/** * @file lltranslate.cpp * @brief Functions for translating text via Google Translate. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "lltranslate.h" #include #include "llbufferstream.h" #include "lltrans.h" #include "llui.h" #include "llversioninfo.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llcoros.h" #include "reader.h" #include "llcorehttputil.h" #include "llurlregistry.h" static const std::string AZURE_NOTRANSLATE_OPENING_TAG("
"); static const std::string AZURE_NOTRANSLATE_CLOSING_TAG("
"); /** * Handler of an HTTP machine translation service. * * Derived classes know the service URL * and how to parse the translation result. */ class LLTranslationAPIHandler { public: typedef std::pair LanguagePair_t; /** * Get URL for translation of the given string. * * Sending HTTP GET request to the URL will initiate translation. * * @param[out] url Place holder for the result. * @param from_lang Source language. Leave empty for auto-detection. * @param to_lang Target language. * @param text Text to translate. */ virtual std::string getTranslateURL( const std::string &from_lang, const std::string &to_lang, const std::string &text) const = 0; /** * Get URL to verify the given API key. * * Sending request to the URL verifies the key. * Positive HTTP response (code 200) means that the key is valid. * * @param[out] url Place holder for the URL. * @param[in] key Key to verify. */ virtual std::string getKeyVerificationURL( const LLSD &key) const = 0; /** * Check API verification response. * * @param[out] bool true if valid. * @param[in] response * @param[in] status */ virtual bool checkVerificationResponse( const LLSD &response, int status) const = 0; /** * Parse translation response. * * @param[in,out] status HTTP status. May be modified while parsing. * @param body Response text. * @param[out] translation Translated text. * @param[out] detected_lang Detected source language. May be empty. * @param[out] err_msg Error message (in case of error). */ virtual bool parseResponse( const LLSD& http_response, int& status, const std::string& body, std::string& translation, std::string& detected_lang, std::string& err_msg) const = 0; /** * @return if the handler is configured to function properly */ virtual bool isConfigured() const = 0; virtual LLTranslate::EService getCurrentService() = 0; virtual void verifyKey(const LLSD &key, LLTranslate::KeyVerificationResult_fn fnc) = 0; virtual void translateMessage(LanguagePair_t fromTo, std::string msg, LLTranslate::TranslationSuccess_fn success, LLTranslate::TranslationFailure_fn failure); virtual ~LLTranslationAPIHandler() {} void verifyKeyCoro(LLTranslate::EService service, LLSD key, LLTranslate::KeyVerificationResult_fn fnc); void translateMessageCoro(LanguagePair_t fromTo, std::string msg, LLTranslate::TranslationSuccess_fn success, LLTranslate::TranslationFailure_fn failure); virtual void initHttpHeader(LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers, const std::string& user_agent) const = 0; virtual void initHttpHeader(LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers, const std::string& user_agent, const LLSD &key) const = 0; virtual LLSD sendMessageAndSuspend(LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::ptr_t adapter, LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t request, LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t options, LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers, const std::string & url, const std::string & msg) const = 0; virtual LLSD verifyAndSuspend(LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::ptr_t adapter, LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t request, LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t options, LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers, const std::string & url) const = 0; }; void LLTranslationAPIHandler::translateMessage(LanguagePair_t fromTo, std::string msg, LLTranslate::TranslationSuccess_fn success, LLTranslate::TranslationFailure_fn failure) { LLCoros::instance().launch("Translation", boost::bind(&LLTranslationAPIHandler::translateMessageCoro, this, fromTo, msg, success, failure)); } void LLTranslationAPIHandler::verifyKeyCoro(LLTranslate::EService service, LLSD key, LLTranslate::KeyVerificationResult_fn fnc) { LLCore::HttpRequest::policy_t httpPolicy(LLCore::HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID); LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::ptr_t httpAdapter(new LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter("getMerchantStatusCoro", httpPolicy)); LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t httpRequest(new LLCore::HttpRequest); LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t httpOpts(new LLCore::HttpOptions); LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t httpHeaders(new LLCore::HttpHeaders); std::string user_agent = llformat("%s %d.