer.getElapsedTimeF32()*1000.f); return num_indices; } U32 LLVOAvatar::renderTransparent() { U32 num_indices = 0; BOOL first_pass = FALSE; if( isWearingWearableType( WT_SKIRT ) ) { glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER,0.25f); num_indices += mSkirtLOD.render(mAdjustedPixelArea, FALSE); first_pass = FALSE; glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER,0.01f); } if (!mIsSelf || gAgent.needsRenderHead()) { num_indices += mEyeLashLOD.render(mAdjustedPixelArea, first_pass); num_indices += mHairLOD.render(mAdjustedPixelArea, FALSE); } return num_indices; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // renderRigid() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- U32 LLVOAvatar::renderRigid() { U32 num_indices = 0; if (!mIsBuilt) { return 0; } if (mIsSelf && (!gAgent.needsRenderAvatar() || !gAgent.needsRenderHead())) { return 0; } if (!mIsBuilt) { return 0; } num_indices += mEyeBallLeftLOD.render(mAdjustedPixelArea); num_indices += mEyeBallRightLOD.render(mAdjustedPixelArea); return num_indices; } U32 LLVOAvatar::renderFootShadows() { U32 num_indices = 0; if (!mIsBuilt) { return 0; } if (mIsSelf && (!gAgent.needsRenderAvatar() || !gAgent.needsRenderHead())) { return 0; } if (!mIsBuilt) { return 0; } U32 foot_mask = LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX | LLVertexBuffer::MAP_TEXCOORD; //render foot shadows LLGLEnable blend(GL_BLEND); mShadowImagep->bind(); glColor4fv(mShadow0Facep->getRenderColor().mV); mShadow0Facep->renderIndexed(foot_mask); glColor4fv(mShadow1Facep->getRenderColor().mV); mShadow1Facep->renderIndexed(foot_mask); return num_indices; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // renderCollisionVolumes() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::renderCollisionVolumes() { for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumCollisionVolumes; i++) { mCollisionVolumes[i].render(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // LLVOAvatar::updateTextures() //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void LLVOAvatar::updateTextures(LLAgent &agent) { // LLFastTimer ftm(LLFastTimer::FTM_TEMP5); BOOL render_avatar = TRUE; if (mIsDummy || gNoRender) { return; } BOOL head_baked = ( getTEImage( TEX_HEAD_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); BOOL upper_baked = ( getTEImage( TEX_UPPER_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); BOOL lower_baked = ( getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); BOOL eyes_baked = ( getTEImage( TEX_EYES_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); BOOL skirt_baked = ( getTEImage( TEX_SKIRT_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); if( mIsSelf ) { render_avatar = TRUE; } else { render_avatar = isVisible() && !mCulled; } // bind the texture so that they'll be decoded // slightly inefficient, we can short-circuit this // if we have to if( render_avatar && !gGLManager.mIsDisabled ) { if( head_baked && ! mHeadBakedLoaded ) { getTEImage( TEX_HEAD_BAKED )->bind(); } if( upper_baked && ! mUpperBakedLoaded ) { getTEImage( TEX_UPPER_BAKED )->bind(); } if( lower_baked && ! mLowerBakedLoaded ) { getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_BAKED )->bind(); } if( eyes_baked && ! mEyesBakedLoaded ) { getTEImage( TEX_EYES_BAKED )->bind(); } if( skirt_baked && ! mSkirtBakedLoaded ) { getTEImage( TEX_SKIRT_BAKED )->bind(); } } /* // JAMESDEBUG if (mIsSelf) { S32 null_count = 0; S32 default_count = 0; for (U32 i = 0; i < getNumTEs(); i++) { const LLTextureEntry* te = getTE(i); if (te) { if (te->getID() == LLUUID::null) { null_count++; } else if (te->getID() == IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR) { default_count++; } } } llinfos << "JAMESDEBUG my avatar TE null " << null_count << " default " << default_count << llendl; } */ mMaxPixelArea = 0.f; mMinPixelArea = 99999999.f; for (U32 i = 0; i < getNumTEs(); i++) { LLViewerImage *imagep = getTEImage(i); if (imagep) { // Debugging code - maybe non-self avatars are downloading textures? //llinfos << "avatar self " << mIsSelf << " tex " << i // << " decode " << imagep->getDecodePriority() // << " boost " << boost_avatar // << " size " << imagep->getWidth() << "x" << imagep->getHeight() // << " discard " << imagep->getDiscardLevel() // << " desired " << imagep->getDesiredDiscardLevel() // << llendl; const LLTextureEntry *te = getTE(i); F32 texel_area_ratio = fabs(te->mScaleS * te->mScaleT); // BOOL boost_aux = (imagep->needsAux() && (!imagep->mFullWidth || !imagep->mFullHeight)); S32 boost_level = mIsSelf ? LLViewerImage::BOOST_AVATAR_BAKED_SELF : LLViewerImage::BOOST_AVATAR_BAKED; // Spam if this is a baked texture, not set to default image, without valid host info if (isTextureIndexBaked(i) && imagep->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR && !imagep->getTargetHost().isOk()) { llwarns << "LLVOAvatar::updateTextures No host for texture " << imagep->getID() << " for avatar " << (mIsSelf ? "" : getID().asString().c_str()) << " on host " << getRegion()->getHost() << llendl; } switch( i ) { // Head case TEX_HEAD_BODYPAINT: addLocalTextureStats( LOCTEX_HEAD_BODYPAINT, imagep, texel_area_ratio, render_avatar, head_baked ); break; // Upper case TEX_UPPER_JACKET: addLocalTextureStats( LOCTEX_UPPER_JACKET, imagep, texel_area_ratio, render_avatar, upper_baked ); break; case TEX_UPPER_SHIRT: addLocalTextureStats( LOCTEX_UPPER_SHIRT, imagep, texel_area_ratio, render_avatar, upper_baked ); break; case TEX_UPPER_GLOVES: addLocalTextureStats( LOCTEX_UPPER_GLOVES, imagep, texel_area_ratio, render_avatar, upper_baked ); break; case TEX_UPPER_UNDERSHIRT: addLocalTextureStats( LOCTEX_UPPER_UNDERSHIRT, imagep, texel_area_ratio, render_avatar, upper_baked ); break; case TEX_UPPER_BODYPAINT: addLocalTextureStats( LOCTEX_UPPER_BODYPAINT, imagep, texel_area_ratio, render_avatar, upper_baked ); break; // Lower case TEX_LOWER_JACKET: addLocalTextureStats( LOCTEX_LOWER_JACKET, imagep, texel_area_ratio, render_avatar, lower_baked ); break; case TEX_LOWER_PANTS: addLocalTextureStats( LOCTEX_LOWER_PANTS, imagep, texel_area_ratio, render_avatar, lower_baked ); break; case TEX_LOWER_SHOES: addLocalTextureStats( LOCTEX_LOWER_SHOES, imagep, texel_area_ratio, render_avatar, lower_baked ); break; case TEX_LOWER_SOCKS: addLocalTextureStats( LOCTEX_LOWER_SOCKS, imagep, texel_area_ratio, render_avatar, lower_baked ); break; case TEX_LOWER_UNDERPANTS: addLocalTextureStats( LOCTEX_LOWER_UNDERPANTS, imagep, texel_area_ratio, render_avatar, lower_baked ); break; case TEX_LOWER_BODYPAINT: addLocalTextureStats( LOCTEX_LOWER_BODYPAINT, imagep, texel_area_ratio, render_avatar, lower_baked ); break; // Eyes case TEX_EYES_IRIS: addLocalTextureStats( LOCTEX_EYES_IRIS, imagep, texel_area_ratio, render_avatar, eyes_baked ); break; // Skirt case TEX_SKIRT: addLocalTextureStats( LOCTEX_SKIRT, imagep, texel_area_ratio, render_avatar, skirt_baked ); break; // Baked case TEX_HEAD_BAKED: if (head_baked) { addBakedTextureStats( imagep, mPixelArea, texel_area_ratio, boost_level ); } break; case TEX_UPPER_BAKED: if (upper_baked) { addBakedTextureStats( imagep, mPixelArea, texel_area_ratio, boost_level ); } break; case TEX_LOWER_BAKED: if (lower_baked) { addBakedTextureStats( imagep, mPixelArea, texel_area_ratio, boost_level ); } break; case TEX_EYES_BAKED: if (eyes_baked) { addBakedTextureStats( imagep, mPixelArea, texel_area_ratio, boost_level ); } break; case TEX_SKIRT_BAKED: if (skirt_baked) { addBakedTextureStats( imagep, mPixelArea, texel_area_ratio, boost_level ); } break; case TEX_HAIR: // Hair is neither a local texture used for baking, nor the output // of the baking process. It's just a texture that happens to be // used to draw avatars. Hence BOOST_AVATAR. JC boost_level = mIsSelf ? LLViewerImage::BOOST_AVATAR_SELF : LLViewerImage::BOOST_AVATAR; addBakedTextureStats( imagep, mPixelArea, texel_area_ratio, boost_level ); break; default: llassert(0); break; } } } if (gPipeline.hasRenderDebugMask(LLPipeline::RENDER_DEBUG_TEXTURE_AREA)) { setDebugText(llformat("%4.0f:%4.0f", fsqrtf(mMinPixelArea),fsqrtf(mMaxPixelArea))); } if( render_avatar ) { mShadowImagep->addTextureStats(mPixelArea, 1.f); } } void LLVOAvatar::addLocalTextureStats( LLVOAvatar::ELocTexIndex idx, LLViewerImage* imagep, F32 texel_area_ratio, BOOL render_avatar, BOOL covered_by_baked ) { if (!covered_by_baked && render_avatar && // always true if mIsSelf mLocalTexture[ idx ].notNull() && mLocalTexture[idx]->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR) { F32 desired_pixels; if( mIsSelf ) { desired_pixels = llmin(mPixelArea, (F32)LOCTEX_IMAGE_AREA_SELF ); imagep->setBoostLevel(LLViewerImage::BOOST_AVATAR_SELF); } else { desired_pixels = llmin(mPixelArea, (F32)LOCTEX_IMAGE_AREA_OTHER ); imagep->setBoostLevel(LLViewerImage::BOOST_AVATAR); } imagep->addTextureStats( desired_pixels, texel_area_ratio ); } } void LLVOAvatar::addBakedTextureStats( LLViewerImage* imagep, F32 pixel_area, F32 texel_area_ratio, S32 boost_level) { mMaxPixelArea = llmax(pixel_area, mMaxPixelArea); mMinPixelArea = llmin(pixel_area, mMinPixelArea); imagep->addTextureStats(pixel_area, texel_area_ratio); imagep->setBoostLevel(boost_level); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // resolveHeight() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::resolveHeightAgent(const LLVector3 &in_pos_agent, LLVector3 &out_pos_agent, LLVector3 &out_norm) { LLVector3d in_pos_global, out_pos_global; in_pos_global = gAgent.getPosGlobalFromAgent(in_pos_agent); resolveHeightGlobal(in_pos_global, out_pos_global, out_norm); out_pos_agent = gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(out_pos_global); } void LLVOAvatar::resolveRayCollisionAgent(const LLVector3d start_pt, const LLVector3d end_pt, LLVector3d &out_pos, LLVector3 &out_norm) { LLViewerObject *obj; gWorldPointer->resolveStepHeightGlobal(this, start_pt, end_pt, out_pos, out_norm, &obj); } void LLVOAvatar::resolveHeightGlobal(const LLVector3d &inPos, LLVector3d &outPos, LLVector3 &outNorm) { LLVector3d zVec(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f); LLVector3d p0 = inPos + zVec; LLVector3d p1 = inPos - zVec; LLViewerObject *obj; gWorldPointer->resolveStepHeightGlobal(this, p0, p1, outPos, outNorm, &obj); if (!obj) { mStepOnLand = TRUE; mStepMaterial = 0; mStepObjectVelocity.setVec(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } else { mStepOnLand = FALSE; mStepMaterial = obj->getMaterial(); // We want the primitive velocity, not our velocity... (which actually subtracts the // step object velocity) LLVector3 angularVelocity = obj->getAngularVelocity(); LLVector3 relativePos = gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(outPos) - obj->getPositionAgent(); LLVector3 linearComponent = angularVelocity % relativePos; // llinfos << "Linear Component of Rotation Velocity " << linearComponent << llendl; mStepObjectVelocity = obj->getVelocity() + linearComponent; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getStepSound() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLUUID& LLVOAvatar::getStepSound() { if ( mStepOnLand ) { return sStepSoundOnLand; } return sStepSounds[mStepMaterial]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // processAnimationStateChanges() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::processAnimationStateChanges() { LLMemType mt(LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR); if (gNoRender) { return; } if ( isAnyAnimationSignaled(AGENT_WALK_ANIMS, NUM_AGENT_WALK_ANIMS) ) { startMotion(ANIM_AGENT_WALK_ADJUST); stopMotion(ANIM_AGENT_FLY_ADJUST); } else if (mInAir && !mIsSitting) { stopMotion(ANIM_AGENT_WALK_ADJUST); startMotion(ANIM_AGENT_FLY_ADJUST); } else { stopMotion(ANIM_AGENT_WALK_ADJUST); stopMotion(ANIM_AGENT_FLY_ADJUST); } if ( isAnyAnimationSignaled(AGENT_GUN_AIM_ANIMS, NUM_AGENT_GUN_AIM_ANIMS) ) { startMotion(ANIM_AGENT_TARGET); stopMotion(ANIM_AGENT_BODY_NOISE); } else { stopMotion(ANIM_AGENT_TARGET); startMotion(ANIM_AGENT_BODY_NOISE); } // clear all current animations AnimIterator anim_it; for (anim_it = mPlayingAnimations.begin(); anim_it != mPlayingAnimations.end();) { AnimIterator found_anim = mSignaledAnimations.find(anim_it->first); // playing, but not signaled, so stop if (found_anim == mSignaledAnimations.end()) { processSingleAnimationStateChange(anim_it->first, FALSE); mPlayingAnimations.erase(anim_it++); continue; } ++anim_it; } // start up all new anims for (anim_it = mSignaledAnimations.begin(); anim_it != mSignaledAnimations.end();) { AnimIterator found_anim = mPlayingAnimations.find(anim_it->first); // signaled but not playing, or different sequence id, start motion if (found_anim == mPlayingAnimations.end() || found_anim->second != anim_it->second) { if (processSingleAnimationStateChange(anim_it->first, TRUE)) { mPlayingAnimations[anim_it->first] = anim_it->second; ++anim_it; continue; } } ++anim_it; } // clear source information for animations which have been stopped if (mIsSelf) { AnimSourceIterator source_it = mAnimationSources.begin(); for (source_it = mAnimationSources.begin(); source_it != mAnimationSources.end();) { if (mSignaledAnimations.find(source_it->second) == mSignaledAnimations.end()) { mAnimationSources.erase(source_it++); } else { ++source_it; } } } stop_glerror(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // processSingleAnimationStateChange(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatar::processSingleAnimationStateChange( const LLUUID& anim_id, BOOL start ) { LLMemType mt(LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR); BOOL result = FALSE; if ( start ) // start animation { if (anim_id == ANIM_AGENT_TYPE) { if (gAudiop) { LLVector3d char_pos_global = gAgent.getPosGlobalFromAgent(getCharacterPosition()); if (gParcelMgr && gParcelMgr->canHearSound(char_pos_global) && gMuteListp && !gMuteListp->isMuted(getID())) { // RN: uncomment this to play on typing sound at fixed volume once sound engine is fixed // to support both spatialized and non-spatialized instances of the same sound //if (mIsSelf) //{ // gAudiop->triggerSound(LLUUID(gSavedSettings.getString("UISndTyping")), 0.8f); //} //else { LLUUID sound_id = LLUUID(gSavedSettings.getString("UISndTyping")); gAudiop->triggerSound(sound_id, getID(), 1.f, char_pos_global); } } } } else if (anim_id == ANIM_AGENT_SIT_GROUND_CONSTRAINED) { mIsSitting = TRUE; } if (startMotion(anim_id)) { result = TRUE; } else { llwarns << "Failed to start motion!" << llendl; } } else //stop animation { if (anim_id == ANIM_AGENT_SIT_GROUND_CONSTRAINED) { mIsSitting = FALSE; } stopMotion(anim_id); result = TRUE; } return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // isAnyAnimationSignaled() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatar::isAnyAnimationSignaled(const LLUUID *anim_array, const S32 num_anims) { for (S32 i = 0; i < num_anims; i++) { if(mSignaledAnimations.find(anim_array[i]) != mSignaledAnimations.end()) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // resetAnimations() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::resetAnimations() { LLKeyframeMotion::flushKeyframeCache(); flushAllMotions(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // startMotion() // id is the asset if of the animation to start // time_offset is the offset into the animation at which to start playing //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatar::startMotion(const LLUUID& id, F32 time_offset) { LLMemType mt(LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR); // start special case female walk for female avatars if (getSex() == SEX_FEMALE) { if (id == ANIM_AGENT_WALK) { return LLCharacter::startMotion(ANIM_AGENT_FEMALE_WALK, time_offset); } else if (id == ANIM_AGENT_SIT) { return LLCharacter::startMotion(ANIM_AGENT_SIT_FEMALE, time_offset); } } if (mIsSelf && id == ANIM_AGENT_AWAY) { gAgent.setAFK(); } return LLCharacter::startMotion(id, time_offset); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // stopMotion() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatar::stopMotion(const LLUUID& id, BOOL stop_immediate) { if (mIsSelf) { gAgent.onAnimStop(id); } if (id == ANIM_AGENT_WALK) { LLCharacter::stopMotion(ANIM_AGENT_FEMALE_WALK, stop_immediate); } else if (id == ANIM_AGENT_SIT) { LLCharacter::stopMotion(ANIM_AGENT_SIT_FEMALE, stop_immediate); } return LLCharacter::stopMotion(id, stop_immediate); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // stopMotionFromSource() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::stopMotionFromSource(const LLUUID& source_id) { if (!mIsSelf) { return; } AnimSourceIterator motion_it; for(motion_it = mAnimationSources.find(source_id); motion_it != mAnimationSources.end();) { gAgent.sendAnimationRequest( motion_it->second, ANIM_REQUEST_STOP ); mAnimationSources.erase(motion_it++); } LLViewerObject* object = gObjectList.findObject(source_id); if (object) { object->mFlags &= ~FLAGS_ANIM_SOURCE; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getVolumePos() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLVector3 LLVOAvatar::getVolumePos(S32 joint_index, LLVector3& volume_offset) { if (joint_index > mNumCollisionVolumes) { return LLVector3::zero; } return mCollisionVolumes[joint_index].getVolumePos(volume_offset); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // findCollisionVolume() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLJoint* LLVOAvatar::findCollisionVolume(U32 volume_id) { if ((S32)volume_id > mNumCollisionVolumes) { return NULL; } return &mCollisionVolumes[volume_id]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // findCollisionVolume() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- S32 LLVOAvatar::getCollisionVolumeID(std::string &name) { for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumCollisionVolumes; i++) { if (mCollisionVolumes[i].getName() == name) { return i; } } return -1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // addDebugText() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::addDebugText(const std::string& text) { mDebugText.append(1, '\n'); mDebugText.append(text); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getID() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const LLUUID& LLVOAvatar::getID() { return mID; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getJoint() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RN: avatar joints are