/** * @file llviewermedia.cpp * @brief Client interface to the media engine * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewergpl$ * * Copyright (c) 2007-2009, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llagent.h" #include "llviewermedia.h" #include "llviewermediafocus.h" #include "llmimetypes.h" #include "llmediaentry.h" #include "llversioninfo.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llviewertexture.h" #include "llviewerparcelmedia.h" #include "llviewerparcelmgr.h" #include "llviewertexturelist.h" #include "llvovolume.h" #include "llpluginclassmedia.h" #include "llviewerwindow.h" #include "llfocusmgr.h" #include "llcallbacklist.h" #include "llparcel.h" #include "llaudioengine.h" // for gAudiop #include "llvoavatar.h" #include "llvoavatarself.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" #include "llevent.h" // LLSimpleListener #include "llnotificationsutil.h" #include "lluuid.h" #include "llkeyboard.h" #include "llmutelist.h" //#include "llfirstuse.h" #include "llwindow.h" #include // for SkinFolder listener #include /*static*/ const char* LLViewerMedia::AUTO_PLAY_MEDIA_SETTING = "ParcelMediaAutoPlayEnable"; /*static*/ const char* LLViewerMedia::SHOW_MEDIA_ON_OTHERS_SETTING = "MediaShowOnOthers"; /*static*/ const char* LLViewerMedia::SHOW_MEDIA_WITHIN_PARCEL_SETTING = "MediaShowWithinParcel"; /*static*/ const char* LLViewerMedia::SHOW_MEDIA_OUTSIDE_PARCEL_SETTING = "MediaShowOutsideParcel"; // Move this to its own file. LLViewerMediaEventEmitter::~LLViewerMediaEventEmitter() { observerListType::iterator iter = mObservers.begin(); while( iter != mObservers.end() ) { LLViewerMediaObserver *self = *iter; iter++; remObserver(self); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // bool LLViewerMediaEventEmitter::addObserver( LLViewerMediaObserver* observer ) { if ( ! observer ) return false; if ( std::find( mObservers.begin(), mObservers.end(), observer ) != mObservers.end() ) return false; mObservers.push_back( observer ); observer->mEmitters.push_back( this ); return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // bool LLViewerMediaEventEmitter::remObserver( LLViewerMediaObserver* observer ) { if ( ! observer ) return false; mObservers.remove( observer ); observer->mEmitters.remove(this); return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // void LLViewerMediaEventEmitter::emitEvent( LLPluginClassMedia* media, LLViewerMediaObserver::EMediaEvent event ) { // Broadcast the event to any observers. observerListType::iterator iter = mObservers.begin(); while( iter != mObservers.end() ) { LLViewerMediaObserver *self = *iter; ++iter; self->handleMediaEvent( media, event ); } } // Move this to its own file. LLViewerMediaObserver::~LLViewerMediaObserver() { std::list::iterator iter = mEmitters.begin(); while( iter != mEmitters.end() ) { LLViewerMediaEventEmitter *self = *iter; iter++; self->remObserver( this ); } } // Move this to its own file. // helper class that tries to download a URL from a web site and calls a method // on the Panel Land Media and to discover the MIME type class LLMimeDiscoveryResponder : public LLHTTPClient::Responder { LOG_CLASS(LLMimeDiscoveryResponder); public: LLMimeDiscoveryResponder( viewer_media_t media_impl) : mMediaImpl(media_impl), mInitialized(false) { if(mMediaImpl->mMimeTypeProbe != NULL) { llerrs << "impl already has an outstanding responder" << llendl; } mMediaImpl->mMimeTypeProbe = this; } ~LLMimeDiscoveryResponder() { disconnectOwner(); } virtual void completedHeader(U32 status, const std::string& reason, const LLSD& content) { std::string media_type = content["content-type"].asString(); std::string::size_type idx1 = media_type.find_first_of(";"); std::string mime_type = media_type.substr(0, idx1); lldebugs << "status is " << status << ", media type \"" << media_type << "\"" << llendl; // 2xx status codes indicate success. // Most 4xx status codes are successful enough for our purposes. // 499 is the error code for host not found, timeout, etc. // 500 means "Internal Server error" but we decided it's okay to // accept this and go past it in the MIME type probe // 302 means the resource can be found temporarily in a different place - added this for join.secondlife.com // 499 is a code specifc to join.secondlife.com (????) apparently safe to ignore // if( ((status >= 200) && (status < 300)) || // ((status >= 400) && (status < 499)) || // (status == 500) || // (status == 302) || // (status == 499) // ) // We now no longer check the error code returned from the probe. // If we have a mime type, use it. If not, default to the web plugin and let it handle error reporting. if(1) { // The probe was successful. if(mime_type.empty()) { // Some sites don't return any content-type header at all. // Treat an empty mime type as text/html. mime_type = "text/html"; } completeAny(status, mime_type); } else { llwarns << "responder failed with status " << status << ", reason " << reason << llendl; if(mMediaImpl) { mMediaImpl->mMediaSourceFailed = true; } } } void completeAny(U32 status, const std::string& mime_type) { // the call to initializeMedia may disconnect the responder, which will clear mMediaImpl. // Make a local copy so we can call loadURI() afterwards. LLViewerMediaImpl *impl = mMediaImpl; if(impl && !mInitialized && ! mime_type.empty()) { if(impl->initializeMedia(mime_type)) { mInitialized = true; impl->loadURI(); disconnectOwner(); } } } void cancelRequest() { disconnectOwner(); } private: void disconnectOwner() { if(mMediaImpl) { if(mMediaImpl->mMimeTypeProbe != this) { llerrs << "internal error: mMediaImpl->mMimeTypeProbe != this" << llendl; } mMediaImpl->mMimeTypeProbe = NULL; } mMediaImpl = NULL; } public: LLViewerMediaImpl *mMediaImpl; bool mInitialized; }; static LLViewerMedia::impl_list sViewerMediaImplList; static LLViewerMedia::impl_id_map sViewerMediaTextureIDMap; static LLTimer sMediaCreateTimer; static const F32 LLVIEWERMEDIA_CREATE_DELAY = 1.0f; static F32 sGlobalVolume = 1.0f; static F64 sLowestLoadableImplInterest = 0.0f; static bool sAnyMediaShowing = false; static boost::signals2::connection sTeleportFinishConnection; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void add_media_impl(LLViewerMediaImpl* media) { sViewerMediaImplList.push_back(media); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void remove_media_impl(LLViewerMediaImpl* media) { LLViewerMedia::impl_list::iterator iter = sViewerMediaImplList.begin(); LLViewerMedia::impl_list::iterator end = sViewerMediaImplList.end(); for(; iter != end; iter++) { if(media == *iter) { sViewerMediaImplList.erase(iter); return; } } } class LLViewerMediaMuteListObserver : public LLMuteListObserver { /* virtual */ void onChange() { LLViewerMedia::muteListChanged();} }; static LLViewerMediaMuteListObserver sViewerMediaMuteListObserver; static bool sViewerMediaMuteListObserverInitialized = false; static bool sInWorldMediaDisabled = false; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LLViewerMedia ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static viewer_media_t LLViewerMedia::newMediaImpl( const LLUUID& texture_id, S32 media_width, S32 media_height, U8 media_auto_scale, U8 media_loop) { LLViewerMediaImpl* media_impl = getMediaImplFromTextureID(texture_id); if(media_impl == NULL || texture_id.isNull()) { // Create the media impl media_impl = new LLViewerMediaImpl(texture_id, media_width, media_height, media_auto_scale, media_loop); } else { media_impl->unload(); media_impl->setTextureID(texture_id); media_impl->mMediaWidth = media_width; media_impl->mMediaHeight = media_height; media_impl->mMediaAutoScale = media_auto_scale; media_impl->mMediaLoop = media_loop; } return media_impl; } viewer_media_t LLViewerMedia::updateMediaImpl(LLMediaEntry* media_entry, const std::string& previous_url, bool update_from_self) { // Try to find media with the same media ID viewer_media_t media_impl = getMediaImplFromTextureID(media_entry->getMediaID()); lldebugs << "called, current URL is \"" << media_entry->getCurrentURL() << "\", previous URL is \"" << previous_url << "\", update_from_self is " << (update_from_self?"true":"false") << llendl; bool was_loaded = false; bool needs_navigate = false; if(media_impl) { was_loaded = media_impl->hasMedia(); media_impl->setHomeURL(media_entry->getHomeURL()); media_impl->mMediaAutoScale = media_entry->getAutoScale(); media_impl->mMediaLoop = media_entry->getAutoLoop(); media_impl->mMediaWidth = media_entry->getWidthPixels(); media_impl->mMediaHeight = media_entry->getHeightPixels(); media_impl->mMediaAutoPlay = media_entry->getAutoPlay(); media_impl->mMediaEntryURL = media_entry->getCurrentURL(); if (media_impl->mMediaSource) { media_impl->mMediaSource->setAutoScale(media_impl->mMediaAutoScale); media_impl->mMediaSource->setLoop(media_impl->mMediaLoop); media_impl->mMediaSource->setSize(media_entry->getWidthPixels(), media_entry->getHeightPixels()); } bool url_changed = (media_impl->mMediaEntryURL != previous_url); if(media_impl->mMediaEntryURL.empty()) { if(url_changed) { // The current media URL is now empty. Unload the media source. media_impl->unload(); lldebugs << "Unloading media instance (new current URL is