 * @file llviewerparcelmgr.h
 * @brief Viewer-side representation of owned land
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$


#include "v3dmath.h"
#include "llframetimer.h"
#include "llsingleton.h"
#include "llparcelselection.h"
#include "llui.h"

#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/signals2.hpp>

class LLUUID;
class LLMessageSystem;
class LLParcel;
class LLViewerTexture;
class LLViewerRegion;

const F32 DWELL_NAN = -1.0f;	// A dwell having this value will be displayed as Loading...

// Constants for sendLandOwner
//const U32 NO_NEIGHBOR_JOIN = 0x0;
//							  | SOUTH_MASK 
//							  | EAST_MASK 
//							  | WEST_MASK);

// Specify the type of land transfer taking place
//enum ELandTransferType
//	LTT_CLAIM_LAND = 0x2,
//	LTT_BUY_LAND = 0x4,
//	LTT_DEED_LAND = 0x8,
//	LTT_FOR_GROUP = 0x16

// Base class for people who want to "observe" changes in the viewer
// parcel selection.

//FIXME: this should be done by grabbing a floating parcel selection and observing changes on it, not the parcel mgr
class LLParcelObserver
	virtual ~LLParcelObserver() {};
	virtual void changed() = 0;

class LLViewerParcelMgr : public LLSingleton<LLViewerParcelMgr>

	typedef boost::function<void (const LLVector3d&, const bool& local)> teleport_finished_callback_t;
	typedef boost::signals2::signal<void (const LLVector3d&, const bool&)> teleport_finished_signal_t;
	typedef boost::function<void()> teleport_failed_callback_t;
	typedef boost::signals2::signal<void()> teleport_failed_signal_t;

	static void cleanupGlobals();

	BOOL	selectionEmpty() const;
	F32		getSelectionWidth() const	{ return F32(mEastNorth.mdV[VX] - mWestSouth.mdV[VX]); }
	F32		getSelectionHeight() const	{ return F32(mEastNorth.mdV[VY] - mWestSouth.mdV[VY]); }
	BOOL	getSelection(LLVector3d &min, LLVector3d &max) { min = mWestSouth; max = mEastNorth; return !selectionEmpty();}
	LLViewerRegion* getSelectionRegion();
	F32		getDwelling() const { return mSelectedDwell;}

	void	getDisplayInfo(S32* area, S32* claim, S32* rent, BOOL* for_sale, F32* dwell);

	// Returns selected area
	S32 getSelectedArea() const;

	void resetSegments(U8* segments);

	// write a rectangle's worth of line segments into the highlight array
	void writeHighlightSegments(F32 west, F32 south, F32 east, F32 north);

	// Write highlight segments from a packed bitmap of the appropriate
	// parcel.
	void writeSegmentsFromBitmap(U8* bitmap, U8* segments);

	void writeAgentParcelFromBitmap(U8* bitmap);

	// Select the collision parcel
	void selectCollisionParcel();

	// Select the parcel at a specific point
	LLParcelSelectionHandle selectParcelAt(const LLVector3d& pos_global);

	// Take the current rectangle select, and select the parcel contained
	// within it.
	LLParcelSelectionHandle selectParcelInRectangle();

	// Select a piece of land
	LLParcelSelectionHandle selectLand(const LLVector3d &corner1, const LLVector3d &corner2, 
					   BOOL snap_to_parcel);

	// Clear the selection, and stop drawing the highlight.
	void	deselectLand();
	void	deselectUnused();

	void addObserver(LLParcelObserver* observer);
	void removeObserver(LLParcelObserver* observer);
	void notifyObservers();

	void setSelectionVisible(BOOL visible) { mRenderSelection = visible; }

	BOOL	isOwnedAt(const LLVector3d& pos_global) const;
	BOOL	isOwnedSelfAt(const LLVector3d& pos_global) const;
	BOOL	isOwnedOtherAt(const LLVector3d& pos_global) const;
	BOOL	isSoundLocal(const LLVector3d &pos_global) const;

	BOOL	canHearSound(const LLVector3d &pos_global) const;

	// Returns a reference counted pointer to current parcel selection.  
	// Selection does not change to reflect new selections made by user
	// Use this when implementing a task UI that refers to a specific
	// selection.
	LLParcelSelectionHandle getParcelSelection() const;

	// Returns a reference counted pointer to current parcel selection.
	// Pointer tracks whatever the user has currently selected.
	// Use this when implementing an inspector UI.
	// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inspector_window
	LLParcelSelectionHandle getFloatingParcelSelection() const;

