/** * @file llviewerregion.cpp * @brief Implementation of the LLViewerRegion class. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2000&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" // linden libraries #include "indra_constants.h" #include "llavatarnamecache.h" // name lookup cap url #include "llfloaterreg.h" #include "llmath.h" #include "llhttpclient.h" #include "llregionflags.h" #include "llregionhandle.h" #include "llsurface.h" #include "message.h" //#include "vmath.h" #include "v3math.h" #include "v4math.h" #include "llagent.h" #include "llagentcamera.h" #include "llcallingcard.h" #include "llcaphttpsender.h" #include "llcommandhandler.h" #include "lldir.h" #include "lleventpoll.h" #include "llfloatergodtools.h" #include "llfloaterreporter.h" #include "llfloaterregioninfo.h" #include "llhttpnode.h" #include "llsdutil.h" #include "llstartup.h" #include "lltrans.h" #include "llurldispatcher.h" #include "llviewerobjectlist.h" #include "llviewerparceloverlay.h" #include "llviewerstatsrecorder.h" #include "llvlmanager.h" #include "llvlcomposition.h" #include "llvocache.h" #include "llvoclouds.h" #include "llworld.h" #include "llspatialpartition.h" #include "stringize.h" #ifdef LL_WINDOWS #pragma warning(disable:4355) #endif extern BOOL gNoRender; const F32 WATER_TEXTURE_SCALE = 8.f; // Number of times to repeat the water texture across a region const S16 MAX_MAP_DIST = 10; // support for secondlife:///app/region/{REGION} SLapps // N.B. this is defined to work exactly like the classic secondlife://{REGION} // However, the later syntax cannot support spaces in the region name because // spaces (and %20 chars) are illegal in the hostname of an http URL. Some // browsers let you get away with this, but some do not (such as Qt's Webkit). // Hence we introduced the newer secondlife:///app/region alternative. class LLRegionHandler : public LLCommandHandler { public: // requests will be throttled from a non-trusted browser LLRegionHandler() : LLCommandHandler("region", UNTRUSTED_THROTTLE) {} bool handle(const LLSD& params, const LLSD& query_map, LLMediaCtrl* web) { // make sure that we at least have a region name int num_params = params.size(); if (num_params < 1) { return false; } // build a secondlife://{PLACE} SLurl from this SLapp std::string url = "secondlife://"; for (int i = 0; i < num_params; i++) { if (i > 0) { url += "/"; } url += params[i].asString(); } // Process the SLapp as if it was a secondlife://{PLACE} SLurl LLURLDispatcher::dispatch(url, web, true); return true; } }; LLRegionHandler gRegionHandler; class BaseCapabilitiesComplete : public LLHTTPClient::Responder { LOG_CLASS(BaseCapabilitiesComplete); public: BaseCapabilitiesComplete(LLViewerRegion* region) : mRegion(region) { } virtual ~BaseCapabilitiesComplete() { if(mRegion) { mRegion->setHttpResponderPtrNULL() ; } } void setRegion(LLViewerRegion* region) { mRegion = region ; } void error(U32 statusNum, const std::string& reason) { LL_WARNS2("AppInit", "Capabilities") << statusNum << ": " << reason << LL_ENDL; if (STATE_SEED_GRANTED_WAIT == LLStartUp::getStartupState()) { LLStartUp::setStartupState( STATE_SEED_CAP_GRANTED ); } } void result(const LLSD& content) { if(!mRegion || LLHTTPClient::ResponderPtr(this) != mRegion->getHttpResponderPtr()) //region is removed or responder is not created. { return ; } LLSD::map_const_iterator iter; for(iter = content.beginMap(); iter != content.endMap(); ++iter) { mRegion->setCapability(iter->first, iter->second); LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit", "Capabilities") << "got capability for " << iter->first << LL_ENDL; /* HACK we're waiting for the ServerReleaseNotes */ if (iter->first == "ServerReleaseNotes" && mRegion->getReleaseNotesRequested()) { mRegion->showReleaseNotes(); } } mRegion->setCapabilitiesReceived(true); if (STATE_SEED_GRANTED_WAIT == LLStartUp::getStartupState()) { LLStartUp::setStartupState( STATE_SEED_CAP_GRANTED ); } } static boost::intrusive_ptr build( LLViewerRegion* region) { return boost::intrusive_ptr( new BaseCapabilitiesComplete(region)); } private: LLViewerRegion* mRegion; }; LLViewerRegion::LLViewerRegion(const U64 &handle, const LLHost &host, const U32 grids_per_region_edge, const U32 grids_per_patch_edge, const F32 region_width_meters) : mCenterGlobal(), mHandle(handle), mHost( host ), mTimeDilation(1.0f), mName(""), mZoning(""), mOwnerID(), mIsEstateManager(FALSE), mCompositionp(NULL), mRegionFlags( REGION_FLAGS_DEFAULT ), mSimAccess( SIM_ACCESS_MIN ), mBillableFactor(1.0), mMaxTasks(DEFAULT_MAX_REGION_WIDE_PRIM_COUNT), mClassID(0), mCPURatio(0), mColoName("unknown"), mProductSKU("unknown"), mProductName("unknown"), mHttpUrl(""), mCacheLoaded(FALSE), mCacheDirty(FALSE), mCacheID(), mEventPoll(NULL), mReleaseNotesRequested(FALSE), // I'd