/** * @file lltoastnotifypanel.cpp * @brief Panel for notify toasts. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "lltoastnotifypanel.h" // project includes #include "llviewercontrol.h" // library includes #include "lldbstrings.h" #include "lllslconstants.h" #include "llnotifications.h" #include "lluiconstants.h" #include "llrect.h" #include "lltrans.h" #include "llnotificationsutil.h" #include "llviewermessage.h" #include "llfloaterimsession.h" #include "llavataractions.h" const S32 BOTTOM_PAD = VPAD * 3; const S32 IGNORE_BTN_TOP_DELTA = 3*VPAD;//additional ignore_btn padding S32 BUTTON_WIDTH = 90; // *TODO: magic numbers(???) - copied from llnotify.cpp(250) const S32 MAX_LENGTH = 512 + 20 + DB_FIRST_NAME_BUF_SIZE + DB_LAST_NAME_BUF_SIZE + DB_INV_ITEM_NAME_BUF_SIZE; //static const LLFontGL* LLToastNotifyPanel::sFont = NULL; const LLFontGL* LLToastNotifyPanel::sFontSmall = NULL; LLToastNotifyPanel::button_click_signal_t LLToastNotifyPanel::sButtonClickSignal; LLToastNotifyPanel::LLToastNotifyPanel(const LLNotificationPtr& notification, const LLRect& rect, bool show_images) : LLToastPanel(notification), LLInstanceTracker(notification->getID()) { init(rect, show_images); } void LLToastNotifyPanel::addDefaultButton() { LLSD form_element; form_element.with("name", "OK").with("text", LLTrans::getString("ok")).with("default", true); LLButton* ok_btn = createButton(form_element, FALSE); LLRect new_btn_rect(ok_btn->getRect()); new_btn_rect.setOriginAndSize(llabs(getRect().getWidth() - BUTTON_WIDTH)/ 2, BOTTOM_PAD, //auto_size for ok button makes it very small, so let's make it wider BUTTON_WIDTH, new_btn_rect.getHeight()); ok_btn->setRect(new_btn_rect); addChild(ok_btn, -1); mNumButtons = 1; mAddedDefaultBtn = true; } LLButton* LLToastNotifyPanel::createButton(const LLSD& form_element, BOOL is_option) { InstanceAndS32* userdata = new InstanceAndS32; userdata->mSelf = this; userdata->mButtonName = is_option ? form_element["name"].asString() : ""; mBtnCallbackData.push_back(userdata); LLButton::Params p; bool make_small_btn = form_element["index"].asInteger() == -1 || form_element["index"].asInteger() == -2; const LLFontGL* font = make_small_btn ? sFontSmall: sFont; // for block and ignore buttons in script dialog p.name = form_element["name"].asString(); p.label = form_element["text"].asString(); p.font = font; p.rect.height = BTN_HEIGHT; p.click_callback.function(boost::bind(&LLToastNotifyPanel::onClickButton, userdata)); p.rect.width = BUTTON_WIDTH; p.auto_resize = false; p.follows.flags(FOLLOWS_LEFT | FOLLOWS_BOTTOM); p.enabled = !form_element.has("enabled") || form_element["enabled"].asBoolean(); if (mIsCaution) { p.image_color(LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("ButtonCautionImageColor")); p.image_color_disabled(LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("ButtonCautionImageColor")); } // for the scriptdialog buttons we use fixed button size. This is a limit! if (!mIsScriptDialog && font->getWidth(form_element["text"].asString()) > BUTTON_WIDTH) { p.rect.width = 1; p.auto_resize = true; } else if (mIsScriptDialog && make_small_btn) { // this is ignore button, make it smaller p.rect.height = BTN_HEIGHT_SMALL; p.rect.width = 1; p.auto_resize = true; } LLButton* btn = LLUICtrlFactory::create(p); mNumButtons++; btn->autoResize(); if (form_element["default"].asBoolean()) { setDefaultBtn(btn); } return btn; } LLToastNotifyPanel::~LLToastNotifyPanel() { mButtonClickConnection.disconnect(); std::for_each(mBtnCallbackData.begin(), mBtnCallbackData.end(), DeletePointer()); mBtnCallbackData.clear(); if (mIsTip) { LLNotifications::getInstance()->cancel(mNotification); } } void LLToastNotifyPanel::updateButtonsLayout(const std::vector& buttons, S32 h_pad) { S32 left = 0; //reserve place for ignore button S32 bottom_offset = mIsScriptDialog ? (BTN_HEIGHT + IGNORE_BTN_TOP_DELTA + BOTTOM_PAD) : BOTTOM_PAD; S32 max_width = mControlPanel->getRect().getWidth(); LLButton* ignore_btn = NULL; LLButton* mute_btn = NULL; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = buttons.begin(); it != buttons.end(); it++) { if (-2 == it->first) { mute_btn = it->second; continue; } if (it->first == -1) { ignore_btn = it->second; continue; } LLButton* btn = it->second; LLRect btn_rect(btn->getRect()); if (left + btn_rect.getWidth() > max_width)// whether there is still some place for button+h_pad in the mControlPanel { // looks like we need to add button to the next row left = 0; bottom_offset += (BTN_HEIGHT + VPAD); } //we arrange buttons from bottom to top for backward support of old script btn_rect.setOriginAndSize(left, bottom_offset, btn_rect.getWidth(), btn_rect.getHeight()); btn->setRect(btn_rect); left = btn_rect.mLeft + btn_rect.getWidth() + h_pad; mControlPanel->addChild(btn, -1); } U32 ignore_btn_width = 0; U32 mute_btn_pad = 0; if (mIsScriptDialog && ignore_btn != NULL) { LLRect ignore_btn_rect(ignore_btn->getRect()); S32 ignore_btn_left = max_width - ignore_btn_rect.getWidth(); ignore_btn_rect.setOriginAndSize(ignore_btn_left, BOTTOM_PAD,// always move ignore button at the bottom ignore_btn_rect.getWidth(), ignore_btn_rect.getHeight()); ignore_btn->setRect(ignore_btn_rect); ignore_btn_width = ignore_btn_rect.getWidth(); mControlPanel->addChild(ignore_btn, -1); mute_btn_pad = 4 * HPAD; //only use a 4 * HPAD padding if an ignore button exists } if (mIsScriptDialog && mute_btn != NULL) { LLRect mute_btn_rect(mute_btn->getRect()); // Place mute (Block) button to the left of the ignore button. S32 mute_btn_left = max_width - mute_btn_rect.getWidth() - ignore_btn_width - mute_btn_pad; mute_btn_rect.setOriginAndSize(mute_btn_left, BOTTOM_PAD,// always move mute button at the bottom mute_btn_rect.getWidth(), mute_btn_rect.getHeight()); mute_btn->setRect(mute_btn_rect); mControlPanel->addChild(mute_btn); } } void LLToastNotifyPanel::adjustPanelForScriptNotice(S32 button_panel_width, S32 button_panel_height) { //adjust layout // we need to keep min width and max height to make visible all buttons, because width of the toast can not be changed reshape(getRect().getWidth(), mInfoPanel->getRect().getHeight() + button_panel_height + VPAD); mControlPanel->reshape( button_panel_width, button_panel_height); } void LLToastNotifyPanel::adjustPanelForTipNotice() { //we don't need display ControlPanel for tips because they doesn't contain any buttons. mControlPanel->setVisible(FALSE); reshape(getRect().getWidth(), mInfoPanel->getRect().getHeight()); if (mNotification->getPayload().has("respond_on_mousedown") && mNotification->getPayload()["respond_on_mousedown"] ) { mInfoPanel->setMouseDownCallback( boost::bind(&LLNotification::respond, mNotification, mNotification->getResponseTemplate())); } } // static void LLToastNotifyPanel::onClickButton(void* data) { InstanceAndS32* self_and_button = (InstanceAndS32*)data; LLToastNotifyPanel* self = self_and_button->mSelf; std::string button_name = self_and_button->mButtonName; LLSD response = self->mNotification->getResponseTemplate(); if (!self->mAddedDefaultBtn && !button_name.empty()) { response[button_name] = true; } // disable all buttons self->mControlPanel->setEnabled(FALSE); // this might repost notification with new form data/enabled buttons self->mNotification->respond(response); } void LLToastNotifyPanel::init( LLRect rect, bool show_images ) { deleteAllChildren(); mTextBox = NULL; mInfoPanel = NULL; mControlPanel = NULL; mNumOptions = 0; mNumButtons = 0; mAddedDefaultBtn = false; LLRect current_rect = getRect(); setXMLFilename(""); buildFromFile("panel_notification.xml"); if(rect != LLRect::null) { this->setShape(rect); } mInfoPanel = getChild("info_panel"); mControlPanel = getChild("control_panel"); BUTTON_WIDTH = gSavedSettings.getS32("ToastButtonWidth"); // customize panel's attributes // is it intended for displaying a tip? mIsTip = mNotification->getType() == "notifytip"; std::string