/** * @file llviewermenufile.cpp * @brief "File" menu in the main menu bar. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llviewermenufile.h" // project includes #include "llagent.h" #include "llagentbenefits.h" #include "llagentcamera.h" #include "llfilepicker.h" #include "llfloaterreg.h" #include "llbuycurrencyhtml.h" #include "llfloatermap.h" #include "llfloatermodelpreview.h" #include "llmaterialeditor.h" #include "llfloaterperms.h" #include "llfloatersnapshot.h" #include "llfloatersimplesnapshot.h" #include "llimage.h" #include "llimagebmp.h" #include "llimagepng.h" #include "llimagej2c.h" #include "llimagejpeg.h" #include "llimagetga.h" #include "llinventorymodel.h" // gInventory #include "llpluginclassmedia.h" #include "llresourcedata.h" #include "llstatusbar.h" #include "lltinygltfhelper.h" #include "lltoast.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" // gSavedSettings #include "llviewertexturelist.h" #include "lluictrlfactory.h" #include "llviewerinventory.h" #include "llviewermenu.h" // gMenuHolder #include "llviewerparcelmgr.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" #include "llviewerstats.h" #include "llviewerwindow.h" #include "llappviewer.h" #include "lluploaddialog.h" #include "lltrans.h" #include "llfloaterbuycurrency.h" #include "llviewerassetupload.h" // linden libraries #include "llnotificationsutil.h" #include "llsdserialize.h" #include "llsdutil.h" #include "llstring.h" #include "lltransactiontypes.h" #include "lluuid.h" #include "llvorbisencode.h" #include "message.h" // system libraries #include class LLFileEnableUpload : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { return true; } }; class LLFileEnableUploadModel : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { LLFloaterModelPreview* fmp = (LLFloaterModelPreview*) LLFloaterReg::findInstance("upload_model"); if (fmp && fmp->isModelLoading()) { return false; } return true; } }; class LLFileEnableUploadMaterial : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { if (gAgent.getRegionCapability("UpdateMaterialAgentInventory").empty()) { return false; } return true; } }; class LLMeshEnabled : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { return gSavedSettings.getBOOL("MeshEnabled"); } }; class LLMeshUploadVisible : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { return gMeshRepo.meshUploadEnabled(); } }; LLMutex* LLFilePickerThread::sMutex = NULL; std::queue LLFilePickerThread::sDeadQ; void LLFilePickerThread::getFile() { #if LL_WINDOWS // Todo: get rid of LLFilePickerThread and make this modeless start(); #elif LL_DARWIN runModeless(); #else run(); #endif } //virtual void LLFilePickerThread::run() { #if LL_WINDOWS bool blocking = false; #else bool blocking = true; // modal #endif LLFilePicker picker; if (mIsSaveDialog) { if (picker.getSaveFile(mSaveFilter, mProposedName, blocking)) { mResponses.push_back(picker.getFirstFile()); } } else { bool result = mIsGetMultiple ? picker.getMultipleOpenFiles(mLoadFilter, blocking) : picker.getOpenFile(mLoadFilter, blocking); if (result) { std::string filename = picker.getFirstFile(); // consider copying mFiles directly do { mResponses.push_back(filename); filename = picker.getNextFile(); } while (mIsGetMultiple && !filename.empty()); } } { LLMutexLock lock(sMutex); sDeadQ.push(this); } } void LLFilePickerThread::runModeless() { BOOL result = FALSE; LLFilePicker picker; if (mIsSaveDialog) { result = picker.getSaveFileModeless(mSaveFilter, mProposedName, modelessStringCallback, this); } else if (mIsGetMultiple) { result = picker.getMultipleOpenFilesModeless(mLoadFilter, modelessVectorCallback, this); } else { result = picker.getOpenFileModeless(mLoadFilter, modelessVectorCallback, this); } if (!result) { LLMutexLock lock(sMutex); sDeadQ.push(this); } } void LLFilePickerThread::modelessStringCallback(bool success, std::string &response, void *user_data) { LLFilePickerThread *picker = (LLFilePickerThread*)user_data; if (success) { picker->mResponses.push_back(response); } { LLMutexLock lock(sMutex); sDeadQ.push(picker); } } void LLFilePickerThread::modelessVectorCallback(bool success, std::vector &responses, void *user_data) { LLFilePickerThread *picker = (LLFilePickerThread*)user_data; if (success) { if (picker->mIsGetMultiple) { picker->mResponses = responses; } else { std::vector::iterator iter = responses.begin(); while (iter != responses.end()) { if (!iter->empty()) { picker->mResponses.push_back(*iter); break; } iter++; } } } { LLMutexLock lock(sMutex); sDeadQ.push(picker); } } //static void LLFilePickerThread::initClass() { sMutex = new LLMutex(); } //static void LLFilePickerThread::cleanupClass() { clearDead(); delete sMutex; sMutex = NULL; } //static void LLFilePickerThread::clearDead() { if (!sDeadQ.empty()) { LLMutexLock lock(sMutex); while (!sDeadQ.empty()) { LLFilePickerThread* thread = sDeadQ.front(); thread->notify(thread->mResponses); delete thread; sDeadQ.pop(); } } } LLFilePickerReplyThread::LLFilePickerReplyThread(const file_picked_signal_t::slot_type& cb, LLFilePicker::ELoadFilter filter, bool get_multiple, const file_picked_signal_t::slot_type& failure_cb) : LLFilePickerThread(filter, get_multiple), mLoadFilter(filter), mSaveFilter(LLFilePicker::FFSAVE_ALL), mFilePickedSignal(NULL), mFailureSignal(NULL) { mFilePickedSignal = new file_picked_signal_t(); mFilePickedSignal->connect(cb); mFailureSignal = new file_picked_signal_t(); mFailureSignal->connect(failure_cb); } LLFilePickerReplyThread::LLFilePickerReplyThread(const file_picked_signal_t::slot_type& cb, LLFilePicker::ESaveFilter filter, const std::string &proposed_name, const file_picked_signal_t::slot_type& failure_cb) : LLFilePickerThread(filter, proposed_name), mLoadFilter(LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_ALL), mSaveFilter(filter), mFilePickedSignal(NULL), mFailureSignal(NULL) { mFilePickedSignal = new file_picked_signal_t(); mFilePickedSignal->connect(cb); mFailureSignal = new file_picked_signal_t(); mFailureSignal->connect(failure_cb); } LLFilePickerReplyThread::~LLFilePickerReplyThread() { delete mFilePickedSignal; delete mFailureSignal; } void LLFilePickerReplyThread::startPicker(const file_picked_signal_t::slot_type & cb, LLFilePicker::ELoadFilter filter, bool get_multiple, const file_picked_signal_t::slot_type & failure_cb) { (new LLFilePickerReplyThread(cb, filter, get_multiple, failure_cb))->getFile(); } void LLFilePickerReplyThread::startPicker(const file_picked_signal_t::slot_type & cb, LLFilePicker::ESaveFilter filter, const std::string & proposed_name, const file_picked_signal_t::slot_type & failure_cb) { (new LLFilePickerReplyThread(cb, filter, proposed_name, failure_cb))->getFile(); } void LLFilePickerReplyThread::notify(const std::vector& filenames) { if (filenames.empty()) { if (mFailureSignal) { (*mFailureSignal)(filenames, mLoadFilter, mSaveFilter); } } else { if (mFilePickedSignal) { (*mFilePickedSignal)(filenames, mLoadFilter, mSaveFilter); } } } LLMediaFilePicker::LLMediaFilePicker(LLPluginClassMedia* plugin, LLFilePicker::ELoadFilter filter, bool get_multiple) : LLFilePickerThread(filter, get_multiple), mPlugin(plugin->getSharedPtr()) { } LLMediaFilePicker::LLMediaFilePicker(LLPluginClassMedia* plugin, LLFilePicker::ESaveFilter filter, const std::string &proposed_name) : LLFilePickerThread(filter, proposed_name), mPlugin(plugin->getSharedPtr()) { } void LLMediaFilePicker::notify(const std::vector& filenames) { mPlugin->sendPickFileResponse(mResponses); mPlugin = NULL; } //============================================================================ #if LL_WINDOWS static std::string SOUND_EXTENSIONS = "wav"; static std::string IMAGE_EXTENSIONS = "tga bmp jpg jpeg png"; static std::string ANIM_EXTENSIONS = "bvh anim"; static std::string XML_EXTENSIONS = "xml"; static std::string SLOBJECT_EXTENSIONS = "slobject"; #endif static std::string ALL_FILE_EXTENSIONS = "*.