/** * @file llviewerwindowlistener.cpp * @author Nat Goodspeed * @date 2009-06-30 * @brief Implementation for llviewerwindowlistener. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewergpl$ * Copyright (c) 2009, Linden Research, Inc. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ // Precompiled header #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" // associated header #include "llviewerwindowlistener.h" // STL headers #include // std headers // external library headers // other Linden headers #include "llviewerwindow.h" LLViewerWindowListener::LLViewerWindowListener(const std::string& pumpname, LLViewerWindow* llviewerwindow): LLDispatchListener(pumpname, "op"), mViewerWindow(llviewerwindow) { // add() every method we want to be able to invoke via this event API. LLSD saveSnapshotArgs; saveSnapshotArgs["filename"] = LLSD::String(); saveSnapshotArgs["reply"] = LLSD::String(); // The following are optional, so don't build them into required prototype. // saveSnapshotArgs["width"] = LLSD::Integer(); // saveSnapshotArgs["height"] = LLSD::Integer(); // saveSnapshotArgs["showui"] = LLSD::Boolean(); // saveSnapshotArgs["rebuild"] = LLSD::Boolean(); // saveSnapshotArgs["type"] = LLSD::String(); add("saveSnapshot", &LLViewerWindowListener::saveSnapshot, saveSnapshotArgs); add("requestReshape", &LLViewerWindowListener::requestReshape); } void LLViewerWindowListener::saveSnapshot(const LLSD& event) const { LLReqID reqid(event); typedef std::map TypeMap; TypeMap types; #define tp(name) types[#name] = LLViewerWindow::SNAPSHOT_TYPE_##name tp(COLOR); tp(DEPTH); tp(OBJECT_ID); #undef tp // Our add() call should ensure that the incoming LLSD does in fact // contain our required arguments. Deal with the optional ones. S32 width (mViewerWindow->getWindowWidthRaw()); S32 height(mViewerWindow->getWindowHeightRaw()); if (event.has("width")) width = event["width"].asInteger(); if (event.has("height")) height = event["height"].asInteger(); // showui defaults to true, requiring special treatment bool showui = true; if (event.has("showui")) showui = event["showui"].asBoolean(); bool rebuild(event["rebuild"]); // defaults to false LLViewerWindow::ESnapshotType type(LLViewerWindow::SNAPSHOT_TYPE_COLOR); if (event.has("type")) { TypeMap::const_iterator found = types.find(event["type"]); if (found == types.end()) { LL_ERRS("LLViewerWindowListener") << "LLViewerWindowListener::saveSnapshot(): " << "unrecognized type " << event["type"] << LL_ENDL; } type = found->second; } bool ok = mViewerWindow->saveSnapshot(event["filename"], width, height, showui, rebuild, type); LLSD response(reqid.makeResponse()); response["ok"] = ok; LLEventPumps::instance().obtain(event["reply"]).post(response); } void LLViewerWindowListener::requestReshape(LLSD const & event_data) const { if(event_data.has("w") && event_data.has("h")) { mViewerWindow->reshape(event_data["w"].asInteger(), event_data["h"].asInteger()); } }