/** * @file lltoolplacer.cpp * @brief Tool for placing new objects into the world * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" // self header #include "lltoolplacer.h" // viewer headers #include "llbutton.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" //#include "llfirstuse.h" #include "llfloatertools.h" #include "llselectmgr.h" #include "llstatusbar.h" #include "lltoolcomp.h" #include "lltoolmgr.h" #include "llviewerobject.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" #include "llviewerwindow.h" #include "llworld.h" #include "llui.h" //Headers added for functions moved from viewer.cpp #include "llvograss.h" #include "llvotree.h" #include "llvolumemessage.h" #include "llhudmanager.h" #include "llagent.h" #include "llagentcamera.h" #include "llaudioengine.h" #include "llhudeffecttrail.h" #include "llviewerobjectlist.h" #include "llviewercamera.h" #include "llviewerstats.h" #include "llvoavatarself.h" // linden library headers #include "llprimitive.h" #include "llwindow.h" // incBusyCount() #include "material_codes.h" const LLVector3 DEFAULT_OBJECT_SCALE(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); //static LLPCode LLToolPlacer::sObjectType = LL_PCODE_CUBE; LLToolPlacer::LLToolPlacer() : LLTool( "Create" ) { } BOOL LLToolPlacer::raycastForNewObjPos( S32 x, S32 y, LLViewerObject** hit_obj, S32* hit_face, BOOL* b_hit_land, LLVector3* ray_start_region, LLVector3* ray_end_region, LLViewerRegion** region ) { F32 max_dist_from_camera = gSavedSettings.getF32( "MaxSelectDistance" ) - 1.f; // Viewer-side pick to find the right sim to create the object on. // First find the surface the object will be created on. LLPickInfo pick = gViewerWindow->pickImmediate(x, y, FALSE); // Note: use the frontmost non-flora version because (a) plants usually have lots of alpha and (b) pants' Havok // representations (if any) are NOT the same as their viewer representation. if (pick.mPickType == LLPickInfo::PICK_FLORA) { *hit_obj = NULL; *hit_face = -1; } else { *hit_obj = pick.getObject(); *hit_face = pick.mObjectFace; } *b_hit_land = !(*hit_obj) && !pick.mPosGlobal.isExactlyZero(); LLVector3d land_pos_global = pick.mPosGlobal; // Make sure there's a surface to place the new object on. BOOL bypass_sim_raycast = FALSE; LLVector3d surface_pos_global; if (*b_hit_land) { surface_pos_global = land_pos_global; bypass_sim_raycast = TRUE; } else if (*hit_obj) { surface_pos_global = (*hit_obj)->getPositionGlobal(); } else { return FALSE; } // Make sure the surface isn't too far away. LLVector3d ray_start_global = gAgentCamera.getCameraPositionGlobal(); F32 dist_to_surface_sq = (F32)((surface_pos_global - ray_start_global).magVecSquared()); if( dist_to_surface_sq > (max_dist_from_camera * max_dist_from_camera) ) { return FALSE; } // Find the sim where the surface lives. LLViewerRegion *regionp = LLWorld::getInstance()->getRegionFromPosGlobal(surface_pos_global); if (!regionp) { llwarns << "Trying to add object outside of all known regions!" << llendl; return FALSE; } // Find the simulator-side ray that will be used to place the object accurately LLVector3d mouse_direction; mouse_direction.setVec( gViewerWindow->mouseDirectionGlobal( x, y ) ); *region = regionp; *ray_start_region = regionp->getPosRegionFromGlobal( ray_start_global ); F32 near_clip = LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getNear() + 0.01f; // Include an epsilon to avoid rounding issues. *ray_start_region += LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getAtAxis() * near_clip; if( bypass_sim_raycast ) { // Hack to work around Havok's inability to ray cast onto height fields *ray_end_region = regionp->getPosRegionFromGlobal( surface_pos_global ); // ray end is the viewer's intersection point } else { LLVector3d ray_end_global = ray_start_global + (1.f + max_dist_from_camera) * mouse_direction; // add an epsilon to the sim version of the ray to avoid rounding problems. *ray_end_region = regionp->getPosRegionFromGlobal( ray_end_global ); } return TRUE; } BOOL LLToolPlacer::addObject( LLPCode pcode, S32 x, S32 y, U8 use_physics ) { LLVector3 ray_start_region; LLVector3 ray_end_region; LLViewerRegion* regionp = NULL; BOOL b_hit_land = FALSE; S32 hit_face = -1; LLViewerObject* hit_obj = NULL; U8 state = 0; BOOL success = raycastForNewObjPos( x, y, &hit_obj, &hit_face, &b_hit_land, &ray_start_region, &ray_end_region, ®ionp ); if( !success ) { return FALSE; } if( hit_obj && (hit_obj->isAvatar() || hit_obj->isAttachment()) ) { // Can't create objects on avatars or attachments return FALSE; } if (NULL == regionp) { llwarns << "regionp was NULL; aborting function." << llendl; return FALSE; } if (regionp->getRegionFlag(REGION_FLAGS_SANDBOX)) { //LLFirstUse::useSandbox(); } // Set params for new object based on its PCode. LLQuaternion rotation; LLVector3 scale = DEFAULT_OBJECT_SCALE; U8 material = LL_MCODE_WOOD; BOOL create_selected = FALSE; LLVolumeParams volume_params; switch (pcode) { case LL_PCODE_LEGACY_GRASS: // Randomize size of grass patch scale.setVec(10.f + ll_frand(20.f), 10.f + ll_frand(20.f), 1.f + ll_frand(2.f)); state = rand() % LLVOGrass::sMaxGrassSpecies; break; case LL_PCODE_LEGACY_TREE: case LL_PCODE_TREE_NEW: state = rand() % LLVOTree::sMaxTreeSpecies; break; case LL_PCODE_SPHERE: case LL_PCODE_CONE: case LL_PCODE_CUBE: case LL_PCODE_CYLINDER: case LL_PCODE_TORUS: case LLViewerObject::LL_VO_SQUARE_TORUS: case LLViewerObject::LL_VO_TRIANGLE_TORUS: default: create_selected = TRUE; break; } // Play creation sound if (gAudiop) { gAudiop->triggerSound( LLUUID(gSavedSettings.getString("UISndObjectCreate")), gAgent.getID(), 1.0f, LLAudioEngine::AUDIO_TYPE_UI); } gMessageSystem->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_ObjectAdd); gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData); gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID()); gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID()); gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_GroupID, gAgent.getGroupID()); gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_ObjectData); gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_Material, material); U32 flags = 0; // not selected if (use_physics) { flags |= FLAGS_USE_PHYSICS; } if (create_selected) { flags |= FLAGS_CREATE_SELECTED; } gMessageSystem->addU32Fast(_PREHASH_AddFlags, flags ); LLPCode volume_pcode; // ...PCODE_VOLUME, or the original on error switch (pcode) { case LL_PCODE_SPHERE: rotation.setQuat(90.f * DEG_TO_RAD, LLVector3::y_axis); volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE_HALF, LL_PCODE_PATH_CIRCLE ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 1, 1 ); volume_params.setShear ( 0, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; case LL_PCODE_TORUS: rotation.setQuat(90.f * DEG_TO_RAD, LLVector3::y_axis); volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE, LL_PCODE_PATH_CIRCLE ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 1.f, 0.25f ); // "top size" volume_params.setShear ( 0, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; case LLViewerObject::LL_VO_SQUARE_TORUS: rotation.setQuat(90.f * DEG_TO_RAD, LLVector3::y_axis); volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_SQUARE, LL_PCODE_PATH_CIRCLE ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 1.f, 0.25f ); // "top size" volume_params.setShear ( 0, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; case LLViewerObject::LL_VO_TRIANGLE_TORUS: rotation.setQuat(90.f * DEG_TO_RAD, LLVector3::y_axis); volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_EQUALTRI, LL_PCODE_PATH_CIRCLE ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 1.f, 0.25f ); // "top size" volume_params.setShear ( 0, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; case LL_PCODE_SPHERE_HEMI: volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE_HALF, LL_PCODE_PATH_CIRCLE ); //volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.5f, 1.f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 0.5f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 1, 1 ); volume_params.setShear ( 0, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; case LL_PCODE_CUBE: volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_SQUARE, LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 1, 1 ); volume_params.setShear ( 0, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; case LL_PCODE_PRISM: volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_SQUARE, LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 0, 1 ); volume_params.setShear ( -0.5f, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; case LL_PCODE_PYRAMID: volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_SQUARE, LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 0, 0 ); volume_params.setShear ( 0, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; case LL_PCODE_TETRAHEDRON: volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_EQUALTRI, LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 0, 0 ); volume_params.setShear ( 0, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; case LL_PCODE_CYLINDER: volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE, LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 1, 1 ); volume_params.setShear ( 0, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; case LL_PCODE_CYLINDER_HEMI: volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE, LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.25f, 