/** * @file llviewerstats.cpp * @brief LLViewerStats class implementation * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llviewerstats.h" #include "llviewerthrottle.h" #include "message.h" #include "llfloaterreg.h" #include "llmemory.h" #include "lltimer.h" #include "llvfile.h" #include "llappviewer.h" #include "pipeline.h" #include "lltexturefetch.h" #include "llviewerobjectlist.h" #include "llviewertexturelist.h" #include "lltexlayer.h" #include "lltexlayerparams.h" #include "llsurface.h" #include "llvlmanager.h" #include "llagent.h" #include "llagentcamera.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llfloatertools.h" #include "lldebugview.h" #include "llfasttimerview.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" #include "llvoavatar.h" #include "llvoavatarself.h" #include "llviewerwindow.h" // *TODO: remove, only used for width/height #include "llworld.h" #include "llfeaturemanager.h" #include "llviewernetwork.h" #include "llmeshrepository.h" //for LLMeshRepository::sBytesReceived class StatAttributes { public: StatAttributes(const char* name, const BOOL enabled, const BOOL is_timer) : mName(name), mEnabled(enabled), mIsTimer(is_timer) { } std::string mName; BOOL mEnabled; BOOL mIsTimer; }; const StatAttributes STAT_INFO[LLViewerStats::ST_COUNT] = { // ST_VERSION StatAttributes("Version", TRUE, FALSE), // ST_AVATAR_EDIT_SECONDS StatAttributes("Seconds in Edit Appearence", FALSE, TRUE), // ST_TOOLBOX_SECONDS StatAttributes("Seconds using Toolbox", FALSE, TRUE), // ST_CHAT_COUNT StatAttributes("Chat messages sent", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_IM_COUNT StatAttributes("IMs sent", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_FULLSCREEN_BOOL StatAttributes("Fullscreen mode", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_RELEASE_COUNT StatAttributes("Object release count", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_CREATE_COUNT StatAttributes("Object create count", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_REZ_COUNT StatAttributes("Object rez count", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_FPS_10_SECONDS StatAttributes("Seconds below 10 FPS", FALSE, TRUE), // ST_FPS_2_SECONDS StatAttributes("Seconds below 2 FPS", FALSE, TRUE), // ST_MOUSELOOK_SECONDS StatAttributes("Seconds in Mouselook", FALSE, TRUE), // ST_FLY_COUNT StatAttributes("Fly count", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_TELEPORT_COUNT StatAttributes("Teleport count", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_OBJECT_DELETE_COUNT StatAttributes("Objects deleted", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_SNAPSHOT_COUNT StatAttributes("Snapshots taken", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_UPLOAD_SOUND_COUNT StatAttributes("Sounds uploaded", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_UPLOAD_TEXTURE_COUNT StatAttributes("Textures uploaded", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_EDIT_TEXTURE_COUNT StatAttributes("Changes to textures on objects", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_KILLED_COUNT StatAttributes("Number of times killed", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_FRAMETIME_JITTER StatAttributes("Average delta between sucessive frame times", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_FRAMETIME_SLEW StatAttributes("Average delta between frame time and mean", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_INVENTORY_TOO_LONG StatAttributes("Inventory took too long to load", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_WEARABLES_TOO_LONG StatAttributes("Wearables took too long to load", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_LOGIN_SECONDS StatAttributes("Time