/** * @file llviewerwindow.h * @brief Description of the LLViewerWindow class. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$ * * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ // // A note about X,Y coordinates: // // X coordinates are in pixels, from the left edge of the window client area // Y coordinates are in pixels, from the BOTTOM edge of the window client area // // The Y coordinates therefore match OpenGL window coords, not Windows(tm) window coords. // If Y is from the top, the variable will be called "y_from_top" #ifndef LL_LLVIEWERWINDOW_H #define LL_LLVIEWERWINDOW_H #include "v3dmath.h" #include "v2math.h" #include "llwindowcallbacks.h" #include "lltimer.h" #include "llstat.h" #include "llnotifications.h" #include "llmousehandler.h" #include "llcursortypes.h" #include "llhandle.h" class LLView; class LLViewerObject; class LLUUID; class LLProgressView; class LLTool; class LLVelocityBar; class LLTextBox; class LLImageRaw; class LLHUDIcon; class LLWindow; class LLRootView; #define PICK_HALF_WIDTH 5 #define PICK_DIAMETER (2 * PICK_HALF_WIDTH + 1) class LLPickInfo { public: LLPickInfo(); LLPickInfo(const LLCoordGL& mouse_pos, const LLRect& screen_region, MASK keyboard_mask, BOOL pick_transparent, BOOL pick_surface_info, void (*pick_callback)(const LLPickInfo& pick_info)); void fetchResults(); LLPointer getObject() const; LLUUID getObjectID() const { return mObjectID; } void drawPickBuffer() const; static bool isFlora(LLViewerObject* object); typedef enum { PICK_OBJECT, PICK_FLORA, PICK_LAND, PICK_ICON, PICK_PARCEL_WALL, PICK_INVALID } EPickType; public: LLCoordGL mMousePt; MASK mKeyMask; void (*mPickCallback)(const LLPickInfo& pick_info); EPickType mPickType; LLCoordGL mPickPt; LLVector3d mPosGlobal; LLVector3 mObjectOffset; LLUUID mObjectID; S32 mObjectFace; LLHUDIcon* mHUDIcon; LLVector3 mIntersection; LLVector2 mUVCoords; LLVector2 mSTCoords; LLCoordScreen mXYCoords; LLVector3 mNormal; LLVector3 mBinormal; BOOL mPickTransparent; LLRect mScreenRegion; void getSurfaceInfo(); private: void updateXYCoords(); BOOL mWantSurfaceInfo; // do we populate mUVCoord, mNormal, mBinormal? U8 mPickBuffer[PICK_DIAMETER * PICK_DIAMETER * 4]; F32 mPickDepthBuffer[PICK_DIAMETER * PICK_DIAMETER]; BOOL mPickParcelWall; }; static const U32 MAX_SNAPSHOT_IMAGE_SIZE = 6 * 1024; // max snapshot image size 6144 * 6144 class LLViewerWindow : public LLWindowCallbacks { public: // // CREATORS // LLViewerWindow(const std::string& title, const std::string& name, S32 x, S32 y, S32 width, S32 height, BOOL fullscreen, BOOL ignore_pixel_depth); virtual ~LLViewerWindow(); void shutdownViews(); void shutdownGL(); void initGLDefaults(); void initBase(); void adjustRectanglesForFirstUse(const LLRect& window); void adjustControlRectanglesForFirstUse(const LLRect& window); void initWorldUI(); // // LLWindowCallback interface implementation // /*virtual*/ BOOL handleTranslatedKeyDown(KEY key, MASK mask, BOOL repeated); /*virtual*/ BOOL handleTranslatedKeyUp(KEY key, MASK mask); /*virtual*/ void handleScanKey(KEY key, BOOL key_down, BOOL key_up, BOOL key_level); /*virtual*/ BOOL handleUnicodeChar(llwchar uni_char, MASK mask); // NOT going to handle extended /*virtual*/ BOOL handleAnyMouseClick(LLWindow *window, LLCoordGL pos, MASK mask, LLMouseHandler::EClickType clicktype, BOOL down); /*virtual*/ BOOL