/** * @file llsetkeybinddialog.cpp * @brief LLSetKeyBindDialog class implementation. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2019&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2019, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llsetkeybinddialog.h" #include "llbutton.h" #include "llcheckboxctrl.h" #include "lleventtimer.h" #include "llfloaterreg.h" #include "llfocusmgr.h" #include "llkeyconflict.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" class LLSetKeyBindDialog::Updater : public LLEventTimer { public: typedef boost::function callback_t; Updater(callback_t cb, F32 period, MASK mask) :LLEventTimer(period), mMask(mask), mCallback(cb) { mEventTimer.start(); } virtual ~Updater(){} protected: bool tick() { mCallback(mMask); // Deletes itseft after execution return true; } private: MASK mMask; callback_t mCallback; }; bool LLSetKeyBindDialog::sRecordKeys = false; LLSetKeyBindDialog::LLSetKeyBindDialog(const LLSD& key) : LLModalDialog(key), pParent(NULL), mKeyFilterMask(DEFAULT_KEY_FILTER), pUpdater(NULL), mLastMaskKey(0), mContextConeOpacity(0.f), mContextConeInAlpha(0.f), mContextConeOutAlpha(0.f), mContextConeFadeTime(0.f) { mContextConeInAlpha = gSavedSettings.getF32("ContextConeInAlpha"); mContextConeOutAlpha = gSavedSettings.getF32("ContextConeOutAlpha"); mContextConeFadeTime = gSavedSettings.getF32("ContextConeFadeTime"); } LLSetKeyBindDialog::~LLSetKeyBindDialog() { } //virtual bool LLSetKeyBindDialog::postBuild() { childSetAction("SetEmpty", onBlank, this); childSetAction("Default", onDefault, this); childSetAction("Cancel", onCancel, this); getChild("Cancel")->setFocus(true); pCheckBox = getChild("apply_all"); pDescription = getChild("description"); gFocusMgr.setKeystrokesOnly(true); return true; } //virtual void LLSetKeyBindDialog::onOpen(const LLSD& data) { sRecordKeys = true; LLModalDialog::onOpen(data); } //virtual void LLSetKeyBindDialog::onClose(bool app_quiting) { sRecordKeys = false; if (pParent) { pParent->onCancelKeyBind(); pParent = NULL; } if (pUpdater) { // Doubleclick timer has't fired, delete it delete pUpdater; pUpdater = NULL; } LLModalDialog::onClose(app_quiting); } void LLSetKeyBindDialog::drawFrustum() { static LLCachedControl max_opacity(gSavedSettings, "PickerContextOpacity", 0.4f); drawConeToOwner(mContextConeOpacity, max_opacity, mFrustumOrigin.get(), mContextConeFadeTime, mContextConeInAlpha, mContextConeOutAlpha); } //virtual void LLSetKeyBindDialog::draw() { drawFrustum(); LLModalDialog::draw(); } void LLSetKeyBindDialog::setParent(LLKeyBindResponderInterface* parent, LLView* frustum_origin, U32 key_mask) { pParent = parent; mFrustumOrigin = frustum_origin->getHandle(); mKeyFilterMask = key_mask; std::string input; if ((key_mask & ALLOW_MOUSE) != 0) { input = getString("mouse"); } if ((key_mask & ALLOW_KEYS) != 0) { if (!input.empty()) { input += ", "; } input += getString("keyboard"); } pDescription->setText(getString("basic_description")); pDescription->setTextArg("[INPUT]", input); } // static bool LLSetKeyBindDialog::recordKey(KEY key, MASK mask, bool down) { if (sRecordKeys) { LLSetKeyBindDialog* dialog = LLFloaterReg::getTypedInstance("keybind_dialog", LLSD()); if (dialog && dialog->getVisible()) { return dialog->recordAndHandleKey(key, mask, down); } else { LL_WARNS() << "Key recording was set despite no open dialog" << LL_ENDL; sRecordKeys = false; } } return false; } bool LLSetKeyBindDialog::recordAndHandleKey(KEY key, MASK mask, bool down) { if ((key == 'Q' && mask == MASK_CONTROL) || key == KEY_ESCAPE) { sRecordKeys = false; closeFloater(); return true; } if (key == KEY_DELETE) { setKeyBind(CLICK_NONE, KEY_NONE, MASK_NONE, false); sRecordKeys = false; closeFloater(); return false; } // forbidden keys if (key == KEY_NONE || key == KEY_RETURN || key == KEY_BACKSPACE) { return false; } if (key == KEY_CONTROL || key == KEY_SHIFT || key == KEY_ALT) { // Mask