 * @file llsurfacepatch.h
 * @brief LLSurfacePatch class definition
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$


#include "v3math.h"
#include "v3dmath.h"
#include "llpointer.h"

class LLSurface;
class LLVOSurfacePatch;
class LLVector2;
class LLColor4U;
class LLAgent;

// A patch shouldn't know about its visibility since that really depends on the 
// camera that is looking (or not looking) at it.  So, anything about a patch
// that is specific to a camera should be in the class below.
class LLPatchVisibilityInfo
	LLPatchVisibilityInfo() :
		mRenderStride(0) { };
	~LLPatchVisibilityInfo() { };

	bool mbIsVisible;
	F32 mDistance;			// Distance from camera
	S32 mRenderLevel;
	U32 mRenderStride;

class LLSurfacePatch 

	void reset(const U32 id);
	void connectNeighbor(LLSurfacePatch *neighborp, const U32 direction);
	void disconnectNeighbor(LLSurface *surfacep);

	void setNeighborPatch(const U32 direction, LLSurfacePatch *neighborp);
	LLSurfacePatch *getNeighborPatch(const U32 direction) const;

	void colorPatch(const U8 r, const U8 g, const U8 b);

	bool updateTexture();

	void updateVerticalStats();
	void updateCompositionStats();
    template<bool PBR>
	void updateNormals();

	void updateEastEdge();
	void updateNorthEdge();

	void updateCameraDistanceRegion( const LLVector3 &pos_region);
	void updateVisibility();
	void updateGL();

	void dirtyZ(); // Dirty the z values of this patch
	void setHasReceivedData();
	bool getHasReceivedData() const;

	F32 getDistance() const;
	F32 getMaxZ() const;
	F32 getMinZ() const;
	F32 getMeanComposition() const;
	F32 getMinComposition() const;
	F32 getMaxComposition() const;
	const LLVector3 &getCenterRegion() const;
	const U64 &getLastUpdateTime() const;
	LLSurface *getSurface() const { return mSurfacep; }
	LLVector3 getPointAgent(const U32 x, const U32 y) const; // get the point at the offset.
	LLVector2 getTexCoords(const U32 x, const U32 y) const;

    // Per-vertex normals
    // *TODO: PBR=true is a test implementation solely for proof-of-concept.
    // Final implementation would likely be very different and may not even use
    // this function. If we decide to keep calcNormalFlat, remove index as it
    // is a debug parameter for testing.
    template<bool PBR>
	void calcNormal(const U32 x, const U32 y, const U32 stride);
	const LLVector3 &getNormal(const U32 x, const U32 y) const;

    // Per-triangle normals for flat edges
	void calcNormalFlat(LLVector3& normal_out, const U32 x, const U32 y, const U32 index /* 0 or 1 */);

	void eval(const U32 x, const U32 y, const U32 stride,
				LLVector3 *vertex, LLVector3 *normal, LLVector2 *tex0, LLVector2 *tex1);

	LLVector3 getOriginAgent() const;
	const LLVector3d &getOriginGlobal() const;
	void setOriginGlobal(const LLVector3d &origin_global);
	// connectivity -- each LLPatch points at 5 neighbors (or NULL)
	// +---+---+---+
	// |   | 2 | 5 |
	// +---+---+---+
	// | 3 | 0 | 1 |
	// +---+---+---+
	// | 6 | 4 |   |
	// +---+---+---+

	bool getVisible() const;
	U32 getRenderStride() const;
	S32 getRenderLevel() const;

	void setSurface(LLSurface *surfacep);
	void setDataZ(F32 *data_z)					{ mDataZ = data_z; }
	void setDataNorm(LLVector3 *data_norm)		{ mDataNorm = data_norm; }
	F32 *getDataZ() const						{ return mDataZ; }

	void dirty();			// Mark this surface patch as dirty...
	void clearDirty()							{ mDirty = false; }

	void clearVObj();

	bool mHasReceivedData;	// has the patch EVER received height data?
	bool mSTexUpdate;		// Does the surface texture need to be updated?

	LLSurfacePatch *mNeighborPatches[8]; // Adjacent patches
	bool mNormalsInvalid[9];  // Which normals are invalid

	bool mDirty;
	bool mDirtyZStats;
	bool mHeightsGenerated;

	U32 mDataOffset;
	F32 *mDataZ;
	LLVector3 *mDataNorm;

	// Pointer to the LLVOSurfacePatch object which is used in the new renderer.
	LLPointer<LLVOSurfacePatch> mVObjp;

	// All of the camera-dependent stuff should be in its own class...
	LLPatchVisibilityInfo mVisInfo;

	// pointers to beginnings of patch data fields
	LLVector3d mOriginGlobal;
	LLVector3 mOriginRegion;

	// height field stats
	LLVector3 mCenterRegion; // Center in region-local coords
	F32 mMinZ, mMaxZ, mMeanZ;
	F32 mRadius;

	F32 mMinComposition;
	F32 mMaxComposition;
	F32 mMeanComposition;

	U8 mConnectedEdge;		// This flag is non-zero iff patch is on at least one edge 
							// of LLSurface that is "connected" to another LLSurface
	U64 mLastUpdateTime;	// Time patch was last updated

	LLSurface *mSurfacep; // Pointer to "parent" surface

extern template void LLSurfacePatch::updateNormals</*PBR=*/false>();
extern template void LLSurfacePatch::updateNormals</*PBR=*/true>();