handleMouseDown(LLWindow *window, LLCoordGL pos, MASK mask); /*virtual*/ BOOL handleMouseUp(LLWindow *window, LLCoordGL pos, MASK mask); /*virtual*/ BOOL handleCloseRequest(LLWindow *window); /*virtual*/ void handleQuit(LLWindow *window); /*virtual*/ BOOL handleRightMouseDown(LLWindow *window, LLCoordGL pos, MASK mask); /*virtual*/ BOOL handleRightMouseUp(LLWindow *window, LLCoordGL pos, MASK mask); /*virtual*/ BOOL handleMiddleMouseDown(LLWindow *window, LLCoordGL pos, MASK mask); /*virtual*/ BOOL handleMiddleMouseUp(LLWindow *window, LLCoordGL pos, MASK mask); /*virtual*/ void handleMouseMove(LLWindow *window, LLCoordGL pos, MASK mask); /*virtual*/ void handleMouseLeave(LLWindow *window); /*virtual*/ void handleResize(LLWindow *window, S32 x, S32 y); /*virtual*/ void handleFocus(LLWindow *window); /*virtual*/ void handleFocusLost(LLWindow *window); /*virtual*/ BOOL handleActivate(LLWindow *window, BOOL activated); /*virtual*/ BOOL handleActivateApp(LLWindow *window, BOOL activating); /*virtual*/ void handleMenuSelect(LLWindow *window, S32 menu_item); /*virtual*/ BOOL handlePaint(LLWindow *window, S32 x, S32 y, S32 width, S32 height); /*virtual*/ void handleScrollWheel(LLWindow *window, S32 clicks); /*virtual*/ BOOL handleDoubleClick(LLWindow *window, LLCoordGL pos, MASK mask); /*virtual*/ void handleWindowBlock(LLWindow *window); /*virtual*/ void handleWindowUnblock(LLWindow *window); /*virtual*/ void handleDataCopy(LLWindow *window, S32 data_type, void *data); /*virtual*/ BOOL handleTimerEvent(LLWindow *window); /*virtual*/ BOOL handleDeviceChange(LLWindow *window); /*virtual*/ void handlePingWatchdog(LLWindow *window, const char * msg); /*virtual*/ void handlePauseWatchdog(LLWindow *window); /*virtual*/ void handleResumeWatchdog(LLWindow *window); /*virtual*/ std::string translateString(const char* tag); /*virtual*/ std::string translateString(const char* tag, const std::map& args); // signal on bottom tray width changed typedef boost::function bottom_tray_callback_t; typedef boost::signals2::signal bottom_tray_signal_t; bottom_tray_signal_t mOnBottomTrayWidthChanged; boost::signals2::connection setOnBottomTrayWidthChanged(bottom_tray_callback_t cb) { return mOnBottomTrayWidthChanged.connect(cb); } // // ACCESSORS // LLRootView* getRootView() const; // Window in raw pixels as seen on screen. const LLRect& getWindowRect() const { return mWindowRect; }; // portion of window that shows 3d world const LLRect& getWorldViewRect() const { return mWorldViewRect; }; LLRect getVirtualWorldViewRect() const; S32 getWorldViewHeight() const; S32 getWorldViewWidth() const; S32 getWindowDisplayHeight() const; S32 getWindowDisplayWidth() const; // Window in scaled pixels (via UI scale), use this for // UI elements checking size. const LLRect& getVirtualWindowRect() const { return mVirtualWindowRect; }; S32 getWindowHeight() const; S32 getWindowWidth() const; LLWindow* getWindow() const { return mWindow; } void* getPlatformWindow() const; void* getMediaWindow() const; void focusClient() const; LLCoordGL getLastMouse() const { return mLastMousePoint; } S32 getLastMouseX() const { return mLastMousePoint.mX; } S32 getLastMouseY() const { return mLastMousePoint.mY; } LLCoordGL getCurrentMouse() const { return mCurrentMousePoint; } S32 getCurrentMouseX() const { return mCurrentMousePoint.mX; } S32 