 * @file llstartup.h
 * @brief startup routines and logic declaration
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2004&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$


#include <memory>                   // unique_ptr

class LLViewerTexture ;
class LLEventPump;
class LLStartupListener;
class LLSLURL;

#include "llviewerstats.h"

// functions
bool idle_startup();
void release_start_screen();
bool login_alert_done(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response);
void pump_idle_startup_network();

// start location constants
enum EStartLocation

typedef enum {
	STATE_FIRST,					// Initial startup
	STATE_BROWSER_INIT,             // Initialize web browser for login screen
	STATE_LOGIN_SHOW,				// Show login screen
	STATE_LOGIN_WAIT,				// Wait for user input at login screen
	STATE_LOGIN_CLEANUP,			// Get rid of login screen and start login
	STATE_LOGIN_AUTH_INIT,			// Start login to SL servers
	STATE_LOGIN_CURL_UNSTUCK,		// Update progress to remove "SL appears frozen" msg.
	STATE_LOGIN_PROCESS_RESPONSE,	// Check authentication reply
	STATE_WORLD_INIT,				// Start building the world
	STATE_MULTIMEDIA_INIT,			// Init the rest of multimedia library
	STATE_FONT_INIT,				// Load default fonts
	STATE_SEED_GRANTED_WAIT,		// Wait for seed cap grant
	STATE_SEED_CAP_GRANTED,			// Have seed cap grant 
	STATE_WORLD_WAIT,				// Waiting for simulator
	STATE_AGENT_SEND,				// Connect to a region
	STATE_AGENT_WAIT,				// Wait for region
	STATE_INVENTORY_SEND,			// Do inventory transfer
	STATE_INVENTORY_CALLBACKS,		// Wait for missing system folders and register callbacks
	STATE_INVENTORY_SKEL,			// Do more inventory skeleton loading
	STATE_INVENTORY_SEND2,			// Do more inventory init after skeleton is loaded
	STATE_MISC,						// Do more things (set bandwidth, start audio, save location, etc)
	STATE_PRECACHE,					// Wait a bit for textures to download
	STATE_WEARABLES_WAIT,			// Wait for clothing to download
	STATE_CLEANUP,					// Final cleanup
	STATE_STARTED					// Up and running in-world
} EStartupState;

// exported symbols
extern bool gAgentMovementCompleted;
extern LLPointer<LLViewerTexture> gStartTexture;

class LLStartUp

	// Always use this to set gStartupState so changes are logged
	static void setStartupState( EStartupState state );
	static EStartupState getStartupState() { return gStartupState; };
	static std::string getStartupStateString() { return startupStateToString(gStartupState); };
	static std::string getScreenLastFilename(); // screenshot taken on exit
	static std::string getScreenHomeFilename(); // screenshot taken on setting Home

	static void multimediaInit();
		// Initialize LLViewerMedia multimedia engine.

	// Load default fonts not already loaded at start screen
	static void fontInit();

	static void initNameCache();
	static void initExperiences();
	static void cleanupNameCache();

	// outfit_folder_name can be a folder anywhere in your inventory, 
	// but the name must be a case-sensitive exact match.
	// gender_name is either "male" or "female"
	static void loadInitialOutfit( const std::string& outfit_folder_name,
								   const std::string& gender_name );

	static std::string& getInitialOutfitName();
	static std::string getUserId();
	static bool dispatchURL();
		// if we have a SLURL or sim string ("Ahern/123/45") that started
		// the viewer, dispatch it

	static void postStartupState();
	static void setStartSLURL(const LLSLURL& slurl); 
	static LLSLURL& getStartSLURL();

	static bool startLLProxy(); // Initialize the SOCKS 5 proxy

	static LLViewerStats::PhaseMap& getPhases() { return *sPhases; }
	friend class LLStartupListener;
	static LLSLURL sStartSLURL;

	static std::string startupStateToString(EStartupState state);
	static EStartupState gStartupState; // Do not set directly, use LLStartup::setStartupState
	static std::unique_ptr<LLEventPump> sStateWatcher;
	static std::unique_ptr<LLStartupListener> sListener;
	static std::unique_ptr<LLViewerStats::PhaseMap> sPhases;

#endif // LL_LLSTARTUP_H