 * @file llurlsimstring.cpp (was llsimurlstring.cpp)
 * @brief Handles "SLURL fragments" like Ahern/123/45 for
 * startup processing, login screen, prefs, etc.
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2010&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$

#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"

#include "llslurl.h"

#include "llpanellogin.h"
#include "llviewercontrol.h"
#include "llviewernetwork.h"

#include "curl/curl.h"

const char* LLSLURL::SLURL_HTTP_SCHEME       = "http";
const char* LLSLURL::SLURL_HTTPS_SCHEME      = "https";
const char* LLSLURL::SLURL_SECONDLIFE_SCHEME = "secondlife";
const char* LLSLURL::SLURL_SECONDLIFE_PATH   = "secondlife";
const char* LLSLURL::SLURL_COM               = "slurl.com";

// For DnD - even though www.slurl.com redirects to slurl.com in a browser, you  can copy and drag
// text with www.slurl.com or a link explicitly pointing at www.slurl.com so testing for this
// version is required also.

const char* LLSLURL::WWW_SLURL_COM               = "www.slurl.com";
const char* LLSLURL::MAPS_SECONDLIFE_COM         = "maps.secondlife.com";
const char* LLSLURL::SLURL_X_GRID_LOCATION_INFO_SCHEME = "x-grid-location-info";
const char* LLSLURL::SLURL_APP_PATH              = "app";
const char* LLSLURL::SLURL_REGION_PATH           = "region";
const char* LLSLURL::SIM_LOCATION_HOME           = "home";
const char* LLSLURL::SIM_LOCATION_LAST           = "last";

// resolve a simstring from a slurl
LLSLURL::LLSLURL(const std::string& slurl)
    // by default we go to agni.
    mType = INVALID;

    if (slurl.empty() || (slurl == SIM_LOCATION_LAST))
        mType = LAST_LOCATION;
    else if (slurl == SIM_LOCATION_HOME)
        mType = HOME_LOCATION;
        LLURI slurl_uri;
        // parse the slurl as a uri
        if (slurl.find(':') == std::string::npos)
            // There may be no scheme ('secondlife:' etc.) passed in.  In that case
            // we want to normalize the slurl by putting the appropriate scheme
            // in front of the slurl.  So, we grab the appropriate slurl base
            // from the grid manager which may be http://slurl.com/secondlife/ for maingrid, or
            // https://<hostname>/region/ for Standalone grid (the word region, not the region name)
            // these slurls are typically passed in from the 'starting location' box on the login panel,
            // where the user can type in <regionname>/<x>/<y>/<z>
            std::string fixed_slurl = LLGridManager::getInstance()->getSLURLBase();

            // the slurl that was passed in might have a prepended /, or not.  So,
            // we strip off the prepended '/' so we don't end up with http://slurl.com/secondlife/<region>/<x>/<y>/<z>
            // or some such.

            if (slurl[0] == '/')
                fixed_slurl += slurl.substr(1);
                fixed_slurl += slurl;
            // We then load the slurl into a LLURI form
            slurl_uri = LLURI(fixed_slurl);
            // as we did have a scheme, implying a URI style slurl, we
            // simply parse it as a URI
            slurl_uri = LLURI(slurl);

        LLSD path_array = slurl_uri.pathArray();

        // determine whether it's a maingrid URI or an Standalone/open style URI
        // by looking at the scheme.  If it's a 'secondlife:' slurl scheme or
        // 'sl:' scheme, we know it's maingrid

        // At the end of this if/else block, we'll have determined the grid,
        // and the slurl type (APP or LOCATION)
        if (slurl_uri.scheme() == LLSLURL::SLURL_SECONDLIFE_SCHEME)
            if (path_array.size() == 0
                && slurl_uri.authority().empty()
                && slurl_uri.escapedQuery().empty())
                mType = EMPTY;
                // um, we need a path...

            // parse a maingrid style slurl.  We know the grid is maingrid
            // so grab it.
            // A location slurl for maingrid (with the special schemes) can be in the form
            // secondlife://<regionname>/<x>/<y>/<z>
            // or
            // secondlife://<Grid>/secondlife/<region>/<x>/<y>/<z>
            // where if grid is empty, it specifies Agni

            // An app style slurl for maingrid can be
            // secondlife://<Grid>/app/<app parameters>
            // where an empty grid implies Agni

            // we'll start by checking the top of the 'path' which will be
            // either 'app', 'secondlife', or <x>.

