/** * @file llviewerobject.h * @brief Description of LLViewerObject class, which is the base class for most objects in the viewer. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_LLVIEWEROBJECT_H #define LL_LLVIEWEROBJECT_H #include #include "llassetstorage.h" //#include "llhudicon.h" #include "llinventory.h" #include "llrefcount.h" #include "llprimitive.h" #include "lluuid.h" #include "llvoinventorylistener.h" #include "object_flags.h" #include "llquaternion.h" #include "v3dmath.h" #include "v3math.h" #include "llvertexbuffer.h" #include "llbbox.h" class LLAgent; // TODO: Get rid of this. class LLAudioSource; class LLAudioSourceVO; class LLColor4; class LLDataPacker; class LLDataPackerBinaryBuffer; class LLDrawable; class LLHUDText; class LLHost; class LLMessageSystem; class LLNameValue; class LLPartSysData; class LLPipeline; class LLTextureEntry; class LLVOAvatar; class LLVOInventoryListener; class LLViewerInventoryItem; class LLViewerObject; class LLViewerObjectMedia; class LLViewerPartSourceScript; class LLViewerRegion; class LLViewerTexture; class LLWorld; typedef enum e_object_update_type { OUT_FULL, OUT_TERSE_IMPROVED, OUT_FULL_COMPRESSED, OUT_FULL_CACHED, OUT_UNKNOWN, } EObjectUpdateType; // callback typedef for inventory typedef void (*inventory_callback)(LLViewerObject*, LLInventoryObject::object_list_t*, S32 serial_num, void*); // for exporting textured materials from SL struct LLMaterialExportInfo { public: LLMaterialExportInfo(S32 mat_index, S32 texture_index, LLColor4 color) : mMaterialIndex(mat_index), mTextureIndex(texture_index), mColor(color) {}; S32 mMaterialIndex; S32 mTextureIndex; LLColor4 mColor; }; struct PotentialReturnableObject { LLBBox box; LLViewerRegion* pRegion; }; //============================================================================ class LLViewerObject : public LLPrimitive, public LLRefCount, public LLGLUpdate, public LLTrace::MemTrackable { protected: ~LLViewerObject(); // use unref() // TomY: Provide for a list of extra parameter structures, mapped by structure name struct ExtraParameter { BOOL in_use; LLNetworkData *data; }; std::map mExtraParameterList; public: typedef std::list > child_list_t; typedef std::list > vobj_list_t; typedef const child_list_t const_child_list_t; LLViewerObject(const LLUUID &id, const LLPCode pcode, LLViewerRegion *regionp, BOOL is_global = FALSE); virtual void markDead(); // Mark this object as dead, and clean up its references BOOL isDead() const {return mDead;} BOOL isOrphaned() const { return mOrphaned; } BOOL isParticleSource() const; virtual LLVOAvatar* asAvatar(); LLVOAvatar* getAvatarAncestor(); static void initVOClasses(); static void cleanupVOClasses(); void addNVPair(const std::string& data); BOOL removeNVPair(const std::string& name); LLNameValue* getNVPair(const std::string& name) const; // null if no name value pair by that name // Object create and update functions virtual void idleUpdate(LLAgent &agent, const F64 &time); // Types of media we can associate enum { MEDIA_NONE = 0, MEDIA_SET = 1 }; // Return codes for processUpdateMessage enum { MEDIA_URL_REMOVED = 0x1, MEDIA_URL_ADDED = 0x2, MEDIA_URL_UPDATED = 0x4, MEDIA_FLAGS_CHANGED = 0x8, INVALID_UPDATE = 0x80000000 }; static U32 extractSpatialExtents(LLDataPackerBinaryBuffer *dp, LLVector3& pos, LLVector3& scale, LLQuaternion& rot); virtual U32 processUpdateMessage(LLMessageSystem *mesgsys, void **user_data, U32 block_num, const EObjectUpdateType update_type, LLDataPacker *dp); virtual BOOL isActive() const; // Whether this object needs to do an idleUpdate. BOOL onActiveList() const {return mOnActiveList;} void setOnActiveList(BOOL on_active) { mOnActiveList = on_active; } virtual BOOL isAttachment() const { return FALSE; } const std::string& getAttachmentItemName(); virtual LLVOAvatar* getAvatar() const; //get the avatar this object is attached