/** * @file llviewerjointmesh.cpp * @brief Implementation of LLViewerJointMesh class * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Header Files //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llfasttimer.h" #include "llrender.h" #include "llapr.h" #include "llbox.h" #include "lldrawable.h" #include "lldrawpoolavatar.h" #include "lldrawpoolbump.h" #include "lldynamictexture.h" #include "llface.h" #include "llgldbg.h" #include "llglheaders.h" #include "llviewertexlayer.h" #include "llviewercamera.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llviewertexturelist.h" #include "llviewerjointmesh.h" #include "llvoavatar.h" #include "llsky.h" #include "pipeline.h" #include "llviewershadermgr.h" #include "llmath.h" #include "v4math.h" #include "m3math.h" #include "m4math.h" #include "llmatrix4a.h" #include "llperfstats.h" #if !LL_DARWIN && !LL_LINUX extern PFNGLWEIGHTPOINTERARBPROC glWeightPointerARB; extern PFNGLWEIGHTFVARBPROC glWeightfvARB; extern PFNGLVERTEXBLENDARBPROC glVertexBlendARB; #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLViewerJointMesh //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLViewerJointMesh() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLViewerJointMesh::LLViewerJointMesh() : LLAvatarJointMesh() { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ~LLViewerJointMesh() // Class Destructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLViewerJointMesh::~LLViewerJointMesh() { } const S32 NUM_AXES = 3; // register layoud // rotation X 0-n // rotation Y 0-n // rotation Z 0-n // pivot parent 0-n -- child = n+1 static LLMatrix4 gJointMatUnaligned[32]; static LLMatrix4a gJointMatAligned[32]; static LLMatrix3 gJointRotUnaligned[32]; static LLVector4 gJointPivot[32]; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // uploadJointMatrices() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLViewerJointMesh::uploadJointMatrices() { S32 joint_num; LLPolyMesh *reference_mesh = mMesh->getReferenceMesh(); LLDrawPool *poolp = mFace ? mFace->getPool() : NULL; BOOL hardware_skinning = (poolp && poolp->getShaderLevel() > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; //calculate joint matrices for (joint_num = 0; joint_num < reference_mesh->mJointRenderData.size(); joint_num++) { LLMatrix4 joint_mat = *reference_mesh->mJointRenderData[joint_num]->mWorldMatrix; if (hardware_skinning) { joint_mat *= LLDrawPoolAvatar::getModelView(); } gJointMatUnaligned[joint_num] = joint_mat; gJointRotUnaligned[joint_num] = joint_mat.getMat3(); } BOOL last_pivot_uploaded = FALSE; S32 j = 0; //upload joint pivots for (joint_num = 0; joint_num < reference_mesh->mJointRenderData.size(); joint_num++) { LLSkinJoint *sj = reference_mesh->mJointRenderData[joint_num]->mSkinJoint; if (sj) { if (!last_pivot_uploaded) { LLVector4 parent_pivot(sj->mRootToParentJointSkinOffset); parent_pivot.mV[VW] = 0.f; gJointPivot[j++] = parent_pivot; } LLVector4 child_pivot(sj->mRootToJointSkinOffset); child_pivot.mV[VW] = 0.f; gJointPivot[j++] = child_pivot; last_pivot_uploaded = TRUE; } else { last_pivot_uploaded = FALSE; } } //add pivot point into transform for (S32 i = 0; i < j; i++) { LLVector3 pivot; pivot = LLVector3(gJointPivot[i]); pivot = pivot * gJointRotUnaligned[i]; gJointMatUnaligned[i].translate(pivot); } // upload matrices if (hardware_skinning) { GLfloat mat[45*4]; memset(mat, 0, sizeof(GLfloat)*45*4); for (joint_num = 0; joint_num < reference_mesh->mJointRenderData.size(); joint_num++) { gJointMatUnaligned[joint_num].transpose(); for (S32 axis = 0; axis < NUM_AXES; axis++) { F32* vector = gJointMatUnaligned[joint_num].mMatrix[axis]; U32 offset = LL_CHARACTER_MAX_JOINTS_PER_MESH*axis+joint_num; memcpy(mat+offset*4, vector, sizeof(GLfloat)*4); } } stop_glerror(); if (LLGLSLShader::sCurBoundShaderPtr) { LLGLSLShader::sCurBoundShaderPtr->uniform4fv(LLViewerShaderMgr::AVATAR_MATRIX, 45, mat); } stop_glerror(); } else { //load gJointMatUnaligned into gJointMatAligned for (joint_num = 0; joint_num < reference_mesh->mJointRenderData.size(); ++joint_num) { gJointMatAligned[joint_num].loadu(gJointMatUnaligned[joint_num]); } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // DrawElementsBLEND