*"; static std::string MODEL_EXTENSIONS = "dae"; static std::string MATERIAL_EXTENSIONS = "gltf glb"; std::string build_extensions_string(LLFilePicker::ELoadFilter filter) { switch(filter) { #if LL_WINDOWS case LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_IMAGE: return IMAGE_EXTENSIONS; case LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_WAV: return SOUND_EXTENSIONS; case LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_ANIM: return ANIM_EXTENSIONS; case LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_SLOBJECT: return SLOBJECT_EXTENSIONS; case LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_MODEL: return MODEL_EXTENSIONS; case LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_MATERIAL: return MATERIAL_EXTENSIONS; case LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_XML: return XML_EXTENSIONS; case LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_ALL: case LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_EXE: return ALL_FILE_EXTENSIONS; #endif default: return ALL_FILE_EXTENSIONS; } } const bool check_file_extension(const std::string& filename, LLFilePicker::ELoadFilter type) { std::string ext = gDirUtilp->getExtension(filename); //strincmp doesn't like NULL pointers if (ext.empty()) { std::string short_name = gDirUtilp->getBaseFileName(filename); // No extension LLSD args; args["FILE"] = short_name; LLNotificationsUtil::add("NoFileExtension", args); return false; } else { //so there is an extension //loop over the valid extensions and compare to see //if the extension is valid //now grab the set of valid file extensions std::string valid_extensions = build_extensions_string(type); BOOL ext_valid = FALSE; typedef boost::tokenizer > tokenizer; boost::char_separator sep(" "); tokenizer tokens(valid_extensions, sep); tokenizer::iterator token_iter; //now loop over all valid file extensions //and compare them to the extension of the file //to be uploaded for (token_iter = tokens.begin(); token_iter != tokens.end() && ext_valid != TRUE; ++token_iter) { const std::string& cur_token = *token_iter; if (cur_token == ext || cur_token == "*.*") { //valid extension //or the acceptable extension is any ext_valid = TRUE; } }//end for (loop over all tokens) if (ext_valid == FALSE) { //should only get here if the extension exists //but is invalid LLSD args; args["EXTENSION"] = ext; args["VALIDS"] = valid_extensions; LLNotificationsUtil::add("InvalidFileExtension", args); return false; } }//end else (non-null extension) return true; } const void upload_single_file(const std::vector& filenames, LLFilePicker::ELoadFilter type) { std::string filename = filenames[0]; if (!check_file_extension(filename, type)) return; if (!filename.empty()) { if (type == LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_WAV) { // pre-qualify wavs to make sure the format is acceptable std::string error_msg; if (check_for_invalid_wav_formats(filename, error_msg)) { LL_INFOS() << error_msg << ": " << filename << LL_ENDL; LLSD args; args["FILE"] = filename; LLNotificationsUtil::add(error_msg, args); return; } else { LLFloaterReg::showInstance("upload_sound", LLSD(filename)); } } if (type == LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_IMAGE) { LLFloaterReg::showInstance("upload_image", LLSD(filename)); } if (type == LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_ANIM) { std::string filename_lc(filename); LLStringUtil::toLower(filename_lc); if (filename_lc.rfind(".anim") != std::string::npos) { LLFloaterReg::showInstance("upload_anim_anim", LLSD(filename)); } else { LLFloaterReg::showInstance("upload_anim_bvh", LLSD(filename)); } } } return; } void do_bulk_upload(std::vector filenames, const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response) { S32 option = LLNotificationsUtil::getSelectedOption(notification, response); if (option != 0) { // Cancel upload return; } for (std::vector::const_iterator in_iter = filenames.begin(); in_iter != filenames.end(); ++in_iter) { std::string filename = (*in_iter); std::string name = gDirUtilp->getBaseFileName(filename, true); std::string asset_name = name; LLStringUtil::replaceNonstandardASCII(asset_name, '?'); LLStringUtil::replaceChar(asset_name, '|', '?'); LLStringUtil::stripNonprintable(asset_name); LLStringUtil::trim(asset_name); std::string ext = gDirUtilp->getExtension(filename); LLAssetType::EType asset_type; U32 codec; S32 expected_upload_cost = 0; if (LLResourceUploadInfo::findAssetTypeAndCodecOfExtension(ext, asset_type, codec)) { bool resource_upload = false; if (asset_type == LLAssetType::AT_TEXTURE) { LLPointer image_frmted = LLImageFormatted::createFromType(codec); if (gDirUtilp->fileExists(filename) && image_frmted->load(filename)) { expected_upload_cost = LLAgentBenefitsMgr::current().getTextureUploadCost(image_frmted); resource_upload = true; } } else if (LLAgentBenefitsMgr::current().findUploadCost(asset_type, expected_upload_cost)) { resource_upload = true; } if (resource_upload) { LLResourceUploadInfo::ptr_t uploadInfo(new LLNewFileResourceUploadInfo( filename, asset_name, asset_name, 0, LLFolderType::FT_NONE, LLInventoryType::IT_NONE, LLFloaterPerms::getNextOwnerPerms("Uploads"), LLFloaterPerms::getGroupPerms("Uploads"), LLFloaterPerms::getEveryonePerms("Uploads"), expected_upload_cost)); upload_new_resource(uploadInfo); } } // gltf does not use normal upload procedure if (ext == "gltf" || ext == "glb") { tinygltf::Model model; if (LLTinyGLTFHelper::loadModel(filename, model)) { S32 materials_in_file = model.materials.size(); for (S32 i = 0; i < materials_in_file; i++) { // Todo: // 1. Decouple bulk upload from material editor // 2. Take into account possiblity of identical textures LLMaterialEditor::uploadMaterialFromModel(filename, model, i); } } } } } bool get_bulk_upload_expected_cost(const std::vector& filenames, S32& total_cost, S32& file_count, S32& bvh_count) { total_cost = 0; file_count = 0; bvh_count = 0; for (std::vector::const_iterator in_iter = filenames.begin(); in_iter != filenames.end(); ++in_iter) { std::string filename = (*in_iter); std::string ext = gDirUtilp->getExtension(filename); if (ext == "bvh") { bvh_count++; } LLAssetType::EType asset_type; U32 codec; S32 cost; if (LLResourceUploadInfo::findAssetTypeAndCodecOfExtension(ext, asset_type, codec)) { if (asset_type == LLAssetType::AT_TEXTURE) { LLPointer image_frmted = LLImageFormatted::createFromType(codec); if (gDirUtilp->fileExists(filename) && image_frmted->load(filename)) { total_cost += LLAgentBenefitsMgr::current().getTextureUploadCost(image_frmted); file_count++; } } else if (LLAgentBenefitsMgr::current().findUploadCost(asset_type, cost)) { total_cost += cost; file_count++; } } if (ext == "gltf" || ext == "glb") { tinygltf::Model model; if (LLTinyGLTFHelper::loadModel(filename, model)) { S32 materials_in_file = model.materials.size(); for (S32 i = 0; i < materials_in_file; i++) { LLPointer material = new LLFetchedGLTFMaterial(); std::string material_name; bool decode_successful = LLTinyGLTFHelper::getMaterialFromModel(filename, model, i, material.get(), material_name); if (decode_successful) { // Todo: make it account for possibility of same texture in different // materials and even in scope of same material if (material->mTextureId[LLGLTFMaterial::GLTF_TEXTURE_INFO_BASE_COLOR].notNull() && material->mBaseColorTexture) { total_cost += LLAgentBenefitsMgr::current().getTextureUploadCost(material->mBaseColorTexture); } if (material->mTextureId[LLGLTFMaterial::GLTF_TEXTURE_INFO_METALLIC_ROUGHNESS].notNull() && material->mMetallicRoughnessTexture) { total_cost += LLAgentBenefitsMgr::current().getTextureUploadCost(material->mMetallicRoughnessTexture); } if (material->mTextureId[LLGLTFMaterial::GLTF_TEXTURE_INFO_NORMAL].notNull() && material->mNormalTexture) { total_cost += LLAgentBenefitsMgr::current().getTextureUploadCost(material->mNormalTexture); } if (material->mTextureId[LLGLTFMaterial::GLTF_TEXTURE_INFO_EMISSIVE].notNull() && material->mEmissiveTexture) { total_cost += LLAgentBenefitsMgr::current().getTextureUploadCost(material->mEmissiveTexture); } file_count++; } } } } } return file_count > 0; } const void upload_bulk(const std::vector& filenames, LLFilePicker::ELoadFilter type) { // TODO: // Check user balance for entire cost // Charge user entire cost // Loop, uploading // If an upload fails, refund the user for that one // // Also fix single upload to charge first, then refund // FIXME PREMIUM what about known types that can't be bulk uploaded // (bvh)? These will fail in the item by item upload but won't be // mentioned in the notification. std::vector filtered_filenames; for (std::vector::const_iterator in_iter = filenames.begin(); in_iter != filenames.end(); ++in_iter) { const std::string& filename = *in_iter; if (check_file_extension(filename, type)) { filtered_filenames.push_back(filename); } } S32 expected_upload_cost; S32 expected_upload_count; S32 bvh_count; if (get_bulk_upload_expected_cost(filtered_filenames, expected_upload_cost, expected_upload_count, bvh_count)) { LLSD