notif_name = mNotification->getName(); // is it a script dialog? mIsScriptDialog = (notif_name == "ScriptDialog" || notif_name == "ScriptDialogGroup"); bool is_content_trusted = (notif_name != "LoadWebPage"); // is it a caution? // // caution flag can be set explicitly by specifying it in the notification payload, or it can be set implicitly if the // notify xml template specifies that it is a caution // tip-style notification handle 'caution' differently -they display the tip in a different color mIsCaution = mNotification->getPriority() >= NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY_HIGH; // setup parameters // get a notification message mMessage = mNotification->getMessage(); // init font variables if (!sFont) { sFont = LLFontGL::getFontSansSerif(); sFontSmall = LLFontGL::getFontSansSerifSmall(); } // initialize setFocusRoot(!mIsTip); // get a form for the notification LLNotificationFormPtr form(mNotification->getForm()); // get number of elements mNumOptions = form->getNumElements(); // customize panel's outfit // preliminary adjust panel's layout //move to the end //mIsTip ? adjustPanelForTipNotice() : adjustPanelForScriptNotice(form); // adjust text options according to the notification type // add a caution textbox at the top of a caution notification if (mIsCaution && !mIsTip) { mTextBox = getChild("caution_text_box"); } else { mTextBox = getChild("text_editor_box"); } mTextBox->setMaxTextLength(MAX_LENGTH); mTextBox->setVisible(TRUE); mTextBox->setPlainText(!show_images); mTextBox->setContentTrusted(is_content_trusted); mTextBox->setValue(mNotification->getMessage()); mTextBox->setIsFriendCallback(LLAvatarActions::isFriend); // add buttons for a script notification if (mIsTip) { adjustPanelForTipNotice(); } else { std::vector buttons; buttons.reserve(mNumOptions); S32 buttons_width = 0; // create all buttons and accumulate they total width to reshape mControlPanel for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumOptions; i++) { LLSD form_element = form->getElement(i); if (form_element["type"].asString() != "button") { // not a button. continue; } if (form_element["name"].asString() == TEXTBOX_MAGIC_TOKEN) { // a textbox pretending to be a button. continue; } LLButton* new_button = createButton(form_element, TRUE); buttons_width += new_button->getRect().getWidth(); S32 index = form_element["index"].asInteger(); buttons.push_back(index_button_pair_t(index,new_button)); } if (buttons.empty()) { addDefaultButton(); } else { const S32 button_panel_width = mControlPanel->getRect().getWidth();// do not change width of the panel S32 button_panel_height = mControlPanel->getRect().getHeight(); //try get an average h_pad to spread out buttons S32 h_pad = (button_panel_width - buttons_width) / (S32(buttons.size())); if(h_pad < 2*HPAD) { /* * Probably it is a scriptdialog toast * for a scriptdialog toast h_pad can be < 2*HPAD if we have a lot of buttons. * In last case set default h_pad to avoid heaping of buttons */ S32 button_per_row = button_panel_width / BUTTON_WIDTH; h_pad = (button_panel_width % BUTTON_WIDTH) / (button_per_row - 1);// -1 because we do not need space after last button in a row if(h_pad < 2*HPAD) // still not enough space between buttons ? { h_pad = 2*HPAD; } } if (mIsScriptDialog) { // we are using default width for script buttons so we can determinate button_rows //to get a number of rows we divide the required width of the buttons to button_panel_width S32 button_rows = llceil(F32(buttons.size() - 1) * (BUTTON_WIDTH + h_pad) / button_panel_width); //S32 button_rows = (buttons.size() - 1) * (BUTTON_WIDTH + h_pad) / button_panel_width; //reserve one row for the ignore_btn button_rows++; //calculate required panel height for scripdialog notification. button_panel_height = button_rows * (BTN_HEIGHT + VPAD) + IGNORE_BTN_TOP_DELTA + BOTTOM_PAD; } else { // in common case buttons can have different widths