prefer to set the LLCapabilityListener name to match the region // name -- it's disappointing that's not available at construction time. // We could instead store an LLCapabilityListener*, making // setRegionNameAndZone() replace the instance. Would that pose // consistency problems? Can we even request a capability before calling // setRegionNameAndZone()? // For testability -- the new Michael Feathers paradigm -- // LLCapabilityListener binds all the globals it expects to need at // construction time. mCapabilityListener(host.getString(), gMessageSystem, *this, gAgent.getID(), gAgent.getSessionID()), mCapabilitiesReceived(false) { mWidth = region_width_meters; mOriginGlobal = from_region_handle(handle); updateRenderMatrix(); mLandp = new LLSurface('l', NULL); if (!gNoRender) { // Create the composition layer for the surface mCompositionp = new LLVLComposition(mLandp, grids_per_region_edge, region_width_meters/grids_per_region_edge); mCompositionp->setSurface(mLandp); // Create the surfaces mLandp->setRegion(this); mLandp->create(grids_per_region_edge, grids_per_patch_edge, mOriginGlobal, mWidth); } if (!gNoRender) { mParcelOverlay = new LLViewerParcelOverlay(this, region_width_meters); } else { mParcelOverlay = NULL; } setOriginGlobal(from_region_handle(handle)); calculateCenterGlobal(); // Create the object lists initStats(); //create object partitions //MUST MATCH declaration of eObjectPartitions mObjectPartition.push_back(new LLHUDPartition()); //PARTITION_HUD mObjectPartition.push_back(new LLTerrainPartition()); //PARTITION_TERRAIN mObjectPartition.push_back(new LLVoidWaterPartition()); //PARTITION_VOIDWATER mObjectPartition.push_back(new LLWaterPartition()); //PARTITION_WATER mObjectPartition.push_back(new LLTreePartition()); //PARTITION_TREE mObjectPartition.push_back(new LLParticlePartition()); //PARTITION_PARTICLE mObjectPartition.push_back(new LLCloudPartition()); //PARTITION_CLOUD mObjectPartition.push_back(new LLGrassPartition()); //PARTITION_GRASS mObjectPartition.push_back(new LLVolumePartition()); //PARTITION_VOLUME mObjectPartition.push_back(new LLBridgePartition()); //PARTITION_BRIDGE mObjectPartition.push_back(new LLHUDParticlePartition());//PARTITION_HUD_PARTICLE mObjectPartition.push_back(NULL); //PARTITION_NONE } void LLViewerRegion::initStats() { mLastNetUpdate.reset(); mPacketsIn = 0; mBitsIn = 0; mLastBitsIn = 0; mLastPacketsIn = 0; mPacketsOut = 0; mLastPacketsOut = 0; mPacketsLost = 0; mLastPacketsLost = 0; mPingDelay = 0; mAlive = false; // can become false if circuit disconnects } LLViewerRegion::~LLViewerRegion() { if(mHttpResponderPtr) { (static_cast(mHttpResponderPtr.get()))->setRegion(NULL) ; } gVLManager.cleanupData(this); // Can't do this on destruction, because the neighbor pointers might be invalid. // This should be reference counted... disconnectAllNeighbors(); mCloudLayer.destroy(); LLViewerPartSim::getInstance()->cleanupRegion(this); gObjectList.killObjects(this); delete mCompositionp; delete mParcelOverlay; delete mLandp; delete mEventPoll; LLHTTPSender::clearSender(mHost); saveObjectCache(); std::for_each(mObjectPartition.begin(), mObjectPartition.end(), DeletePointer()); } void LLViewerRegion::loadObjectCache() { if (mCacheLoaded) { return; } // Presume success. If it fails, we don't want to try again. mCacheLoaded = TRUE; if(LLVOCache::hasInstance()) { LLVOCache::getInstance()->readFromCache(mHandle, mCacheID, mCacheMap) ; } } void LLViewerRegion::saveObjectCache() { if (!mCacheLoaded) { return; } if (mCacheMap.empty()) { return; } if(LLVOCache::hasInstance()) { LLVOCache::getInstance()->writeToCache(mHandle, mCacheID, mCacheMap, mCacheDirty) ; mCacheDirty = FALSE; } for(LLVOCacheEntry::vocache_entry_map_t::iterator iter = mCacheMap.begin(); iter != mCacheMap.end(); ++iter) { delete iter->second; } mCacheMap.clear(); } void LLViewerRegion::sendMessage() { gMessageSystem->sendMessage(mHost); } void LLViewerRegion::sendReliableMessage() { gMessageSystem->sendReliable(mHost); } void LLViewerRegion::setFlags(BOOL b, U32 flags) { if (b) { mRegionFlags |= flags; } else { mRegionFlags &= ~flags; } } void LLViewerRegion::setWaterHeight(F32 water_level) { mLandp->setWaterHeight(water_level); } F32 LLViewerRegion::getWaterHeight() const { return mLandp->getWaterHeight(); } BOOL LLViewerRegion::isVoiceEnabled() const { return (getRegionFlags() & REGION_FLAGS_ALLOW_VOICE); } void LLViewerRegion::setRegionFlags(U32 flags) { mRegionFlags = flags; } void LLViewerRegion::setOriginGlobal(const LLVector3d &origin_global) { mOriginGlobal = origin_global; updateRenderMatrix(); mLandp->setOriginGlobal(origin_global); mWind.setOriginGlobal(origin_global); mCloudLayer.setOriginGlobal(origin_global); calculateCenterGlobal(); } void LLViewerRegion::updateRenderMatrix() { mRenderMatrix.setTranslation(getOriginAgent()); } void LLViewerRegion::setTimeDilation(F32 time_dilation) { mTimeDilation = time_dilation; } LLVector3 LLViewerRegion::getOriginAgent() const { return gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(mOriginGlobal); } LLVector3 LLViewerRegion::getCenterAgent() const { return gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(mCenterGlobal); } void LLViewerRegion::setRegionNameAndZone (const std::string& name_zone) { std::string::size_type pipe_pos = name_zone.find('|'); S32 length = name_zone.size(); if (pipe_pos != std::string::npos) { mName = name_zone.substr(0, pipe_pos); mZoning = name_zone.substr(pipe_pos+1, length-(pipe_pos+1)); } else { mName = name_zone; mZoning = ""; } LLStringUtil::stripNonprintable(mName); LLStringUtil::stripNonprintable(mZoning); } BOOL LLViewerRegion::canManageEstate() const { return gAgent.isGodlike() || isEstateManager() || gAgent.getID() == getOwner(); } const std::string LLViewerRegion::getSimAccessString() const { return accessToString(mSimAccess); } // static std::string LLViewerRegion::regionFlagsToString(U32 flags) { std::string result; if (flags & REGION_FLAGS_SANDBOX) { result += "Sandbox"; } if (flags & REGION_FLAGS_ALLOW_DAMAGE) { result += " Not Safe"; } return result; } // static std::string LLViewerRegion::accessToString(U8 sim_access) { switch(sim_access) { case SIM_ACCESS_PG: return LLTrans::getString("SIM_ACCESS_PG"); case SIM_ACCESS_MATURE: return LLTrans::getString("SIM_ACCESS_MATURE"); case SIM_ACCESS_ADULT: return LLTrans::getString("SIM_ACCESS_ADULT"); case SIM_ACCESS_DOWN: return LLTrans::getString("SIM_ACCESS_DOWN"); case SIM_ACCESS_MIN: default: return LLTrans::getString("SIM_ACCESS_MIN"); } } // static std::string LLViewerRegion::getAccessIcon(U8 sim_access) { switch(sim_access) { case SIM_ACCESS_MATURE: return "Parcel_M_Dark"; case SIM_ACCESS_ADULT: return "Parcel_R_Light"; case SIM_ACCESS_PG: return "Parcel_PG_Light"; case SIM_ACCESS_MIN: default: return ""; } } // static std::string LLViewerRegion::accessToShortString(U8 sim_access) { switch(sim_access) /* Flawfinder: ignore */ { case SIM_ACCESS_PG: return "PG"; case SIM_ACCESS_MATURE: return "M"; case SIM_ACCESS_ADULT: return "A"; case SIM_ACCESS_MIN: default: return "U"; } } // static void LLViewerRegion::processRegionInfo(LLMessageSystem* msg, void**) { // send it to 'observers' LLFloaterGodTools::processRegionInfo(msg); LLFloaterRegionInfo::processRegionInfo(msg); LLFloaterReporter::processRegionInfo(msg); } S32 LLViewerRegion::renderPropertyLines() { if (mParcelOverlay) { return mParcelOverlay->renderPropertyLines(); } else { return 0; } } // This gets called when the height field changes. void LLViewerRegion::dirtyHeights() { // Property lines need to be reconstructed when the land changes. if (mParcelOverlay) { mParcelOverlay->setDirty(); } } BOOL LLViewerRegion::idleUpdate(F32 max_update_time) { LLMemType mt_ivr(LLMemType::MTYPE_IDLE_UPDATE_VIEWER_REGION); // did_update returns TRUE if we did at least one significant update BOOL did_update = mLandp->idleUpdate(max_update_time); if (mParcelOverlay) { // Hopefully not a significant time sink... mParcelOverlay->idleUpdate(); } return did_update; } // As above, but forcibly do the update. void LLViewerRegion::forceUpdate() { mLandp->idleUpdate(0.f); if (mParcelOverlay) { mParcelOverlay->idleUpdate(true); } } void LLViewerRegion::connectNeighbor(LLViewerRegion *neighborp, U32 direction) { mLandp->connectNeighbor(neighborp->mLandp, direction); mCloudLayer.connectNeighbor(&(neighborp->mCloudLayer), direction); } void LLViewerRegion::disconnectAllNeighbors() { mLandp->disconnectAllNeighbors(); mCloudLayer.disconnectAllNeighbors(); } F32 LLViewerRegion::getCompositionXY(const S32 x, const S32 y) const { if (x >= 256) { if (y >= 256) { LLVector3d center = getCenterGlobal() + LLVector3d(256.f, 256.f, 0.f); LLViewerRegion *regionp = LLWorld::getInstance()->getRegionFromPosGlobal(center); if (regionp) { // OK, we need to do some hackery here - different simulators no longer use // the same composition values, necessarily. // If we're attempting to blend, then we want to make the fractional part of // this region match the fractional of the adjacent. For now, just minimize // the delta. F32 our_comp = getComposition()->getValueScaled(255, 255); F32 adj_comp = regionp->getComposition()->getValueScaled(x - 