/** * @file llstatusbar.cpp * @brief LLStatusBar class implementation * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewergpl$ * * Copyright (c) 2002-2009, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llstatusbar.h" // viewer includes #include "llagent.h" #include "llbutton.h" #include "llcommandhandler.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llfloaterbuycurrency.h" #include "llfloaterchat.h" #include "llfloaterdirectory.h" // to spawn search #include "llfloaterlagmeter.h" #include "llfloaterland.h" #include "llfloaterregioninfo.h" #include "llfloaterscriptdebug.h" #include "llhudicon.h" #include "llinventoryview.h" #include "llkeyboard.h" #include "lllineeditor.h" #include "llmenugl.h" #include "llnotify.h" #include "llimview.h" #include "lltextbox.h" #include "llui.h" #include "llviewerparceloverlay.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" #include "llviewerstats.h" #include "llviewerwindow.h" #include "llframetimer.h" #include "llvoavatar.h" #include "llresmgr.h" #include "llworld.h" #include "llstatgraph.h" #include "llviewermenu.h" // for gMenuBarView #include "llviewerparcelmgr.h" #include "llviewerthrottle.h" #include "lluictrlfactory.h" #include "llvoiceclient.h" // for gVoiceClient #include "lltoolmgr.h" #include "llfocusmgr.h" #include "llappviewer.h" // library includes #include "imageids.h" #include "llfontgl.h" #include "llrect.h" #include "llerror.h" #include "llparcel.h" #include "llstring.h" #include "message.h" // system includes #include // // Globals // LLStatusBar *gStatusBar = NULL; S32 STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT = 0; extern S32 MENU_BAR_HEIGHT; // TODO: these values ought to be in the XML too const S32 MENU_PARCEL_SPACING = 1; // Distance from right of menu item to parcel information const S32 SIM_STAT_WIDTH = 8; const F32 SIM_WARN_FRACTION = 0.75f; const F32 SIM_FULL_FRACTION = 0.98f; const LLColor4 SIM_OK_COLOR(0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f); const LLColor4 SIM_WARN_COLOR(1.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f); const LLColor4 SIM_FULL_COLOR(1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f); const F32 ICON_TIMER_EXPIRY = 3.f; // How long the balance and health icons should flash after a change. const F32 ICON_FLASH_FREQUENCY = 2.f; const S32 TEXT_HEIGHT = 18; static void onClickParcelInfo(void*); static void onClickBalance(void*); static void onClickBuyCurrency(void*); static void onClickHealth(void*); static void onClickFly(void*); static void onClickPush(void*); static void onClickVoice(void*); static void onClickBuild(void*); static void onClickScripts(void*); static void onClickBuyLand(void*); static void onClickScriptDebug(void*); std::vector LLStatusBar::sDays; std::vector LLStatusBar::sMonths; const U32 LLStatusBar::MAX_DATE_STRING_LENGTH = 2000; LLStatusBar::LLStatusBar(const std::string& name, const LLRect& rect) : LLPanel(name, LLRect(), FALSE), // not mouse opaque mBalance(0), mHealth(100), mSquareMetersCredit(0), mSquareMetersCommitted(0) { // status bar can possible overlay menus? setMouseOpaque(FALSE); setIsChrome(TRUE); // size of day of the weeks and year sDays.reserve(7); sMonths.reserve(12); mBalanceTimer = new LLFrameTimer(); mHealthTimer = new LLFrameTimer(); LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildPanel(this,"panel_status_bar.xml"); // status bar can never get a tab setFocusRoot(FALSE); // build date necessary data (must do after panel built) setupDate(); mTextParcelName = getChild("ParcelNameText" ); mTextBalance = getChild("BalanceText" ); mTextHealth = getChild("HealthText" ); mTextTime = getChild("TimeText" ); childSetAction("scriptout", onClickScriptDebug, this); childSetAction("health", onClickHealth, this); childSetAction("no_fly", onClickFly, this); childSetAction("buyland", onClickBuyLand, this ); childSetAction("buycurrency", onClickBuyCurrency, this ); childSetAction("no_build", onClickBuild, this ); childSetAction("no_scripts", onClickScripts, this ); childSetAction("restrictpush", onClickPush, this ); childSetAction("status_no_voice", onClickVoice, this ); childSetCommitCallback("search_editor", onCommitSearch, this); childSetAction("search_btn", onClickSearch, this); childSetVisible("search_editor", gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ShowSearchBar")); childSetVisible("search_btn", gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ShowSearchBar")); childSetVisible("menubar_search_bevel_bg", gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ShowSearchBar")); childSetActionTextbox("ParcelNameText", onClickParcelInfo ); childSetActionTextbox("BalanceText", onClickBalance ); // Adding Net Stat Graph S32 x = getRect().getWidth() - 2; S32 y = 0; LLRect r; r.set( x-SIM_STAT_WIDTH, y+MENU_BAR_HEIGHT-1, x, y+1); mSGBandwidth = new LLStatGraph("BandwidthGraph", r); mSGBandwidth->setFollows(FOLLOWS_BOTTOM | FOLLOWS_RIGHT); mSGBandwidth->setStat(&LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mKBitStat); std::string text = childGetText("bandwidth_tooltip") + " "; LLUIString bandwidth_tooltip = text; // get the text from XML until this widget is XML driven mSGBandwidth->setLabel(bandwidth_tooltip.getString()); mSGBandwidth->setUnits("Kbps"); mSGBandwidth->setPrecision(0); mSGBandwidth->setMouseOpaque(FALSE); addChild(mSGBandwidth); x -= SIM_STAT_WIDTH + 2; r.set( x-SIM_STAT_WIDTH, y+MENU_BAR_HEIGHT-1, x, y+1); mSGPacketLoss = new LLStatGraph("PacketLossPercent", r); mSGPacketLoss->setFollows(FOLLOWS_BOTTOM | FOLLOWS_RIGHT); mSGPacketLoss->setStat(&LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mPacketsLostPercentStat); text = childGetText("packet_loss_tooltip") + " "; LLUIString packet_loss_tooltip = text; // get the text from XML until this widget is XML driven mSGPacketLoss->setLabel(packet_loss_tooltip.getString()); mSGPacketLoss->setUnits("%"); mSGPacketLoss->setMin(0.f); mSGPacketLoss->setMax(5.f); mSGPacketLoss->setThreshold(0, 0.5f); mSGPacketLoss->setThreshold(1, 1.f); mSGPacketLoss->setThreshold(2, 3.f); mSGPacketLoss->setPrecision(1); mSGPacketLoss->setMouseOpaque(FALSE); mSGPacketLoss->mPerSec = FALSE; addChild(mSGPacketLoss); childSetActionTextbox("stat_btn", onClickStatGraph); } LLStatusBar::~LLStatusBar() { delete mBalanceTimer; mBalanceTimer = NULL; delete mHealthTimer; mHealthTimer = NULL; // LLView destructor cleans up children } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Overrides //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // virtual void LLStatusBar::draw() { refresh(); if (isBackgroundVisible()) { gl_drop_shadow(0, getRect().getHeight(), getRect().getWidth(), 0, LLUI::sColorsGroup->getColor("ColorDropShadow"), LLUI::sConfigGroup->getS32("DropShadowFloater") ); } LLPanel::draw(); } // Per-frame updates of visibility void LLStatusBar::refresh() { // Adding Net Stat Meter back in F32 bwtotal = gViewerThrottle.getMaxBandwidth() / 1000.f; mSGBandwidth->setMin(0.f); mSGBandwidth->setMax(bwtotal*1.25f); mSGBandwidth->setThreshold(0, bwtotal*0.75f); mSGBandwidth->setThreshold(1, bwtotal); mSGBandwidth->setThreshold(2, bwtotal); // *TODO: Localize / translate time // Get current UTC time, adjusted for the user's clock // being off. time_t utc_time; utc_time = time_corrected(); // There's only one internal tm buffer. struct tm* internal_time; // Convert to Pacific, based on server's opinion of whether // it's daylight savings time there. internal_time = utc_to_pacific_time(utc_time, gPacificDaylightTime); S32 hour = internal_time->tm_hour; S32 min = internal_time->tm_min; std::string am_pm = "AM"; if (hour > 11) { hour -= 12; am_pm = "PM"; } std::string tz = "PST"; if (gPacificDaylightTime) { tz = "PDT"; } // Zero hour is 12 AM if (hour == 0) hour = 12; std::ostringstream t; t << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(2) << hour << ":" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << min << " " << am_pm << " " << tz; mTextTime->setText(t.str()); // Year starts at 1900, set the tooltip to have the date std::ostringstream date; date << sDays[internal_time->tm_wday] << ", " << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << internal_time->tm_mday << " " << sMonths[internal_time->tm_mon] << " " << internal_time->tm_year + 1900; mTextTime->setToolTip(date.str()); LLRect r; const S32 MENU_RIGHT = gMenuBarView->getRightmostMenuEdge(); S32 x = MENU_RIGHT + MENU_PARCEL_SPACING; S32 y = 0; bool search_visible = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ShowSearchBar"); // reshape menu bar to its content's width if (MENU_RIGHT != gMenuBarView->getRect().getWidth()) { gMenuBarView->reshape(MENU_RIGHT, gMenuBarView->getRect().getHeight()); } LLViewerRegion *region = gAgent.getRegion(); LLParcel *parcel = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getAgentParcel(); LLRect buttonRect; if (LLHUDIcon::iconsNearby()) { childGetRect( "scriptout", buttonRect ); r.setOriginAndSize( x, y, buttonRect.getWidth(), buttonRect.getHeight()); childSetRect("scriptout",r); childSetVisible("scriptout", true); x += buttonRect.getWidth(); } else { childSetVisible("scriptout", false); } if ((region && region->getAllowDamage()) || (parcel && parcel->getAllowDamage()) ) { // set visibility based on flashing if( mHealthTimer->hasExpired() ) { childSetVisible("health", true); } else { BOOL flash = S32(mHealthTimer->getElapsedSeconds() * ICON_FLASH_FREQUENCY) & 1; childSetVisible("health", flash); } mTextHealth->setVisible(TRUE); // Health childGetRect( "health", buttonRect ); r.setOriginAndSize( x, y, buttonRect.getWidth(), buttonRect.getHeight()); childSetRect("health", r); x += buttonRect.getWidth(); const S32 health_width = S32( LLFontGL::getFontSansSerifSmall()->getWidth(std::string("100%")) ); r.set(x, y+TEXT_HEIGHT - 2, x+health_width, y); mTextHealth->setRect(r); x += health_width; } else { // invisible if region doesn't allow damage childSetVisible("health", false); mTextHealth->setVisible(FALSE); } if ((region && region->getBlockFly()) || (parcel && !parcel->getAllowFly()) ) { // No Fly Zone childGetRect( "no_fly", buttonRect ); childSetVisible( "no_fly", true ); r.setOriginAndSize( x, y, buttonRect.getWidth(), buttonRect.getHeight()); childSetRect( "no_fly", r ); x += buttonRect.getWidth(); } else { // Fly Zone childSetVisible("no_fly", false); } BOOL no_build = parcel && !parcel->getAllowModify(); if (no_build) { childSetVisible("no_build", TRUE); childGetRect( "no_build", buttonRect ); // No Build Zone r.setOriginAndSize( x, y, buttonRect.getWidth(), buttonRect.getHeight()); childSetRect( "no_build", r ); x += buttonRect.getWidth(); } else { childSetVisible("no_build", FALSE); } BOOL no_scripts = FALSE; if((region && ((region->getRegionFlags() & REGION_FLAGS_SKIP_SCRIPTS) || (region->getRegionFlags() & REGION_FLAGS_ESTATE_SKIP_SCRIPTS))) || (parcel && !parcel->getAllowOtherScripts())) { no_scripts = TRUE; } if (no_scripts) { // No scripts childSetVisible("no_scripts", TRUE); childGetRect( "no_scripts", buttonRect ); r.setOriginAndSize( x, y, buttonRect.getWidth(), buttonRect.getHeight()); childSetRect( "no_scripts", r ); x += buttonRect.getWidth(); } else { // Yes scripts childSetVisible("no_scripts", FALSE); } BOOL no_region_push = (region && region->getRestrictPushObject()); BOOL no_push = no_region_push || (parcel && parcel->getRestrictPushObject()); if (no_push) { childSetVisible("restrictpush", TRUE); childGetRect( "restrictpush", buttonRect ); r.setOriginAndSize( x, y, buttonRect.getWidth(), buttonRect.getHeight()); childSetRect( "restrictpush", r ); x += buttonRect.getWidth(); } else { childSetVisible("restrictpush", FALSE); } BOOL have_voice = parcel && parcel->getParcelFlagAllowVoice(); if (have_voice) { childSetVisible("status_no_voice", FALSE); } else { childSetVisible("status_no_voice", TRUE); childGetRect( "status_no_voice", buttonRect ); r.setOriginAndSize( x, y, buttonRect.getWidth(), buttonRect.getHeight()); childSetRect( "status_no_voice", r ); x += buttonRect.getWidth(); } BOOL canBuyLand = parcel && !parcel->isPublic() && LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->canAgentBuyParcel(parcel, false); childSetVisible("buyland", canBuyLand); if (canBuyLand) { //HACK: layout tweak until this is all xml x += 9; childGetRect( "buyland", buttonRect ); r.setOriginAndSize( x, y, buttonRect.getWidth(), buttonRect.getHeight()); childSetRect( "buyland", r ); x += buttonRect.getWidth(); } std::string location_name; if (region) { const LLVector3& agent_pos_region = gAgent.getPositionAgent(); S32 pos_x = lltrunc( agent_pos_region.mV[VX] ); S32 pos_y = lltrunc( agent_pos_region.mV[VY] ); S32 pos_z = lltrunc( agent_pos_region.mV[VZ] ); // Round the numbers based on the velocity LLVector3 agent_velocity = gAgent.getVelocity(); F32 velocity_mag_sq = agent_velocity.magVecSquared(); const F32 FLY_CUTOFF = 6.f; // meters/sec const F32 FLY_CUTOFF_SQ = FLY_CUTOFF * FLY_CUTOFF; const F32 WALK_CUTOFF = 1.5f; // meters/sec const F32 WALK_CUTOFF_SQ = WALK_CUTOFF * WALK_CUTOFF; if (velocity_mag_sq > FLY_CUTOFF_SQ) { pos_x -= pos_x % 4; pos_y -= pos_y % 4; } else if (velocity_mag_sq > WALK_CUTOFF_SQ) { pos_x -= pos_x % 2; pos_y -= pos_y % 2; } mRegionDetails.mTime = mTextTime->getText(); mRegionDetails.mBalance = mBalance; mRegionDetails.mAccessString = region->getSimAccessString(); mRegionDetails.mPing = region->getNetDetailsForLCD(); if (parcel) { location_name = region->getName() + llformat(" %d, %d, %d (%s) - %s", pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, region->getSimAccessString().c_str(), parcel->getName().c_str()); // keep these around for the LCD to use mRegionDetails.mRegionName = region->getName(); mRegionDetails.mParcelName = parcel->getName(); mRegionDetails.mX = pos_x; mRegionDetails.mY = pos_y; mRegionDetails.mZ = pos_z; mRegionDetails.mArea = parcel->getArea(); mRegionDetails.mForSale = parcel->getForSale(); mRegionDetails.mTraffic = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getDwelling(); if (parcel->isPublic()) { mRegionDetails.mOwner = "Public"; } else { if (parcel->getIsGroupOwned()) { if(!parcel->getGroupID().isNull()) { gCacheName->getGroupName(parcel->getGroupID(), mRegionDetails.mOwner); } else { mRegionDetails.mOwner = "Group Owned"; } } else { // Figure out the owner's name gCacheName->getFullName(parcel->getOwnerID(), mRegionDetails.mOwner); } } } else { location_name = region->getName() + llformat(" %d, %d, %d (%s)", pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, region->getSimAccessString().c_str()); // keep these around for the LCD to use mRegionDetails.mRegionName = region->getName(); mRegionDetails.mParcelName = "Unknown"; mRegionDetails.mX = pos_x; mRegionDetails.mY = pos_y; mRegionDetails.mZ = pos_z; mRegionDetails.mArea = 0; mRegionDetails.mForSale = FALSE; mRegionDetails.mOwner = "Unknown"; mRegionDetails.mTraffic = 0.0f; } } else { // no region location_name = "(Unknown)"; // keep these around for the LCD to use mRegionDetails.mRegionName = "Unknown"; mRegionDetails.mParcelName = "Unknown"; mRegionDetails.mAccessString = "Unknown"; mRegionDetails.mX = 0; mRegionDetails.mY = 0; mRegionDetails.mZ = 0; mRegionDetails.mArea = 0; mRegionDetails.mForSale = FALSE; mRegionDetails.mOwner = "Unknown"; mRegionDetails.mTraffic = 0.0f; } mTextParcelName->setText(location_name); // x = right edge // loop through: stat graphs, search btn, search text editor, money, buy money, clock // adjust rect // finally adjust parcel name rect S32 new_right = getRect().getWidth(); if (search_visible) { childGetRect("search_btn", r); //r.translate( new_right - r.mRight, 0); //childSetRect("search_btn", r); new_right -= r.getWidth(); childGetRect("search_editor", r); //r.translate( new_right - r.mRight, 0); //childSetRect("search_editor", r); new_right -= r.getWidth() + 6; } else { childGetRect("stat_btn", r); r.translate( new_right - r.mRight, 0); childSetRect("stat_btn", r); new_right -= r.getWidth() + 6; } // Set rects of money, buy money, time childGetRect("BalanceText", r); r.translate( new_right - r.mRight, 0); childSetRect("BalanceText", r); new_right -= r.getWidth() - 18; childGetRect("buycurrency", r); r.translate( new_right - r.mRight, 0); childSetRect("buycurrency", r); new_right -= r.getWidth() + 6; childGetRect("TimeText", r); // mTextTime->getTextPixelWidth(); r.translate( new_right - r.mRight, 0); childSetRect("TimeText", r); // new_right -= r.getWidth() + MENU_PARCEL_SPACING; // Adjust region name and parcel name x += 8; const S32 PARCEL_RIGHT = llmin(mTextTime->getRect().mLeft, mTextParcelName->getTextPixelWidth() + x + 5); r.set(x+4, getRect().getHeight() - 2, PARCEL_RIGHT, 0); mTextParcelName->setRect(r); // Set search bar visibility if (gAgent.getCameraMode() != CAMERA_MODE_MOUSELOOK) { // don't monkey with search visibility in mouselook - it will be set // with setVisibleForMouselook() below childSetVisible("search_editor", search_visible); childSetVisible("search_btn", search_visible); childSetVisible("menubar_search_bevel_bg", search_visible); } mSGBandwidth->setVisible(! search_visible); mSGPacketLoss->setVisible(! search_visible); childSetEnabled("stat_btn", ! search_visible); } void LLStatusBar::setVisibleForMouselook(bool visible) { mTextBalance->setVisible(visible); mTextTime->setVisible(visible); childSetVisible("buycurrency", visible); childSetVisible("search_editor", visible); childSetVisible("search_btn", visible); childSetVisible("menubar_search_bevel_bg", visible); mSGBandwidth->setVisible(visible); mSGPacketLoss->setVisible(visible); setBackgroundVisible(visible); } void LLStatusBar::debitBalance(S32 debit) { setBalance(getBalance() - debit); } void LLStatusBar::creditBalance(S32 credit) { setBalance(getBalance() + credit); } void LLStatusBar::setBalance(S32 balance) { std::string money_str = LLResMgr::getInstance()->getMonetaryString( balance ); std::string balance_str = "L$"; balance_str += money_str; mTextBalance->setText( balance_str ); if (mBalance && (fabs((F32)(mBalance - balance)) > gSavedSettings.getF32("UISndMoneyChangeThreshold"))) { if (mBalance > balance) make_ui_sound("UISndMoneyChangeDown"); else make_ui_sound("UISndMoneyChangeUp"); } if( balance != mBalance ) { mBalanceTimer->reset(); mBalanceTimer->setTimerExpirySec( ICON_TIMER_EXPIRY ); mBalance = balance; } } // static void LLStatusBar::sendMoneyBalanceRequest() { LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem; msg->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_MoneyBalanceRequest); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID()); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID()); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_MoneyData); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_TransactionID, LLUUID::null ); gAgent.sendReliableMessage(); } void LLStatusBar::setHealth(S32 health) { //llinfos << "Setting health to: " << buffer << llendl; mTextHealth->setText(llformat("%d%%", health)); if( mHealth > health ) { if (mHealth > (health + gSavedSettings.getF32("UISndHealthReductionThreshold"))) { LLVOAvatar *me; if ((me = gAgent.getAvatarObject())) { if (me->getSex() == SEX_FEMALE) { make_ui_sound("UISndHealthReductionF"); } else { make_ui_sound("UISndHealthReductionM"); } } } mHealthTimer->reset(); mHealthTimer->setTimerExpirySec( ICON_TIMER_EXPIRY ); } mHealth = health; } S32 LLStatusBar::getBalance() const { return mBalance; } S32 LLStatusBar::getHealth() const { return mHealth; } void LLStatusBar::setLandCredit(S32 credit) { mSquareMetersCredit = credit; } void LLStatusBar::setLandCommitted(S32 committed) { mSquareMetersCommitted = committed; } BOOL LLStatusBar::isUserTiered() const { return (mSquareMetersCredit > 0); } S32 LLStatusBar::getSquareMetersCredit() const { return mSquareMetersCredit; } S32 LLStatusBar::getSquareMetersCommitted() const { return mSquareMetersCommitted; } S32 LLStatusBar::getSquareMetersLeft() const { return mSquareMetersCredit - mSquareMetersCommitted; } static void onClickParcelInfo(void* data) { LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->selectParcelAt(gAgent.getPositionGlobal()); LLFloaterLand::showInstance(); } static void onClickBalance(void* data) { onClickBuyCurrency(data); } static void onClickBuyCurrency(void* data) { LLFloaterBuyCurrency::buyCurrency(); } static void onClickHealth(void* ) { LLNotifications::instance().add("NotSafe"); } static void onClickScriptDebug(void*) { LLFloaterScriptDebug::show(LLUUID::null); } static void onClickFly(void* ) { LLNotifications::instance().add("NoFly"); } static void onClickPush(void* ) { LLNotifications::instance().add("PushRestricted"); } static void onClickVoice(void* ) { LLNotifications::instance().add("NoVoice"); } static void onClickBuild(void*) { LLNotifications::instance().add("NoBuild"); } static void onClickScripts(void*) { LLViewerRegion* region = gAgent.getRegion(); if(region && region->getRegionFlags() & REGION_FLAGS_ESTATE_SKIP_SCRIPTS) { LLNotifications::instance().add("ScriptsStopped"); } else if(region && region->getRegionFlags() & REGION_FLAGS_SKIP_SCRIPTS) { LLNotifications::instance().add("ScriptsNotRunning"); } else { LLNotifications::instance().add("NoOutsideScripts"); } } static void onClickBuyLand(void*) { LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->selectParcelAt(gAgent.getPositionGlobal()); LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->startBuyLand(); } // sets the static variables necessary for the date void LLStatusBar::setupDate() { // fill the day array with what's in the xui std::string day_list = getString("StatBarDaysOfWeek"); size_t length = day_list.size(); // quick input check if(length < MAX_DATE_STRING_LENGTH) { // tokenize it and put it in the array std::string cur_word; for(size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if(day_list[i] == ':') { sDays.push_back(cur_word); cur_word.clear(); } else { cur_word.append(1, day_list[i]); } } sDays.push_back(cur_word); } // fill the day array with what's in the xui std::string month_list = getString( "StatBarMonthsOfYear" ); length = month_list.size(); // quick input check if(length < MAX_DATE_STRING_LENGTH) { // tokenize it and put it in the array std::string cur_word; for(size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if(month_list[i] == ':') { sMonths.push_back(cur_word); cur_word.clear(); } else { cur_word.append(1, month_list[i]); } } sMonths.push_back(cur_word); } // make sure we have at least 7 days and 12 months if(sDays.size() < 7) { sDays.resize(7); } if(sMonths.size() < 12) { sMonths.resize(12); } } // static void LLStatusBar::onCommitSearch(LLUICtrl*, void* data) { // committing is the same as clicking "search" onClickSearch(data); } // static void LLStatusBar::onClickSearch(void* data) { LLStatusBar* self = (LLStatusBar*)data; std::string search_text = self->childGetText("search_editor"); LLFloaterDirectory::showFindAll(search_text); } // static void LLStatusBar::onClickStatGraph(void* data) { LLFloaterLagMeter::showInstance(); } BOOL can_afford_transaction(S32 cost) { return((cost <= 0)||((gStatusBar) && (gStatusBar->getBalance() >=cost))); } // Implements secondlife:///app/balance/request to request a L$ balance // update via UDP message system. JC class LLBalanceHandler : public LLCommandHandler { public: // Requires "trusted" browser/URL source LLBalanceHandler() : LLCommandHandler("balance", true) { } bool handle(const LLSD& tokens, const LLSD& query_map, LLWebBrowserCtrl* web) { if (tokens.size() == 1 && tokens[0].asString() == "request") { LLStatusBar::sendMoneyBalanceRequest(); return true; } return false; } }; // register with command dispatch system LLBalanceHandler gBalanceHandler;