/** * @file lltinygltfhelper.cpp * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2022&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2022, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "lltinygltfhelper.h" #include "llimage.h" #include "llviewertexture.h" #include "llviewertexturelist.h" static void strip_alpha_channel(LLPointer& img) { if (img->getComponents() == 4) { LLImageRaw* tmp = new LLImageRaw(img->getWidth(), img->getHeight(), 3); tmp->copyUnscaled4onto3(img); img = tmp; } } // copy red channel from src_img to dst_img // PRECONDITIONS: // dst_img must be 3 component // src_img and dst_image must have the same dimensions static void copy_red_channel(const LLPointer& src_img, LLPointer& dst_img) { llassert(src_img->getWidth() == dst_img->getWidth() && src_img->getHeight() == dst_img->getHeight()); llassert(dst_img->getComponents() == 3); U32 pixel_count = dst_img->getWidth() * dst_img->getHeight(); const U8* src = src_img->getData(); U8* dst = dst_img->getData(); S8 src_components = src_img->getComponents(); for (U32 i = 0; i < pixel_count; ++i) { dst[i * 3] = src[i * src_components]; } } void LLTinyGLTFHelper::initFetchedTextures(tinygltf::Material& material, LLPointer& base_color_img, LLPointer& normal_img, LLPointer& mr_img, LLPointer& emissive_img, LLPointer& occlusion_img, LLPointer& base_color_tex, LLPointer& normal_tex, LLPointer& mr_tex, LLPointer& emissive_tex) { if (base_color_img) { base_color_tex = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(base_color_img, FTType::FTT_LOCAL_FILE, true); } if (normal_img) { strip_alpha_channel(normal_img); normal_tex = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(normal_img, FTType::FTT_LOCAL_FILE, true); } if (mr_img) { strip_alpha_channel(mr_img); if (occlusion_img) { if (material.pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture.index != material.occlusionTexture.index) { // occlusion is a distinct texture from pbrMetallicRoughness // pack into mr red channel int occlusion_idx = material.occlusionTexture.index; int mr_idx = material.pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture.index; if (occlusion_idx != mr_idx) { LLImageDataLock lockIn(occlusion_img); LLImageDataLock lockOut(mr_img); //scale occlusion image to match resolution of mr image occlusion_img->scale(mr_img->getWidth(), mr_img->getHeight()); copy_red_channel(occlusion_img, mr_img); } } } else if (material.occlusionTexture.index == -1) { // no occlusion, make sure red channel of ORM is all 255 occlusion_img = new LLImageRaw(mr_img->getWidth(), mr_img->getHeight(), 3); occlusion_img->clear(255, 255, 255); copy_red_channel(occlusion_img, mr_img); } } else if (occlusion_img) { LLImageDataSharedLock lock(occlusion_img); //no mr but occlusion exists, make a white mr_img and copy occlusion red channel over mr_img = new LLImageRaw(occlusion_img->getWidth(), occlusion_img->getHeight(), 3); mr_img->clear(255, 255, 255); copy_red_channel(occlusion_img, mr_img); } if (mr_img) { mr_tex = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(mr_img, FTType::FTT_LOCAL_FILE, true); } if (emissive_img) { strip_alpha_channel(emissive_img); emissive_tex = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(emissive_img, FTType::FTT_LOCAL_FILE, true); } } LLColor4 LLTinyGLTFHelper::getColor(const std::vector& in) { LLColor4 out; for (S32 i = 0; i < llmin((S32)in.size(), 4); ++i) { out.mV[i] = in[i]; } return out; } const tinygltf::Image * LLTinyGLTFHelper::getImageFromTextureIndex(const tinygltf::Model & model, S32 texture_index) { if (texture_index >= 0) { S32 source_idx = model.textures[texture_index].source; if (source_idx >= 0) { return &(model.images[source_idx]); } } return nullptr; } LLImageRaw * LLTinyGLTFHelper::getTexture(const std::string & folder, const tinygltf::Model & model, S32 texture_index, std::string & name, bool flip) { const tinygltf::Image* image = getImageFromTextureIndex(model, texture_index); LLImageRaw* rawImage = nullptr; if (image != nullptr && image->bits == 8 && !image->image.empty() && image->component <= 4) { name = image->name; rawImage = new LLImageRaw(&image->image[0], image->width, image->height, image->component); if (flip) { rawImage->verticalFlip(); } rawImage->optimizeAwayAlpha(); } return rawImage; } LLImageRaw * LLTinyGLTFHelper::getTexture(const std::string & folder, const tinygltf::Model & model, S32 texture_index, bool flip) { const tinygltf::Image* image = getImageFromTextureIndex(model, texture_index); LLImageRaw* rawImage = nullptr; if (image != nullptr && image->bits == 8 && !image->image.empty() && image->component <= 4) { rawImage = new LLImageRaw(&image->image[0], image->width, image->height, image->component); if (flip) { rawImage->verticalFlip(); } rawImage->optimizeAwayAlpha(); } return rawImage; } bool LLTinyGLTFHelper::loadModel(const std::string& filename, tinygltf::Model& model_in) { std::string exten = gDirUtilp->getExtension(filename); if (exten == "gltf" || exten == "glb") { tinygltf::TinyGLTF loader; std::string error_msg; std::string warn_msg; std::string filename_lc = filename; LLStringUtil::toLower(filename_lc); // Load a tinygltf model fom a file. Assumes that the input filename has already been // been sanitized to one of (.gltf , .glb) extensions, so does a simple find to distinguish. bool decode_successful = false; if (std::string::npos == filename_lc.rfind(".gltf")) { // file is binary decode_successful = loader.LoadBinaryFromFile(&model_in, &error_msg, &warn_msg, filename_lc); } else { // file is ascii decode_successful = loader.LoadASCIIFromFile(&model_in, &error_msg, &warn_msg, filename_lc); } if (!decode_successful) { LL_WARNS("GLTF") << "Cannot load, error: Failed to decode" << error_msg << ", warning:" << warn_msg << " file: " << filename << LL_ENDL; return false; } if (model_in.materials.empty()) { // materials are missing LL_WARNS("GLTF") << "Cannot load. File has no materials " << filename << LL_ENDL; return false; } return true; } return false; } bool LLTinyGLTFHelper::saveModel(const std::string& filename, tinygltf::Model& model_in) { std::string exten = gDirUtilp->getExtension(filename); bool success = false; if (exten == "gltf" || exten == "glb") { tinygltf::TinyGLTF writer; std::string filename_lc = filename; LLStringUtil::toLower(filename_lc); bool embed_images = false; bool embed_buffers = false; bool pretty_print = true; bool write_binary = false; if (std::string::npos == filename_lc.rfind(".gltf")) { // file is binary embed_images = embed_buffers = write_binary = true; } success = writer.WriteGltfSceneToFile(&model_in, filename, embed_images, embed_buffers, pretty_print, write_binary); if (!success) { LL_WARNS("GLTF") << "Failed to save" << LL_ENDL; return false; } } return success; } bool LLTinyGLTFHelper::getMaterialFromModel( const std::string& filename, const tinygltf::Model& model_in, S32 mat_index, LLFetchedGLTFMaterial* material, std::string& material_name, bool flip) { llassert(material); if (model_in.materials.size() <= mat_index) { // materials are missing LL_WARNS("GLTF") << "Cannot load Material, Material " << mat_index << " is missing, " << filename << LL_ENDL; return false; } material->setFromModel(model_in, mat_index); std::string folder = gDirUtilp->getDirName(filename); tinygltf::Material material_in = model_in.materials[mat_index]; material_name = material_in.name; // get base color texture LLPointer base_img = LLTinyGLTFHelper::getTexture(folder, model_in, material_in.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture.index, flip); // get normal map LLPointer normal_img = LLTinyGLTFHelper::getTexture(folder, model_in, material_in.normalTexture.index, flip); // get metallic-roughness texture LLPointer mr_img = LLTinyGLTFHelper::getTexture(folder, model_in, material_in.pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture.index, flip); // get emissive texture LLPointer emissive_img = LLTinyGLTFHelper::getTexture(folder, model_in, material_in.emissiveTexture.index, flip); // get occlusion map if needed LLPointer occlusion_img; if (material_in.occlusionTexture.index != material_in.pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture.index) { occlusion_img = LLTinyGLTFHelper::getTexture(folder, model_in, material_in.occlusionTexture.index, flip); } LLPointer base_color_tex; LLPointer normal_tex; LLPointer mr_tex; LLPointer emissive_tex; // todo: pass it into local bitmaps? LLTinyGLTFHelper::initFetchedTextures(material_in, base_img, normal_img, mr_img, emissive_img, occlusion_img, base_color_tex, normal_tex, mr_tex, emissive_tex); if (base_color_tex) { base_color_tex->addTextureStats(64.f * 64.f, true); material->mTextureId[LLGLTFMaterial::GLTF_TEXTURE_INFO_BASE_COLOR] = base_color_tex->getID(); material->mBaseColorTexture = base_color_tex; } else { material->mTextureId[LLGLTFMaterial::GLTF_TEXTURE_INFO_BASE_COLOR] = LLUUID::null; material->mBaseColorTexture = nullptr; } if (normal_tex) { normal_tex->addTextureStats(64.f * 64.f, true); material->mTextureId[LLGLTFMaterial::GLTF_TEXTURE_INFO_NORMAL] = normal_tex->getID(); material->mNormalTexture = normal_tex; } else { material->mTextureId[LLGLTFMaterial::GLTF_TEXTURE_INFO_NORMAL] = LLUUID::null; material->mNormalTexture = nullptr; } if (mr_tex) { mr_tex->addTextureStats(64.f * 64.f, true); material->mTextureId[LLGLTFMaterial::GLTF_TEXTURE_INFO_METALLIC_ROUGHNESS] = mr_tex->getID(); material->mMetallicRoughnessTexture = mr_tex; } else { material->mTextureId[LLGLTFMaterial::GLTF_TEXTURE_INFO_METALLIC_ROUGHNESS] = LLUUID::null; material->mMetallicRoughnessTexture = nullptr; } if (emissive_tex) { emissive_tex->addTextureStats(64.f * 64.f, true); material->mTextureId[LLGLTFMaterial::GLTF_TEXTURE_INFO_EMISSIVE] = emissive_tex->getID(); material->mEmissiveTexture = emissive_tex; } else { material->mTextureId[LLGLTFMaterial::GLTF_TEXTURE_INFO_EMISSIVE] = LLUUID::null; material->mEmissiveTexture = nullptr; } return true; }