/** * @file llvieweroctree.h * @brief LLViewerObjectOctree.cpp header file, defining all supporting classes. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_VIEWEROCTREE_H #define LL_VIEWEROCTREE_H #include #include #include "v2math.h" #include "v3math.h" #include "v4math.h" #include "m4math.h" #include "llvector4a.h" #include "llquaternion.h" #include "lloctree.h" #include "llviewercamera.h" class LLViewerRegion; class LLViewerOctreeEntryData; class LLViewerOctreeGroup; class LLViewerOctreeEntry; class LLViewerOctreePartition; typedef LLOctreeListener OctreeListener; typedef LLTreeNode TreeNode; typedef LLOctreeNode OctreeNode; typedef LLOctreeRoot OctreeRoot; typedef LLOctreeTraveler OctreeTraveler; #if LL_OCTREE_PARANOIA_CHECK #define assert_octree_valid(x) x->validate() #define assert_states_valid(x) ((LLViewerOctreeGroup*) x->mSpatialPartition->mOctree->getListener(0))->checkStates() #else #define assert_octree_valid(x) #define assert_states_valid(x) #endif // get index buffer for binary encoded axis vertex buffer given a box at center being viewed by given camera U32 get_box_fan_indices(LLCamera* camera, const LLVector4a& center); U8* get_box_fan_indices_ptr(LLCamera* camera, const LLVector4a& center); S32 AABBSphereIntersect(const LLVector4a& min, const LLVector4a& max, const LLVector3 &origin, const F32 &rad); S32 AABBSphereIntersectR2(const LLVector4a& min, const LLVector4a& max, const LLVector3 &origin, const F32 &radius_squared); S32 AABBSphereIntersect(const LLVector3& min, const LLVector3& max, const LLVector3 &origin, const F32 &rad); S32 AABBSphereIntersectR2(const LLVector3& min, const LLVector3& max, const LLVector3 &origin, const F32 &radius_squared); //defines data needed for octree of an entry //LL_ALIGN_PREFIX(16) class LLViewerOctreeEntry : public LLRefCount, public LLTrace::MemTrackable { friend class LLViewerOctreeEntryData; public: typedef enum { LLDRAWABLE = 0, LLVOCACHEENTRY, NUM_DATA_TYPE }eEntryDataType_t; protected: virtual ~LLViewerOctreeEntry(); public: LLViewerOctreeEntry(); void nullGroup(); //called by group handleDestruction() only void setGroup(LLViewerOctreeGroup* group); void removeData(LLViewerOctreeEntryData* data); LLViewerOctreeEntryData* getDrawable() const {return mData[LLDRAWABLE];} bool hasDrawable() const {return mData[LLDRAWABLE] != NULL;} LLViewerOctreeEntryData* getVOCacheEntry() const {return mData[LLVOCACHEENTRY];} bool hasVOCacheEntry() const {return mData[LLVOCACHEENTRY] != NULL;} const LLVector4a* getSpatialExtents() const {return mExtents;} const LLVector4a& getPositionGroup() const {return mPositionGroup;} LLViewerOctreeGroup* getGroup()const {return mGroup;} F32 getBinRadius() const {return mBinRadius;} S32 getBinIndex() const {return mBinIndex; } void setBinIndex(S32 index) const {mBinIndex = index; } private: void addData(LLViewerOctreeEntryData* data); private: LLViewerOctreeEntryData* mData[NUM_DATA_TYPE]; //do not use LLPointer here. LLViewerOctreeGroup* mGroup; //aligned members LL_ALIGN_16(LLVector4a mExtents[2]); LL_ALIGN_16(LLVector4a mPositionGroup); F32 mBinRadius; mutable S32 mBinIndex; mutable U32 mVisible; } ;//LL_ALIGN_POSTFIX(16); //defines an abstract class for entry data //LL_ALIGN_PREFIX(16) class LLViewerOctreeEntryData : public LLRefCount { protected: virtual ~LLViewerOctreeEntryData(); public: LLViewerOctreeEntryData(const LLViewerOctreeEntryData& rhs) { *this = rhs; } LLViewerOctreeEntryData(LLViewerOctreeEntry::eEntryDataType_t data_type); LLViewerOctreeEntry::eEntryDataType_t getDataType() const {return mDataType;} LLViewerOctreeEntry* getEntry() {return mEntry;} virtual void setOctreeEntry(LLViewerOctreeEntry* entry); F32 getBinRadius() const {return mEntry->getBinRadius();} const LLVector4a* getSpatialExtents() const; LLViewerOctreeGroup* getGroup()const; const LLVector4a& getPositionGroup() const; void setBinRadius(F32 rad) {mEntry->mBinRadius = rad;} void setSpatialExtents(const LLVector3& min, const LLVector3& max); void setSpatialExtents(const LLVector4a& min, const LLVector4a& max); void setPositionGroup(const LLVector4a& pos); virtual void setGroup(LLViewerOctreeGroup* group); void shift(const LLVector4a &shift_vector); U32 getVisible() const {return mEntry ? mEntry->mVisible : 0;} void setVisible() const; void resetVisible() const; virtual bool isVisible() const; virtual bool isRecentlyVisible() const; static S32 getCurrentFrame() { return sCurVisible; } protected: LLVector4a& getGroupPosition() {return mEntry->mPositionGroup;} void initVisible(U32 visible) {mEntry->mVisible = visible;} static void incrementVisible() {sCurVisible++;} protected: LLPointer mEntry; LLViewerOctreeEntry::eEntryDataType_t mDataType; static U32 sCurVisible; // Counter for what value of mVisible means currently visible };//LL_ALIGN_POSTFIX(16); //defines an octree group for an octree node, which contains multiple entries. //LL_ALIGN_PREFIX(16) class LLViewerOctreeGroup : public LLOctreeListener, public LLTrace::MemTrackable { friend class LLViewerOctreeCull; protected: virtual ~LLViewerOctreeGroup(); public: enum { CLEAN = 0x00000000, DIRTY = 0x00000001, OBJECT_DIRTY = 0x00000002, SKIP_FRUSTUM_CHECK = 0x00000004, DEAD = 0x00000008, INVALID_STATE = 0x00000010, }; public: typedef LLOctreeNode::element_iter element_iter; typedef LLOctreeNode::element_list element_list; LLViewerOctreeGroup(OctreeNode* node); LLViewerOctreeGroup(const LLViewerOctreeGroup& rhs) : LLTrace::MemTrackable("LLViewerOctreeGroup") { *this = rhs; } bool removeFromGroup(LLViewerOctreeEntryData* data); bool removeFromGroup(LLViewerOctreeEntry* entry); virtual void unbound(); virtual void rebound(); BOOL isDead() { return hasState(DEAD); } void setVisible(); BOOL isVisible() const; virtual BOOL isRecentlyVisible() const; S32 getVisible(LLViewerCamera::eCameraID id) const {return mVisible[id];} S32 getAnyVisible() const {return mAnyVisible;} bool isEmpty() const { return mOctreeNode->isEmpty(); } U32 getState() {return mState; } bool isDirty() const {return mState & DIRTY;} bool hasState(U32 state) const {return mState & state;} void setState(U32 state) {mState |= state;} void clearState(U32 state) {mState &= ~state;} //LISTENER FUNCTIONS virtual void handleInsertion(const TreeNode* node, LLViewerOctreeEntry* obj); virtual void handleRemoval(const TreeNode* node, LLViewerOctreeEntry* obj); virtual void handleDestruction(const TreeNode* node); virtual void handleStateChange(const TreeNode* node); virtual void handleChildAddition(const OctreeNode* parent, OctreeNode* child); virtual void handleChildRemoval(const OctreeNode* parent, const OctreeNode* child); OctreeNode* getOctreeNode() {return mOctreeNode;} LLViewerOctreeGroup* getParent(); const LLVector4a* getBounds() const {return mBounds;} const LLVector4a* getExtents() const {return mExtents;} const LLVector4a* getObjectBounds() const {return mObjectBounds;} const LLVector4a* getObjectExtents() const {return mObjectExtents;} //octree wrappers to make code more readable element_list& getData() { return mOctreeNode->getData(); } element_iter getDataBegin() { return mOctreeNode->getDataBegin(); } element_iter getDataEnd() { return mOctreeNode->getDataEnd(); } U32 getElementCount() const { return mOctreeNode->getElementCount(); } bool hasElement(LLViewerOctreeEntryData* data); protected: void checkStates(); private: virtual bool boundObjects(BOOL empty, LLVector4a& minOut, LLVector4a& maxOut); protected: U32 mState; OctreeNode* mOctreeNode; LL_ALIGN_16(LLVector4a mBounds[2]); // bounding box (center, size) of this node and all its children (tight fit to objects) LL_ALIGN_16(LLVector4a mObjectBounds[2]); // bounding box (center, size) of objects in this node LL_ALIGN_16(LLVector4a mExtents[2]); // extents (min, max) of this node and all its children LL_ALIGN_16(LLVector4a mObjectExtents[2]); // extents (min, max) of objects in this node S32 mAnyVisible; //latest visible to any camera S32 mVisible[LLViewerCamera::NUM_CAMERAS]; };//LL_ALIGN_POSTFIX(16); //octree group which has capability to support occlusion culling //LL_ALIGN_PREFIX(16) class LLOcclusionCullingGroup : public LLViewerOctreeGroup { public: typedef enum { OCCLUDED = 0x00010000, QUERY_PENDING = 0x00020000, ACTIVE_OCCLUSION = 0x00040000, DISCARD_QUERY = 0x00080000, EARLY_FAIL = 0x00100000, } eOcclusionState; typedef enum { STATE_MODE_SINGLE = 0, //set one node STATE_MODE_BRANCH, //set entire branch STATE_MODE_DIFF, //set entire branch as long as current state is different STATE_MODE_ALL_CAMERAS, //used