args; args["COST"] = expected_upload_cost; args["COUNT"] = expected_upload_count; LLNotificationsUtil::add("BulkUploadCostConfirmation", args, LLSD(), boost::bind(do_bulk_upload, filtered_filenames, _1, _2)); if (filtered_filenames.size() > expected_upload_count) { if (bvh_count == filtered_filenames.size() - expected_upload_count) { LLNotificationsUtil::add("DoNotSupportBulkAnimationUpload"); } else { LLNotificationsUtil::add("BulkUploadIncompatibleFiles"); } } } else if (bvh_count == filtered_filenames.size()) { LLNotificationsUtil::add("DoNotSupportBulkAnimationUpload"); } else { LLNotificationsUtil::add("BulkUploadNoCompatibleFiles"); } } class LLFileUploadImage : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { if (gAgentCamera.cameraMouselook()) { gAgentCamera.changeCameraToDefault(); } LLFilePickerReplyThread::startPicker(boost::bind(&upload_single_file, _1, _2), LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_IMAGE, false); return true; } }; class LLFileUploadModel : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { LLFloaterModelPreview::showModelPreview(); return TRUE; } }; class LLFileUploadMaterial : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { LLMaterialEditor::importMaterial(); return TRUE; } }; class LLFileUploadSound : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { if (gAgentCamera.cameraMouselook()) { gAgentCamera.changeCameraToDefault(); } LLFilePickerReplyThread::startPicker(boost::bind(&upload_single_file, _1, _2), LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_WAV, false); return true; } }; class LLFileUploadAnim : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { if (gAgentCamera.cameraMouselook()) { gAgentCamera.changeCameraToDefault(); } LLFilePickerReplyThread::startPicker(boost::bind(&upload_single_file, _1, _2), LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_ANIM, false); return true; } }; class LLFileUploadBulk : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { if (gAgentCamera.cameraMouselook()) { gAgentCamera.changeCameraToDefault(); } LLFilePickerReplyThread::startPicker(boost::bind(&upload_bulk, _1, _2), LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_ALL, true); return true; } }; void upload_error(const std::string& error_message, const std::string& label, const std::string& filename, const LLSD& args) { LL_WARNS() << error_message << LL_ENDL; LLNotificationsUtil::add(label, args); if(LLFile::remove(filename) == -1) { LL_DEBUGS() << "unable to remove temp file" << LL_ENDL; } LLFilePicker::instance().reset(); } class LLFileEnableCloseWindow : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { bool frontmost_fl_exists = (NULL != gFloaterView->getFrontmostClosableFloater()); bool frontmost_snapshot_fl_exists = (NULL != gSnapshotFloaterView->getFrontmostClosableFloater()); return !LLNotificationsUI::LLToast::isAlertToastShown() && (frontmost_fl_exists || frontmost_snapshot_fl_exists); } }; class LLFileCloseWindow : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { bool frontmost_fl_exists = (NULL != gFloaterView->getFrontmostClosableFloater()); LLFloater* snapshot_floater = gSnapshotFloaterView->getFrontmostClosableFloater(); if(snapshot_floater && (!frontmost_fl_exists || snapshot_floater->hasFocus())) { snapshot_floater->closeFloater(); if (gFocusMgr.getKeyboardFocus() == NULL) { gFloaterView->focusFrontFloater(); } } else { LLFloater::closeFrontmostFloater(); } if (gMenuHolder) gMenuHolder->hideMenus(); return true; } }; class LLFileEnableCloseAllWindows : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { LLFloaterSnapshot* floater_snapshot = LLFloaterSnapshot::findInstance(); bool is_floaters_snapshot_opened = (floater_snapshot && floater_snapshot->isInVisibleChain()); bool open_children = gFloaterView->allChildrenClosed() && !is_floaters_snapshot_opened; return !open_children && !LLNotificationsUI::LLToast::isAlertToastShown(); } }; class LLFileCloseAllWindows : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { bool app_quitting = false; gFloaterView->closeAllChildren(app_quitting); LLFloaterSnapshot* floater_snapshot = LLFloaterSnapshot::findInstance(); if (floater_snapshot) floater_snapshot->closeFloater(app_quitting); if (gMenuHolder) gMenuHolder->hideMenus(); return true; } }; class LLFileTakeSnapshotToDisk : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { LLPointer raw = new LLImageRaw; S32 width = gViewerWindow->getWindowWidthRaw(); S32 height = gViewerWindow->getWindowHeightRaw(); BOOL render_ui = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("RenderUIInSnapshot"); BOOL render_hud = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("RenderHUDInSnapshot"); BOOL render_no_post = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("RenderSnapshotNoPost"); BOOL high_res = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("HighResSnapshot"); if (high_res) { width *= 2; height *= 2; // not compatible with UI/HUD render_ui = false; render_hud = false; } if (gViewerWindow->rawSnapshot(raw, width, height, TRUE, FALSE, render_ui, render_hud, FALSE, render_no_post, LLSnapshotModel::SNAPSHOT_TYPE_COLOR, high_res ? S32_MAX : MAX_SNAPSHOT_IMAGE_SIZE)) //per side { LLPointer formatted; LLSnapshotModel::ESnapshotFormat fmt = (LLSnapshotModel::ESnapshotFormat) gSavedSettings.getS32("SnapshotFormat"); switch (fmt) { case LLSnapshotModel::SNAPSHOT_FORMAT_JPEG: formatted = new LLImageJPEG(gSavedSettings.getS32("SnapshotQuality")); break; default: LL_WARNS() << "Unknown local snapshot format: " << fmt << LL_ENDL; case LLSnapshotModel::SNAPSHOT_FORMAT_PNG: formatted = new LLImagePNG; break; case LLSnapshotModel::SNAPSHOT_FORMAT_BMP: formatted = new LLImageBMP; break; } formatted->enableOverSize() ; formatted->encode(raw, 0); formatted->disableOverSize() ; LLSnapshotLivePreview::saveLocal(formatted); } return true; } }; class LLFileQuit : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { LLAppViewer::instance()->userQuit(); return true; } }; void handle_compress_image(void*) { LLFilePicker& picker = LLFilePicker::instance(); if (picker.getMultipleOpenFiles(LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_IMAGE)) { std::string infile = picker.getFirstFile(); while (!infile.empty()) { std::string outfile = infile + ".j2c"; LL_INFOS() << "Input: " << infile << LL_ENDL; LL_INFOS() << "Output: " << outfile << LL_ENDL; BOOL success; success = LLViewerTextureList::createUploadFile(infile, outfile, IMG_CODEC_TGA); if (success) { LL_INFOS() << "Compression complete" << LL_ENDL; } else { LL_INFOS() << "Compression failed: " << LLImage::getLastError() << LL_ENDL; } infile = picker.getNextFile(); } } } // No convinient check in LLFile, and correct way would be something // like GetFileSizeEx, which is too OS specific for current purpose // so doing dirty, but OS independent fopen and fseek size_t get_file_size(std::string &filename) { LLFILE* file = LLFile::fopen(filename, "rb"); /*Flawfinder: ignore*/ if (!file) { LL_WARNS() << "Error opening " << filename << LL_ENDL; return 0; } // read in the whole file fseek(file, 0L, SEEK_END); size_t file_length = (size_t)ftell(file); fclose(file); return file_length; } void handle_compress_file_test(void*) { LLFilePicker& picker = LLFilePicker::instance(); if (picker.getOpenFile()) { std::string infile = picker.getFirstFile(); if (!infile.empty()) { std::string packfile = infile + ".pack_test"; std::string unpackfile = infile + ".unpack_test"; S64Bytes initial_size = S64Bytes(get_file_size(infile)); BOOL success; F64 total_seconds = LLTimer::getTotalSeconds(); success = gzip_file(infile, packfile); F64 result_pack_seconds = LLTimer::getTotalSeconds() - total_seconds; if (success) { S64Bytes packed_size = S64Bytes(get_file_size(packfile)); LL_INFOS() << "Packing complete, time: " << result_pack_seconds << " size: " << packed_size << LL_ENDL; total_seconds = LLTimer::getTotalSeconds(); success = gunzip_file(packfile, unpackfile); F64 result_unpack_seconds = LLTimer::getTotalSeconds() - total_seconds; if (success) { S64Bytes unpacked_size = S64Bytes(get_file_size(unpackfile)); LL_INFOS() << "Unpacking complete, time: " << result_unpack_seconds << " size: " << unpacked_size << LL_ENDL; LLSD args; args["FILE"] = infile; args["PACK_TIME"] = result_pack_seconds; args["UNPACK_TIME"] = result_unpack_seconds; args["SIZE"] = LLSD::Integer(initial_size.valueInUnits()); args["PSIZE"] = LLSD::Integer(packed_size.valueInUnits()); args["USIZE"] = LLSD::Integer(unpacked_size.valueInUnits()); LLNotificationsUtil::add("CompressionTestResults", args); LLFile::remove(packfile); LLFile::remove(unpackfile); } else { LL_INFOS() << "Failed to uncompress file: " << packfile << LL_ENDL; LLFile::remove(packfile); } } else { LL_INFOS() << "Failed to compres file: " << infile << LL_ENDL; } } else { LL_INFOS() << "Failed to open file" << LL_ENDL; } } else { LL_INFOS() << "Failed to open file" << LL_ENDL; } } LLUUID upload_new_resource( const std::string& src_filename, std::string name, std::string desc, S32 compression_info, LLFolderType::EType destination_folder_type, LLInventoryType::EType inv_type, U32 next_owner_perms, U32 group_perms, U32 everyone_perms, const std::string& display_name, LLAssetStorage::LLStoreAssetCallback callback, S32 expected_upload_cost, void *userdata, bool show_inventory) { LLResourceUploadInfo::ptr_t uploadInfo(std::make_shared( src_filename, name, desc, compression_info, destination_folder_type, inv_type, next_owner_perms, group_perms, everyone_perms, expected_upload_cost, show_inventory)); upload_new_resource(uploadInfo, callback, userdata); return LLUUID::null; } void upload_done_callback( const LLUUID& uuid, void* user_data, S32 result, LLExtStat ext_status) // StoreAssetData callback (fixed) { LLResourceData* data = (LLResourceData*)user_data; S32 expected_upload_cost = data ? data->mExpectedUploadCost : 0; //LLAssetType::EType pref_loc = data->mPreferredLocation; BOOL is_balance_sufficient = TRUE; if(data) { if (result >= 0) { LLFolderType::EType dest_loc = (data->mPreferredLocation == LLFolderType::FT_NONE) ? LLFolderType::assetTypeToFolderType(data->mAssetInfo.mType) : data->mPreferredLocation; if (LLAssetType::AT_SOUND == data->mAssetInfo.mType || LLAssetType::AT_TEXTURE == data->mAssetInfo.mType || LLAssetType::AT_ANIMATION == data->mAssetInfo.mType) { // Charge the user for the upload. LLViewerRegion* region = gAgent.getRegion(); if(!(can_afford_transaction(expected_upload_cost))) { LLBuyCurrencyHTML::openCurrencyFloater( "", expected_upload_cost ); is_balance_sufficient = FALSE; } else if(region) { // Charge user for upload gStatusBar->debitBalance(expected_upload_cost); LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem; msg->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_MoneyTransferRequest); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID()); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID()); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_MoneyData); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SourceID, gAgent.getID()); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_DestID, LLUUID::null); msg->addU8("Flags", 0); // we tell the sim how much we were expecting to pay so it // can respond to any discrepancy msg->addS32Fast(_PREHASH_Amount, expected_upload_cost); msg->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_AggregatePermNextOwner, (U8)LLAggregatePermissions::AP_EMPTY); msg->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_AggregatePermInventory, (U8)LLAggregatePermissions::AP_EMPTY); msg->addS32Fast(_PREHASH_TransactionType, TRANS_UPLOAD_CHARGE); msg->addStringFast(_PREHASH_Description, NULL); msg->sendReliable(region->getHost()); } } if(is_balance_sufficient) { // Actually add the upload to inventory LL_INFOS() << "Adding " << uuid << " to inventory." << LL_ENDL; const LLUUID folder_id = gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(dest_loc); if(folder_id.notNull()) { U32 next_owner_perms = data->mNextOwnerPerm; if(PERM_NONE == next_owner_perms) { next_owner_perms = PERM_MOVE | PERM_TRANSFER; } create_inventory_item(gAgent.getID(), gAgent.getSessionID(), folder_id, data->mAssetInfo.mTransactionID, data->mAssetInfo.getName(), data->mAssetInfo.getDescription(), data->mAssetInfo.mType, data->mInventoryType, NO_INV_SUBTYPE, next_owner_perms, LLPointer(NULL)); } else { LL_WARNS() << "Can't find a folder to put it in" << LL_ENDL; } } } else // if(result >= 0) { LLSD args; args["FILE"] = LLInventoryType::lookupHumanReadable(data->mInventoryType); args["REASON"] = std::string(LLAssetStorage::getErrorString(result)); LLNotificationsUtil::add("CannotUploadReason", args); } delete data; data = NULL; } LLUploadDialog::modalUploadFinished(); // *NOTE: This is a pretty big hack. What this does is check the // file picker if there are any more pending uploads. If so, // upload