* @file lltranslate.cpp
* @brief Functions for translating text via Google Translate.
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$

#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"

#include "lltranslate.h"

#include <curl/curl.h>

#include "llbufferstream.h"
#include "lltrans.h"
#include "llui.h"
#include "llversioninfo.h"
#include "llviewercontrol.h"

#include "reader.h"

// virtual
void LLGoogleTranslationHandler::getTranslateURL(
	std::string &url,
	const std::string &from_lang,
	const std::string &to_lang,
	const std::string &text) const
	url = std::string("https://www.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2?key=")
		+ getAPIKey() + "&q=" + LLURI::escape(text) + "&target=" + to_lang;
	if (!from_lang.empty())
		url += "&source=" + from_lang;

// virtual
void LLGoogleTranslationHandler::getKeyVerificationURL(
	std::string& url,
	const std::string& key) const
	url = std::string("https://www.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2/languages?key=")
		+ key + "&target=en";

// virtual
bool LLGoogleTranslationHandler::parseResponse(
	int& status,
	const std::string& body,
	std::string& translation,
	std::string& detected_lang,
	std::string& err_msg) const
	Json::Value root;
	Json::Reader reader;

	if (!reader.parse(body, root))
		err_msg = reader.getFormatedErrorMessages();
		return false;

	if (!root.isObject()) // empty response? should not happen
		return false;

	if (status != HTTP_OK)
		// Request failed. Extract error message from the response.
		parseErrorResponse(root, status, err_msg);
		return false;

	// Request succeeded, extract translation from the response.
	return parseTranslation(root, translation, detected_lang);

// virtual
bool LLGoogleTranslationHandler::isConfigured() const
	return !getAPIKey().empty();

// static
void LLGoogleTranslationHandler::parseErrorResponse(
	const Json::Value& root,
	int& status,
	std::string& err_msg)
	const Json::Value& error = root.get("error", 0);
	if (!error.isObject() || !error.isMember("message") || !error.isMember("code"))

	err_msg = error["message"].asString();
	status = error["code"].asInt();

// static
bool LLGoogleTranslationHandler::parseTranslation(
	const Json::Value& root,
	std::string& translation,
	std::string& detected_lang)
	// JsonCpp is prone to aborting the program on failed assertions,
	// so be super-careful and verify the response format.
	const Json::Value& data = root.get("data", 0);
	if (!data.isObject() || !data.isMember("translations"))
		return false;

	const Json::Value& translations = data["translations"];
	if (!translations.isArray() || translations.size() == 0)
		return false;

	const Json::Value& first = translations[0U];
	if (!first.isObject() || !first.isMember("translatedText"))
		return false;

	translation = first["translatedText"].asString();
	detected_lang = first.get("detectedSourceLanguage", "").asString();
	return true;

// static
std::string LLGoogleTranslationHandler::getAPIKey()
	return gSavedSettings.getString("GoogleTranslateAPIKey");

// virtual
void LLBingTranslationHandler::getTranslateURL(
	std::string &url,
	const std::string &from_lang,
	const std::string &to_lang,
	const std::string &text) const
	url = std::string("http://api.microsofttranslator.com/v2/Http.svc/Translate?appId=")
		+ getAPIKey() + "&text=" + LLURI::escape(text) + "&to=" + getAPILanguageCode(to_lang);
	if (!from_lang.empty())
		url += "&from=" + getAPILanguageCode(from_lang);

// virtual
void LLBingTranslationHandler::getKeyVerificationURL(
	std::string& url,
	const std::string& key) const
	url = std::string("http://api.microsofttranslator.com/v2/Http.svc/GetLanguagesForTranslate?appId=")
		+ key;

// virtual
bool LLBingTranslationHandler::parseResponse(
	int& status,
	const std::string& body,
	std::string& translation,
	std::string& detected_lang,
	std::string& err_msg) const
	if (status != HTTP_OK)
		static const std::string MSG_BEGIN_MARKER = "Message: ";
		size_t begin = body.find(MSG_BEGIN_MARKER);
		if (begin != std::string::npos)
			begin += MSG_BEGIN_MARKER.size();
			begin = 0;
		size_t end = body.find("</p>", begin);
		err_msg = body.substr(begin, end-begin);
		LLStringUtil::replaceString(err_msg, "&#xD;", ""); // strip CR
		return false;

	// Sample response: <string xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/">Hola</string>
	size_t begin = body.find(">");
	if (begin == std::string::npos || begin >= (body.size() - 1))
		begin = 0;

	size_t end = body.find("</string>", begin);

	detected_lang = ""; // unsupported by this API
	translation = body.substr(begin, end-begin);
	LLStringUtil::replaceString(translation, "&#xD;", ""); // strip CR
	return true;

