* @file llviewerassetupload.h
* @author optional
* @brief brief description of the file
* $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2011&license=viewerlgpl$
* Second Life Viewer Source Code
* Copyright (C) 2011, Linden Research, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* version 2.1 of the License only.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
* Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
* $/LicenseInfo$


#include "llfoldertype.h"
#include "llassettype.h"
#include "llinventorytype.h"
#include "lleventcoro.h"
#include "llcoros.h"
#include "llcorehttputil.h"
#include "llimage.h"

class LLResourceUploadInfo
    typedef std::shared_ptr<LLResourceUploadInfo> ptr_t;

        LLTransactionID transactId,
        LLAssetType::EType assetType,
        std::string name,
        std::string description,
        S32 compressionInfo,
        LLFolderType::EType destinationType,
        LLInventoryType::EType inventoryType,
        U32 nextOWnerPerms,
        U32 groupPerms,
        U32 everyonePerms,
        S32 expectedCost,
        bool showInventory = true);

    virtual ~LLResourceUploadInfo()
    { }

    virtual LLSD        prepareUpload();
    virtual LLSD        generatePostBody();
    virtual void        logPreparedUpload();
    virtual LLUUID      finishUpload(LLSD &result);

    // return true if no further action is need
    virtual bool        failedUpload(LLSD &result, std::string &reason) { return false; }

    LLTransactionID     getTransactionId() const { return mTransactionId; }
    LLAssetType::EType  getAssetType() const { return mAssetType; }
    std::string         getAssetTypeString() const;
    std::string         getName() const { return mName; };
    std::string         getDescription() const { return mDescription; };
    S32                 getCompressionInfo() const { return mCompressionInfo; };
    LLFolderType::EType getDestinationFolderType() const { return mDestinationFolderType; };
    LLInventoryType::EType  getInventoryType() const { return mInventoryType; };
    std::string         getInventoryTypeString() const;
    U32                 getNextOwnerPerms() const { return mNextOwnerPerms; };
    U32                 getGroupPerms() const { return mGroupPerms; };
    U32                 getEveryonePerms() const { return mEveryonePerms; };
    S32                 getExpectedUploadCost() const { return mExpectedUploadCost; };

    virtual bool        showUploadDialog() const { return true; }
    virtual bool        showInventoryPanel() const { return mShowInventory; }

    virtual std::string getDisplayName() const;

    LLUUID              getFolderId() const { return mFolderId; }
    LLUUID              getItemId() const { return mItemId; }
    LLAssetID           getAssetId() const { return mAssetId; }

	static bool			findAssetTypeOfExtension(const std::string& exten, LLAssetType::EType& asset_type);
	static bool			findAssetTypeAndCodecOfExtension(const std::string& exten, LLAssetType::EType& asset_type, U32& codec, bool bulk_upload = true);

        std::string name,
        std::string description,
        S32 compressionInfo,
        LLFolderType::EType destinationType,
        LLInventoryType::EType inventoryType,
        U32 nextOWnerPerms,
        U32 groupPerms,
        U32 everyonePerms,
        S32 expectedCost,
        bool showInventory = true);

        LLAssetID assetId,
        LLAssetType::EType assetType,
        std::string name );

    void                setTransactionId(LLTransactionID tid) { mTransactionId = tid; }
    void                setAssetType(LLAssetType::EType assetType) { mAssetType = assetType; }
    void                setItemId(LLUUID itemId) { mItemId = itemId; }

    LLAssetID           generateNewAssetId();
    void                incrementUploadStats() const;
    virtual void        assignDefaults();

    void                setAssetId(LLUUID assetId) { mAssetId = assetId; }

    LLTransactionID     mTransactionId;
    LLAssetType::EType  mAssetType;
    std::string         mName;
    std::string         mDescription;
    S32                 mCompressionInfo;
    LLFolderType::EType mDestinationFolderType;
    LLInventoryType::EType mInventoryType;
    U32                 mNextOwnerPerms;
    U32                 mGroupPerms;
    U32                 mEveryonePerms;
    S32                 mExpectedUploadCost;

    LLUUID              mFolderId;
    LLUUID              mItemId;
    LLAssetID           mAssetId;
    bool                mShowInventory;

class LLNewFileResourceUploadInfo : public LLResourceUploadInfo
        std::string fileName,
        std::string name,
        std::string description,
        S32 compressionInfo,
        LLFolderType::EType destinationType,
        LLInventoryType::EType inventoryType,
        U32 nextOWnerPerms,
        U32 groupPerms,
        U32 everyonePerms,
        S32 expectedCost,
        bool show_inventory = true);

    virtual LLSD        prepareUpload();

    std::string         getFileName() const { return mFileName; };


    virtual LLSD        exportTempFile();

    std::string         mFileName;


