/** * @file llviewertexturelist.cpp * @brief Object for managing the list of images within a region * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2000&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include #include "llviewertexturelist.h" #include "imageids.h" #include "llgl.h" // fot gathering stats from GL #include "llimagegl.h" #include "llimagebmp.h" #include "llimagej2c.h" #include "llimagetga.h" #include "llimagejpeg.h" #include "llimagepng.h" #include "llimageworker.h" #include "llsdserialize.h" #include "llsys.h" #include "llvfs.h" #include "llvfile.h" #include "llvfsthread.h" #include "llxmltree.h" #include "message.h" #include "lltexturecache.h" #include "lltexturefetch.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llviewertexture.h" #include "llviewermedia.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" #include "llviewerstats.h" #include "pipeline.h" #include "llappviewer.h" #include "llxuiparser.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void (*LLViewerTextureList::sUUIDCallback)(void **, const LLUUID&) = NULL; U32 LLViewerTextureList::sTextureBits = 0; U32 LLViewerTextureList::sTexturePackets = 0; S32 LLViewerTextureList::sNumImages = 0; LLStat LLViewerTextureList::sNumImagesStat(32, TRUE); LLStat LLViewerTextureList::sNumRawImagesStat(32, TRUE); LLStat LLViewerTextureList::sGLTexMemStat(32, TRUE); LLStat LLViewerTextureList::sGLBoundMemStat(32, TRUE); LLStat LLViewerTextureList::sRawMemStat(32, TRUE); LLStat LLViewerTextureList::sFormattedMemStat(32, TRUE); LLViewerTextureList gTextureList; static LLFastTimer::DeclareTimer FTM_PROCESS_IMAGES("Process Images"); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LLViewerTextureList::LLViewerTextureList() : mForceResetTextureStats(FALSE), mUpdateStats(FALSE), mMaxResidentTexMemInMegaBytes(0), mMaxTotalTextureMemInMegaBytes(0) { } void LLViewerTextureList::init() { sNumImages = 0; mMaxResidentTexMemInMegaBytes = 0; mMaxTotalTextureMemInMegaBytes = 0 ; mUpdateStats = TRUE; // Update how much texture RAM we're allowed to use. updateMaxResidentTexMem(0); // 0 = use current doPreloadImages(); } void LLViewerTextureList::doPreloadImages() { LL_DEBUGS("ViewerImages") << "Preloading images..." << LL_ENDL; // Set the "missing asset" image LLViewerFetchedTexture::sMissingAssetImagep = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTextureFromFile("missing_asset.tga", MIPMAP_NO, LLViewerFetchedTexture::BOOST_UI); // Set the "white" image LLViewerFetchedTexture::sWhiteImagep = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTextureFromFile("white.tga", MIPMAP_NO, LLViewerFetchedTexture::BOOST_UI); LLUIImageList* image_list = LLUIImageList::getInstance(); image_list->initFromFile(); // turn off clamping and bilinear filtering for uv picking images //LLViewerFetchedTexture* uv_test = preloadUIImage("uv_test1.tga", LLUUID::null, FALSE); //uv_test->setClamp(FALSE, FALSE); //uv_test->setMipFilterNearest(TRUE, TRUE); //uv_test = preloadUIImage("uv_test2.tga", LLUUID::null, FALSE); //uv_test->setClamp(FALSE, FALSE); //uv_test->setMipFilterNearest(TRUE, TRUE); // prefetch specific UUIDs LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(IMG_SHOT, TRUE); LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(IMG_SMOKE_POOF, TRUE); LLViewerFetchedTexture* image = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTextureFromFile("silhouette.j2c", MIPMAP_YES, LLViewerFetchedTexture::BOOST_UI); if (image) { image->setAddressMode(LLTexUnit::TAM_WRAP); mImagePreloads.insert(image); } image = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTextureFromFile("world/NoEntryLines.png", MIPMAP_YES, LLViewerFetchedTexture::BOOST_UI); if (image) { image->setAddressMode(LLTexUnit::TAM_WRAP); mImagePreloads.insert(image); } image = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTextureFromFile("world/NoEntryPassLines.png", MIPMAP_YES, LLViewerFetchedTexture::BOOST_UI); if (image) { image->setAddressMode(LLTexUnit::TAM_WRAP); mImagePreloads.insert(image); } image = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(DEFAULT_WATER_NORMAL, MIPMAP_YES, LLViewerFetchedTexture::BOOST_UI); if (image) { image->setAddressMode(LLTexUnit::TAM_WRAP); mImagePreloads.insert(image); } image = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTextureFromFile("transparent.j2c", MIPMAP_YES, LLViewerFetchedTexture::BOOST_UI, LLViewerTexture::FETCHED_TEXTURE, 0,0,LLUUID("8dcd4a48-2d37-4909-9f78-f7a9eb4ef903")); if (image) { image->setAddressMode(LLTexUnit::TAM_WRAP); mImagePreloads.insert(image); } } static std::string get_texture_list_name() { return std::string("texture_list_") + gSavedSettings.getString("LoginLocation") + ".xml"; } void LLViewerTextureList::doPrefetchImages() { if (LLAppViewer::instance()->getPurgeCache()) { // cache was purged, no point return; } // Pre-fetch textures from last logout LLSD imagelist; std::string filename = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_PER_SL_ACCOUNT, get_texture_list_name()); llifstream file; file.open(filename); if (file.is_open()) { LLSDSerialize::fromXML(imagelist, file); } for (LLSD::array_iterator iter = imagelist.beginArray(); iter != imagelist.endArray(); ++iter) { LLSD imagesd = *iter; LLUUID uuid = imagesd["uuid"]; S32 pixel_area = imagesd["area"]; S32 texture_type = imagesd["type"]; if(LLViewerTexture::FETCHED_TEXTURE == texture_type || LLViewerTexture::LOD_TEXTURE == texture_type) { LLViewerFetchedTexture* image = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(uuid, MIPMAP_TRUE, LLViewerTexture::BOOST_NONE, texture_type); if (image) { image->addTextureStats((F32)pixel_area); } } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LLViewerTextureList::~LLViewerTextureList() { } void LLViewerTextureList::shutdown() { // clear out preloads mImagePreloads.clear(); // Write out list of currently loaded textures for precaching on startup typedef std::set > image_area_list_t; image_area_list_t image_area_list; for (image_priority_list_t::iterator iter = mImageList.begin(); iter != mImageList.end(); ++iter) { LLViewerFetchedTexture* image = *iter; if (!image->hasGLTexture() || !image->getUseDiscard() || image->needsAux() || image->getTargetHost() != LLHost::invalid) { continue; // avoid UI, baked, and other special images } if(!image->getBoundRecently()) { continue ; } S32 desired = image->getDesiredDiscardLevel(); if (desired >= 0 && desired < MAX_DISCARD_LEVEL) { S32 pixel_area = image->getWidth(desired) * image->getHeight(desired); image_area_list.insert(std::make_pair(pixel_area, image)); } } LLSD imagelist; const S32 max_count = 1000; S32 count = 0; S32 image_type ; for (image_area_list_t::reverse_iterator riter = image_area_list.rbegin(); riter != image_area_list.rend(); ++riter) { LLViewerFetchedTexture* image = riter->second; image_type = (S32)image->getType() ; imagelist[count]["area"] = riter->first; imagelist[count]["uuid"] = image->getID(); imagelist[count]["type"] = image_type; if (++count >= max_count) break; } if (count > 0 && !gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_PER_SL_ACCOUNT, "").empty()) { std::string filename = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_PER_SL_ACCOUNT, get_texture_list_name()); llofstream file; file.open(filename); LLSDSerialize::toPrettyXML(imagelist, file); } // // Clean up "loaded" callbacks. // mCallbackList.clear(); // Flush all of the references mLoadingStreamList.clear(); mCreateTextureList.clear(); mUUIDMap.clear(); mImageList.clear(); } void LLViewerTextureList::dump() { llinfos << "LLViewerTextureList::dump()" << llendl; for (image_priority_list_t::iterator it = mImageList.begin(); it != mImageList.end(); ++it) { LLViewerFetchedTexture* image = *it; llinfos << "priority " << image->getDecodePriority() << " boost " << image->getBoostLevel() << " size " << image->getWidth() << "x" << image->getHeight() << " discard " << image->getDiscardLevel() << " desired " << image->getDesiredDiscardLevel() << " http://asset.siva.lindenlab.com/" << image->getID() << ".texture" << llendl; } } void LLViewerTextureList::destroyGL(BOOL save_state) { LLImageGL::destroyGL(save_state); } void LLViewerTextureList::restoreGL() { LLImageGL::restoreGL(); } /* Vertical tab container button image IDs Seem to not decode when running app in debug. const LLUUID BAD_IMG_ONE("1097dcb3-aef9-8152-f471-431d840ea89e"); const LLUUID BAD_IMG_TWO("bea77041-5835-1661-f298-47e2d32b7a70"); */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LLViewerFetchedTexture* LLViewerTextureList::getImageFromFile(const std::string& filename, BOOL usemipmaps, LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel boost_priority, S8 texture_type, LLGLint internal_format, LLGLenum primary_format, const LLUUID& force_id) { std::string full_path = gDirUtilp->findSkinnedFilename("textures", filename); if (full_path.empty()) { llwarns << "Failed to find local image file: " << filename << llendl; return LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(IMG_DEFAULT, TRUE, LLViewerTexture::BOOST_UI); } std::string url = "file://" + full_path; return getImageFromUrl(url, usemipmaps, boost_priority, texture_type, internal_format, primary_format, force_id); } LLViewerFetchedTexture* LLViewerTextureList::getImageFromUrl(const std::string& url, BOOL usemipmaps, LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel boost_priority, S8 texture_type, LLGLint internal_format, LLGLenum primary_format, const LLUUID& force_id) { // generate UUID based on hash of filename LLUUID new_id; if (force_id.notNull()) { new_id = force_id; } else { new_id.generate(url); } LLPointer imagep = findImage(new_id); if (imagep.isNull()) { switch(texture_type) { case LLViewerTexture::FETCHED_TEXTURE: imagep = new LLViewerFetchedTexture(url, new_id, usemipmaps); break ; case LLViewerTexture::LOD_TEXTURE: imagep = new LLViewerLODTexture(url, new_id, usemipmaps); break ; default: llerrs << "Invalid texture type " << texture_type << llendl ; } if (internal_format && primary_format) { imagep->setExplicitFormat(internal_format, primary_format); } addImage(imagep); if (boost_priority != 0) { if (boost_priority == LLViewerFetchedTexture::BOOST_UI || boost_priority == LLViewerFetchedTexture::BOOST_ICON) { imagep->dontDiscard(); } imagep->setBoostLevel(boost_priority); } } imagep->setGLTextureCreated(true); return imagep; } LLViewerFetchedTexture* LLViewerTextureList::getImage(const LLUUID &image_id, BOOL usemipmaps, LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel boost_priority, S8 texture_type, LLGLint internal_format, LLGLenum primary_format, LLHost request_from_host) { // Return the image with ID image_id // If the image is not found, creates new image and // enqueues a request for transmission if ((&image_id == NULL) || image_id.isNull()) { return (LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(IMG_DEFAULT, TRUE, LLViewerTexture::BOOST_UI)); } LLPointer