// virtual
bool LLBingTranslationHandler::isConfigured() const
	return !getAPIKey().empty();

// static
std::string LLBingTranslationHandler::getAPIKey()
	return gSavedSettings.getString("BingTranslateAPIKey");

// static
std::string LLBingTranslationHandler::getAPILanguageCode(const std::string& lang)
	return lang == "zh" ? "zh-CHT" : lang; // treat Chinese as Traditional Chinese

LLTranslate::TranslationReceiver::TranslationReceiver(const std::string& from_lang, const std::string& to_lang)
:	mFromLang(from_lang)
,	mToLang(to_lang)
,	mHandler(LLTranslate::getPreferredHandler())

// virtual
void LLTranslate::TranslationReceiver::completedRaw(
	const LLChannelDescriptors& channels,
	const LLIOPipe::buffer_ptr_t& buffer)
	LLBufferStream istr(channels, buffer.get());
	std::stringstream strstrm;
	strstrm << istr.rdbuf();

	const std::string body = strstrm.str();
	std::string translation, detected_lang, err_msg;
	int status = getStatus();
	LL_DEBUGS("Translate") << "HTTP status: " << status << " " << getReason() << LL_ENDL;
	LL_DEBUGS("Translate") << "Response body: " << body << LL_ENDL;
	if (mHandler.parseResponse(status, body, translation, detected_lang, err_msg))
		// Fix up the response
		LLStringUtil::replaceString(translation, "&lt;", "<");
		LLStringUtil::replaceString(translation, "&gt;",">");
		LLStringUtil::replaceString(translation, "&quot;","\"");
		LLStringUtil::replaceString(translation, "&#39;","'");
		LLStringUtil::replaceString(translation, "&amp;","&");
		LLStringUtil::replaceString(translation, "&apos;","'");

		handleResponse(translation, detected_lang);
		if (err_msg.empty())
			err_msg = LLTrans::getString("TranslationResponseParseError");

		llwarns << "Translation request failed: " << err_msg << llendl;
		handleFailure(status, err_msg);

LLTranslate::KeyVerificationReceiver::KeyVerificationReceiver(EService service)
:	mService(service)

LLTranslate::EService LLTranslate::KeyVerificationReceiver::getService() const
	return mService;

// virtual
void LLTranslate::KeyVerificationReceiver::completedRaw(
	const LLChannelDescriptors& channels,
	const LLIOPipe::buffer_ptr_t& buffer)
	bool ok = (getStatus() == HTTP_OK);

void LLTranslate::translateMessage(
	TranslationReceiverPtr &receiver,
	const std::string &from_lang,
	const std::string &to_lang,
	const std::string &mesg)
	std::string url;
	receiver->mHandler.getTranslateURL(url, from_lang, to_lang, mesg);

	LL_DEBUGS("Translate") << "Sending translation request: " << url << LL_ENDL;
	sendRequest(url, receiver);

// static
void LLTranslate::verifyKey(
	KeyVerificationReceiverPtr& receiver,
	const std::string& key)
	std::string url;
	const LLTranslationAPIHandler& handler = getHandler(receiver->getService());
	handler.getKeyVerificationURL(url, key);

	LL_DEBUGS("Translate") << "Sending key verification request: " << url << LL_ENDL;
	sendRequest(url, receiver);

std::string LLTranslate::getTranslateLanguage()
	std::string language = gSavedSettings.getString("TranslateLanguage");
	if (language.empty() || language == "default")
		language = LLUI::getLanguage();
	language = language.substr(0,2);
	return language;

// static
bool LLTranslate::isTranslationConfigured()
	return getPreferredHandler().isConfigured();

// static
const LLTranslationAPIHandler& LLTranslate::getPreferredHandler()
	EService service = SERVICE_BING;

	std::string service_str = gSavedSettings.getString("TranslationService");
	if (service_str == "google")
		service = SERVICE_GOOGLE;

	return getHandler(service);

// static
const LLTranslationAPIHandler& LLTranslate::getHandler(EService service)
	static LLGoogleTranslationHandler google;
	static LLBingTranslationHandler bing;

	if (service == SERVICE_GOOGLE)
		return google;

	return bing;

// static
void LLTranslate::sendRequest(const std::string& url, LLHTTPClient::ResponderPtr responder)
	static const float REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 5;
	static LLSD sHeader;

	if (!sHeader.size())
	    std::string user_agent = llformat("%s %d.%d.%d (%d)",

		sHeader.insert(HTTP_OUT_HEADER_USER_AGENT, user_agent);

	LLHTTPClient::get(url, responder, sHeader, REQUEST_TIMEOUT);