to, or NULL if object is not an attachment virtual BOOL isHUDAttachment() const { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL isTempAttachment() const; virtual void updateRadius() {}; virtual F32 getVObjRadius() const; // default implemenation is mDrawable->getRadius() // for jointed and other parent-relative hacks LLViewerObject* getSubParent(); const LLViewerObject* getSubParent() const; // Object visiblility and GPW functions virtual void setPixelAreaAndAngle(LLAgent &agent); // Override to generate accurate apparent angle and area virtual U32 getNumVertices() const; virtual U32 getNumIndices() const; S32 getNumFaces() const { return mNumFaces; } // Graphical stuff for objects - maybe broken out into render class later? virtual void updateTextures(); virtual void boostTexturePriority(BOOL boost_children = TRUE); // When you just want to boost priority of this object virtual LLDrawable* createDrawable(LLPipeline *pipeline); virtual BOOL updateGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable); virtual void updateGL(); virtual void updateFaceSize(S32 idx); virtual BOOL updateLOD(); virtual BOOL setDrawableParent(LLDrawable* parentp); F32 getRotTime() { return mRotTime; } private: void resetRotTime(); public: void resetRot(); void applyAngularVelocity(F32 dt); void setLineWidthForWindowSize(S32 window_width); static void increaseArrowLength(); // makes axis arrows for selections longer static void decreaseArrowLength(); // makes axis arrows for selections shorter // Accessor functions LLViewerRegion* getRegion() const { return mRegionp; } BOOL isSelected() const { return mUserSelected; } virtual void setSelected(BOOL sel); const LLUUID &getID() const { return mID; } U32 getLocalID() const { return mLocalID; } U32 getCRC() const { return mTotalCRC; } S32 getListIndex() const { return mListIndex; } void setListIndex(S32 idx) { mListIndex = idx; } virtual BOOL isFlexible() const { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL isSculpted() const { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL isMesh() const { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL hasLightTexture() const { return FALSE; } // This method returns true if the object is over land owned by // the agent, one of its groups, or it encroaches and // anti-encroachment is enabled bool isReturnable(); void buildReturnablesForChildrenVO( std::vector& returnables, LLViewerObject* pChild, LLViewerRegion* pTargetRegion ); void constructAndAddReturnable( std::vector& returnables, LLViewerObject* pChild, LLViewerRegion* pTargetRegion ); // This method returns true if the object crosses // any parcel bounds in the region. bool crossesParcelBounds(); /* // This method will scan through this object, and then query the // selection manager to see if the local agent probably has the // ability to modify the object. Since this calls into the // selection manager, you should avoid calling this method from // there. BOOL isProbablyModifiable() const; */ virtual BOOL setParent(LLViewerObject* parent); virtual void addChild(LLViewerObject *childp); virtual void removeChild(LLViewerObject *childp); const_child_list_t& getChildren() const { return mChildList; } S32 numChildren() const { return mChildList.size(); } void addThisAndAllChildren(std::vector& objects); void addThisAndNonJointChildren(std::vector& objects); BOOL isChild(LLViewerObject *childp) const; BOOL isSeat() const; //detect if given line segment (in agent space) intersects with this viewer object. //returns TRUE if intersection detected and returns information about intersection virtual BOOL lineSegmentIntersect(const LLVector4a& start, const LLVector4a& end, S32 face = -1, // which face to check, -1 = ALL_SIDES BOOL pick_transparent = FALSE, S32* face_hit = NULL, // which face was hit LLVector4a* intersection = NULL, // return the intersection