%d.%d (%d)", LLVersionInfo::instance().getChannel().c_str(), LLVersionInfo::instance().getMajor(), LLVersionInfo::instance().getMinor(), LLVersionInfo::instance().getPatch(), LLVersionInfo::instance().getBuild()); initHttpHeader(httpHeaders, user_agent, key); httpOpts->setFollowRedirects(true); httpOpts->setSSLVerifyPeer(false); std::string url = this->getKeyVerificationURL(key); if (url.empty()) { LL_INFOS("Translate") << "No translation URL" << LL_ENDL; return; } std::string::size_type delim_pos = url.find("://"); if (delim_pos == std::string::npos) { LL_INFOS("Translate") << "URL is missing a scheme" << LL_ENDL; return; } LLSD result = verifyAndSuspend(httpAdapter, httpRequest, httpOpts, httpHeaders, url); LLSD httpResults = result[LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS]; LLCore::HttpStatus status = LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::getStatusFromLLSD(httpResults); bool bOk = true; int parseResult = status.getType(); if (!checkVerificationResponse(httpResults, parseResult)) { bOk = false; } if (!fnc.empty()) { fnc(service, bOk, parseResult); } } void LLTranslationAPIHandler::translateMessageCoro(LanguagePair_t fromTo, std::string msg, LLTranslate::TranslationSuccess_fn success, LLTranslate::TranslationFailure_fn failure) { LLCore::HttpRequest::policy_t httpPolicy(LLCore::HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID); LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::ptr_t httpAdapter(new LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter("getMerchantStatusCoro", httpPolicy)); LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t httpRequest(new LLCore::HttpRequest); LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t httpOpts(new LLCore::HttpOptions); LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t httpHeaders(new LLCore::HttpHeaders); std::string user_agent = llformat("%s %d.%d.%d (%d)", LLVersionInfo::instance().getChannel().c_str(), LLVersionInfo::instance().getMajor(), LLVersionInfo::instance().getMinor(), LLVersionInfo::instance().getPatch(), LLVersionInfo::instance().getBuild()); initHttpHeader(httpHeaders, user_agent); httpOpts->setSSLVerifyPeer(false); std::string url = this->getTranslateURL(fromTo.first, fromTo.second, msg); if (url.empty()) { LL_INFOS("Translate") << "No translation URL" << LL_ENDL; return; } LLSD result = sendMessageAndSuspend(httpAdapter, httpRequest, httpOpts, httpHeaders, url, msg); if (LLApp::isQuitting()) { return; } LLSD httpResults = result[LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS]; LLCore::HttpStatus status = LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::getStatusFromLLSD(httpResults); std::string translation, err_msg; std::string detected_lang(fromTo.second); int parseResult = status.getType(); const LLSD::Binary &rawBody = result[LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS_RAW].asBinary(); std::string body(rawBody.begin(), rawBody.end()); bool res = false; try { res = this->parseResponse(httpResults, parseResult, body, translation, detected_lang, err_msg); } catch (std::out_of_range&) { LL_WARNS() << "Out of range exception on string " << body << LL_ENDL; } catch (...) { LOG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION( "Exception on string " + body ); } if (res) { // Fix up the response LLStringUtil::replaceString(translation, "<", "<"); LLStringUtil::replaceString(translation, ">", ">"); LLStringUtil::replaceString(translation, """, "\""); LLStringUtil::replaceString(translation, "'", "'"); LLStringUtil::replaceString(translation, "&", "&"); LLStringUtil::replaceString(translation, "'", "'"); if (!success.empty()) success(translation, detected_lang); } else { if (err_msg.empty() && httpResults.has("error_body")) { err_msg = httpResults["error_body"].asString(); } if (err_msg.empty()) { err_msg = LLTrans::getString("TranslationResponseParseError"); } LL_WARNS() << "Translation request failed: " << err_msg << LL_ENDL; if (!failure.empty()) failure(status, err_msg); } } //========================================================================= /// Google Translate v2 API handler. class LLGoogleTranslationHandler : public LLTranslationAPIHandler { LOG_CLASS(LLGoogleTranslationHandler); public: std::string getTranslateURL( const std::string &from_lang, const std::string &to_lang, const std::string &text) const override; std::string getKeyVerificationURL( const LLSD &key) const override; bool checkVerificationResponse( const LLSD &response, int status) const override; bool parseResponse( const LLSD& http_response, int& status, const std::string& body, std::string& translation, std::string& detected_lang, std::string& err_msg) const override; bool isConfigured() const override; LLTranslate::EService getCurrentService() override { return LLTranslate::EService::SERVICE_GOOGLE; } void verifyKey(const LLSD &key, LLTranslate::KeyVerificationResult_fn fnc) override; void initHttpHeader(LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers, const std::string& user_agent) const override; void initHttpHeader(LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers, const std::string& user_agent, const LLSD &key) const override; LLSD sendMessageAndSuspend(LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::ptr_t adapter, LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t request, LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t options, LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers, const std::string & url, const std::string & msg) const override; LLSD verifyAndSuspend(LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::ptr_t adapter, LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t request, LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t options, LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers, const std::string & url) const override; private: static void parseErrorResponse( const Json::Value& root, int& status, std::string& err_msg); static bool parseTranslation( const Json::Value& root, std::string& translation, std::string& detected_lang); static std::string getAPIKey(); }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // virtual std::string LLGoogleTranslationHandler::getTranslateURL( const std::string &from_lang, const std::string &to_lang, const std::string &text) const { std::string url = std::string("https://www.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2?key=") + getAPIKey() + "&q=" + LLURI::escape(text) + "&target=" + to_lang; if (!from_lang.empty()) { url += "&source=" + from_lang; } return url; } // virtual std::string LLGoogleTranslationHandler::getKeyVerificationURL( const LLSD& key) const { std::string url = std::string("https://www.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2/languages?key=") + key.asString() +"&target=en"; return url; } //virtual bool LLGoogleTranslationHandler::checkVerificationResponse( const LLSD &response, int status) const { return status == HTTP_OK; } // virtual bool LLGoogleTranslationHandler::parseResponse( const LLSD& http_response, int& status, const std::string& body, std::string& translation, std::string& detected_lang, std::string& err_msg) const { Json::Value root; Json::Reader reader; if (!reader.parse(body, root)) { err_msg = reader.getFormatedErrorMessages(); return false; } if (!root.isObject()) // empty response? should not happen { return false; } if (status != HTTP_OK) { // Request failed. Extract error message from the response. parseErrorResponse(root, status, err_msg); return false; } // Request succeeded, extract translation from the response. return parseTranslation(root, translation, detected_lang); } // virtual bool LLGoogleTranslationHandler::isConfigured() const { return !getAPIKey().empty(); } // static void LLGoogleTranslationHandler::parseErrorResponse( const Json::Value& root, int& status, std::string& err_msg) { const Json::Value& error = root.get("error", 0); if (!error.isObject() || !error.isMember("message") || !error.isMember("code")) { return; } err_msg = error["message"].asString(); status = error["code"].asInt(); } // static bool LLGoogleTranslationHandler::parseTranslation( const Json::Value& root, std::string& translation, std::string& detected_lang) { // JsonCpp is prone to aborting the program on failed assertions, // so be super-careful and verify the response format. const Json::Value& data = root.get("data", 0); if (!data.isObject() || !data.isMember("translations")) { return false; } const Json::Value& translations = data["translations"]; if (!translations.isArray() || translations.size() == 0) { return false; } const Json::Value& first = translations[0U]; if (!first.isObject() || !first.isMember("translatedText")) { return false; } translation = first["translatedText"].asString(); detected_lang = first.get("detectedSourceLanguage", "").asString(); return true; } // static std::string LLGoogleTranslationHandler::getAPIKey() { static LLCachedControl