/** * @file llviewercamera.h * @brief LLViewerCamera class header file * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_LLVIEWERCAMERA_H #define LL_LLVIEWERCAMERA_H #include "llcamera.h" #include "llsingleton.h" #include "lltimer.h" #include "m4math.h" #include "llcoord.h" #include "lltrace.h" class LLViewerObject; const bool FOR_SELECTION = true; const bool NOT_FOR_SELECTION = false; class alignas(16) LLViewerCamera : public LLCamera, public LLSimpleton { LL_ALIGN_NEW public: LLViewerCamera(); typedef enum { CAMERA_WORLD = 0, CAMERA_SUN_SHADOW0, CAMERA_SUN_SHADOW1, CAMERA_SUN_SHADOW2, CAMERA_SUN_SHADOW3, CAMERA_SPOT_SHADOW0, CAMERA_SPOT_SHADOW1, CAMERA_WATER0, CAMERA_WATER1, NUM_CAMERAS } eCameraID; static eCameraID sCurCameraID; void updateCameraLocation(const LLVector3 ¢er, const LLVector3 &up_direction, const LLVector3 &point_of_interest); static void updateFrustumPlanes(LLCamera& camera, bool ortho = false, bool zflip = false, bool no_hacks = false); static void updateCameraAngle(void* user_data, const LLSD& value); void setPerspective(bool for_selection, S32 x, S32 y_from_bot, S32 width, S32 height, bool limit_select_distance, F32 z_near = 0, F32 z_far = 0); const LLMatrix4 &getProjection() const; const LLMatrix4 &getModelview() const; // Warning! These assume the current global matrices are correct void projectScreenToPosAgent(const S32 screen_x, const S32 screen_y, LLVector3* pos_agent ) const; bool projectPosAgentToScreen(const LLVector3 &pos_agent, LLCoordGL &out_point, const bool clamp = true) const; bool projectPosAgentToScreenEdge(const LLVector3 &pos_agent, LLCoordGL &out_point) const; LLVector3 getVelocityDir() const {return mVelocityDir;} static LLTrace::CountStatHandle<>* getVelocityStat() {return &sVelocityStat; } static LLTrace::CountStatHandle<>* getAngularVelocityStat() {return &sAngularVelocityStat; } F32 getCosHalfFov() {return mCosHalfCameraFOV;} F32 getAverageSpeed() {return mAverageSpeed ;} F32 getAverageAngularSpeed() {return mAverageAngularSpeed;} void getPixelVectors(const LLVector3 &pos_agent, LLVector3 &up, LLVector3 &right); LLVector3 roundToPixel(const LLVector3 &pos_agent); // Sets the current matrix /* virtual */ void setView(F32 vertical_fov_rads); // NOTE: broadcasts to simulator void setViewNoBroadcast(F32 vertical_fov_rads); // set FOV without broadcasting to simulator (for temporary local cameras) void setDefaultFOV(F32 fov) ; F32 getDefaultFOV() { return mCameraFOVDefault; } bool isDefaultFOVChanged(); bool cameraUnderWater() const; bool areVertsVisible(LLViewerObject* volumep, bool all_verts); const LLVector3 &getPointOfInterest() { return mLastPointOfInterest; } F32 getPixelMeterRatio() const { return mPixelMeterRatio; } S32 getScreenPixelArea() const { return mScreenPixelArea; } void setZoomParameters(F32 factor, S16 subregion) { mZoomFactor = factor; mZoomSubregion = subregion; } F32 getZoomFactor() { return mZoomFactor; } S16 getZoomSubRegion() { return mZoomSubregion; } protected: void calcProjection(const F32 far_distance) const; static LLTrace::CountStatHandle<> sVelocityStat; static LLTrace::CountStatHandle<> sAngularVelocityStat; LLVector3 mVelocityDir ; F32 mAverageSpeed ; F32 mAverageAngularSpeed ; mutable LLMatrix4 mProjectionMatrix; // Cache of perspective matrix mutable LLMatrix4 mModelviewMatrix; F32 mCameraFOVDefault; F32 mPrevCameraFOVDefault; F32 mCosHalfCameraFOV; LLVector3 mLastPointOfInterest; F32 mPixelMeterRatio; // Divide by distance from camera to get pixels per meter at that distance. S32 mScreenPixelArea; // Pixel area of entire window F32 mZoomFactor; S16 mZoomSubregion; public: }; #endif // LL_LLVIEWERCAMERA_H