	//LLParcel *getParcelSelection() const;
	LLParcel *getAgentParcel() const;
    LLParcel *getAgentOrSelectedParcel() const;

	BOOL	inAgentParcel(const LLVector3d &pos_global) const;

	// Returns a pointer only when it has valid data.
	LLParcel*	getHoverParcel() const;

	LLParcel*	getCollisionParcel() const;

	// Can this agent build on the parcel he is on?
	// Used for parcel property icons in nav bar.
	bool	allowAgentBuild() const;
	bool	allowAgentBuild(const LLParcel* parcel) const;
	// Can this agent speak on the parcel he is on?
	// Used for parcel property icons in nav bar.
	bool	allowAgentVoice() const;
	bool	allowAgentVoice(const LLViewerRegion* region, const LLParcel* parcel) const;

	// Can this agent start flying on this parcel?
	// Used for parcel property icons in nav bar.
	bool	allowAgentFly(const LLViewerRegion* region, const LLParcel* parcel) const;
	// Can this agent be pushed by llPushObject() on this parcel?
	// Used for parcel property icons in nav bar.
	bool	allowAgentPush(const LLViewerRegion* region, const LLParcel* parcel) const;
	// Can scripts written by non-parcel-owners run on the agent's current
	// parcel?  Used for parcel property icons in nav bar.
	bool	allowAgentScripts(const LLViewerRegion* region, const LLParcel* parcel) const;
	// Can the agent be damaged here?
	// Used for parcel property icons in nav bar.
	bool	allowAgentDamage(const LLViewerRegion* region, const LLParcel* parcel) const;

	F32		getHoverParcelWidth() const		
				{ return F32(mHoverEastNorth.mdV[VX] - mHoverWestSouth.mdV[VX]); }

	F32		getHoverParcelHeight() const
				{ return F32(mHoverEastNorth.mdV[VY] - mHoverWestSouth.mdV[VY]); }

	void	render();
	void	renderParcelCollision();

	void	renderRect(	const LLVector3d &west_south_bottom, 
						const LLVector3d &east_north_top );
	void	renderOneSegment(F32 x1, F32 y1, F32 x2, F32 y2, F32 height, U8 direction, LLViewerRegion* regionp);
	void	renderHighlightSegments(const U8* segments, LLViewerRegion* regionp);
	void	renderCollisionSegments(U8* segments, BOOL use_pass, LLViewerRegion* regionp);

	void	sendParcelGodForceOwner(const LLUUID& owner_id);

	// make the selected parcel a content parcel. 
	void sendParcelGodForceToContent();

	// Pack information about this parcel and send it to the region
	// containing the southwest corner of the selection.
	// If want_reply_to_update, simulator will send back a ParcelProperties
	// message.
	void	sendParcelPropertiesUpdate(LLParcel* parcel, bool use_agent_region = false);

	// Takes an Access List flag, like AL_ACCESS or AL_BAN
	void	sendParcelAccessListUpdate(U32 which);
	// Takes an Access List flag, like AL_ACCESS or AL_BAN
	void	sendParcelAccessListRequest(U32 flags);

	// Dwell is not part of the usual parcel update information because the
	// simulator doesn't actually know the per-parcel dwell.  Ack!  We have
	// to get it out of the database.
	void	sendParcelDwellRequest();

	// If the point is outside the current hover parcel, request more data
	void	setHoverParcel(const LLVector3d& pos_global);

	bool	canAgentBuyParcel(LLParcel*, bool forGroup) const;
//	void	startClaimLand(BOOL is_for_group = FALSE);
	void	startBuyLand(BOOL is_for_group = FALSE);
	void	startSellLand();
	void	startReleaseLand();
	void	startDivideLand();
	void	startJoinLand();
	void	startDeedLandToGroup();
	void reclaimParcel();

	void	buyPass();

	// Buying Land
	class ParcelBuyInfo;
	ParcelBuyInfo* setupParcelBuy(const LLUUID& agent_id,
								  const LLUUID& session_id,						 
								  const LLUUID& group_id,
								  BOOL is_group_owned,
								  BOOL is_claim,
								  BOOL remove_contribution);
		// callers responsibility to call deleteParcelBuy() on return value
	void sendParcelBuy(ParcelBuyInfo*);
	void deleteParcelBuy(ParcelBuyInfo* *info);
	void sendParcelDeed(const LLUUID& group_id);

	// Send the ParcelRelease message
	void sendParcelRelease();

	// accessors for mAgentParcel
	const std::string& getAgentParcelName() const;
    const S32 getAgentParcelId() const;