point LLVector2* tex_coord = NULL, // return the texture coordinates of the intersection point LLVector4a* normal = NULL, // return the surface normal at the intersection point LLVector4a* tangent = NULL // return the surface tangent at the intersection point ); virtual BOOL lineSegmentBoundingBox(const LLVector4a& start, const LLVector4a& end); virtual const LLVector3d getPositionGlobal() const; virtual const LLVector3 &getPositionRegion() const; virtual const LLVector3 getPositionEdit() const; virtual const LLVector3 &getPositionAgent() const; virtual const LLVector3 getRenderPosition() const; virtual const LLVector3 getPivotPositionAgent() const; // Usually = to getPositionAgent, unless like flex objects it's not LLViewerObject* getRootEdit() const; const LLQuaternion getRotationRegion() const; const LLQuaternion getRotationEdit() const; const LLQuaternion getRenderRotation() const; virtual const LLMatrix4 getRenderMatrix() const; void setPosition(const LLVector3 &pos, BOOL damped = FALSE); void setPositionGlobal(const LLVector3d &position, BOOL damped = FALSE); void setPositionRegion(const LLVector3 &position, BOOL damped = FALSE); void setPositionEdit(const LLVector3 &position, BOOL damped = FALSE); void setPositionAgent(const LLVector3 &pos_agent, BOOL damped = FALSE); void setPositionParent(const LLVector3 &pos_parent, BOOL damped = FALSE); void setPositionAbsoluteGlobal( const LLVector3d &pos_global, BOOL damped = FALSE ); virtual const LLMatrix4& getWorldMatrix(LLXformMatrix* xform) const { return xform->getWorldMatrix(); } inline void setRotation(const F32 x, const F32 y, const F32 z, BOOL damped = FALSE); inline void setRotation(const LLQuaternion& quat, BOOL damped = FALSE); /*virtual*/ void setNumTEs(const U8 num_tes); /*virtual*/ void setTE(const U8 te, const LLTextureEntry &texture_entry); /*virtual*/ S32 setTETexture(const U8 te, const LLUUID &uuid); /*virtual*/ S32 setTENormalMap(const U8 te, const LLUUID &uuid); /*virtual*/ S32 setTESpecularMap(const U8 te, const LLUUID &uuid); S32 setTETextureCore(const U8 te, LLViewerTexture *image); S32 setTENormalMapCore(const U8 te, LLViewerTexture *image); S32 setTESpecularMapCore(const U8 te, LLViewerTexture *image); /*virtual*/ S32 setTEColor(const U8 te, const LLColor3 &color); /*virtual*/ S32 setTEColor(const U8 te, const LLColor4 &color); /*virtual*/ S32 setTEScale(const U8 te, const F32 s, const F32 t); /*virtual*/ S32 setTEScaleS(const U8 te, const F32 s); /*virtual*/ S32 setTEScaleT(const U8 te, const F32 t); /*virtual*/ S32 setTEOffset(const U8 te, const F32 s, const F32 t); /*virtual*/ S32 setTEOffsetS(const U8 te, const F32 s); /*virtual*/ S32 setTEOffsetT(const U8 te, const F32 t); /*virtual*/ S32 setTERotation(const U8 te, const F32 r); /*virtual*/ S32 setTEBumpmap(const U8 te, const U8 bump ); /*virtual*/ S32 setTETexGen(const U8 te, const U8 texgen ); /*virtual*/ S32 setTEMediaTexGen(const U8 te, const U8 media ); // *FIXME: this confusingly acts upon a superset of setTETexGen's flags without absorbing its semantics /*virtual*/ S32 setTEShiny(const U8 te, const U8 shiny ); /*virtual*/ S32 setTEFullbright(const U8 te, const U8 fullbright ); /*virtual*/ S32 setTEMediaFlags(const U8 te, const U8 media_flags ); /*virtual*/ S32 setTEGlow(const U8 te, const F32 glow); /*virtual*/ S32 setTEMaterialID(const U8 te, const LLMaterialID& pMaterialID); /*virtual*/ S32 setTEMaterialParams(const U8 te, const LLMaterialPtr pMaterialParams, bool isInitFromServer); // Used by Materials update functions to properly kick off rebuilds // of VBs etc when materials updates require changes. // void refreshMaterials(); /*virtual*/ BOOL setMaterial(const U8 material); virtual void setTEImage(const U8 te, LLViewerTexture *imagep); // Not derived from LLPrimitive virtual void changeTEImage(S32 index, LLViewerTexture* new_image) ; virtual void