            // default to maingrid

            mGrid = MAINGRID;

            if ((path_array[0].asString() == LLSLURL::SLURL_SECONDLIFE_PATH) ||
                (path_array[0].asString() == LLSLURL::SLURL_APP_PATH))
                // it's in the form secondlife://<grid>/(app|secondlife)
                // so parse the grid name to derive the grid ID
                if (!slurl_uri.hostName().empty())
                    mGrid = LLGridManager::getInstance()->getGridId(slurl_uri.hostName());
                else if(path_array[0].asString() == LLSLURL::SLURL_SECONDLIFE_PATH)
                    // If the slurl is in the form secondlife:///secondlife/<region> form,
                    // then we are in fact on maingrid.
                    mGrid = MAINGRID;
                else if(path_array[0].asString() == LLSLURL::SLURL_APP_PATH)
                    // for app style slurls, where no grid name is specified, assume the currently
                    // selected or logged in grid.
                    mGrid =  LLGridManager::getInstance()->getGridId();

                if (mGrid.empty())
                    // we couldn't find the grid in the grid manager, so bail
                    LL_WARNS("AppInit")<<"unable to find grid"<<LL_ENDL;
                // set the type as appropriate.
                if (path_array[0].asString() == LLSLURL::SLURL_SECONDLIFE_PATH)
                    mType = LOCATION;
                    mType = APP;
                if (slurl_uri.hostName() == LLSLURL::SLURL_APP_PATH)
                    mType = APP;
                    // it wasn't a /secondlife/<region> or /app/<params>, so it must be secondlife://<region>
                    // therefore the hostname will be the region name, and it's a location type
                    mType = LOCATION;
                    // 'normalize' it so the region name is in fact the head of the path_array
                    path_array.insert(0, slurl_uri.hostName());
        else if ((slurl_uri.scheme() == LLSLURL::SLURL_HTTP_SCHEME) ||
            (slurl_uri.scheme() == LLSLURL::SLURL_HTTPS_SCHEME) ||
            (slurl_uri.scheme() == LLSLURL::SLURL_X_GRID_LOCATION_INFO_SCHEME))
            // We're dealing with either a Standalone style slurl or slurl.com slurl
            if ((slurl_uri.hostName() == LLSLURL::SLURL_COM) ||
                (slurl_uri.hostName() == LLSLURL::WWW_SLURL_COM) ||
                (slurl_uri.hostName() == LLSLURL::MAPS_SECONDLIFE_COM))
                // slurl.com implies maingrid
                mGrid = MAINGRID;
                // Don't try to match any old http://<host>/ URL as a SLurl.
                // SLE SLurls will have the grid hostname in the URL, so only
                // match http URLs if the hostname matches the grid hostname
                // (or its a slurl.com or maps.secondlife.com URL).
                if ((slurl_uri.scheme() == LLSLURL::SLURL_HTTP_SCHEME ||
                     slurl_uri.scheme() == LLSLURL::SLURL_HTTPS_SCHEME) &&
                    slurl_uri.hostName() != LLGridManager::getInstance()->getGrid())

                // As it's a Standalone grid/open, we will always have a hostname, as Standalone/open  style
                // urls are properly formed, unlike the stinky maingrid style
                mGrid = slurl_uri.hostName();
            if (path_array.size() == 0)
                // um, we need a path...

            // we need to normalize the urls so
            // the path portion starts with the 'command' that we want to do
            // it can either be region or app.
            if ((path_array[0].asString() == LLSLURL::SLURL_REGION_PATH) ||
                (path_array[0].asString() == LLSLURL::SLURL_SECONDLIFE_PATH))
                // strip off 'region' or 'secondlife'
                // it's a location
                mType = LOCATION;
            else if (path_array[0].asString() == LLSLURL::SLURL_APP_PATH)
                mType = APP;
                // leave app appended.
                // not a valid https/http/x-grid-location-info slurl, so it'll likely just be a URL
            // invalid scheme, so bail

        if (path_array.size() == 0)
            // we gotta have some stuff after the specifier as to whether it's a region or command

        // now that we know whether it's an app slurl or a location slurl,
        // parse the slurl into the proper data structures.
        if (mType == APP)
            // grab the app command type and strip it (could be a command to jump somewhere,
            // or whatever )
            mAppCmd = path_array[0].asString();

            // Grab the parameters
            mAppPath = path_array;
            // and the query
            mAppQuery = slurl_uri.query();
            mAppQueryMap = slurl_uri.queryMap();
        else if (mType == LOCATION)
            // at this point, head of the path array should be [ <region>, <x>, <y>, <z> ] where x, y and z
            // are collectively optional
            // are optional

            mRegion = LLURI::unescape(path_array[0].asString());

            if (LLStringUtil::containsNonprintable(mRegion))


            // parse the x, y, and optionally z
            if (path_array.size() >= 2)
                mPosition = LLVector3(path_array); // this construction handles LLSD without all components (values default to 0.f)
                if ((F32(mPosition[VX]) < 0.f) || (mPosition[VX] > REGION_WIDTH_METERS) ||
                    (F32(mPosition[VY]) < 0.f) || (mPosition[VY] > REGION_WIDTH_METERS) ||
                    (F32(mPosition[VZ]) < 0.f) || (mPosition[VZ] > REGION_HEIGHT_METERS))
                    mType = INVALID;
                // if x, y and z were not fully passed in, go to the middle of the region.
                // teleport will adjust the actual location to make sure you're on the ground
                // and such
                mPosition = LLVector3(REGION_WIDTH_METERS / 2, REGION_WIDTH_METERS / 2, 0);