google_key(gSavedSettings, "GoogleTranslateAPIKey"); return google_key; } /*virtual*/ void LLGoogleTranslationHandler::verifyKey(const LLSD &key, LLTranslate::KeyVerificationResult_fn fnc) { LLCoros::instance().launch("Google /Verify Key", boost::bind(&LLTranslationAPIHandler::verifyKeyCoro, this, LLTranslate::SERVICE_GOOGLE, key, fnc)); } /*virtual*/ void LLGoogleTranslationHandler::initHttpHeader(LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers, const std::string& user_agent) const { headers->append(HTTP_OUT_HEADER_ACCEPT, HTTP_CONTENT_TEXT_PLAIN); headers->append(HTTP_OUT_HEADER_USER_AGENT, user_agent); } /*virtual*/ void LLGoogleTranslationHandler::initHttpHeader( LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers, const std::string& user_agent, const LLSD &key) const { headers->append(HTTP_OUT_HEADER_ACCEPT, HTTP_CONTENT_TEXT_PLAIN); headers->append(HTTP_OUT_HEADER_USER_AGENT, user_agent); } LLSD LLGoogleTranslationHandler::sendMessageAndSuspend(LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::ptr_t adapter, LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t request, LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t options, LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers, const std::string & url, const std::string & msg) const { return adapter->getRawAndSuspend(request, url, options, headers); } LLSD LLGoogleTranslationHandler::verifyAndSuspend(LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::ptr_t adapter, LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t request, LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t options, LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers, const std::string & url) const { return adapter->getAndSuspend(request, url, options, headers); } //========================================================================= /// Microsoft Translator v2 API handler. class LLAzureTranslationHandler : public LLTranslationAPIHandler { LOG_CLASS(LLAzureTranslationHandler); public: std::string getTranslateURL( const std::string &from_lang, const std::string &to_lang, const std::string &text) const override; std::string getKeyVerificationURL( const LLSD &key) const override; bool checkVerificationResponse( const LLSD &response, int status) const override; bool parseResponse( const LLSD& http_response, int& status, const std::string& body, std::string& translation, std::string& detected_lang, std::string& err_msg) const override; bool isConfigured() const override; LLTranslate::EService getCurrentService() override { return LLTranslate::EService::SERVICE_AZURE; } void verifyKey(const LLSD &key, LLTranslate::KeyVerificationResult_fn fnc) override; void initHttpHeader(LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers, const std::string& user_agent) const override; void initHttpHeader(LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers, const std::string& user_agent, const LLSD &key) const override; LLSD sendMessageAndSuspend(LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::ptr_t adapter, LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t request, LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t options, LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers, const std::string & url, const std::string & msg) const override; LLSD verifyAndSuspend(LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::ptr_t adapter, LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t request, LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t options, LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers, const std::string & url) const override; private: static std::string parseErrorResponse( const std::string& body); static LLSD getAPIKey(); static std::string getAPILanguageCode(const std::string& lang); }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // virtual std::string LLAzureTranslationHandler::getTranslateURL( const std::string &from_lang, const std::string &to_lang, const std::string &text) const { std::string url; LLSD key = getAPIKey(); if (key.isMap()) { std::string endpoint = key["endpoint"].asString(); if (*endpoint.rbegin() != '/') { endpoint += "/"; } url = endpoint + std::string("translate?api-version=3.0&to=") + getAPILanguageCode(to_lang); } return url; } // virtual std::string LLAzureTranslationHandler::getKeyVerificationURL( const LLSD& key) const { std::string url; if (key.isMap()) { std::string endpoint = key["endpoint"].asString(); if (*endpoint.rbegin() != '/') { endpoint += "/"; } url = endpoint + std::string("translate?api-version=3.0&to=en"); } return url; } //virtual bool LLAzureTranslationHandler::checkVerificationResponse( const LLSD &response, int status) const { if (status == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) { LL_DEBUGS("Translate") << "Key unathorised" << LL_ENDL; return false; } if (status == HTTP_NOT_FOUND) { LL_DEBUGS("Translate") << "Either endpoint doesn't have requested resource" << LL_ENDL; return false; } if (status != HTTP_BAD_REQUEST) { LL_DEBUGS("Translate") << "Unexpected error code" << LL_ENDL; return false; } if (!response.has("error_body")) { LL_DEBUGS("Translate") << "Unexpected response, no error returned" << LL_ENDL; return false; } // Expected: "{\"error\":{\"code\":400000,\"message\":\"One of the request inputs is not valid.