0.75f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 1, 1 ); volume_params.setShear ( 0, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; case LL_PCODE_CONE: volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE, LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 0, 0 ); volume_params.setShear ( 0, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; case LL_PCODE_CONE_HEMI: volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE, LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.25f, 0.75f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 0, 0 ); volume_params.setShear ( 0, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; default: LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(0, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = pcode; break; } gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_PCode, volume_pcode); gMessageSystem->addVector3Fast(_PREHASH_Scale, scale ); gMessageSystem->addQuatFast(_PREHASH_Rotation, rotation ); gMessageSystem->addVector3Fast(_PREHASH_RayStart, ray_start_region ); gMessageSystem->addVector3Fast(_PREHASH_RayEnd, ray_end_region ); gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_BypassRaycast, (U8)b_hit_land ); gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_RayEndIsIntersection, (U8)FALSE ); gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_State, state); // Limit raycast to a single object. // Speeds up server raycast + avoid problems with server ray hitting objects // that were clipped by the near plane or culled on the viewer. LLUUID ray_target_id; if( hit_obj ) { ray_target_id = hit_obj->getID(); } else { ray_target_id.setNull(); } gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_RayTargetID, ray_target_id ); // Pack in name value pairs gMessageSystem->sendReliable(regionp->getHost()); // Spawns a message, so must be after above send if (create_selected) { LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->deselectAll(); gViewerWindow->getWindow()->incBusyCount(); } // VEFFECT: AddObject LLHUDEffectSpiral *effectp = (LLHUDEffectSpiral *)LLHUDManager::getInstance()->createViewerEffect(LLHUDObject::LL_HUD_EFFECT_BEAM, TRUE); effectp->setSourceObject((LLViewerObject*)gAgentAvatarp); effectp->setPositionGlobal(regionp->getPosGlobalFromRegion(ray_end_region)); effectp->setDuration(LL_HUD_DUR_SHORT); effectp->setColor(LLColor4U(gAgent.getEffectColor())); add(LLStatViewer::OBJECT_CREATE, 1); return TRUE; } // Used by the placer tool to add copies of the current selection. // Inspired by add_object(). JC BOOL LLToolPlacer::addDuplicate(S32 x, S32 y) { LLVector3 ray_start_region; LLVector3 ray_end_region; LLViewerRegion* regionp = NULL; BOOL b_hit_land = FALSE; S32 hit_face = -1; LLViewerObject* hit_obj = NULL; BOOL success = raycastForNewObjPos( x, y, &hit_obj, &hit_face, &b_hit_land, &ray_start_region, &ray_end_region, ®ionp ); if( !success ) { make_ui_sound("UISndInvalidOp"); return FALSE; } if( hit_obj && (hit_obj->isAvatar() || hit_obj->isAttachment()) ) { // Can't create objects on avatars or attachments make_ui_sound("UISndInvalidOp"); return FALSE; } // Limit raycast to a single object. // Speeds up server raycast + avoid problems with server ray hitting objects // that were clipped by the near plane or culled on the viewer. LLUUID ray_target_id; if( hit_obj ) { ray_target_id = hit_obj->getID(); } else { ray_target_id.setNull(); } LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectDuplicateOnRay(ray_start_region, ray_end_region, b_hit_land, // suppress raycast FALSE, // intersection ray_target_id, gSavedSettings.getBOOL("CreateToolCopyCenters"), gSavedSettings.getBOOL("CreateToolCopyRotates"), FALSE); // select copy if (regionp && (regionp->getRegionFlag(REGION_FLAGS_SANDBOX))) { //LLFirstUse::useSandbox(); } return TRUE; } BOOL LLToolPlacer::placeObject(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { BOOL added = TRUE; if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("CreateToolCopySelection")) { added = addDuplicate(x, y); } else { added = addObject( sObjectType, x, y, FALSE ); } // ...and go back to the default tool if (added && !gSavedSettings.getBOOL("CreateToolKeepSelected")) { LLToolMgr::getInstance()->getCurrentToolset()->selectTool( LLToolCompTranslate::getInstance() ); } return added; } BOOL LLToolPlacer::handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { LL_DEBUGS("UserInput") << "hover handled by LLToolPlacer" << llendl; gViewerWindow->setCursor(UI_CURSOR_TOOLCREATE); return TRUE; } void LLToolPlacer::handleSelect() { gFloaterTools->setStatusText("place"); } void LLToolPlacer::handleDeselect() { }