* @file   llsnapshotlivepreview.h
* @brief  Header file for llsnapshotlivepreview
* @author Gilbert@lindenlab.com
* $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2013&license=viewerlgpl$
* Second Life Viewer Source Code
* Copyright (C) 2013, Linden Research, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* version 2.1 of the License only.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
* Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
* $/LicenseInfo$

#include "llsnapshotmodel.h"
#include "llviewertexture.h"
#include "llviewerwindow.h"

class LLImageJPEG;

/// Class LLSnapshotLivePreview
class LLSnapshotLivePreview : public LLView
    typedef boost::signals2::signal<void(void)> snapshot_saved_signal_t;

    static void saveLocal(LLPointer<LLImageFormatted> image, const snapshot_saved_signal_t::slot_type& success_cb = snapshot_saved_signal_t(), const snapshot_saved_signal_t::slot_type& failure_cb = snapshot_saved_signal_t());
    struct Params : public LLInitParam::Block<Params, LLView::Params>
            name = "snapshot_live_preview";
            mouse_opaque = false;

    LLSnapshotLivePreview(const LLSnapshotLivePreview::Params& p);

    void setContainer(LLView* container) { mViewContainer = container; }

    /*virtual*/ void draw();
    /*virtual*/ void reshape(S32 width, S32 height, BOOL called_from_parent);

    void setSize(S32 w, S32 h);
    void setWidth(S32 w) { mWidth[mCurImageIndex] = w; }
    void setHeight(S32 h) { mHeight[mCurImageIndex] = h; }
    void getSize(S32& w, S32& h) const;
    S32 getWidth() const { return mWidth[mCurImageIndex]; }
    S32 getHeight() const { return mHeight[mCurImageIndex]; }
    S32 getEncodedImageWidth() const;
    S32 getEncodedImageHeight() const;
    void estimateDataSize();
    S32 getDataSize() const { return mDataSize; }
    void setMaxImageSize(S32 size) ;
    S32  getMaxImageSize() {return mMaxImageSize ;}

    LLSnapshotModel::ESnapshotType getSnapshotType() const { return mSnapshotType; }
    LLSnapshotModel::ESnapshotFormat getSnapshotFormat() const { return mSnapshotFormat; }
    BOOL getSnapshotUpToDate() const { return mSnapshotUpToDate; }
    BOOL isSnapshotActive() { return mSnapshotActive; }
    LLViewerTexture* getThumbnailImage() const { return mThumbnailImage ; }
    S32  getThumbnailWidth() const { return mThumbnailWidth ; }
    S32  getThumbnailHeight() const { return mThumbnailHeight ; }
    BOOL getThumbnailLock() const { return mThumbnailUpdateLock ; }
    BOOL getThumbnailUpToDate() const { return mThumbnailUpToDate ;}
    void setThumbnailSubsampled(BOOL subsampled) { mThumbnailSubsampled = subsampled; }

    LLViewerTexture* getCurrentImage();
    F32 getImageAspect();
    const LLRect& getImageRect() const { return mImageRect[mCurImageIndex]; }
    BOOL isImageScaled() const { return mImageScaled[mCurImageIndex]; }
    void setImageScaled(BOOL scaled) { mImageScaled[mCurImageIndex] = scaled; }
    const LLVector3d& getPosTakenGlobal() const { return mPosTakenGlobal; }

    void setSnapshotType(LLSnapshotModel::ESnapshotType type) { mSnapshotType = type; }
    void setSnapshotFormat(LLSnapshotModel::ESnapshotFormat format);
    bool setSnapshotQuality(S32 quality, bool set_by_user = true);
    void setSnapshotBufferType(LLSnapshotModel::ESnapshotLayerType type) { mSnapshotBufferType = type; }
    void setAllowRenderUI(BOOL allow) { mAllowRenderUI = allow; }
    void setAllowFullScreenPreview(BOOL allow) { mAllowFullScreenPreview = allow; }
    void setFilter(std::string filter_name) { mFilterName = filter_name; }
    std::string  getFilter() const { return mFilterName; }
    void updateSnapshot(BOOL new_snapshot, BOOL new_thumbnail = FALSE, F32 delay = 0.f);
    void saveTexture(BOOL outfit_snapshot = FALSE, std::string name = "");
    void saveLocal(const snapshot_saved_signal_t::slot_type& success_cb, const snapshot_saved_signal_t::slot_type& failure_cb);