between LoginRequest and LoginReply", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_LOGIN_TIMEOUT_COUNT StatAttributes("Number of login attempts that timed out", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_HAS_BAD_TIMER StatAttributes("Known bad timer if != 0.0", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_DOWNLOAD_FAILED StatAttributes("Number of times LLAssetStorage::getAssetData() has failed", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_LSL_SAVE_COUNT StatAttributes("Number of times user has saved a script", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_UPLOAD_ANIM_COUNT StatAttributes("Animations uploaded", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_FPS_8_SECONDS StatAttributes("Seconds below 8 FPS", FALSE, TRUE), // ST_SIM_FPS_20_SECONDS StatAttributes("Seconds with sim FPS below 20", FALSE, TRUE), // ST_PHYS_FPS_20_SECONDS StatAttributes("Seconds with physics FPS below 20", FALSE, TRUE), // ST_LOSS_05_SECONDS StatAttributes("Seconds with packet loss > 5%", FALSE, TRUE), // ST_FPS_DROP_50_RATIO StatAttributes("Ratio of frames 2x longer than previous", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_ENABLE_VBO StatAttributes("Vertex Buffers Enabled", TRUE, FALSE), // ST_DELTA_BANDWIDTH StatAttributes("Increase/Decrease in bandwidth based on packet loss", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_MAX_BANDWIDTH StatAttributes("Max bandwidth setting", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_LIGHTING_DETAIL StatAttributes("Lighting Detail", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_VISIBLE_AVATARS StatAttributes("Visible Avatars", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_SHADER_OJECTS StatAttributes("Object Shaders", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_SHADER_ENVIRONMENT StatAttributes("Environment Shaders", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_VISIBLE_DRAW_DIST StatAttributes("Draw Distance", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_VISIBLE_CHAT_BUBBLES StatAttributes("Chat Bubbles Enabled", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_SHADER_AVATAR StatAttributes("Avatar Shaders", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_FRAME_SECS StatAttributes("FRAME_SECS", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_UPDATE_SECS StatAttributes("UPDATE_SECS", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_NETWORK_SECS StatAttributes("NETWORK_SECS", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_IMAGE_SECS StatAttributes("IMAGE_SECS", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_REBUILD_SECS StatAttributes("REBUILD_SECS", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_RENDER_SECS StatAttributes("RENDER_SECS", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_CROSSING_AVG StatAttributes("CROSSING_AVG", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_CROSSING_MAX StatAttributes("CROSSING_MAX", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_LIBXUL_WIDGET_USED StatAttributes("LibXUL Widget used", FALSE, FALSE), // Unused // ST_WINDOW_WIDTH StatAttributes("Window width", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_WINDOW_HEIGHT StatAttributes("Window height", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_TEX_BAKES StatAttributes("Texture Bakes", FALSE, FALSE), // ST_TEX_REBAKES StatAttributes("Texture Rebakes", FALSE, FALSE) }; LLViewerStats::LLViewerStats() : mKBitStat("kbitstat"), mLayersKBitStat("layerskbitstat"), mObjectKBitStat("objectkbitstat"), mAssetKBitStat("assetkbitstat"), mTextureKBitStat("texturekbitstat"), mVFSPendingOperations("vfspendingoperations"), mObjectsDrawnStat("objectsdrawnstat"), mObjectsCulledStat("objectsculledstat"), mObjectsTestedStat("objectstestedstat"), mObjectsComparedStat("objectscomparedstat"), mObjectsOccludedStat("objectsoccludedstat"), mFPSStat("fpsstat"), mPacketsInStat("packetsinstat"), mPacketsLostStat("packetsloststat"), mPacketsOutStat("packetsoutstat"), mPacketsLostPercentStat("packetslostpercentstat", 