imagep = findImage(image_id); if (imagep.isNull()) { imagep = createImage(image_id, usemipmaps, boost_priority, texture_type, internal_format, primary_format, request_from_host) ; } imagep->setGLTextureCreated(true); return imagep; } //when this function is called, there is no such texture in the gTextureList with image_id. LLViewerFetchedTexture* LLViewerTextureList::createImage(const LLUUID &image_id, BOOL usemipmaps, LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel boost_priority, S8 texture_type, LLGLint internal_format, LLGLenum primary_format, LLHost request_from_host) { LLPointer imagep ; switch(texture_type) { case LLViewerTexture::FETCHED_TEXTURE: imagep = new LLViewerFetchedTexture(image_id, request_from_host, usemipmaps); break ; case LLViewerTexture::LOD_TEXTURE: imagep = new LLViewerLODTexture(image_id, request_from_host, usemipmaps); break ; default: llerrs << "Invalid texture type " << texture_type << llendl ; } if (internal_format && primary_format) { imagep->setExplicitFormat(internal_format, primary_format); } addImage(imagep); if (boost_priority != 0) { if (boost_priority == LLViewerFetchedTexture::BOOST_UI || boost_priority == LLViewerFetchedTexture::BOOST_ICON) { imagep->dontDiscard(); } imagep->setBoostLevel(boost_priority); } else { //by default, the texture can not be removed from memory even if it is not used. //here turn this off //if this texture should be set to NO_DELETE, call setNoDelete() afterwards. imagep->forceActive() ; } return imagep ; } LLViewerFetchedTexture *LLViewerTextureList::findImage(const LLUUID &image_id) { uuid_map_t::iterator iter = mUUIDMap.find(image_id); if(iter == mUUIDMap.end()) return NULL; return iter->second; } void LLViewerTextureList::addImageToList(LLViewerFetchedTexture *image) { llassert(image); if (image->isInImageList()) { llerrs << "LLViewerTextureList::addImageToList - Image already in list" << llendl; } if((mImageList.insert(image)).second != true) { llerrs << "Error happens when insert image to mImageList!" << llendl ; } image->setInImageList(TRUE) ; } void LLViewerTextureList::removeImageFromList(LLViewerFetchedTexture *image) { llassert(image); if (!image->isInImageList()) { llinfos << "RefCount: " << image->getNumRefs() << llendl ; uuid_map_t::iterator iter = mUUIDMap.find(image->getID()); if(iter == mUUIDMap.end() || iter->second != image) { llinfos << "Image is not in mUUIDMap!" << llendl ; } llerrs << "LLViewerTextureList::removeImageFromList - Image not in list" << llendl; } if(mImageList.erase(image) != 1) { llerrs << "Error happens when remove image from mImageList!" << llendl ; } image->setInImageList(FALSE) ; } void LLViewerTextureList::addImage(LLViewerFetchedTexture *new_image) { if (!new_image) { llwarning("No image to add to image list", 0); return; } LLUUID image_id = new_image->getID(); LLViewerFetchedTexture *image = findImage(image_id); if (image) { llwarns << "Image with ID " << image_id << " already in list" << llendl; } sNumImages++; addImageToList(new_image); mUUIDMap[image_id] = new_image; } void LLViewerTextureList::deleteImage(LLViewerFetchedTexture *image) { if( image) { if (image->hasCallbacks()) { mCallbackList.erase(image); } llverify(mUUIDMap.erase(image->getID()) == 1); sNumImages--; removeImageFromList(image); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerTextureList::dirtyImage(LLViewerFetchedTexture *image) { mDirtyTextureList.insert(image); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static LLFastTimer::DeclareTimer FTM_IMAGE_MARK_DIRTY("Dirty Images"); void LLViewerTextureList::updateImages(F32 max_time) { LLAppViewer::getTextureFetch()->setTextureBandwidth(LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mTextureKBitStat.getMeanPerSec()); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mNumImagesStat.addValue(sNumImages); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mNumRawImagesStat.addValue(LLImageRaw::sRawImageCount); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mGLTexMemStat.addValue((F32)BYTES_TO_MEGA_BYTES(LLImageGL::sGlobalTextureMemoryInBytes)); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mGLBoundMemStat.addValue((F32)BYTES_TO_MEGA_BYTES(LLImageGL::sBoundTextureMemoryInBytes)); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mRawMemStat.addValue((F32)BYTES_TO_MEGA_BYTES(LLImageRaw::sGlobalRawMemory)); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mFormattedMemStat.addValue((F32)BYTES_TO_MEGA_BYTES(LLImageFormatted::sGlobalFormattedMemory)); updateImagesDecodePriorities(); F32 total_max_time = max_time; max_time -= updateImagesFetchTextures(max_time); max_time = llmax(max_time, total_max_time*.50f); // at least 50% of max_time max_time -= updateImagesCreateTextures(max_time); if (!mDirtyTextureList.empty()) { LLFastTimer t(FTM_IMAGE_MARK_DIRTY); gPipeline.dirtyPoolObjectTextures(mDirtyTextureList); mDirtyTextureList.clear(); } bool didone = false; for (image_list_t::iterator iter = mCallbackList.begin(); iter != mCallbackList.end(); ) { //trigger loaded callbacks on local textures immediately LLViewerFetchedTexture* image = *iter++; if (!image->getUrl().empty()) { // Do stuff to handle callbacks, update priorities, etc. didone = image->doLoadedCallbacks(); } else if (!didone) { // Do stuff to handle callbacks, update priorities, etc. didone = image->doLoadedCallbacks(); } } updateImagesUpdateStats(); } void