changeTENormalMap(S32 index, LLViewerTexture* new_image) ; virtual void changeTESpecularMap(S32 index, LLViewerTexture* new_image) ; LLViewerTexture *getTEImage(const U8 te) const; LLViewerTexture *getTENormalMap(const U8 te) const; LLViewerTexture *getTESpecularMap(const U8 te) const; bool isImageAlphaBlended(const U8 te) const; void fitFaceTexture(const U8 face); void sendTEUpdate() const; // Sends packed representation of all texture entry information virtual void setScale(const LLVector3 &scale, BOOL damped = FALSE); virtual F32 getStreamingCost(S32* bytes = NULL, S32* visible_bytes = NULL, F32* unscaled_value = NULL) const; virtual U32 getTriangleCount(S32* vcount = NULL) const; virtual U32 getHighLODTriangleCount(); void setObjectCost(F32 cost); F32 getObjectCost(); void setLinksetCost(F32 cost); F32 getLinksetCost(); void setPhysicsCost(F32 cost); F32 getPhysicsCost(); void setLinksetPhysicsCost(F32 cost); F32 getLinksetPhysicsCost(); void sendShapeUpdate(); U8 getState() { return mState; } F32 getAppAngle() const { return mAppAngle; } F32 getPixelArea() const { return mPixelArea; } void setPixelArea(F32 area) { mPixelArea = area; } F32 getMaxScale() const; F32 getMidScale() const; F32 getMinScale() const; // Owner id is this object's owner void setAttachedSound(const LLUUID &audio_uuid, const LLUUID& owner_id, const F32 gain, const U8 flags); void adjustAudioGain(const F32 gain); void clearAttachedSound() { mAudioSourcep = NULL; } // Create if necessary LLAudioSource *getAudioSource(const LLUUID& owner_id); bool isAudioSource() {return mAudioSourcep != NULL;} U8 getMediaType() const; void setMediaType(U8 media_type); std::string getMediaURL() const; void setMediaURL(const std::string& media_url); BOOL getMediaPassedWhitelist() const; void setMediaPassedWhitelist(BOOL passed); void sendMaterialUpdate() const; void setCanSelect(BOOL canSelect); void initDebugTextHud(); void setDebugText(const std::string &utf8text); void setIcon(LLViewerTexture* icon_image); void clearIcon(); void markForUpdate(BOOL priority); void updateVolume(const LLVolumeParams& volume_params); virtual void updateSpatialExtents(LLVector4a& min, LLVector4a& max); virtual F32 getBinRadius(); LLBBox getBoundingBoxAgent() const; void updatePositionCaches() const; // Update the global and region position caches from the object (and parent's) xform. void updateText(); // update text label position virtual void updateDrawable(BOOL force_damped); // force updates on static objects void setDrawableState(U32 state, BOOL recursive = TRUE); void clearDrawableState(U32 state, BOOL recursive = TRUE); BOOL isDrawableState(U32 state, BOOL recursive = TRUE) const; // Called when the drawable shifts virtual void onShift(const LLVector4a &shift_vector) { } ////////////////////////////////////// // // Inventory methods // // This function is called when someone is interested in a viewer // object's inventory. The callback is called as soon as the // viewer object has the inventory stored locally. void registerInventoryListener(LLVOInventoryListener* listener, void* user_data); void removeInventoryListener(LLVOInventoryListener* listener); BOOL isInventoryPending() { return mInventoryPending; } void clearInventoryListeners(); void requestInventory(); void fetchInventoryFromServer(); static void processTaskInv(LLMessageSystem* msg, void** user_data); void removeInventory(const LLUUID& item_id); // The updateInventory() call potentially calls into the selection // manager, so do no call updateInventory() from the selection // manager until we have better iterators. void updateInventory(LLViewerInventoryItem* item, U8 key, bool is_new); void updateInventoryLocal(LLInventoryItem* item, U8 key); // Update without messaging. void updateTextureInventory(LLViewerInventoryItem* item, U8 key, bool is_new); LLInventoryObject* getInventoryObject(const