empty)." << llendl; } } else { // The current media URL is not empty. // If (the media was already loaded OR the media was set to autoplay) AND this update didn't come from this agent, // do a navigate. bool auto_play = media_impl->isAutoPlayable(); if((was_loaded || auto_play) && !update_from_self) { needs_navigate = url_changed; } lldebugs << "was_loaded is " << (was_loaded?"true":"false") << ", auto_play is " << (auto_play?"true":"false") << ", needs_navigate is " << (needs_navigate?"true":"false") << llendl; } } else { media_impl = newMediaImpl( media_entry->getMediaID(), media_entry->getWidthPixels(), media_entry->getHeightPixels(), media_entry->getAutoScale(), media_entry->getAutoLoop()); media_impl->setHomeURL(media_entry->getHomeURL()); media_impl->mMediaAutoPlay = media_entry->getAutoPlay(); media_impl->mMediaEntryURL = media_entry->getCurrentURL(); if(media_impl->isAutoPlayable()) { needs_navigate = true; } } if(media_impl) { if(needs_navigate) { media_impl->navigateTo(media_impl->mMediaEntryURL, "", true, true); lldebugs << "navigating to URL " << media_impl->mMediaEntryURL << llendl; } else if(!media_impl->mMediaURL.empty() && (media_impl->mMediaURL != media_impl->mMediaEntryURL)) { // If we already have a non-empty media URL set and we aren't doing a navigate, update the media URL to match the media entry. media_impl->mMediaURL = media_impl->mMediaEntryURL; // If this causes a navigate at some point (such as after a reload), it should be considered server-driven so it isn't broadcast. media_impl->mNavigateServerRequest = true; lldebugs << "updating URL in the media impl to " << media_impl->mMediaEntryURL << llendl; } } return media_impl; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static LLViewerMediaImpl* LLViewerMedia::getMediaImplFromTextureID(const LLUUID& texture_id) { LLViewerMediaImpl* result = NULL; // Look up the texture ID in the texture id->impl map. impl_id_map::iterator iter = sViewerMediaTextureIDMap.find(texture_id); if(iter != sViewerMediaTextureIDMap.end()) { result = iter->second; } return result; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static std::string LLViewerMedia::getCurrentUserAgent() { // Don't use user-visible string to avoid // punctuation and strange characters. std::string skin_name = gSavedSettings.getString("SkinCurrent"); // Just in case we need to check browser differences in A/B test // builds. std::string channel = gSavedSettings.getString("VersionChannelName"); // append our magic version number string to the browser user agent id // See the HTTP 1.0 and 1.1 specifications for allowed formats: // http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1945.txt section 10.15 // http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2068.txt section 3.8 // This was also helpful: // http://www.mozilla.org/build/revised-user-agent-strings.html std::ostringstream codec; codec << "SecondLife/"; codec << LLVersionInfo::getVersion(); codec << " (" << channel << "; " << skin_name << " skin)"; llinfos << codec.str() << llendl; return codec.str(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static void LLViewerMedia::updateBrowserUserAgent() { std::string user_agent = getCurrentUserAgent(); impl_list::iterator iter = sViewerMediaImplList.begin(); impl_list::iterator end = sViewerMediaImplList.end(); for(; iter != end; iter++) { LLViewerMediaImpl* pimpl = *iter; if(pimpl->mMediaSource && pimpl->mMediaSource->pluginSupportsMediaBrowser()) { pimpl->mMediaSource->setBrowserUserAgent(user_agent); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static bool LLViewerMedia::handleSkinCurrentChanged(const LLSD& /*newvalue*/) { // gSavedSettings is already updated when this function is called. updateBrowserUserAgent(); return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static bool LLViewerMedia::textureHasMedia(const LLUUID& texture_id) { impl_list::iterator iter = sViewerMediaImplList.begin(); impl_list::iterator end = sViewerMediaImplList.end(); for(; iter != end; iter++) { LLViewerMediaImpl* pimpl = *iter; if(pimpl->getMediaTextureID() == texture_id) { return true; } } return false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static void LLViewerMedia::setVolume(F32 volume) { if(volume != sGlobalVolume) { sGlobalVolume = volume; impl_list::iterator iter = sViewerMediaImplList.begin(); impl_list::iterator end = sViewerMediaImplList.end(); for(; iter != end; iter++) { LLViewerMediaImpl* pimpl = *iter; pimpl->updateVolume(); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static F32 LLViewerMedia::getVolume() { return sGlobalVolume; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static void LLViewerMedia::muteListChanged() { // When the mute list changes, we need to check mute status on all impls. impl_list::iterator iter = sViewerMediaImplList.begin(); impl_list::iterator end = sViewerMediaImplList.end(); for(; iter != end; iter++) { LLViewerMediaImpl* pimpl = *iter; pimpl->mNeedsMuteCheck = true; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static void LLViewerMedia::setInWorldMediaDisabled(bool disabled) { sInWorldMediaDisabled = disabled; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static bool LLViewerMedia::getInWorldMediaDisabled() { return sInWorldMediaDisabled; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static bool LLViewerMedia::isInterestingEnough(const LLVOVolume *object, const F64 &object_interest) { bool result = false; if (NULL == object) { result = false; } // Focused? Then it is interesting! else if (LLViewerMediaFocus::getInstance()->getFocusedObjectID() == object->getID()) { result = true; } // Selected? Then it is interesting! // XXX Sadly, 'contains()' doesn't take a const :( else if (LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->contains(const_cast(object))) { result = true; } else { lldebugs << "object interest = " << object_interest << ", lowest loadable = " << sLowestLoadableImplInterest << llendl; if(object_interest >= sLowestLoadableImplInterest) result = true; } return result; } LLViewerMedia::impl_list &LLViewerMedia::getPriorityList() { return sViewerMediaImplList; } // This is the predicate function used to sort sViewerMediaImplList by priority. bool LLViewerMedia::priorityComparitor(const LLViewerMediaImpl* i1, const LLViewerMediaImpl* i2) { if(i1->isForcedUnloaded() && !i2->isForcedUnloaded()) { // Muted or failed items always go to the end of the list, period. return false; } else if(i2->isForcedUnloaded() && !i1->isForcedUnloaded()) { // Muted or failed items always go to the end of the list, period. return true; } else if(i1->hasFocus()) { // The item with user focus always comes to the front of the list, period. return true; } else if(i2->hasFocus()) { // The item with user focus always comes to the front of the list, period. return false; } else if(i1->isParcelMedia()) { // The parcel media impl sorts above all other inworld media, unless one has focus. return true; } else if(i2->isParcelMedia()) { // The parcel media impl sorts above all other inworld media, unless one has focus. return false; } else if(i1->getUsedInUI() && !i2->getUsedInUI()) { // i1 is a UI element, i2 is not. This makes i1 "less than" i2, so it sorts earlier in our list. return true; } else if(i2->getUsedInUI() && !i1->getUsedInUI()) { // i2 is a UI element, i1 is not. This makes i2 "less than" i1, so it sorts earlier in our list. return false; } else if(i1->isPlayable() && !i2->isPlayable()) { // Playable items sort above ones that wouldn't play even if they got high enough priority return true; } else if(!i1->isPlayable() && i2->isPlayable()) { // Playable items sort above ones that wouldn't play even if they got high enough priority return false; } else if(i1->getInterest() == i2->getInterest()) { // Generally this will mean both objects have zero interest. In this case, sort on distance. return (i1->getProximityDistance() < i2->getProximityDistance()); } else { // The object with the larger interest value should be earlier in the list, so we reverse the sense of the comparison here. return (i1->getInterest() > i2->getInterest()); } } static bool proximity_comparitor(const LLViewerMediaImpl* i1, const LLViewerMediaImpl* i2) { if(i1->getProximityDistance() < i2->getProximityDistance()) { return true; } else if(i1->getProximityDistance() > i2->getProximityDistance()) { return false; } else { // Both objects have the same distance. This most likely means they're two faces of the same object. // They may also be faces on different objects with exactly the same distance (like HUD objects). // We don't actually care what the sort order is for this case, as long as it's stable and doesn't change when you enable/disable media. // Comparing the impl pointers gives a completely arbitrary ordering, but it will be stable. return (i1 < i2); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static void LLViewerMedia::updateMedia(void *dummy_arg) { sAnyMediaShowing = false; impl_list::iterator iter = sViewerMediaImplList.begin(); impl_list::iterator end = sViewerMediaImplList.end(); for(; iter != end;) { LLViewerMediaImpl* pimpl = *iter++; pimpl->update(); pimpl->calculateInterest(); } // Sort the