\"}}" // But for now just verify response is a valid json Json::Value root; Json::Reader reader; if (!reader.parse(response["error_body"].asString(), root)) { LL_DEBUGS("Translate") << "Failed to parse error_body:" << reader.getFormatedErrorMessages() << LL_ENDL; return false; } return true; } // virtual bool LLAzureTranslationHandler::parseResponse( const LLSD& http_response, int& status, const std::string& body, std::string& translation, std::string& detected_lang, std::string& err_msg) const { if (status != HTTP_OK) { if (http_response.has("error_body")) err_msg = parseErrorResponse(http_response["error_body"].asString()); return false; } //Example: // "[{\"detectedLanguage\":{\"language\":\"en\",\"score\":1.0},\"translations\":[{\"text\":\"Hello, what is your name?\",\"to\":\"en\"}]}]" Json::Value root; Json::Reader reader; if (!reader.parse(body, root)) { err_msg = reader.getFormatedErrorMessages(); return false; } if (!root.isArray()) // empty response? should not happen { return false; } // Request succeeded, extract translation from the response. const Json::Value& data = root[0U]; if (!data.isObject() || !data.isMember("detectedLanguage") || !data.isMember("translations")) { return false; } const Json::Value& detectedLanguage = data["detectedLanguage"]; if (!detectedLanguage.isObject() || !detectedLanguage.isMember("language")) { return false; } detected_lang = detectedLanguage["language"].asString(); const Json::Value& translations = data["translations"]; if (!translations.isArray() || translations.size() == 0) { return false; } const Json::Value& first = translations[0U]; if (!first.isObject() || !first.isMember("text")) { return false; } translation = first["text"].asString(); return true; } // virtual bool LLAzureTranslationHandler::isConfigured() const { return !getAPIKey().isMap(); } //static std::string LLAzureTranslationHandler::parseErrorResponse( const std::string& body) { // Expected: "{\"error\":{\"code\":400000,\"message\":\"One of the request inputs is not valid.\"}}" // But for now just verify response is a valid json with an error Json::Value root; Json::Reader reader; if (!reader.parse(body, root)) { return std::string(); } if (!root.isObject() || !root.isMember("error")) { return std::string(); } const Json::Value& error_map = root["error"]; if (!error_map.isObject() || !error_map.isMember("message")) { return std::string(); } return error_map["message"].asString(); } // static LLSD LLAzureTranslationHandler::getAPIKey() { static LLCachedControl azure_key(gSavedSettings, "AzureTranslateAPIKey"); return azure_key; } // static std::string LLAzureTranslationHandler::getAPILanguageCode(const std::string& lang) { return lang == "zh" ? "zh-CHT" : lang; // treat Chinese as Traditional Chinese } /*virtual*/ void LLAzureTranslationHandler::verifyKey(const LLSD &key, LLTranslate::KeyVerificationResult_fn fnc) { LLCoros::instance().launch("Azure /Verify Key", boost::bind(&LLTranslationAPIHandler::verifyKeyCoro, this, LLTranslate::SERVICE_AZURE, key, fnc)); } /*virtual*/ void LLAzureTranslationHandler::initHttpHeader( LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers, const std::string& user_agent) const { initHttpHeader(headers, user_agent, getAPIKey()); } /*virtual*/ void LLAzureTranslationHandler::initHttpHeader( LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers, const std::string& user_agent, const LLSD &key) const { headers->append(HTTP_OUT_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, HTTP_CONTENT_JSON); headers->append(HTTP_OUT_HEADER_USER_AGENT, user_agent); if (key.has("id")) { // Token based autorization headers->append("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", key["id"].asString()); } if (key.has("region")) { // ex: "westeurope" headers->append("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Region", key["region"].asString()); } } LLSD