LLUUID& item_id); void getInventoryContents(LLInventoryObject::object_list_t& objects); LLInventoryObject* getInventoryRoot(); LLViewerInventoryItem* getInventoryItemByAsset(const LLUUID& asset_id); S16 getInventorySerial() const { return mInventorySerialNum; } bool isTextureInInventory(LLViewerInventoryItem* item); // These functions does viewer-side only object inventory modifications void updateViewerInventoryAsset( const LLViewerInventoryItem* item, const LLUUID& new_asset); // This function will make sure that we refresh the inventory. void dirtyInventory(); BOOL isInventoryDirty() { return mInventoryDirty; } // save a script, which involves removing the old one, and rezzing // in the new one. This method should be called with the asset id // of the new and old script AFTER the bytecode has been saved. void saveScript(const LLViewerInventoryItem* item, BOOL active, bool is_new); // move an inventory item out of the task and into agent // inventory. This operation is based on messaging. No permissions // checks are made on the viewer - the server will double check. void moveInventory(const LLUUID& agent_folder, const LLUUID& item_id); // Find the number of instances of this object's inventory that are of the given type S32 countInventoryContents( LLAssetType::EType type ); BOOL permAnyOwner() const; BOOL permYouOwner() const; BOOL permGroupOwner() const; BOOL permOwnerModify() const; BOOL permModify() const; BOOL permCopy() const; BOOL permMove() const; BOOL permTransfer() const; inline BOOL flagUsePhysics() const { return ((mFlags & FLAGS_USE_PHYSICS) != 0); } inline BOOL flagObjectAnyOwner() const { return ((mFlags & FLAGS_OBJECT_ANY_OWNER) != 0); } inline BOOL flagObjectYouOwner() const { return ((mFlags & FLAGS_OBJECT_YOU_OWNER) != 0); } inline BOOL flagObjectGroupOwned() const { return ((mFlags & FLAGS_OBJECT_GROUP_OWNED) != 0); } inline BOOL flagObjectOwnerModify() const { return ((mFlags & FLAGS_OBJECT_OWNER_MODIFY) != 0); } inline BOOL flagObjectModify() const { return ((mFlags & FLAGS_OBJECT_MODIFY) != 0); } inline BOOL flagObjectCopy() const { return ((mFlags & FLAGS_OBJECT_COPY) != 0); } inline BOOL flagObjectMove() const { return ((mFlags & FLAGS_OBJECT_MOVE) != 0); } inline BOOL flagObjectTransfer() const { return ((mFlags & FLAGS_OBJECT_TRANSFER) != 0); } inline BOOL flagObjectPermanent() const { return ((mFlags & FLAGS_AFFECTS_NAVMESH) != 0); } inline BOOL flagCharacter() const { return ((mFlags & FLAGS_CHARACTER) != 0); } inline BOOL flagVolumeDetect() const { return ((mFlags & FLAGS_VOLUME_DETECT) != 0); } inline BOOL flagIncludeInSearch() const { return ((mFlags & FLAGS_INCLUDE_IN_SEARCH) != 0); } inline BOOL flagScripted() const { return ((mFlags & FLAGS_SCRIPTED) != 0); } inline BOOL flagHandleTouch() const { return ((mFlags & FLAGS_HANDLE_TOUCH) != 0); } inline BOOL flagTakesMoney() const { return ((mFlags & FLAGS_TAKES_MONEY) != 0); } inline BOOL flagPhantom() const { return ((mFlags & FLAGS_PHANTOM) != 0); } inline BOOL flagInventoryEmpty() const { return ((mFlags & FLAGS_INVENTORY_EMPTY) != 0); } inline BOOL flagAllowInventoryAdd() const { return ((mFlags & FLAGS_ALLOW_INVENTORY_DROP) != 0); } inline BOOL flagTemporaryOnRez() const { return ((mFlags & FLAGS_TEMPORARY_ON_REZ) != 0); } inline BOOL flagAnimSource() const { return ((mFlags & FLAGS_ANIM_SOURCE) != 0); } inline BOOL flagCameraSource() const { return ((mFlags & FLAGS_CAMERA_SOURCE) != 0); } inline BOOL flagCameraDecoupled() const { return ((mFlags & FLAGS_CAMERA_DECOUPLED) != 0); } U8 getPhysicsShapeType() const; inline F32 getPhysicsGravity() const { return mPhysicsGravity; } inline F32 getPhysicsFriction() const { return mPhysicsFriction; } inline F32 getPhysicsDensity() const { return mPhysicsDensity; } inline F32 getPhysicsRestitution() const { return mPhysicsRestitution; } bool isPermanentEnforced() const; bool