256.f, y - 256.f); while (llabs(our_comp - adj_comp) >= 1.f) { if (our_comp > adj_comp) { adj_comp += 1.f; } else { adj_comp -= 1.f; } } return adj_comp; } } else { LLVector3d center = getCenterGlobal() + LLVector3d(256.f, 0, 0.f); LLViewerRegion *regionp = LLWorld::getInstance()->getRegionFromPosGlobal(center); if (regionp) { // OK, we need to do some hackery here - different simulators no longer use // the same composition values, necessarily. // If we're attempting to blend, then we want to make the fractional part of // this region match the fractional of the adjacent. For now, just minimize // the delta. F32 our_comp = getComposition()->getValueScaled(255.f, (F32)y); F32 adj_comp = regionp->getComposition()->getValueScaled(x - 256.f, (F32)y); while (llabs(our_comp - adj_comp) >= 1.f) { if (our_comp > adj_comp) { adj_comp += 1.f; } else { adj_comp -= 1.f; } } return adj_comp; } } } else if (y >= 256) { LLVector3d center = getCenterGlobal() + LLVector3d(0.f, 256.f, 0.f); LLViewerRegion *regionp = LLWorld::getInstance()->getRegionFromPosGlobal(center); if (regionp) { // OK, we need to do some hackery here - different simulators no longer use // the same composition values, necessarily. // If we're attempting to blend, then we want to make the fractional part of // this region match the fractional of the adjacent. For now, just minimize // the delta. F32 our_comp = getComposition()->getValueScaled((F32)x, 255.f); F32 adj_comp = regionp->getComposition()->getValueScaled((F32)x, y - 256.f); while (llabs(our_comp - adj_comp) >= 1.f) { if (our_comp > adj_comp) { adj_comp += 1.f; } else { adj_comp -= 1.f; } } return adj_comp; } } return getComposition()->getValueScaled((F32)x, (F32)y); } void LLViewerRegion::calculateCenterGlobal() { mCenterGlobal = mOriginGlobal; mCenterGlobal.mdV[VX] += 0.5 * mWidth; mCenterGlobal.mdV[VY] += 0.5 * mWidth; mCenterGlobal.mdV[VZ] = 0.5*mLandp->getMinZ() + mLandp->getMaxZ(); } void LLViewerRegion::calculateCameraDistance() { mCameraDistanceSquared = (F32)(gAgentCamera.getCameraPositionGlobal() - getCenterGlobal()).magVecSquared(); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLViewerRegion ®ion) { s << "{ "; s << region.mHost; s << " mOriginGlobal = " << region.getOriginGlobal()<< "\n"; std::string name(region.getName()), zone(region.getZoning()); if (! name.empty()) { s << " mName = " << name << '\n'; } if (! zone.empty()) { s << " mZoning = " << zone << '\n'; } s << "}"; return s; } // ---------------- Protected Member Functions ---------------- void LLViewerRegion::updateNetStats() { F32 dt = mLastNetUpdate.getElapsedTimeAndResetF32(); LLCircuitData *cdp = gMessageSystem->mCircuitInfo.findCircuit(mHost); if (!cdp) { mAlive = false; return; } mAlive = true; mDeltaTime = dt; mLastPacketsIn = mPacketsIn; mLastBitsIn = mBitsIn; mLastPacketsOut = mPacketsOut; mLastPacketsLost = mPacketsLost; mPacketsIn = cdp->getPacketsIn(); mBitsIn = 8 * cdp->getBytesIn(); mPacketsOut = cdp->getPacketsOut(); mPacketsLost = cdp->getPacketsLost(); mPingDelay = cdp->getPingDelay(); mBitStat.addValue(mBitsIn - mLastBitsIn); mPacketsStat.addValue(mPacketsIn - mLastPacketsIn); mPacketsLostStat.addValue(mPacketsLost); } U32 LLViewerRegion::getPacketsLost() const { LLCircuitData *cdp = gMessageSystem->mCircuitInfo.findCircuit(mHost); if (!cdp) { llinfos << "LLViewerRegion::getPacketsLost couldn't find circuit for " << mHost << llendl; return 0; } else { return cdp->getPacketsLost(); } } BOOL LLViewerRegion::pointInRegionGlobal(const LLVector3d &point_global) const { LLVector3 pos_region = getPosRegionFromGlobal(point_global); if (pos_region.mV[VX] < 0) { return FALSE; } if (pos_region.mV[VX] >= mWidth) { return FALSE; } if (pos_region.mV[VY] < 0) { return FALSE; } if (pos_region.mV[VY] >= mWidth) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } LLVector3 LLViewerRegion::getPosRegionFromGlobal(const LLVector3d &point_global) const { LLVector3 pos_region; pos_region.setVec(point_global - mOriginGlobal); return pos_region; } LLVector3d LLViewerRegion::getPosGlobalFromRegion(const LLVector3 &pos_region) const { LLVector3d pos_region_d; pos_region_d.setVec(pos_region); return pos_region_d + mOriginGlobal; } LLVector3 LLViewerRegion::getPosAgentFromRegion(const LLVector3 &pos_region) const { LLVector3d pos_global = getPosGlobalFromRegion(pos_region); return gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(pos_global); } LLVector3 LLViewerRegion::getPosRegionFromAgent(const LLVector3 &pos_agent) const { return pos_agent - getOriginAgent(); } F32 LLViewerRegion::getLandHeightRegion(const LLVector3& region_pos) { return mLandp->resolveHeightRegion( region_pos ); } bool LLViewerRegion::isAlive() { return mAlive; } BOOL LLViewerRegion::isOwnedSelf(const LLVector3& pos) { if (mParcelOverlay) { return mParcelOverlay->isOwnedSelf(pos); } else { return FALSE; } } // Owned by a group you belong to? (officer or member) BOOL LLViewerRegion::isOwnedGroup(const LLVector3& pos) { if (mParcelOverlay) { return mParcelOverlay->isOwnedGroup(pos); } else { return FALSE; } } // the new TCP coarse location handler node class CoarseLocationUpdate : public LLHTTPNode { public: virtual void post( ResponsePtr responder, const LLSD& context, const LLSD& input) const { LLHost host(input["sender"].asString()); LLViewerRegion* region = LLWorld::getInstance()->getRegion(host); if( !region ) { return; } S32 target_index = input["body"]["Index"][0]["Prey"].asInteger(); S32 you_index = input["body"]["Index"][0]["You" ].asInteger(); LLDynamicArray* avatar_locs = ®ion->mMapAvatars; LLDynamicArray* avatar_ids = ®ion->mMapAvatarIDs; avatar_locs->reset(); avatar_ids->reset(); //llinfos << "coarse locations agent[0] " << input["body"]["AgentData"][0]["AgentID"].asUUID() << llendl; //llinfos << "my agent id = " << gAgent.getID() << llendl; //llinfos << ll_pretty_print_sd(input) << llendl; LLSD locs = input["body"]["Location"], agents = input["body"]["AgentData"]; LLSD::array_iterator locs_it = locs.beginArray(), agents_it = agents.beginArray(); BOOL has_agent_data = input["body"].has("AgentData"); for(int i=0; locs_it != locs.endArray(); i++, locs_it++) { U8 x = locs_it->get("X").asInteger(), y = locs_it->get("Y").asInteger(), z = locs_it->get("Z").asInteger(); // treat the target specially for the map, and don't add you or the target if(i == target_index) { LLVector3d global_pos(region->getOriginGlobal()); global_pos.mdV[VX] += (F64)x; global_pos.mdV[VY] += (F64)y; global_pos.mdV[VZ] += (F64)z * 4.0; LLAvatarTracker::instance().setTrackedCoarseLocation(global_pos); } else if( i != you_index) { U32 loc = x << 16 | y << 8 | z; loc = loc; U32 pos = 0x0; pos |= x; pos <<= 8; pos |= y; pos <<= 8; pos |= z; avatar_locs->put(pos); //llinfos << "next pos: " << x << "," << y << "," << z << ": " << pos << llendl; if(has_agent_data) // for backwards compatibility with old message format { LLUUID agent_id(agents_it->get("AgentID").asUUID()); //llinfos << "next agent: " << agent_id.asString() << llendl; avatar_ids->put(agent_id); } } if (has_agent_data) { agents_it++; } } } }; // build the coarse location HTTP node under the "/message" URL LLHTTPRegistration gHTTPRegistrationCoarseLocationUpdate( "/message/CoarseLocationUpdate"); // the deprecated coarse location handler void LLViewerRegion::updateCoarseLocations(LLMessageSystem* msg) { //llinfos << "CoarseLocationUpdate" << llendl; mMapAvatars.reset(); mMapAvatarIDs.reset(); // only matters in a rare case but it's good to be safe. U8 x_pos = 0; U8 y_pos = 0; U8 z_pos = 0; U32 pos = 0x0; S16 agent_index; S16 target_index; msg->getS16Fast(_PREHASH_Index, _PREHASH_You, agent_index); msg->getS16Fast(_PREHASH_Index, _PREHASH_Prey, target_index); BOOL has_agent_data = msg->has(_PREHASH_AgentData); S32 count = msg->getNumberOfBlocksFast(_PREHASH_Location); for(S32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { msg->getU8Fast(_PREHASH_Location, _PREHASH_X, x_pos, i); msg->getU8Fast(_PREHASH_Location, _PREHASH_Y, y_pos, i); msg->getU8Fast(_PREHASH_Location, _PREHASH_Z, z_pos, i); LLUUID agent_id = LLUUID::null; if(has_agent_data) { msg->getUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentData, _PREHASH_AgentID, agent_id, i); } //llinfos << " object X: " << (S32)x_pos << " Y: " << (S32)y_pos // << " Z: " << (S32)(z_pos * 4) // << llendl; // treat the target specially for the map if(i == target_index) { LLVector3d global_pos(mOriginGlobal); global_pos.mdV[VX] += (F64)(x_pos); global_pos.mdV[VY] += (F64)(y_pos); global_pos.mdV[VZ] += (F64)(z_pos) * 4.0; LLAvatarTracker::instance().setTrackedCoarseLocation(global_pos); } //don't add you if( i != agent_index) { pos = 0x0; pos |= x_pos; pos <<= 8; pos |= y_pos; pos <<= 8; pos |= z_pos; mMapAvatars.put(pos); if(has_agent_data) { mMapAvatarIDs.put(agent_id); } } } } void LLViewerRegion::getInfo(LLSD& info) { info["Region"]["Host"] = getHost().getIPandPort(); info["Region"]["Name"] = getName(); U32 x, y; from_region_handle(getHandle(), &x, &y); info["Region"]["Handle"]["x"] = (LLSD::Integer)x; info["Region"]["Handle"]["y"] = (LLSD::Integer)y; } LLViewerRegion::eCacheUpdateResult LLViewerRegion::cacheFullUpdate(LLViewerObject* objectp, LLDataPackerBinaryBuffer &dp) { U32 local_id = objectp->getLocalID(); U32 crc = objectp->getCRC(); LLVOCacheEntry* entry = get_if_there(mCacheMap, local_id, (LLVOCacheEntry*)NULL); if (entry) { // we've seen this object before if (entry->getCRC() == crc) { // Record a hit entry->recordDupe(); return CACHE_UPDATE_DUPE; } // Update the cache entry mCacheMap.erase(local_id); delete entry; entry = new LLVOCacheEntry(local_id, crc, dp); mCacheMap[local_id] = entry; return CACHE_UPDATE_CHANGED; } // we haven't seen this object before // Create new entry and add to map eCacheUpdateResult result = CACHE_UPDATE_ADDED; if (mCacheMap.size() > MAX_OBJECT_CACHE_ENTRIES) { mCacheMap.erase(mCacheMap.begin()); result = CACHE_UPDATE_REPLACED; } entry = new LLVOCacheEntry(local_id, crc, dp); mCacheMap[local_id] = entry; return result; } // Get data packer for this object, if we have cached data // AND the CRC matches. JC LLDataPacker *LLViewerRegion::getDP(U32 local_id, U32 crc, U8 &cache_miss_type) { //llassert(mCacheLoaded); This assert failes often, changing to early-out -- davep, 2010/10/18 if (mCacheLoaded) { LLVOCacheEntry* entry = get_if_there(mCacheMap, local_id, (LLVOCacheEntry*)NULL); if (entry) { // we've seen this object before if (entry->getCRC() == crc) { // Record a hit entry->recordHit(); cache_miss_type = CACHE_MISS_TYPE_NONE; return entry->getDP(crc); } else { // llinfos << "CRC miss for " << local_id << llendl; cache_miss_type = CACHE_MISS_TYPE_CRC; mCacheMissCRC.put(local_id); } } else { // llinfos << "Cache miss for " << local_id << llendl; cache_miss_type = CACHE_MISS_TYPE_FULL; mCacheMissFull.put(local_id); } } return NULL; } void LLViewerRegion::addCacheMissFull(const U32 local_id) { mCacheMissFull.put(local_id); } void LLViewerRegion::requestCacheMisses() { S32 full_count = mCacheMissFull.count(); S32 crc_count = mCacheMissCRC.count(); if (full_count == 0 && crc_count == 0) return; LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem; BOOL start_new_message = TRUE; S32 blocks = 0; S32 i; // Send full cache miss updates. For these, we KNOW we don't // have a viewer object. for (i = 0; i < full_count; i++) { if (start_new_message) { msg->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_RequestMultipleObjects); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID()); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID()); start_new_message = FALSE; } msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_ObjectData); msg->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_CacheMissType, CACHE_MISS_TYPE_FULL); msg->addU32Fast(_PREHASH_ID, mCacheMissFull[i]); blocks++; if (blocks >= 255) { sendReliableMessage(); start_new_message = TRUE; blocks = 0; } } // Send CRC miss updates. For these, we _might_ have a viewer object, // but probably not. for (i = 0; i < crc_count; i++) { if (start_new_message) { msg->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_RequestMultipleObjects); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID()); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID()); start_new_message = FALSE; } msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_ObjectData); msg->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_CacheMissType, CACHE_MISS_TYPE_CRC); msg->addU32Fast(_PREHASH_ID, mCacheMissCRC[i]); blocks++; if (blocks >= 255) { sendReliableMessage(); start_new_message = TRUE; blocks = 0; } } // finish any pending message if (!start_new_message) { sendReliableMessage(); } mCacheMissFull.reset(); mCacheMissCRC.reset(); mCacheDirty = TRUE ; // llinfos << "KILLDEBUG Sent cache miss full " << full_count << " crc " << crc_count << llendl; #if LL_RECORD_VIEWER_STATS LLViewerStatsRecorder::instance()->beginObjectUpdateEvents(this); LLViewerStatsRecorder::instance()->recordRequestCacheMissesEvent(full_count + crc_count); LLViewerStatsRecorder::instance()->endObjectUpdateEvents(); #endif } void LLViewerRegion::dumpCache() { const S32 BINS = 4; S32 hit_bin[BINS]; S32 change_bin[BINS]; S32 i; for (i = 0; i < BINS; ++i) { hit_bin[i] = 0; change_bin[i] = 0; } LLVOCacheEntry *entry; for(LLVOCacheEntry::vocache_entry_map_t::iterator iter = mCacheMap.begin(); iter != mCacheMap.end(); ++iter) { entry = iter->second ; S32 hits = entry->getHitCount(); S32 changes = entry->getCRCChangeCount(); hits = llclamp(hits, 0, BINS-1); changes = llclamp(changes, 0, BINS-1); hit_bin[hits]++; change_bin[changes]++; } llinfos << "Count " << mCacheMap.size() << llendl; for (i = 0; i < BINS; i++) { llinfos << "Hits " << i << " " << hit_bin[i] << llendl; } for (i = 0; i < BINS; i++) { llinfos << "Changes " << i << " " << change_bin[i] << llendl; } } void LLViewerRegion::unpackRegionHandshake() { LLMessageSystem *msg = gMessageSystem; U32 region_flags; U8 sim_access; std::string sim_name; LLUUID