/** * @file llviewerregion.h * @brief Description of the LLViewerRegion class. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_LLVIEWERREGION_H #define LL_LLVIEWERREGION_H // A ViewerRegion is a class that contains a bunch of objects and surfaces // that are in to a particular region. #include #include #include "llwind.h" #include "v3dmath.h" #include "llstring.h" #include "llregionflags.h" #include "lluuid.h" #include "llweb.h" #include "llcapabilityprovider.h" #include "m4math.h" // LLMatrix4 #include "llhttpclient.h" #include "llframetimer.h" // Surface id's #define LAND 1 #define WATER 2 const U32 MAX_OBJECT_CACHE_ENTRIES = 50000; class LLEventPoll; class LLVLComposition; class LLViewerObject; class LLMessageSystem; class LLNetMap; class LLViewerParcelOverlay; class LLSurface; class LLVOCache; class LLVOCacheEntry; class LLSpatialPartition; class LLEventPump; class LLCapabilityListener; class LLDataPacker; class LLDataPackerBinaryBuffer; class LLHost; class LLBBox; class LLSpatialGroup; class LLDrawable; class LLViewerRegionImpl; class LLViewerOctreeGroup; class LLVOCachePartition; class LLViewerRegion: public LLCapabilityProvider // implements this interface { public: //MUST MATCH THE ORDER OF DECLARATION IN CONSTRUCTOR typedef enum { PARTITION_HUD=0, PARTITION_TERRAIN, PARTITION_VOIDWATER, PARTITION_WATER, PARTITION_TREE, PARTITION_PARTICLE, PARTITION_GRASS, PARTITION_VOLUME, PARTITION_BRIDGE, PARTITION_HUD_PARTICLE, PARTITION_VO_CACHE, PARTITION_NONE, NUM_PARTITIONS } eObjectPartitions; typedef boost::signals2::signal caps_received_signal_t; LLViewerRegion(const U64 &handle, const LLHost &host, const U32 surface_grid_width, const U32 patch_grid_width, const F32 region_width_meters); ~LLViewerRegion(); // Call this after you have the region name and handle. void loadObjectCache(); void saveObjectCache(); void sendMessage(); // Send the current message to this region's simulator void sendReliableMessage(); // Send the current message to this region's simulator void setOriginGlobal(const LLVector3d &origin); //void setAgentOffset(const LLVector3d &offset); void updateRenderMatrix(); void setAllowDamage(BOOL b) { setRegionFlag(REGION_FLAGS_ALLOW_DAMAGE, b); } void setAllowLandmark(BOOL b) { setRegionFlag(REGION_FLAGS_ALLOW_LANDMARK, b); } void setAllowSetHome(BOOL b) { setRegionFlag(REGION_FLAGS_ALLOW_SET_HOME, b); } void setResetHomeOnTeleport(BOOL b) { setRegionFlag(REGION_FLAGS_RESET_HOME_ON_TELEPORT, b); } void setSunFixed(BOOL b) { setRegionFlag(REGION_FLAGS_SUN_FIXED, b); } void setBlockFly(BOOL b) { setRegionFlag(REGION_FLAGS_BLOCK_FLY, b); } void setAllowDirectTeleport(BOOL b) { setRegionFlag(REGION_FLAGS_ALLOW_DIRECT_TELEPORT, b); } inline BOOL getAllowDamage() const; inline BOOL getAllowLandmark() const; inline BOOL getAllowSetHome() const; inline BOOL getResetHomeOnTeleport() const; inline BOOL getSunFixed() const; inline BOOL getBlockFly() const; inline BOOL getAllowDirectTeleport() const; inline BOOL isPrelude() const; inline BOOL getAllowTerraform() const; inline BOOL getRestrictPushObject() const; inline BOOL getReleaseNotesRequested() const; bool isAlive(); // can become false if circuit disconnects void setWaterHeight(F32 water_level); F32 getWaterHeight() const; BOOL isVoiceEnabled() const; void setBillableFactor(F32 billable_factor) { mBillableFactor = billable_factor; } F32 getBillableFactor() const { return mBillableFactor; } // Maximum number of primitives allowed, regardless of object // bonus factor. U32 