LLViewerTextureList::updateImagesDecodePriorities() { // Update the decode priority for N images each frame { const size_t max_update_count = llmin((S32) (1024*gFrameIntervalSeconds) + 1, 32); //target 1024 textures per second S32 update_counter = llmin(max_update_count, mUUIDMap.size()/10); uuid_map_t::iterator iter = mUUIDMap.upper_bound(mLastUpdateUUID); while(update_counter > 0 && !mUUIDMap.empty()) { if (iter == mUUIDMap.end()) { iter = mUUIDMap.begin(); } mLastUpdateUUID = iter->first; LLPointer imagep = iter->second; ++iter; // safe to incrament now // // Flush formatted images using a lazy flush // const F32 LAZY_FLUSH_TIMEOUT = 30.f; // stop decoding const F32 MAX_INACTIVE_TIME = 50.f; // actually delete S32 min_refs = 3; // 1 for mImageList, 1 for mUUIDMap, 1 for local reference if (imagep->hasCallbacks()) { min_refs++; // Add an extra reference if we're on the loaded callback list } S32 num_refs = imagep->getNumRefs(); if (num_refs == min_refs) { if (imagep->getLastReferencedTimer()->getElapsedTimeF32() > LAZY_FLUSH_TIMEOUT) { // Remove the unused image from the image list deleteImage(imagep); imagep = NULL; // should destroy the image } continue; } else { if(imagep->hasSavedRawImage()) { if(imagep->getElapsedLastReferencedSavedRawImageTime() > MAX_INACTIVE_TIME) { imagep->destroySavedRawImage() ; } } if(imagep->isDeleted()) { continue ; } else if(imagep->isDeletionCandidate()) { imagep->destroyTexture() ; continue ; } else if(imagep->isInactive()) { if (imagep->getLastReferencedTimer()->getElapsedTimeF32() > MAX_INACTIVE_TIME) { imagep->setDeletionCandidate() ; } continue ; } else { imagep->getLastReferencedTimer()->reset(); //reset texture state. imagep->setInactive() ; } } imagep->processTextureStats(); F32 old_priority = imagep->getDecodePriority(); F32 old_priority_test = llmax(old_priority, 0.0f); F32 decode_priority = imagep->calcDecodePriority(); F32 decode_priority_test = llmax(decode_priority, 0.0f); // Ignore < 20% difference if ((decode_priority_test < old_priority_test * .8f) || (decode_priority_test > old_priority_test * 1.25f)) { removeImageFromList(imagep); imagep->setDecodePriority(decode_priority); addImageToList(imagep); } update_counter--; } } } /* static U8 get_image_type(LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep, LLHost target_host) { // Having a target host implies this is a baked image. I don't // believe that boost level has been set at this point. JC U8 type_from_host = (target_host.isOk() ? LLImageBase::TYPE_AVATAR_BAKE : LLImageBase::TYPE_NORMAL); S32 boost_level = imagep->getBoostLevel(); U8 type_from_boost = ( (boost_level == LLViewerFetchedTexture::BOOST_AVATAR_BAKED || boost_level == LLViewerFetchedTexture::BOOST_AVATAR_BAKED_SELF) ? LLImageBase::TYPE_AVATAR_BAKE : LLImageBase::TYPE_NORMAL); if (type_from_host == LLImageBase::TYPE_NORMAL && type_from_boost == LLImageBase::TYPE_AVATAR_BAKE) { llwarns << "TAT: get_image_type() type_from_host doesn't match type_from_boost" << " host " << target_host << " boost " << imagep->getBoostLevel() << " imageid " << imagep->getID() << llendl; imagep->dump(); } return type_from_host; } */ static LLFastTimer::DeclareTimer FTM_IMAGE_CREATE("Create Images"); F32 LLViewerTextureList::updateImagesCreateTextures(F32 max_time) { if (gGLManager.mIsDisabled) return 0.0f; // // Create GL textures for all textures that need them (images which have been // decoded, but haven't been pushed into GL). // LLFastTimer t(FTM_IMAGE_CREATE); LLTimer create_timer; image_list_t::iterator enditer = mCreateTextureList.begin(); for (image_list_t::iterator iter = mCreateTextureList.begin(); iter != mCreateTextureList.end();) { image_list_t::iterator curiter = iter++; enditer = iter; LLViewerFetchedTexture *imagep = *curiter; imagep->createTexture(); if (create_timer.getElapsedTimeF32() > max_time) { break; } } mCreateTextureList.erase(mCreateTextureList.begin(), enditer); return create_timer.getElapsedTimeF32(); } void LLViewerTextureList::forceImmediateUpdate(LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep) { if(!imagep) { return ; } if(imagep->isInImageList()) { removeImageFromList(imagep); } imagep->processTextureStats(); F32 decode_priority = LLViewerFetchedTexture::maxDecodePriority() ; imagep->setDecodePriority(decode_priority); mImageList.insert(imagep); imagep->setInImageList(TRUE) ; return ; } F32 LLViewerTextureList::updateImagesFetchTextures(F32 max_time) { LLTimer image_op_timer; // Update the decode priority for N images each frame // Make a list with 32 high priority entries + 256 cycled entries const size_t max_priority_count = llmin((S32) (256*10.f*gFrameIntervalSeconds)+1, 32); const size_t max_update_count = llmin((S32) (1024*10.f*gFrameIntervalSeconds)+1, 256); // 32 high priority entries typedef std::vector entries_list_t; entries_list_t entries; size_t update_counter = llmin(max_priority_count, mImageList.size()); image_priority_list_t::iterator iter1 = mImageList.begin(); while(update_counter > 0) { entries.push_back(*iter1); ++iter1; update_counter--; } // 256 cycled entries update_counter = llmin(max_update_count, mUUIDMap.size()); if(update_counter > 0) { uuid_map_t::iterator iter2 = mUUIDMap.upper_bound(mLastFetchUUID); uuid_map_t::iterator iter2p = iter2; while(update_counter > 0) { if (iter2 == mUUIDMap.end()) { iter2 = mUUIDMap.begin(); } entries.push_back(iter2->second); iter2p = iter2++; update_counter--; } mLastFetchUUID = iter2p->first; } S32 fetch_count = 0; S32 min_count = max_priority_count + max_update_count/4; for (entries_list_t::iterator iter3 = entries.begin(); iter3 != entries.end(); ) { LLPointer imagep = *iter3++; bool fetching = imagep->updateFetch(); if (fetching) { fetch_count++; } if (min_count <= 0 && image_op_timer.getElapsedTimeF32() > max_time) { break; } min_count--; } //if (fetch_count == 0) //{ // gDebugTimers[0].pause(); //} //else //{ // gDebugTimers[0].unpause(); //} return image_op_timer.getElapsedTimeF32(); } void LLViewerTextureList::updateImagesUpdateStats() { if (mUpdateStats && mForceResetTextureStats) { for (image_priority_list_t::iterator iter = mImageList.begin(); iter != mImageList.end(); ) { LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep = *iter++; imagep->resetTextureStats(); } mUpdateStats = FALSE; mForceResetTextureStats = FALSE; } } void LLViewerTextureList::decodeAllImages(F32 max_time) { LLTimer timer; // Update texture stats and priorities std::vector > image_list; for (image_priority_list_t::iterator iter = mImageList.begin(); iter != mImageList.end(); ) { LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep = *iter++; image_list.push_back(imagep); imagep->setInImageList(FALSE) ; } mImageList.clear(); for (std::vector >::iterator iter = image_list.begin(); iter != image_list.end(); ++iter) { LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep = *iter; imagep->processTextureStats(); F32 decode_priority = imagep->calcDecodePriority(); imagep->setDecodePriority(decode_priority); mImageList.insert(imagep); imagep->setInImageList(TRUE) ; } image_list.clear(); // Update fetch (decode) for (image_priority_list_t::iterator iter = mImageList.begin(); iter != mImageList.end(); ) { LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep = *iter++; imagep->updateFetch(); } // Run threads S32 fetch_pending = 0; while (1) { LLAppViewer::instance()->getTextureCache()->update(1); // unpauses the texture cache thread LLAppViewer::instance()->getImageDecodeThread()->update(1); // unpauses the image thread fetch_pending = LLAppViewer::instance()->getTextureFetch()->update(1); // unpauses the texture fetch thread if (fetch_pending == 0 || timer.getElapsedTimeF32() > max_time) { break; } } // Update fetch again for (image_priority_list_t::iterator iter = mImageList.begin(); iter != mImageList.end(); ) { LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep = *iter++; imagep->updateFetch(); } max_time -= timer.getElapsedTimeF32(); max_time = llmax(max_time, .001f); F32 create_time = updateImagesCreateTextures(max_time); LL_DEBUGS("ViewerImages") << "decodeAllImages() took " << timer.getElapsedTimeF32() << " seconds. " << " fetch_pending " << fetch_pending << " create_time " << create_time << LL_ENDL; } BOOL LLViewerTextureList::createUploadFile(const std::string& filename, const std::string& out_filename, const U8 codec) { // Load the image LLPointer image = LLImageFormatted::createFromType(codec); if (image.isNull()) { image->setLastError("Couldn't open the image to be uploaded."); return FALSE; } if (!image->load(filename)) { image->setLastError("Couldn't load the image to be uploaded."); return FALSE; } // Decompress or expand it in a raw image structure LLPointer raw_image = new LLImageRaw; if (!image->decode(raw_image, 0.0f)) { image->setLastError("Couldn't decode the image to be uploaded."); return FALSE; } // Check the image constraints if ((image->getComponents() != 3) && (image->getComponents() != 4)) { image->setLastError("Image files with less than 3 or more than 4 components are not supported."); return FALSE; } // Convert to j2c (JPEG2000) and save the file locally LLPointer compressedImage = convertToUploadFile(raw_image); if (compressedImage.isNull()) { image->setLastError("Couldn't convert the image to jpeg2000."); llinfos << "Couldn't convert to j2c, file : " << filename << llendl; return FALSE; } if (!compressedImage->save(out_filename)) { image->setLastError("Couldn't create the jpeg2000 image for upload."); llinfos << "Couldn't create output file : " << out_filename << llendl; return FALSE; } // Test to see if the encode and save worked LLPointer integrity_test = new LLImageJ2C; if (!integrity_test->loadAndValidate( out_filename )) { image->setLastError("The created jpeg2000 image is corrupt."); llinfos << "Image file : " << out_filename << " is corrupt" << llendl; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // note: modifies the argument raw_image!!!! LLPointer LLViewerTextureList::convertToUploadFile(LLPointer raw_image) { raw_image->biasedScaleToPowerOfTwo(LLViewerFetchedTexture::MAX_IMAGE_SIZE_DEFAULT); LLPointer compressedImage = new LLImageJ2C(); compressedImage->setRate(0.f); if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("LosslessJ2CUpload") && (raw_image->getWidth() * raw_image->getHeight() <= LL_IMAGE_REZ_LOSSLESS_CUTOFF * LL_IMAGE_REZ_LOSSLESS_CUTOFF)) compressedImage->setReversible(TRUE); if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("Jpeg2000AdvancedCompression")) { // This test option will create jpeg2000 images with precincts for each level, RPCL ordering // and PLT markers. The block size is also optionally modifiable. // Note: the images hence created are compatible with older versions of the viewer. // Read the blocks and precincts size settings S32 block_size = gSavedSettings.getS32("Jpeg2000BlocksSize"); S32 precinct_size = gSavedSettings.getS32("Jpeg2000PrecinctsSize"); llinfos << "Advanced JPEG2000 Compression: precinct = " << precinct_size << ", block = " << block_size << llendl; compressedImage->initEncode(*raw_image, block_size, precinct_size); } if (!compressedImage->encode(raw_image, 0.0f)) { llinfos << "convertToUploadFile : encode returns with error!!" << llendl; // Clear up the pointer so we don't leak that one compressedImage = NULL; } return compressedImage; } const S32 MIN_VIDEO_RAM = 32; const S32 MAX_VIDEO_RAM = 512; // 512MB max for performance reasons. // Returns min setting for TextureMemory (in MB) S32 LLViewerTextureList::getMinVideoRamSetting() { S32 system_ram = (S32)BYTES_TO_MEGA_BYTES(gSysMemory.getPhysicalMemoryClamped()); //min texture mem sets to 64M if total physical mem is more than 1.5GB return (system_ram > 1500) ? 64 : MIN_VIDEO_RAM_IN_MEGA_BYTES ; } //static // Returns max setting for TextureMemory (in MB) S32 LLViewerTextureList::getMaxVideoRamSetting(bool get_recommended) { S32 max_texmem; if (gGLManager.mVRAM != 0) { // Treat any card with < 32 MB (shudder) as having 32 MB // - it's going to be swapping constantly regardless S32 max_vram = gGLManager.mVRAM; max_vram = llmax(max_vram, getMinVideoRamSetting()); max_texmem = max_vram; if (!get_recommended) max_texmem *= 2; } else { if (get_recommended) max_texmem = 128; else max_texmem = 512; llwarns << "VRAM amount not detected, defaulting to " << max_texmem << " MB" << llendl; } S32 system_ram = (S32)BYTES_TO_MEGA_BYTES(gSysMemory.getPhysicalMemoryClamped()); // In MB //llinfos << "*** DETECTED " << system_ram << " MB of system memory." << llendl; if (get_recommended) max_texmem = llmin(max_texmem, (S32)(system_ram/2)); else max_texmem = llmin(max_texmem, (S32)(system_ram)); max_texmem = llclamp(max_texmem, getMinVideoRamSetting(), MAX_VIDEO_RAM_IN_MEGA_BYTES); return max_texmem; } const S32 VIDEO_CARD_FRAMEBUFFER_MEM = 12; // MB const S32 MIN_MEM_FOR_NON_TEXTURE = 512 ; //MB void LLViewerTextureList::updateMaxResidentTexMem(S32 mem) { // Initialize the image pipeline VRAM settings S32 cur_mem = gSavedSettings.getS32("TextureMemory"); F32 mem_multiplier = gSavedSettings.getF32("RenderTextureMemoryMultiple"); S32 default_mem = getMaxVideoRamSetting(true); // recommended default if (mem == 0) { mem = cur_mem > 0 ? cur_mem : default_mem; } else if (mem < 0) { mem = default_mem; } // limit the texture memory to a multiple of the default if we've found some cards to behave poorly otherwise mem = llmin(mem, (S32) (mem_multiplier * (F32) default_mem)); mem = llclamp(mem, getMinVideoRamSetting(), getMaxVideoRamSetting()); if (mem != cur_mem) { gSavedSettings.setS32("TextureMemory", mem); return; //listener will re-enter this function } // TODO: set available resident texture mem based on use by other subsystems // currently max(12MB, VRAM/4) assumed... S32 vb_mem = mem; S32 fb_mem = llmax(VIDEO_CARD_FRAMEBUFFER_MEM, vb_mem/4); mMaxResidentTexMemInMegaBytes = (vb_mem - fb_mem) ; //in MB mMaxTotalTextureMemInMegaBytes = mMaxResidentTexMemInMegaBytes * 2; if (mMaxResidentTexMemInMegaBytes > 640) { mMaxTotalTextureMemInMegaBytes -= (mMaxResidentTexMemInMegaBytes >> 2); } //system mem S32 system_ram = (S32)BYTES_TO_MEGA_BYTES(gSysMemory.getPhysicalMemoryClamped()); // In MB //minimum memory reserved for non-texture use. //if system_raw >= 1GB, reserve at least 512MB for non-texture use; //otherwise reserve half of the system_ram for non-texture use. S32 min_non_texture_mem = llmin(system_ram / 2, MIN_MEM_FOR_NON_TEXTURE) ; if (mMaxTotalTextureMemInMegaBytes > system_ram - min_non_texture_mem) { mMaxTotalTextureMemInMegaBytes = system_ram - min_non_texture_mem ; } llinfos << "Total Video Memory set to: " << vb_mem << " MB" << llendl; llinfos << "Available Texture Memory set to: " << (vb_mem - fb_mem) << " MB" << llendl; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static void LLViewerTextureList::receiveImageHeader(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **user_data) { static LLCachedControl log_texture_traffic(gSavedSettings,"LogTextureNetworkTraffic") ; LLFastTimer t(FTM_PROCESS_IMAGES); // Receive image header, copy into image object and decompresses // if this is a one-packet image. LLUUID id; char ip_string[256]; u32_to_ip_string(msg->getSenderIP(),ip_string); U32 received_size ; if (msg->getReceiveCompressedSize()) { received_size = msg->getReceiveCompressedSize() ; } else { received_size = msg->getReceiveSize() ; } gTextureList.sTextureBits += received_size * 8; gTextureList.sTexturePackets++; U8 codec; U16 packets; U32 totalbytes; msg->getUUIDFast(_PREHASH_ImageID, _PREHASH_ID, id); msg->getU8Fast(_PREHASH_ImageID, _PREHASH_Codec, codec); msg->getU16Fast(_PREHASH_ImageID, _PREHASH_Packets, packets); msg->getU32Fast(_PREHASH_ImageID, _PREHASH_Size, totalbytes); S32 data_size = msg->getSizeFast(_PREHASH_ImageData, _PREHASH_Data); if (!data_size) { return; } if (data_size < 0) { // msg->getSizeFast() is probably trying to tell us there // was an error. llerrs << "image header chunk size was negative: " << data_size << llendl; return; } // this buffer gets saved off in the packet list U8 *data = new U8[data_size]; msg->getBinaryDataFast(_PREHASH_ImageData, _PREHASH_Data, data, data_size); LLViewerFetchedTexture *image = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(id, TRUE, LLViewerTexture::BOOST_NONE, LLViewerTexture::LOD_TEXTURE); if (!image) { delete [] data; return; } if(log_texture_traffic) { gTotalTextureBytesPerBoostLevel[image->getBoostLevel()] += received_size ; } //image->getLastPacketTimer()->reset(); bool res = LLAppViewer::getTextureFetch()->receiveImageHeader(msg->getSender(), id, codec, packets, totalbytes, data_size, data); if (!res) { delete[] data; } } // static void LLViewerTextureList::receiveImagePacket(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **user_data) { static LLCachedControl log_texture_traffic(gSavedSettings,"LogTextureNetworkTraffic") ; LLMemType mt1(LLMemType::MTYPE_APPFMTIMAGE); LLFastTimer t(FTM_PROCESS_IMAGES); // Receives image packet, copy into image object, // checks if all packets received, decompresses if so. LLUUID id; U16 packet_num; char ip_string[256]; u32_to_ip_string(msg->getSenderIP(),ip_string); U32 received_size ; if (msg->getReceiveCompressedSize()) { received_size = msg->getReceiveCompressedSize() ; } else { received_size = msg->getReceiveSize() ; } gTextureList.sTextureBits += received_size * 8; gTextureList.sTexturePackets++; //llprintline("Start decode, image header..."); msg->getUUIDFast(_PREHASH_ImageID, _PREHASH_ID, id); msg->getU16Fast(_PREHASH_ImageID, _PREHASH_Packet, packet_num); S32 data_size = msg->getSizeFast(_PREHASH_ImageData, _PREHASH_Data); if (!data_size) { return; } if (data_size < 0) { // msg->getSizeFast() is probably trying to tell us there // was an error. llerrs << "image data chunk size was negative: " << data_size << llendl; return; } if (data_size > MTUBYTES) { llerrs << "image data chunk too large: " << data_size << " bytes" << llendl; return; } U8 *data = new U8[data_size]; msg->getBinaryDataFast(_PREHASH_ImageData, _PREHASH_Data, data, data_size); LLViewerFetchedTexture *image = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(id, TRUE, LLViewerTexture::BOOST_NONE, LLViewerTexture::LOD_TEXTURE); if (!image) { delete [] data; return; } if(log_texture_traffic) { gTotalTextureBytesPerBoostLevel[image->getBoostLevel()] += received_size ; } //image->getLastPacketTimer()->reset(); bool res = LLAppViewer::getTextureFetch()->receiveImagePacket(msg->getSender(), id, packet_num, data_size, data); if (!res) { delete[] data; } } // We've been that the asset server does not contain the requested image id. // static void LLViewerTextureList::processImageNotInDatabase(LLMessageSystem *msg,void **user_data) { LLFastTimer t(FTM_PROCESS_IMAGES); LLUUID image_id; msg->getUUIDFast(_PREHASH_ImageID, _PREHASH_ID, image_id); LLViewerFetchedTexture* image = gTextureList.findImage( image_id ); if( image ) { image->setIsMissingAsset(); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //static const U32 SIXTEEN_MEG = 0x1000000; S32 LLViewerTextureList::calcMaxTextureRAM() { // Decide the maximum amount of RAM we should allow the user to allocate to texture cache LLMemoryInfo memory_info; U32 available_memory = memory_info.getPhysicalMemoryClamped(); clamp_rescale((F32)available_memory, (F32)(SIXTEEN_MEG * 16), (F32)U32_MAX, (F32)(SIXTEEN_MEG * 4), (F32)(U32_MAX >> 1)); return available_memory; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // explicitly cleanup resources, as this is a singleton class with process // lifetime so ability to perform std::map operations in destructor is not // guaranteed. void LLUIImageList::cleanUp() { mUIImages.clear(); mUITextureList.clear() ; } LLUIImagePtr LLUIImageList::getUIImageByID(const LLUUID& image_id, S32 priority) { // use id as image name std::string image_name = image_id.asString(); // look for existing image uuid_ui_image_map_t::iterator found_it = mUIImages.find(image_name); if (found_it != mUIImages.end()) { return found_it->second; } const BOOL use_mips = FALSE; const LLRect scale_rect = LLRect::null; return loadUIImageByID(image_id, use_mips, scale_rect, (LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel)priority); } LLUIImagePtr LLUIImageList::getUIImage(const std::string& image_name, S32 priority) { // look for existing image uuid_ui_image_map_t::iterator found_it = mUIImages.find(image_name); if (found_it != mUIImages.end()) { return found_it->second; } const BOOL use_mips = FALSE; const LLRect scale_rect = LLRect::null; return loadUIImageByName(image_name, image_name, use_mips, scale_rect, (LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel)priority); } LLUIImagePtr LLUIImageList::loadUIImageByName(const std::string& name, const std::string& filename, BOOL use_mips, const LLRect& scale_rect, LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel boost_priority ) { if (boost_priority == LLViewerTexture::BOOST_NONE) { boost_priority = LLViewerTexture::BOOST_UI; } LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTextureFromFile(filename, MIPMAP_NO, boost_priority); return loadUIImage(imagep, name, use_mips, scale_rect); } LLUIImagePtr LLUIImageList::loadUIImageByID(const LLUUID& id, BOOL use_mips, const LLRect& scale_rect, LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel boost_priority) { if (boost_priority == LLViewerTexture::BOOST_NONE) { boost_priority = LLViewerTexture::BOOST_UI; } LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(id, MIPMAP_NO, boost_priority); return loadUIImage(imagep, id.asString(), use_mips, scale_rect); } LLUIImagePtr LLUIImageList::loadUIImage(LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep, const std::string& name, BOOL use_mips, const LLRect& scale_rect) { if (!imagep) return