static instance list using our interest criteria std::stable_sort(sViewerMediaImplList.begin(), sViewerMediaImplList.end(), priorityComparitor); // Go through the list again and adjust according to priority. iter = sViewerMediaImplList.begin(); end = sViewerMediaImplList.end(); F64 total_cpu = 0.0f; int impl_count_total = 0; int impl_count_interest_low = 0; int impl_count_interest_normal = 0; std::vector proximity_order; bool inworld_media_enabled = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("AudioStreamingMedia"); bool inworld_audio_enabled = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("AudioStreamingMusic"); U32 max_instances = gSavedSettings.getU32("PluginInstancesTotal"); U32 max_normal = gSavedSettings.getU32("PluginInstancesNormal"); U32 max_low = gSavedSettings.getU32("PluginInstancesLow"); F32 max_cpu = gSavedSettings.getF32("PluginInstancesCPULimit"); // Setting max_cpu to 0.0 disables CPU usage checking. bool check_cpu_usage = (max_cpu != 0.0f); LLViewerMediaImpl* lowest_interest_loadable = NULL; // Notes on tweakable params: // max_instances must be set high enough to allow the various instances used in the UI (for the help browser, search, etc.) to be loaded. // If max_normal + max_low is less than max_instances, things will tend to get unloaded instead of being set to slideshow. for(; iter != end; iter++) { LLViewerMediaImpl* pimpl = *iter; LLPluginClassMedia::EPriority new_priority = LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_NORMAL; if(pimpl->isForcedUnloaded() || (impl_count_total >= (int)max_instances)) { // Never load muted or failed impls. // Hard limit on the number of instances that will be loaded at one time new_priority = LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_UNLOADED; } else if(!pimpl->getVisible()) { new_priority = LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_HIDDEN; } else if(pimpl->hasFocus()) { new_priority = LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_HIGH; impl_count_interest_normal++; // count this against the count of "normal" instances for priority purposes } else if(pimpl->getUsedInUI()) { new_priority = LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_NORMAL; impl_count_interest_normal++; } else if(pimpl->isParcelMedia()) { new_priority = LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_NORMAL; impl_count_interest_normal++; } else { // Look at interest and CPU usage for instances that aren't in any of the above states. // Heuristic -- if the media texture's approximate screen area is less than 1/4 of the native area of the texture, // turn it down to low instead of normal. This may downsample for plugins that support it. bool media_is_small = false; F64 approximate_interest = pimpl->getApproximateTextureInterest(); if(approximate_interest == 0.0f) { // this media has no current size, which probably means it's not loaded. media_is_small = true; } else if(pimpl->getInterest() < (approximate_interest / 4)) { media_is_small = true; } if(pimpl->getInterest() == 0.0f) { // This media is completely invisible, due to being outside the view frustrum or out of range. new_priority = LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_HIDDEN; } else if(check_cpu_usage && (total_cpu > max_cpu)) { // Higher priority plugins have already used up the CPU budget. Set remaining ones to slideshow priority. new_priority = LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_SLIDESHOW; } else if((impl_count_interest_normal < (int)max_normal) && !media_is_small) { // Up to max_normal inworld get normal priority new_priority = LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_NORMAL; impl_count_interest_normal++; } else if (impl_count_interest_low + impl_count_interest_normal < (int)max_low + (int)max_normal) { // The next max_low inworld get turned down new_priority = LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_LOW; impl_count_interest_low++; // Set the low priority size for downsampling to approximately the size the texture is displayed at. { F32 approximate_interest_dimension = fsqrtf(pimpl->getInterest()); pimpl->setLowPrioritySizeLimit(llround(approximate_interest_dimension)); } } else { // Any additional impls (up to max_instances) get very infrequent time new_priority = LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_SLIDESHOW; } } if(!pimpl->getUsedInUI() && (new_priority != LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_UNLOADED)) { // This is a loadable inworld impl -- the last one in the list in this class defines the lowest loadable interest. lowest_interest_loadable = pimpl; impl_count_total++; } // Overrides if the window is minimized or we lost focus (taking care // not to accidentally "raise" the priority either) if (!gViewerWindow->getActive() /* viewer window minimized? */ && new_priority > LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_HIDDEN) { new_priority = LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_HIDDEN; } else if (!gFocusMgr.getAppHasFocus() /* viewer window lost focus? */ && new_priority > LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_LOW) { new_priority = LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_LOW; } if(!inworld_media_enabled) { // If inworld media is locked out, force all inworld media to stay unloaded. if(!pimpl->getUsedInUI()) { new_priority = LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_UNLOADED; } } // update the audio stream here as well if( !inworld_audio_enabled) { if(LLViewerMedia::isParcelAudioPlaying() && gAudiop && LLViewerMedia::hasParcelAudio()) { gAudiop->stopInternetStream(); } } pimpl->setPriority(new_priority); if(pimpl->getUsedInUI()) { // Any impls used in the UI should not be in the proximity list. pimpl->mProximity = -1; } else { proximity_order.push_back(pimpl); } total_cpu += pimpl->getCPUUsage(); if (!pimpl->getUsedInUI() && pimpl->hasMedia()) { sAnyMediaShowing = true; } } // Re-calculate this every time. sLowestLoadableImplInterest = 0.0f; // Only do this calculation if we've hit the impl count limit -- up until that point we always need to load media data. if(lowest_interest_loadable && (impl_count_total >= (int)max_instances)) { // Get the interest value of this impl's object for use by isInterestingEnough LLVOVolume *object = lowest_interest_loadable->getSomeObject(); if(object) { // NOTE: Don't use getMediaInterest() here. We want the pixel area, not the total media interest, // so that we match up with the calculation done in LLMediaDataClient. sLowestLoadableImplInterest = object->getPixelArea(); } } if(gSavedSettings.getBOOL("MediaPerformanceManagerDebug")) { // Give impls the same ordering as the priority list // they're already in the right order for this. } else { // Use a distance-based sort for proximity values. std::stable_sort(proximity_order.begin(), proximity_order.end(), proximity_comparitor); } // Transfer the proximity order to the proximity fields in the objects. for(int i = 0; i < (int)proximity_order.size(); i++) { proximity_order[i]->mProximity = i; } LL_DEBUGS("PluginPriority") << "Total reported CPU usage is " << total_cpu << llendl; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static bool LLViewerMedia::isAnyMediaShowing() { return sAnyMediaShowing; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static void LLViewerMedia::setAllMediaEnabled(bool val) { // Set "tentative" autoplay first. We need to do this here or else // re-enabling won't start up the media below. gSavedSettings.setBOOL("MediaTentativeAutoPlay", val); // Then impl_list::iterator iter = sViewerMediaImplList.begin(); impl_list::iterator end = sViewerMediaImplList.end(); for(; iter != end; iter++) { LLViewerMediaImpl* pimpl = *iter; if (!pimpl->getUsedInUI()) { pimpl->setDisabled(!val); } } // Also do Parcel Media and Parcel Audio if (val) { if (!LLViewerMedia::isParcelMediaPlaying() && LLViewerMedia::hasParcelMedia()) { LLViewerParcelMedia::play(LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getAgentParcel()); } if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("AudioStreamingMusic") && !LLViewerMedia::isParcelAudioPlaying() && gAudiop && LLViewerMedia::hasParcelAudio()) { gAudiop->startInternetStream(LLViewerMedia::getParcelAudioURL()); } } else { // This actually unloads the impl, as opposed to "stop"ping the media LLViewerParcelMedia::stop(); if (gAudiop) gAudiop->stopInternetStream(); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static bool LLViewerMedia::isParcelMediaPlaying() { return (LLViewerMedia::hasParcelMedia() && LLViewerParcelMedia::getParcelMedia() && LLViewerParcelMedia::getParcelMedia()->hasMedia()); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static bool LLViewerMedia::isParcelAudioPlaying() { return (LLViewerMedia::hasParcelAudio() && gAudiop && LLAudioEngine::AUDIO_PLAYING == gAudiop->isInternetStreamPlaying()); } bool LLViewerMedia::hasInWorldMedia() { if (sInWorldMediaDisabled) return false; impl_list::iterator iter = sViewerMediaImplList.begin(); impl_list::iterator end = sViewerMediaImplList.end(); // This should be quick, because there should be very few non-in-world-media impls for (; iter != end; iter++) { LLViewerMediaImpl* pimpl = *iter; if (!pimpl->getUsedInUI() && !pimpl->isParcelMedia()) { // Found an in-world media impl return true; } } return false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static bool LLViewerMedia::hasParcelMedia() { return !LLViewerParcelMedia::getURL().empty(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static bool LLViewerMedia::hasParcelAudio() { return !LLViewerMedia::getParcelAudioURL().empty(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static std::string LLViewerMedia::getParcelAudioURL() { return LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getAgentParcel()->getMusicURL(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static void LLViewerMedia::initClass() { gIdleCallbacks.addFunction(LLViewerMedia::updateMedia, NULL); sTeleportFinishConnection = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()-> setTeleportFinishedCallback(boost::bind(&LLViewerMedia::onTeleportFinished)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static void LLViewerMedia::cleanupClass() { gIdleCallbacks.deleteFunction(LLViewerMedia::updateMedia, NULL); sTeleportFinishConnection.disconnect(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static void LLViewerMedia::onTeleportFinished() { // On teleport, clear this setting (i.e. set it to true) gSavedSettings.setBOOL("MediaTentativeAutoPlay", true); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LLViewerMediaImpl ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LLViewerMediaImpl::LLViewerMediaImpl( const LLUUID& texture_id, S32 media_width, S32 media_height, U8 media_auto_scale, U8 media_loop) : mMediaSource( NULL ), mMovieImageHasMips(false), mMediaWidth(media_width), mMediaHeight(media_height), mMediaAutoScale(media_auto_scale), mMediaLoop(media_loop), mNeedsNewTexture(true), mTextureUsedWidth(0), mTextureUsedHeight(0), mSuspendUpdates(false), mVisible(true), mLastSetCursor( UI_CURSOR_ARROW ), mMediaNavState( MEDIANAVSTATE_NONE ), mInterest(0.0f), mUsedInUI(false), mHasFocus(false), mPriority(LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_UNLOADED), mNavigateRediscoverType(false), mNavigateServerRequest(false), mMediaSourceFailed(false), mRequestedVolume(1.0f), mIsMuted(false), mNeedsMuteCheck(false), mPreviousMediaState(MEDIA_NONE), mPreviousMediaTime(0.0f), mIsDisabled(false), mIsParcelMedia(false), mProximity(-1), mProximityDistance(0.0f), mMimeTypeProbe(NULL), mMediaAutoPlay(false), mInNearbyMediaList(false), mClearCache(false), mBackgroundColor(LLColor4::white), mNavigateSuspended(false), mNavigateSuspendedDeferred(false), mIsUpdated(false) { // Set up the mute list observer if it hasn't been set up already. if(!sViewerMediaMuteListObserverInitialized) { LLMuteList::getInstance()->addObserver(&sViewerMediaMuteListObserver); sViewerMediaMuteListObserverInitialized = true; } add_media_impl(this); setTextureID(texture_id); // connect this media_impl to the media texture, creating it if it doesn't exist.0 // This is necessary because we need to be able to use getMaxVirtualSize() even if the media plugin is not loaded. LLViewerMediaTexture* media_tex = LLViewerTextureManager::getMediaTexture(mTextureId); if(media_tex) { media_tex->setMediaImpl(); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LLViewerMediaImpl::~LLViewerMediaImpl() { if( gEditMenuHandler == this ) { gEditMenuHandler = NULL; } destroyMediaSource(); LLViewerMediaTexture::removeMediaImplFromTexture(mTextureId) ; setTextureID(); remove_media_impl(this); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::emitEvent(LLPluginClassMedia* plugin, LLViewerMediaObserver::EMediaEvent event) { // Broadcast to observers using the superclass version LLViewerMediaEventEmitter::emitEvent(plugin, event); // If this media is on one or more LLVOVolume objects, tell them about the event as well. std::list< LLVOVolume* >::iterator iter = mObjectList.begin() ; while(iter != mObjectList.end()) { LLVOVolume *self = *iter; ++iter; self->mediaEvent(this, plugin, event); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool LLViewerMediaImpl::initializeMedia(const std::string& mime_type) { bool mimeTypeChanged = (mMimeType != mime_type); bool pluginChanged = (LLMIMETypes::implType(mCurrentMimeType) != LLMIMETypes::implType(mime_type)); if(!mMediaSource || pluginChanged) { // We don't have a plugin at all, or the new mime type is handled by a different plugin than the old mime type. (void)initializePlugin(mime_type); } else if(mimeTypeChanged) { // The same plugin should be able to handle the new media -- just update the stored mime type. mMimeType = mime_type; } return (mMediaSource != NULL); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::createMediaSource() { if(mPriority == LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_UNLOADED) { // This media shouldn't be created yet. return; } if(! mMediaURL.empty()) { navigateInternal(); } else if(! mMimeType.empty()) { initializeMedia(mMimeType); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::destroyMediaSource() { mNeedsNewTexture = true; // Tell the viewer media texture it's no longer active LLViewerMediaTexture* oldImage = LLViewerTextureManager::findMediaTexture( mTextureId ); if (oldImage) { oldImage->setPlaying(FALSE) ; } cancelMimeTypeProbe(); if(mMediaSource) { delete mMediaSource; mMediaSource = NULL; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::setMediaType(const std::string& media_type) { mMimeType = media_type; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*static*/ LLPluginClassMedia* LLViewerMediaImpl::newSourceFromMediaType(std::string media_type, LLPluginClassMediaOwner *owner /* may be NULL */, S32 default_width, S32 default_height) { std::string plugin_basename = LLMIMETypes::implType(media_type); if(plugin_basename.empty()) { LL_WARNS("Media") << "Couldn't find plugin for media type " << media_type << LL_ENDL; } else { std::string launcher_name = gDirUtilp->getLLPluginLauncher(); std::string plugin_name = gDirUtilp->getLLPluginFilename(plugin_basename); std::string user_data_path = gDirUtilp->getOSUserAppDir(); user_data_path += gDirUtilp->getDirDelimiter(); // Fix for EXT-5960 - make browser profile specific to user (cache, cookies etc.) // If the linden username returned is blank, that can only mean we are // at the login page displaying login Web page or Web browser test via Develop menu. // In this case we just use whatever gDirUtilp->getOSUserAppDir() gives us (this // is what we always used before this change) std::string linden_user_dir = gDirUtilp->getLindenUserDir(); if ( ! linden_user_dir.empty() ) { // gDirUtilp->getLindenUserDir() is whole path, not just Linden name user_data_path = linden_user_dir; user_data_path += gDirUtilp->getDirDelimiter(); }; // See if the plugin executable exists llstat s; if(LLFile::stat(launcher_name, &s)) { LL_WARNS("Media") << "Couldn't find launcher at " << launcher_name << LL_ENDL; } else if(LLFile::stat(plugin_name, &s)) { LL_WARNS("Media") << "Couldn't find plugin at " << plugin_name << LL_ENDL; } else { LLPluginClassMedia* media_source = new LLPluginClassMedia(owner); media_source->setSize(default_width, default_height); if (media_source->init(launcher_name, plugin_name, gSavedSettings.getBOOL("PluginAttachDebuggerToPlugins"), user_data_path)) { return media_source; } else { LL_WARNS("Media") << "Failed to init plugin. Destroying." << LL_ENDL; delete media_source; } } } LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "plugin intialization failed for mime type: " << media_type << LL_ENDL; LLSD args; args["MIME_TYPE"] = media_type; LLNotificationsUtil::add("NoPlugin", args); return NULL; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool LLViewerMediaImpl::initializePlugin(const std::string& media_type) { if(mMediaSource) { // Save the previous media source's last set size before destroying it. mMediaWidth = mMediaSource->getSetWidth(); mMediaHeight = mMediaSource->getSetHeight(); } // Always delete the old media impl first. destroyMediaSource(); // and unconditionally set the mime type mMimeType = media_type; if(mPriority == LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_UNLOADED) { // This impl should not be loaded at this time. LL_DEBUGS("PluginPriority") << this << "Not loading (PRIORITY_UNLOADED)" << LL_ENDL; return false; } // If we got here, we want to ignore previous init failures. mMediaSourceFailed = false; // Save the MIME type that really caused the plugin to load mCurrentMimeType = mMimeType; LLPluginClassMedia* media_source = newSourceFromMediaType(mMimeType, this, mMediaWidth, mMediaHeight); if (media_source) { media_source->setDisableTimeout(gSavedSettings.getBOOL("DebugPluginDisableTimeout")); media_source->setLoop(mMediaLoop); media_source->setAutoScale(mMediaAutoScale); media_source->setBrowserUserAgent(LLViewerMedia::getCurrentUserAgent()); media_source->focus(mHasFocus); media_source->setBackgroundColor(mBackgroundColor); if(mClearCache) { mClearCache = false; media_source->clear_cache(); } mMediaSource = media_source; updateVolume(); return true; } // Make sure the timer doesn't try re-initing this plugin repeatedly until something else changes. mMediaSourceFailed = true; return false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::loadURI() { if(mMediaSource) { // trim whitespace from front and back of URL - fixes EXT-5363 LLStringUtil::trim( mMediaURL ); // *HACK: we don't know if the URI coming in is properly escaped // (the contract doesn't specify whether it is escaped or not. // but LLQtWebKit expects it to be, so we do our best to encode // special characters) // The strings below were taken right from http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1738.txt // Note especially that '%' and '/' are there. std::string uri = LLURI::escape(mMediaURL, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "0123456789" "$-_.