multi-rooted to include screen-based attachments LLJoint *LLVOAvatar::getJoint( const std::string &name ) { LLJoint* jointp = NULL; if (mScreenp) { jointp = mScreenp->findJoint(name); } if (!jointp) { jointp = mRoot.findJoint(name); } return jointp; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getCharacterPosition() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLVector3 LLVOAvatar::getCharacterPosition() { if (mDrawable.notNull()) { return mDrawable->getPositionAgent(); } else { return getPositionAgent(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLVOAvatar::getCharacterRotation() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLQuaternion LLVOAvatar::getCharacterRotation() { return getRotation(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLVOAvatar::getCharacterVelocity() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLVector3 LLVOAvatar::getCharacterVelocity() { return getVelocity() - mStepObjectVelocity; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLVOAvatar::getCharacterAngularVelocity() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLVector3 LLVOAvatar::getCharacterAngularVelocity() { return getAngularVelocity(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLVOAvatar::getGround() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::getGround(const LLVector3 &in_pos_agent, LLVector3 &out_pos_agent, LLVector3 &outNorm) { LLVector3d z_vec(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); LLVector3d p0_global, p1_global; if (gNoRender || mIsDummy) { outNorm.setVec(z_vec); out_pos_agent = in_pos_agent; return; } p0_global = gAgent.getPosGlobalFromAgent(in_pos_agent) + z_vec; p1_global = gAgent.getPosGlobalFromAgent(in_pos_agent) - z_vec; LLViewerObject *obj; LLVector3d out_pos_global; gWorldPointer->resolveStepHeightGlobal(this, p0_global, p1_global, out_pos_global, outNorm, &obj); out_pos_agent = gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(out_pos_global); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLVOAvatar::getTimeDilation() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- F32 LLVOAvatar::getTimeDilation() { return mTimeDilation; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLVOAvatar::getPixelArea() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- F32 LLVOAvatar::getPixelArea() const { if (mIsDummy) { return 100000.f; } return mPixelArea; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLVOAvatar::getHeadMesh() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLPolyMesh* LLVOAvatar::getHeadMesh() { return mHeadMesh0.getMesh(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLVOAvatar::getUpperBodyMesh() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLPolyMesh* LLVOAvatar::getUpperBodyMesh() { return mUpperBodyMesh0.getMesh(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLVOAvatar::getPosGlobalFromAgent() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLVector3d LLVOAvatar::getPosGlobalFromAgent(const LLVector3 &position) { return gAgent.getPosGlobalFromAgent(position); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getPosAgentFromGlobal() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLVector3 LLVOAvatar::getPosAgentFromGlobal(const LLVector3d &position) { return gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(position); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // allocateCharacterJoints() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatar::allocateCharacterJoints( U32 num ) { delete [] mSkeleton; mSkeleton = NULL; mNumJoints = 0; mSkeleton = new LLViewerJoint[num]; for(S32 joint_num = 0; joint_num < (S32)num; joint_num++) { mSkeleton[joint_num].setJointNum(joint_num); } if (!mSkeleton) { return FALSE; } mNumJoints = num; return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // allocateCollisionVolumes() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatar::allocateCollisionVolumes( U32 num ) { delete [] mCollisionVolumes; mCollisionVolumes = NULL; mNumCollisionVolumes = 0; mCollisionVolumes = new LLViewerJointCollisionVolume[num]; if (!mCollisionVolumes) { return FALSE; } mNumCollisionVolumes = num; return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getCharacterJoint() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLJoint *LLVOAvatar::getCharacterJoint( U32 num ) { if ((S32)num >= mNumJoints || (S32)num < 0) { return NULL; } return (LLJoint*)&mSkeleton[num]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // requestStopMotion() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::requestStopMotion( LLMotion* motion ) { // Only agent avatars should handle the stop motion notifications. if ( mIsSelf ) { // Notify agent that motion has stopped gAgent.requestStopMotion( motion ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // loadAvatar() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatar::loadAvatar() { // LLFastTimer t(LLFastTimer::FTM_LOAD_AVATAR); // avatar_skeleton.xml if( !buildSkeleton(sSkeletonInfo) ) { llwarns << "avatar file: buildSkeleton() failed" << llendl; return FALSE; } // avatar_lad.xml : if( !loadSkeletonNode() ) { llwarns << "avatar file: loadNodeSkeleton() failed" << llendl; return FALSE; } // avatar_lad.xml : if( !loadMeshNodes() ) { llwarns << "avatar file: loadNodeMesh() failed" << llendl; return FALSE; } // avatar_lad.xml : if( sAvatarInfo->mTexSkinColorInfo ) { mTexSkinColor = new LLTexGlobalColor( this ); if( !mTexSkinColor->setInfo( sAvatarInfo->mTexSkinColorInfo ) ) { llwarns << "avatar file: mTexSkinColor->setInfo() failed" << llendl; return FALSE; } } else { llwarns << " name=\"skin_color\" not found" << llendl; return FALSE; } if( sAvatarInfo->mTexHairColorInfo ) { mTexHairColor = new LLTexGlobalColor( this ); if( !mTexHairColor->setInfo( sAvatarInfo->mTexHairColorInfo ) ) { llwarns << "avatar file: mTexHairColor->setInfo() failed" << llendl; return FALSE; } } else { llwarns << " name=\"hair_color\" not found" << llendl; return FALSE; } if( sAvatarInfo->mTexEyeColorInfo ) { mTexEyeColor = new LLTexGlobalColor( this ); if( !mTexEyeColor->setInfo( sAvatarInfo->mTexEyeColorInfo ) ) { llwarns << "avatar file: mTexEyeColor->setInfo() failed" << llendl; return FALSE; } } else { llwarns << " name=\"eye_color\" not found" << llendl; return FALSE; } // avatar_lad.xml : if (sAvatarInfo->mLayerInfoList.empty()) { llwarns << "avatar file: missing node" << llendl; } else { LLVOAvatarInfo::layer_info_list_t::iterator iter; for (iter = sAvatarInfo->mLayerInfoList.begin(); iter != sAvatarInfo->mLayerInfoList.end(); iter++) { LLTexLayerSetInfo *info = *iter; LLTexLayerSet* layer_set = new LLTexLayerSet( this ); if (!layer_set->setInfo(info)) { stop_glerror(); delete layer_set; llwarns << "avatar file: layer_set->parseData() failed" << llendl; return FALSE; } if( layer_set->isBodyRegion( "head" ) ) { mHeadLayerSet = layer_set; } else if( layer_set->isBodyRegion( "upper_body" ) ) { mUpperBodyLayerSet = layer_set; } else if( layer_set->isBodyRegion( "lower_body" ) ) { mLowerBodyLayerSet = layer_set; } else if( layer_set->isBodyRegion( "eyes" ) ) { mEyesLayerSet = layer_set; } else if( layer_set->isBodyRegion( "skirt" ) ) { mSkirtLayerSet = layer_set; } else { llwarns << " has invalid body_region attribute" << llendl; delete layer_set; return FALSE; } } } // avatar_lad.xml : { LLVOAvatarInfo::driver_info_list_t::iterator iter; for (iter = sAvatarInfo->mDriverInfoList.begin(); iter != sAvatarInfo->mDriverInfoList.end(); iter++) { LLDriverParamInfo *info = *iter; LLDriverParam* driver_param = new LLDriverParam( this ); if (driver_param->setInfo(info)) { addVisualParam( driver_param ); } else { delete driver_param; llwarns << "avatar file: driver_param->parseData() failed" << llendl; return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // loadSkeletonNode(): loads node from XML tree //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatar::loadSkeletonNode () { mRoot.addChild( &mSkeleton[0] ); mRoot.addChild( &mHeadLOD ); mHeadLOD.mUpdateXform = FALSE; mHeadLOD.addChild( &mHeadMesh0 ); mHeadLOD.addChild( &mHeadMesh1 ); mHeadLOD.addChild( &mHeadMesh2 ); mHeadLOD.addChild( &mHeadMesh3 ); mHeadLOD.addChild( &mHeadMesh4 ); mRoot.addChild( &mEyeLashLOD ); mEyeLashLOD.mUpdateXform = FALSE; mEyeLashLOD.addChild( &mEyeLashMesh0 ); mRoot.addChild( &mUpperBodyLOD ); mUpperBodyLOD.mUpdateXform = FALSE; mUpperBodyLOD.addChild( &mUpperBodyMesh0 ); mUpperBodyLOD.addChild( &mUpperBodyMesh1 ); mUpperBodyLOD.addChild( &mUpperBodyMesh2 ); mUpperBodyLOD.addChild( &mUpperBodyMesh3 ); mUpperBodyLOD.addChild( &mUpperBodyMesh4 ); mRoot.addChild( &mLowerBodyLOD ); mLowerBodyLOD.mUpdateXform = FALSE; mLowerBodyLOD.addChild( &mLowerBodyMesh0 ); mLowerBodyLOD.addChild( &mLowerBodyMesh1 ); mLowerBodyLOD.addChild( &mLowerBodyMesh2 ); mLowerBodyLOD.addChild( &mLowerBodyMesh3 ); mLowerBodyLOD.addChild( &mLowerBodyMesh4 ); mRoot.addChild( &mSkirtLOD ); mSkirtLOD.mUpdateXform = FALSE; mSkirtLOD.addChild( &mSkirtMesh0 ); mSkirtLOD.addChild( &mSkirtMesh1 ); mSkirtLOD.addChild( &mSkirtMesh2 ); mSkirtLOD.addChild( &mSkirtMesh3 ); mSkirtLOD.addChild( &mSkirtMesh4 ); LLViewerJoint *skull = (LLViewerJoint*)mRoot.findJoint("mSkull"); if (skull) { skull->addChild( &mHairLOD ); mHairLOD.mUpdateXform = FALSE; mHairLOD.addChild( &mHairMesh0 ); mHairLOD.addChild( &mHairMesh1 ); mHairLOD.addChild( &mHairMesh2 ); mHairLOD.addChild( &mHairMesh3 ); mHairLOD.addChild( &mHairMesh4 ); mHairLOD.addChild( &mHairMesh5 ); } LLViewerJoint *eyeL = (LLViewerJoint*)mRoot.findJoint("mEyeLeft"); if (eyeL) { eyeL->addChild( &mEyeBallLeftLOD ); mEyeBallLeftLOD.mUpdateXform = FALSE; mEyeBallLeftLOD.addChild( &mEyeBallLeftMesh0 ); mEyeBallLeftLOD.addChild( &mEyeBallLeftMesh1 ); } LLViewerJoint *eyeR = (LLViewerJoint*)mRoot.findJoint("mEyeRight"); if (eyeR) { eyeR->addChild( &mEyeBallRightLOD ); mEyeBallRightLOD.mUpdateXform = FALSE; mEyeBallRightLOD.addChild( &mEyeBallRightMesh0 ); mEyeBallRightLOD.addChild( &mEyeBallRightMesh1 ); } // SKELETAL DISTORTIONS { LLVOAvatarInfo::skeletal_distortion_info_list_t::iterator iter; for (iter = sAvatarInfo->mSkeletalDistortionInfoList.begin(); iter != sAvatarInfo->mSkeletalDistortionInfoList.end(); iter++) { LLPolySkeletalDistortionInfo *info = *iter; LLPolySkeletalDistortion *param = new LLPolySkeletalDistortion(this); if (!param->setInfo(info)) { delete param; return FALSE; } else { addVisualParam(param); } } } // ATTACHMENTS { LLVOAvatarInfo::attachment_info_list_t::iterator iter; for (iter = sAvatarInfo->mAttachmentInfoList.begin(); iter != sAvatarInfo->mAttachmentInfoList.end(); iter++) { LLVOAvatarInfo::LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo *info = *iter; if (!isSelf() && info->mJointName == "mScreen") { //don't process screen joint for other avatars continue; } LLViewerJointAttachment* attachment = new LLViewerJointAttachment(); attachment->setName(info->mName); LLJoint *parentJoint = getJoint(info->mJointName); if (!parentJoint) { llwarns << "No parent joint by name " << info->mJointName << " found for attachment point " << info->mName << llendl; delete attachment; continue; } if (info->mHasPosition) { attachment->setOriginalPosition(info->mPosition); } if (info->mHasRotation) { LLQuaternion rotation; rotation.setQuat(info->mRotationEuler.mV[VX] * DEG_TO_RAD, info->mRotationEuler.mV[VY] * DEG_TO_RAD, info->mRotationEuler.mV[VZ] * DEG_TO_RAD); attachment->setRotation(rotation); } int group = info->mGroup; if (group >= 0) { if (group < 0 || group >= 9) { llwarns << "Invalid group number (" << group << ") for attachment point " << info->mName << llendl; } else { attachment->setGroup(group); } } S32 attachmentID = info->mAttachmentID; if (attachmentID < 1 || attachmentID > 255) { llwarns << "Attachment point out of range [1-255]: " << attachmentID << " on attachment point " << info->mName << llendl; delete attachment; continue; } if (mAttachmentPoints.checkData(attachmentID)) { llwarns << "Attachment point redefined with id " << attachmentID << " on attachment point " << info->mName << llendl; delete attachment; continue; } attachment->setPieSlice(info->mPieMenuSlice); attachment->setVisibleInFirstPerson(info->mVisibleFirstPerson); attachment->setIsHUDAttachment(info->mIsHUDAttachment); mAttachmentPoints[attachmentID] = attachment; // now add attachment joint parentJoint->addChild(attachment); } } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // loadMeshNodes(): loads nodes from XML tree //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatar::loadMeshNodes() { LLVOAvatarInfo::mesh_info_list_t::iterator iter; for (iter = sAvatarInfo->mMeshInfoList.begin(); iter != sAvatarInfo->mMeshInfoList.end(); iter++) { LLVOAvatarInfo::LLVOAvatarMeshInfo *info = *iter; LLString &type = info->mType; S32 lod = info->mLOD; LLViewerJointMesh* mesh = NULL; if (type == "hairMesh") { switch (lod) { case 0: mesh = &mHairMesh0; break; case 1: mesh = &mHairMesh1; break; case 2: mesh = &mHairMesh2; break; case 3: mesh = &mHairMesh3; break; case 4: mesh = &mHairMesh4; break; case 5: mesh = &mHairMesh5; break; default: llwarns << "Avatar file: has invalid lod setting " << lod << llendl; return FALSE; } } else if (type == "headMesh") { switch (lod) { case 0: mesh = &mHeadMesh0; break; case 1: mesh = &mHeadMesh1; break; case 2: mesh = &mHeadMesh2; break; case 3: mesh = &mHeadMesh3; break; case 4: mesh = &mHeadMesh4; break; default: llwarns << "Avatar file: has invalid lod setting " << lod << llendl; return FALSE; } } else if (type == "upperBodyMesh") { switch (lod) { case 0: mesh = &mUpperBodyMesh0; break; case 1: mesh = &mUpperBodyMesh1; break; case 2: mesh = &mUpperBodyMesh2; break; case 3: mesh = &mUpperBodyMesh3; break; case 4: mesh = &mUpperBodyMesh4; break; default: llwarns << "Avatar file: has invalid lod setting " << lod << llendl; return FALSE; } } else if (type == "lowerBodyMesh") { switch (lod) { case 0: mesh = &mLowerBodyMesh0; break; case 1: mesh = &mLowerBodyMesh1; break; case 2: mesh = &mLowerBodyMesh2; break; case 3: mesh = &mLowerBodyMesh3; break; case 4: mesh = &mLowerBodyMesh4; break; default: llwarns << "Avatar file: has invalid lod setting " << lod << llendl; return FALSE; } } else if (type == "skirtMesh") { switch (lod) { case 0: mesh = &mSkirtMesh0; break; case 1: mesh = &mSkirtMesh1; break; case 2: mesh = &mSkirtMesh2; break; case 3: mesh = &mSkirtMesh3; break; case 4: mesh = &mSkirtMesh4; break; default: llwarns << "Avatar file: has invalid lod setting " << lod << llendl; return FALSE; } } else if (type == "eyelashMesh") { mesh = &mEyeLashMesh0; } else if (type == "eyeBallLeftMesh") { switch (lod) { case 0: mesh = &mEyeBallLeftMesh0; break; case 1: mesh = &mEyeBallLeftMesh1; break; default: llwarns << "Avatar file: has invalid lod setting " << lod << llendl; return FALSE; } } else if (type == "eyeBallRightMesh") { switch (lod) { case 0: mesh = &mEyeBallRightMesh0; break; case 1: mesh = &mEyeBallRightMesh1; break; default: llwarns << "Avatar file: has invalid lod setting " << lod << llendl; return FALSE; } } if( !mesh ) { llwarns << "Ignoring unrecognized mesh type: " << type << llendl; return FALSE; } // llinfos << "Parsing mesh data for " << type << "..." << llendl; mesh->setColor( 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f ); LLPolyMesh *poly_mesh = NULL; if (!info->mReferenceMeshName.empty()) { mesh_map_t::iterator iter = mMeshes.find(info->mReferenceMeshName); if (iter != mMeshes.end()) { poly_mesh = LLPolyMesh::getMesh(info->mMeshFileName, iter->second); poly_mesh->setAvatar(this); } else { // This should never happen } } else { poly_mesh = LLPolyMesh::getMesh(info->mMeshFileName); poly_mesh->setAvatar(this); } if( !poly_mesh ) { llwarns << "Failed to load mesh of type " << type << llendl; return FALSE; } // Multimap insert mMeshes.insert(std::pair(info->mMeshFileName, poly_mesh)); mesh->setMesh( poly_mesh ); mesh->setLOD( info->mMinPixelArea ); LLVOAvatarInfo::LLVOAvatarMeshInfo::morph_info_list_t::iterator iter; for (iter = info->mPolyMorphTargetInfoList.begin(); iter != info->mPolyMorphTargetInfoList.end(); iter++) { LLVOAvatarInfo::LLVOAvatarMeshInfo::morph_info_pair_t *info_pair = &(*iter); LLPolyMorphTarget *param = new LLPolyMorphTarget(mesh->getMesh()); if (!param->setInfo(info_pair->first)) { delete param; return FALSE; } else { if (info_pair->second) { addSharedVisualParam(param); } else { addVisualParam(param); } } } } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // updateVisualParams() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::updateVisualParams() { if (gNoRender) { return; } setSex( (getVisualParamWeight( "male" ) > 0.5f) ? SEX_MALE : SEX_FEMALE ); LLCharacter::updateVisualParams(); if (mLastSkeletonSerialNum != mSkeletonSerialNum) { computeBodySize(); mLastSkeletonSerialNum = mSkeletonSerialNum; mRoot.updateWorldMatrixChildren(); } dirtyMesh(); updateHeadOffset(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // isActive() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatar::isActive() const { return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // setPixelAreaAndAngle() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::setPixelAreaAndAngle(LLAgent &agent) { LLMemType mt(LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR); F32 max_scale = getMaxScale(); F32 mid_scale = getMidScale(); F32 min_scale = llmin( getScale().mV[VX], llmin( getScale().mV[VY], getScale().mV[VZ] ) ); // IW: esitmate - when close to large objects, computing range based on distance from center is no good // to try to get a min distance from face, subtract min_scale/2 from the range. // This means we'll load too much detail sometimes, but that's better than not enough // I don't think there's a better way to do this without calculating distance per-poly F32 range = (getRenderPosition()-gCamera->getOrigin()).magVec() - min_scale/2; if (range < 0.001f) // range == zero { mAppAngle = 180.f; mPixelArea = gCamera->getViewHeightInPixels() * gCamera->getViewHeightInPixels() * gCamera->getAspect(); } else { mAppAngle = (F32) atan2( max_scale, range) * RAD_TO_DEG; F32 pixels_per_meter = gCamera->getPixelMeterRatio() / range; mPixelArea = (pixels_per_meter * max_scale) * (pixels_per_meter * mid_scale); // if( !mIsSelf ) // { // llinfos << "range " << range << llendl; // llinfos << "pixels_per_meter " << pixels_per_meter << llendl; // llinfos << "scale " << max_scale << "x" << mid_scale << llendl; // llinfos << "pixel area " << mPixelArea << llendl; // } } // We always want to look good to ourselves if( mIsSelf ) { mPixelArea = llmax( mPixelArea, F32(LOCTEX_IMAGE_SIZE_SELF / 16) ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // updateJointLODs() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatar::updateJointLODs() { F32 lod_factor = (sLODFactor * AVATAR_LOD_TWEAK_RANGE + (1.f - AVATAR_LOD_TWEAK_RANGE)); F32 avatar_num_min_factor = clamp_rescale(sLODFactor, 0.f, 1.f, 0.25f, 0.6f); F32 avatar_num_factor = clamp_rescale((F32)sNumVisibleAvatars, 8, 25, 1.f, avatar_num_min_factor); { if (mIsSelf) { if(gAgent.cameraCustomizeAvatar() || gAgent.cameraMouselook()) { mAdjustedPixelArea = 1000000; } else { mAdjustedPixelArea = mPixelArea; } } else if (mIsDummy) { mAdjustedPixelArea = 1000000; } else { // reported avatar pixel area is dependent on avatar render load, based on number of visible avatars mAdjustedPixelArea = (F32)mPixelArea * lod_factor * lod_factor * avatar_num_factor * avatar_num_factor; } // now select meshes to render based on adjusted pixel area BOOL res = mRoot.updateLOD(mAdjustedPixelArea, TRUE); if (res) { sNumLODChangesThisFrame++; dirtyMesh(); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // createDrawable() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLDrawable *LLVOAvatar::createDrawable(LLPipeline *pipeline) { pipeline->allocDrawable(this); mDrawable->setLit(FALSE); LLDrawPoolAvatar *poolp = (LLDrawPoolAvatar*) gPipeline.getPool(LLDrawPool::POOL_AVATAR); // Only a single face (one per avatar) mDrawable->setState(LLDrawable::ACTIVE); mDrawable->addFace(poolp, NULL); mDrawable->setRenderType(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR); LLFace *facep; // Add faces for the foot shadows facep = mDrawable->addFace((LLFacePool*) NULL, mShadowImagep); mShadow0Facep = facep; facep = mDrawable->addFace((LLFacePool*) NULL, mShadowImagep); mShadow1Facep = facep; dirtyMesh(); return mDrawable; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // updateGeometry() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatar::updateGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable) { LLFastTimer ftm(LLFastTimer::FTM_UPDATE_AVATAR); if (!