sim_owner; BOOL is_estate_manager; F32 water_height; F32 billable_factor; LLUUID cache_id; msg->getU32 ("RegionInfo", "RegionFlags", region_flags); msg->getU8 ("RegionInfo", "SimAccess", sim_access); msg->getString ("RegionInfo", "SimName", sim_name); msg->getUUID ("RegionInfo", "SimOwner", sim_owner); msg->getBOOL ("RegionInfo", "IsEstateManager", is_estate_manager); msg->getF32 ("RegionInfo", "WaterHeight", water_height); msg->getF32 ("RegionInfo", "BillableFactor", billable_factor); msg->getUUID ("RegionInfo", "CacheID", cache_id ); setRegionFlags(region_flags); setSimAccess(sim_access); setRegionNameAndZone(sim_name); setOwner(sim_owner); setIsEstateManager(is_estate_manager); setWaterHeight(water_height); setBillableFactor(billable_factor); setCacheID(cache_id); LLUUID region_id; msg->getUUID("RegionInfo2", "RegionID", region_id); setRegionID(region_id); // Retrieve the CR-53 (Homestead/Land SKU) information S32 classID = 0; S32 cpuRatio = 0; std::string coloName; std::string productSKU; std::string productName; // the only reasonable way to decide if we actually have any data is to // check to see if any of these fields have positive sizes if (msg->getSize("RegionInfo3", "ColoName") > 0 || msg->getSize("RegionInfo3", "ProductSKU") > 0 || msg->getSize("RegionInfo3", "ProductName") > 0) { msg->getS32 ("RegionInfo3", "CPUClassID", classID); msg->getS32 ("RegionInfo3", "CPURatio", cpuRatio); msg->getString ("RegionInfo3", "ColoName", coloName); msg->getString ("RegionInfo3", "ProductSKU", productSKU); msg->getString ("RegionInfo3", "ProductName", productName); mClassID = classID; mCPURatio = cpuRatio; mColoName = coloName; mProductSKU = productSKU; mProductName = productName; } LLVLComposition *compp = getComposition(); if (compp) { LLUUID tmp_id; msg->getUUID("RegionInfo", "TerrainDetail0", tmp_id); compp->setDetailTextureID(0, tmp_id); msg->getUUID("RegionInfo", "TerrainDetail1", tmp_id); compp->setDetailTextureID(1, tmp_id); msg->getUUID("RegionInfo", "TerrainDetail2", tmp_id); compp->setDetailTextureID(2, tmp_id); msg->getUUID("RegionInfo", "TerrainDetail3", tmp_id); compp->setDetailTextureID(3, tmp_id); F32 tmp_f32; msg->getF32("RegionInfo", "TerrainStartHeight00", tmp_f32); compp->setStartHeight(0, tmp_f32); msg->getF32("RegionInfo", "TerrainStartHeight01", tmp_f32); compp->setStartHeight(1, tmp_f32); msg->getF32("RegionInfo", "TerrainStartHeight10", tmp_f32); compp->setStartHeight(2, tmp_f32); msg->getF32("RegionInfo", "TerrainStartHeight11", tmp_f32); compp->setStartHeight(3, tmp_f32); msg->getF32("RegionInfo", "TerrainHeightRange00", tmp_f32); compp->setHeightRange(0, tmp_f32); msg->getF32("RegionInfo", "TerrainHeightRange01", tmp_f32); compp->setHeightRange(1, tmp_f32); msg->getF32("RegionInfo", "TerrainHeightRange10", tmp_f32); compp->setHeightRange(2, tmp_f32); msg->getF32("RegionInfo", "TerrainHeightRange11", tmp_f32); compp->setHeightRange(3, tmp_f32); // If this is an UPDATE (params already ready, we need to regenerate // all of our terrain stuff, by if (compp->getParamsReady()) { getLand().dirtyAllPatches(); } else { compp->setParamsReady(); } } // Now that we have the name, we can load the cache file // off disk. loadObjectCache(); // After loading cache, signal that simulator can start // sending data. // TODO: Send all upstream viewer->sim handshake info here. LLHost host = msg->getSender(); msg->newMessage("RegionHandshakeReply"); msg->nextBlock("AgentData"); msg->addUUID("AgentID", gAgent.getID()); msg->addUUID("SessionID", gAgent.getSessionID()); msg->nextBlock("RegionInfo"); msg->addU32("Flags", 0x0 ); msg->sendReliable(host); } void LLViewerRegion::setSeedCapability(const std::string& url) { if (getCapability("Seed") == url) { // llwarns << "Ignoring duplicate seed capability" << llendl; return; } delete mEventPoll; mEventPoll = NULL; mCapabilities.clear(); setCapability("Seed", url); LLSD capabilityNames = LLSD::emptyArray(); capabilityNames.append("AttachmentResources"); capabilityNames.append("AvatarPickerSearch"); capabilityNames.append("ChatSessionRequest"); capabilityNames.append("CopyInventoryFromNotecard"); capabilityNames.append("DispatchRegionInfo"); capabilityNames.append("EstateChangeInfo"); capabilityNames.append("EventQueueGet"); capabilityNames.append("ObjectMedia"); capabilityNames.append("ObjectMediaNavigate"); capabilityNames.append("FetchLib2"); capabilityNames.append("FetchLibDescendents2"); capabilityNames.append("FetchInventory2"); capabilityNames.append("FetchInventoryDescendents2"); capabilityNames.append("GetDisplayNames"); capabilityNames.append("GetTexture"); capabilityNames.append("GetMesh"); capabilityNames.append("GetObjectCost"); capabilityNames.append("GetObjectPhysicsData"); capabilityNames.append("GroupProposalBallot"); capabilityNames.append("HomeLocation"); capabilityNames.append("LandResources"); capabilityNames.append("MapLayer"); capabilityNames.append("MapLayerGod"); capabilityNames.append("NewFileAgentInventory"); capabilityNames.append("NewFileAgentInventoryVariablePrice"); capabilityNames.append("ObjectAdd"); capabilityNames.append("ParcelPropertiesUpdate"); capabilityNames.append("ParcelMediaURLFilterList"); capabilityNames.append("ParcelNavigateMedia"); capabilityNames.append("ParcelVoiceInfoRequest"); capabilityNames.append("ProductInfoRequest"); capabilityNames.append("ProvisionVoiceAccountRequest"); capabilityNames.append("RemoteParcelRequest"); capabilityNames.append("RequestTextureDownload"); capabilityNames.append("SearchStatRequest"); capabilityNames.append("SearchStatTracking"); capabilityNames.append("SendPostcard"); capabilityNames.append("SendUserReport"); capabilityNames.append("SendUserReportWithScreenshot"); capabilityNames.append("ServerReleaseNotes"); capabilityNames.append("SimConsole"); capabilityNames.append("SimulatorFeatures"); capabilityNames.append("SetDisplayName"); capabilityNames.append("SimConsoleAsync"); capabilityNames.append("StartGroupProposal"); capabilityNames.append("TextureStats"); capabilityNames.append("UntrustedSimulatorMessage"); capabilityNames.append("UpdateAgentInformation"); capabilityNames.append("UpdateAgentLanguage"); capabilityNames.append("UpdateGestureAgentInventory"); capabilityNames.append("UpdateNotecardAgentInventory"); capabilityNames.append("UpdateScriptAgent"); capabilityNames.append("UpdateGestureTaskInventory"); capabilityNames.append("UpdateNotecardTaskInventory"); capabilityNames.append("UpdateScriptTask"); capabilityNames.append("UploadBakedTexture"); capabilityNames.append("UploadObjectAsset"); capabilityNames.append("ViewerMetrics"); capabilityNames.append("ViewerStartAuction"); capabilityNames.append("ViewerStats"); // Please add new capabilities alphabetically to reduce // merge conflicts. llinfos << "posting to seed " << url << llendl; mHttpResponderPtr = BaseCapabilitiesComplete::build(this) ; LLHTTPClient::post(url, capabilityNames, mHttpResponderPtr); } void LLViewerRegion::setCapability(const std::string& name, const std::string& url) { if(name == "EventQueueGet") { delete mEventPoll; mEventPoll = NULL; mEventPoll = new LLEventPoll(url, getHost()); } else if(name == "UntrustedSimulatorMessage") { LLHTTPSender::setSender(mHost, new LLCapHTTPSender(url)); } else { mCapabilities[name] = url; if(name == "GetTexture") { mHttpUrl = url ; } } } bool LLViewerRegion::isSpecialCapabilityName(const std::string &name) { return name == "EventQueueGet" || name == "UntrustedSimulatorMessage"; } std::string LLViewerRegion::getCapability(const std::string& name) const { CapabilityMap::const_iterator iter = mCapabilities.find(name); if(iter == mCapabilities.end()) { return ""; } return iter->second; } bool LLViewerRegion::capabilitiesReceived() const { return mCapabilitiesReceived; } void LLViewerRegion::setCapabilitiesReceived(bool received) { mCapabilitiesReceived = received; } void LLViewerRegion::logActiveCapabilities() const { int count = 0; CapabilityMap::const_iterator iter; for (iter = mCapabilities.begin(); iter != mCapabilities.end(); iter++, count++) { if (!iter->second.empty()) { llinfos << iter->first << " URL is " << iter->second << llendl; } } llinfos << "Dumped " << count << " entries." << llendl; } LLSpatialPartition* LLViewerRegion::getSpatialPartition(U32 type) { if (type < mObjectPartition.size()) { return mObjectPartition[type]; } return NULL; } // the viewer can not yet distinquish between normal- and estate-owned objects // so we collapse these two bits and enable the UI if either are set const U32 ALLOW_RETURN_ENCROACHING_OBJECT = REGION_FLAGS_ALLOW_RETURN_ENCROACHING_OBJECT | REGION_FLAGS_ALLOW_RETURN_ENCROACHING_ESTATE_OBJECT; bool LLViewerRegion::objectIsReturnable(const LLVector3& pos, const std::vector& boxes) const { return (mParcelOverlay != NULL) && (mParcelOverlay->isOwnedSelf(pos) || mParcelOverlay->isOwnedGroup(pos) || ((mRegionFlags & ALLOW_RETURN_ENCROACHING_OBJECT) && mParcelOverlay->encroachesOwned(boxes)) ); } void LLViewerRegion::showReleaseNotes() { std::string url = this->getCapability("ServerReleaseNotes"); if (url.empty()) { // HACK haven't received the capability yet, we'll wait until // it arives. mReleaseNotesRequested = TRUE; return; } LLWeb::loadURL(url); mReleaseNotesRequested = FALSE; } std::string LLViewerRegion::getDescription() const { return stringize(*this); }