+" "!*'()," "{}|\\^~[]`" "<>#%" ";/?:@&=", false); llinfos << "Asking media source to load URI: " << uri << llendl; mMediaSource->loadURI( uri ); if(mPreviousMediaState == MEDIA_PLAYING) { // This media was playing before this instance was unloaded. if(mPreviousMediaTime != 0.0f) { // Seek back to where we left off, if possible. seek(mPreviousMediaTime); } start(); } else if(mPreviousMediaState == MEDIA_PAUSED) { // This media was paused before this instance was unloaded. if(mPreviousMediaTime != 0.0f) { // Seek back to where we left off, if possible. seek(mPreviousMediaTime); } pause(); } else { // No relevant previous media play state -- if we're loading the URL, we want to start playing. start(); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::setSize(int width, int height) { mMediaWidth = width; mMediaHeight = height; if(mMediaSource) { mMediaSource->setSize(width, height); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::play() { // If the media source isn't there, try to initialize it and load an URL. if(mMediaSource == NULL) { if(!initializeMedia(mMimeType)) { // This may be the case where the plugin's priority is PRIORITY_UNLOADED return; } // Only do this if the media source was just loaded. loadURI(); } // always start the media start(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::stop() { if(mMediaSource) { mMediaSource->stop(); // destroyMediaSource(); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::pause() { if(mMediaSource) { mMediaSource->pause(); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::start() { if(mMediaSource) { mMediaSource->start(); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::seek(F32 time) { if(mMediaSource) { mMediaSource->seek(time); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::skipBack(F32 step_scale) { if(mMediaSource) { if(mMediaSource->pluginSupportsMediaTime()) { F64 back_step = mMediaSource->getCurrentTime() - (mMediaSource->getDuration()*step_scale); if(back_step < 0.0) { back_step = 0.0; } mMediaSource->seek(back_step); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::skipForward(F32 step_scale) { if(mMediaSource) { if(mMediaSource->pluginSupportsMediaTime()) { F64 forward_step = mMediaSource->getCurrentTime() + (mMediaSource->getDuration()*step_scale); if(forward_step > mMediaSource->getDuration()) { forward_step = mMediaSource->getDuration(); } mMediaSource->seek(forward_step); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::setVolume(F32 volume) { mRequestedVolume = volume; updateVolume(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::updateVolume() { if(mMediaSource) { mMediaSource->setVolume(mRequestedVolume * LLViewerMedia::getVolume()); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// F32 LLViewerMediaImpl::getVolume() { return mRequestedVolume; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::focus(bool focus) { mHasFocus = focus; if (mMediaSource) { // call focus just for the hell of it, even though this apopears to be a nop mMediaSource->focus(focus); if (focus) { // spoof a mouse click to *actually* pass focus // Don't do this anymore -- it actually clicks through now. // mMediaSource->mouseEvent(LLPluginClassMedia::MOUSE_EVENT_DOWN, 1, 1, 0); // mMediaSource->mouseEvent(LLPluginClassMedia::MOUSE_EVENT_UP, 1, 1, 0); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool LLViewerMediaImpl::hasFocus() const { // FIXME: This might be able to be a bit smarter by hooking into LLViewerMediaFocus, etc. return mHasFocus; } std::string LLViewerMediaImpl::getCurrentMediaURL() { if(!mCurrentMediaURL.empty()) { return mCurrentMediaURL; } return mMediaURL; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::clearCache() { if(mMediaSource) { mMediaSource->clear_cache(); } else { mClearCache = true; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::mouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, S32 button) { scaleMouse(&x, &y); mLastMouseX = x; mLastMouseY = y; // llinfos << "mouse down (" << x << ", " << y << ")" << llendl; if (mMediaSource) { mMediaSource->mouseEvent(LLPluginClassMedia::MOUSE_EVENT_DOWN, button, x, y, mask); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::mouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, S32 button) { scaleMouse(&x, &y); mLastMouseX = x; mLastMouseY = y; // llinfos << "mouse up (" << x << ", " << y << ")" << llendl; if (mMediaSource) { mMediaSource->mouseEvent(LLPluginClassMedia::MOUSE_EVENT_UP, button, x, y, mask); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::mouseMove(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { scaleMouse(&x, &y); mLastMouseX = x; mLastMouseY = y; // llinfos << "mouse move (" << x << ", " << y << ")" << llendl; if (mMediaSource) { mMediaSource->mouseEvent(LLPluginClassMedia::MOUSE_EVENT_MOVE, 0, x, y, mask); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //static void LLViewerMediaImpl::scaleTextureCoords(const LLVector2& texture_coords, S32 *x, S32 *y) { F32 texture_x = texture_coords.mV[VX]; F32 texture_y = texture_coords.mV[VY]; // Deal with repeating textures by wrapping the coordinates into the range [0, 1.0) texture_x = fmodf(texture_x, 1.0f); if(texture_x < 0.0f) texture_x = 1.0 + texture_x; texture_y = fmodf(texture_y, 1.0f); if(texture_y < 0.0f) texture_y = 1.0 + texture_y; // scale x and y to texel units. *x = llround(texture_x * mMediaSource->getTextureWidth()); *y = llround((1.0f - texture_y) * mMediaSource->getTextureHeight()); // Adjust for the difference between the actual texture height and the amount of the texture in use. *y -= (mMediaSource->getTextureHeight() - mMediaSource->getHeight()); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::mouseDown(const LLVector2& texture_coords, MASK mask, S32 button) { if(mMediaSource) { S32 x, y; scaleTextureCoords(texture_coords, &x, &y); mouseDown(x, y, mask, button); } } void LLViewerMediaImpl::mouseUp(const LLVector2& texture_coords, MASK mask, S32 button) { if(mMediaSource) { S32 x, y; scaleTextureCoords(texture_coords, &x, &y); mouseUp(x, y, mask, button); } } void LLViewerMediaImpl::mouseMove(const LLVector2& texture_coords, MASK mask) { if(mMediaSource) { S32 x, y; scaleTextureCoords(texture_coords, &x, &y); mouseMove(x, y, mask); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::mouseDoubleClick(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, S32 button) { scaleMouse(&x, &y); mLastMouseX = x; mLastMouseY = y; if (mMediaSource) { mMediaSource->mouseEvent(LLPluginClassMedia::MOUSE_EVENT_DOUBLE_CLICK, button, x, y, mask); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::scrollWheel(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { scaleMouse(&x, &y); mLastMouseX = x; mLastMouseY = y; if (mMediaSource) { mMediaSource->scrollEvent(x, y, mask); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::onMouseCaptureLost() { if (mMediaSource) { mMediaSource->mouseEvent(LLPluginClassMedia::MOUSE_EVENT_UP, 0, mLastMouseX, mLastMouseY, 0); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL LLViewerMediaImpl::handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { // NOTE: this is called when the mouse is released when we have capture. // Due to the way mouse coordinates are mapped to the object, we can't use the x and y coordinates that come in with the event. if(hasMouseCapture()) { // Release the mouse -- this will also send a mouseup to the media gFocusMgr.setMouseCapture( FALSE ); } return TRUE; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// std::string LLViewerMediaImpl::getName() const { if (mMediaSource) { return mMediaSource->getMediaName(); } return LLStringUtil::null; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::navigateBack() { if (mMediaSource) { mMediaSource->browse_back(); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::navigateForward() { if (mMediaSource) { mMediaSource->browse_forward(); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::navigateReload() { navigateTo(getCurrentMediaURL(), "", true, false); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::navigateHome() { navigateTo(mHomeURL, "", true, false); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::unload() { // Unload the media impl and clear its state. destroyMediaSource(); resetPreviousMediaState(); mMediaURL.clear(); mMimeType.clear(); mCurrentMediaURL.clear(); mCurrentMimeType.clear(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::navigateTo(const std::string& url, const std::string& mime_type, bool rediscover_type, bool