NULL; imagep->setAddressMode(LLTexUnit::TAM_CLAMP); //all UI images are non-deletable imagep->setNoDelete(); LLUIImagePtr new_imagep = new LLUIImage(name, imagep); mUIImages.insert(std::make_pair(name, new_imagep)); mUITextureList.push_back(imagep); //Note: //Some other textures such as ICON also through this flow to be fetched. //But only UI textures need to set this callback. if(imagep->getBoostLevel() == LLViewerTexture::BOOST_UI) { LLUIImageLoadData* datap = new LLUIImageLoadData; datap->mImageName = name; datap->mImageScaleRegion = scale_rect; imagep->setLoadedCallback(onUIImageLoaded, 0, FALSE, FALSE, datap, NULL); } return new_imagep; } LLUIImagePtr LLUIImageList::preloadUIImage(const std::string& name, const std::string& filename, BOOL use_mips, const LLRect& scale_rect) { // look for existing image uuid_ui_image_map_t::iterator found_it = mUIImages.find(name); if (found_it != mUIImages.end()) { // image already loaded! llerrs << "UI Image " << name << " already loaded." << llendl; } return loadUIImageByName(name, filename, use_mips, scale_rect); } //static void LLUIImageList::onUIImageLoaded( BOOL success, LLViewerFetchedTexture *src_vi, LLImageRaw* src, LLImageRaw* src_aux, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void* user_data ) { if(!success || !user_data) { return; } LLUIImageLoadData* image_datap = (LLUIImageLoadData*)user_data; std::string ui_image_name = image_datap->mImageName; LLRect scale_rect = image_datap->mImageScaleRegion; if (final) { delete image_datap; } LLUIImageList* instance = getInstance(); uuid_ui_image_map_t::iterator found_it = instance->mUIImages.find(ui_image_name); if (found_it != instance->mUIImages.end()) { LLUIImagePtr imagep = found_it->second; // for images grabbed from local files, apply clipping rectangle to restore original dimensions // from power-of-2 gl image if (success && imagep.notNull() && src_vi && (src_vi->getUrl().compare(0, 7, "file://")==0)) { F32 clip_x = (F32)src_vi->getOriginalWidth() / (F32)src_vi->getFullWidth(); F32 clip_y = (F32)src_vi->getOriginalHeight() / (F32)src_vi->getFullHeight(); imagep->setClipRegion(LLRectf(0.f, clip_y, clip_x, 0.f)); if (scale_rect != LLRect::null) { imagep->setScaleRegion( LLRectf(llclamp((F32)scale_rect.mLeft / (F32)imagep->getWidth(), 0.f, 1.f), llclamp((F32)scale_rect.mTop / (F32)imagep->getHeight(), 0.f, 1.f), llclamp((F32)scale_rect.mRight / (F32)imagep->getWidth(), 0.f, 1.f), llclamp((F32)scale_rect.mBottom / (F32)imagep->getHeight(), 0.f, 1.f))); } imagep->onImageLoaded(); } } } struct UIImageDeclaration : public LLInitParam::Block { Mandatory name; Optional file_name; Optional preload; Optional scale; Optional use_mips; UIImageDeclaration() : name("name"), file_name("file_name"), preload("preload", false), scale("scale"), use_mips("use_mips", false) {} }; struct UIImageDeclarations : public LLInitParam::Block { Mandatory version; Multiple textures; UIImageDeclarations() : version("version"), textures("texture") {} }; bool LLUIImageList::initFromFile() { // construct path to canonical textures.xml in default skin dir std::string base_file_path = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_SKINS, "default", "textures", "textures.xml"); LLXMLNodePtr root; if (!LLXMLNode::parseFile(base_file_path, root, NULL)) { llwarns << "Unable to parse UI image list file " << base_file_path << llendl; return false; } if (!root->hasAttribute("version")) { llwarns << "No valid version number in UI image list file " << base_file_path << llendl; return false; } UIImageDeclarations images; LLXUIParser parser; parser.readXUI(root, images, base_file_path); // add components defined in current skin std::string skin_update_path = gDirUtilp->getSkinDir() + gDirUtilp->getDirDelimiter() + "textures" + gDirUtilp->getDirDelimiter() + "textures.xml"; LLXMLNodePtr update_root; if (skin_update_path != base_file_path && LLXMLNode::parseFile(skin_update_path, update_root, NULL)) { parser.readXUI(update_root, images, skin_update_path); } // add components defined in user override of current skin skin_update_path = gDirUtilp->getUserSkinDir() + gDirUtilp->getDirDelimiter() + "textures" + gDirUtilp->getDirDelimiter() + "textures.xml"; if (skin_update_path != base_file_path && LLXMLNode::parseFile(skin_update_path, update_root, NULL)) { parser.readXUI(update_root, images, skin_update_path); } if (!images.validateBlock()) return false; std::map merged_declarations; for (LLInitParam::ParamIterator::const_iterator image_it = images.textures.begin(); image_it != images.textures.end(); ++image_it) { merged_declarations[image_it->name].overwriteFrom(*image_it); } enum e_decode_pass { PASS_DECODE_NOW, PASS_DECODE_LATER, NUM_PASSES }; for (S32 cur_pass = PASS_DECODE_NOW; cur_pass < NUM_PASSES; cur_pass++) { for (std::map::const_iterator image_it = merged_declarations.begin(); image_it != merged_declarations.end(); ++image_it) { const UIImageDeclaration& image = image_it->second; std::string file_name = image.file_name.isProvided() ? image.file_name() : image.name(); // load high priority textures on first pass (to kick off decode) enum e_decode_pass decode_pass = image.preload ? PASS_DECODE_NOW : PASS_DECODE_LATER; if (decode_pass != cur_pass) { continue; } preloadUIImage(image.name, file_name, image.use_mips, image.scale); } if (cur_pass == PASS_DECODE_NOW && !gSavedSettings.getBOOL("NoPreload")) { gTextureList.decodeAllImages(10.f); // decode preloaded images } } return true; }