getIncludeInSearch() const; void setIncludeInSearch(bool include_in_search); // Does "open" object menu item apply? BOOL allowOpen() const; void setClickAction(U8 action) { mClickAction = action; } U8 getClickAction() const { return mClickAction; } bool specialHoverCursor() const; // does it have a special hover cursor? void setRegion(LLViewerRegion *regionp); virtual void updateRegion(LLViewerRegion *regionp); void updateFlags(BOOL physics_changed = FALSE); void loadFlags(U32 flags); //load flags from cache or from message BOOL setFlags(U32 flag, BOOL state); BOOL setFlagsWithoutUpdate(U32 flag, BOOL state); void setPhysicsShapeType(U8 type); void setPhysicsGravity(F32 gravity); void setPhysicsFriction(F32 friction); void setPhysicsDensity(F32 density); void setPhysicsRestitution(F32 restitution); virtual void dump() const; static U32 getNumZombieObjects() { return sNumZombieObjects; } void printNameValuePairs() const; virtual S32 getLOD() const { return 3; } virtual U32 getPartitionType() const; virtual void dirtySpatialGroup(BOOL priority = FALSE) const; virtual void dirtyMesh(); virtual LLNetworkData* getParameterEntry(U16 param_type) const; virtual bool setParameterEntry(U16 param_type, const LLNetworkData& new_value, bool local_origin); virtual BOOL getParameterEntryInUse(U16 param_type) const; virtual bool setParameterEntryInUse(U16 param_type, BOOL in_use, bool local_origin); // Called when a parameter is changed virtual void parameterChanged(U16 param_type, bool local_origin); virtual void parameterChanged(U16 param_type, LLNetworkData* data, BOOL in_use, bool local_origin); friend class LLViewerObjectList; friend class LLViewerMediaList; public: static void unpackVector3(LLDataPackerBinaryBuffer* dp, LLVector3& value, std::string name); static void unpackUUID(LLDataPackerBinaryBuffer* dp, LLUUID& value, std::string name); static void unpackU32(LLDataPackerBinaryBuffer* dp, U32& value, std::string name); static void unpackU8(LLDataPackerBinaryBuffer* dp, U8& value, std::string name); static U32 unpackParentID(LLDataPackerBinaryBuffer* dp, U32& parent_id); public: //counter-translation void resetChildrenPosition(const LLVector3& offset, BOOL simplified = FALSE) ; //counter-rotation void resetChildrenRotationAndPosition(const std::vector& rotations, const std::vector& positions) ; void saveUnselectedChildrenRotation(std::vector& rotations) ; void saveUnselectedChildrenPosition(std::vector& positions) ; std::vector mUnselectedChildrenPositions ; private: ExtraParameter* createNewParameterEntry(U16 param_type); ExtraParameter* getExtraParameterEntry(U16 param_type) const; ExtraParameter* getExtraParameterEntryCreate(U16 param_type); bool unpackParameterEntry(U16 param_type, LLDataPacker *dp); // This function checks to see if the given media URL has changed its version // and the update wasn't due to this agent's last action. U32 checkMediaURL(const std::string &media_url); // Motion prediction between updates void interpolateLinearMotion(const F64SecondsImplicit & time, const F32SecondsImplicit & dt); static void initObjectDataMap(); public: // // Viewer-side only types - use the LL_PCODE_APP mask. // typedef enum e_vo_types { LL_VO_CLOUDS = LL_PCODE_APP | 0x20, // no longer used LL_VO_SURFACE_PATCH = LL_PCODE_APP | 0x30, LL_VO_WL_SKY = LL_PCODE_APP | 0x40, LL_VO_SQUARE_TORUS = LL_PCODE_APP | 0x50, LL_VO_SKY = LL_PCODE_APP | 0x60, LL_VO_VOID_WATER = LL_PCODE_APP | 0x70, LL_VO_WATER = LL_PCODE_APP | 0x80, LL_VO_GROUND = LL_PCODE_APP | 0x90, LL_VO_PART_GROUP = LL_PCODE_APP | 0xa0, LL_VO_TRIANGLE_TORUS = LL_PCODE_APP | 0xb0, LL_VO_HUD_PART_GROUP = LL_PCODE_APP | 0xc0, } EVOType; typedef enum e_physics_shape_types { PHYSICS_SHAPE_PRIM = 0, PHYSICS_SHAPE_NONE, PHYSICS_SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL, } EPhysicsShapeType; LLUUID mID; LLUUID mOwnerID; //null