/** * @file llviewermenufile.cpp * @brief "File" menu in the main menu bar. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llviewermenufile.h" // project includes #include "llagent.h" #include "llagentcamera.h" #include "llfilepicker.h" #include "llfloaterreg.h" #include "llbuycurrencyhtml.h" #include "llfloatermap.h" #include "llfloatermodelpreview.h" #include "llfloatersnapshot.h" #include "llfloateroutfitsnapshot.h" #include "llimage.h" #include "llimagebmp.h" #include "llimagepng.h" #include "llimagej2c.h" #include "llimagejpeg.h" #include "llimagetga.h" #include "llinventorymodel.h" // gInventory #include "llresourcedata.h" #include "llfloaterperms.h" #include "llstatusbar.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" // gSavedSettings #include "llviewertexturelist.h" #include "lluictrlfactory.h" #include "llvfile.h" #include "llvfs.h" #include "llviewerinventory.h" #include "llviewermenu.h" // gMenuHolder #include "llviewerparcelmgr.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" #include "llviewerstats.h" #include "llviewerwindow.h" #include "llappviewer.h" #include "lluploaddialog.h" #include "lltrans.h" #include "llfloaterbuycurrency.h" #include "llviewerassetupload.h" // linden libraries #include "lleconomy.h" #include "llnotificationsutil.h" #include "llsdserialize.h" #include "llsdutil.h" #include "llstring.h" #include "lltransactiontypes.h" #include "lluuid.h" #include "llvorbisencode.h" #include "message.h" // system libraries #include class LLFileEnableUpload : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { return true; // bool new_value = gStatusBar && LLGlobalEconomy::Singleton::getInstance() && (gStatusBar->getBalance() >= LLGlobalEconomy::Singleton::getInstance()->getPriceUpload()); // return new_value; } }; class LLFileEnableUploadModel : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { return true; } }; class LLMeshEnabled : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { return gSavedSettings.getBOOL("MeshEnabled"); } }; class LLMeshUploadVisible : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { return gMeshRepo.meshUploadEnabled(); } }; LLMutex* LLFilePickerThread::sMutex = NULL; std::queue LLFilePickerThread::sDeadQ; void LLFilePickerThread::getFile() { #if LL_WINDOWS start(); #else run(); #endif } //virtual void LLFilePickerThread::run() { LLFilePicker picker; #if LL_WINDOWS if (picker.getOpenFile(mFilter, false)) { mFile = picker.getFirstFile(); } #else if (picker.getOpenFile(mFilter, true)) { mFile = picker.getFirstFile(); } #endif { LLMutexLock lock(sMutex); sDeadQ.push(this); } } //static void LLFilePickerThread::initClass() { sMutex = new LLMutex(NULL); } //static void LLFilePickerThread::cleanupClass() { clearDead(); delete sMutex; sMutex = NULL; } //static void LLFilePickerThread::clearDead() { if (!sDeadQ.empty()) { LLMutexLock lock(sMutex); while (!sDeadQ.empty()) { LLFilePickerThread* thread = sDeadQ.front(); thread->notify(thread->mFile); delete thread; sDeadQ.pop(); } } } //============================================================================ #if LL_WINDOWS static std::string SOUND_EXTENSIONS = "wav"; static std::string IMAGE_EXTENSIONS = "tga bmp jpg jpeg png"; static std::string ANIM_EXTENSIONS = "bvh anim"; #ifdef _CORY_TESTING static std::string GEOMETRY_EXTENSIONS = "slg"; #endif static std::string XML_EXTENSIONS = "xml"; static std::string SLOBJECT_EXTENSIONS = "slobject"; #endif static std::string ALL_FILE_EXTENSIONS = "*.