64), mTexturePacketsStat("texturepacketsstat"), mActualInKBitStat("actualinkbitstat"), mActualOutKBitStat("actualoutkbitstat"), mTrianglesDrawnStat("trianglesdrawnstat"), mSimTimeDilation("simtimedilation"), mSimFPS("simfps"), mSimPhysicsFPS("simphysicsfps"), mSimAgentUPS("simagentups"), mSimScriptEPS("simscripteps"), mSimFrameMsec("simframemsec"), mSimNetMsec("simnetmsec"), mSimSimOtherMsec("simsimothermsec"), mSimSimPhysicsMsec("simsimphysicsmsec"), mSimSimPhysicsStepMsec("simsimphysicsstepmsec"), mSimSimPhysicsShapeUpdateMsec("simsimphysicsshapeupdatemsec"), mSimSimPhysicsOtherMsec("simsimphysicsothermsec"), mSimAgentMsec("simagentmsec"), mSimImagesMsec("simimagesmsec"), mSimScriptMsec("simscriptmsec"), mSimSpareMsec("simsparemsec"), mSimSleepMsec("simsleepmsec"), mSimPumpIOMsec("simpumpiomsec"), mSimMainAgents("simmainagents"), mSimChildAgents("simchildagents"), mSimObjects("simobjects"), mSimActiveObjects("simactiveobjects"), mSimActiveScripts("simactivescripts"), mSimInPPS("siminpps"), mSimOutPPS("simoutpps"), mSimPendingDownloads("simpendingdownloads"), mSimPendingUploads("simpendinguploads"), mSimPendingLocalUploads("simpendinglocaluploads"), mSimTotalUnackedBytes("simtotalunackedbytes"), mPhysicsPinnedTasks("physicspinnedtasks"), mPhysicsLODTasks("physicslodtasks"), mPhysicsMemoryAllocated("physicsmemoryallocated"), mSimPingStat("simpingstat"), mNumImagesStat("numimagesstat", 32, TRUE), mNumRawImagesStat("numrawimagesstat", 32, TRUE), mGLTexMemStat("gltexmemstat", 32, TRUE), mGLBoundMemStat("glboundmemstat", 32, TRUE), mRawMemStat("rawmemstat", 32, TRUE), mFormattedMemStat("formattedmemstat", 32, TRUE), mNumObjectsStat("numobjectsstat"), mNumActiveObjectsStat("numactiveobjectsstat"), mNumNewObjectsStat("numnewobjectsstat"), mNumSizeCulledStat("numsizeculledstat"), mNumVisCulledStat("numvisculledstat"), mLastTimeDiff(0.0) { for (S32 i = 0; i < ST_COUNT; i++) { mStats[i] = 0.0; } if (LLTimer::knownBadTimer()) { mStats[ST_HAS_BAD_TIMER] = 1.0; } mAgentPositionSnaps.reset(); } LLViewerStats::~LLViewerStats() { } void LLViewerStats::resetStats() { LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mKBitStat.reset(); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mLayersKBitStat.reset(); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mObjectKBitStat.reset(); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mTextureKBitStat.reset(); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mVFSPendingOperations.reset(); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mAssetKBitStat.reset(); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mPacketsInStat.reset(); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mPacketsLostStat.reset(); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mPacketsOutStat.reset(); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mFPSStat.reset(); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mTexturePacketsStat.reset(); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mAgentPositionSnaps.reset(); } F64 LLViewerStats::getStat(EStatType type) const { return mStats[type]; } F64 LLViewerStats::setStat(EStatType type, F64 value) { mStats[type] = value; return mStats[type]; } F64 LLViewerStats::incStat(EStatType type, F64 value) { mStats[type] += value; return mStats[type]; } void LLViewerStats::updateFrameStats(const F64 time_diff) { if (mPacketsLostPercentStat.getCurrent() > 