if unknown // unique within region, not unique across regions // Local ID = 0 is not used U32 mLocalID; // Last total CRC received from sim, used for caching U32 mTotalCRC; // index into LLViewerObjectList::mActiveObjects or -1 if not in list S32 mListIndex; LLPointer *mTEImages; LLPointer *mTENormalMaps; LLPointer *mTESpecularMaps; // Selection, picking and rendering variables U32 mGLName; // GL "name" used by selection code BOOL mbCanSelect; // true if user can select this object by clicking private: // Grabbed from UPDATE_FLAGS U32 mFlags; static std::map sObjectDataMap; public: // Sent to sim in UPDATE_FLAGS, received in ObjectPhysicsProperties U8 mPhysicsShapeType; F32 mPhysicsGravity; F32 mPhysicsFriction; F32 mPhysicsDensity; F32 mPhysicsRestitution; // Pipeline classes LLPointer mDrawable; // Band-aid to select object after all creation initialization is done BOOL mCreateSelected; // Replace textures with web pages on this object while drawing BOOL mRenderMedia; // In bits S32 mBestUpdatePrecision; // TODO: Make all this stuff private. JC LLPointer mText; LLPointer mIcon; static BOOL sUseSharedDrawables; protected: // delete an item in the inventory, but don't tell the // server. This is used internally by remove, update, and // savescript. void deleteInventoryItem(const LLUUID& item_id); // do the update/caching logic. called by saveScript and // updateInventory. void doUpdateInventory(LLPointer& item, U8 key, bool is_new); static LLViewerObject *createObject(const LLUUID &id, LLPCode pcode, LLViewerRegion *regionp); BOOL setData(const U8 *datap, const U32 data_size); // Hide or show HUD, icon and particles void hideExtraDisplayItems( BOOL hidden ); ////////////////////////// // // inventory functionality // static void processTaskInvFile(void** user_data, S32 error_code, LLExtStat ext_status); BOOL loadTaskInvFile(const std::string& filename); void doInventoryCallback(); BOOL isOnMap(); void unpackParticleSource(const S32 block_num, const LLUUID& owner_id); void unpackParticleSource(LLDataPacker &dp, const LLUUID& owner_id, bool legacy); void deleteParticleSource(); void setParticleSource(const LLPartSysData& particle_parameters, const LLUUID& owner_id); private: void setNameValueList(const std::string& list); // clears nv pairs and then individually adds \n separated NV pairs from \0 terminated string void deleteTEImages(); // correctly deletes list of images protected: typedef std::map name_value_map_t; name_value_map_t mNameValuePairs; // Any name-value pairs stored by script child_list_t mChildList; F64Seconds mLastInterpUpdateSecs; // Last update for purposes of interpolation F64Seconds mLastMessageUpdateSecs; // Last update from a message from the simulator TPACKETID mLatestRecvPacketID; // Latest time stamp on message from simulator // extra data sent from the sim...currently only used for tree species info U8* mData; LLPointer mPartSourcep; // Particle source associated with this object. LLAudioSourceVO* mAudioSourcep; F32 mAudioGain; F32 mAppAngle; // Apparent visual arc in degrees F32 mPixelArea; // Apparent area in pixels // IDs of of all items in the object's content which are added to the object's content, // but not updated on the server yet. After item was updated, its ID will be removed from this list. std::list mPendingInventoryItemsIDs; // This is the object's inventory from the viewer's perspective. LLInventoryObject::object_list_t* mInventory; class LLInventoryCallbackInfo { public: ~LLInventoryCallbackInfo(); LLVOInventoryListener* mListener; void* mInventoryData; }; typedef std::list callback_list_t; callback_list_t mInventoryCallbacks; S16 mInventorySerialNum; LLViewerRegion *mRegionp; // Region that this object belongs to. BOOL mInventoryPending; BOOL mInventoryDirty; BOOL mDead; BOOL mOrphaned; // This is an orphaned child BOOL mUserSelected; // Cached user