*"; static std::string MODEL_EXTENSIONS = "dae"; std::string build_extensions_string(LLFilePicker::ELoadFilter filter) { switch(filter) { #if LL_WINDOWS case LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_IMAGE: return IMAGE_EXTENSIONS; case LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_WAV: return SOUND_EXTENSIONS; case LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_ANIM: return ANIM_EXTENSIONS; case LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_SLOBJECT: return SLOBJECT_EXTENSIONS; case LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_MODEL: return MODEL_EXTENSIONS; #ifdef _CORY_TESTING case LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_GEOMETRY: return GEOMETRY_EXTENSIONS; #endif case LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_XML: return XML_EXTENSIONS; case LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_ALL: case LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_EXE: return ALL_FILE_EXTENSIONS; #endif default: return ALL_FILE_EXTENSIONS; } } /** char* upload_pick(void* data) If applicable, brings up a file chooser in which the user selects a file to upload for a particular task. If the file is valid for the given action, returns the string to the full path filename, else returns NULL. Data is the load filter for the type of file as defined in LLFilePicker. **/ const std::string upload_pick(void* data) { if( gAgentCamera.cameraMouselook() ) { gAgentCamera.changeCameraToDefault(); // This doesn't seem necessary. JC // display(); } LLFilePicker::ELoadFilter type; if(data) { type = (LLFilePicker::ELoadFilter)((intptr_t)data); } else { type = LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_ALL; } LLFilePicker& picker = LLFilePicker::instance(); if (!picker.getOpenFile(type)) { LL_INFOS() << "Couldn't import objects from file" << LL_ENDL; return std::string(); } const std::string& filename = picker.getFirstFile(); std::string ext = gDirUtilp->getExtension(filename); //strincmp doesn't like NULL pointers if (ext.empty()) { std::string short_name = gDirUtilp->getBaseFileName(filename); // No extension LLSD args; args["FILE"] = short_name; LLNotificationsUtil::add("NoFileExtension", args); return std::string(); } else { //so there is an extension //loop over the valid extensions and compare to see //if the extension is valid //now grab the set of valid file extensions std::string valid_extensions = build_extensions_string(type); BOOL ext_valid = FALSE; typedef boost::tokenizer > tokenizer; boost::char_separator sep(" "); tokenizer tokens(valid_extensions, sep); tokenizer::iterator token_iter; //now loop over all valid file extensions //and compare them to the extension of the file //to be uploaded for( token_iter = tokens.begin(); token_iter != tokens.end() && ext_valid != TRUE; ++token_iter) { const std::string& cur_token = *token_iter; if (cur_token == ext || cur_token == "*.*") { //valid extension //or the acceptable extension is any ext_valid = TRUE; } }//end for (loop over all tokens) if (ext_valid == FALSE) { //should only get here if the extension exists //but is invalid LLSD args; args["EXTENSION"] = ext; args["VALIDS"] = valid_extensions; LLNotificationsUtil::add("InvalidFileExtension", args); return std::string(); } }//end else (non-null extension) //valid file extension //now we check to see //if the file is actually a valid image/sound/etc. if (type == LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_WAV) { // pre-qualify wavs to make sure the format is acceptable std::string error_msg; if (check_for_invalid_wav_formats(filename,error_msg)) { LL_INFOS() << error_msg << ": " << filename << LL_ENDL; LLSD args; args["FILE"] = filename; LLNotificationsUtil::add( error_msg, args ); return std::string(); } }//end if a wave/sound file return filename; } class LLFileUploadImage : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { std::string filename = upload_pick((void *)LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_IMAGE); if (!filename.empty()) { LLFloaterReg::showInstance("upload_image", LLSD(filename)); } return