getMaxTasks() const { return mMaxTasks; } void setMaxTasks(U32 max_tasks) { mMaxTasks = max_tasks; } // Draw lines in the dirt showing ownership. Return number of // vertices drawn. S32 renderPropertyLines(); // Call this whenever you change the height data in the region. // (Automatically called by LLSurfacePatch's update routine) void dirtyHeights(); LLViewerParcelOverlay *getParcelOverlay() const { return mParcelOverlay; } inline void setRegionFlag(U64 flag, BOOL on); inline BOOL getRegionFlag(U64 flag) const; void setRegionFlags(U64 flags); U64 getRegionFlags() const { return mRegionFlags; } inline void setRegionProtocol(U64 protocol, BOOL on); BOOL getRegionProtocol(U64 protocol) const; void setRegionProtocols(U64 protocols) { mRegionProtocols = protocols; } U64 getRegionProtocols() const { return mRegionProtocols; } void setTimeDilation(F32 time_dilation); F32 getTimeDilation() const { return mTimeDilation; } // Origin height is at zero. const LLVector3d &getOriginGlobal() const; LLVector3 getOriginAgent() const; // Center is at the height of the water table. const LLVector3d &getCenterGlobal() const; LLVector3 getCenterAgent() const; void setRegionNameAndZone(const std::string& name_and_zone); const std::string& getName() const { return mName; } const std::string& getZoning() const { return mZoning; } void setOwner(const LLUUID& owner_id); const LLUUID& getOwner() const; // Is the current agent on the estate manager list for this region? void setIsEstateManager(BOOL b) { mIsEstateManager = b; } BOOL isEstateManager() const { return mIsEstateManager; } BOOL canManageEstate() const; void setSimAccess(U8 sim_access) { mSimAccess = sim_access; } U8 getSimAccess() const { return mSimAccess; } const std::string getSimAccessString() const; // Homestead-related getters; there are no setters as nobody should be // setting them other than the individual message handler which is a member S32 getSimClassID() const { return mClassID; } S32 getSimCPURatio() const { return mCPURatio; } const std::string& getSimColoName() const { return mColoName; } const std::string& getSimProductSKU() const { return mProductSKU; } std::string getLocalizedSimProductName() const; // Returns "Sandbox", "Expensive", etc. static std::string regionFlagsToString(U64 flags); // Returns translated version of "Mature", "PG", "Adult", etc. static std::string accessToString(U8 sim_access); // Returns "M", "PG", "A" etc. static std::string accessToShortString(U8 sim_access); static U8 shortStringToAccess(const std::string &sim_access); // Return access icon name static std::string getAccessIcon(U8 sim_access); // helper function which just makes sure all interested parties // can process the message. static void processRegionInfo(LLMessageSystem* msg, void**); //check if the viewer camera is static static BOOL isViewerCameraStatic(); static void calcNewObjectCreationThrottle(); void setCacheID(const LLUUID& id); F32 getWidth() const { return mWidth; } void idleUpdate(F32 max_update_time); void lightIdleUpdate(); bool addVisibleGroup(LLViewerOctreeGroup* group); void addVisibleCacheEntry(LLVOCacheEntry* entry); void addActiveCacheEntry(LLVOCacheEntry* entry); void removeActiveCacheEntry(LLVOCacheEntry* entry, LLDrawable* drawablep); void killCacheEntry(U32 local_id); //physically delete the cache entry // Like idleUpdate, but forces everything to complete regardless of // how long it takes. void forceUpdate(); void connectNeighbor(LLViewerRegion *neighborp, U32 