/** * @file lltoast.h * @brief This class implements a placeholder for any notification panel. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2003&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_LLTOAST_H #define LL_LLTOAST_H #include "llpanel.h" #include "llmodaldialog.h" #include "lleventtimer.h" #include "llnotificationptr.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "lltexteditor.h" #define MOUSE_LEAVE false #define MOUSE_ENTER true namespace LLNotificationsUI { class LLToast; /** * Timer for toasts. */ class LLToastLifeTimer: public LLEventTimer { public: LLToastLifeTimer(LLToast* toast, F32 period); /*virtual*/ BOOL tick(); void stop(); void start(); void restart(); BOOL getStarted(); void setPeriod(F32 period); F32 getRemainingTimeF32(); LLTimer& getEventTimer() { return mEventTimer;} private : LLToast* mToast; }; /** * Represents toast pop-up. * This is a parent view for all toast panels. */ class LLToast : public LLModalDialog { friend class LLToastLifeTimer; public: typedef boost::function toast_callback_t; typedef boost::signals2::signal toast_signal_t; struct Params : public LLInitParam::Block { Mandatory panel; Optional notif_id, //notification ID session_id; //im session ID Optional notification; //NOTE: Life time of a toast (i.e. period of time from the moment toast was shown //till the moment when toast was hidden) is the sum of lifetime_secs and fading_time_secs. Optional lifetime_secs, // Number of seconds while a toast is non-transparent fading_time_secs; // Number of seconds while a toast is transparent Optional on_delete_toast; Optional can_fade, can_be_stored, enable_hide_btn, is_modal, is_tip, force_show, force_store; Params(); }; LLToast(const LLToast::Params& p); virtual ~LLToast(); BOOL postBuild(); /*virtual*/ void reshape(S32 width, S32 height, BOOL called_from_parent = TRUE); // Toast handlers virtual BOOL handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask); //Fading /** Stop fading timer */ virtual void stopFading(); /** Start fading timer */ virtual void startFading(); bool isHovered(); // Operating with toasts // insert a panel to a toast void insertPanel(LLPanel* panel); void reshapeToPanel(); // get toast's panel LLPanel* getPanel() { return mPanel; } // enable/disable Toast's Hide button void setHideButtonEnabled(bool enabled); // F32 getTimeLeftToLive(); // LLToastLifeTimer* getTimer() { return mTimer.get();} // virtual void draw(); // virtual void setVisible(BOOL show); virtual void setBackgroundOpaque(BOOL b); // virtual void hide(); /*virtual*/ void onFocusLost(); /*virtual*/ void onFocusReceived(); void setLifetime(S32 seconds); void setFadingTime(S32 seconds); /** * Returns padding between floater top and wrapper_panel top. * This padding should be taken into account when positioning or reshaping toasts */ S32 getTopPad(); S32 getRightPad(); // get/set Toast's flags or states // get information whether the notification corresponding to the toast is valid or not bool isNotificationValid(); // get toast's Notification ID const LLUUID getNotificationID() { return mNotificationID;} // get toast's Session ID const LLUUID getSessionID() { return mSessionID;} // void setCanFade(bool can_fade); // void setCanBeStored(bool can_be_stored) { mCanBeStored = can_be_stored; } // bool getCanBeStored() { return mCanBeStored; } // set whether this toast considered as hidden or not void setIsHidden( bool is_toast_hidden ) { mIsHidden = is_toast_hidden; } const LLNotificationPtr& getNotification() { return mNotification;} // Registers signals/callbacks for events toast_signal_t mOnFadeSignal; toast_signal_t mOnDeleteToastSignal; toast_signal_t mOnToastDestroyedSignal; boost::signals2::connection setOnFadeCallback(toast_callback_t cb) { return mOnFadeSignal.connect(cb); } boost::signals2::connection setOnToastDestroyedCallback(toast_callback_t cb) { return mOnToastDestroyedSignal.connect(cb); } typedef boost::function toast_hover_check_callback_t; typedef boost::signals2::signal toast_hover_check_signal_t; toast_hover_check_signal_t mOnToastHoverSignal; boost::signals2::connection setOnToastHoverCallback(toast_hover_check_callback_t cb) { return mOnToastHoverSignal.connect(cb); } boost::signals2::connection setMouseEnterCallback( const commit_signal_t::slot_type& cb ) { return mToastMouseEnterSignal.connect(cb); }; boost::signals2::connection setMouseLeaveCallback( const commit_signal_t::slot_type& cb ) { return mToastMouseLeaveSignal.connect(cb); }; virtual S32 notifyParent(const LLSD& info); LLHandle getHandle() { mHandle.bind(this); return mHandle; } bool getTransparentState() const { return mIsTransparent; } virtual void setTransparentState(bool transparent); private: void onToastMouseEnter(); void onToastMouseLeave(); void expire(); LLUUID mNotificationID; LLUUID mSessionID; LLNotificationPtr mNotification; LLRootHandle mHandle; LLPanel* mWrapperPanel; // timer counts a lifetime of a toast std::auto_ptr mTimer; F32 mToastLifetime; // in seconds F32 mToastFadingTime; // in seconds LLPanel* mPanel; LLButton* mHideBtn; LLColor4 mBgColor; bool mCanFade; bool mCanBeStored; bool mHideBtnEnabled; bool mHideBtnPressed; bool mIsHidden; // this flag is TRUE when a toast has faded or was hidden with (x) button (EXT-1849) bool mIsTip; bool mIsTransparent; commit_signal_t mToastMouseEnterSignal; commit_signal_t mToastMouseLeaveSignal; }; } #endif