5.0) { incStat(LLViewerStats::ST_LOSS_05_SECONDS, time_diff); } if (mSimFPS.getCurrent() < 20.f && mSimFPS.getCurrent() > 0.f) { incStat(LLViewerStats::ST_SIM_FPS_20_SECONDS, time_diff); } if (mSimPhysicsFPS.getCurrent() < 20.f && mSimPhysicsFPS.getCurrent() > 0.f) { incStat(LLViewerStats::ST_PHYS_FPS_20_SECONDS, time_diff); } if (time_diff >= 0.5) { incStat(LLViewerStats::ST_FPS_2_SECONDS, time_diff); } if (time_diff >= 0.125) { incStat(LLViewerStats::ST_FPS_8_SECONDS, time_diff); } if (time_diff >= 0.1) { incStat(LLViewerStats::ST_FPS_10_SECONDS, time_diff); } if (gFrameCount && mLastTimeDiff > 0.0) { // new "stutter" meter setStat(LLViewerStats::ST_FPS_DROP_50_RATIO, (getStat(LLViewerStats::ST_FPS_DROP_50_RATIO) * (F64)(gFrameCount - 1) + (time_diff >= 2.0 * mLastTimeDiff ? 1.0 : 0.0)) / gFrameCount); // old stats that were never really used setStat(LLViewerStats::ST_FRAMETIME_JITTER, (getStat(LLViewerStats::ST_FRAMETIME_JITTER) * (gFrameCount - 1) + fabs(mLastTimeDiff - time_diff) / mLastTimeDiff) / gFrameCount); F32 average_frametime = gRenderStartTime.getElapsedTimeF32() / (F32)gFrameCount; setStat(LLViewerStats::ST_FRAMETIME_SLEW, (getStat(LLViewerStats::ST_FRAMETIME_SLEW) * (gFrameCount - 1) + fabs(average_frametime - time_diff) / average_frametime) / gFrameCount); F32 max_bandwidth = gViewerThrottle.getMaxBandwidth(); F32 delta_bandwidth = gViewerThrottle.getCurrentBandwidth() - max_bandwidth; setStat(LLViewerStats::ST_DELTA_BANDWIDTH, delta_bandwidth / 1024.f); setStat(LLViewerStats::ST_MAX_BANDWIDTH, max_bandwidth / 1024.f); } mLastTimeDiff = time_diff; } void LLViewerStats::addToMessage(LLSD &body) const { LLSD &misc = body["misc"]; for (S32 i = 0; i < ST_COUNT; i++) { if (STAT_INFO[i].mEnabled) { // TODO: send timer value so dataserver can normalize misc[STAT_INFO[i].mName] = mStats[i]; llinfos << "STAT: " << STAT_INFO[i].mName << ": " << mStats[i] << llendl; } } body["AgentPositionSnaps"] = mAgentPositionSnaps.getData(); llinfos << "STAT: AgentPositionSnaps: Mean = " << mAgentPositionSnaps.getMean() << "; StdDev = " << mAgentPositionSnaps.getStdDev() << "; Count = " << mAgentPositionSnaps.getCount() << llendl; } // static // const std::string LLViewerStats::statTypeToText(EStatType type) // { // if (type >= 0 && type < ST_COUNT) // { // return STAT_INFO[type].mName; // } // else // { // return "Unknown statistic"; // } // } // *NOTE:Mani The following methods used to exist in viewer.cpp // Moving them here, but not merging them into LLViewerStats yet. void reset_statistics() { if (LLSurface::sTextureUpdateTime) { LLSurface::sTexelsUpdated = 0; LLSurface::sTextureUpdateTime = 0.f; } } void output_statistics(void*) { llinfos << "Number of orphans: " << gObjectList.getOrphanCount() << llendl; llinfos << "Number of dead objects: " << gObjectList.mNumDeadObjects << llendl; llinfos << "Num images: " << gTextureList.getNumImages() << llendl; llinfos << "Texture usage: " << LLImageGL::sGlobalTextureMemoryInBytes << llendl; llinfos << "Texture working set: " << LLImageGL::sBoundTextureMemoryInBytes << llendl; llinfos << "Raw usage: " << LLImageRaw::sGlobalRawMemory << llendl; llinfos << "Formatted usage: " << LLImageFormatted::sGlobalFormattedMemory << llendl; llinfos << "Zombie Viewer Objects: " << LLViewerObject::getNumZombieObjects() << llendl; llinfos << "Number of lights: " << gPipeline.getLightCount() << llendl; llinfos << "Memory Usage:" << llendl; llinfos << "--------------------------------" << llendl; llinfos << "Pipeline:" << llendl; llinfos << llendl; #if LL_SMARTHEAP llinfos << "--------------------------------" << llendl; { llinfos << "sizeof(LLVOVolume) = " << sizeof(LLVOVolume) << llendl; U32 total_pool_size = 0; U32 total_used_size = 0; MEM_POOL_INFO