/** * @file llviewerstatsrecorder.cpp * @brief record info about viewer events to a metrics log file * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2010&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llviewerstatsrecorder.h" #include "llfile.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" #include "llviewerobject.h" // To do - something using region name or global position #if LL_WINDOWS static const std::string STATS_FILE_NAME("C:\\ViewerObjectCacheStats.csv"); #else static const std::string STATS_FILE_NAME("/tmp/viewerstats.csv"); #endif LLViewerStatsRecorder* LLViewerStatsRecorder::sInstance = NULL; LLViewerStatsRecorder::LLViewerStatsRecorder() : mObjectCacheFile(NULL), mTimer(), mRegionp(NULL), mStartTime(0.f), mProcessingTime(0.f) { if (NULL != sInstance) { llerrs << "Attempted to create multiple instances of LLViewerStatsRecorder!" << llendl; } sInstance = this; clearStats(); } LLViewerStatsRecorder::~LLViewerStatsRecorder() { if (mObjectCacheFile != NULL) { LLFile::close(mObjectCacheFile); mObjectCacheFile = NULL; } } // static void LLViewerStatsRecorder::initClass() { sInstance = new LLViewerStatsRecorder(); } // static void LLViewerStatsRecorder::cleanupClass() { delete sInstance; sInstance = NULL; } void LLViewerStatsRecorder::initStatsRecorder(LLViewerRegion *regionp) { if (mObjectCacheFile == NULL) { mStartTime = LLTimer::getTotalTime(); mObjectCacheFile = LLFile::fopen(STATS_FILE_NAME, "wb"); if (mObjectCacheFile) { // Write column headers std::ostringstream data_msg; data_msg << "EventTime, " << "ProcessingTime, " << "CacheHits, " << "CacheFullMisses, " << "CacheCrcMisses, " << "FullUpdates, " << "TerseUpdates, " << "CacheMissRequests, " << "CacheMissResponses, " << "CacheUpdateDupes, " << "CacheUpdateChanges, " << "CacheUpdateAdds, " << "CacheUpdateReplacements, " << "UpdateFailures" << "\n"; fwrite(data_msg.str().c_str(), 1, data_msg.str().size(), mObjectCacheFile ); } } } void LLViewerStatsRecorder::beginObjectUpdateEvents(LLViewerRegion *regionp) { initStatsRecorder(regionp); mRegionp = regionp; mProcessingTime = LLTimer::getTotalTime(); clearStats(); } void LLViewerStatsRecorder::clearStats() { mObjectCacheHitCount = 0; mObjectCacheMissFullCount = 0; mObjectCacheMissCrcCount = 0; mObjectFullUpdates = 0; mObjectTerseUpdates = 0; mObjectCacheMissRequests = 0; mObjectCacheMissResponses = 0; mObjectCacheUpdateDupes = 0; mObjectCacheUpdateChanges = 0; mObjectCacheUpdateAdds = 0; mObjectCacheUpdateReplacements = 0; mObjectUpdateFailures = 0; } void LLViewerStatsRecorder::recordObjectUpdateFailure(U32 local_id, const EObjectUpdateType update_type) { mObjectUpdateFailures++; } void LLViewerStatsRecorder::recordCacheMissEvent(U32 local_id, const EObjectUpdateType update_type, U8 cache_miss_type) { if (LLViewerRegion::CACHE_MISS_TYPE_FULL == cache_miss_type) { mObjectCacheMissFullCount++; } else { mObjectCacheMissCrcCount++; } } void LLViewerStatsRecorder::recordObjectUpdateEvent(U32 local_id, const EObjectUpdateType update_type, LLViewerObject * objectp) { switch (update_type) { case OUT_FULL: mObjectFullUpdates++; break; case OUT_TERSE_IMPROVED: mObjectTerseUpdates++; break; case OUT_FULL_COMPRESSED: mObjectCacheMissResponses++; break; case OUT_FULL_CACHED: mObjectCacheHitCount++; break; default: llwarns << "Unknown update_type" << llendl; break; }; } void LLViewerStatsRecorder::recordCacheFullUpdate(U32 local_id, const EObjectUpdateType update_type, LLViewerRegion::eCacheUpdateResult update_result, LLViewerObject* objectp) { switch (update_result) { case LLViewerRegion::CACHE_UPDATE_DUPE: mObjectCacheUpdateDupes++; break; case LLViewerRegion::CACHE_UPDATE_CHANGED: mObjectCacheUpdateChanges++; break; case LLViewerRegion::CACHE_UPDATE_ADDED: mObjectCacheUpdateAdds++; break; case LLViewerRegion::CACHE_UPDATE_REPLACED: mObjectCacheUpdateReplacements++; break; default: llwarns << "Unknown update_result type" << llendl; break; }; } void LLViewerStatsRecorder::recordRequestCacheMissesEvent(S32 count) { mObjectCacheMissRequests += count; } void LLViewerStatsRecorder::endObjectUpdateEvents() { llinfos << "ILX: " << mObjectCacheHitCount << " hits, " << mObjectCacheMissFullCount << " full misses, " << mObjectCacheMissCrcCount << " crc misses, " << mObjectFullUpdates << " full updates, " << mObjectTerseUpdates << " terse updates, " << mObjectCacheMissRequests << " cache miss requests, " << mObjectCacheMissResponses << " cache miss responses, " << mObjectCacheUpdateDupes << " cache update dupes, " << mObjectCacheUpdateChanges << " cache update changes, " << mObjectCacheUpdateAdds << " cache update adds, " << mObjectCacheUpdateReplacements << " cache update replacements, " << mObjectUpdateFailures << " update failures" << llendl; S32 total_objects = mObjectCacheHitCount + mObjectCacheMissCrcCount + mObjectCacheMissFullCount + mObjectFullUpdates + mObjectTerseUpdates + mObjectCacheMissRequests + mObjectCacheMissResponses + mObjectCacheUpdateDupes + mObjectCacheUpdateChanges + mObjectCacheUpdateAdds + mObjectCacheUpdateReplacements + mObjectUpdateFailures; if (mObjectCacheFile != NULL && total_objects > 0) { std::ostringstream data_msg; F32 processing32 = (F32) ((LLTimer::getTotalTime() - mProcessingTime) / 1000.0); data_msg << getTimeSinceStart() << ", " << processing32 << ", " << mObjectCacheHitCount << ", " << mObjectCacheMissFullCount << ", " << mObjectCacheMissCrcCount << ", " << mObjectFullUpdates << ", " << mObjectTerseUpdates << ", " << mObjectCacheMissRequests << ", " << mObjectCacheMissResponses << ", " << mObjectCacheUpdateDupes << ", " << mObjectCacheUpdateChanges << ", " << mObjectCacheUpdateAdds << ", " << mObjectCacheUpdateReplacements << ", " << mObjectUpdateFailures << "\n"; fwrite(data_msg.str().c_str(), 1, data_msg.str().size(), mObjectCacheFile ); } clearStats(); } F32 LLViewerStatsRecorder::getTimeSinceStart() { return (F32) ((LLTimer::getTotalTime() - mStartTime) / 1000.0); }