for occlusion state, set state for all cameras } eSetStateMode; protected: virtual ~LLOcclusionCullingGroup(); public: LLOcclusionCullingGroup(OctreeNode* node, LLViewerOctreePartition* part); LLOcclusionCullingGroup(const LLOcclusionCullingGroup& rhs) : LLViewerOctreeGroup(rhs) { *this = rhs; } void setOcclusionState(U32 state, S32 mode = STATE_MODE_SINGLE); void clearOcclusionState(U32 state, S32 mode = STATE_MODE_SINGLE); void checkOcclusion(); //read back last occlusion query (if any) void doOcclusion(LLCamera* camera, const LLVector4a* shift = NULL); //issue occlusion query BOOL isOcclusionState(U32 state) const { return mOcclusionState[LLViewerCamera::sCurCameraID] & state ? TRUE : FALSE; } U32 getOcclusionState() const { return mOcclusionState[LLViewerCamera::sCurCameraID];} BOOL needsUpdate(); U32 getLastOcclusionIssuedTime(); //virtual void handleChildAddition(const OctreeNode* parent, OctreeNode* child); //virtual BOOL isRecentlyVisible() const; LLViewerOctreePartition* getSpatialPartition()const {return mSpatialPartition;} BOOL isAnyRecentlyVisible() const; static U32 getNewOcclusionQueryObjectName(); static void releaseOcclusionQueryObjectName(U32 name); protected: void releaseOcclusionQueryObjectNames(); private: BOOL earlyFail(LLCamera* camera, const LLVector4a* bounds); protected: U32 mOcclusionState[LLViewerCamera::NUM_CAMERAS]; U32 mOcclusionIssued[LLViewerCamera::NUM_CAMERAS]; S32 mLODHash; LLViewerOctreePartition* mSpatialPartition; U32 mOcclusionQuery[LLViewerCamera::NUM_CAMERAS]; public: static std::set sPendingQueries; };//LL_ALIGN_POSTFIX(16); class LLViewerOctreePartition { public: LLViewerOctreePartition(); virtual ~LLViewerOctreePartition(); // Cull on arbitrary frustum virtual S32 cull(LLCamera &camera, bool do_occlusion) = 0; BOOL isOcclusionEnabled(); public: U32 mPartitionType; U32 mDrawableType; OctreeNode* mOctree; LLViewerRegion* mRegionp; // the region this partition belongs to. BOOL mOcclusionEnabled; // if TRUE, occlusion culling is performed U32 mLODSeed; U32 mLODPeriod; //number of frames between LOD updates for a given spatial group (staggered by mLODSeed) }; class LLViewerOctreeCull : public OctreeTraveler { public: LLViewerOctreeCull(LLCamera* camera) : mCamera(camera), mRes(0) { } virtual void traverse(const OctreeNode* n); protected: virtual bool earlyFail(LLViewerOctreeGroup* group); //agent space group cull S32 AABBInFrustumNoFarClipGroupBounds(const LLViewerOctreeGroup* group); S32 AABBSphereIntersectGroupExtents(const LLViewerOctreeGroup* group); S32 AABBInFrustumGroupBounds(const LLViewerOctreeGroup* group); //agent space object set cull S32 AABBInFrustumNoFarClipObjectBounds(const LLViewerOctreeGroup* group); S32 AABBSphereIntersectObjectExtents(const LLViewerOctreeGroup* group); S32 AABBInFrustumObjectBounds(const LLViewerOctreeGroup* group); //local region space group cull S32 AABBInRegionFrustumNoFarClipGroupBounds(const LLViewerOctreeGroup* group); S32 AABBInRegionFrustumGroupBounds(const LLViewerOctreeGroup* group); S32 AABBRegionSphereIntersectGroupExtents(const LLViewerOctreeGroup* group, const LLVector3& shift); //local region space object set cull S32 AABBInRegionFrustumNoFarClipObjectBounds(const LLViewerOctreeGroup* group); S32 AABBInRegionFrustumObjectBounds(const LLViewerOctreeGroup* group); S32 AABBRegionSphereIntersectObjectExtents(const LLViewerOctreeGroup* group, const LLVector3& shift); virtual S32 frustumCheck(const LLViewerOctreeGroup* group) = 0; virtual S32 frustumCheckObjects(const LLViewerOctreeGroup* group) = 0; bool checkProjectionArea(const LLVector4a& center, const LLVector4a& size, const LLVector3& shift, F32 pixel_threshold, F32 near_radius); virtual bool checkObjects(const OctreeNode* branch, const LLViewerOctreeGroup* group); virtual void preprocess(LLViewerOctreeGroup* group); virtual void processGroup(LLViewerOctreeGroup* group); virtual void visit(const OctreeNode* branch); protected: LLCamera *mCamera; S32 mRes; }; //scan the octree, output the info of each node for debug use. class LLViewerOctreeDebug : public OctreeTraveler { public: virtual void processGroup(LLViewerOctreeGroup* group); virtual void visit(const OctreeNode* branch); public: static BOOL sInDebug; }; #endif