pool_info; MEM_POOL_STATUS pool_status; U32 pool_num = 0; for(pool_status = MemPoolFirst( &pool_info, 1 ); pool_status != MEM_POOL_END; pool_status = MemPoolNext( &pool_info, 1 ) ) { llinfos << "Pool #" << pool_num << llendl; if( MEM_POOL_OK != pool_status ) { llwarns << "Pool not ok" << llendl; continue; } llinfos << "Pool blockSizeFS " << pool_info.blockSizeFS << " pageSize " << pool_info.pageSize << llendl; U32 pool_count = MemPoolCount(pool_info.pool); llinfos << "Blocks " << pool_count << llendl; U32 pool_size = MemPoolSize( pool_info.pool ); if( pool_size == MEM_ERROR_RET ) { llinfos << "MemPoolSize() failed (" << pool_num << ")" << llendl; } else { llinfos << "MemPool Size " << pool_size / 1024 << "K" << llendl; } total_pool_size += pool_size; if( !MemPoolLock( pool_info.pool ) ) { llinfos << "MemPoolLock failed (" << pool_num << ") " << llendl; continue; } U32 used_size = 0; MEM_POOL_ENTRY entry; entry.entry = NULL; while( MemPoolWalk( pool_info.pool, &entry ) == MEM_POOL_OK ) { if( entry.isInUse ) { used_size += entry.size; } } MemPoolUnlock( pool_info.pool ); llinfos << "MemPool Used " << used_size/1024 << "K" << llendl; total_used_size += used_size; pool_num++; } llinfos << "Total Pool Size " << total_pool_size/1024 << "K" << llendl; llinfos << "Total Used Size " << total_used_size/1024 << "K" << llendl; } #endif llinfos << "--------------------------------" << llendl; llinfos << "Avatar Memory (partly overlaps with above stats):" << llendl; LLTexLayerStaticImageList::getInstance()->dumpByteCount(); LLVOAvatarSelf::dumpScratchTextureByteCount(); LLTexLayerSetBuffer::dumpTotalByteCount(); LLVOAvatarSelf::dumpTotalLocalTextureByteCount(); LLTexLayerParamAlpha::dumpCacheByteCount(); LLVOAvatar::dumpBakedStatus(); llinfos << llendl; llinfos << "Object counts:" << llendl; S32 i; S32 obj_counts[256]; // S32 app_angles[256]; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { obj_counts[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < gObjectList.getNumObjects(); i++) { LLViewerObject *objectp = gObjectList.getObject(i); if (objectp) { obj_counts[objectp->getPCode()]++; } } for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (obj_counts[i]) { llinfos << LLPrimitive::pCodeToString(i) << ":" << obj_counts[i] << llendl; } } } U32 gTotalLandIn = 0, gTotalLandOut = 0; U32 gTotalWaterIn = 0, gTotalWaterOut = 0; F32 gAveLandCompression = 0.f, gAveWaterCompression = 0.f; F32 gBestLandCompression = 1.f, gBestWaterCompression = 1.f; F32 gWorstLandCompression = 0.f, gWorstWaterCompression = 0.f; U32 gTotalWorldBytes = 0, gTotalObjectBytes = 0, gTotalTextureBytes = 0, gSimPingCount = 0; U32 gObjectBits = 0; F32 gAvgSimPing = 0.f; U32 gTotalTextureBytesPerBoostLevel[LLViewerTexture::MAX_GL_IMAGE_CATEGORY] = {0}; extern U32 gVisCompared; extern U32 gVisTested; std::map gDebugTimers; std::map gDebugTimerLabel; void init_statistics() { // Label debug timers gDebugTimerLabel[0] = "Texture"; } void update_statistics(U32 frame_count) { gTotalWorldBytes += gVLManager.getTotalBytes(); gTotalObjectBytes += gObjectBits / 8; // make sure we have a valid time delta for this frame if (gFrameIntervalSeconds > 0.f) { if (gAgentCamera.getCameraMode() == CAMERA_MODE_MOUSELOOK) { LLViewerStats::getInstance()->incStat(LLViewerStats::ST_MOUSELOOK_SECONDS, gFrameIntervalSeconds); } else if (gAgentCamera.getCameraMode() == CAMERA_MODE_CUSTOMIZE_AVATAR) { LLViewerStats::getInstance()->incStat(LLViewerStats::ST_AVATAR_EDIT_SECONDS, gFrameIntervalSeconds); } else if (LLFloaterReg::instanceVisible("build")) { LLViewerStats::getInstance()->incStat(LLViewerStats::ST_TOOLBOX_SECONDS, gFrameIntervalSeconds); } } LLViewerStats::getInstance()->setStat(LLViewerStats::ST_ENABLE_VBO, (F64)gSavedSettings.getBOOL("RenderVBOEnable")); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->setStat(LLViewerStats::ST_LIGHTING_DETAIL, (F64)gPipeline.getLightingDetail()); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->setStat(LLViewerStats::ST_DRAW_DIST, (F64)gSavedSettings.getF32("RenderFarClip")); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->setStat(LLViewerStats::ST_CHAT_BUBBLES, (F64)gSavedSettings.getBOOL("UseChatBubbles")); #if 0 // 1.9.2 LLViewerStats::getInstance()->setStat(LLViewerStats::ST_SHADER_OBJECTS, (F64)gSavedSettings.getS32("VertexShaderLevelObject")); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->setStat(LLViewerStats::ST_SHADER_AVATAR, (F64)gSavedSettings.getBOOL("VertexShaderLevelAvatar")); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->setStat(LLViewerStats::ST_SHADER_ENVIRONMENT, (F64)gSavedSettings.getBOOL("VertexShaderLevelEnvironment")); #endif LLViewerStats::getInstance()->setStat(LLViewerStats::ST_FRAME_SECS, gDebugView->mFastTimerView->getTime("Frame")); F64 idle_secs = gDebugView->mFastTimerView->getTime("Idle"); F64 network_secs = gDebugView->mFastTimerView->getTime("Network"); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->setStat(LLViewerStats::ST_UPDATE_SECS, idle_secs - network_secs); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->setStat(LLViewerStats::ST_NETWORK_SECS, network_secs); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->setStat(LLViewerStats::ST_IMAGE_SECS, gDebugView->mFastTimerView->getTime("Update Images")); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->setStat(LLViewerStats::ST_REBUILD_SECS, gDebugView->mFastTimerView->getTime("Sort Draw State")); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->setStat(LLViewerStats::ST_RENDER_SECS, gDebugView->mFastTimerView->getTime("Geometry")); LLCircuitData *cdp = gMessageSystem->mCircuitInfo.findCircuit(gAgent.getRegion()->getHost()); if (cdp) { LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mSimPingStat.addValue(cdp->getPingDelay()); gAvgSimPing = ((gAvgSimPing * (F32)gSimPingCount) + (F32)(cdp->getPingDelay())) / ((F32)gSimPingCount + 1); gSimPingCount++; } else { LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mSimPingStat.addValue(10000); } LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mFPSStat.addValue(1); F32 layer_bits = (F32)(gVLManager.getLandBits() + gVLManager.getWindBits() + gVLManager.getCloudBits()); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mLayersKBitStat.addValue(layer_bits/1024.f); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mObjectKBitStat.addValue(gObjectBits/1024.f); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mVFSPendingOperations.addValue(LLVFile::getVFSThread()->getPending()); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mAssetKBitStat.addValue(gTransferManager.getTransferBitsIn(LLTCT_ASSET)/1024.f); gTransferManager.resetTransferBitsIn(LLTCT_ASSET); if (LLAppViewer::getTextureFetch()->getNumRequests() == 0) { gDebugTimers[0].pause(); } else { gDebugTimers[0].unpause(); } { static F32 visible_avatar_frames = 0.f; static F32 avg_visible_avatars = 0; F32 visible_avatars = (F32)LLVOAvatar::sNumVisibleAvatars; if (visible_avatars > 0.f) { visible_avatar_frames = 1.f; avg_visible_avatars = (avg_visible_avatars * (F32)(visible_avatar_frames - 1.f) + visible_avatars) / visible_avatar_frames; } LLViewerStats::getInstance()->setStat(LLViewerStats::ST_VISIBLE_AVATARS, (F64)avg_visible_avatars); } LLWorld::getInstance()->updateNetStats(); LLWorld::getInstance()->requestCacheMisses(); // Reset all of these values. gVLManager.resetBitCounts(); gObjectBits = 0; // gDecodedBits = 0; // Only update texture stats periodically