/** * @file llviewerparcelmedia.cpp * @brief Handlers for multimedia on a per-parcel basis * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewergpl$ * * Copyright (c) 2007-2009, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llviewerparcelmedia.h" #include "llagent.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llviewermedia.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" #include "llparcel.h" #include "llviewerparcelmgr.h" #include "lluuid.h" #include "message.h" #include "llviewermediafocus.h" #include "llviewerparcelmediaautoplay.h" #include "llviewerwindow.h" #include "llfirstuse.h" #include "llpluginclassmedia.h" // Static Variables S32 LLViewerParcelMedia::sMediaParcelLocalID = 0; LLUUID LLViewerParcelMedia::sMediaRegionID; viewer_media_t LLViewerParcelMedia::sMediaImpl; // Local functions bool callback_play_media(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response, LLParcel* parcel); // static void LLViewerParcelMedia::initClass() { LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem; msg->setHandlerFunc("ParcelMediaCommandMessage", processParcelMediaCommandMessage ); msg->setHandlerFunc("ParcelMediaUpdate", processParcelMediaUpdate ); LLViewerParcelMediaAutoPlay::initClass(); } //static void LLViewerParcelMedia::cleanupClass() { // This needs to be destroyed before global destructor time. sMediaImpl = NULL; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static void LLViewerParcelMedia::update(LLParcel* parcel) { if (/*LLViewerMedia::hasMedia()*/ true) { // we have a player if (parcel) { if(!gAgent.getRegion()) { sMediaRegionID = LLUUID() ; stop() ; LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "no agent region, bailing out." << LL_ENDL; return ; } // we're in a parcel bool new_parcel = false; S32 parcelid = parcel->getLocalID(); LLUUID regionid = gAgent.getRegion()->getRegionID(); if (parcelid != sMediaParcelLocalID || regionid != sMediaRegionID) { LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "New parcel, parcel id = " << parcelid << ", region id = " << regionid << LL_ENDL; sMediaParcelLocalID = parcelid; sMediaRegionID = regionid; new_parcel = true; } std::string mediaUrl = std::string ( parcel->getMediaURL () ); std::string mediaCurrentUrl = std::string( parcel->getMediaCurrentURL()); // First use warning if( ! mediaUrl.empty() && gWarningSettings.getBOOL("FirstStreamingVideo") ) { LLNotifications::instance().add("ParcelCanPlayMedia", LLSD(), LLSD(), boost::bind(callback_play_media, _1, _2, parcel)); return; } // if we have a current (link sharing) url, use it instead if (mediaCurrentUrl != "" && parcel->getMediaType() == "text/html") { mediaUrl = mediaCurrentUrl; } LLStringUtil::trim(mediaUrl); // If no parcel media is playing, nothing left to do if(sMediaImpl.isNull()) { return; } // Media is playing...has something changed? else if (( sMediaImpl->getMediaURL() != mediaUrl ) || ( sMediaImpl->getMediaTextureID() != parcel->getMediaID() ) || ( sMediaImpl->getMimeType() != parcel->getMediaType() )) { // Only play if the media types are the same. if(sMediaImpl->getMimeType() == parcel->getMediaType()) { play(parcel); } else { stop(); } } } else { stop(); } } /* else { // no audio player, do a first use dialog if there is media here if (parcel) { std::string mediaUrl = std::string ( parcel->getMediaURL () ); if (!mediaUrl.empty ()) { if (gWarningSettings.getBOOL("QuickTimeInstalled")) { gWarningSettings.setBOOL("QuickTimeInstalled", FALSE); LLNotifications::instance().add("NoQuickTime" ); }; } } } */ } // static void LLViewerParcelMedia::play(LLParcel* parcel) { lldebugs << "LLViewerParcelMedia::play" << llendl; if (!parcel) return; if (!gSavedSettings.getBOOL("AudioSteamingMedia") || !gSavedSettings.getBOOL("AudioStreamingVideo")) return; std::string media_url = parcel->getMediaURL(); std::string media_current_url = parcel->getMediaCurrentURL(); std::string mime_type = parcel->getMediaType(); LLUUID placeholder_texture_id = parcel->getMediaID(); U8 media_auto_scale = parcel->getMediaAutoScale(); U8 media_loop = parcel->getMediaLoop(); S32 media_width = parcel->getMediaWidth(); S32 media_height = parcel->getMediaHeight(); if(sMediaImpl) { // If the url and mime type are the same, call play again if(sMediaImpl->getMediaURL() == media_url && sMediaImpl->getMimeType() == mime_type && sMediaImpl->getMediaTextureID() == placeholder_texture_id) { LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "playing with existing url " << media_url << LL_ENDL; sMediaImpl->play(); } // Else if the texture id's are the same, navigate and rediscover type // MBW -- This causes other state from the previous parcel (texture size, autoscale, and looping) to get re-used incorrectly. // It's also not really necessary -- just creating a new instance is fine. // else if(sMediaImpl->getMediaTextureID() == placeholder_texture_id) // { // sMediaImpl->navigateTo(media_url, mime_type, true); // } else { // Since the texture id is different, we need to generate a new impl LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "new media impl with mime type " << mime_type << ", url " << media_url << LL_ENDL; // Delete the old one first so they don't fight over the texture. sMediaImpl->stop(); sMediaImpl = LLViewerMedia::newMediaImpl(media_url, placeholder_texture_id, media_width, media_height, media_auto_scale, media_loop); } } else { // There is no media impl, make a new one sMediaImpl = LLViewerMedia::newMediaImpl(media_url, placeholder_texture_id, media_width, media_height, media_auto_scale, media_loop); } LLFirstUse::useMedia(); LLViewerParcelMediaAutoPlay::playStarted(); } // static void LLViewerParcelMedia::stop() { if(sMediaImpl.isNull()) { return; } // We need to remove the media HUD if it is up. LLViewerMediaFocus::getInstance()->clearFocus(); // This will kill the media instance. sMediaImpl->stop(); sMediaImpl = NULL; } // static void LLViewerParcelMedia::pause() { if(sMediaImpl.isNull()) { return; } sMediaImpl->pause(); } // static void LLViewerParcelMedia::start() { if(sMediaImpl.isNull()) { return; } sMediaImpl->start(); LLFirstUse::useMedia(); LLViewerParcelMediaAutoPlay::playStarted(); } // static void LLViewerParcelMedia::seek(F32 time) { if(sMediaImpl.isNull()) { return; } sMediaImpl->seek(time); } // static void LLViewerParcelMedia::focus(bool focus) { sMediaImpl->focus(focus); } // static LLPluginClassMediaOwner::EMediaStatus LLViewerParcelMedia::getStatus() { LLPluginClassMediaOwner::EMediaStatus result = LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_NONE; if(sMediaImpl.notNull() && sMediaImpl->hasMedia()) { result = sMediaImpl->getMediaPlugin()->getStatus(); } return result; } // static std::string LLViewerParcelMedia::getMimeType() { return sMediaImpl.notNull() ? sMediaImpl->getMimeType() : "none/none"; } viewer_media_t LLViewerParcelMedia::getParcelMedia() { return sMediaImpl; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static void LLViewerParcelMedia::processParcelMediaCommandMessage( LLMessageSystem *msg, void ** ) { // extract the agent id // LLUUID agent_id; // msg->getUUID( agent_id ); U32 flags; U32 command; F32 time; msg->getU32( "CommandBlock", "Flags", flags ); msg->getU32( "CommandBlock", "Command", command); msg->getF32( "CommandBlock", "Time", time ); if (flags &( (1<getAgentParcel(); play(parcel); } } else // unload if( command == PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_UNLOAD ) { stop(); } } if (flags & (1<getAgentParcel(); play(parcel); } seek(time); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static void LLViewerParcelMedia::processParcelMediaUpdate( LLMessageSystem *msg, void ** ) { LLUUID media_id; std::string media_url; std::string media_type; S32 media_width = 0; S32 media_height = 0; U8 media_auto_scale = FALSE; U8 media_loop = FALSE; msg->getUUID( "DataBlock", "MediaID", media_id ); char media_url_buffer[257]; msg->getString( "DataBlock", "MediaURL", 255, media_url_buffer ); media_url = media_url_buffer; msg->getU8("DataBlock", "MediaAutoScale", media_auto_scale); if (msg->has("DataBlockExtended")) // do we have the extended data? { char media_type_buffer[257]; msg->getString("DataBlockExtended", "MediaType", 255, media_type_buffer); media_type = media_type_buffer; msg->getU8("DataBlockExtended", "MediaLoop", media_loop); msg->getS32("DataBlockExtended", "MediaWidth", media_width); msg->getS32("DataBlockExtended", "MediaHeight", media_height); } LLParcel *parcel = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getAgentParcel(); BOOL same = FALSE; if (parcel) { same = ((parcel->getMediaURL() == media_url) && (parcel->getMediaType() == media_type) && (parcel->getMediaID() == media_id) && (parcel->getMediaWidth() == media_width) && (parcel->getMediaHeight() == media_height) && (parcel->getMediaAutoScale() == media_auto_scale) && (parcel->getMediaLoop() == media_loop)); if (!same) { // temporarily store these new values in the parcel parcel->setMediaURL(media_url); parcel->setMediaType(media_type); parcel->setMediaID(media_id); parcel->setMediaWidth(media_width); parcel->setMediaHeight(media_height); parcel->setMediaAutoScale(media_auto_scale); parcel->setMediaLoop(media_loop); play(parcel); } } } // Static ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerParcelMedia::sendMediaNavigateMessage(const std::string& url) { std::string region_url = gAgent.getRegion()->getCapability("ParcelNavigateMedia"); if (!region_url.empty()) { // send navigate event to sim for link sharing LLSD body; body["agent-id"] = gAgent.getID(); body["local-id"] = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getAgentParcel()->getLocalID(); body["url"] = url; LLHTTPClient::post(region_url, body, new LLHTTPClient::Responder); } else { llwarns << "can't get ParcelNavigateMedia capability" << llendl; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // inherited from LLViewerMediaObserver // virtual void LLViewerParcelMedia::handleMediaEvent(LLPluginClassMedia* self, EMediaEvent event) { switch(event) { case MEDIA_EVENT_CONTENT_UPDATED: { // LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "Media event: MEDIA_EVENT_CONTENT_UPDATED " << LL_ENDL; }; break; case MEDIA_EVENT_TIME_DURATION_UPDATED: { // LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "Media event: MEDIA_EVENT_TIME_DURATION_UPDATED, time is " << self->getCurrentTime() << " of " << self->getDuration() << LL_ENDL; }; break; case MEDIA_EVENT_SIZE_CHANGED: { LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "Media event: MEDIA_EVENT_SIZE_CHANGED " << LL_ENDL; }; break; case MEDIA_EVENT_CURSOR_CHANGED: { LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "Media event: MEDIA_EVENT_CURSOR_CHANGED, new cursor is " << self->getCursorName() << LL_ENDL; }; break; case MEDIA_EVENT_NAVIGATE_BEGIN: { LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "Media event: MEDIA_EVENT_NAVIGATE_BEGIN " << LL_ENDL; }; break; case MEDIA_EVENT_NAVIGATE_COMPLETE: { LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "Media event: MEDIA_EVENT_NAVIGATE_COMPLETE, result string is: " << self->getNavigateResultString() << LL_ENDL; }; break; case MEDIA_EVENT_PROGRESS_UPDATED: { LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "Media event: MEDIA_EVENT_PROGRESS_UPDATED, loading at " << self->getProgressPercent() << "%" << LL_ENDL; }; break; case MEDIA_EVENT_STATUS_TEXT_CHANGED: { LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "Media event: MEDIA_EVENT_STATUS_TEXT_CHANGED, new status text is: " << self->getStatusText() << LL_ENDL; }; break; case MEDIA_EVENT_LOCATION_CHANGED: { LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "Media event: MEDIA_EVENT_LOCATION_CHANGED, new uri is: " << self->getLocation() << LL_ENDL; }; break; case MEDIA_EVENT_CLICK_LINK_HREF: { LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "Media event: MEDIA_EVENT_CLICK_LINK_HREF, target is \"" << self->getClickTarget() << "\", uri is " << self->getClickURL() << LL_ENDL; }; break; case MEDIA_EVENT_CLICK_LINK_NOFOLLOW: { LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "Media event: MEDIA_EVENT_CLICK_LINK_NOFOLLOW, uri is " << self->getClickURL() << LL_ENDL; }; break; case MEDIA_EVENT_PLUGIN_FAILED: { LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "Media event: MEDIA_EVENT_PLUGIN_FAILED" << LL_ENDL; }; break; }; } bool callback_play_media(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response, LLParcel* parcel) { S32 option = LLNotification::getSelectedOption(notification, response); if (option == 0) { gSavedSettings.setBOOL("AudioStreamingVideo", TRUE); if(!gSavedSettings.getBOOL("AudioSteamingMedia")) gSavedSettings.setBOOL("AudioSteamingMedia", TRUE); LLViewerParcelMedia::play(parcel); } else { gSavedSettings.setBOOL("AudioStreamingVideo", FALSE); } gWarningSettings.setBOOL("FirstStreamingVideo", FALSE); return false; } // TODO: observer /* void LLViewerParcelMediaNavigationObserver::onNavigateComplete( const EventType& event_in ) { std::string url = event_in.getStringValue(); if (mCurrentURL != url && ! mFromMessage) { LLViewerParcelMedia::sendMediaNavigateMessage(url); } mCurrentURL = url; mFromMessage = false; } */