select information BOOL mOnActiveList; BOOL mOnMap; // On the map. BOOL mStatic; // Object doesn't move. S32 mNumFaces; F32 mRotTime; // Amount (in seconds) that object has rotated according to angular velocity (llSetTargetOmega) LLQuaternion mAngularVelocityRot; // accumulated rotation from the angular velocity computations LLQuaternion mPreviousRotation; U8 mState; // legacy LLViewerObjectMedia* mMedia; // NULL if no media associated U8 mClickAction; F32 mObjectCost; //resource cost of this object or -1 if unknown F32 mLinksetCost; F32 mPhysicsCost; F32 mLinksetPhysicsCost; bool mCostStale; mutable bool mPhysicsShapeUnknown; static U32 sNumZombieObjects; // Objects which are dead, but not deleted static BOOL sMapDebug; // Map render mode static LLColor4 sEditSelectColor; static LLColor4 sNoEditSelectColor; static F32 sCurrentPulse; static BOOL sPulseEnabled; static S32 sAxisArrowLength; // These two caches are only correct for non-parented objects right now! mutable LLVector3 mPositionRegion; mutable LLVector3 mPositionAgent; static void setPhaseOutUpdateInterpolationTime(F32 value) { sPhaseOutUpdateInterpolationTime = (F64Seconds) value; } static void setMaxUpdateInterpolationTime(F32 value) { sMaxUpdateInterpolationTime = (F64Seconds) value; } static void setVelocityInterpolate(BOOL value) { sVelocityInterpolate = value; } static void setPingInterpolate(BOOL value) { sPingInterpolate = value; } private: static S32 sNumObjects; static F64Seconds sPhaseOutUpdateInterpolationTime; // For motion interpolation static F64Seconds sMaxUpdateInterpolationTime; // For motion interpolation static BOOL sVelocityInterpolate; static BOOL sPingInterpolate; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // For objects that are attachments //-------------------------------------------------------------------- public: const LLUUID &getAttachmentItemID() const; void setAttachmentItemID(const LLUUID &id); const LLUUID &extractAttachmentItemID(); // find&set the inventory item ID of the attached object EObjectUpdateType getLastUpdateType() const; void setLastUpdateType(EObjectUpdateType last_update_type); BOOL getLastUpdateCached() const; void setLastUpdateCached(BOOL last_update_cached); private: LLUUID mAttachmentItemID; // ItemID of the associated object is in user inventory. EObjectUpdateType mLastUpdateType; BOOL mLastUpdateCached; }; /////////////////// // // Inlines // // inline void LLViewerObject::setRotation(const LLQuaternion& quat, BOOL damped) { LLPrimitive::setRotation(quat); setChanged(ROTATED | SILHOUETTE); updateDrawable(damped); } inline void LLViewerObject::setRotation(const F32 x, const F32 y, const F32 z, BOOL damped) { LLPrimitive::setRotation(x, y, z); setChanged(ROTATED | SILHOUETTE); updateDrawable(damped); } class LLViewerObjectMedia { public: LLViewerObjectMedia() : mMediaURL(), mPassedWhitelist(FALSE), mMediaType(0) { } std::string mMediaURL; // for web pages on surfaces, one per prim BOOL mPassedWhitelist; // user has OK'd display U8 mMediaType; // see LLTextureEntry::WEB_PAGE, etc. }; // subclass of viewer object that can be added to particle partitions class LLAlphaObject : public LLViewerObject { public: LLAlphaObject(const LLUUID &id, const LLPCode pcode, LLViewerRegion *regionp) : LLViewerObject(id,pcode,regionp) { mDepth = 0.f; } virtual F32 getPartSize(S32 idx); virtual void getGeometry(S32 idx, LLStrider& verticesp, LLStrider& normalsp, LLStrider& texcoordsp, LLStrider& colorsp, LLStrider& emissivep, LLStrider& indicesp) = 0; virtual void getBlendFunc(S32 face, U32& src, U32& dst); F32 mDepth; }; class LLStaticViewerObject : public LLViewerObject { public: LLStaticViewerObject(const LLUUID& id, const LLPCode pcode, LLViewerRegion* regionp, BOOL is_global = FALSE) : LLViewerObject(id,pcode,regionp, is_global) { } virtual void updateDrawable(BOOL force_damped); }; #endif