LLAzureTranslationHandler::sendMessageAndSuspend(LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::ptr_t adapter, LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t request, LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t options, LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers, const std::string & url, const std::string & msg) const { LLCore::BufferArray::ptr_t rawbody(new LLCore::BufferArray); LLCore::BufferArrayStream outs(rawbody.get()); outs << "[{\"text\":\""; outs << msg; outs << "\"}]"; return adapter->postRawAndSuspend(request, url, rawbody, options, headers); } LLSD LLAzureTranslationHandler::verifyAndSuspend(LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::ptr_t adapter, LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t request, LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t options, LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers, const std::string & url) const { LLCore::BufferArray::ptr_t rawbody(new LLCore::BufferArray); LLCore::BufferArrayStream outs(rawbody.get()); outs << "[{\"intentionally_invalid_400\"}]"; return adapter->postRawAndSuspend(request, url, rawbody, options, headers); } //========================================================================= /*static*/ void LLTranslate::translateMessage(const std::string &from_lang, const std::string &to_lang, const std::string &mesg, TranslationSuccess_fn success, TranslationFailure_fn failure) { LLTranslationAPIHandler& handler = getPreferredHandler(); handler.translateMessage(LLTranslationAPIHandler::LanguagePair_t(from_lang, to_lang), addNoTranslateTags(mesg), success, failure); } std::string LLTranslate::addNoTranslateTags(std::string mesg) { if (getPreferredHandler().getCurrentService() == SERVICE_GOOGLE) { return mesg; } if (getPreferredHandler().getCurrentService() == SERVICE_AZURE) { // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/translator/prevent-translation std::string upd_msg(mesg); LLUrlMatch match; S32 dif = 0; //surround all links (including SLURLs) with 'no-translate' tags to prevent unnecessary translation while (LLUrlRegistry::instance().findUrl(mesg, match)) { upd_msg.insert(dif + match.getStart(), AZURE_NOTRANSLATE_OPENING_TAG); upd_msg.insert(dif + AZURE_NOTRANSLATE_OPENING_TAG.size() + match.getEnd() + 1, AZURE_NOTRANSLATE_CLOSING_TAG); mesg.erase(match.getStart(), match.getEnd() - match.getStart()); dif += match.getEnd() - match.getStart() + AZURE_NOTRANSLATE_OPENING_TAG.size() + AZURE_NOTRANSLATE_CLOSING_TAG.size(); } return upd_msg; } return mesg; } std::string LLTranslate::removeNoTranslateTags(std::string mesg) { if (getPreferredHandler().getCurrentService() == SERVICE_GOOGLE) { return mesg; } if (getPreferredHandler().getCurrentService() == SERVICE_AZURE) { std::string upd_msg(mesg); LLUrlMatch match; S32 opening_tag_size = AZURE_NOTRANSLATE_OPENING_TAG.size(); S32 closing_tag_size = AZURE_NOTRANSLATE_CLOSING_TAG.size(); S32 dif = 0; //remove 'no-translate' tags we added to the links before while (LLUrlRegistry::instance().findUrl(mesg, match)) { if (upd_msg.substr(dif + match.getStart() - opening_tag_size, opening_tag_size) == AZURE_NOTRANSLATE_OPENING_TAG) { upd_msg.erase(dif + match.getStart() - opening_tag_size, opening_tag_size); dif -= opening_tag_size; if (upd_msg.substr(dif + match.getEnd() + 1, closing_tag_size) == AZURE_NOTRANSLATE_CLOSING_TAG) { upd_msg.replace(dif + match.getEnd() + 1, closing_tag_size, " "); dif -= closing_tag_size - 1; } } mesg.erase(match.getStart(), match.getUrl().size()); dif += match.getUrl().size(); } return upd_msg; } return mesg; } /*static*/ void LLTranslate::verifyKey(EService service, const LLSD &key, KeyVerificationResult_fn fnc) { LLTranslationAPIHandler& handler = getHandler(service); handler.verifyKey(key, fnc); } //static std::string LLTranslate::getTranslateLanguage() { std::string language = gSavedSettings.getString("TranslateLanguage"); if (language.empty() || language == "default") { language = LLUI::getLanguage(); } language = language.substr(0,2); return language; } // static bool LLTranslate::isTranslationConfigured() { return getPreferredHandler().isConfigured(); } // static LLTranslationAPIHandler& LLTranslate::getPreferredHandler() { EService service = SERVICE_AZURE; std::string service_str = gSavedSettings.getString("TranslationService"); if (service_str == "google") { service = SERVICE_GOOGLE; } return getHandler(service); } // static LLTranslationAPIHandler& LLTranslate::getHandler(EService service) { static LLGoogleTranslationHandler google; static LLAzureTranslationHandler azure; if (service == SERVICE_GOOGLE) { return google; } return azure; }