server_request) { cancelMimeTypeProbe(); if(mMediaURL != url) { // Don't carry media play state across distinct URLs. resetPreviousMediaState(); } // Always set the current URL and MIME type. mMediaURL = url; mMimeType = mime_type; // Clear the current media URL, since it will no longer be correct. mCurrentMediaURL.clear(); // if mime type discovery was requested, we'll need to do it when the media loads mNavigateRediscoverType = rediscover_type; // and if this was a server request, the navigate on load will also need to be one. mNavigateServerRequest = server_request; // An explicit navigate resets the "failed" flag. mMediaSourceFailed = false; if(mPriority == LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_UNLOADED) { // Helpful to have media urls in log file. Shouldn't be spammy. llinfos << "NOT LOADING media id= " << mTextureId << " url=" << url << " mime_type=" << mime_type << llendl; // This impl should not be loaded at this time. LL_DEBUGS("PluginPriority") << this << "Not loading (PRIORITY_UNLOADED)" << LL_ENDL; return; } navigateInternal(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::navigateInternal() { // Helpful to have media urls in log file. Shouldn't be spammy. llinfos << "media id= " << mTextureId << " url=" << mMediaURL << " mime_type=" << mMimeType << llendl; if(mNavigateSuspended) { llwarns << "Deferring navigate." << llendl; mNavigateSuspendedDeferred = true; return; } if(mMimeTypeProbe != NULL) { llwarns << "MIME type probe already in progress -- bailing out." << llendl; return; } if(mNavigateServerRequest) { setNavState(MEDIANAVSTATE_SERVER_SENT); } else { setNavState(MEDIANAVSTATE_NONE); } // If the caller has specified a non-empty MIME type, look that up in our MIME types list. // If we have a plugin for that MIME type, use that instead of attempting auto-discovery. // This helps in supporting legacy media content where the server the media resides on returns a bogus MIME type // but the parcel owner has correctly set the MIME type in the parcel media settings. if(!mMimeType.empty() && (mMimeType != "none/none")) { std::string plugin_basename = LLMIMETypes::implType(mMimeType); if(!plugin_basename.empty()) { // We have a plugin for this mime type mNavigateRediscoverType = false; } } if(mNavigateRediscoverType) { LLURI uri(mMediaURL); std::string scheme = uri.scheme(); if(scheme.empty() || "http" == scheme || "https" == scheme) { // If we don't set an Accept header, LLHTTPClient will add one like this: // Accept: application/llsd+xml // which is really not what we want. LLSD headers = LLSD::emptyMap(); headers["Accept"] = "*/*"; LLHTTPClient::getHeaderOnly( mMediaURL, new LLMimeDiscoveryResponder(this), headers, 10.0f); } else if("data" == scheme || "file" == scheme || "about" == scheme) { // FIXME: figure out how to really discover the type for these schemes // We use "data" internally for a text/html url for loading the login screen if(initializeMedia("text/html")) { loadURI(); } } else { // This catches 'rtsp://' urls if(initializeMedia(scheme)) { loadURI(); } } } else if(initializeMedia(mMimeType)) { loadURI(); } else { LL_WARNS("Media") << "Couldn't navigate to: " << mMediaURL << " as there is no media type for: " << mMimeType << LL_ENDL; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::navigateStop() { if(mMediaSource) { mMediaSource->browse_stop(); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool LLViewerMediaImpl::handleKeyHere(KEY key, MASK mask) { bool result = false; if (mMediaSource) { // FIXME: THIS IS SO WRONG. // Menu keys should be handled by the menu system and not passed to UI elements, but this is how LLTextEditor and LLLineEditor do it... if( MASK_CONTROL & mask ) { if( 'C' == key ) { mMediaSource->copy(); result = true; } else if( 'V' == key ) { mMediaSource->paste(); result = true; } else if( 'X' == key ) { mMediaSource->cut(); result = true; } } if(!result) { LLSD native_key_data = gViewerWindow->getWindow()->getNativeKeyData(); result = mMediaSource->keyEvent(LLPluginClassMedia::KEY_EVENT_DOWN ,key, mask, native_key_data); // Since the viewer internal event dispatching doesn't give us key-up events, simulate one here. (void)mMediaSource->keyEvent(LLPluginClassMedia::KEY_EVENT_UP ,key, mask, native_key_data); } } return result; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool LLViewerMediaImpl::handleUnicodeCharHere(llwchar uni_char) { bool result = false; if (mMediaSource) { // only accept 'printable' characters, sigh... if (uni_char >= 32 // discard 'control' characters && uni_char != 127) // SDL thinks this is 'delete' - yuck. { LLSD native_key_data = gViewerWindow->getWindow()->getNativeKeyData(); mMediaSource->textInput(wstring_to_utf8str(LLWString(1, uni_char)), gKeyboard->currentMask(FALSE), native_key_data); } } return result; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool LLViewerMediaImpl::canNavigateForward() { BOOL result = FALSE; if (mMediaSource) { result = mMediaSource->getHistoryForwardAvailable(); } return result; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool LLViewerMediaImpl::canNavigateBack() { BOOL result = FALSE; if (mMediaSource) { result = mMediaSource->getHistoryBackAvailable(); } return result; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::update() { if(mMediaSource == NULL) { if(mPriority == LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_UNLOADED) { // This media source should not be loaded. } else if(mPriority <= LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_SLIDESHOW) { // Don't load new instances that are at PRIORITY_SLIDESHOW or below. They're just kept around to preserve state. } else if(mMimeTypeProbe != NULL) { // this media source is doing a MIME type probe -- don't try loading it again. } else { // This media may need to be loaded. if(sMediaCreateTimer.hasExpired()) { LL_DEBUGS("PluginPriority") << this << ": creating media based on timer expiration" << LL_ENDL; createMediaSource(); sMediaCreateTimer.setTimerExpirySec(LLVIEWERMEDIA_CREATE_DELAY); } else { LL_DEBUGS("PluginPriority") << this << ": NOT creating media (waiting on timer)" << LL_ENDL; } } } if(mMediaSource == NULL) { return; } // Make sure a navigate doesn't happen during the idle -- it can cause mMediaSource to get destroyed, which can cause a crash. setNavigateSuspended(true); mMediaSource->idle(); setNavigateSuspended(false); if(mMediaSource == NULL) { return; } if(mMediaSource->isPluginExited()) { resetPreviousMediaState(); destroyMediaSource(); return; } if(!mMediaSource->textureValid()) { return; } if(mSuspendUpdates || !mVisible) { return; } LLViewerMediaTexture* placeholder_image = updatePlaceholderImage(); if(placeholder_image) { LLRect dirty_rect; // Since we're updating this texture, we know it's playing. Tell the texture to do its replacement magic so it gets rendered. placeholder_image->setPlaying(TRUE); if(mMediaSource->getDirty(&dirty_rect)) { // Constrain the dirty rect to be inside the texture S32 x_pos = llmax(dirty_rect.mLeft, 0); S32 y_pos = llmax(dirty_rect.mBottom, 0); S32 width = llmin(dirty_rect.mRight, placeholder_image->getWidth()) - x_pos; S32 height = llmin(dirty_rect.mTop, placeholder_image->getHeight()) - y_pos; if(width > 0 && height > 0) { U8* data = mMediaSource->getBitsData(); // Offset the pixels pointer to match x_pos and y_pos data += ( x_pos * mMediaSource->getTextureDepth() * mMediaSource->getBitsWidth() ); data += ( y_pos * mMediaSource->getTextureDepth() ); placeholder_image->setSubImage( data, mMediaSource->getBitsWidth(), mMediaSource->getBitsHeight(), x_pos, y_pos, width, height); } mMediaSource->resetDirty(); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::updateImagesMediaStreams() { } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LLViewerMediaTexture* LLViewerMediaImpl::updatePlaceholderImage() { if(mTextureId.isNull()) { // The code that created this instance will read from the plugin's bits. return NULL; } LLViewerMediaTexture* placeholder_image = LLViewerTextureManager::getMediaTexture( mTextureId ); if (mNeedsNewTexture || placeholder_image->getUseMipMaps() || (placeholder_image->getWidth() != mMediaSource->getTextureWidth()) || (placeholder_image->getHeight() != mMediaSource->getTextureHeight()) || (mTextureUsedWidth != mMediaSource->getWidth()) || (mTextureUsedHeight != mMediaSource->getHeight()) ) { LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "initializing media placeholder" << LL_ENDL; LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "movie image id " << mTextureId << LL_ENDL; int texture_width = mMediaSource->getTextureWidth(); int texture_height = mMediaSource->getTextureHeight(); int texture_depth = mMediaSource->getTextureDepth(); // MEDIAOPT: check to see if size actually changed before doing work placeholder_image->destroyGLTexture(); // MEDIAOPT: apparently just calling setUseMipMaps(FALSE) doesn't work? placeholder_image->reinit(FALSE); // probably not needed // MEDIAOPT: seems insane that we actually have to make an imageraw then // immediately discard it LLPointer raw = new LLImageRaw(texture_width, texture_height, texture_depth); // Clear the texture to the background color, ignoring