(gPipeline.hasRenderType(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR))) { return TRUE; } if (!mMeshValid) { return TRUE; } if (!drawable) { llerrs << "LLVOAvatar::updateGeometry() called with NULL drawable" << llendl; } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // updateShadowFaces() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::updateShadowFaces() { LLFace *face0p = mShadow0Facep; LLFace *face1p = mShadow1Facep; // // render avatar shadows // if (mInAir) { face0p->setSize(0, 0); face1p->setSize(0, 0); return; } LLSprite sprite(mShadowImageID); sprite.setFollow(FALSE); const F32 cos_angle = gSky.getSunDirection().mV[2]; F32 cos_elev = sqrt(1 - cos_angle * cos_angle); if (cos_angle < 0) cos_elev = -cos_elev; sprite.setSize(0.4f + cos_elev * 0.8f, 0.3f); LLVector3 sun_vec = gSky.mVOSkyp->getToSun(); if (mShadowImagep->getHasGLTexture()) { LLVector3 normal; LLVector3d shadow_pos; LLVector3 shadow_pos_agent; F32 foot_height; if (mFootLeftp) { LLVector3 joint_world_pos = mFootLeftp->getWorldPosition(); // this only does a ray straight down from the foot, as our client-side ray-tracing is very limited now // but we make an explicit ray trace call in expectation of future improvements resolveRayCollisionAgent(gAgent.getPosGlobalFromAgent(joint_world_pos), gAgent.getPosGlobalFromAgent(gSky.getSunDirection() + joint_world_pos), shadow_pos, normal); shadow_pos_agent = gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(shadow_pos); foot_height = joint_world_pos.mV[VZ] - shadow_pos_agent.mV[VZ]; // Pull sprite in direction of surface normal shadow_pos_agent += normal * SHADOW_OFFSET_AMT; // Render sprite sprite.setNormal(normal); if (mIsSelf && gAgent.getCameraMode() == CAMERA_MODE_MOUSELOOK) { sprite.setColor(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f); } else { sprite.setColor(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, clamp_rescale(foot_height, MIN_SHADOW_HEIGHT, MAX_SHADOW_HEIGHT, 0.5f, 0.f)); } sprite.setPosition(shadow_pos_agent); LLVector3 foot_to_knee = mKneeLeftp->getWorldPosition() - joint_world_pos; //foot_to_knee.normVec(); foot_to_knee -= projected_vec(foot_to_knee, sun_vec); sprite.setYaw(azimuth(sun_vec - foot_to_knee)); sprite.updateFace(*face0p); } if (mFootRightp) { LLVector3 joint_world_pos = mFootRightp->getWorldPosition(); // this only does a ray straight down from the foot, as our client-side ray-tracing is very limited now // but we make an explicit ray trace call in expectation of future improvements resolveRayCollisionAgent(gAgent.getPosGlobalFromAgent(joint_world_pos), gAgent.getPosGlobalFromAgent(gSky.getSunDirection() + joint_world_pos), shadow_pos, normal); shadow_pos_agent = gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(shadow_pos); foot_height = joint_world_pos.mV[VZ] - shadow_pos_agent.mV[VZ]; // Pull sprite in direction of surface normal shadow_pos_agent += normal * SHADOW_OFFSET_AMT; // Render sprite sprite.setNormal(normal); if (mIsSelf && gAgent.getCameraMode() == CAMERA_MODE_MOUSELOOK) { sprite.setColor(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f); } else { sprite.setColor(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, clamp_rescale(foot_height, MIN_SHADOW_HEIGHT, MAX_SHADOW_HEIGHT, 0.5f, 0.f)); } sprite.setPosition(shadow_pos_agent); LLVector3 foot_to_knee = mKneeRightp->getWorldPosition() - joint_world_pos; //foot_to_knee.normVec(); foot_to_knee -= projected_vec(foot_to_knee, sun_vec); sprite.setYaw(azimuth(sun_vec - foot_to_knee)); sprite.updateFace(*face1p); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // updateSexDependentLayerSets() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::updateSexDependentLayerSets( BOOL set_by_user ) { invalidateComposite( mHeadLayerSet, set_by_user ); invalidateComposite( mLowerBodyLayerSet, set_by_user ); invalidateComposite( mUpperBodyLayerSet, set_by_user ); updateMeshTextures(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dirtyMesh() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::dirtyMesh() { mDirtyMesh = TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // requestLayerSetUpdate() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::requestLayerSetUpdate( LLVOAvatar::ELocTexIndex i ) { switch( i ) { case LOCTEX_HEAD_BODYPAINT: if( mHeadLayerSet ) { mHeadLayerSet->requestUpdate(); } break; case LOCTEX_UPPER_BODYPAINT: case LOCTEX_UPPER_SHIRT: case LOCTEX_UPPER_GLOVES: case LOCTEX_UPPER_UNDERSHIRT: if( mUpperBodyLayerSet ) { mUpperBodyLayerSet->requestUpdate(); } break; case LOCTEX_LOWER_BODYPAINT: case LOCTEX_LOWER_PANTS: case LOCTEX_LOWER_SHOES: case LOCTEX_LOWER_SOCKS: case LOCTEX_LOWER_UNDERPANTS: if( mLowerBodyLayerSet ) { mLowerBodyLayerSet->requestUpdate(); } break; case LOCTEX_EYES_IRIS: if( mEyesLayerSet ) { mEyesLayerSet->requestUpdate(); } break; case LOCTEX_SKIRT: if( mSkirtLayerSet ) { mSkirtLayerSet->requestUpdate(); } break; case LOCTEX_LOWER_JACKET: if( mUpperBodyLayerSet ) { mUpperBodyLayerSet->requestUpdate(); } if( mLowerBodyLayerSet ) { mLowerBodyLayerSet->requestUpdate(); } break; } } void LLVOAvatar::setParent(LLViewerObject* parent) { if (parent == NULL) { getOffObject(); LLViewerObject::setParent(parent); if (isSelf()) { gAgent.resetCamera(); } } else { LLViewerObject::setParent(parent); sitOnObject(parent); } } void LLVOAvatar::addChild(LLViewerObject *childp) { LLViewerObject::addChild(childp); attachObject(childp); } void LLVOAvatar::removeChild(LLViewerObject *childp) { LLViewerObject::removeChild(childp); detachObject(childp); } LLViewerJointAttachment* LLVOAvatar::getTargetAttachmentPoint(LLViewerObject* viewer_object) { S32 attachmentID = ATTACHMENT_ID_FROM_STATE(viewer_object->getState()); LLViewerJointAttachment* attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getIfThere(attachmentID); if (!attachment) { llwarns << "Object attachment point invalid: " << attachmentID << llendl; } return attachment; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // attachObject() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatar::attachObject(LLViewerObject *viewer_object) { LLViewerJointAttachment* attachment = getTargetAttachmentPoint(viewer_object); if (!attachment->addObject(viewer_object)) { return FALSE; } if (viewer_object->isSelected()) { gSelectMgr->updateSelectionCenter(); gSelectMgr->updatePointAt(); } if (mIsSelf) { updateAttachmentVisibility(gAgent.getCameraMode()); // Then make sure the inventory is in sync with the avatar. gInventory.addChangedMask( LLInventoryObserver::LABEL, attachment->getItemID() ); gInventory.notifyObservers(); } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // lazyAttach() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::lazyAttach() { for(LLViewerJointAttachment* attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getFirstData(); attachment; attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getNextData()) { if (attachment->getAttachmentDirty()) { attachment->lazyAttach(); if (mIsSelf) { updateAttachmentVisibility(gAgent.getCameraMode()); } } } } void LLVOAvatar::resetHUDAttachments() { for(LLViewerJointAttachment* attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getFirstData(); attachment; attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getNextData()) { if (attachment->getIsHUDAttachment()) { LLViewerObject* obj = attachment->getObject(); if (obj && obj->mDrawable.notNull()) { gPipeline.markMoved(obj->mDrawable); } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // detachObject() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatar::detachObject(LLViewerObject *viewer_object) { for(LLViewerJointAttachment* attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getFirstData(); attachment; attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getNextData()) { // only one object per attachment point for now if (attachment->getObject() == viewer_object) { LLUUID item_id = attachment->getItemID(); attachment->removeObject(viewer_object); if (mIsSelf) { // the simulator should automatically handle // permissiosn revokation stopMotionFromSource(viewer_object->getID()); LLFollowCamMgr::setCameraActive(viewer_object->getID(), FALSE); for (S32 i = 0; i < (S32)viewer_object->mChildList.size(); i++) { LLViewerObject* child_objectp = viewer_object->mChildList[i]; // the simulator should automatically handle // permissions revokation stopMotionFromSource(child_objectp->getID()); LLFollowCamMgr::setCameraActive(child_objectp->getID(), FALSE); } } lldebugs << "Detaching object " << viewer_object->mID << " from " << attachment->getName() << llendl; if (mIsSelf) { // Then make sure the inventory is in sync with the avatar. gInventory.addChangedMask(LLInventoryObserver::LABEL, item_id); gInventory.notifyObservers(); } return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // sitOnObject() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::sitOnObject(LLViewerObject *sit_object) { if (mDrawable.isNull()) { return; } LLQuaternion inv_obj_rot = ~sit_object->getRenderRotation(); LLVector3 obj_pos = sit_object->getRenderPosition(); LLVector3 rel_pos = getRenderPosition() - obj_pos; rel_pos.rotVec(inv_obj_rot); mDrawable->mXform.setPosition(rel_pos); mDrawable->mXform.setRotation(mDrawable->getWorldRotation() * inv_obj_rot); gPipeline.markMoved(mDrawable, TRUE); mIsSitting = TRUE; mRoot.getXform()->setParent(&sit_object->mDrawable->mXform); // LLVOAvatar::sitOnObject mRoot.setPosition(getPosition()); mRoot.updateWorldMatrixChildren(); stopMotion(ANIM_AGENT_BODY_NOISE); if (mIsSelf) { // Might be first sit LLFirstUse::useSit(); gAgent.setFlying(FALSE); gAgent.setThirdPersonHeadOffset(LLVector3::zero); //interpolate to new camera position gAgent.startCameraAnimation(); // make sure we are not trying to autopilot gAgent.stopAutoPilot(); gAgent.setupSitCamera(); if (gAgent.mForceMouselook) gAgent.changeCameraToMouselook(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getOffObject() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::getOffObject() { if (mDrawable.isNull()) { return; } LLViewerObject* sit_object = (LLViewerObject*)getParent(); if (sit_object) { stopMotionFromSource(sit_object->getID()); LLFollowCamMgr::setCameraActive(sit_object->getID(), FALSE); for (S32 i = 0; i < (S32)sit_object->mChildList.size(); i++) { LLViewerObject* child_objectp = sit_object->mChildList[i]; stopMotionFromSource(child_objectp->getID()); LLFollowCamMgr::setCameraActive(child_objectp->getID(), FALSE); } } // assumes that transform will not be updated with drawable still having a parent LLVector3 cur_position_world = mDrawable->getWorldPosition(); LLQuaternion cur_rotation_world = mDrawable->getWorldRotation(); // set *local* position based on last *world* position, since we're unparenting the avatar mDrawable->mXform.setPosition(cur_position_world); mDrawable->mXform.setRotation(cur_rotation_world); gPipeline.markMoved(mDrawable, TRUE); mIsSitting = FALSE; mRoot.getXform()->setParent(NULL); // LLVOAvatar::getOffObject mRoot.setPosition(cur_position_world); mRoot.setRotation(cur_rotation_world); mRoot.getXform()->update(); startMotion(ANIM_AGENT_BODY_NOISE); if (mIsSelf) { LLQuaternion av_rot = gAgent.getFrameAgent().getQuaternion(); LLQuaternion obj_rot = sit_object ? sit_object->getRenderRotation() : LLQuaternion::DEFAULT; av_rot = av_rot * obj_rot; LLVector3 at_axis = LLVector3::x_axis; at_axis = at_axis * av_rot; at_axis.mV[VZ] = 0.f; at_axis.normVec(); gAgent.resetAxes(at_axis); //reset orientation // mRoot.setRotation(avWorldRot); gAgent.setThirdPersonHeadOffset(LLVector3(0.f, 0.f, 1.f)); gAgent.setSitCamera(LLUUID::null); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // findAvatarFromAttachment() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static LLVOAvatar* LLVOAvatar::findAvatarFromAttachment( LLViewerObject* obj ) { if( obj->isAttachment() ) { do { obj = (LLViewerObject*) obj->getParent(); } while( obj && !obj->isAvatar() ); if( obj && !obj->isDead() ) { return (LLVOAvatar*)obj; } } return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // isWearingAttachment() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatar::isWearingAttachment( const LLUUID& inv_item_id ) { for (LLViewerJointAttachment *attachment_point = mAttachmentPoints.getFirstData(); attachment_point; attachment_point = mAttachmentPoints.getNextData()) { if( attachment_point->getItemID() == inv_item_id ) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getWornAttachment() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLViewerObject* LLVOAvatar::getWornAttachment( const LLUUID& inv_item_id ) { for (LLViewerJointAttachment *attachment_point = mAttachmentPoints.getFirstData(); attachment_point; attachment_point = mAttachmentPoints.getNextData()) { if( attachment_point->getItemID() == inv_item_id ) { return attachment_point->getObject(); } } return NULL; } const LLString LLVOAvatar::getAttachedPointName(const LLUUID& inv_item_id) { for (LLViewerJointAttachment *attachment_point = mAttachmentPoints.getFirstData(); attachment_point; attachment_point = mAttachmentPoints.getNextData()) { if( attachment_point->getItemID() == inv_item_id ) { return (LLString)attachment_point->getName(); } } return LLString::null; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static // onLocalTextureLoaded() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::onLocalTextureLoaded( BOOL success, LLViewerImage *src_vi, LLImageRaw* src_raw, LLImageRaw* aux_src, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void* userdata ) { //llinfos << "onLocalTextureLoaded: " << src_vi->getID() << llendl; const LLUUID& src_id = src_vi->getID(); LLAvatarTexData *data = (LLAvatarTexData *)userdata; if (success) { LLVOAvatar *self = (LLVOAvatar *)gObjectList.findObject(data->mAvatarID); LLVOAvatar::ELocTexIndex idx = data->mIndex; if( self && (!self->mLocalTextureBaked[ idx ]) && (self->mLocalTexture[ idx ].notNull()) && (self->mLocalTexture[ idx ]->getID() == src_id) && (discard_level < self->mLocalTextureDiscard[idx])) { self->mLocalTextureDiscard[idx] = discard_level; self->requestLayerSetUpdate( idx ); if( self->mIsSelf && gAgent.cameraCustomizeAvatar() ) { LLVisualParamHint::requestHintUpdates(); } self->updateMeshTextures(); } } if( final || !success ) { delete data; } } void LLVOAvatar::updateComposites() { if( mHeadLayerSet ) { mHeadLayerSet->updateComposite(); } if( mUpperBodyLayerSet ) { mUpperBodyLayerSet->updateComposite(); } if( mLowerBodyLayerSet ) { mLowerBodyLayerSet->updateComposite(); } if( mEyesLayerSet ) { mEyesLayerSet->updateComposite(); } if( mSkirtLayerSet && isWearingWearableType( WT_SKIRT )) { mSkirtLayerSet->updateComposite(); } } LLColor4 LLVOAvatar::getGlobalColor( const LLString& color_name ) { if( color_name=="skin_color" && mTexSkinColor ) { return mTexSkinColor->getColor(); } else if( color_name=="hair_color" && mTexHairColor ) { return mTexHairColor->getColor(); } if( color_name=="eye_color" && mTexEyeColor ) { return mTexEyeColor->getColor(); } else { // return LLColor4( .5f, .5f, .5f, .5f ); return LLColor4( 0.