TRUE; } }; class LLFileUploadModel : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { LLFloaterModelPreview* fmp = (LLFloaterModelPreview*) LLFloaterReg::getInstance("upload_model"); if (fmp) { fmp->loadModel(3); } return TRUE; } }; class LLFileUploadSound : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { std::string filename = upload_pick((void*)LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_WAV); if (!filename.empty()) { LLFloaterReg::showInstance("upload_sound", LLSD(filename)); } return true; } }; class LLFileUploadAnim : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { const std::string filename = upload_pick((void*)LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_ANIM); if (!filename.empty()) { if (filename.rfind(".anim") != std::string::npos) { LLFloaterReg::showInstance("upload_anim_anim", LLSD(filename)); } else { LLFloaterReg::showInstance("upload_anim_bvh", LLSD(filename)); } } return true; } }; class LLFileUploadBulk : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { if( gAgentCamera.cameraMouselook() ) { gAgentCamera.changeCameraToDefault(); } // TODO: // Check extensions for uploadability, cost // Check user balance for entire cost // Charge user entire cost // Loop, uploading // If an upload fails, refund the user for that one // // Also fix single upload to charge first, then refund LLFilePicker& picker = LLFilePicker::instance(); if (picker.getMultipleOpenFiles()) { std::string filename = picker.getFirstFile(); S32 expected_upload_cost = LLGlobalEconomy::Singleton::getInstance()->getPriceUpload(); while (!filename.empty()) { std::string name = gDirUtilp->getBaseFileName(filename, true); std::string asset_name = name; LLStringUtil::replaceNonstandardASCII( asset_name, '?' ); LLStringUtil::replaceChar(asset_name, '|', '?'); LLStringUtil::stripNonprintable(asset_name); LLStringUtil::trim(asset_name); LLResourceUploadInfo::ptr_t uploadInfo(new LLNewFileResourceUploadInfo( filename, asset_name, asset_name, 0, LLFolderType::FT_NONE, LLInventoryType::IT_NONE, LLFloaterPerms::getNextOwnerPerms("Uploads"), LLFloaterPerms::getGroupPerms("Uploads"), LLFloaterPerms::getEveryonePerms("Uploads"), expected_upload_cost)); upload_new_resource(uploadInfo, NULL, NULL); filename = picker.getNextFile(); } } else { LL_INFOS() << "Couldn't import objects from file" << LL_ENDL; } return true; } }; void upload_error(const std::string& error_message, const std::string& label, const std::string& filename, const LLSD& args) { LL_WARNS() << error_message << LL_ENDL; LLNotificationsUtil::add(label, args); if(LLFile::remove(filename) == -1) { LL_DEBUGS() << "unable to remove temp file" << LL_ENDL; } LLFilePicker::instance().reset(); } class LLFileEnableCloseWindow : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { bool frontmost_fl_exists = (NULL != gFloaterView->getFrontmostClosableFloater()); bool frontmost_snapshot_fl_exists = (NULL != gSnapshotFloaterView->getFrontmostClosableFloater()); return frontmost_fl_exists || frontmost_snapshot_fl_exists; } }; class LLFileCloseWindow : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { bool frontmost_fl_exists = (NULL != gFloaterView->getFrontmostClosableFloater()); LLFloater* snapshot_floater = gSnapshotFloaterView->getFrontmostClosableFloater(); if(snapshot_floater && (!frontmost_fl_exists || snapshot_floater->hasFocus())) { snapshot_floater->closeFloater(); if (gFocusMgr.getKeyboardFocus() == NULL) { gFloaterView->focusFrontFloater(); } } else { LLFloater::closeFrontmostFloater(); } if (gMenuHolder) gMenuHolder->hideMenus(); return true; } }; class LLFileEnableCloseAllWindows : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { LLFloaterSnapshot* floater_snapshot = LLFloaterSnapshot::findInstance(); LLFloaterOutfitSnapshot* floater_outfit_snapshot = LLFloaterOutfitSnapshot::findInstance(); bool is_floaters_snapshot_opened = (floater_snapshot && floater_snapshot->isInVisibleChain()) || (floater_outfit_snapshot && floater_outfit_snapshot->isInVisibleChain()); bool open_children = gFloaterView->allChildrenClosed() && !is_floaters_snapshot_opened; return !open_children; } }; class LLFileCloseAllWindows : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { bool app_quitting = false; gFloaterView->closeAllChildren(app_quitting); LLFloaterSnapshot* floater_snapshot = LLFloaterSnapshot::findInstance(); if (floater_snapshot) floater_snapshot->closeFloater(app_quitting); LLFloaterOutfitSnapshot* floater_outfit_snapshot = LLFloaterOutfitSnapshot::findInstance(); if (floater_outfit_snapshot) floater_outfit_snapshot->closeFloater(app_quitting); if (gMenuHolder) gMenuHolder->hideMenus(); return true; } }; class LLFileTakeSnapshotToDisk : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { LLPointer raw = new LLImageRaw; S32 width = gViewerWindow->getWindowWidthRaw(); S32 height = gViewerWindow->getWindowHeightRaw(); if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("HighResSnapshot")) { width *= 2; height *= 2; } if (gViewerWindow->rawSnapshot(raw, width, height, TRUE, FALSE, gSavedSettings.getBOOL("RenderUIInSnapshot"), FALSE)) { gViewerWindow->playSnapshotAnimAndSound(); LLPointer formatted; LLSnapshotModel::ESnapshotFormat fmt = (LLSnapshotModel::ESnapshotFormat) gSavedSettings.getS32("SnapshotFormat"); switch (fmt) { case LLSnapshotModel::SNAPSHOT_FORMAT_JPEG: formatted = new LLImageJPEG(gSavedSettings.getS32("SnapshotQuality")); break; default: LL_WARNS() << "Unknown local snapshot format: " << fmt << LL_ENDL; case LLSnapshotModel::SNAPSHOT_FORMAT_PNG: formatted = new LLImagePNG; break; case LLSnapshotModel::SNAPSHOT_FORMAT_BMP: formatted = new LLImageBMP; break; } formatted->enableOverSize() ; formatted->encode(raw, 0); formatted->disableOverSize() ; gViewerWindow->saveImageNumbered(formatted); } return true; } }; class LLFileQuit : public view_listener_t { bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata) { LLAppViewer::instance()->userQuit(); return true; } }; void handle_compress_image(void*) { LLFilePicker& picker = LLFilePicker::instance(); if (picker.getMultipleOpenFiles(LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_IMAGE)) { std::string infile = picker.getFirstFile(); while (!infile.empty()) { std::string outfile = infile + ".j2c"; LL_INFOS() << "Input: " << infile << LL_ENDL; LL_INFOS() << "Output: " << outfile << LL_ENDL; BOOL success; success = LLViewerTextureList::createUploadFile(infile, outfile, IMG_CODEC_TGA); if (success) { LL_INFOS() << "Compression complete" << LL_ENDL; } else { LL_INFOS() << "Compression failed: " << LLImage::getLastError() << LL_ENDL; } infile = picker.getNextFile(); } } } LLUUID upload_new_resource( const std::string& src_filename, std::string name, std::string desc, S32 compression_info, LLFolderType::EType destination_folder_type, LLInventoryType::EType inv_type, U32 next_owner_perms, U32 group_perms, U32 everyone_perms, const std::string& display_name, LLAssetStorage::LLStoreAssetCallback callback, S32 expected_upload_cost, void *userdata) { LLResourceUploadInfo::ptr_t uploadInfo(new LLNewFileResourceUploadInfo( src_filename, name, desc, compression_info, destination_folder_type, inv_type, next_owner_perms, group_perms, everyone_perms, expected_upload_cost)); upload_new_resource(uploadInfo, callback, userdata); return LLUUID::null; } void upload_done_callback( const LLUUID& uuid, void* user_data, S32 result, LLExtStat ext_status) // StoreAssetData callback (fixed) { LLResourceData* data = (LLResourceData*)user_data; S32 expected_upload_cost = data ? data->mExpectedUploadCost : 0; //LLAssetType::EType pref_loc = data->mPreferredLocation; BOOL is_balance_sufficient = TRUE; if(data) { if (result >= 0) { LLFolderType::EType dest_loc = (data->mPreferredLocation == LLFolderType::FT_NONE) ? LLFolderType::assetTypeToFolderType(data->mAssetInfo.mType) : data->mPreferredLocation; if (LLAssetType::AT_SOUND == data->mAssetInfo.mType || LLAssetType::AT_TEXTURE == data->mAssetInfo.mType || LLAssetType::AT_ANIMATION == data->mAssetInfo.mType) { // Charge the user for the upload. LLViewerRegion* region = gAgent.getRegion(); if(!(can_afford_transaction(expected_upload_cost))) { LLStringUtil::format_map_t args; args["NAME"] = data->mAssetInfo.getName(); args["AMOUNT"] = llformat("%d", expected_upload_cost); LLBuyCurrencyHTML::openCurrencyFloater( LLTrans::getString("UploadingCosts", args), expected_upload_cost ); is_balance_sufficient = FALSE; } else if(region) { // Charge user for upload gStatusBar->debitBalance(expected_upload_cost); LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem; msg->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_MoneyTransferRequest); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID()); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID()); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_MoneyData); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SourceID, gAgent.getID()); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_DestID, LLUUID::null); msg->addU8("Flags", 0); // we tell the sim how much we were expecting to pay so it // can respond to any discrepancy msg->addS32Fast(_PREHASH_Amount, expected_upload_cost); msg->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_AggregatePermNextOwner, (U8)LLAggregatePermissions::AP_EMPTY); msg->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_AggregatePermInventory, (U8)LLAggregatePermissions::AP_EMPTY); msg->addS32Fast(_PREHASH_TransactionType, TRANS_UPLOAD_CHARGE); msg->addStringFast(_PREHASH_Description, NULL); msg->sendReliable(region->getHost()); } } if(is_balance_sufficient) { // Actually add the upload to inventory LL_INFOS() << "Adding " << uuid << " to inventory." << LL_ENDL; const LLUUID folder_id = gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(dest_loc); if(folder_id.notNull()) { U32 next_owner_perms = data->mNextOwnerPerm; if(PERM_NONE == next_owner_perms) { next_owner_perms = PERM_MOVE | PERM_TRANSFER; } create_inventory_item(gAgent.getID(), gAgent.getSessionID(), folder_id, data->mAssetInfo.mTransactionID, data->mAssetInfo.getName(), data->mAssetInfo.getDescription(), data->mAssetInfo.mType, data->mInventoryType, NOT_WEARABLE, next_owner_perms, LLPointer(NULL)); } else { LL_WARNS() << "Can't find a folder to put it in" << LL_ENDL; } } } else // if(result >= 0) { LLSD args; args["FILE"] = LLInventoryType::lookupHumanReadable(data->mInventoryType); args["REASON"] = std::string(LLAssetStorage::getErrorString(result)); LLNotificationsUtil::add("CannotUploadReason", args); } delete data; data = NULL; } LLUploadDialog::modalUploadFinished(); // *NOTE: This is a pretty big hack. What this does is check the // file picker if there are any more pending uploads. If so, // upload that file. const std::string& next_file = LLFilePicker::instance().getNextFile(); if(is_balance_sufficient && !next_file.empty()) { std::string asset_name = gDirUtilp->getBaseFileName(next_file, true); LLStringUtil::replaceNonstandardASCII( asset_name, '?' ); LLStringUtil::replaceChar(asset_name, '|', '?'); LLStringUtil::stripNonprintable(asset_name); LLStringUtil::trim(asset_name); std::string display_name = LLStringUtil::null; LLAssetStorage::LLStoreAssetCallback callback = NULL; void *userdata = NULL; upload_new_resource( next_file, asset_name, asset_name, // file 0, LLFolderType::FT_NONE, LLInventoryType::IT_NONE, LLFloaterPerms::getNextOwnerPerms("Uploads"), LLFloaterPerms::getGroupPerms("Uploads"), LLFloaterPerms::getEveryonePerms("Uploads"), display_name, callback, expected_upload_cost, // assuming next in a group of uploads is of roughly the same type, i.e. same upload cost userdata); } } void upload_new_resource( LLResourceUploadInfo::ptr_t &uploadInfo, LLAssetStorage::LLStoreAssetCallback callback, void *userdata) { if(gDisconnected) { return ; } // uploadInfo->setAssetType(assetType); // uploadInfo->setTransactionId(tid); std::string url = gAgent.getRegion()->getCapability("NewFileAgentInventory"); if ( !url.empty() ) { LLViewerAssetUpload::EnqueueInventoryUpload(url, uploadInfo); } else { uploadInfo->prepareUpload(); uploadInfo->logPreparedUpload(); LL_INFOS() << "NewAgentInventory capability not found, new agent inventory via asset system." << LL_ENDL; // check for adequate funds // TODO: do this check on the sim if (LLAssetType::AT_SOUND == uploadInfo->getAssetType() || LLAssetType::AT_TEXTURE == uploadInfo->getAssetType() || LLAssetType::AT_ANIMATION == uploadInfo->getAssetType()) { S32 balance = gStatusBar->getBalance(); if (balance < uploadInfo->getExpectedUploadCost()) { // insufficient funds, bail on this upload LLStringUtil::format_map_t args; args["NAME"] = uploadInfo->getName(); args["AMOUNT"] = llformat("%d", uploadInfo->getExpectedUploadCost()); LLBuyCurrencyHTML::openCurrencyFloater(LLTrans::getString("UploadingCosts", args), uploadInfo->getExpectedUploadCost()); return; } } LLResourceData* data = new LLResourceData; data->mAssetInfo.mTransactionID = uploadInfo->getTransactionId(); data->mAssetInfo.mUuid = uploadInfo->getAssetId(); data->mAssetInfo.mType = uploadInfo->getAssetType(); data->mAssetInfo.mCreatorID = gAgentID; data->mInventoryType = uploadInfo->getInventoryType(); data->mNextOwnerPerm = uploadInfo->getNextOwnerPerms(); data->mExpectedUploadCost = uploadInfo->getExpectedUploadCost(); data->mUserData = userdata; data->mAssetInfo.setName(uploadInfo->getName()); data->mAssetInfo.setDescription(uploadInfo->getDescription()); data->mPreferredLocation = uploadInfo->getDestinationFolderType(); LLAssetStorage::LLStoreAssetCallback asset_callback = &upload_done_callback; if (callback) { asset_callback = callback; } gAssetStorage->storeAssetData( data->mAssetInfo.mTransactionID, data->mAssetInfo.mType, asset_callback, (void*)data, FALSE); } } void init_menu_file() { view_listener_t::addCommit(new LLFileUploadImage(), "File.UploadImage"); view_listener_t::addCommit(new LLFileUploadSound(), "File.UploadSound"); view_listener_t::addCommit(new LLFileUploadAnim(), "File.UploadAnim"); view_listener_t::addCommit(new LLFileUploadModel(), "File.UploadModel"); view_listener_t::addCommit(new LLFileUploadBulk(), "File.UploadBulk"); view_listener_t::addCommit(new LLFileCloseWindow(), "File.CloseWindow"); view_listener_t::addCommit(new LLFileCloseAllWindows(), "File.CloseAllWindows"); view_listener_t::addEnable(new LLFileEnableCloseWindow(), "File.EnableCloseWindow"); view_listener_t::addEnable(new LLFileEnableCloseAllWindows(), "File.EnableCloseAllWindows"); view_listener_t::addCommit(new LLFileTakeSnapshotToDisk(), "File.TakeSnapshotToDisk"); view_listener_t::addCommit(new LLFileQuit(), "File.Quit"); view_listener_t::addEnable(new LLFileEnableUpload(), "File.EnableUpload"); view_listener_t::addEnable(new LLFileEnableUploadModel(), "File.EnableUploadModel"); view_listener_t::addMenu(new LLMeshEnabled(), "File.MeshEnabled"); view_listener_t::addMenu(new LLMeshUploadVisible(), "File.VisibleUploadModel"); // "File.SaveTexture" moved to llpanelmaininventory so that it can be properly handled. }