	// Create a landmark at the "appropriate" location for the
	// currently selected parcel.
	// *NOTE: Taken out 2005-03-21. Phoenix.
	//void makeLandmarkAtSelection();

	static void onStartMusicResponse(const LLUUID &region_id, const S32 &parcel_id, const std::string &url, const bool &play);
	static void optionally_start_music(const std::string &music_url, const S32 &local_id, const LLUUID &region_id);

	static void processParcelOverlay(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **user_data);
	static void processParcelProperties(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **user_data);
	static void processParcelAccessListReply(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **user);
	static void processParcelDwellReply(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **user);

	void dump();

	// Whether or not the collision border around the parcel is there because
	// the agent is banned or not in the allowed group
	BOOL isCollisionBanned();

	boost::signals2::connection setTeleportFinishedCallback(teleport_finished_callback_t cb);
	boost::signals2::connection setTeleportFailedCallback(teleport_failed_callback_t cb);
	void onTeleportFinished(bool local, const LLVector3d& new_pos);
	void onTeleportFailed();
	bool getTeleportInProgress();

	static BOOL isParcelOwnedByAgent(const LLParcel* parcelp, U64 group_proxy_power);
	static BOOL isParcelModifiableByAgent(const LLParcel* parcelp, U64 group_proxy_power);

	static void sendParcelAccessListUpdate(U32 flags, const std::map<LLUUID, class LLAccessEntry>& entries, LLViewerRegion* region, S32 parcel_local_id);
	static void sendParcelExperienceUpdate( const U32 flags, uuid_vec_t experience_ids, LLViewerRegion* region, S32 parcel_local_id );
	static bool releaseAlertCB(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response);

	// If the user is claiming land and the current selection 
	// borders a piece of land the user already owns, ask if he
	// wants to join this land to the other piece.
	//void	askJoinIfNecessary(ELandTransferType land_transfer_type);
	//static void joinAlertCB(S32 option, void* data);

	//void buyAskMoney(ELandTransferType land_transfer_type);

	// move land from current owner to it's group.
	void deedLandToGroup();

	static bool deedAlertCB(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response);

	static bool callbackDivideLand(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response);
	static bool callbackJoinLand(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response);

	//void	finishClaim(BOOL user_to_user_sale, U32 join);
	LLViewerTexture* getBlockedImage() const;
	LLViewerTexture* getPassImage() const;

	BOOL						mSelected;

	LLParcel*					mCurrentParcel;			// selected parcel info
	LLParcelSelectionHandle		mCurrentParcelSelection;
	LLParcelSelectionHandle		mFloatingParcelSelection;
	S32							mRequestResult;		// result of last parcel request
	LLVector3d					mWestSouth;
	LLVector3d					mEastNorth;
	F32							mSelectedDwell;

	LLParcel					*mAgentParcel;		// info for parcel agent is in
	S32							mAgentParcelSequenceID;	// incrementing counter to suppress out of order updates

	LLParcel*					mHoverParcel;
	S32							mHoverRequestResult;
	LLVector3d					mHoverWestSouth;
	LLVector3d					mHoverEastNorth;

	std::vector<LLParcelObserver*> mObservers;

	BOOL						mTeleportInProgress;
	LLVector3d					mTeleportInProgressPosition;
	teleport_finished_signal_t	mTeleportFinishedSignal;
	teleport_failed_signal_t	mTeleportFailedSignal;

	// Array of pieces of parcel edges to potentially draw
	// Has (parcels_per_edge + 1) * (parcels_per_edge + 1) elements so
	// we can represent edges of the grid.
	// WEST_MASK = draw west edge
	// SOUTH_MASK = draw south edge
	S32							mParcelsPerEdge;
	U8*							mHighlightSegments;
	U8*							mAgentParcelOverlay;

	// Raw data buffer for unpacking parcel overlay chunks
	// Size = parcels_per_edge * parcels_per_edge / parcel_overlay_chunks
	static U8*					sPackedOverlay;

	// Watch for pending collisions with a parcel you can't access.
	// If it's coming, draw the parcel's boundaries.
	LLParcel*					mCollisionParcel;
	U8*							mCollisionSegments;
	BOOL						mRenderCollision; 
	BOOL						mRenderSelection;
	S32							mCollisionBanned;     
	LLFrameTimer				mCollisionTimer;
	LLViewerTexture*			mBlockedImage;
	LLViewerTexture*			mPassImage;

	// Media
	S32 						mMediaParcelId;
	U64 						mMediaRegionId;

void sanitize_corners(const LLVector3d &corner1, const LLVector3d &corner2,
						LLVector3d &west_south_bottom, LLVector3d &east_north_top);