direction); void updateNetStats(); U32 getPacketsLost() const; S32 getHttpResponderID() const; // Get/set named capability URLs for this region. void setSeedCapability(const std::string& url); void failedSeedCapability(); S32 getNumSeedCapRetries(); void setCapability(const std::string& name, const std::string& url); void setCapabilityDebug(const std::string& name, const std::string& url); // implements LLCapabilityProvider virtual std::string getCapability(const std::string& name) const; // has region received its final (not seed) capability list? bool capabilitiesReceived() const; void setCapabilitiesReceived(bool received); boost::signals2::connection setCapabilitiesReceivedCallback(const caps_received_signal_t::slot_type& cb); static bool isSpecialCapabilityName(const std::string &name); void logActiveCapabilities() const; /// Get LLEventPump on which we listen for capability requests /// (https://wiki.lindenlab.com/wiki/Viewer:Messaging/Messaging_Notes#Capabilities) LLEventPump& getCapAPI() const; /// implements LLCapabilityProvider /*virtual*/ const LLHost& getHost() const; const U64 &getHandle() const { return mHandle; } LLSurface &getLand() const; // set and get the region id const LLUUID& getRegionID() const; void setRegionID(const LLUUID& region_id); BOOL pointInRegionGlobal(const LLVector3d &point_global) const; LLVector3 getPosRegionFromGlobal(const LLVector3d &point_global) const; LLVector3 getPosRegionFromAgent(const LLVector3 &agent_pos) const; LLVector3 getPosAgentFromRegion(const LLVector3 ®ion_pos) const; LLVector3d getPosGlobalFromRegion(const LLVector3 &offset) const; LLVLComposition *getComposition() const; F32 getCompositionXY(const S32 x, const S32 y) const; BOOL isOwnedSelf(const LLVector3& pos); // Owned by a group you belong to? (officer OR member) BOOL isOwnedGroup(const LLVector3& pos); // deal with map object updates in the world. void updateCoarseLocations(LLMessageSystem* msg); F32 getLandHeightRegion(const LLVector3& region_pos); U8 getCentralBakeVersion() { return mCentralBakeVersion; } void getInfo(LLSD& info); bool meshRezEnabled() const; bool meshUploadEnabled() const; void getSimulatorFeatures(LLSD& info) const; void setSimulatorFeatures(const LLSD& info); bool dynamicPathfindingEnabled() const; typedef enum { CACHE_MISS_TYPE_FULL = 0, CACHE_MISS_TYPE_CRC, CACHE_MISS_TYPE_NONE } eCacheMissType; typedef enum { CACHE_UPDATE_DUPE = 0, CACHE_UPDATE_CHANGED, CACHE_UPDATE_ADDED, CACHE_UPDATE_REPLACED } eCacheUpdateResult; // handle a full update message eCacheUpdateResult cacheFullUpdate(LLDataPackerBinaryBuffer &dp, U32 flags); eCacheUpdateResult cacheFullUpdate(LLViewerObject* objectp, LLDataPackerBinaryBuffer &dp, U32 flags); LLVOCacheEntry* getCacheEntryForOctree(U32 local_id); LLVOCacheEntry* getCacheEntry(U32 local_id); bool probeCache(U32 local_id, U32 crc, U32 flags, U8 &cache_miss_type); void requestCacheMisses(); void addCacheMissFull(const U32 local_id); //remove from object cache if the object receives a full-update or terse update LLViewerObject* forceToRemoveFromCache(U32 local_id, LLViewerObject* objectp); void findOrphans(U32 parent_id); void clearCachedVisibleObjects(); void dumpCache(); void unpackRegionHandshake(); void calculateCenterGlobal(); void calculateCameraDistance(); friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLViewerRegion ®ion); /// implements LLCapabilityProvider virtual std::string getDescription() const; std::string getHttpUrl() const { return mHttpUrl ;} U32 