getCurrentMouseY() const { return mCurrentMousePoint.mY; } S32 getCurrentMouseDX() const { return mCurrentMouseDelta.mX; } S32 getCurrentMouseDY() const { return mCurrentMouseDelta.mY; } LLCoordGL getCurrentMouseDelta() const { return mCurrentMouseDelta; } LLStat * getMouseVelocityStat() { return &mMouseVelocityStat; } BOOL getLeftMouseDown() const { return mLeftMouseDown; } BOOL getMiddleMouseDown() const { return mMiddleMouseDown; } BOOL getRightMouseDown() const { return mRightMouseDown; } const LLPickInfo& getLastPick() const { return mLastPick; } const LLPickInfo& getHoverPick() const { return mHoverPick; } void setup2DViewport(S32 x_offset = 0, S32 y_offset = 0); void setup3DViewport(S32 x_offset = 0, S32 y_offset = 0); void setup3DRender(); void setup2DRender(); LLVector3 mouseDirectionGlobal(const S32 x, const S32 y) const; LLVector3 mouseDirectionCamera(const S32 x, const S32 y) const; LLVector3 mousePointHUD(const S32 x, const S32 y) const; // Is window of our application frontmost? BOOL getActive() const { return mActive; } void getTargetWindow(BOOL& fullscreen, S32& width, S32& height) const; // The 'target' is where the user wants the window to be. It may not be // there yet, because we may be supressing fullscreen prior to login. const std::string& getInitAlert() { return mInitAlert; } // // MANIPULATORS // void saveLastMouse(const LLCoordGL &point); void setCursor( ECursorType c ); void showCursor(); void hideCursor(); BOOL getCursorHidden() { return mCursorHidden; } void moveCursorToCenter(); // move to center of window void setShowProgress(const BOOL show); BOOL getShowProgress() const; void moveProgressViewToFront(); void setProgressString(const std::string& string); void setProgressPercent(const F32 percent); void setProgressMessage(const std::string& msg); void setProgressCancelButtonVisible( BOOL b, const std::string& label = LLStringUtil::null ); LLProgressView *getProgressView() const; void updateObjectUnderCursor(); void updateUI(); // Once per frame, update UI based on mouse position, calls following update* functions void updateLayout(); void updateMouseDelta(); void updateKeyboardFocus(); void updatePicking(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask); void updateWorldViewRect(bool use_full_window=false); void updateBottomTrayRect(); BOOL handleKey(KEY key, MASK mask); void handleScrollWheel (S32 clicks); // Hide normal UI when a logon fails, re-show everything when logon is attempted again void setNormalControlsVisible( BOOL visible ); void setMenuBackgroundColor(bool god_mode = false, bool dev_grid = false); void reshape(S32 width, S32 height); void sendShapeToSim(); void draw(); void updateDebugText(); void drawDebugText(); static void loadUserImage(void **cb_data, const LLUUID &uuid); static void movieSize(S32 new_width, S32 new_height); // snapshot functionality. // perhaps some of this should move to llfloatershapshot? -MG typedef enum { SNAPSHOT_TYPE_COLOR, SNAPSHOT_TYPE_DEPTH, SNAPSHOT_TYPE_OBJECT_ID } ESnapshotType; BOOL saveSnapshot(const std::string& filename, S32 image_width, S32 image_height, BOOL show_ui = TRUE, BOOL do_rebuild = FALSE, ESnapshotType type = SNAPSHOT_TYPE_COLOR); BOOL rawSnapshot(LLImageRaw *raw, S32 image_width, S32 image_height, BOOL keep_window_aspect = TRUE, BOOL is_texture = FALSE, BOOL show_ui = TRUE, BOOL do_rebuild = FALSE, ESnapshotType type = SNAPSHOT_TYPE_COLOR, S32 max_size = MAX_IMAGE_SIZE ); BOOL thumbnailSnapshot(LLImageRaw *raw, S32 preview_width, S32 preview_height, BOOL show_ui, BOOL do_rebuild, ESnapshotType type) ; BOOL isSnapshotLocSet() const { return ! sSnapshotDir.empty(); } void resetSnapshotLoc() const { sSnapshotDir.clear(); } BOOL saveImageNumbered(LLImageFormatted *image); // Reset the directory where snapshots are saved. // Client will open directory picker on next snapshot save. void resetSnapshotLoc(); void playSnapshotAnimAndSound(); // draws selection boxes around selected objects, must call displayObjects first void renderSelections( BOOL for_gl_pick, BOOL pick_parcel_walls, BOOL for_hud ); void performPick(); void returnEmptyPicks(); void pickAsync(S32 x, S32 y_from_bot, MASK mask, void (*callback)(const LLPickInfo& pick_info), BOOL pick_transparent = FALSE, BOOL get_surface_info = FALSE); LLPickInfo pickImmediate(S32 x, S32 y, BOOL pick_transparent); static void hoverPickCallback(const LLPickInfo& pick_info); LLHUDIcon* cursorIntersectIcon(S32 mouse_x, S32 mouse_y, F32 depth, LLVector3* intersection); LLViewerObject* cursorIntersect(S32 mouse_x = -1, S32 mouse_y = -1, F32 depth = 512.f, LLViewerObject *this_object = NULL, S32 this_face = -1, BOOL pick_transparent = FALSE, S32* face_hit = NULL, LLVector3 *intersection = NULL, LLVector2 *uv = NULL, LLVector3 *normal = NULL, LLVector3 *binormal = NULL); // Returns a pointer to the last object hit //LLViewerObject *getObject(); //LLViewerObject *lastNonFloraObjectHit(); //const LLVector3d& getObjectOffset(); //const LLVector3d& lastNonFloraObjectHitOffset(); // mousePointOnLand() returns true if found point BOOL mousePointOnLandGlobal(const S32 x, const S32 y, LLVector3d *land_pos_global); BOOL mousePointOnPlaneGlobal(LLVector3d& point, const S32 x, const S32 y, const LLVector3d &plane_point, const LLVector3 &plane_normal); LLVector3d clickPointInWorldGlobal(const S32 x, const S32 y_from_bot, LLViewerObject* clicked_object) const; BOOL clickPointOnSurfaceGlobal(const S32 x, const S32 y, LLViewerObject *objectp, LLVector3d &point_global) const; // Prints window implementation details void dumpState(); // Request display setting changes void toggleFullscreen(BOOL show_progress); // handle shutting down GL and bringing it back up void requestResolutionUpdate(bool fullscreen_checked); void requestResolutionUpdate(); // doesn't affect fullscreen BOOL checkSettings(); void restartDisplay(BOOL show_progress_bar); BOOL changeDisplaySettings(BOOL fullscreen, LLCoordScreen size, BOOL disable_vsync, BOOL show_progress_bar); BOOL getIgnoreDestroyWindow() { return mIgnoreActivate; } F32 getDisplayAspectRatio() const; F32 getWorldViewAspectRatio() const; const LLVector2& getDisplayScale() const { return mDisplayScale; } void calcDisplayScale(); void drawPickBuffer() const; private: bool shouldShowToolTipFor(LLMouseHandler *mh); static bool onAlert(const LLSD& notify); void switchToolByMask(MASK mask); void destroyWindow(); void drawMouselookInstructions(); void stopGL(BOOL save_state = TRUE); void restoreGL(const std::string& progress_message = LLStringUtil::null); void initFonts(F32 zoom_factor = 1.f); void schedulePick(LLPickInfo& pick_info); S32 getChatConsoleBottomPad(); // Vertical padding for child console rect, varied by bottom clutter