alpha. // convert background color channels from [0.0, 1.0] to [0, 255]; raw->clear(int(mBackgroundColor.mV[VX] * 255.0f), int(mBackgroundColor.mV[VY] * 255.0f), int(mBackgroundColor.mV[VZ] * 255.0f), 0xff); int discard_level = 0; // ask media source for correct GL image format constants placeholder_image->setExplicitFormat(mMediaSource->getTextureFormatInternal(), mMediaSource->getTextureFormatPrimary(), mMediaSource->getTextureFormatType(), mMediaSource->getTextureFormatSwapBytes()); placeholder_image->createGLTexture(discard_level, raw); // MEDIAOPT: set this dynamically on play/stop // FIXME // placeholder_image->mIsMediaTexture = true; mNeedsNewTexture = false; // If the amount of the texture being drawn by the media goes down in either width or height, // recreate the texture to avoid leaving parts of the old image behind. mTextureUsedWidth = mMediaSource->getWidth(); mTextureUsedHeight = mMediaSource->getHeight(); } return placeholder_image; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LLUUID LLViewerMediaImpl::getMediaTextureID() const { return mTextureId; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::setVisible(bool visible) { mVisible = visible; if(mVisible) { if(mMediaSource && mMediaSource->isPluginExited()) { destroyMediaSource(); } if(!mMediaSource) { createMediaSource(); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::mouseCapture() { gFocusMgr.setMouseCapture(this); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::scaleMouse(S32 *mouse_x, S32 *mouse_y) { #if 0 S32 media_width, media_height; S32 texture_width, texture_height; getMediaSize( &media_width, &media_height ); getTextureSize( &texture_width, &texture_height ); S32 y_delta = texture_height - media_height; *mouse_y -= y_delta; #endif } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool LLViewerMediaImpl::isMediaTimeBased() { bool result = false; if(mMediaSource) { result = mMediaSource->pluginSupportsMediaTime(); } return result; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool LLViewerMediaImpl::isMediaPlaying() { bool result = false; if(mMediaSource) { EMediaStatus status = mMediaSource->getStatus(); if(status == MEDIA_PLAYING || status == MEDIA_LOADING) result = true; } return result; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool LLViewerMediaImpl::isMediaPaused() { bool result = false; if(mMediaSource) { if(mMediaSource->getStatus() == MEDIA_PAUSED) result = true; } return result; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // bool LLViewerMediaImpl::hasMedia() const { return mMediaSource != NULL; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // void LLViewerMediaImpl::resetPreviousMediaState() { mPreviousMediaState = MEDIA_NONE; mPreviousMediaTime = 0.0f; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // void LLViewerMediaImpl::setDisabled(bool disabled, bool forcePlayOnEnable) { if(mIsDisabled != disabled) { // Only do this on actual state transitions. mIsDisabled = disabled; if(mIsDisabled) { // We just disabled this media. Clear all state. unload(); } else { // We just (re)enabled this media. Do a navigate if auto-play is in order. if(isAutoPlayable() || forcePlayOnEnable) { navigateTo(mMediaEntryURL, "", true, true); } } } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // bool LLViewerMediaImpl::isForcedUnloaded() const { if(mIsMuted || mMediaSourceFailed || mIsDisabled) { return true; } if(sInWorldMediaDisabled) { // When inworld media is disabled, all instances that aren't marked as "used in UI" will not be loaded. if(!mUsedInUI) { return true; } } // If this media's class is not supposed to be shown, unload if (!shouldShowBasedOnClass()) { return true; } return false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // bool LLViewerMediaImpl::isPlayable() const { if(isForcedUnloaded()) { // All of the forced-unloaded criteria also imply not playable. return false; } if(hasMedia()) { // Anything that's already playing is, by definition, playable. return true; } if(!mMediaURL.empty()) { // If something has navigated the instance, it's ready to be played. return true; } return false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLViewerMediaImpl::handleMediaEvent(LLPluginClassMedia* plugin, LLPluginClassMediaOwner::EMediaEvent event) { switch(event) { case MEDIA_EVENT_PLUGIN_FAILED_LAUNCH: { // The plugin failed to load properly. Make sure the timer doesn't retry. // TODO: maybe mark this plugin as not loadable somehow? mMediaSourceFailed = true; // Reset the last known state of the media to defaults. resetPreviousMediaState(); // TODO: may want a different message for this case? LLSD args; args["PLUGIN"] = LLMIMETypes::implType(mCurrentMimeType); LLNotificationsUtil::add("MediaPluginFailed", args); } break; case MEDIA_EVENT_PLUGIN_FAILED: { // The plugin crashed. mMediaSourceFailed = true; // Reset the last known state of the media to defaults. resetPreviousMediaState(); LLSD args; args["PLUGIN"] = LLMIMETypes::implType(mCurrentMimeType); // SJB: This is getting called every frame if the plugin fails to load, continuously respawining the alert! //LLNotificationsUtil::add("MediaPluginFailed", args); } break; case MEDIA_EVENT_CURSOR_CHANGED: { LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "Media event: MEDIA_EVENT_CURSOR_CHANGED, new cursor is " << plugin->getCursorName() << LL_ENDL; std::string cursor = plugin->getCursorName(); if(cursor == "arrow") mLastSetCursor = UI_CURSOR_ARROW; else if(cursor == "ibeam") mLastSetCursor = UI_CURSOR_IBEAM; else if(cursor == "splith") mLastSetCursor = UI_CURSOR_SIZEWE; else if(cursor == "splitv") mLastSetCursor = UI_CURSOR_SIZENS; else if(cursor == "hand") mLastSetCursor = UI_CURSOR_HAND; else // for anything else, default to the arrow mLastSetCursor = UI_CURSOR_ARROW; } break; case LLViewerMediaObserver::MEDIA_EVENT_NAVIGATE_BEGIN: { LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "MEDIA_EVENT_NAVIGATE_BEGIN, uri is: " << plugin->getNavigateURI() << LL_ENDL; if(getNavState() == MEDIANAVSTATE_SERVER_SENT) { setNavState(MEDIANAVSTATE_SERVER_BEGUN); } else { setNavState(MEDIANAVSTATE_BEGUN); } } break; case LLViewerMediaObserver::MEDIA_EVENT_NAVIGATE_COMPLETE: { LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "MEDIA_EVENT_NAVIGATE_COMPLETE, uri is: " << plugin->getNavigateURI() << LL_ENDL; if(getNavState() == MEDIANAVSTATE_BEGUN) { mCurrentMediaURL = plugin->getNavigateURI(); setNavState(MEDIANAVSTATE_COMPLETE_BEFORE_LOCATION_CHANGED); } else if(getNavState() == MEDIANAVSTATE_SERVER_BEGUN) { mCurrentMediaURL = plugin->getNavigateURI(); setNavState(MEDIANAVSTATE_SERVER_COMPLETE_BEFORE_LOCATION_CHANGED); } else { // all other cases need to leave the state alone. } } break; case LLViewerMediaObserver::MEDIA_EVENT_LOCATION_CHANGED: { LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "MEDIA_EVENT_LOCATION_CHANGED, uri is: " << plugin->getLocation() << LL_ENDL; if(getNavState() == MEDIANAVSTATE_BEGUN) { mCurrentMediaURL = plugin->getLocation(); setNavState(MEDIANAVSTATE_FIRST_LOCATION_CHANGED); } else if(getNavState() == MEDIANAVSTATE_SERVER_BEGUN) { mCurrentMediaURL = plugin->getLocation(); setNavState(MEDIANAVSTATE_SERVER_FIRST_LOCATION_CHANGED); } else { // Don't track redirects. setNavState(MEDIANAVSTATE_NONE); } } break; default: break; } // Just chain the event to observers. emitEvent(plugin, event); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // virtual void LLViewerMediaImpl::cut() { if (mMediaSource) mMediaSource->cut(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // virtual BOOL LLViewerMediaImpl::canCut() const { if (mMediaSource) return mMediaSource->canCut(); else return FALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // virtual void LLViewerMediaImpl::copy() { if (mMediaSource) mMediaSource->copy(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // virtual BOOL LLViewerMediaImpl::canCopy() const { if (mMediaSource) return mMediaSource->canCopy(); else return FALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // virtual void LLViewerMediaImpl::paste() { if (mMediaSource) mMediaSource->paste(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // virtual BOOL LLViewerMediaImpl::canPaste() const { if (mMediaSource) return mMediaSource->canPaste(); else return FALSE; } void LLViewerMediaImpl::setUpdated(BOOL updated) { mIsUpdated = updated ; } BOOL LLViewerMediaImpl::isUpdated() { return mIsUpdated ; } void LLViewerMediaImpl::calculateInterest() { LLViewerMediaTexture* texture = LLViewerTextureManager::findMediaTexture( mTextureId ); if(texture != NULL) { mInterest = texture->getMaxVirtualSize(); } else { // This will be a relatively common case now, since it will always be true for unloaded media. mInterest = 0.0f; } // Calculate distance from the avatar, for use in the proximity calculation. mProximityDistance = 0.0f; if(!mObjectList.empty()) { // Just use the first object in the list. We could go through the list and find the closest object, but this should work well enough. LLVector3d global_delta = gAgent.getPositionGlobal() - (*mObjectList.begin())->getPositionGlobal(); mProximityDistance = global_delta.magVecSquared(); // use distance-squared because it's