/** * @file llviewertexturelinumimagest.h * @brief Object for managing the list of images within a region * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2000&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_LLVIEWERTEXTURELIST_H #define LL_LLVIEWERTEXTURELIST_H #include "lluuid.h" //#include "message.h" #include "llgl.h" #include "llviewertexture.h" #include "llui.h" #include #include #include "lluiimage.h" const U32 LL_IMAGE_REZ_LOSSLESS_CUTOFF = 128; const BOOL MIPMAP_YES = TRUE; const BOOL MIPMAP_NO = FALSE; const BOOL GL_TEXTURE_YES = TRUE; const BOOL GL_TEXTURE_NO = FALSE; const BOOL IMMEDIATE_YES = TRUE; const BOOL IMMEDIATE_NO = FALSE; class LLImageJ2C; class LLMessageSystem; class LLTextureView; typedef void (*LLImageCallback)(BOOL success, LLViewerFetchedTexture *src_vi, LLImageRaw* src, LLImageRaw* src_aux, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void* userdata); enum ETexListType { TEX_LIST_STANDARD = 0, TEX_LIST_SCALE }; struct LLTextureKey { LLTextureKey(); LLTextureKey(LLUUID id, ETexListType tex_type); LLUUID textureId; ETexListType textureType; friend bool operator<(const LLTextureKey& key1, const LLTextureKey& key2) { if (key1.textureId != key2.textureId) { return key1.textureId < key2.textureId; } else { return key1.textureType < key2.textureType; } } }; class LLViewerTextureList { friend class LLTextureView; friend class LLViewerTextureManager; friend class LLLocalBitmap; public: static BOOL createUploadFile(const std::string& filename, const std::string& out_filename, const U8 codec); static LLPointer convertToUploadFile(LLPointer raw_image); static void processImageNotInDatabase( LLMessageSystem *msg, void **user_data ); static void receiveImageHeader(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **user_data); static void receiveImagePacket(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **user_data); public: LLViewerTextureList(); ~LLViewerTextureList(); void init(); void shutdown(); void dump(); void destroyGL(BOOL save_state = TRUE); void restoreGL(); BOOL isInitialized() const {return mInitialized;} void findTexturesByID(const LLUUID &image_id, std::vector &output); LLViewerFetchedTexture *findImage(const LLUUID &image_id, ETexListType tex_type); LLViewerFetchedTexture *findImage(const LLTextureKey &search_key); void dirtyImage(LLViewerFetchedTexture *image); // Using image stats, determine what images are necessary, and perform image updates. void updateImages(F32 max_time); void forceImmediateUpdate(LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep) ; // Decode and create textures for all images currently in list. void decodeAllImages(F32 max_decode_time); void handleIRCallback(void **data, const S32 number); S32 getNumImages() { return mImageList.size(); } void doPreloadImages(); void doPrefetchImages(); void clearFetchingRequests(); void setDebugFetching(LLViewerFetchedTexture* tex, S32 debug_level); static bool isPrioRequestsFetched(); private: void updateImagesDecodePriorities(); // do some book keeping on the specified texture // - updates decode priority // - updates desired discard level // - cleans up textures that haven't been referenced in awhile void updateImageDecodePriority(LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep); F32 updateImagesCreateTextures(F32 max_time); F32 updateImagesFetchTextures(F32 max_time); void updateImagesUpdateStats(); F32 updateImagesLoadingFastCache(F32 max_time); void addImage(LLViewerFetchedTexture *image, ETexListType tex_type); void deleteImage(LLViewerFetchedTexture *image); void addImageToList(LLViewerFetchedTexture *image); void removeImageFromList(LLViewerFetchedTexture *image); LLViewerFetchedTexture * getImage(const LLUUID &image_id, FTType f_type = FTT_DEFAULT, BOOL usemipmap = TRUE, LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel boost_priority = LLGLTexture::BOOST_NONE, // Get the requested level immediately upon creation. S8 texture_type = LLViewerTexture::FETCHED_TEXTURE, LLGLint internal_format = 0, LLGLenum primary_format = 0, LLHost request_from_host = LLHost() ); LLViewerFetchedTexture * getImageFromFile(const std::string& filename, FTType f_type = FTT_LOCAL_FILE, BOOL usemipmap = TRUE, LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel boost_priority = LLGLTexture::BOOST_NONE, // Get the