    LLPointer<LLImageFormatted> getFormattedImage();
    LLPointer<LLImageRaw>       getEncodedImage();
    bool createUploadFile(const std::string &out_file, const S32 max_image_dimentions, const S32 min_image_dimentions);

    /// Sets size of preview thumbnail image and the surrounding rect.
    void setThumbnailPlaceholderRect(const LLRect& rect) {mThumbnailPlaceholderRect = rect; }
    BOOL setThumbnailImageSize() ;
    void generateThumbnailImage(BOOL force_update = FALSE) ;
    void resetThumbnailImage() { mThumbnailImage = NULL ; }
    void drawPreviewRect(S32 offset_x, S32 offset_y, LLColor4 alpha_color = LLColor4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.8f));
    void prepareFreezeFrame();

    LLViewerTexture* getBigThumbnailImage();
    S32  getBigThumbnailWidth() const { return mBigThumbnailWidth ; }
    S32  getBigThumbnailHeight() const { return mBigThumbnailHeight ; }

    // Returns TRUE when snapshot generated, FALSE otherwise.
    static BOOL onIdle( void* snapshot_preview );

    LLView*                     mViewContainer;

    LLColor4                    mColor;
    LLPointer<LLViewerTexture>  mViewerImage[2]; //used to represent the scene when the frame is frozen.
    LLRect                      mImageRect[2];
    S32                         mWidth[2];
    S32                         mHeight[2];
    BOOL                        mImageScaled[2];
    S32                         mMaxImageSize ;

    //thumbnail image
    LLPointer<LLViewerTexture>  mThumbnailImage ;
    S32                         mThumbnailWidth ;
    S32                         mThumbnailHeight ;
    LLRect                      mPreviewRect ;
    BOOL                        mThumbnailUpdateLock ;
    BOOL                        mThumbnailUpToDate ;
    LLRect                      mThumbnailPlaceholderRect;
    BOOL                        mThumbnailSubsampled; // TRUE if the thumbnail is a subsampled version of the mPreviewImage

    LLPointer<LLViewerTexture>  mBigThumbnailImage ;
    S32                         mBigThumbnailWidth;
    S32                         mBigThumbnailHeight;
    BOOL                        mBigThumbnailUpToDate;

    S32                         mCurImageIndex;
    // The logic is mPreviewImage (raw frame) -> mFormattedImage (formatted / filtered) -> mPreviewImageEncoded (decoded back, to show artifacts)
    LLPointer<LLImageRaw>       mPreviewImage;
    LLPointer<LLImageRaw>       mPreviewImageEncoded;
    LLPointer<LLImageFormatted> mFormattedImage;
    BOOL                        mAllowRenderUI;
    BOOL                        mAllowFullScreenPreview;
    LLFrameTimer                mSnapshotDelayTimer;
    S32                         mShineCountdown;
    LLFrameTimer                mShineAnimTimer;
    F32                         mFlashAlpha;
    BOOL                        mNeedsFlash;
    LLVector3d                  mPosTakenGlobal;
    S32                         mSnapshotQuality;
    S32                         mDataSize;
    LLSnapshotModel::ESnapshotType              mSnapshotType;
    LLSnapshotModel::ESnapshotFormat    mSnapshotFormat;
    BOOL                        mSnapshotUpToDate;
    LLFrameTimer                mFallAnimTimer;
    LLVector3                   mCameraPos;
    LLQuaternion                mCameraRot;
    BOOL                        mSnapshotActive;
    LLSnapshotModel::ESnapshotLayerType mSnapshotBufferType;
    std::string                 mFilterName;

    static LLPointer<LLImageFormatted> sSaveLocalImage;

    static std::set<LLSnapshotLivePreview*> sList;
    BOOL                        mKeepAspectRatio ;
    BOOL                        mForceUpdateSnapshot;