that file. const std::string& next_file = LLFilePicker::instance().getNextFile(); if(is_balance_sufficient && !next_file.empty()) { std::string asset_name = gDirUtilp->getBaseFileName(next_file, true); LLStringUtil::replaceNonstandardASCII( asset_name, '?' ); LLStringUtil::replaceChar(asset_name, '|', '?'); LLStringUtil::stripNonprintable(asset_name); LLStringUtil::trim(asset_name); std::string display_name = LLStringUtil::null; LLAssetStorage::LLStoreAssetCallback callback; void *userdata = NULL; upload_new_resource( next_file, asset_name, asset_name, // file 0, LLFolderType::FT_NONE, LLInventoryType::IT_NONE, LLFloaterPerms::getNextOwnerPerms("Uploads"), LLFloaterPerms::getGroupPerms("Uploads"), LLFloaterPerms::getEveryonePerms("Uploads"), display_name, callback, expected_upload_cost, // assuming next in a group of uploads is of roughly the same type, i.e. same upload cost userdata); } } void upload_new_resource( LLResourceUploadInfo::ptr_t &uploadInfo, LLAssetStorage::LLStoreAssetCallback callback, void *userdata) { if(gDisconnected) { return ; } // uploadInfo->setAssetType(assetType); // uploadInfo->setTransactionId(tid); std::string url = gAgent.getRegionCapability("NewFileAgentInventory"); if ( !url.empty() ) { LLViewerAssetUpload::EnqueueInventoryUpload(url, uploadInfo); } else { uploadInfo->prepareUpload(); uploadInfo->logPreparedUpload(); LL_INFOS() << "NewAgentInventory capability not found, new agent inventory via asset system." << LL_ENDL; // check for adequate funds // TODO: do this check on the sim if (LLAssetType::AT_SOUND == uploadInfo->getAssetType() || LLAssetType::AT_TEXTURE == uploadInfo->getAssetType() || LLAssetType::AT_ANIMATION == uploadInfo->getAssetType()) { S32 balance = gStatusBar->getBalance(); if (balance < uploadInfo->getExpectedUploadCost()) { // insufficient funds, bail on this upload LLBuyCurrencyHTML::openCurrencyFloater("", uploadInfo->getExpectedUploadCost()); return; } } LLResourceData* data = new LLResourceData; data->mAssetInfo.mTransactionID = uploadInfo->getTransactionId(); data->mAssetInfo.mUuid = uploadInfo->getAssetId(); data->mAssetInfo.mType = uploadInfo->getAssetType(); data->mAssetInfo.mCreatorID = gAgentID; data->mInventoryType = uploadInfo->getInventoryType(); data->mNextOwnerPerm = uploadInfo->getNextOwnerPerms(); data->mExpectedUploadCost = uploadInfo->getExpectedUploadCost(); data->mUserData = userdata; data->mAssetInfo.setName(uploadInfo->getName()); data->mAssetInfo.setDescription(uploadInfo->getDescription()); data->mPreferredLocation = uploadInfo->getDestinationFolderType(); LLAssetStorage::LLStoreAssetCallback asset_callback = &upload_done_callback; if (callback) { asset_callback = callback; } gAssetStorage->storeAssetData( data->mAssetInfo.mTransactionID, data->mAssetInfo.mType, asset_callback, (void*)data, FALSE); } } void init_menu_file() { view_listener_t::addCommit(new LLFileUploadImage(), "File.UploadImage"); view_listener_t::addCommit(new LLFileUploadSound(), "File.UploadSound"); view_listener_t::addCommit(new LLFileUploadAnim(), "File.UploadAnim"); view_listener_t::addCommit(new LLFileUploadModel(), "File.UploadModel"); view_listener_t::addCommit(new LLFileUploadMaterial(), "File.UploadMaterial"); view_listener_t::addCommit(new LLFileUploadBulk(), "File.UploadBulk"); view_listener_t::addCommit(new LLFileCloseWindow(), "File.CloseWindow"); view_listener_t::addCommit(new LLFileCloseAllWindows(), "File.CloseAllWindows"); view_listener_t::addEnable(new LLFileEnableCloseWindow(), "File.EnableCloseWindow"); view_listener_t::addEnable(new LLFileEnableCloseAllWindows(), "File.EnableCloseAllWindows"); view_listener_t::addCommit(new LLFileTakeSnapshotToDisk(), "File.TakeSnapshotToDisk"); view_listener_t::addCommit(new LLFileQuit(), "File.Quit"); view_listener_t::addEnable(new LLFileEnableUpload(), "File.EnableUpload"); view_listener_t::addEnable(new LLFileEnableUploadModel(), "File.EnableUploadModel"); view_listener_t::addEnable(new LLFileEnableUploadMaterial(), "File.EnableUploadMaterial"); view_listener_t::addMenu(new LLMeshEnabled(), "File.MeshEnabled"); view_listener_t::addMenu(new LLMeshUploadVisible(), "File.VisibleUploadModel"); // "File.SaveTexture" moved to llpanelmaininventory so that it can be properly handled. }