so we need to calculate button_rows according to buttons_width //S32 button_rows = llceil(F32(buttons.size()) * (buttons_width + h_pad) / button_panel_width); S32 button_rows = llceil(F32((buttons.size() - 1) * h_pad + buttons_width) / button_panel_width); //calculate required panel height button_panel_height = button_rows * (BTN_HEIGHT + VPAD) + BOTTOM_PAD; } // we need to keep min width and max height to make visible all buttons, because width of the toast can not be changed adjustPanelForScriptNotice(button_panel_width, button_panel_height); updateButtonsLayout(buttons, h_pad); // save buttons for later use in disableButtons() //mButtons.assign(buttons.begin(), buttons.end()); } } //.xml file intially makes info panel only follow left/right/top. This is so that when control buttons are added the info panel //can shift upward making room for the buttons inside mControlPanel. After the buttons are added, the info panel can then be set to follow 'all'. mInfoPanel->setFollowsAll(); snapToMessageHeight(mTextBox, MAX_LENGTH); // reshape the panel to its previous size if (current_rect.notEmpty()) { reshape(current_rect.getWidth(), current_rect.getHeight()); } } bool LLToastNotifyPanel::isControlPanelEnabled() const { bool cp_enabled = mControlPanel->getEnabled(); bool some_buttons_enabled = false; if (cp_enabled) { LLView::child_list_const_iter_t child_it = mControlPanel->beginChild(); LLView::child_list_const_iter_t child_it_end = mControlPanel->endChild(); for(; child_it != child_it_end; ++child_it) { LLButton * buttonp = dynamic_cast(*child_it); if (buttonp && buttonp->getEnabled()) { some_buttons_enabled = true; break; } } } return cp_enabled && some_buttons_enabled; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LLIMToastNotifyPanel::LLIMToastNotifyPanel(LLNotificationPtr& pNotification, const LLUUID& session_id, const LLRect& rect /* = LLRect::null */, bool show_images /* = true */, LLTextBase* parent_text) : mSessionID(session_id), LLToastNotifyPanel(pNotification, rect, show_images), mParentText(parent_text) { compactButtons(); } LLIMToastNotifyPanel::~LLIMToastNotifyPanel() { } void LLIMToastNotifyPanel::reshape(S32 width, S32 height, BOOL called_from_parent /* = TRUE */) { LLToastPanel::reshape(width, height, called_from_parent); snapToMessageHeight(); } void LLIMToastNotifyPanel::snapToMessageHeight() { if(!mTextBox) { return; } //Add message height if it is visible if (mTextBox->getVisible()) { S32 new_panel_height = computeSnappedToMessageHeight(mTextBox, MAX_LENGTH); //reshape the panel with new height if (new_panel_height != getRect().getHeight()) { LLToastNotifyPanel::reshape( getRect().getWidth(), new_panel_height); } } } void LLIMToastNotifyPanel::compactButtons() { //we can't set follows in xml since it broke toasts behavior setFollows(FOLLOWS_LEFT|FOLLOWS_RIGHT|FOLLOWS_TOP); const child_list_t* children = getControlPanel()->getChildList(); S32 offset = 0; // Children were added by addChild() which uses push_front to insert them into list, // so to get buttons in correct order reverse iterator is used (EXT-5906) for (child_list_t::const_reverse_iterator it = children->rbegin(); it != children->rend(); it++) { LLButton * button = dynamic_cast (*it); if (button != NULL) { button->setOrigin( offset,button->getRect().mBottom); button->setLeftHPad(2 * HPAD); button->setRightHPad(2 * HPAD); // set zero width before perform autoResize() button->setRect(LLRect(button->getRect().mLeft, button->getRect().mTop, button->getRect().mLeft, button->getRect().mBottom)); button->setAutoResize(true); button->autoResize(); offset += HPAD + button->getRect().getWidth(); button->setFollowsNone(); } } if (mParentText) { mParentText->needsReflow(); } } void LLIMToastNotifyPanel::updateNotification() { init(LLRect(), true); } void LLIMToastNotifyPanel::init( LLRect rect, bool show_images ) { LLToastNotifyPanel::init(LLRect(), show_images); compactButtons(); } // EOF