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f ); // good debugging color } } void LLVOAvatar::invalidateComposite( LLTexLayerSet* layerset, BOOL set_by_user ) { if( !layerset || !layerset->getUpdatesEnabled() ) { return; } /* Debug spam. JC const char* layer_name = ""; if (layerset == mHeadLayerSet) { layer_name = "head"; } else if (layerset == mUpperBodyLayerSet) { layer_name = "upperbody"; } else if (layerset == mLowerBodyLayerSet) { layer_name = "lowerbody"; } else if (layerset == mEyesLayerSet) { layer_name = "eyes"; } else if (layerset == mSkirtLayerSet) { layer_name = "skirt"; } else { layer_name = "unknown"; } llinfos << "LLVOAvatar::invalidComposite() " << layer_name << llendl; */ layerset->requestUpdate(); if( set_by_user ) { llassert( mIsSelf ); ETextureIndex baked_te = getBakedTE( layerset ); if( gAgent.cameraCustomizeAvatar() ) { mSavedTE[ baked_te ].setNull(); } else { setTEImage( baked_te, gImageList.getImage(IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR) ); layerset->requestUpload(); } } } void LLVOAvatar::onGlobalColorChanged( LLTexGlobalColor* global_color, BOOL set_by_user ) { if( global_color == mTexSkinColor ) { // llinfos << "invalidateComposite cause: onGlobalColorChanged( skin color )" << llendl; invalidateComposite( mHeadLayerSet, set_by_user ); invalidateComposite( mUpperBodyLayerSet, set_by_user ); invalidateComposite( mLowerBodyLayerSet, set_by_user ); } else if( global_color == mTexHairColor ) { // llinfos << "invalidateComposite cause: onGlobalColorChanged( hair color )" << llendl; invalidateComposite( mHeadLayerSet, set_by_user ); LLColor4 color = mTexHairColor->getColor(); mHairMesh0.setColor( color.mV[VX], color.mV[VY], color.mV[VZ], color.mV[VW] ); mHairMesh1.setColor( color.mV[VX], color.mV[VY], color.mV[VZ], color.mV[VW] ); mHairMesh2.setColor( color.mV[VX], color.mV[VY], color.mV[VZ], color.mV[VW] ); mHairMesh3.setColor( color.mV[VX], color.mV[VY], color.mV[VZ], color.mV[VW] ); mHairMesh4.setColor( color.mV[VX], color.mV[VY], color.mV[VZ], color.mV[VW] ); mHairMesh5.setColor( color.mV[VX], color.mV[VY], color.mV[VZ], color.mV[VW] ); } else if( global_color == mTexEyeColor ) { // llinfos << "invalidateComposite cause: onGlobalColorChanged( eyecolor )" << llendl; invalidateComposite( mEyesLayerSet, set_by_user ); } updateMeshTextures(); } void LLVOAvatar::forceBakeAllTextures(bool slam_for_debug) { llinfos << "TAT: forced full rebake. " << llendl; for (S32 i = 0; i < BAKED_TEXTURE_COUNT; i++) { ETextureIndex baked_index = sBakedTextureIndices[i]; LLTexLayerSet* layer_set = getLayerSet(baked_index); if (layer_set) { if (slam_for_debug) { layer_set->setUpdatesEnabled(TRUE); layer_set->cancelUpload(); } BOOL set_by_user = TRUE; invalidateComposite(layer_set, set_by_user); gViewerStats->incStat(LLViewerStats::ST_TEX_REBAKES); } else { llwarns << "TAT: NO LAYER SET FOR " << (S32)baked_index << llendl; } } // Don't know if this is needed updateMeshTextures(); } // static void LLVOAvatar::processRebakeAvatarTextures(LLMessageSystem* msg, void**) { LLUUID texture_id; msg->getUUID("TextureData", "TextureID", texture_id); LLVOAvatar* self = gAgent.getAvatarObject(); if (!self) return; // If this is a texture corresponding to one of our baked entries, // just rebake that layer set. BOOL found = FALSE; for (S32 i = 0; i < BAKED_TEXTURE_COUNT; i++) { ETextureIndex baked_index = sBakedTextureIndices[i]; if (texture_id == self->getTEImage(baked_index)->getID()) { LLTexLayerSet* layer_set = self->getLayerSet(baked_index); if (layer_set) { llinfos << "TAT: rebake - matched entry " << (S32)baked_index << llendl; // Apparently set_by_user == force upload BOOL set_by_user = TRUE; self->invalidateComposite(layer_set, set_by_user); found = TRUE; gViewerStats->incStat(LLViewerStats::ST_TEX_REBAKES); } } } // If texture not found, rebake all entries. if (!found) { self->forceBakeAllTextures(); } else { // Not sure if this is necessary, but forceBakeAllTextures() does it. self->updateMeshTextures(); } } BOOL LLVOAvatar::getLocalTextureRaw(S32 index, LLImageRaw* image_raw) { BOOL success = FALSE; if( (0 <= index) && (index < LOCTEX_NUM_ENTRIES) ) { if (mLocalTexture[ index ].isNull() || mLocalTexture[ index ]->getID() == IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ) { success = TRUE; } else { if( mLocalTexture[ index ]->readBackRaw(-1, image_raw, false) ) { success = TRUE; } else { // No data loaded yet setLocalTexture( (ELocTexIndex)index, getTEImage( index ), FALSE ); } } } return success; } BOOL LLVOAvatar::getLocalTextureGL(S32 index, LLImageGL** image_gl_pp) { BOOL success = FALSE; *image_gl_pp = NULL; if( (0 <= index) && (index < LOCTEX_NUM_ENTRIES) ) { if( mLocalTexture[ index ].isNull() || mLocalTexture[ index ]->getID() == IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR) { success = TRUE; } else { *image_gl_pp = mLocalTexture[ index ]; success = TRUE; } } if( !success ) { // llinfos << "getLocalTextureGL(" << index << ") had no data" << llendl; } return success; } const LLUUID& LLVOAvatar::getLocalTextureID( S32 index ) { if (index >= 0 && mLocalTexture[index].notNull()) { return mLocalTexture[index]->getID(); } else { return IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR; } } // static void LLVOAvatar::dumpTotalLocalTextureByteCount() { S32 total_gl_bytes = 0; for (std::vector::iterator iter = LLCharacter::sInstances.begin(); iter != LLCharacter::sInstances.end(); ++iter) { LLVOAvatar* cur = (LLVOAvatar*) *iter; S32 gl_bytes = 0; cur->getLocalTextureByteCount(&gl_bytes ); total_gl_bytes += gl_bytes; } llinfos << "Total Avatar LocTex GL:" << (total_gl_bytes/1024) << "KB" << llendl; } BOOL LLVOAvatar::isVisible() { return mDrawable.notNull() && mDrawable->isVisible(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // findMotion() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLMotion* LLVOAvatar::findMotion(const LLUUID& id) { return mMotionController.findMotion(id); } // Counts the memory footprint of local textures. void LLVOAvatar::getLocalTextureByteCount( S32* gl_bytes ) { *gl_bytes = 0; for( S32 i = 0; i < LOCTEX_NUM_ENTRIES; i++ ) { LLViewerImage* image_gl = mLocalTexture[i]; if( image_gl ) { S32 bytes = (S32)image_gl->getWidth() * image_gl->getHeight() * image_gl->getComponents(); if( image_gl->getHasGLTexture() ) { *gl_bytes += bytes; } } } } BOOL LLVOAvatar::bindScratchTexture( LLGLenum format ) { U32 texture_bytes = 0; GLuint gl_name = getScratchTexName( format, &texture_bytes ); if( gl_name ) { LLImageGL::bindExternalTexture( gl_name, 0, GL_TEXTURE_2D ); stop_glerror(); F32* last_bind_time = LLVOAvatar::sScratchTexLastBindTime.getIfThere( format ); if( last_bind_time ) { if( *last_bind_time != LLImageGL::sLastFrameTime ) { *last_bind_time = LLImageGL::sLastFrameTime; LLImageGL::updateBoundTexMem(texture_bytes); } } else { LLImageGL::updateBoundTexMem(texture_bytes); LLVOAvatar::sScratchTexLastBindTime.addData( format, new F32(LLImageGL::sLastFrameTime) ); } return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } LLGLuint LLVOAvatar::getScratchTexName( LLGLenum format, U32* texture_bytes ) { S32 components; GLenum internal_format; switch( format ) { case GL_LUMINANCE: components = 1; internal_format = GL_LUMINANCE8; break; case GL_ALPHA: components = 1; internal_format = GL_ALPHA8; break; case GL_COLOR_INDEX: components = 1; internal_format = GL_COLOR_INDEX8_EXT; break; case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: components = 2; internal_format = GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8; break; case GL_RGB: components = 3; internal_format = GL_RGB8; break; case GL_RGBA: components = 4; internal_format = GL_RGBA8; break; default: llassert(0); components = 4; internal_format = GL_RGBA8; break; } *texture_bytes = components * VOAVATAR_SCRATCH_TEX_WIDTH * VOAVATAR_SCRATCH_TEX_HEIGHT; if( LLVOAvatar::sScratchTexNames.checkData( format ) ) { return *( LLVOAvatar::sScratchTexNames.getData( format ) ); } else { LLGLSUIDefault gls_ui; GLuint name = 0; glGenTextures(1, &name ); stop_glerror(); LLImageGL::bindExternalTexture( name, 0, GL_TEXTURE_2D ); stop_glerror(); glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, internal_format, VOAVATAR_SCRATCH_TEX_WIDTH, VOAVATAR_SCRATCH_TEX_HEIGHT, 0, format, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL ); stop_glerror(); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE ); glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE ); stop_glerror(); LLImageGL::unbindTexture(0, GL_TEXTURE_2D); stop_glerror(); LLVOAvatar::sScratchTexNames.addData( format, new LLGLuint( name ) ); LLVOAvatar::sScratchTexBytes += *texture_bytes; LLImageGL::sGlobalTextureMemory += *texture_bytes; return name; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // setLocalTextureTE() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::setLocTexTE( U8 te, LLViewerImage* image, BOOL set_by_user ) { if( !mIsSelf ) { llassert( 0 ); return; } if( te >= TEX_NUM_ENTRIES ) { llassert(0); return; } if( getTEImage( te )->getID() == image->getID() ) { return; } if (isTextureIndexBaked(te)) { llassert(0); return; } LLTexLayerSet* layer_set = getLayerSet((ETextureIndex)te); if (layer_set) { invalidateComposite(layer_set, set_by_user); } setTEImage( te, image ); updateMeshTextures(); if( gAgent.cameraCustomizeAvatar() ) { LLVisualParamHint::requestHintUpdates(); } } void LLVOAvatar::setupComposites() { // Don't invalidate the baked textures we had on start-up. BOOL head_baked = ( getTEImage( TEX_HEAD_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); BOOL upper_baked = ( getTEImage( TEX_UPPER_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); BOOL lower_baked = ( getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); BOOL eyes_baked = ( getTEImage( TEX_EYES_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); BOOL skirt_baked = ( getTEImage( TEX_SKIRT_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); if (mHeadLayerSet) { mHeadLayerSet->setUpdatesEnabled( !head_baked ); } if (mUpperBodyLayerSet) { mUpperBodyLayerSet->setUpdatesEnabled( !upper_baked ); } if (mLowerBodyLayerSet) { mLowerBodyLayerSet->setUpdatesEnabled( !lower_baked ); } if (mEyesLayerSet) { mEyesLayerSet->setUpdatesEnabled( !eyes_baked ); } if (mSkirtLayerSet) { mSkirtLayerSet->setUpdatesEnabled( !skirt_baked ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // updateMeshTextures() // Uses the current TE values to set the meshes' and layersets' textures. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::updateMeshTextures() { // llinfos << "updateMeshTextures" << llendl; if (gNoRender) { return; } // if user has never specified a texture, assign the default LLViewerImage* default_tex = gImageList.getImage(IMG_DEFAULT); U8 num_TEs = getNumTEs(); for (U32 i=0; igetID().isNull() || (te_image->getID() == IMG_DEFAULT) ) { if( TEX_HAIR == i ) { setTEImage(i, default_tex ); } else { setTEImage(i, gImageList.getImage(IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR)); // a special texture that's never rendered. } } } // During face edit mode, we don't use baked textures BOOL self_customize = mIsSelf && gAgent.cameraCustomizeAvatar(); BOOL head_baked = (getTEImage( TEX_HEAD_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); BOOL upper_baked = (getTEImage( TEX_UPPER_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); BOOL lower_baked = (getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); BOOL eyes_baked = (getTEImage( TEX_EYES_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); BOOL skirt_baked = (getTEImage( TEX_SKIRT_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); // Nothing should be baked if we're in customize avatar mode. llassert( !( self_customize && ( head_baked || upper_baked || lower_baked || eyes_baked ) ) ); BOOL use_lkg_head_baked = FALSE; BOOL use_lkg_upper_baked = FALSE; BOOL use_lkg_lower_baked = FALSE; BOOL use_lkg_eyes_baked = FALSE; BOOL use_lkg_skirt_baked = FALSE; BOOL other_culled = !mIsSelf && mCulled; if( other_culled ) { use_lkg_head_baked = !head_baked && (mLastHeadBakedID != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR); use_lkg_upper_baked = !upper_baked && (mLastUpperBodyBakedID != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR); use_lkg_lower_baked = !lower_baked && (mLastLowerBodyBakedID != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR); use_lkg_eyes_baked = !eyes_baked && (mLastEyesBakedID != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR); use_lkg_skirt_baked = !skirt_baked && (mLastSkirtBakedID != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR); if( mHeadLayerSet ) { mHeadLayerSet->destroyComposite(); } if( mUpperBodyLayerSet ) { mUpperBodyLayerSet->destroyComposite(); } if( mLowerBodyLayerSet ) { mLowerBodyLayerSet->destroyComposite(); } if( mEyesLayerSet ) { mEyesLayerSet->destroyComposite(); } if( mSkirtLayerSet ) { mSkirtLayerSet->destroyComposite(); } } else if( !self_customize ) { // When you're changing clothes and you're not in Appearance mode, // use the last-known good baked texture until you finish the first // render of the new layerset. use_lkg_head_baked = !head_baked && (mLastHeadBakedID != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR) && mHeadLayerSet && !mHeadLayerSet->getComposite()->isInitialized(); use_lkg_upper_baked = !upper_baked && (mLastUpperBodyBakedID != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR) && mUpperBodyLayerSet && !mUpperBodyLayerSet->getComposite()->isInitialized(); use_lkg_lower_baked = !lower_baked && (mLastLowerBodyBakedID != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR) && mLowerBodyLayerSet && !mLowerBodyLayerSet->getComposite()->isInitialized(); use_lkg_eyes_baked = !eyes_baked && (mLastEyesBakedID != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR) && mEyesLayerSet && !mEyesLayerSet->getComposite()->isInitialized(); use_lkg_skirt_baked = !skirt_baked && (mLastSkirtBakedID != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR) && mSkirtLayerSet && !mSkirtLayerSet->getComposite()->isInitialized(); if( use_lkg_head_baked ) { mHeadLayerSet->setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE ); } if( use_lkg_upper_baked ) { mUpperBodyLayerSet->setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE ); } if( use_lkg_lower_baked ) { mLowerBodyLayerSet->setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE ); } if( use_lkg_eyes_baked ) { mEyesLayerSet->setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE ); } if( use_lkg_skirt_baked ) { mSkirtLayerSet->setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE ); } } // Baked textures should be requested from the sim this avatar is on. JC LLHost target_host = getObjectHost(); if (!target_host.isOk()) { llwarns << "updateMeshTextures: invalid host for object: " << getID() << llendl; } // Head if( use_lkg_head_baked ) { LLViewerImage* baked = gImageList.getImageFromHost( mLastHeadBakedID, target_host ); mHeadMesh0.setTexture( baked ); mHeadMesh1.setTexture( baked ); mHeadMesh2.setTexture( baked ); mHeadMesh3.setTexture( baked ); mHeadMesh4.setTexture( baked ); mEyeLashMesh0.setTexture( baked ); } else if( !self_customize && head_baked ) { LLViewerImage* baked = getTEImage( TEX_HEAD_BAKED ); if( baked->getID() == mLastHeadBakedID ) { // Even though the file may not be finished loading, we'll consider it loaded and use it (rather than doing compositing). useBakedTexture( baked->getID() ); } else { mHeadBakedLoaded = FALSE; mHeadMaskDiscard = -1; baked->setNeedsAux(TRUE); baked->setLoadedCallback(onBakedTextureMasksLoaded, MORPH_MASK_REQUESTED_DISCARD, TRUE, new LLTextureMaskData( mID )); baked->setLoadedCallback(onBakedTextureLoaded, SWITCH_TO_BAKED_DISCARD, FALSE, new LLUUID( mID ) ); } } else if( mHeadLayerSet && !other_culled ) { mHeadLayerSet->createComposite(); mHeadLayerSet->setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE ); mHeadMesh0.setLayerSet( mHeadLayerSet ); mHeadMesh1.setLayerSet( mHeadLayerSet ); mHeadMesh2.setLayerSet( mHeadLayerSet ); mHeadMesh3.setLayerSet( mHeadLayerSet ); mHeadMesh4.setLayerSet( mHeadLayerSet ); mEyeLashMesh0.setLayerSet( mHeadLayerSet ); } else { mHeadMesh0.setTexture( default_tex ); mHeadMesh1.setTexture( default_tex ); mHeadMesh2.setTexture( default_tex ); mHeadMesh3.setTexture( default_tex ); mHeadMesh4.setTexture( default_tex ); mEyeLashMesh0.setTexture( default_tex ); } // Upper body if( use_lkg_upper_baked ) { LLViewerImage* baked = gImageList.getImageFromHost( mLastUpperBodyBakedID, target_host ); mUpperBodyMesh0.setTexture( baked ); mUpperBodyMesh1.setTexture( baked ); mUpperBodyMesh2.setTexture( baked ); mUpperBodyMesh3.setTexture( baked ); mUpperBodyMesh4.setTexture( baked ); } else if( !self_customize && upper_baked ) { LLViewerImage* baked = getTEImage( TEX_UPPER_BAKED ); if( baked->getID() == mLastUpperBodyBakedID ) { // Even though the file may not be finished loading, we'll consider it loaded and use it (rather than doing compositing). useBakedTexture( baked->getID() ); } else { mUpperBakedLoaded = FALSE; mUpperMaskDiscard = -1; baked->setNeedsAux(TRUE); baked->setLoadedCallback(onBakedTextureMasksLoaded, MORPH_MASK_REQUESTED_DISCARD, TRUE, new LLTextureMaskData( mID )); baked->setLoadedCallback(onBakedTextureLoaded, SWITCH_TO_BAKED_DISCARD, FALSE, new LLUUID( mID ) ); } } else if( mUpperBodyLayerSet && !other_culled ) { mUpperBodyLayerSet->createComposite(); mUpperBodyLayerSet->setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE ); mUpperBodyMesh0.setLayerSet( mUpperBodyLayerSet ); mUpperBodyMesh1.setLayerSet( mUpperBodyLayerSet ); mUpperBodyMesh2.setLayerSet( mUpperBodyLayerSet ); mUpperBodyMesh3.setLayerSet( mUpperBodyLayerSet ); mUpperBodyMesh4.setLayerSet( mUpperBodyLayerSet ); } else { mUpperBodyMesh0.setTexture( default_tex ); mUpperBodyMesh1.setTexture( default_tex ); mUpperBodyMesh2.setTexture( default_tex ); mUpperBodyMesh3.setTexture( default_tex ); mUpperBodyMesh4.setTexture( default_tex ); } // Lower body if( use_lkg_lower_baked ) { LLViewerImage* baked = gImageList.getImageFromHost( mLastLowerBodyBakedID, target_host ); mLowerBodyMesh0.setTexture( baked ); mLowerBodyMesh1.setTexture( baked ); mLowerBodyMesh2.setTexture( baked ); mLowerBodyMesh3.setTexture( baked ); mLowerBodyMesh4.setTexture( baked ); } else if( !self_customize && lower_baked ) { LLViewerImage* baked = getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_BAKED ); if( baked->getID() == mLastLowerBodyBakedID ) { // Even though the file may not be finished loading, we'll consider it loaded and use it (rather than doing compositing). useBakedTexture( baked->getID() ); } else { mLowerBakedLoaded = FALSE; mLowerMaskDiscard = -1; baked->setNeedsAux(TRUE); baked->setLoadedCallback(onBakedTextureMasksLoaded, MORPH_MASK_REQUESTED_DISCARD, TRUE, new LLTextureMaskData( mID )); baked->setLoadedCallback(onBakedTextureLoaded, SWITCH_TO_BAKED_DISCARD, FALSE, new LLUUID( mID ) ); } } else if( mLowerBodyLayerSet && !other_culled ) { mLowerBodyLayerSet->createComposite(); mLowerBodyLayerSet->setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE ); mLowerBodyMesh0.setLayerSet( mLowerBodyLayerSet ); mLowerBodyMesh1.setLayerSet( mLowerBodyLayerSet ); mLowerBodyMesh2.setLayerSet( mLowerBodyLayerSet ); mLowerBodyMesh3.setLayerSet( mLowerBodyLayerSet ); mLowerBodyMesh4.setLayerSet( mLowerBodyLayerSet ); } else { mLowerBodyMesh0.setTexture( default_tex ); mLowerBodyMesh1.setTexture( default_tex ); mLowerBodyMesh2.setTexture( default_tex ); mLowerBodyMesh3.setTexture( default_tex ); mLowerBodyMesh4.setTexture( default_tex ); } // Eyes if( use_lkg_eyes_baked ) { LLViewerImage* baked = gImageList.getImageFromHost( mLastEyesBakedID, target_host ); mEyeBallLeftMesh0.setTexture( baked ); mEyeBallLeftMesh1.setTexture( baked ); mEyeBallRightMesh0.setTexture( baked ); mEyeBallRightMesh1.setTexture( baked ); } else if( !self_customize && eyes_baked ) { LLViewerImage* baked = getTEImage( TEX_EYES_BAKED ); if( baked->getID() == mLastEyesBakedID ) { // Even though the file may not be finished loading, we'll consider it loaded and use it (rather than doing compositing). useBakedTexture( baked->getID() ); } else { mEyesBakedLoaded = FALSE; baked->setLoadedCallback(onBakedTextureLoaded, SWITCH_TO_BAKED_DISCARD, FALSE, new LLUUID( mID ) ); } } else if( mEyesLayerSet && !other_culled ) { mEyesLayerSet->createComposite(); mEyesLayerSet->setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE ); mEyeBallLeftMesh0.setLayerSet( mEyesLayerSet ); mEyeBallLeftMesh1.setLayerSet( mEyesLayerSet ); mEyeBallRightMesh0.setLayerSet( mEyesLayerSet ); mEyeBallRightMesh1.setLayerSet( mEyesLayerSet ); } else { mEyeBallLeftMesh0.setTexture( default_tex ); mEyeBallLeftMesh1.setTexture( default_tex ); mEyeBallRightMesh0.setTexture( default_tex ); mEyeBallRightMesh1.setTexture( default_tex ); } // Skirt if( use_lkg_skirt_baked ) { LLViewerImage* baked = gImageList.getImageFromHost( mLastSkirtBakedID, target_host ); mSkirtMesh0.setTexture( baked ); mSkirtMesh1.setTexture( baked ); mSkirtMesh2.setTexture( baked ); mSkirtMesh3.setTexture( baked ); mSkirtMesh4.setTexture( baked ); } else if( !self_customize && skirt_baked ) { LLViewerImage* baked = getTEImage( TEX_SKIRT_BAKED ); if( baked->getID() == mLastSkirtBakedID ) { // Even though the file may not be finished loading, we'll consider it loaded and use it (rather than doing compositing). useBakedTexture( baked->getID() ); } else { mSkirtBakedLoaded = FALSE; baked->setLoadedCallback(onBakedTextureLoaded, SWITCH_TO_BAKED_DISCARD, FALSE, new LLUUID( mID ) ); } } else if( mSkirtLayerSet && !other_culled) { mSkirtLayerSet->createComposite(); mSkirtLayerSet->setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE ); mSkirtMesh0.setLayerSet( mSkirtLayerSet ); mSkirtMesh1.setLayerSet( mSkirtLayerSet ); mSkirtMesh2.setLayerSet( mSkirtLayerSet ); mSkirtMesh3.setLayerSet( mSkirtLayerSet ); mSkirtMesh4.setLayerSet( mSkirtLayerSet ); } else { mSkirtMesh0.setTexture( default_tex ); mSkirtMesh1.setTexture( default_tex ); mSkirtMesh2.setTexture( default_tex ); mSkirtMesh3.setTexture( default_tex ); mSkirtMesh4.setTexture( default_tex ); } mHairMesh0.setTexture( getTEImage( TEX_HAIR ) ); mHairMesh1.setTexture( getTEImage( TEX_HAIR ) ); mHairMesh2.setTexture( getTEImage( TEX_HAIR ) ); mHairMesh3.setTexture( getTEImage( TEX_HAIR ) ); mHairMesh4.setTexture( getTEImage( TEX_HAIR ) ); mHairMesh5.setTexture( getTEImage( TEX_HAIR ) ); if( mTexHairColor ) { LLColor4 color = mTexHairColor->getColor(); mHairMesh0.setColor( color.mV[VX], color.mV[VY], color.mV[VZ], color.mV[VW] ); mHairMesh1.setColor( color.mV[VX], color.mV[VY], color.mV[VZ], color.mV[VW] ); mHairMesh2.setColor( color.mV[VX], color.mV[VY], color.mV[VZ], color.mV[VW] ); mHairMesh3.setColor( color.mV[VX], color.mV[VY], color.mV[VZ], color.mV[VW] ); mHairMesh4.setColor( color.mV[VX], color.mV[VY], color.mV[VZ], color.mV[VW] ); mHairMesh5.setColor( color.mV[VX], color.mV[VY], color.mV[VZ], color.mV[VW] ); } // Head BOOL head_baked_ready = (head_baked && mHeadBakedLoaded) || other_culled; setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_HEAD_BODYPAINT, getTEImage( TEX_HEAD_BODYPAINT ), head_baked_ready ); // Upper body BOOL upper_baked_ready = (upper_baked && mUpperBakedLoaded) || other_culled; setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_UPPER_SHIRT, getTEImage( TEX_UPPER_SHIRT ), upper_baked_ready ); setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_UPPER_BODYPAINT, getTEImage( TEX_UPPER_BODYPAINT ), upper_baked_ready ); setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_UPPER_JACKET, getTEImage( TEX_UPPER_JACKET ), upper_baked_ready ); setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_UPPER_GLOVES, getTEImage( TEX_UPPER_GLOVES ), upper_baked_ready ); setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_UPPER_UNDERSHIRT, getTEImage( TEX_UPPER_UNDERSHIRT ), upper_baked_ready ); // Lower body BOOL lower_baked_ready = (lower_baked && mLowerBakedLoaded) || other_culled; setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_LOWER_PANTS, getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_PANTS ), lower_baked_ready ); setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_LOWER_BODYPAINT, getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_BODYPAINT ), lower_baked_ready ); setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_LOWER_SHOES, getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_SHOES ), lower_baked_ready ); setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_LOWER_SOCKS, getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_SOCKS ), lower_baked_ready ); setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_LOWER_JACKET, getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_JACKET ), lower_baked_ready ); setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_LOWER_UNDERPANTS, getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_UNDERPANTS ), lower_baked_ready ); // Eyes BOOL eyes_baked_ready = (eyes_baked && mEyesBakedLoaded) || other_culled; setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_EYES_IRIS, getTEImage( TEX_EYES_IRIS ), eyes_baked_ready ); // Skirt BOOL skirt_baked_ready = (skirt_baked && mSkirtBakedLoaded) || other_culled; setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_SKIRT, getTEImage( TEX_SKIRT ), skirt_baked_ready ); removeMissingBakedTextures(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // setLocalTexture() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::setLocalTexture( ELocTexIndex idx, LLViewerImage* tex, BOOL baked_version_ready ) { S32 desired_discard = mIsSelf ? 0 : 2; if (!baked_version_ready) { if (tex != mLocalTexture[idx] || mLocalTextureBaked[idx]) { mLocalTextureDiscard[idx] = MAX_DISCARD_LEVEL+1; } if (tex->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR) { if (mLocalTextureDiscard[idx] > desired_discard) { S32 tex_discard = tex->getDiscardLevel(); if (tex_discard >= 0 && tex_discard <= desired_discard) { mLocalTextureDiscard[idx] = tex_discard; requestLayerSetUpdate( idx ); if( mIsSelf && gAgent.cameraCustomizeAvatar() ) { LLVisualParamHint::requestHintUpdates(); } } else { tex->setLoadedCallback( onLocalTextureLoaded, desired_discard, TRUE, new LLAvatarTexData(getID(), idx) ); } } tex->setMinDiscardLevel(desired_discard); } } mLocalTextureBaked[idx] = baked_version_ready; mLocalTexture[idx] = tex; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // requestLayerSetUploads() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::requestLayerSetUploads() { BOOL upper_baked = (getTEImage( TEX_UPPER_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); BOOL lower_baked = (getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); BOOL head_baked = (getTEImage( TEX_HEAD_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); BOOL eyes_baked = (getTEImage( TEX_EYES_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); BOOL skirt_baked = (getTEImage( TEX_SKIRT_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); if( !head_baked && mHeadLayerSet ) { mHeadLayerSet->requestUpload(); } if( !upper_baked && mUpperBodyLayerSet ) { mUpperBodyLayerSet->requestUpload(); } if( !lower_baked && mLowerBodyLayerSet ) { mLowerBodyLayerSet->requestUpload(); } if( !eyes_baked && mEyesLayerSet ) { mEyesLayerSet->requestUpload(); } if( !skirt_baked && mSkirtLayerSet ) { mSkirtLayerSet->requestUpload(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // setCompositeUpdatesEnabled() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::setCompositeUpdatesEnabled( BOOL b ) { if( mHeadLayerSet ) { mHeadLayerSet->setUpdatesEnabled( b ); } if( mUpperBodyLayerSet ) { mUpperBodyLayerSet->setUpdatesEnabled( b ); } if( mLowerBodyLayerSet ) { mLowerBodyLayerSet->setUpdatesEnabled( b ); } if( mEyesLayerSet ) { mEyesLayerSet->setUpdatesEnabled( b ); } if( mSkirtLayerSet ) { mSkirtLayerSet->setUpdatesEnabled( b ); } } void LLVOAvatar::addChat(const LLChat& chat) { std::deque::iterator chat_iter; mChats.push_back(chat); S32 chat_length = 0; for( chat_iter = mChats.begin(); chat_iter != mChats.end(); ++chat_iter) { chat_length += chat_iter->mText.size(); } // remove any excess chat chat_iter = mChats.begin(); while ((chat_length > MAX_BUBBLE_CHAT_LENGTH || mChats.size() > MAX_BUBBLE_CHAT_UTTERANCES) && chat_iter != mChats.end()) { chat_length -= chat_iter->mText.size(); mChats.pop_front(); chat_iter = mChats.begin(); } mChatTimer.reset(); } void LLVOAvatar::clearChat() { mChats.clear(); } S32 LLVOAvatar::getLocalDiscardLevel( S32 index ) { if (index >= 0 && mLocalTexture[index].notNull() && mLocalTexture[index]->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR) { return mLocalTexture[index]->getDiscardLevel(); } else { // We don't care about this (no image associated with the layer) treat as fully loaded. return 0; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // isLocalTextureDataFinal() // Returns true is the highest quality discard level exists for every texture // in the layerset. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatar::isLocalTextureDataFinal( LLTexLayerSet* layerset ) { if( layerset == mHeadLayerSet ) { return getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_HEAD_BODYPAINT ) == 0; } else if( layerset == mUpperBodyLayerSet ) { return getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_UPPER_SHIRT ) == 0 && getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_UPPER_BODYPAINT ) == 0 && getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_UPPER_JACKET ) == 0 && getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_UPPER_GLOVES ) == 0 && getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_UPPER_UNDERSHIRT ) == 0; } else if( layerset == mLowerBodyLayerSet ) { return getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_LOWER_PANTS ) == 0 && getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_LOWER_BODYPAINT ) == 0 && getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_LOWER_SHOES ) == 0 && getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_LOWER_SOCKS ) == 0 && getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_LOWER_JACKET ) == 0 && getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_LOWER_UNDERPANTS ) == 0; } else if( layerset == mEyesLayerSet ) { return getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_EYES_IRIS ) == 0; } else if( layerset == mSkirtLayerSet ) { return getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_SKIRT ) == 0; } llassert(0); return FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // isLocalTextureDataAvailable() // Returns true is at least the lowest quality discard level exists for every texture // in the layerset. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatar::isLocalTextureDataAvailable( LLTexLayerSet* layerset ) { if( layerset == mHeadLayerSet ) { return getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_HEAD_BODYPAINT ) >= 0; } else if( layerset == mUpperBodyLayerSet ) { return getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_UPPER_SHIRT ) >= 0 && getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_UPPER_BODYPAINT ) >= 0 && getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_UPPER_JACKET ) >= 0 && getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_UPPER_GLOVES ) >= 0 && getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_UPPER_UNDERSHIRT ) >= 0; } else if( layerset == mLowerBodyLayerSet ) { return getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_LOWER_PANTS ) >= 0 && getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_LOWER_BODYPAINT ) >= 0 && getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_LOWER_SHOES ) >= 0 && getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_LOWER_SOCKS ) >= 0 && getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_LOWER_JACKET ) >= 0 && getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_LOWER_UNDERPANTS ) >= 0; } else if( layerset == mEyesLayerSet ) { return getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_EYES_IRIS ) >= 0; } else if( layerset == mSkirtLayerSet ) { return getLocalDiscardLevel( LOCTEX_SKIRT ) >= 0; } llassert(0); return FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getBakedTE() // Used by the LayerSet. (Layer sets don't in general know what textures depend on them.) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLVOAvatar::ETextureIndex LLVOAvatar::getBakedTE( LLTexLayerSet* layerset ) { if( layerset == mHeadLayerSet ) { return TEX_HEAD_BAKED; } else if( layerset == mUpperBodyLayerSet ) { return TEX_UPPER_BAKED; } else if( layerset == mLowerBodyLayerSet ) { return TEX_LOWER_BAKED; } else if( layerset == mEyesLayerSet ) { return TEX_EYES_BAKED; } else if( layerset == mSkirtLayerSet ) { return TEX_SKIRT_BAKED; } llassert(0); return TEX_HEAD_BAKED; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // setNewBakedTexture() // A new baked texture has been successfully uploaded and we can start using it now. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::setNewBakedTexture( ETextureIndex te, const LLUUID& uuid ) { // Baked textures live on other sims. LLHost target_host = getObjectHost(); setTEImage( te, gImageList.getImageFromHost( uuid, target_host ) ); updateMeshTextures(); dirtyMesh(); LLVOAvatar::cullAvatarsByPixelArea(); switch( te ) { case TEX_HEAD_BAKED: llinfos << "New baked texture: HEAD" << llendl; break; case TEX_UPPER_BAKED: llinfos << "New baked texture: UPPER" << llendl; break; case TEX_LOWER_BAKED: llinfos << "New baked texture: LOWER" << llendl; break; case TEX_EYES_BAKED: llinfos << "New baked texture: EYES" << llendl; break; case TEX_SKIRT_BAKED: llinfos << "New baked texture: SKIRT" << llendl; break; default: llwarns << "New baked texture: unknown te " << te << llendl; break; } // dumpAvatarTEs( "setNewBakedTexture() send" ); // RN: throttle uploads if (!hasPendingBakedUploads()) { gAgent.sendAgentSetAppearance(); } } bool LLVOAvatar::hasPendingBakedUploads() { bool head_pending = (mHeadLayerSet && mHeadLayerSet->getComposite()->uploadPending()); bool upper_pending = (mUpperBodyLayerSet && mUpperBodyLayerSet->getComposite()->uploadPending()); bool lower_pending = (mLowerBodyLayerSet && mLowerBodyLayerSet->getComposite()->uploadPending()); bool eyes_pending = (mEyesLayerSet && mEyesLayerSet->getComposite()->uploadPending()); bool skirt_pending = (mSkirtLayerSet && mSkirtLayerSet->getComposite()->uploadPending()); //llinfos << "TAT: LLVOAvatar::hasPendingBakedUploads()" // << " head_pending " << head_pending // << " upper_pending " << upper_pending // << " lower_pending " << lower_pending // << " eyes_pending " << eyes_pending // << " skirt_pending " << skirt_pending // << llendl; if (head_pending || upper_pending || lower_pending || eyes_pending || skirt_pending) { return true; } else { return false; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // setCachedBakedTexture() // A baked texture id was received from a cache query, make it active //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::setCachedBakedTexture( ETextureIndex te, const LLUUID& uuid ) { setTETexture( te, uuid ); switch(te) { case TEX_HEAD_BAKED: if( mHeadLayerSet ) { mHeadLayerSet->cancelUpload(); } break; case TEX_UPPER_BAKED: if( mUpperBodyLayerSet ) { mUpperBodyLayerSet->cancelUpload(); } break; case TEX_LOWER_BAKED: if( mLowerBodyLayerSet ) { mLowerBodyLayerSet->cancelUpload(); } break; case TEX_EYES_BAKED: if( mEyesLayerSet ) { mEyesLayerSet->cancelUpload(); } break; case TEX_SKIRT_BAKED: if( mSkirtLayerSet ) { mSkirtLayerSet->cancelUpload(); } break; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static // onCustomizeStart() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::onCustomizeStart() { LLVOAvatar* avatar = gAgent.getAvatarObject(); if( avatar ) { for( S32 i = 0; i < BAKED_TEXTURE_COUNT; i++ ) { S32 tex_index = sBakedTextureIndices[i]; avatar->mSavedTE[ tex_index ] = avatar->getTEImage(tex_index)->getID(); avatar->setTEImage( tex_index, gImageList.getImage(IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR) ); } avatar->updateMeshTextures(); // avatar->dumpAvatarTEs( "onCustomizeStart() send" ); gAgent.sendAgentSetAppearance(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static // onCustomizeEnd() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::onCustomizeEnd() { LLVOAvatar* avatar = gAgent.getAvatarObject(); if( !avatar ) return; LLHost target_host = avatar->getObjectHost(); for( S32 i = 0; i < BAKED_TEXTURE_COUNT; i++ ) { S32 tex_index = sBakedTextureIndices[i]; const LLUUID& saved = avatar->mSavedTE[ tex_index ]; if( !saved.isNull() ) { avatar->setTEImage( tex_index, gImageList.getImageFromHost( saved, target_host ) ); } } avatar->updateMeshTextures(); if( !gQuit ) { avatar->requestLayerSetUploads(); } gAgent.sendAgentSetAppearance(); } BOOL LLVOAvatar::teToColorParams( ETextureIndex te, const char* param_name[3] ) { switch( te ) { case TEX_UPPER_SHIRT: param_name[0] = "shirt_red"; param_name[1] = "shirt_green"; param_name[2] = "shirt_blue"; break; case TEX_LOWER_PANTS: param_name[0] = "pants_red"; param_name[1] = "pants_green"; param_name[2] = "pants_blue"; break; case TEX_LOWER_SHOES: param_name[0] = "shoes_red"; param_name[1] = "shoes_green"; param_name[2] = "shoes_blue"; break; case TEX_LOWER_SOCKS: param_name[0] = "socks_red"; param_name[1] = "socks_green"; param_name[2] = "socks_blue"; break; case TEX_UPPER_JACKET: case TEX_LOWER_JACKET: param_name[0] = "jacket_red"; param_name[1] = "jacket_green"; param_name[2] = "jacket_blue"; break; case TEX_UPPER_GLOVES: param_name[0] = "gloves_red"; param_name[1] = "gloves_green"; param_name[2] = "gloves_blue"; break; case TEX_UPPER_UNDERSHIRT: param_name[0] = "undershirt_red"; param_name[1] = "undershirt_green"; param_name[2] = "undershirt_blue"; break; case