keys get special treatment if ((mKeyFilterMask & ALLOW_MASKS) == 0) { // Masks by themself are not allowed return false; } if (down) { // Most keys are handled on 'down' event because menu is handled on 'down' // masks are exceptions to let other keys be handled mLastMaskKey = key; return false; } if (mLastMaskKey != key) { // This was mask+key combination that got rejected, don't handle mask's key // Or user did something like: press shift, press ctrl, release shift return false; } // Mask up event often generates things like 'shift key + shift mask', filter it out. if (key == KEY_CONTROL) { mask &= ~MASK_CONTROL; } if (key == KEY_SHIFT) { mask &= ~MASK_SHIFT; } if (key == KEY_ALT) { mask &= ~MASK_ALT; } } if ((mKeyFilterMask & ALLOW_KEYS) == 0) { // basic keys not allowed return false; } else if ((mKeyFilterMask & ALLOW_MASK_KEYS) == 0 && mask != 0) { // masked keys not allowed return false; } if (LLKeyConflictHandler::isReservedByMenu(key, mask)) { pDescription->setText(getString("reserved_by_menu")); pDescription->setTextArg("[KEYSTR]", LLKeyboard::stringFromAccelerator(mask,key)); mLastMaskKey = 0; return true; } setKeyBind(CLICK_NONE, key, mask, pCheckBox->getValue().asBoolean()); // Note/Todo: To warranty zero interference we should also consume // an 'up' event if we recorded on 'down', not just close floater // on first recorded combination. sRecordKeys = false; closeFloater(); return true; } bool LLSetKeyBindDialog::handleAnyMouseClick(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, EMouseClickType clicktype, bool down) { bool result = false; if (!pParent) { // we already processed 'down' event, this is 'up', consume closeFloater(); result = true; } if (!result && clicktype == CLICK_LEFT) { // try handling buttons first if (down) { result = LLView::handleMouseDown(x, y, mask); } else { result = LLView::handleMouseUp(x, y, mask); } if (result) { setFocus(true); gFocusMgr.setKeystrokesOnly(true); } // ignore selection related combinations else if (down && (mask & (MASK_SHIFT | MASK_CONTROL)) == 0) { // this can be a double click, wait a bit; if (!pUpdater) { // Note: default doubleclick time is 500ms, but can stretch up to 5s pUpdater = new Updater(boost::bind(&onClickTimeout, this, _1), 0.7f, mask); result = true; } } } if (!result && (clicktype != CLICK_LEFT) // subcases were handled above && ((mKeyFilterMask & ALLOW_MOUSE) != 0) && (clicktype != CLICK_RIGHT || mask != 0) // reassigning menu button is not supported && ((mKeyFilterMask & ALLOW_MASK_MOUSE) != 0 || mask == 0)) // reserved for selection { setKeyBind(clicktype, KEY_NONE, mask, pCheckBox->getValue().asBoolean()); result = true; if (!down) { // wait for 'up' event before closing // alternative: set pUpdater closeFloater(); } } return result; } //static void LLSetKeyBindDialog::onCancel(void* user_data) { LLSetKeyBindDialog* self = (LLSetKeyBindDialog*)user_data; self->closeFloater(); } //static void LLSetKeyBindDialog::onBlank(void* user_data) { LLSetKeyBindDialog* self = (LLSetKeyBindDialog*)user_data; // tmp needs 'no key' button self->setKeyBind(CLICK_NONE, KEY_NONE, MASK_NONE, false); self->closeFloater(); } //static void LLSetKeyBindDialog::onDefault(void* user_data) { LLSetKeyBindDialog* self = (LLSetKeyBindDialog*)user_data; if (self->pParent) { self->pParent->onDefaultKeyBind(self->pCheckBox->getValue().asBoolean()); self->pParent = NULL; } self->closeFloater(); } //static void LLSetKeyBindDialog::onClickTimeout(void* user_data, MASK mask) { LLSetKeyBindDialog* self = (LLSetKeyBindDialog*)user_data; // timer will delete itself after timeout self->pUpdater = NULL; self->setKeyBind(CLICK_LEFT, KEY_NONE, mask, self->pCheckBox->getValue().asBoolean()); self->closeFloater(); } void LLSetKeyBindDialog::setKeyBind(EMouseClickType click, KEY key, MASK mask, bool all_modes) { if (pParent) { pParent->onSetKeyBind(click, key, mask, all_modes); pParent = NULL; } }