getNumOfVisibleGroups() const; U32 getNumOfActiveCachedObjects() const; LLSpatialPartition* getSpatialPartition(U32 type); LLVOCachePartition* getVOCachePartition(); bool objectIsReturnable(const LLVector3& pos, const std::vector& boxes) const; bool childrenObjectReturnable( const std::vector& boxes ) const; bool objectsCrossParcel(const std::vector& boxes) const; void getNeighboringRegions( std::vector& uniqueRegions ); void getNeighboringRegionsStatus( std::vector& regions ); const LLViewerRegionImpl * getRegionImpl() const { return mImpl; } LLViewerRegionImpl * getRegionImplNC() { return mImpl; } // implements the materials capability throttle bool materialsCapThrottled() const { return !mMaterialsCapThrottleTimer.hasExpired(); } void resetMaterialsCapThrottle(); U32 getMaxMaterialsPerTransaction() const; void removeFromCreatedList(U32 local_id); void addToCreatedList(U32 local_id); BOOL isPaused() const {return mPaused;} S32 getLastUpdate() const {return mLastUpdate;} static BOOL isNewObjectCreationThrottleDisabled() {return sNewObjectCreationThrottle < 0;} private: void addToVOCacheTree(LLVOCacheEntry* entry); LLViewerObject* addNewObject(LLVOCacheEntry* entry); void killObject(LLVOCacheEntry* entry, std::vector& delete_list); void removeFromVOCacheTree(LLVOCacheEntry* entry); void replaceVisibleCacheEntry(LLVOCacheEntry* old_entry, LLVOCacheEntry* new_entry); void killCacheEntry(LLVOCacheEntry* entry); //physically delete the cache entry void killInvisibleObjects(F32 max_time); void createVisibleObjects(F32 max_time); void updateVisibleEntries(F32 max_time); //update visible entries void addCacheMiss(U32 id, LLViewerRegion::eCacheMissType miss_type); void decodeBoundingInfo(LLVOCacheEntry* entry); bool isNonCacheableObjectCreated(U32 local_id); public: struct CompareDistance { bool operator()(const LLViewerRegion* const& lhs, const LLViewerRegion* const& rhs) { return lhs->mCameraDistanceSquared < rhs->mCameraDistanceSquared; } }; void showReleaseNotes(); protected: void disconnectAllNeighbors(); void initStats(); public: LLWind mWind; LLViewerParcelOverlay *mParcelOverlay; F32Bits mBitsReceived; F32 mPacketsReceived; LLMatrix4 mRenderMatrix; // These arrays are maintained in parallel. Ideally they'd be combined into a // single array of an aggrigate data type but for compatibility with the old // messaging system in which the previous message only sends and parses the // positions stored in the first array so they're maintained separately until // we stop supporting the old CoarseLocationUpdate message. std::vector mMapAvatars; std::vector mMapAvatarIDs; static BOOL sVOCacheCullingEnabled; //vo cache culling enabled or not. static S32 sLastCameraUpdated; LLFrameTimer & getRenderInfoRequestTimer() { return mRenderInfoRequestTimer; }; struct CompareRegionByLastUpdate { bool operator()(const LLViewerRegion* const& lhs, const LLViewerRegion* const& rhs) { S32 lpa = lhs->getLastUpdate(); S32 rpa = rhs->getLastUpdate(); //small mLastUpdate first if(lpa < rpa) { return true; } else if(lpa > rpa) { return false; } else { return lhs < rhs; } } }; typedef std::set region_priority_list_t; private: static S32 sNewObjectCreationThrottle; LLViewerRegionImpl * mImpl; LLFrameTimer mRegionTimer; F32 mWidth; // Width of region on a side (meters) U64 mHandle; F32 mTimeDilation; // time dilation of physics simulation on simulator S32 mLastUpdate; //last time called idleUpdate() // simulator name std::string mName; std::string mZoning; // Is this