// use when you have a resource in memory and you want to make a new inventory item
class LLNewBufferedResourceUploadInfo : public LLResourceUploadInfo
    typedef std::function<void(LLUUID newAssetId, LLSD response)> uploadFinish_f;
    typedef std::function<bool(LLUUID assetId, LLSD response, std::string reason)> uploadFailure_f;

        const std::string& buffer,
        const LLAssetID& asset_id,
        std::string name,
        std::string description,
        S32 compressionInfo,
        LLFolderType::EType destinationType,
        LLInventoryType::EType inventoryType,
        LLAssetType::EType assetType,
        U32 nextOWnerPerms,
        U32 groupPerms,
        U32 everyonePerms,
        S32 expectedCost,
        bool show_inventory,
        uploadFinish_f finish,
        uploadFailure_f failure);

    virtual LLSD        prepareUpload();


    virtual LLSD        exportTempFile();
    virtual LLUUID      finishUpload(LLSD &result);
    virtual bool        failedUpload(LLSD &result, std::string &reason);

    uploadFinish_f  mFinishFn;
    uploadFailure_f  mFailureFn;
    std::string mBuffer;

class LLBufferedAssetUploadInfo : public LLResourceUploadInfo
    typedef std::function<void(LLUUID itemId, LLUUID newAssetId, LLUUID newItemId, LLSD response)> invnUploadFinish_f;
    typedef std::function<void(LLUUID itemId, LLUUID taskId, LLUUID newAssetId, LLSD response)> taskUploadFinish_f;
    typedef std::function<bool(LLUUID itemId, LLUUID taskId, LLSD response, std::string reason)> uploadFailed_f;

    LLBufferedAssetUploadInfo(LLUUID itemId, LLAssetType::EType assetType, std::string buffer, invnUploadFinish_f finish, uploadFailed_f failed);
    LLBufferedAssetUploadInfo(LLUUID itemId, LLPointer<LLImageFormatted> image, invnUploadFinish_f finish);
    LLBufferedAssetUploadInfo(LLUUID taskId, LLUUID itemId, LLAssetType::EType assetType, std::string buffer, taskUploadFinish_f finish, uploadFailed_f failed);

    virtual LLSD        prepareUpload();
    virtual LLSD        generatePostBody();
    virtual LLUUID      finishUpload(LLSD &result);
    virtual bool        failedUpload(LLSD &result, std::string &reason);

    LLUUID              getTaskId() const { return mTaskId; }
    const std::string & getContents() const { return mContents; }

    virtual bool        showUploadDialog() const { return false; }
    virtual bool        showInventoryPanel() const { return false; }


    bool                mTaskUpload;
    LLUUID              mTaskId;
    std::string         mContents;
    invnUploadFinish_f  mInvnFinishFn;
    taskUploadFinish_f  mTaskFinishFn;
    uploadFailed_f      mFailureFn;
    bool                mStoredToCache;

class LLScriptAssetUpload : public LLBufferedAssetUploadInfo
    enum TargetType_t

    LLScriptAssetUpload(LLUUID itemId, std::string buffer, invnUploadFinish_f finish, uploadFailed_f failed);
    LLScriptAssetUpload(LLUUID taskId, LLUUID itemId, TargetType_t targetType, 
            bool isRunning, LLUUID exerienceId, std::string buffer, taskUploadFinish_f finish, uploadFailed_f failed);

    virtual LLSD        generatePostBody();

    LLUUID              getExerienceId() const { return mExerienceId; }
    TargetType_t        getTargetType() const { return mTargetType; }
    bool                getIsRunning() const { return mIsRunning; }

    LLUUID              mExerienceId;
    TargetType_t        mTargetType;
    bool                mIsRunning;


class LLViewerAssetUpload
    static LLUUID EnqueueInventoryUpload(const std::string &url, const LLResourceUploadInfo::ptr_t &uploadInfo);

    static void AssetInventoryUploadCoproc(LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::ptr_t &httpAdapter, const LLUUID &id, std::string url, LLResourceUploadInfo::ptr_t uploadInfo);

    static void HandleUploadError(LLCore::HttpStatus status, LLSD &result, LLResourceUploadInfo::ptr_t &uploadInfo);