requested level immediately upon creation. S8 texture_type = LLViewerTexture::FETCHED_TEXTURE, LLGLint internal_format = 0, LLGLenum primary_format = 0, const LLUUID& force_id = LLUUID::null ); LLViewerFetchedTexture* getImageFromUrl(const std::string& url, FTType f_type, BOOL usemipmap = TRUE, LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel boost_priority = LLGLTexture::BOOST_NONE, // Get the requested level immediately upon creation. S8 texture_type = LLViewerTexture::FETCHED_TEXTURE, LLGLint internal_format = 0, LLGLenum primary_format = 0, const LLUUID& force_id = LLUUID::null ); LLViewerFetchedTexture* createImage(const LLUUID &image_id, FTType f_type, BOOL usemipmap = TRUE, LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel boost_priority = LLGLTexture::BOOST_NONE, // Get the requested level immediately upon creation. S8 texture_type = LLViewerTexture::FETCHED_TEXTURE, LLGLint internal_format = 0, LLGLenum primary_format = 0, LLHost request_from_host = LLHost() ); // Request image from a specific host, used for baked avatar textures. // Implemented in header in case someone changes default params above. JC LLViewerFetchedTexture* getImageFromHost(const LLUUID& image_id, FTType f_type, LLHost host) { return getImage(image_id, f_type, TRUE, LLGLTexture::BOOST_NONE, LLViewerTexture::LOD_TEXTURE, 0, 0, host); } public: typedef std::set > image_list_t; image_list_t mLoadingStreamList; image_list_t mCreateTextureList; image_list_t mCallbackList; image_list_t mFastCacheList; // Note: just raw pointers because they are never referenced, just compared against std::set mDirtyTextureList; BOOL mForceResetTextureStats; private: typedef std::map< LLTextureKey, LLPointer > uuid_map_t; uuid_map_t mUUIDMap; LLTextureKey mLastUpdateKey; LLTextureKey mLastFetchKey; typedef std::set < LLPointer > image_priority_list_t; image_priority_list_t mImageList; // simply holds on to LLViewerFetchedTexture references to stop them from being purged too soon std::set > mImagePreloads; BOOL mInitialized ; LLFrameTimer mForceDecodeTimer; private: static S32 sNumImages; static void (*sUUIDCallback)(void**, const LLUUID &); LOG_CLASS(LLViewerTextureList); }; class LLUIImageList : public LLImageProviderInterface, public LLSingleton { LLSINGLETON_EMPTY_CTOR(LLUIImageList); public: // LLImageProviderInterface /*virtual*/ LLPointer getUIImageByID(const LLUUID& id, S32 priority); /*virtual*/ LLPointer getUIImage(const std::string& name, S32 priority); void cleanUp(); bool initFromFile(); LLPointer preloadUIImage(const std::string& name, const std::string& filename, BOOL use_mips, const LLRect& scale_rect, const LLRect& clip_rect, LLUIImage::EScaleStyle stype); static void onUIImageLoaded( BOOL success, LLViewerFetchedTexture *src_vi, LLImageRaw* src, LLImageRaw* src_aux, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void* userdata ); private: LLPointer loadUIImageByName(const std::string& name, const std::string& filename, BOOL use_mips = FALSE, const LLRect& scale_rect = LLRect::null, const LLRect& clip_rect = LLRect::null, LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel boost_priority = LLGLTexture::BOOST_UI, LLUIImage::EScaleStyle = LLUIImage::SCALE_INNER); LLPointer loadUIImageByID(const LLUUID& id, BOOL use_mips = FALSE, const LLRect& scale_rect = LLRect::null, const LLRect& clip_rect = LLRect::null, LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel boost_priority = LLGLTexture::BOOST_UI, LLUIImage::EScaleStyle = LLUIImage::SCALE_INNER); LLPointer loadUIImage(LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep, const std::string& name, BOOL use_mips = FALSE, const LLRect& scale_rect = LLRect::null, const LLRect& clip_rect = LLRect::null, LLUIImage::EScaleStyle = LLUIImage::SCALE_INNER); struct LLUIImageLoadData { std::string mImageName; LLRect mImageScaleRegion; LLRect mImageClipRegion; }; typedef std::map< std::string, LLPointer > uuid_ui_image_map_t; uuid_ui_image_map_t mUIImages; // //keep a copy of UI textures to prevent them to be deleted. //mGLTexturep of each UI texture equals to some LLUIImage.mImage. std::list< LLPointer > mUITextureList ; }; const BOOL GLTEXTURE_TRUE = TRUE; const BOOL GLTEXTURE_FALSE = FALSE; const BOOL MIPMAP_TRUE = TRUE; const BOOL MIPMAP_FALSE = FALSE; extern LLViewerTextureList gTextureList; #endif