LLRect getChatConsoleRect(); // Get optimal cosole rect. public: LLWindow* mWindow; // graphical window object protected: BOOL mActive; BOOL mWantFullscreen; BOOL mShowFullscreenProgress; LLRect mWindowRect; LLRect mVirtualWindowRect; LLRect mWorldViewRect; // specifies area of screen where we render the 3D world LLRootView* mRootView; // a view of size mWindowRect, containing all child views LLVector2 mDisplayScale; LLCoordGL mCurrentMousePoint; // last mouse position in GL coords LLCoordGL mLastMousePoint; // Mouse point at last frame. LLCoordGL mCurrentMouseDelta; //amount mouse moved this frame LLStat mMouseVelocityStat; BOOL mLeftMouseDown; BOOL mMiddleMouseDown; BOOL mRightMouseDown; LLProgressView *mProgressView; LLFrameTimer mToolTipFadeTimer; LLTextBox* mToolTip; std::string mLastToolTipMessage; BOOL mToolTipBlocked; // True after a key press or a mouse button event. False once the mouse moves again. LLRect mToolTipStickyRect; // Once a tool tip is shown, it will stay visible until the mouse leaves this rect. BOOL mMouseInWindow; // True if the mouse is over our window or if we have captured the mouse. BOOL mFocusCycleMode; typedef std::set > view_handle_set_t; view_handle_set_t mMouseHoverViews; // Variables used for tool override switching based on modifier keys. JC MASK mLastMask; // used to detect changes in modifier mask LLTool* mToolStored; // the tool we're overriding BOOL mSuppressToolbox; // sometimes hide the toolbox, despite // having a camera tool selected BOOL mHideCursorPermanent; // true during drags, mouselook BOOL mCursorHidden; LLPickInfo mLastPick; LLPickInfo mHoverPick; std::vector mPicks; LLRect mPickScreenRegion; // area of frame buffer for rendering pick frames (generally follows mouse to avoid going offscreen) LLTimer mPickTimer; // timer for scheduling n picks per second std::string mOverlayTitle; // Used for special titles such as "Second Life - Special E3 2003 Beta" BOOL mIgnoreActivate; std::string mInitAlert; // Window / GL initialization requires an alert class LLDebugText* mDebugText; // Internal class for debug text bool mResDirty; bool mStatesDirty; bool mIsFullscreenChecked; // Did the user check the fullscreen checkbox in the display settings U32 mCurrResolutionIndex; protected: static std::string sSnapshotBaseName; static std::string sSnapshotDir; static std::string sMovieBaseName; }; void toggle_flying(void*); void toggle_first_person(); void toggle_build(void*); void reset_viewer_state_on_sim(void); void update_saved_window_size(const std::string& control,S32 delta_width, S32 delta_height); // // Globals // extern LLViewerWindow* gViewerWindow; extern LLFrameTimer gMouseIdleTimer; // how long has it been since the mouse last moved? extern LLFrameTimer gAwayTimer; // tracks time before setting the avatar away state to true extern LLFrameTimer gAwayTriggerTimer; // how long the avatar has been away extern BOOL gDebugSelect; extern BOOL gDebugFastUIRender; extern LLViewerObject* gDebugRaycastObject; extern LLVector3 gDebugRaycastIntersection; extern LLVector2 gDebugRaycastTexCoord; extern LLVector3 gDebugRaycastNormal; extern LLVector3 gDebugRaycastBinormal; extern S32 gDebugRaycastFaceHit; extern S32 CHAT_BAR_HEIGHT; extern BOOL gDisplayCameraPos; extern BOOL gDisplayWindInfo; extern BOOL gDisplayNearestWater; extern BOOL gDisplayFOV; #endif