so that they are less noisy { static const F32 texture_stats_freq = 10.f; static LLFrameTimer texture_stats_timer; if (texture_stats_timer.getElapsedTimeF32() >= texture_stats_freq) { LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mTextureKBitStat.addValue(LLViewerTextureList::sTextureBits/1024.f); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mTexturePacketsStat.addValue(LLViewerTextureList::sTexturePackets); gTotalTextureBytes += LLViewerTextureList::sTextureBits / 8; LLViewerTextureList::sTextureBits = 0; LLViewerTextureList::sTexturePackets = 0; texture_stats_timer.reset(); } } } class ViewerStatsResponder : public LLHTTPClient::Responder { public: ViewerStatsResponder() { } void error(U32 statusNum, const std::string& reason) { llinfos << "ViewerStatsResponder::error " << statusNum << " " << reason << llendl; } void result(const LLSD& content) { llinfos << "ViewerStatsResponder::result" << llendl; } }; /* * The sim-side LLSD is in newsim/llagentinfo.cpp:forwardViewerStats. * * There's also a compatibility shim for the old fixed-format sim * stats in newsim/llagentinfo.cpp:processViewerStats. * * If you move stats around here, make the corresponding changes in * those locations, too. */ void send_stats() { // IW 9/23/02 I elected not to move this into LLViewerStats // because it depends on too many viewer.cpp globals. // Someday we may want to merge all our stats into a central place // but that day is not today. // Only send stats if the agent is connected to a region. if (!gAgent.getRegion() || gNoRender) { return; } LLSD body; std::string url = gAgent.getRegion()->getCapability("ViewerStats"); if (url.empty()) { llwarns << "Could not get ViewerStats capability" << llendl; return; } body["session_id"] = gAgentSessionID; LLSD &agent = body["agent"]; time_t ltime; time(<ime); F32 run_time = F32(LLFrameTimer::getElapsedSeconds()); agent["start_time"] = S32(ltime - S32(run_time)); // The first stat set must have a 0 run time if it doesn't actually // contain useful data in terms of FPS, etc. We use half the // SEND_STATS_PERIOD seconds as the point at which these statistics become // valid. Data warehouse uses a 0 value here to easily discard these // records with non-useful FPS values etc. if (run_time < (SEND_STATS_PERIOD / 2)) { agent["run_time"] = 0.0f; } else { agent["run_time"] = run_time; } // send fps only for time app spends in foreground agent["fps"] = (F32)gForegroundFrameCount / gForegroundTime.getElapsedTimeF32(); agent["version"] = gCurrentVersion; std::string language = LLUI::getLanguage(); agent["language"] = language; agent["sim_fps"] = ((F32) gFrameCount - gSimFrames) / (F32) (gRenderStartTime.getElapsedTimeF32() - gSimLastTime); gSimLastTime = gRenderStartTime.getElapsedTimeF32(); gSimFrames = (F32) gFrameCount; agent["agents_in_view"] = LLVOAvatar::sNumVisibleAvatars; agent["ping"] = gAvgSimPing; agent["meters_traveled"] = gAgent.getDistanceTraveled(); agent["regions_visited"] = gAgent.getRegionsVisited(); agent["mem_use"] = LLMemory::getCurrentRSS() / 1024.0; LLSD &system = body["system"]; system["ram"] = (S32) gSysMemory.getPhysicalMemoryKB(); system["os"] = LLAppViewer::instance()->getOSInfo().getOSStringSimple(); system["cpu"] = gSysCPU.getCPUString(); unsigned char MACAddress[MAC_ADDRESS_BYTES]; LLUUID::getNodeID(MACAddress); std::string macAddressString = llformat("%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x", MACAddress[0],MACAddress[1],MACAddress[2], MACAddress[3],MACAddress[4],MACAddress[5]); system["mac_address"] = macAddressString; system["serial_number"] = LLAppViewer::instance()->getSerialNumber(); std::string gpu_desc = llformat( "%-6s Class %d ", gGLManager.mGLVendorShort.substr(0,6).c_str(), (S32)LLFeatureManager::getInstance()->getGPUClass()) + LLFeatureManager::getInstance()->getGPUString(); system["gpu"] = gpu_desc; system["gpu_class"] = (S32)LLFeatureManager::getInstance()->getGPUClass(); system["gpu_vendor"] = gGLManager.mGLVendorShort; system["gpu_version"] = gGLManager.mDriverVersionVendorString; LLSD &download = body["downloads"]; download["world_kbytes"] = gTotalWorldBytes / 1024.0; download["object_kbytes"] = gTotalObjectBytes / 1024.0; download["texture_kbytes"] = gTotalTextureBytes / 1024.0; download["mesh_kbytes"] = LLMeshRepository::sBytesReceived/1024.0; LLSD &in = body["stats"]["net"]["in"]; in["kbytes"] = gMessageSystem->mTotalBytesIn / 1024.0; in["packets"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mPacketsIn; in["compressed_packets"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mCompressedPacketsIn; in["savings"] = (gMessageSystem->mUncompressedBytesIn - gMessageSystem->mCompressedBytesIn) / 1024.0; LLSD &out = body["stats"]["net"]["out"]; out["kbytes"] = gMessageSystem->mTotalBytesOut / 1024.0; out["packets"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mPacketsOut; out["compressed_packets"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mCompressedPacketsOut; out["savings"] = (gMessageSystem->mUncompressedBytesOut - gMessageSystem->mCompressedBytesOut) / 1024.0; LLSD &fail = body["stats"]["failures"]; fail["send_packet"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mSendPacketFailureCount; fail["dropped"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mDroppedPackets; fail["resent"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mResentPackets; fail["failed_resends"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mFailedResendPackets; fail["off_circuit"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mOffCircuitPackets; fail["invalid"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mInvalidOnCircuitPackets; // Misc stats, two strings and two ints // These are not expecticed to persist across multiple releases // Comment any changes with your name and the expected release revision // If the current revision is recent, ping the previous author before overriding LLSD &misc = body["stats"]["misc"]; // Screen size so the UI team can figure out how big the widgets // appear and use a "typical" size for end user tests. S32 window_width = gViewerWindow->getWindowWidthRaw(); S32 window_height = gViewerWindow->getWindowHeightRaw(); S32 window_size = (window_width * window_height) / 1024; misc["string_1"] = llformat("%d", window_size); if (gDebugTimers.find(0) != gDebugTimers.end() && gFrameTimeSeconds > 0) { misc["string_2"] = llformat("Texture Time: %.2f, Total Time: %.2f", gDebugTimers[0].getElapsedTimeF32(), gFrameTimeSeconds); } // misc["int_1"] = LLSD::Integer(gSavedSettings.getU32("RenderQualityPerformance")); // Steve: 1.21 // misc["int_2"] = LLSD::Integer(gFrameStalls); // Steve: 1.21 F32 unbaked_time = LLVOAvatar::sUnbakedTime * 1000.f / gFrameTimeSeconds; misc["int_1"] = LLSD::Integer(unbaked_time); // Steve: 1.22 F32 grey_time = LLVOAvatar::sGreyTime * 1000.f / gFrameTimeSeconds; misc["int_2"] = LLSD::Integer(grey_time); // Steve: 1.22 llinfos << "Misc Stats: int_1: " << misc["int_1"] << " int_2: " << misc["int_2"] << llendl; llinfos << "Misc Stats: string_1: " << misc["string_1"] << " string_2: " << misc["string_2"] << llendl; body["DisplayNamesEnabled"] = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("UseDisplayNames"); body["DisplayNamesShowUsername"] = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("NameTagShowUsernames"); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->addToMessage(body); LLHTTPClient::post(url, body, new ViewerStatsResponder()); }