/** * @file lltoastnotifypanel.cpp * @brief Panel for notify toasts. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$ * * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "lltoastnotifypanel.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "lluiconstants.h" #include "llrect.h" #include "lliconctrl.h" #include "lltexteditor.h" #include "lltextbox.h" #include "lldbstrings.h" #include "llchat.h" #include "llfloaterchat.h" #include "lltrans.h" #include "lloverlaybar.h" const S32 BOTTOM_PAD = VPAD * 3; //static const LLFontGL* LLToastNotifyPanel::sFont = NULL; const LLFontGL* LLToastNotifyPanel::sFontSmall = NULL; LLToastNotifyPanel::LLToastNotifyPanel(LLNotificationPtr& notification) : LLToastPanel(notification) { mIsTip = notification->getType() == "notifytip"; mNumOptions = 0; mNumButtons = 0; mIsScriptDialog = (notification->getName() == "ScriptDialog" || notification->getName() == "ScriptDialogGroup"); mAddedDefaultBtn = false; // clicking on a button does not steal current focus setIsChrome(TRUE); // class init if (!sFont) { sFont = LLFontGL::getFontSansSerif(); sFontSmall = LLFontGL::getFontSansSerifSmall(); } // setup paramaters mMessage = notification->getMessage(); // initialize setFocusRoot(!mIsTip); // caution flag can be set explicitly by specifying it in the // notification payload, or it can be set implicitly if the // notify xml template specifies that it is a caution // // tip-style notification handle 'caution' differently - // they display the tip in a different color mIsCaution = notification->getPriority() >= NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY_HIGH; LLNotificationFormPtr form(notification->getForm()); mNumOptions = form->getNumElements(); LLRect rect = mIsTip ? getNotifyTipRect(mMessage) : getNotifyRect(mNumOptions, mIsScriptDialog, mIsCaution); setRect(rect); setFollows(mIsTip ? (FOLLOWS_BOTTOM|FOLLOWS_RIGHT) : (FOLLOWS_TOP|FOLLOWS_RIGHT)); setBackgroundVisible(FALSE); setBackgroundOpaque(TRUE); LLIconCtrl* icon; LLTextEditor* text; const S32 TOP = getRect().getHeight() - (mIsTip ? (S32)sFont->getLineHeight() : 32); const S32 BOTTOM = (S32)sFont->getLineHeight(); S32 x = HPAD + HPAD; S32 y = TOP; LLIconCtrl::Params common_params; common_params.rect(LLRect(x, y, x+32, TOP-32)); common_params.mouse_opaque(false); common_params.follows.flags(FOLLOWS_LEFT | FOLLOWS_TOP); if (mIsTip) { // use the tip notification icon common_params.image(LLUI::getUIImage("notify_tip_icon.tga")); icon = LLUICtrlFactory::create (common_params); } else if (mIsCaution) { // use the caution notification icon common_params.image(LLUI::getUIImage("notify_caution_icon.tga")); icon = LLUICtrlFactory::create (common_params); } else { // use the default notification icon common_params.image(LLUI::getUIImage("notify_box_icon.tga")); icon = LLUICtrlFactory::create (common_params); } icon->setMouseOpaque(FALSE); addChild(icon); x += HPAD + HPAD + 32; // add a caution textbox at the top of a caution notification LLTextBox* caution_box = NULL; if (mIsCaution && !mIsTip) { S32 caution_height = ((S32)sFont->getLineHeight() * 2) + VPAD; LLTextBox::Params params; params.name("caution_box"); params.rect(LLRect(x, y, getRect().getWidth() - 2, caution_height)); params.font(sFont); params.mouse_opaque(false); params.font.style("BOLD"); params.text_color(LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("NotifyCautionWarnColor")); params.background_color(LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("NotifyCautionBoxColor")); params.border_visible(false); caution_box = LLUICtrlFactory::create (params); caution_box->setWrappedText(notification->getMessage()); addChild(caution_box); // adjust the vertical position of the next control so that // it appears below the caution textbox y = y - caution_height; } else { const S32 BTN_TOP = BOTTOM_PAD + (((mNumOptions-1+2)/3)) * (BTN_HEIGHT+VPAD); // Tokenization on \n is handled by LLTextBox const S32 MAX_LENGTH = 512 + 20 + DB_FIRST_NAME_BUF_SIZE + DB_LAST_NAME_BUF_SIZE + DB_INV_ITEM_NAME_BUF_SIZE; // For script dialogs: add space for title. LLTextEditor::Params params; params.name("box"); params.rect(LLRect(x, y, getRect().getWidth()-2, mIsTip ? BOTTOM : BTN_TOP+16)); params.max_text_length(MAX_LENGTH); params.default_text(mMessage); params.font(sFont); params.embedded_items(false); params.word_wrap(true); params.tab_stop(false); params.mouse_opaque(false); params.bg_readonly_color(LLColor4::transparent); params.text_readonly_color(LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("NotifyTextColor")); params.enabled(false); params.hide_border(true); text = LLUICtrlFactory::create (params); addChild(text); } if (mIsTip) { // TODO: Make a separate archive for these. LLChat chat(mMessage); chat.mSourceType = CHAT_SOURCE_SYSTEM; LLFloaterChat::addChatHistory(chat); } else { LLButton::Params p; p.name(std::string("next")); p.rect(LLRect(getRect().getWidth()-26, BOTTOM_PAD + 20, getRect().getWidth()-2, BOTTOM_PAD)); p.image_selected.name("notify_next.png"); p.image_unselected.name("notify_next.png"); p.font(sFont); p.scale_image(true); p.tool_tip(LLTrans::getString("next").c_str()); for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumOptions; i++) { LLSD