agent on the estate managers list for this region? BOOL mIsEstateManager; U32 mPacketsIn; U32Bits mBitsIn, mLastBitsIn; U32 mLastPacketsIn; U32 mPacketsOut; U32 mLastPacketsOut; S32 mPacketsLost; S32 mLastPacketsLost; U32Milliseconds mPingDelay; F32 mDeltaTime; // Time since last measurement of lastPackets, Bits, etc U64 mRegionFlags; // includes damage flags U64 mRegionProtocols; // protocols supported by this region U8 mSimAccess; F32 mBillableFactor; U32 mMaxTasks; // max prim count F32 mCameraDistanceSquared; // updated once per frame U8 mCentralBakeVersion; LLVOCacheEntry* mLastVisitedEntry; U32 mInvisibilityCheckHistory; // Information for Homestead / CR-53 S32 mClassID; S32 mCPURatio; std::string mColoName; std::string mProductSKU; std::string mProductName; std::string mHttpUrl ; // Maps local ids to cache entries. // Regions can have order 10,000 objects, so assume // a structure of size 2^14 = 16,000 BOOL mCacheLoaded; BOOL mCacheDirty; BOOL mAlive; // can become false if circuit disconnects BOOL mCapabilitiesReceived; BOOL mReleaseNotesRequested; BOOL mDead; //if true, this region is in the process of deleting. BOOL mPaused; //pause processing the objects in the region typedef std::map > orphan_list_t; orphan_list_t mOrphanMap; class CacheMissItem { public: CacheMissItem(U32 id, LLViewerRegion::eCacheMissType miss_type) : mID(id), mType(miss_type){} U32 mID; //local object id LLViewerRegion::eCacheMissType mType; //cache miss type typedef std::list cache_miss_list_t; }; CacheMissItem::cache_miss_list_t mCacheMissList; caps_received_signal_t mCapabilitiesReceivedSignal; LLSD mSimulatorFeatures; // the materials capability throttle LLFrameTimer mMaterialsCapThrottleTimer; LLFrameTimer mRenderInfoRequestTimer; }; inline BOOL LLViewerRegion::getRegionProtocol(U64 protocol) const { return ((mRegionProtocols & protocol) != 0); } inline void LLViewerRegion::setRegionProtocol(U64 protocol, BOOL on) { if (on) { mRegionProtocols |= protocol; } else { mRegionProtocols &= ~protocol; } } inline BOOL LLViewerRegion::getRegionFlag(U64 flag) const { return ((mRegionFlags & flag) != 0); } inline void LLViewerRegion::setRegionFlag(U64 flag, BOOL on) { if (on) { mRegionFlags |= flag; } else { mRegionFlags &= ~flag; } } inline BOOL LLViewerRegion::getAllowDamage() const { return ((mRegionFlags & REGION_FLAGS_ALLOW_DAMAGE) !=0); } inline BOOL LLViewerRegion::getAllowLandmark() const { return ((mRegionFlags & REGION_FLAGS_ALLOW_LANDMARK) !=0); } inline BOOL LLViewerRegion::getAllowSetHome() const { return ((mRegionFlags & REGION_FLAGS_ALLOW_SET_HOME) != 0); } inline BOOL LLViewerRegion::getResetHomeOnTeleport() const { return ((mRegionFlags & REGION_FLAGS_RESET_HOME_ON_TELEPORT) !=0); } inline BOOL LLViewerRegion::getSunFixed() const { return ((mRegionFlags & REGION_FLAGS_SUN_FIXED) !=0); } inline BOOL LLViewerRegion::getBlockFly() const { return ((mRegionFlags & REGION_FLAGS_BLOCK_FLY) !=0); } inline BOOL LLViewerRegion::getAllowDirectTeleport() const { return ((mRegionFlags & REGION_FLAGS_ALLOW_DIRECT_TELEPORT) !=0); } inline BOOL LLViewerRegion::isPrelude() const { return is_prelude( mRegionFlags ); } inline BOOL LLViewerRegion::getAllowTerraform() const { return ((mRegionFlags & REGION_FLAGS_BLOCK_TERRAFORM) == 0); } inline BOOL LLViewerRegion::getRestrictPushObject() const { return ((mRegionFlags & REGION_FLAGS_RESTRICT_PUSHOBJECT) != 0); } inline BOOL LLViewerRegion::getReleaseNotesRequested() const { return mReleaseNotesRequested; } #endif