TEX_LOWER_UNDERPANTS: param_name[0] = "underpants_red"; param_name[1] = "underpants_green"; param_name[2] = "underpants_blue"; break; case TEX_SKIRT: param_name[0] = "skirt_red"; param_name[1] = "skirt_green"; param_name[2] = "skirt_blue"; break; default: llassert(0); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } void LLVOAvatar::setClothesColor( ETextureIndex te, const LLColor4& new_color, BOOL set_by_user ) { const char* param_name[3]; if( teToColorParams( te, param_name ) ) { setVisualParamWeight( param_name[0], new_color.mV[VX], set_by_user ); setVisualParamWeight( param_name[1], new_color.mV[VY], set_by_user ); setVisualParamWeight( param_name[2], new_color.mV[VZ], set_by_user ); } } LLColor4 LLVOAvatar::getClothesColor( ETextureIndex te ) { LLColor4 color; const char* param_name[3]; if( teToColorParams( te, param_name ) ) { color.mV[VX] = getVisualParamWeight( param_name[0] ); color.mV[VY] = getVisualParamWeight( param_name[1] ); color.mV[VZ] = getVisualParamWeight( param_name[2] ); } return color; } void LLVOAvatar::dumpAvatarTEs( const char* context ) { llinfos << (mIsSelf ? "Self: " : "Other: ") << context << llendl; for( S32 i=0; igetID().isNull() ) { llinfos << " " << te_name[i] << ": null UUID" << llendl; } else if( te_image->getID() == IMG_DEFAULT ) { llinfos << " " << te_name[i] << ": IMG_DEFAULT" << llendl; } else if( te_image->getID() == IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ) { llinfos << " " << te_name[i] << ": IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR" << llendl; } else { llinfos << " " << te_name[i] << ": " << te_image->getID() << llendl; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // updateAttachmentVisibility() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::updateAttachmentVisibility(U32 camera_mode) { for (LLViewerJointAttachment *attachmentPoint = mAttachmentPoints.getFirstData(); attachmentPoint; attachmentPoint = mAttachmentPoints.getNextData()) { if (attachmentPoint->getIsHUDAttachment()) { attachmentPoint->setAttachmentVisibility(TRUE); } else { switch (camera_mode) { case CAMERA_MODE_MOUSELOOK: if (LLVOAvatar::sVisibleInFirstPerson && attachmentPoint->getVisibleInFirstPerson()) { attachmentPoint->setAttachmentVisibility(TRUE); } else { attachmentPoint->setAttachmentVisibility(FALSE); } break; default: attachmentPoint->setAttachmentVisibility(TRUE); break; } } } } // Given a texture entry, determine which wearable type owns it. // static LLUUID LLVOAvatar::getDefaultTEImageID( S32 te ) { switch( te ) { case TEX_UPPER_SHIRT: return LLUUID( gSavedSettings.getString("UIImgDefaultShirtUUID") ); case TEX_LOWER_PANTS: return LLUUID( gSavedSettings.getString("UIImgDefaultPantsUUID") ); case TEX_EYES_IRIS: return LLUUID( gSavedSettings.getString("UIImgDefaultEyesUUID") ); case TEX_HAIR: return LLUUID( gSavedSettings.getString("UIImgDefaultHairUUID") ); case TEX_LOWER_SHOES: return LLUUID( gSavedSettings.getString("UIImgDefaultShoesUUID") ); case TEX_LOWER_SOCKS: return LLUUID( gSavedSettings.getString("UIImgDefaultSocksUUID") ); case TEX_UPPER_GLOVES: return LLUUID( gSavedSettings.getString("UIImgDefaultGlovesUUID") ); case TEX_UPPER_JACKET: case TEX_LOWER_JACKET: return LLUUID( gSavedSettings.getString("UIImgDefaultJacketUUID") ); case TEX_UPPER_UNDERSHIRT: case TEX_LOWER_UNDERPANTS: return LLUUID( gSavedSettings.getString("UIImgDefaultUnderwearUUID") ); case TEX_SKIRT: return LLUUID( gSavedSettings.getString("UIImgDefaultSkirtUUID") ); default: return IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR; } } // Given a texture entry, determine which wearable type owns it. // static EWearableType LLVOAvatar::getTEWearableType( S32 te ) { switch( te ) { case TEX_UPPER_SHIRT: return WT_SHIRT; case TEX_LOWER_PANTS: return WT_PANTS; case TEX_EYES_IRIS: return WT_EYES; case TEX_HAIR: return WT_HAIR; case TEX_HEAD_BODYPAINT: case TEX_UPPER_BODYPAINT: case TEX_LOWER_BODYPAINT: return WT_SKIN; case TEX_LOWER_SHOES: return WT_SHOES; case TEX_LOWER_SOCKS: return WT_SOCKS; case TEX_UPPER_JACKET: case TEX_LOWER_JACKET: return WT_JACKET; case TEX_UPPER_GLOVES: return WT_GLOVES; case TEX_UPPER_UNDERSHIRT: return WT_UNDERSHIRT; case TEX_LOWER_UNDERPANTS: return WT_UNDERPANTS; case TEX_SKIRT: return WT_SKIRT; default: return WT_INVALID; } } // Unlike most wearable functions, this works for both self and other. BOOL LLVOAvatar::isWearingWearableType( EWearableType type ) { if (mIsDummy) return TRUE; ETextureIndex indicator_te; switch( type ) { case WT_SHIRT: indicator_te = TEX_UPPER_SHIRT; break; case WT_PANTS: indicator_te = TEX_LOWER_PANTS; break; case WT_SHOES: indicator_te = TEX_LOWER_SHOES; break; case WT_SOCKS: indicator_te = TEX_LOWER_SOCKS; break; case WT_JACKET: indicator_te = TEX_UPPER_JACKET; // Note: no need to test both upper and lower jacket break; case WT_GLOVES: indicator_te = TEX_UPPER_GLOVES; break; case WT_UNDERSHIRT: indicator_te = TEX_UPPER_UNDERSHIRT; break; case WT_UNDERPANTS: indicator_te = TEX_LOWER_UNDERPANTS; break; case WT_SKIRT: indicator_te = TEX_SKIRT; break; case WT_SHAPE: case WT_SKIN: case WT_HAIR: case WT_EYES: return TRUE; // everyone has all bodyparts default: return FALSE; } return ( getTEImage(indicator_te)->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // clampAttachmentPositions() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::clampAttachmentPositions() { if (isDead()) return; for(LLViewerJointAttachment *attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getFirstData(); attachment; attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getNextData()) { if (attachment) { attachment->clampObjectPosition(); } } } BOOL LLVOAvatar::hasHUDAttachment() { for(LLViewerJointAttachment *attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getFirstData(); attachment; attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getNextData()) { if (attachment->getIsHUDAttachment() && attachment->getObject()) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } LLBBox LLVOAvatar::getHUDBBox() { LLBBox bbox; for(LLViewerJointAttachment *attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getFirstData(); attachment; attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getNextData()) { if (attachment->getIsHUDAttachment() && attachment->getObject()) { LLViewerObject* hud_object = attachment->getObject(); // initialize bounding box to contain identity orientation and center point for attached object bbox.addPointLocal(hud_object->getPosition()); // add rotated bounding box for attached object bbox.addBBoxAgent(hud_object->getBoundingBoxAgent()); for (U32 i = 0; i < hud_object->mChildList.size(); i++) { bbox.addBBoxAgent(hud_object->mChildList[i]->getBoundingBoxAgent()); } } } return bbox; } void LLVOAvatar::rebuildHUD() { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // onFirstTEMessageReceived() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::onFirstTEMessageReceived() { if( !mFirstTEMessageReceived ) { mFirstTEMessageReceived = TRUE; BOOL head_baked = ( getTEImage( TEX_HEAD_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); BOOL upper_baked = ( getTEImage( TEX_UPPER_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); BOOL lower_baked = ( getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); BOOL eyes_baked = ( getTEImage( TEX_EYES_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); BOOL skirt_baked = ( getTEImage( TEX_SKIRT_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ); // Use any baked textures that we have even if they haven't downloaded yet. // (That is, don't do a transition from unbaked to baked.) if( head_baked ) { mLastHeadBakedID = getTEImage( TEX_HEAD_BAKED )->getID(); LLViewerImage* image = getTEImage( TEX_HEAD_BAKED ); image->setNeedsAux(TRUE); image->setLoadedCallback( onBakedTextureMasksLoaded, MORPH_MASK_REQUESTED_DISCARD, TRUE, new LLTextureMaskData( mID )); image->setLoadedCallback( onInitialBakedTextureLoaded, MAX_DISCARD_LEVEL, FALSE, new LLUUID( mID ) ); } if( upper_baked ) { mLastUpperBodyBakedID = getTEImage( TEX_UPPER_BAKED )->getID(); LLViewerImage* image = getTEImage( TEX_UPPER_BAKED ); image->setNeedsAux(TRUE); image->setLoadedCallback( onBakedTextureMasksLoaded, MORPH_MASK_REQUESTED_DISCARD, TRUE, new LLTextureMaskData( mID )); image->setLoadedCallback( onInitialBakedTextureLoaded, MAX_DISCARD_LEVEL, FALSE, new LLUUID( mID ) ); } if( lower_baked ) { mLastLowerBodyBakedID = getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_BAKED )->getID(); LLViewerImage* image = getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_BAKED ); image->setNeedsAux(TRUE); image->setLoadedCallback( onBakedTextureMasksLoaded, MORPH_MASK_REQUESTED_DISCARD, TRUE, new LLTextureMaskData( mID )); image->setLoadedCallback( onInitialBakedTextureLoaded, MAX_DISCARD_LEVEL, FALSE, new LLUUID( mID ) ); } if( eyes_baked ) { mLastEyesBakedID = getTEImage( TEX_EYES_BAKED )->getID(); LLViewerImage* image = getTEImage( TEX_EYES_BAKED ); image->setLoadedCallback( onInitialBakedTextureLoaded, MAX_DISCARD_LEVEL, FALSE, new LLUUID( mID ) ); } if( skirt_baked ) { mLastSkirtBakedID = getTEImage( TEX_SKIRT_BAKED )->getID(); LLViewerImage* image = getTEImage( TEX_SKIRT_BAKED ); image->setLoadedCallback( onInitialBakedTextureLoaded, MAX_DISCARD_LEVEL, FALSE, new LLUUID( mID ) ); } updateMeshTextures(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // processAvatarAppearance() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLVOAvatar::processAvatarAppearance( LLMessageSystem* mesgsys ) { LLMemType mt(LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR); // llinfos << "processAvatarAppearance start " << mID << llendl; BOOL is_first_appearance_message = !mFirstAppearanceMessageReceived; mFirstAppearanceMessageReceived = TRUE; if( mIsSelf ) { llwarns << "Received AvatarAppearance for self" << llendl; if( mFirstTEMessageReceived ) { // llinfos << "processAvatarAppearance end " << mID << llendl; return; } } if (gNoRender) { return; } ESex old_sex = getSex(); // llinfos << "ady LLVOAvatar::processAvatarAppearance()" << llendl; // dumpAvatarTEs( "PRE processAvatarAppearance()" ); unpackTEMessage(mesgsys, _PREHASH_ObjectData); // dumpAvatarTEs( "POST processAvatarAppearance()" ); // llinfos << "Received AvatarAppearance: " << (mIsSelf ? "(self): " : "(other): " ) << // (( getTEImage( TEX_HEAD_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ) ? "HEAD " : "head " ) << // (( getTEImage( TEX_UPPER_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ) ? "UPPER " : "upper " ) << // (( getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ) ? "LOWER " : "lower " ) << // (( getTEImage( TEX_EYES_BAKED )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ) ? "EYES" : "eyes" ) << llendl; if( !mFirstTEMessageReceived ) { onFirstTEMessageReceived(); } setCompositeUpdatesEnabled( FALSE ); updateMeshTextures(); // enables updates for laysets without baked textures. // parse visual params S32 num_blocks = mesgsys->getNumberOfBlocksFast(_PREHASH_VisualParam); if( num_blocks > 1 ) { BOOL params_changed = FALSE; BOOL interp_params = FALSE; LLVisualParam* param = getFirstVisualParam(); if (!param) { llwarns << "No visual params!" << llendl; } else { for( S32 i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++ ) { while( param && (param->getGroup() != VISUAL_PARAM_GROUP_TWEAKABLE) ) { param = getNextVisualParam(); } if( !param ) { llwarns << "Number of params in AvatarAppearance msg does not match number of params in avatar xml file." << llendl; return; } U8 value; mesgsys->getU8Fast(_PREHASH_VisualParam, _PREHASH_ParamValue, value, i); F32 newWeight = U8_to_F32(value, param->getMinWeight(), param->getMaxWeight()); if (is_first_appearance_message || (param->getWeight() != newWeight)) { //llinfos << "Received update for param " << param->getDisplayName() << " at value " << newWeight << llendl; params_changed = TRUE; if(is_first_appearance_message) { param->setWeight(newWeight, FALSE); } else { interp_params = TRUE; param->setAnimationTarget(newWeight, FALSE); } } param = getNextVisualParam(); } } while( param && (param->getGroup() != VISUAL_PARAM_GROUP_TWEAKABLE) ) { param = getNextVisualParam(); } if( param ) { llwarns << "Number of params in AvatarAppearance msg does not match number of params in avatar xml file." << llendl; return; } if (params_changed) { if (interp_params) { startAppearanceAnimation(FALSE, FALSE); } updateVisualParams(); ESex new_sex = getSex(); if( old_sex != new_sex ) { updateSexDependentLayerSets( FALSE ); } } } else { llwarns << "AvatarAppearance msg received without any parameters, object: " << getID() << llendl; } setCompositeUpdatesEnabled( TRUE ); llassert( getSex() == ((getVisualParamWeight( "male" ) > 0.5f) ? SEX_MALE : SEX_FEMALE) ); // If all of the avatars are completely baked, release the global image caches to conserve memory. LLVOAvatar::cullAvatarsByPixelArea(); // llinfos << "processAvatarAppearance end " << mID << llendl; } // static void LLVOAvatar::getAnimLabels( LLDynamicArray* labels ) { S32 i; for( i = 0; i < gUserAnimStatesCount; i++ ) { labels->put( gUserAnimStates[i].mLabel ); } // Special case to trigger away (AFK) state labels->put( "Away From Keyboard" ); } // static void LLVOAvatar::getAnimNames( LLDynamicArray* names ) { S32 i; for( i = 0; i < gUserAnimStatesCount; i++ ) { names->put( gUserAnimStates[i].mName ); } // Special case to trigger away (AFK) state names->put( "enter_away_from_keyboard_state" ); } void LLVOAvatar::onBakedTextureMasksLoaded( BOOL success, LLViewerImage *src_vi, LLImageRaw* src, LLImageRaw* aux_src, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void* userdata ) { //llinfos << "onBakedTextureMasksLoaded: " << src_vi->getID() << llendl; LLMemType mt(LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR); LLUUID id = src_vi->getID(); if (!userdata) { return; } LLTextureMaskData* maskData = (LLTextureMaskData*) userdata; LLVOAvatar* self = (LLVOAvatar*) gObjectList.findObject( maskData->mAvatarID ); // if discard level is 2 less than last discard level we processed, or we hit 0, // then generate morph masks if( self && success && (discard_level < maskData->mLastDiscardLevel - 2 || discard_level == 0) ) { LLViewerImage* head_baked = self->getTEImage( TEX_HEAD_BAKED ); LLViewerImage* upper_baked = self->getTEImage( TEX_UPPER_BAKED ); LLViewerImage* lower_baked = self->getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_BAKED ); if( aux_src && aux_src->getComponents() == 1 ) { if (!aux_src->getData()) { llerrs << "No auxiliary source data for onBakedTextureMasksLoaded" << llendl; return; } U32 gl_name; glGenTextures(1, (GLuint*) &gl_name ); stop_glerror(); LLImageGL::bindExternalTexture( gl_name, 0, GL_TEXTURE_2D ); stop_glerror(); glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_ALPHA8, aux_src->getWidth(), aux_src->getHeight(), 0, GL_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, aux_src->getData()); stop_glerror(); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); if( id == head_baked->getID() ) { if (self->mHeadLayerSet) { //llinfos << "onBakedTextureMasksLoaded for head " << id << " discard = " << discard_level << llendl; self->mHeadLayerSet->applyMorphMask(aux_src->getData(), aux_src->getWidth(), aux_src->getHeight(), 1); maskData->mLastDiscardLevel = discard_level; self->mHeadMaskDiscard = discard_level; if (self->mHeadMaskTexName) { glDeleteTextures(1, (GLuint*) &self->mHeadMaskTexName); } self->mHeadMaskTexName = gl_name; } else { llwarns << "onBakedTextureMasksLoaded: no mHeadLayerSet." << llendl; } } else if( id == upper_baked->getID() ) { if ( self->mUpperBodyLayerSet) { //llinfos << "onBakedTextureMasksLoaded for upper body " << id << " discard = " << discard_level << llendl; self->mUpperBodyLayerSet->applyMorphMask(aux_src->getData(), aux_src->getWidth(), aux_src->getHeight(), 1); maskData->mLastDiscardLevel = discard_level; self->mUpperMaskDiscard = discard_level; if (self->mUpperMaskTexName) { glDeleteTextures(1, (GLuint*) &self->mUpperMaskTexName); } self->mUpperMaskTexName = gl_name; } else { llwarns << "onBakedTextureMasksLoaded: no mHeadLayerSet." << llendl; } } else if( id == lower_baked->getID() ) { if ( self->mLowerBodyLayerSet ) { //llinfos << "onBakedTextureMasksLoaded for lower body " << id << " discard = " << discard_level << llendl; self->mLowerBodyLayerSet->applyMorphMask(aux_src->getData(), aux_src->getWidth(), aux_src->getHeight(), 1); maskData->mLastDiscardLevel = discard_level; self->mLowerMaskDiscard = discard_level; if (self->mLowerMaskTexName) { glDeleteTextures(1, (GLuint*) &self->mLowerMaskTexName); } self->mLowerMaskTexName = gl_name; } else { llwarns << "onBakedTextureMasksLoaded: no mHeadLayerSet." << llendl; } } else { llinfos << "onBakedTextureMasksLoaded(): unexpected image id: " << id << llendl; } self->dirtyMesh(); } else { // this can happen when someone uses an old baked texture possibly provided by // viewer-side baked texture caching llwarns << "Masks loaded callback but NO aux source!" << llendl; } } if (final || !success) { delete maskData; } } // static void LLVOAvatar::onInitialBakedTextureLoaded( BOOL success, LLViewerImage *src_vi, LLImageRaw* src, LLImageRaw* aux_src, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void* userdata ) { LLUUID *avatar_idp = (LLUUID *)userdata; LLVOAvatar *selfp = (LLVOAvatar *)gObjectList.findObject(*avatar_idp); if (!success && selfp) { selfp->removeMissingBakedTextures(); } if (final || !success ) { delete avatar_idp; } } void LLVOAvatar::onBakedTextureLoaded(BOOL success, LLViewerImage *src_vi, LLImageRaw* src, LLImageRaw* aux_src, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void* userdata) { //llinfos << "onBakedTextureLoaded: " << src_vi->getID() << llendl; LLUUID id = src_vi->getID(); LLUUID *avatar_idp = (LLUUID *)userdata; LLVOAvatar *selfp = (LLVOAvatar *)gObjectList.findObject(*avatar_idp); if (selfp && !success) { selfp->removeMissingBakedTextures(); } if( final || !success ) { delete avatar_idp; } if( selfp && success && final ) { selfp->useBakedTexture( id ); } } // Called when baked texture is loaded and also when we start up with a baked texture void LLVOAvatar::useBakedTexture( const LLUUID& id ) { // llinfos << "useBakedTexture" << llendl; LLViewerImage* head_baked = getTEImage( TEX_HEAD_BAKED ); LLViewerImage* upper_baked = getTEImage( TEX_UPPER_BAKED ); LLViewerImage* lower_baked = getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_BAKED ); LLViewerImage* eyes_baked = getTEImage( TEX_EYES_BAKED ); LLViewerImage* skirt_baked = getTEImage( TEX_SKIRT_BAKED ); if( id == head_baked->getID() ) { mHeadBakedLoaded = TRUE; mLastHeadBakedID = id; mHeadMesh0.setTexture( head_baked ); mHeadMesh1.setTexture( head_baked ); mHeadMesh2.setTexture( head_baked ); mHeadMesh3.setTexture( head_baked ); mHeadMesh4.setTexture( head_baked ); mEyeLashMesh0.setTexture( head_baked ); if( mHeadLayerSet ) { mHeadLayerSet->destroyComposite(); } setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_HEAD_BODYPAINT, getTEImage( TEX_HEAD_BODYPAINT ), TRUE ); } else if( id == upper_baked->getID() ) { mUpperBakedLoaded = TRUE; mLastUpperBodyBakedID = id; mUpperBodyMesh0.setTexture( upper_baked ); mUpperBodyMesh1.setTexture( upper_baked ); mUpperBodyMesh2.setTexture( upper_baked ); mUpperBodyMesh3.setTexture( upper_baked ); mUpperBodyMesh4.setTexture( upper_baked ); if( mUpperBodyLayerSet ) { mUpperBodyLayerSet->destroyComposite(); } setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_UPPER_SHIRT, getTEImage( TEX_UPPER_SHIRT ), TRUE ); setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_UPPER_BODYPAINT, getTEImage( TEX_UPPER_BODYPAINT ), TRUE ); setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_UPPER_JACKET, getTEImage( TEX_UPPER_JACKET ), TRUE ); setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_UPPER_GLOVES, getTEImage( TEX_UPPER_GLOVES ), TRUE ); setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_UPPER_UNDERSHIRT, getTEImage( TEX_UPPER_UNDERSHIRT ), TRUE ); } else if( id == lower_baked->getID() ) { mLowerBakedLoaded = TRUE; mLastLowerBodyBakedID = id; mLowerBodyMesh0.setTexture( lower_baked ); mLowerBodyMesh1.setTexture( lower_baked ); mLowerBodyMesh2.setTexture( lower_baked ); mLowerBodyMesh3.setTexture( lower_baked ); mLowerBodyMesh4.setTexture( lower_baked ); if( mLowerBodyLayerSet ) { mLowerBodyLayerSet->destroyComposite(); } setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_LOWER_PANTS, getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_PANTS ), TRUE ); setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_LOWER_BODYPAINT, getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_BODYPAINT ), TRUE ); setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_LOWER_SHOES, getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_SHOES ), TRUE ); setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_LOWER_SOCKS, getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_SOCKS ), TRUE ); setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_LOWER_JACKET, getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_JACKET ), TRUE ); setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_LOWER_UNDERPANTS, getTEImage( TEX_LOWER_UNDERPANTS ), TRUE ); } else if( id == eyes_baked->getID() ) { mEyesBakedLoaded = TRUE; mLastEyesBakedID = id; mEyeBallLeftMesh0.setTexture( eyes_baked ); mEyeBallLeftMesh1.setTexture( eyes_baked ); mEyeBallRightMesh0.setTexture( eyes_baked ); mEyeBallRightMesh1.setTexture( eyes_baked ); if( mEyesLayerSet ) { mEyesLayerSet->destroyComposite(); } setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_EYES_IRIS, getTEImage( TEX_EYES_IRIS ), TRUE ); } else if( id == skirt_baked->getID() ) { mSkirtBakedLoaded = TRUE; mLastSkirtBakedID = id; mSkirtMesh0.setTexture( skirt_baked ); mSkirtMesh1.setTexture( skirt_baked ); mSkirtMesh2.setTexture( skirt_baked ); mSkirtMesh3.setTexture( skirt_baked ); mSkirtMesh4.setTexture( skirt_baked ); if( mSkirtLayerSet ) { mSkirtLayerSet->destroyComposite(); } setLocalTexture( LOCTEX_SKIRT, getTEImage( TEX_SKIRT ), TRUE ); } dirtyMesh(); } // static void LLVOAvatar::dumpArchetypeXML( void* ) { LLVOAvatar* avatar = gAgent.getAvatarObject(); apr_file_t* file = ll_apr_file_open(gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_CHARACTER,"new archetype.xml"), LL_APR_WB ); if( !file ) { return; } apr_file_printf( file, "\n" ); apr_file_printf( file, "\n" ); apr_file_printf( file, "\n\t\n" ); // only body parts, not clothing. for( S32 type = WT_SHAPE; type <= WT_EYES; type++ ) { const char* wearable_name = LLWearable::typeToTypeName( (EWearableType) type ); apr_file_printf( file, "\n\t\t\n", wearable_name ); for( LLVisualParam* param = avatar->getFirstVisualParam(); param; param = avatar->getNextVisualParam() ) { LLViewerVisualParam* viewer_param = (LLViewerVisualParam*)param; if( (viewer_param->getWearableType() == type) && (viewer_param->getGroup() == VISUAL_PARAM_GROUP_TWEAKABLE) ) { apr_file_printf( file, "\t\t\n", viewer_param->getID(), viewer_param->getName().c_str(), viewer_param->getWeight() ); } } for( S32 te = 0; te < TEX_NUM_ENTRIES; te++ ) { if( LLVOAvatar::getTEWearableType( te ) == type ) { LLViewerImage* te_image = avatar->getTEImage( te ); if( te_image ) { char uuid_str[UUID_STR_LENGTH]; /* Flawfinder: ignore */ te_image->getID().toString( uuid_str ); apr_file_printf( file, "\t\t\n", te, uuid_str); } } } } apr_file_printf( file, "\t\n" ); apr_file_printf( file, "\n\n" ); apr_file_close( file ); } // Assumes LLVOAvatar::sInstances has already been sorted. S32 LLVOAvatar::getUnbakedPixelAreaRank() { S32 rank = 1; for (std::vector::iterator iter = LLCharacter::sInstances.begin(); iter != LLCharacter::sInstances.end(); ++iter) { LLVOAvatar* inst = (LLVOAvatar*) *iter; if( inst == this ) { return rank; } else if( !inst->isDead() && !inst->isFullyBaked() ) { rank++; } } llassert(0); return 0; } // static void LLVOAvatar::cullAvatarsByPixelArea() { std::sort(LLCharacter::sInstances.begin(), LLCharacter::sInstances.end(), CompareScreenAreaGreater()); // Update the avatars that have changed status S32 rank = 1; for (std::vector::iterator iter = LLCharacter::sInstances.begin(); iter != LLCharacter::sInstances.end(); ++iter) { LLVOAvatar* inst = (LLVOAvatar*) *iter; BOOL culled; if( inst->isDead() ) { culled = TRUE; } else if( inst->isSelf() || inst->isFullyBaked() ) { culled = FALSE; } else { culled = (rank > LLVOAvatar::sMaxOtherAvatarsToComposite) || (inst->mPixelArea < MIN_PIXEL_AREA_FOR_COMPOSITE); rank++; } if( inst->mCulled != culled ) { inst->mCulled = culled; lldebugs << "avatar " << inst->getID() << (culled ? " start culled" : " start not culled" ) << llendl; inst->updateMeshTextures(); } } if( LLVOAvatar::areAllNearbyInstancesBaked() ) { LLVOAvatar::deleteCachedImages(); } } const LLUUID& LLVOAvatar::grabLocalTexture(ETextureIndex index) { if (canGrabLocalTexture(index)) { return getTEImage( index )->getID(); } return LLUUID::null; } BOOL LLVOAvatar::canGrabLocalTexture(ETextureIndex index) { // Check if the texture hasn't been baked yet. if ( getTEImage( index )->getID() == IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ) { lldebugs << "getTEImage( " << (U32) index << " )->getID() == IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR" << llendl; return FALSE; } // Check permissions of textures that show up in the // baked texture. We don't want people copying people's // work via baked textures. std::vector textures; switch (index) { case TEX_EYES_BAKED: textures.push_back(TEX_EYES_IRIS); break; case TEX_HEAD_BAKED: textures.push_back(TEX_HEAD_BODYPAINT); break; case TEX_UPPER_BAKED: textures.push_back(TEX_UPPER_BODYPAINT); textures.push_back(TEX_UPPER_UNDERSHIRT); textures.push_back(TEX_UPPER_SHIRT); textures.push_back(TEX_UPPER_JACKET); textures.push_back(TEX_UPPER_GLOVES); break; case TEX_LOWER_BAKED: textures.push_back(TEX_LOWER_BODYPAINT); textures.push_back(TEX_LOWER_UNDERPANTS); textures.push_back(TEX_LOWER_PANTS); textures.push_back(TEX_LOWER_JACKET); textures.push_back(TEX_LOWER_SOCKS); textures.push_back(TEX_LOWER_SHOES); break; case TEX_SKIRT_BAKED: textures.push_back(TEX_SKIRT); break; default: return FALSE; break; } std::vector::iterator iter = textures.begin(); std::vector::iterator end = textures.end(); for (; iter != end; ++iter) { ETextureIndex t_index = (*iter); lldebugs << "Checking index " << (U32) t_index << llendl; const LLUUID& texture_id = getTEImage( t_index )->getID(); if (texture_id != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR) { // Search inventory for this texture. LLViewerInventoryCategory::cat_array_t cats; LLViewerInventoryItem::item_array_t items; LLAssetIDMatches asset_id_matches(texture_id); gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(LLUUID::null, cats, items, LLInventoryModel::INCLUDE_TRASH, asset_id_matches); BOOL can_grab = FALSE; lldebugs << "item count for asset " << texture_id << ": " << items.count() << llendl; if (items.count()) { // search for full permissions version for (S32 i = 0; i < items.count(); i++) { LLInventoryItem* itemp = items[i]; LLPermissions item_permissions = itemp->getPermissions(); if ( item_permissions.allowOperationBy( PERM_MODIFY, gAgent.getID(), gAgent.getGroupID()) && item_permissions.allowOperationBy( PERM_COPY, gAgent.getID(), gAgent.getGroupID()) && item_permissions.allowOperationBy( PERM_TRANSFER, gAgent.getID(), gAgent.getGroupID()) ) { can_grab = TRUE; break; } } } if (!can_grab) return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } void LLVOAvatar::dumpLocalTextures() { llinfos << "Local Textures:" << llendl; char* names[] = { "Shirt ", "UpperTatoo", "Pants ", "LowerTatoo", "Head Tatoo", "Shoes ", "Socks ", "Upper Jckt", "Lower Jckt", "Gloves ", "Undershirt", "Underpants", "Iris ", "Skirt "}; ETextureIndex baked_equiv[] = { TEX_UPPER_BAKED, TEX_UPPER_BAKED, TEX_LOWER_BAKED, TEX_LOWER_BAKED, TEX_HEAD_BAKED, TEX_LOWER_BAKED, TEX_LOWER_BAKED, TEX_UPPER_BAKED, TEX_LOWER_BAKED, TEX_UPPER_BAKED, TEX_UPPER_BAKED, TEX_LOWER_BAKED, TEX_EYES_BAKED, TEX_SKIRT_BAKED }; for( S32 i = 0; i < LOCTEX_NUM_ENTRIES; i++ ) { if( getTEImage( baked_equiv[i] )->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ) { #if LL_RELEASE_FOR_DOWNLOAD // End users don't get to trivially see avatar texture IDs, makes textures // easier to steal. JC llinfos << "LocTex " << names[i] << ": Baked " << llendl; #else llinfos << "LocTex " << names[i] << ": Baked " << getTEImage( baked_equiv[i] )->getID() << llendl; #endif } else if (mLocalTexture[i].notNull()) { if( mLocalTexture[i]->getID() == IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR ) { llinfos << "LocTex " << names[i] << ": None" << llendl; } else { LLViewerImage* image = mLocalTexture[i]; llinfos << "LocTex " << names[i] << ": " << "Discard " << image->getDiscardLevel() << ", " << "(" << image->getWidth() << ", " << image->getHeight() << ") " #if !LL_RELEASE_FOR_DOWNLOAD // End users don't get to trivially see avatar texture IDs, // makes textures easier to steal << image->getID() << " " #endif << "Priority: " << image->getDecodePriority() << llendl; } } else { llinfos << "LocTex " << names[i] << ": No LLViewerImage" << llendl; } } } void LLVOAvatar::startAppearanceAnimation(BOOL set_by_user, BOOL play_sound) { if(!mAppearanceAnimating) { mAppearanceAnimSetByUser = set_by_user; mAppearanceAnimating = TRUE; mAppearanceMorphTimer.reset(); mLastAppearanceBlendTime = 0.f; } } void LLVOAvatar::removeMissingBakedTextures() { if (!mIsSelf) { return; } BOOL removed = FALSE; for( S32 i = 0; i < BAKED_TEXTURE_COUNT; i++ ) { S32 te = sBakedTextureIndices[i]; if( getTEImage( te )->isMissingAsset() ) { setTEImage( te, gImageList.getImage(IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR) ); removed = TRUE; } } if( removed ) { invalidateComposite( mEyesLayerSet, FALSE ); invalidateComposite( mHeadLayerSet, FALSE ); invalidateComposite( mUpperBodyLayerSet, FALSE ); invalidateComposite( mLowerBodyLayerSet, FALSE ); invalidateComposite( mSkirtLayerSet, FALSE ); updateMeshTextures(); requestLayerSetUploads(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLVOAvatarInfo //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLVOAvatarInfo::LLVOAvatarInfo() : mTexSkinColorInfo(0), mTexHairColorInfo(0), mTexEyeColorInfo(0) { } LLVOAvatarInfo::~LLVOAvatarInfo() { std::for_each(mMeshInfoList.begin(), mMeshInfoList.end(), DeletePointer()); std::for_each(mSkeletalDistortionInfoList.begin(), mSkeletalDistortionInfoList.end(), DeletePointer()); std::for_each(mAttachmentInfoList.begin(), mAttachmentInfoList.end(), DeletePointer()); delete mTexSkinColorInfo; delete mTexHairColorInfo; delete mTexEyeColorInfo; std::for_each(mLayerInfoList.begin(), mLayerInfoList.end(), DeletePointer()); std::for_each(mDriverInfoList.begin(), mDriverInfoList.end(), DeletePointer()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLVOAvatarBoneInfo::parseXml() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatarBoneInfo::parseXml(LLXmlTreeNode* node) { if (node->hasName("bone")) { mIsJoint = TRUE; static LLStdStringHandle name_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("name"); if (!node->getFastAttributeString(name_string, mName)) { llwarns << "Bone without name" << llendl; return FALSE; } } else if (node->hasName("collision_volume")) { mIsJoint = FALSE; static LLStdStringHandle name_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("name"); if (!node->getFastAttributeString(name_string, mName)) { mName = "Collision Volume"; } } else { llwarns << "Invalid node " << node->getName() << llendl; return FALSE; } static LLStdStringHandle pos_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("pos"); if (!node->getFastAttributeVector3(pos_string, mPos)) { llwarns << "Bone without position" << llendl; return FALSE; } static LLStdStringHandle rot_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("rot"); if (!node->getFastAttributeVector3(rot_string, mRot)) { llwarns << "Bone without rotation" << llendl; return FALSE; } static LLStdStringHandle scale_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("scale"); if (!node->getFastAttributeVector3(scale_string, mScale)) { llwarns << "Bone without scale" << llendl; return FALSE; } if (mIsJoint) { static LLStdStringHandle pivot_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("pivot"); if (!node->getFastAttributeVector3(pivot_string, mPivot)) { llwarns << "Bone without pivot" << llendl; return FALSE; } } // parse children LLXmlTreeNode* child; for( child = node->getFirstChild(); child; child = node->getNextChild() ) { LLVOAvatarBoneInfo *child_info = new LLVOAvatarBoneInfo; if (!child_info->parseXml(child)) { delete child_info; return FALSE; } mChildList.push_back(child_info); } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLVOAvatarSkeletonInfo::parseXml() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatarSkeletonInfo::parseXml(LLXmlTreeNode* node) { static LLStdStringHandle num_bones_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("num_bones"); if (!node->getFastAttributeS32(num_bones_string, mNumBones)) { llwarns << "Couldn't find number of bones." << llendl; return FALSE; } static LLStdStringHandle num_collision_volumes_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("num_collision_volumes"); node->getFastAttributeS32(num_collision_volumes_string, mNumCollisionVolumes); LLXmlTreeNode* child; for( child = node->getFirstChild(); child; child = node->getNextChild() ) { LLVOAvatarBoneInfo *info = new LLVOAvatarBoneInfo; if (!info->parseXml(child)) { delete info; llwarns << "Error parsing bone in skeleton file" << llendl; return FALSE; } mBoneInfoList.push_back(info); } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // parseXmlSkeletonNode(): parses nodes from XML tree //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatarInfo::parseXmlSkeletonNode(LLXmlTreeNode* root) { LLXmlTreeNode* node = root->getChildByName( "skeleton" ); if( !node ) { llwarns << "avatar file: missing " << llendl; return FALSE; } LLXmlTreeNode* child; // SKELETON DISTORTIONS for (child = node->getChildByName( "param" ); child; child = node->getNextNamedChild()) { if (!child->getChildByName("param_skeleton")) { if (child->getChildByName("param_morph")) { llwarns << "Can't specify morph param in skeleton definition." << llendl; } else { llwarns << "Unknown param type." << llendl; } continue; } LLPolySkeletalDistortionInfo *info = new LLPolySkeletalDistortionInfo; if (!info->parseXml(child)) { delete info; return FALSE; } mSkeletalDistortionInfoList.push_back(info); } // ATTACHMENT POINTS for (child = node->getChildByName( "attachment_point" ); child; child = node->getNextNamedChild()) { LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo* info = new LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo(); static LLStdStringHandle name_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("name"); if (!child->getFastAttributeString(name_string, info->mName)) { llwarns << "No name supplied for attachment point." << llendl; delete info; continue; } static LLStdStringHandle joint_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("joint"); if (!child->getFastAttributeString(joint_string, info->mJointName)) { llwarns << "No bone declared in attachment point " << info->mName << llendl; delete info; continue; } static LLStdStringHandle position_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("position"); if (child->getFastAttributeVector3(position_string, info->mPosition)) { info->mHasPosition = TRUE; } static LLStdStringHandle rotation_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("rotation"); if (child->getFastAttributeVector3(rotation_string, info->mRotationEuler)) { info->mHasRotation = TRUE; } static LLStdStringHandle group_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("group"); if (child->getFastAttributeS32(group_string, info->mGroup)) { if (info->mGroup == -1) info->mGroup = -1111; // -1 = none parsed, < -1 = bad value } static LLStdStringHandle id_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("id"); if (!child->getFastAttributeS32(id_string, info->mAttachmentID)) { llwarns << "No id supplied for attachment point " << info->mName << llendl; delete info; continue; } static LLStdStringHandle slot_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("pie_slice"); child->getFastAttributeS32(slot_string, info->mPieMenuSlice); static LLStdStringHandle visible_in_first_person_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("visible_in_first_person"); child->getFastAttributeBOOL(visible_in_first_person_string, info->mVisibleFirstPerson); static LLStdStringHandle