cheaper and sorts the same. } if(mNeedsMuteCheck) { // Check all objects this instance is associated with, and those objects' owners, against the mute list mIsMuted = false; std::list< LLVOVolume* >::iterator iter = mObjectList.begin() ; for(; iter != mObjectList.end() ; ++iter) { LLVOVolume *obj = *iter; llassert(obj); if (!obj) continue; if(LLMuteList::getInstance() && LLMuteList::getInstance()->isMuted(obj->getID())) { mIsMuted = true; } else { // We won't have full permissions data for all objects. Attempt to mute objects when we can tell their owners are muted. if (LLSelectMgr::getInstance()) { LLPermissions* obj_perm = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->findObjectPermissions(obj); if(obj_perm) { if(LLMuteList::getInstance() && LLMuteList::getInstance()->isMuted(obj_perm->getOwner())) mIsMuted = true; } } } } mNeedsMuteCheck = false; } } F64 LLViewerMediaImpl::getApproximateTextureInterest() { F64 result = 0.0f; if(mMediaSource) { result = mMediaSource->getFullWidth(); result *= mMediaSource->getFullHeight(); } else { // No media source is loaded -- all we have to go on is the texture size that has been set on the impl, if any. result = mMediaWidth; result *= mMediaHeight; } return result; } void LLViewerMediaImpl::setUsedInUI(bool used_in_ui) { mUsedInUI = used_in_ui; // HACK: Force elements used in UI to load right away. // This fixes some issues where UI code that uses the browser instance doesn't expect it to be unloaded. if(mUsedInUI && (mPriority == LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_UNLOADED)) { if(getVisible()) { setPriority(LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_NORMAL); } else { setPriority(LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_HIDDEN); } createMediaSource(); } }; void LLViewerMediaImpl::setBackgroundColor(LLColor4 color) { mBackgroundColor = color; if(mMediaSource) { mMediaSource->setBackgroundColor(mBackgroundColor); } }; F64 LLViewerMediaImpl::getCPUUsage() const { F64 result = 0.0f; if(mMediaSource) { result = mMediaSource->getCPUUsage(); } return result; } void LLViewerMediaImpl::setPriority(LLPluginClassMedia::EPriority priority) { if(mPriority != priority) { LL_DEBUGS("PluginPriority") << "changing priority of media id " << mTextureId << " from " << LLPluginClassMedia::priorityToString(mPriority) << " to " << LLPluginClassMedia::priorityToString(priority) << LL_ENDL; } mPriority = priority; if(priority == LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_UNLOADED) { if(mMediaSource) { // Need to unload the media source // First, save off previous media state mPreviousMediaState = mMediaSource->getStatus(); mPreviousMediaTime = mMediaSource->getCurrentTime(); destroyMediaSource(); } } if(mMediaSource) { mMediaSource->setPriority(mPriority); } // NOTE: loading (or reloading) media sources whose priority has risen above PRIORITY_UNLOADED is done in update(). } void LLViewerMediaImpl::setLowPrioritySizeLimit(int size) { if(mMediaSource) { mMediaSource->setLowPrioritySizeLimit(size); } } void LLViewerMediaImpl::setNavState(EMediaNavState state) { mMediaNavState = state; switch (state) { case MEDIANAVSTATE_NONE: LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "Setting nav state to MEDIANAVSTATE_NONE" << llendl; break; case MEDIANAVSTATE_BEGUN: LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "Setting nav state to MEDIANAVSTATE_BEGUN" << llendl; break; case MEDIANAVSTATE_FIRST_LOCATION_CHANGED: LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "Setting nav state to MEDIANAVSTATE_FIRST_LOCATION_CHANGED" << llendl; break; case MEDIANAVSTATE_COMPLETE_BEFORE_LOCATION_CHANGED: LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "Setting nav state to MEDIANAVSTATE_COMPLETE_BEFORE_LOCATION_CHANGED" << llendl; break; case MEDIANAVSTATE_SERVER_SENT: LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "Setting nav state to MEDIANAVSTATE_SERVER_SENT" << llendl; break; case MEDIANAVSTATE_SERVER_BEGUN: LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "Setting nav state to MEDIANAVSTATE_SERVER_BEGUN" << llendl; break; case MEDIANAVSTATE_SERVER_FIRST_LOCATION_CHANGED: LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "Setting nav state to MEDIANAVSTATE_SERVER_FIRST_LOCATION_CHANGED" << llendl; break; case MEDIANAVSTATE_SERVER_COMPLETE_BEFORE_LOCATION_CHANGED: LL_DEBUGS("Media") << "Setting nav state to MEDIANAVSTATE_SERVER_COMPLETE_BEFORE_LOCATION_CHANGED" << llendl; break; } } void LLViewerMediaImpl::setNavigateSuspended(bool suspend) { if(mNavigateSuspended != suspend) { mNavigateSuspended = suspend; if(!suspend) { // We're coming out of suspend. If someone tried to do a navigate while suspended, do one now instead. if(mNavigateSuspendedDeferred) { mNavigateSuspendedDeferred = false; navigateInternal(); } } } } void LLViewerMediaImpl::cancelMimeTypeProbe() { if(mMimeTypeProbe != NULL) { // There doesn't seem to be a way to actually cancel an outstanding request. // Simulate it by telling the LLMimeDiscoveryResponder not to write back any results. mMimeTypeProbe->cancelRequest(); // The above should already have set mMimeTypeProbe to NULL. if(mMimeTypeProbe != NULL) { llerrs << "internal error: mMimeTypeProbe is not NULL after cancelling request." << llendl; } } } void LLViewerMediaImpl::addObject(LLVOVolume* obj) { std::list< LLVOVolume* >::iterator iter = mObjectList.begin() ; for(; iter != mObjectList.end() ; ++iter) { if(*iter == obj) { return ; //already in the list. } } mObjectList.push_back(obj) ; mNeedsMuteCheck = true; } void LLViewerMediaImpl::removeObject(LLVOVolume* obj) { mObjectList.remove(obj) ; mNeedsMuteCheck = true; } const std::list< LLVOVolume* >* LLViewerMediaImpl::getObjectList() const { return &mObjectList ; } LLVOVolume *LLViewerMediaImpl::getSomeObject() { LLVOVolume *result = NULL; std::list< LLVOVolume* >::iterator iter = mObjectList.begin() ; if(iter != mObjectList.end()) { result = *iter; } return result; } void LLViewerMediaImpl::setTextureID(LLUUID id) { if(id != mTextureId) { if(mTextureId.notNull()) { // Remove this item's entry from the map sViewerMediaTextureIDMap.erase(mTextureId); } if(id.notNull()) { sViewerMediaTextureIDMap.insert(LLViewerMedia::impl_id_map::value_type(id, this)); } mTextureId = id; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // bool LLViewerMediaImpl::isAutoPlayable() const { return (mMediaAutoPlay && gSavedSettings.getBOOL(LLViewerMedia::AUTO_PLAY_MEDIA_SETTING) && gSavedSettings.getBOOL("MediaTentativeAutoPlay")); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // bool LLViewerMediaImpl::shouldShowBasedOnClass() const { // If this is parcel media or in the UI, return true always if (getUsedInUI() || isParcelMedia()) return true; bool attached_to_another_avatar = isAttachedToAnotherAvatar(); bool inside_parcel = isInAgentParcel(); // llinfos << " hasFocus = " << hasFocus() << // " others = " << (attached_to_another_avatar && gSavedSettings.getBOOL(LLViewerMedia::SHOW_MEDIA_ON_OTHERS_SETTING)) << // " within = " << (inside_parcel && gSavedSettings.getBOOL(LLViewerMedia::SHOW_MEDIA_WITHIN_PARCEL_SETTING)) << // " outside = " << (!inside_parcel && gSavedSettings.getBOOL(LLViewerMedia::SHOW_MEDIA_OUTSIDE_PARCEL_SETTING)) << llendl; // If it has focus, we should show it if (hasFocus()) return true; // If it is attached to an avatar and the pref is off, we shouldn't show it if (attached_to_another_avatar) return gSavedSettings.getBOOL(LLViewerMedia::SHOW_MEDIA_ON_OTHERS_SETTING); if (inside_parcel) return gSavedSettings.getBOOL(LLViewerMedia::SHOW_MEDIA_WITHIN_PARCEL_SETTING); else return gSavedSettings.getBOOL(LLViewerMedia::SHOW_MEDIA_OUTSIDE_PARCEL_SETTING); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // bool LLViewerMediaImpl::isAttachedToAnotherAvatar() const { bool result = false; std::list< LLVOVolume* >::const_iterator iter = mObjectList.begin(); std::list< LLVOVolume* >::const_iterator end = mObjectList.end(); for ( ; iter != end; iter++) { if (isObjectAttachedToAnotherAvatar(*iter)) { result = true; break; } } return result; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //static bool LLViewerMediaImpl::isObjectAttachedToAnotherAvatar(LLVOVolume *obj) { bool result = false; LLXform *xform = obj; // Walk up parent chain while (NULL != xform) { LLViewerObject *object = dynamic_cast (xform); if (NULL != object) { LLVOAvatar *avatar = object->asAvatar(); if (NULL != avatar && avatar != gAgent.getAvatarObject()) { result = true; break; } } xform = xform->getParent(); } return result; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // bool LLViewerMediaImpl::isInAgentParcel() const { bool result = false; std::list< LLVOVolume* >::const_iterator iter = mObjectList.begin(); std::list< LLVOVolume* >::const_iterator end = mObjectList.end(); for ( ; iter != end; iter++) { LLVOVolume *object = *iter; if (LLViewerMediaImpl::isObjectInAgentParcel(object)) { result = true; break; } } return result; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // static bool LLViewerMediaImpl::isObjectInAgentParcel(LLVOVolume *obj) { return (LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->inAgentParcel(obj->getPositionGlobal())); }