and utility code //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // compare_int is used by the qsort function to sort the index array int compare_int(const void *a, const void *b) { if (*(U32*)a < *(U32*)b) { return -1; } else if (*(U32*)a > *(U32*)b) { return 1; } else return 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLViewerJointMesh::drawShape() //-------------------------------------------------------------------- U32 LLViewerJointMesh::drawShape( F32 pixelArea, BOOL first_pass, BOOL is_dummy) { if (!mValid || !mMesh || !mFace || !mVisible || !mFace->getVertexBuffer() || mMesh->getNumFaces() == 0 || LLGLSLShader::sCurBoundShaderPtr == NULL) { return 0; } U32 triangle_count = 0; S32 diffuse_channel = LLDrawPoolAvatar::sDiffuseChannel; stop_glerror(); //---------------------------------------------------------------- // setup current color //---------------------------------------------------------------- if (is_dummy) gGL.diffuseColor4fv(LLVOAvatar::getDummyColor().mV); else gGL.diffuseColor4fv(mColor.mV); stop_glerror(); LLGLSSpecular specular(LLColor4(1.f,1.f,1.f,1.f), 0.f); //---------------------------------------------------------------- // setup current texture //---------------------------------------------------------------- llassert( !(mTexture.notNull() && mLayerSet) ); // mutually exclusive LLViewerTexLayerSet *layerset = dynamic_cast(mLayerSet); if (mTestImageName) { gGL.getTexUnit(diffuse_channel)->bindManual(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE, mTestImageName); if (mIsTransparent) { gGL.diffuseColor4f(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f); } else { gGL.diffuseColor4f(0.7f, 0.6f, 0.3f, 1.f); } } else if( !is_dummy && layerset ) { if( layerset->hasComposite() ) { gGL.getTexUnit(diffuse_channel)->bind(layerset->getViewerComposite()); } else { gGL.getTexUnit(diffuse_channel)->bind(LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(IMG_DEFAULT)); } } else if ( !is_dummy && mTexture.notNull() ) { gGL.getTexUnit(diffuse_channel)->bind(mTexture); } else { gGL.getTexUnit(diffuse_channel)->bind(LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(IMG_DEFAULT)); } U32 start = mMesh->mFaceVertexOffset; U32 end = start + mMesh->mFaceVertexCount - 1; U32 count = mMesh->mFaceIndexCount; U32 offset = mMesh->mFaceIndexOffset; LLVertexBuffer* buff = mFace->getVertexBuffer(); if (mMesh->hasWeights()) { if ((mFace->getPool()->getShaderLevel() > 0)) { if (first_pass) { uploadJointMatrices(); } } buff->setBuffer(); buff->drawRange(LLRender::TRIANGLES, start, end, count, offset); } else { gGL.pushMatrix(); LLMatrix4 jointToWorld = getWorldMatrix(); gGL.multMatrix((GLfloat*)jointToWorld.mMatrix); buff->setBuffer(); buff->drawRange(LLRender::TRIANGLES, start, end, count, offset); gGL.popMatrix(); } gPipeline.addTrianglesDrawn(count); triangle_count += count; return triangle_count; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // updateFaceSizes() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLViewerJointMesh::updateFaceSizes(U32 &num_vertices, U32& num_indices, F32 pixel_area) { //bump num_vertices to next multiple of 4 num_vertices = (num_vertices + 0x3) & ~0x3; // Do a pre-alloc pass to determine sizes of data. if (mMesh && mValid) { mMesh->mFaceVertexOffset = num_vertices; mMesh->mFaceVertexCount = mMesh->getNumVertices(); mMesh->mFaceIndexOffset = num_indices; mMesh->mFaceIndexCount = mMesh->getSharedData()->mNumTriangleIndices; mMesh->getReferenceMesh()->mCurVertexCount = mMesh->mFaceVertexCount; num_vertices += mMesh->getNumVertices(); num_indices += mMesh->mFaceIndexCount; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // updateFaceData() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLViewerJointMesh::updateFaceData(LLFace *face, F32 pixel_area, BOOL damp_wind, bool terse_update) { //IF THIS FUNCTION BREAKS, SEE LLPOLYMESH CONSTRUCTOR AND CHECK ALIGNMENT OF INPUT ARRAYS mFace = face; if (!mFace->getVertexBuffer()) { return; } LLDrawPool *poolp = mFace->getPool(); BOOL hardware_skinning = (poolp && poolp->getShaderLevel() > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; if (!hardware_skinning && terse_update) { //no need to do terse updates if we're doing software vertex skinning // since mMesh is being copied into mVertexBuffer every frame return; } LL_PROFILE_ZONE_SCOPED; LLStrider verticesp; LLStrider normalsp; LLStrider tex_coordsp; LLStrider vertex_weightsp; LLStrider clothing_weightsp; LLStrider indicesp; // Copy data into the faces from the polymesh data. if (mMesh && mValid) { const U32 num_verts = mMesh->getNumVertices(); if (num_verts) { face->getVertexBuffer()->getIndexStrider(indicesp); face->getGeometryAvatar(verticesp, normalsp, tex_coordsp, vertex_weightsp, clothing_weightsp); verticesp += mMesh->mFaceVertexOffset; normalsp += mMesh->mFaceVertexOffset; F32* v = (F32*) verticesp.get(); F32* n = (F32*) normalsp.get(); U32 words = num_verts*4; LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16(v, (F32*) mMesh->getCoords(), words*sizeof(F32)); LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16(n, (F32*) mMesh->getNormals(), words*sizeof(F32)); if (!terse_update) { vertex_weightsp += mMesh->mFaceVertexOffset; clothing_weightsp += mMesh->mFaceVertexOffset; tex_coordsp += mMesh->mFaceVertexOffset; F32* tc = (F32*) tex_coordsp.get(); F32* vw = (F32*) vertex_weightsp.get(); F32* cw = (F32*) clothing_weightsp.get(); S32 tc_size = (num_verts*2*sizeof(F32)+0xF) & ~0xF; LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16(tc, (F32*) mMesh->getTexCoords(), tc_size); S32 vw_size = (num_verts*sizeof(F32)+0xF) & ~0xF; LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16(vw, (F32*) mMesh->getWeights(), vw_size); LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16(cw, (F32*) mMesh->getClothingWeights(), num_verts*4*sizeof(F32)); } const U32 idx_count = mMesh->getNumFaces()*3; indicesp += mMesh->mFaceIndexOffset; U16* __restrict idx = indicesp.get(); S32* __restrict src_idx = (S32*) mMesh->getFaces(); const S32 offset = (S32) mMesh->mFaceVertexOffset; for (S32 i = 0; i < idx_count; ++i) { *(idx++) = *(src_idx++)+offset; } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // updateLOD() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLViewerJointMesh::updateLOD(F32 pixel_area, BOOL activate) { BOOL valid = mValid; setValid(activate, TRUE); return (valid != activate); } // static void LLViewerJointMesh::updateGeometry(LLFace *mFace, LLPolyMesh *mMesh) { LLStrider o_vertices; LLStrider o_normals; //get vertex and normal striders LLVertexBuffer* buffer = mFace->getVertexBuffer(); buffer->getVertexStrider(o_vertices, 0); buffer->getNormalStrider(o_normals, 0); F32* __restrict vert = o_vertices[0].mV; F32* __restrict norm = o_normals[0].mV; const F32* __restrict weights = mMesh->getWeights(); const LLVector4a* __restrict coords = (LLVector4a*) mMesh->getCoords(); const LLVector4a* __restrict normals = (LLVector4a*) mMesh->getNormals(); U32 offset = mMesh->mFaceVertexOffset*4; vert += offset; norm += offset; for (U32 index = 0; index < mMesh->getNumVertices(); index++) { // equivalent to joint = floorf(weights[index]); S32 joint = _mm_cvtt_ss2si(_mm_load_ss(weights+index)); F32 w = weights[index] - joint; LLMatrix4a gBlendMat; if (w != 0.f) { // blend between matrices and apply gBlendMat.setLerp(gJointMatAligned[joint+0], gJointMatAligned[joint+1], w); LLVector4a res; gBlendMat.affineTransform(coords[index], res); res.store4a(vert+index*4); gBlendMat.rotate(normals[index], res); res.store4a(norm+index*4); } else { // No lerp required in this case. LLVector4a res; gJointMatAligned[joint].affineTransform(coords[index], res); res.store4a(vert+index*4); gJointMatAligned[joint].rotate(normals[index], res); res.store4a(norm+index*4); } } buffer->unmapBuffer(); } void LLViewerJointMesh::updateJointGeometry() { if (!(mValid && mMesh && mFace && mMesh->hasWeights() && mFace->getVertexBuffer() && LLViewerShaderMgr::instance()->getShaderLevel(LLViewerShaderMgr::SHADER_AVATAR) == 0)) { return; } uploadJointMatrices(); updateGeometry(mFace, mMesh); } void LLViewerJointMesh::dump() { if (mValid) { LL_INFOS() << "Usable LOD " << mName << LL_ENDL; } } // End