hud_attachment_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("hud"); child->getFastAttributeBOOL(hud_attachment_string, info->mIsHUDAttachment); mAttachmentInfoList.push_back(info); } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // parseXmlMeshNodes(): parses nodes from XML tree //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatarInfo::parseXmlMeshNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root) { for (LLXmlTreeNode* node = root->getChildByName( "mesh" ); node; node = root->getNextNamedChild()) { LLVOAvatarMeshInfo *info = new LLVOAvatarMeshInfo; // attribute: type static LLStdStringHandle type_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("type"); if( !node->getFastAttributeString( type_string, info->mType ) ) { llwarns << "Avatar file: is missing type attribute. Ignoring element. " << llendl; delete info; return FALSE; // Ignore this element } static LLStdStringHandle lod_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("lod"); if (!node->getFastAttributeS32( lod_string, info->mLOD )) { llwarns << "Avatar file: is missing lod attribute. Ignoring element. " << llendl; delete info; return FALSE; // Ignore this element } static LLStdStringHandle file_name_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("file_name"); if( !node->getFastAttributeString( file_name_string, info->mMeshFileName ) ) { llwarns << "Avatar file: is missing file_name attribute. Ignoring: " << info->mType << llendl; delete info; return FALSE; // Ignore this element } static LLStdStringHandle reference_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("reference"); node->getFastAttributeString( reference_string, info->mReferenceMeshName ); // attribute: min_pixel_area static LLStdStringHandle min_pixel_area_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("min_pixel_area"); static LLStdStringHandle min_pixel_width_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("min_pixel_width"); if (!node->getFastAttributeF32( min_pixel_area_string, info->mMinPixelArea )) { F32 min_pixel_area = 0.1f; if (node->getFastAttributeF32( min_pixel_width_string, min_pixel_area )) { // this is square root of pixel area (sensible to use linear space in defining lods) min_pixel_area = min_pixel_area * min_pixel_area; } info->mMinPixelArea = min_pixel_area; } // Parse visual params for this node only if we haven't already for (LLXmlTreeNode* child = node->getChildByName( "param" ); child; child = node->getNextNamedChild()) { if (!child->getChildByName("param_morph")) { if (child->getChildByName("param_skeleton")) { llwarns << "Can't specify skeleton param in a mesh definition." << llendl; } else { llwarns << "Unknown param type." << llendl; } continue; } LLPolyMorphTargetInfo *morphinfo = new LLPolyMorphTargetInfo(); if (!morphinfo->parseXml(child)) { delete morphinfo; delete info; return -1; } BOOL shared = FALSE; static LLStdStringHandle shared_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("shared"); child->getFastAttributeBOOL(shared_string, shared); info->mPolyMorphTargetInfoList.push_back(LLVOAvatarMeshInfo::morph_info_pair_t(morphinfo, shared)); } mMeshInfoList.push_back(info); } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // parseXmlColorNodes(): parses nodes from XML tree //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatarInfo::parseXmlColorNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root) { for (LLXmlTreeNode* color_node = root->getChildByName( "global_color" ); color_node; color_node = root->getNextNamedChild()) { LLString global_color_name; static LLStdStringHandle name_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("name"); if (color_node->getFastAttributeString( name_string, global_color_name ) ) { if( global_color_name == "skin_color" ) { if (mTexSkinColorInfo) { llwarns << "avatar file: multiple instances of skin_color" << llendl; return FALSE; } mTexSkinColorInfo = new LLTexGlobalColorInfo; if( !mTexSkinColorInfo->parseXml( color_node ) ) { delete mTexSkinColorInfo; mTexSkinColorInfo = 0; llwarns << "avatar file: mTexSkinColor->parseXml() failed" << llendl; return FALSE; } } else if( global_color_name == "hair_color" ) { if (mTexHairColorInfo) { llwarns << "avatar file: multiple instances of hair_color" << llendl; return FALSE; } mTexHairColorInfo = new LLTexGlobalColorInfo; if( !mTexHairColorInfo->parseXml( color_node ) ) { delete mTexHairColorInfo; mTexHairColorInfo = 0; llwarns << "avatar file: mTexHairColor->parseXml() failed" << llendl; return FALSE; } } else if( global_color_name == "eye_color" ) { if (mTexEyeColorInfo) { llwarns << "avatar file: multiple instances of eye_color" << llendl; return FALSE; } mTexEyeColorInfo = new LLTexGlobalColorInfo; if( !mTexEyeColorInfo->parseXml( color_node ) ) { llwarns << "avatar file: mTexEyeColor->parseXml() failed" << llendl; return FALSE; } } } } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // parseXmlLayerNodes(): parses nodes from XML tree //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatarInfo::parseXmlLayerNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root) { for (LLXmlTreeNode* layer_node = root->getChildByName( "layer_set" ); layer_node; layer_node = root->getNextNamedChild()) { LLTexLayerSetInfo* layer_info = new LLTexLayerSetInfo(); if( layer_info->parseXml( layer_node ) ) { mLayerInfoList.push_back(layer_info); } else { delete layer_info; llwarns << "avatar file: layer_set->parseXml() failed" << llendl; return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // parseXmlDriverNodes(): parses nodes from XML tree //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLVOAvatarInfo::parseXmlDriverNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root) { LLXmlTreeNode* driver = root->getChildByName( "driver_parameters" ); if( driver ) { for (LLXmlTreeNode* grand_child = driver->getChildByName( "param" ); grand_child; grand_child = driver->getNextNamedChild()) { if( grand_child->getChildByName( "param_driver" ) ) { LLDriverParamInfo* driver_info = new LLDriverParamInfo(); if( driver_info->parseXml( grand_child ) ) { mDriverInfoList.push_back(driver_info); } else { delete driver_info; llwarns << "avatar file: driver_param->parseXml() failed" << llendl; return FALSE; } } } } return TRUE; } void LLVOAvatar::writeCAL3D(std::string& path, std::string& file_base) { char filename[MAX_PATH]; /* Flawfinder: ignore */ // reset animated morphs setVisualParamWeight("Blink_Left", 0.f); setVisualParamWeight("Blink_Right", 0.f); setVisualParamWeight("Hands_Relaxed", 1.f); setVisualParamWeight("Hands_Point", 0.f); setVisualParamWeight("Hands_Fist", 0.f); setVisualParamWeight("Hands_Relaxed_L", 0.f); setVisualParamWeight("Hands_Point_L", 0.f); setVisualParamWeight("Hands_Fist_L", 0.f); setVisualParamWeight("Hands_Relaxed_R", 0.f); setVisualParamWeight("Hands_Point_R", 0.f); setVisualParamWeight("Hands_Fist_R", 0.f); setVisualParamWeight("Hands_Salute_R", 0.f); setVisualParamWeight("Hands_Typing", 0.f); setVisualParamWeight("Hands_Peace_R", 0.f); setVisualParamWeight("Hands_Spread_R", 0.f); updateVisualParams(); snprintf(filename, MAX_PATH, "%s\\%s_skeleton.xsf", path.c_str(), file_base.c_str()); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ apr_file_t* fp = ll_apr_file_open(filename, LL_APR_W); if (!fp) { llwarns << "Unable to write avatar file " << filename << llendl; return; } apr_file_printf(fp, "\n", sSkeletonInfo->getNumBones() - sSkeletonInfo->getNumCollisionVolumes()); mRoot.writeCAL3D(fp); apr_file_printf(fp, "\n"); apr_file_close(fp); snprintf(filename, MAX_PATH, "%s\\%s_mesh_body.xmf", path.c_str(), file_base.c_str()); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ //gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_CHARACTER,"avatar.cal").c_str() fp = ll_apr_file_open(filename, LL_APR_W); if (!fp) { llwarns << "Unable to write avatar file " << filename << llendl; return; } BOOL has_skirt = isWearingWearableType(WT_SKIRT); apr_file_printf(fp, "\n", has_skirt ? 8 : 7); mHairMesh0.writeCAL3D(fp, 5, this); mHeadMesh0.writeCAL3D(fp, 0, this); mEyeLashMesh0.writeCAL3D(fp, 0, this); mUpperBodyMesh0.writeCAL3D(fp, 1, this); mLowerBodyMesh0.writeCAL3D(fp, 2, this); mEyeBallLeftMesh0.writeCAL3D(fp, 3, this); mEyeBallRightMesh0.writeCAL3D(fp, 3, this); if (has_skirt) { mSkirtMesh0.writeCAL3D(fp, 4, this); } apr_file_printf(fp, "\n"); apr_file_close(fp); // write out material files LLPointer tga_image = new LLImageTGA; for (S32 i = 0; i < (has_skirt ? BAKED_TEXTURE_COUNT : BAKED_TEXTURE_COUNT - 1); i++) { snprintf(filename, MAX_PATH, "%s\\%s_material_tex_%d.tga", path.c_str(), file_base.c_str(), i); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ LLViewerImage* viewer_imagep = mTEImages[sBakedTextureIndices[i]]; if (!viewer_imagep->getHasGLTexture()) { llinfos << "No image data available for " << filename << llendl; continue; } LLPointer raw_image = new LLImageRaw; viewer_imagep->readBackRaw(-1, raw_image, false); BOOL success = tga_image->encode(raw_image); success = tga_image->save(filename); } // output image for hair snprintf(filename, MAX_PATH, "%s\\%s_material_tex_5.tga", path.c_str(), file_base.c_str()); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ LLViewerImage* viewer_imagep = mTEImages[TEX_HAIR]; if (!viewer_imagep->getHasGLTexture()) { llinfos << "No image data available for " << filename << llendl; } else { LLPointer raw_image = new LLImageRaw; viewer_imagep->readBackRaw(-1, raw_image, false); BOOL success = tga_image->encode(raw_image); success = tga_image->save(filename); } // save out attachments snprintf(filename, MAX_PATH, "%s\\%s_mesh_attachments.xmf", path.c_str(), file_base.c_str()); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ fp = ll_apr_file_open(filename, LL_APR_W); if (!fp) { llwarns << "Unable to write attachments file " << filename << llendl; return; } typedef std::multimap::iterator material_it_t; std::multimap material_map; S32 num_attachment_objects = 0; for(LLViewerJointAttachment *attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getFirstData(); attachment; attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getNextData()) { LLViewerObject *attached_object = attachment->getObject(); if (attached_object && !attached_object->isDead() && attached_object->mDrawable.notNull() && attached_object->getPCode() == LL_PCODE_VOLUME) { num_attachment_objects += attached_object->mDrawable->getNumFaces(); for (U32 i = 0; i < attached_object->mChildList.size(); i++) { LLViewerObject* child_object = attached_object->mChildList[i]; num_attachment_objects += child_object->mDrawable->getNumFaces(); } } } apr_file_printf(fp, "\n", num_attachment_objects); S32 material_index = 6; S32 texture_index = 6; for(LLViewerJointAttachment *attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getFirstData(); attachment; attachment = mAttachmentPoints.getNextData()) { LLViewerObject *attached_object = attachment->getObject(); if (attached_object && !attached_object->isDead() && attached_object->getPCode() == LL_PCODE_VOLUME) { LLVOVolume* attached_volume = (LLVOVolume*)attached_object; LLVector3 pos = attachment->getPosition(); LLJoint* cur_joint = attachment->getParent(); while (cur_joint) { pos += cur_joint->getSkinOffset(); cur_joint = (LLViewerJoint*)cur_joint->getParent(); } pos *= 100.f; S32 attached_joint_num = attachment->getParent()->mJointNum; LLQuaternion rot = attachment->getRotation(); attached_volume->writeCAL3D(fp, path, file_base, attached_joint_num, pos, rot, material_index, texture_index, material_map); } } apr_file_printf(fp, "\n"); apr_file_close(fp); // now dump sample animation LLKeyframeMotion* walk_motion = getSex() == SEX_MALE ? (LLKeyframeMotion*)findMotion(ANIM_AGENT_WALK) : (LLKeyframeMotion*)findMotion(ANIM_AGENT_FEMALE_WALK); if (FALSE)//(walk_motion) { snprintf(filename, MAX_PATH, "%s\\%s_anim.xaf", path.c_str(), file_base.c_str()); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ apr_file_t* fp = ll_apr_file_open(filename, LL_APR_W); if (!fp) { llwarns << "Unable to write avatar animation file " << filename << llendl; return; } walk_motion->writeCAL3D(fp); apr_file_close(fp); } // finally, write out .cfg file snprintf(filename, MAX_PATH, "%s\\%s_avatar.cfg", path.c_str(), file_base.c_str()); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ fp = ll_apr_file_open(filename, LL_APR_W); if (!fp) { llwarns << "Unable to write avatar config file " << filename << llendl; return; } // this version exports animation //apr_file_printf(fp, "#\n# cal3d model configuration file\n#\n# model: %s_avatar\n#\n\nscale=1.0\n\nskeleton=%s_skeleton.xsf\n\nanimation=%s_anim.xaf\n\n", file_base.c_str(), file_base.c_str(), file_base.c_str()); apr_file_printf(fp, "#\n# cal3d model configuration file\n#\n# model: %s_avatar\n#\n\nscale=1.0\n\nskeleton=%s_skeleton.xsf\n\n", file_base.c_str(), file_base.c_str()); apr_file_printf(fp, "mesh=%s_mesh_body.xmf\nmesh=%s_mesh_attachments.xmf\n", file_base.c_str(), file_base.c_str()); for (S32 i = 0; i < material_index; i++) { apr_file_printf(fp, "material=%s_material_%d.xrf\n", file_base.c_str(), i); } apr_file_close(fp); for(S32 i = 0; i < 6; i++) { snprintf(filename, MAX_PATH, "%s\\%s_material_%d.xrf", path.c_str(), file_base.c_str(), i); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ apr_file_t* fp = ll_apr_file_open(filename, LL_APR_W); if (!fp) { llwarns << "Unable to write material definition file " << filename << llendl; return; } // for hair material, use hair color...otherwise use white for entire body LLColor4U material_color = (i == 5) ? mTexHairColor->getColor() : LLColor4U::white; apr_file_printf(fp, "
\n\n"); apr_file_printf(fp, " %d %d %d %d\n", material_color.mV[VX], material_color.mV[VY], material_color.mV[VZ], material_color.mV[VW]); apr_file_printf(fp, " %d %d %d %d\n", material_color.mV[VX], material_color.mV[VY], material_color.mV[VZ], material_color.mV[VW]); apr_file_printf(fp, " 0 0 0 0\n"); apr_file_printf(fp, " 1.0\n"); apr_file_printf(fp, " %s_material_tex_%d.tga\n", file_base.c_str(), i); apr_file_printf(fp, "\n"); apr_file_close(fp); } // write out material files for(material_it_t material_it = material_map.begin(); material_it != material_map.end(); ++material_it) { LLMaterialExportInfo* export_info = material_it->second; snprintf(filename, MAX_PATH, "%s\\%s_material_%d.xrf", path.c_str(), file_base.c_str(), export_info->mMaterialIndex); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ apr_file_t* fp = ll_apr_file_open(filename, LL_APR_W); if (!fp) { llwarns << "Unable to write material definition file " << filename << llendl; return; } LLColor4U material_color = export_info->mColor; apr_file_printf(fp, "
\n\n"); apr_file_printf(fp, " %d %d %d %d\n", material_color.mV[VX], material_color.mV[VY], material_color.mV[VZ], material_color.mV[VW]); apr_file_printf(fp, " %d %d %d %d\n", material_color.mV[VX], material_color.mV[VY], material_color.mV[VZ], material_color.mV[VW]); apr_file_printf(fp, " 0 0 0 0\n"); apr_file_printf(fp, " 1.0\n"); apr_file_printf(fp, " %s_material_tex_%d.tga\n", file_base.c_str(), export_info->mTextureIndex); apr_file_printf(fp, "\n"); apr_file_close(fp); } std::for_each(material_map.begin(), material_map.end(), DeletePairedPointer()); material_map.clear(); } // warning: order(N) not order(1) S32 LLVOAvatar::getAttachmentCount() { S32 count = mAttachmentPoints.getLength(); return count; } //virtual void LLVOAvatar::updateRegion(LLViewerRegion *regionp) { if (mIsSelf) { if (regionp->getHandle() != mLastRegionHandle) { if (mLastRegionHandle != 0) { ++mRegionCrossingCount; F64 delta = (F64)mRegionCrossingTimer.getElapsedTimeF32(); F64 avg = (mRegionCrossingCount == 1) ? 0 : gViewerStats->getStat(LLViewerStats::ST_CROSSING_AVG); F64 delta_avg = (delta + avg*(mRegionCrossingCount-1)) / mRegionCrossingCount; gViewerStats->setStat(LLViewerStats::ST_CROSSING_AVG, delta_avg); F64 max = (mRegionCrossingCount == 1) ? 0 : gViewerStats->getStat(LLViewerStats::ST_CROSSING_MAX); max = llmax(delta, max); gViewerStats->setStat(LLViewerStats::ST_CROSSING_MAX, max); } mLastRegionHandle = regionp->getHandle(); } mRegionCrossingTimer.reset(); } } LLString LLVOAvatar::getFullname() const { LLString name; LLNameValue* first = getNVPair("FirstName"); LLNameValue* last = getNVPair("LastName"); if (first && last) { name += first->getString(); name += " "; name += last->getString(); } return name; } LLTexLayerSet* LLVOAvatar::getLayerSet(ETextureIndex index) const { switch( index ) { case TEX_HEAD_BAKED: case TEX_HEAD_BODYPAINT: return mHeadLayerSet; case TEX_UPPER_BAKED: case TEX_UPPER_SHIRT: case TEX_UPPER_BODYPAINT: case TEX_UPPER_JACKET: case TEX_UPPER_GLOVES: case TEX_UPPER_UNDERSHIRT: return mUpperBodyLayerSet; case TEX_LOWER_BAKED: case TEX_LOWER_PANTS: case TEX_LOWER_BODYPAINT: case TEX_LOWER_SHOES: case TEX_LOWER_SOCKS: case TEX_LOWER_JACKET: case TEX_LOWER_UNDERPANTS: return mLowerBodyLayerSet; case TEX_EYES_BAKED: case TEX_EYES_IRIS: return mEyesLayerSet; case TEX_SKIRT_BAKED: case TEX_SKIRT: return mSkirtLayerSet; case TEX_HAIR: default: return NULL; } } LLHost LLVOAvatar::getObjectHost() const { LLViewerRegion* region = getRegion(); if (region && !isDead()) { return region->getHost(); } else { return LLHost::invalid; } } BOOL LLVOAvatar::updateLOD() { BOOL res = updateJointLODs(); LLFace* facep = mDrawable->getFace(0); if (facep->mVertexBuffer.isNull() || LLVertexBuffer::sEnableVBOs && ((facep->mVertexBuffer->getUsage() == GL_STATIC_DRAW ? TRUE : FALSE) != (facep->getPool()->getVertexShaderLevel() > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE))) { mDirtyMesh = TRUE; } if (mDirtyMesh || mDrawable->isState(LLDrawable::REBUILD_GEOMETRY)) { //LOD changed or new mesh created, allocate new vertex buffer if needed updateMeshData(); mDirtyMesh = FALSE; mDrawable->clearState(LLDrawable::REBUILD_GEOMETRY); } if (facep->getPool()->getVertexShaderLevel() <= 0) { //generate animated mesh mLowerBodyLOD.updateGeometry(); mUpperBodyLOD.updateGeometry(); if( isWearingWearableType( WT_SKIRT ) ) { mSkirtLOD.updateGeometry(); } if (!mIsSelf || gAgent.needsRenderHead()) { mEyeLashLOD.updateGeometry(); mHeadLOD.updateGeometry(); mHairLOD.updateGeometry(); } } // Update the shadow, tractor, and text label geometry. if (mDrawable->isState(LLDrawable::REBUILD_SHADOW)) { updateShadowFaces(); mDrawable->clearState(LLDrawable::REBUILD_SHADOW); } return res; } U32 LLVOAvatar::getPartitionType() const { //avatars merely exist as drawables in the bridge partition return LLPipeline::PARTITION_BRIDGE; }