// Create a slurl for the middle of the region
LLSLURL::LLSLURL(const std::string& grid, const std::string& region)
    mGrid = grid;
    mRegion = region;
    mType = LOCATION;
    mPosition = LLVector3((F64)REGION_WIDTH_METERS / 2, (F64)REGION_WIDTH_METERS / 2, 0);

// create a slurl given the position.  The position will be modded with the region
// width handling global positions as well
LLSLURL::LLSLURL(const std::string& grid,
        const std::string& region,
        const LLVector3& position)
    mGrid = grid;
    mRegion = region;
    S32 x = ll_round((F32)fmod(position[VX], (F32)REGION_WIDTH_METERS));
    S32 y = ll_round((F32)fmod(position[VY], (F32)REGION_WIDTH_METERS));
    S32 z = ll_round((F32)position[VZ]);
    mType = LOCATION;
    mPosition = LLVector3((F32)x, (F32)y, (F32)z);

// create a simstring
LLSLURL::LLSLURL(const std::string& region,
        const LLVector3& position)
    *this = LLSLURL(LLGridManager::getInstance()->getGridId(), region, position);

// create a slurl from a global position
LLSLURL::LLSLURL(const std::string& grid,
         const std::string& region,
         const LLVector3d& global_position)
    *this = LLSLURL(LLGridManager::getInstance()->getGridId(grid), region,
        LLVector3((F32)global_position.mdV[VX], (F32)global_position.mdV[VY], (F32)global_position.mdV[VZ]));

// create a slurl from a global position
LLSLURL::LLSLURL(const std::string& region,
        const LLVector3d& global_position)
    *this = LLSLURL(LLGridManager::getInstance()->getGridId(),
        region, global_position);

LLSLURL::LLSLURL(const std::string& command, const LLUUID&id, const std::string& verb)
    mType = APP;
    mAppCmd = command;
    mAppPath = LLSD::emptyArray();

std::string LLSLURL::getSLURLString() const
    switch (mType)
        case HOME_LOCATION:
            return SIM_LOCATION_HOME;
        case LAST_LOCATION:
            return SIM_LOCATION_LAST;
        case LOCATION:
            // lookup the grid
            S32 x = ll_round((F32)mPosition[VX]);
            S32 y = ll_round((F32)mPosition[VY]);
            S32 z = ll_round((F32)mPosition[VZ]);
            return LLGridManager::getInstance()->getSLURLBase(mGrid) +
                LLURI::escape(mRegion) + llformat("/%d/%d/%d", x, y, z);
        case APP:
            std::ostringstream app_url;
            app_url << LLGridManager::getInstance()->getAppSLURLBase() << "/" << mAppCmd;
            for (LLSD::array_const_iterator i = mAppPath.beginArray();
                i != mAppPath.endArray();
                app_url << "/" << i->asString();
            if (mAppQuery.length() > 0)
                app_url << "?" << mAppQuery;
            return app_url.str();
            LL_WARNS("AppInit") << "Unexpected SLURL type for SLURL string" << (int)mType << LL_ENDL;
            return std::string();

std::string LLSLURL::getLoginString() const
    std::stringstream unescaped_start;
    switch (mType)
        case LOCATION:
            unescaped_start << "uri:"
                << mRegion << "&"
                << ll_round(mPosition[0]) << "&"
                << ll_round(mPosition[1]) << "&"
                << ll_round(mPosition[2]);
        case HOME_LOCATION:
            unescaped_start << "home";
        case LAST_LOCATION:
            unescaped_start << "last";
            LL_WARNS("AppInit") << "Unexpected SLURL type (" << (int)mType << ")for login string" << LL_ENDL;
    return  LLStringFn::xml_encode(unescaped_start.str(), true);

bool LLSLURL::operator ==(const LLSLURL& rhs)
    if (rhs.mType != mType)
        return false;

    switch (mType)
        case LOCATION:
            return (mGrid == rhs.mGrid) &&
                    (mRegion == rhs.mRegion) &&
                    (mPosition == rhs.mPosition);

        case APP:
            return getSLURLString() == rhs.getSLURLString();

        case HOME_LOCATION:
        case LAST_LOCATION:
            return true;

            return false;

bool LLSLURL::operator !=(const LLSLURL& rhs)
    return !(*this == rhs);

std::string LLSLURL::getLocationString() const
    return llformat("%s/%d/%d/%d",

// static
const std::string LLSLURL::typeName[NUM_SLURL_TYPES] =

std::string LLSLURL::getTypeString(SLURL_TYPE type)
    std::string name;
    if (type >= INVALID && type < NUM_SLURL_TYPES)
        name = LLSLURL::typeName[type];
        name = llformat("Out of Range (%d)", type);
    return name;

std::string LLSLURL::asString() const
    std::ostringstream result;
        << "   mType: " << LLSLURL::getTypeString(mType)
        << "   mGrid: " + getGrid()
        << "   mRegion: " + getRegion()
        << "   mPosition: " << mPosition
        << "   mAppCmd:"  << getAppCmd()
        << "   mAppPath:" + getAppPath().asString()
        << "   mAppQueryMap:" + getAppQueryMap().asString()
        << "   mAppQuery: " + getAppQuery()

    return result.str();