form_element = form->getElement(i); if (form_element["type"].asString() != "button") { continue; } addButton(form_element["name"].asString(), form_element["text"].asString(), TRUE, form_element["default"].asBoolean()); } if (mNumButtons == 0) { addButton("OK", LLTrans::getString("ok"), FALSE, TRUE); mAddedDefaultBtn = true; } } } LLToastNotifyPanel::~LLToastNotifyPanel() { std::for_each(mBtnCallbackData.begin(), mBtnCallbackData.end(), DeletePointer()); } LLRect LLToastNotifyPanel::getNotifyRect(S32 num_options, BOOL mIsScriptDialog, BOOL is_caution) { S32 notify_height = gSavedSettings.getS32("NotifyBoxHeight"); if (is_caution) { // make caution-style dialog taller to accomodate extra text, // as well as causing the accept/decline buttons to be drawn // in a different position, to help prevent "quick-click-through" // of many permissions prompts notify_height = gSavedSettings.getS32("PermissionsCautionNotifyBoxHeight"); } const S32 NOTIFY_WIDTH = gSavedSettings.getS32("NotifyBoxWidth"); const S32 TOP = getRect().getHeight(); const S32 RIGHT =getRect().getWidth(); const S32 LEFT = RIGHT - NOTIFY_WIDTH; if (num_options < 1) { num_options = 1; } // Add two "blank" option spaces. if (mIsScriptDialog) { num_options += 2; } S32 additional_lines = (num_options-1) / 3; notify_height += additional_lines * (BTN_HEIGHT + VPAD); return LLRect(LEFT, TOP, RIGHT, TOP-notify_height); } // static LLRect LLToastNotifyPanel::getNotifyTipRect(const std::string &utf8message) { S32 line_count = 1; LLWString message = utf8str_to_wstring(utf8message); S32 message_len = message.length(); const S32 NOTIFY_WIDTH = gSavedSettings.getS32("NotifyBoxWidth"); // Make room for the icon area. const S32 text_area_width = NOTIFY_WIDTH - HPAD * 4 - 32; const llwchar* wchars = message.c_str(); const llwchar* start = wchars; const llwchar* end; S32 total_drawn = 0; BOOL done = FALSE; do { line_count++; for (end=start; *end != 0 && *end != '\n'; end++) ; if( *end == 0 ) { end = wchars + message_len; done = TRUE; } S32 remaining = end - start; while( remaining ) { S32 drawn = sFont->maxDrawableChars( start, (F32)text_area_width, remaining, TRUE ); if( 0 == drawn ) { drawn = 1; // Draw at least one character, even if it doesn't all fit. (avoids an infinite loop) } total_drawn += drawn; start += drawn; remaining -= drawn; if( total_drawn < message_len ) { if( (wchars[ total_drawn ] != '\n') ) { // wrap because line was too long line_count++; } } else { done = TRUE; } } total_drawn++; // for '\n' end++; start = end; } while( !done ); const S32 MIN_NOTIFY_HEIGHT = 72; const S32 MAX_NOTIFY_HEIGHT = 600; S32 notify_height = llceil((F32) (line_count+1) * sFont->getLineHeight()); if(gOverlayBar) { notify_height += gOverlayBar->getBoundingRect().mTop; } else { // *FIX: this is derived from the padding caused by the // rounded rects, shouldn't be a const here. notify_height += 10; } notify_height += VPAD; notify_height = llclamp(notify_height, MIN_NOTIFY_HEIGHT, MAX_NOTIFY_HEIGHT); const S32 RIGHT = getRect().getWidth(); const S32 LEFT = RIGHT - NOTIFY_WIDTH; return LLRect(LEFT, notify_height, RIGHT, 0); } // static void LLToastNotifyPanel::onClickButton(void* data) { InstanceAndS32* self_and_button = (InstanceAndS32*)data; LLToastNotifyPanel* self = self_and_button->mSelf; std::string button_name = self_and_button->mButtonName; LLSD response = self->mNotification->getResponseTemplate(); if (!self->mAddedDefaultBtn && !button_name.empty()) { response[button_name] = true; } self->mNotification->respond(response); } // virtual LLButton* LLToastNotifyPanel::addButton(const std::string& name, const std::string& label, BOOL is_option, BOOL is_default) { // make caution notification buttons slightly narrower // so that 3 of them can fit without overlapping the "next" button S32 btn_width = mIsCaution? 84 : 90; LLRect btn_rect; LLButton* btn; S32 btn_height= BTN_HEIGHT; const LLFontGL* font = sFont; S32 ignore_pad = 0; S32 button_index = mNumButtons; S32 index = button_index; S32 x = (HPAD * 4) + 32; if (mIsScriptDialog) { // Add two "blank" option spaces, before the "Ignore" button index = button_index + 2; if (button_index == 0) { // Ignore button is smaller, less wide btn_height = BTN_HEIGHT_SMALL; font = sFontSmall; ignore_pad = 10; } } btn_rect.setOriginAndSize(x + (index % 3) * (btn_width+HPAD+HPAD) + ignore_pad, BOTTOM_PAD + (index / 3) * (BTN_HEIGHT+VPAD), btn_width - 2*ignore_pad, btn_height); InstanceAndS32* userdata = new InstanceAndS32; userdata->mSelf = this; userdata->mButtonName = is_option ? name : ""; mBtnCallbackData.push_back(userdata); LLButton::Params p; p.name(name); p.label(label); p.rect(btn_rect); p.click_callback.function(boost::bind(&LLToastNotifyPanel::onClickButton, userdata)); p.font(font); if (mIsCaution) { p.image_color(LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("ButtonCautionImageColor")); p.image_color_disabled(LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("ButtonCautionImageColor")); } btn = LLUICtrlFactory::create(p); addChild(btn, -1); if (is_default) { setDefaultBtn(btn); } mNumButtons++; return btn; }