 * @file llselectmgr.h
 * @brief A manager for selected objects and TEs.
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$


#include "llcharacter.h"
#include "lleditmenuhandler.h"
#include "llundo.h"
#include "lluuid.h"
#include "llpointer.h"
#include "llsafehandle.h"
#include "llsaleinfo.h"
#include "llcategory.h"
#include "v3dmath.h"
#include "llquaternion.h"
#include "llcoord.h"
#include "llframetimer.h"
#include "llbbox.h"
#include "llpermissions.h"
#include "llcontrol.h"
#include "llviewerobject.h" // LLObjectSelection::getSelectedTEValue template
#include "llmaterial.h"

#include <deque>
#include <boost/iterator/filter_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>    // boost::make_shared

class LLMessageSystem;
class LLViewerTexture;
class LLColor4;
class LLVector3;
class LLSelectNode;

const U8 UPD_NONE           = 0x00;
const U8 UPD_POSITION       = 0x01;
const U8 UPD_ROTATION       = 0x02;
const U8 UPD_SCALE          = 0x04;
const U8 UPD_LINKED_SETS    = 0x08;
const U8 UPD_UNIFORM        = 0x10; // used with UPD_SCALE

// This is used by the DeRezObject message to determine where to put
// derezed tasks.
enum EDeRezDestination
    DRD_ACQUIRE_TO_AGENT_INVENTORY = 1,     // try to leave copy in world
    DRD_TAKE_INTO_AGENT_INVENTORY = 4,      // delete from world
    DRD_FORCE_TO_GOD_INVENTORY = 5,         // force take copy
    DRD_TRASH = 6,
    DRD_RETURN_TO_OWNER = 9,                // back to owner's inventory
    DRD_RETURN_TO_LAST_OWNER = 10,          // deeded object back to last owner's inventory

    DRD_COUNT = 11

const S32 SELECT_ALL_TES = -1;
const S32 SELECT_MAX_TES = 32;

// Do something to all objects in the selection manager.
// The bool return value can be used to indicate if all
// objects are identical (gathering information) or if
// the operation was successful.
struct LLSelectedObjectFunctor
    virtual ~LLSelectedObjectFunctor() {};
    virtual bool apply(LLViewerObject* object) = 0;

// Do something to all select nodes in the selection manager.
// The bool return value can be used to indicate if all
// objects are identical (gathering information) or if
// the operation was successful.
struct LLSelectedNodeFunctor
    virtual ~LLSelectedNodeFunctor() {};
    virtual bool apply(LLSelectNode* node) = 0;

struct LLSelectedTEFunctor
    virtual ~LLSelectedTEFunctor() {};
    virtual bool apply(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face) = 0;

struct LLSelectedTEMaterialFunctor
    virtual ~LLSelectedTEMaterialFunctor() {};
    virtual LLMaterialPtr apply(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face, LLTextureEntry* tep, LLMaterialPtr& current_material) = 0;

template <typename T> struct LLSelectedTEGetFunctor
    virtual ~LLSelectedTEGetFunctor() {};
    virtual T get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 te) = 0;

template <typename T> struct LLCheckIdenticalFunctor
    static bool same(const T& a, const T& b, const T& tolerance);

typedef enum e_send_type
    SEND_ROOTS_FIRST, // useful for serial undos on linked sets
    SEND_CHILDREN_FIRST // useful for serial transforms of linked sets
} ESendType;

typedef enum e_grid_mode
} EGridMode;

typedef enum e_action_type

typedef enum e_selection_type

typedef std::vector<LLPointer<LLGLTFMaterial> > gltf_materials_vec_t;


// Contains information about a selected object, particularly which TEs are selected.
class LLSelectNode
    LLSelectNode(LLViewerObject* object, bool do_glow);
    LLSelectNode(const LLSelectNode& nodep);

    void selectAllTEs(bool b);
    void selectTE(S32 te_index, bool selected);
    void selectGLTFNode(S32 node_index, S32 primitive_index, bool selected);
    bool isTESelected(S32 te_index) const;
    bool hasSelectedTE() const { return TE_SELECT_MASK_ALL & mTESelectMask; }
    S32 getLastSelectedTE() const;
    S32 getLastOperatedTE() const { return mLastTESelected; }
    S32 getTESelectMask() { return mTESelectMask; }
    void renderOneSilhouette(const LLColor4 &color);
    void setTransient(bool transient) { mTransient = transient; }
    bool isTransient() const { return mTransient; }
    LLViewerObject* getObject();
    void setObject(LLViewerObject* object);
    // *NOTE: invalidate stored textures and colors when # faces change
    // Used by tools floater's color/texture pickers to restore changes
    void saveColors();
    void saveShinyColors();
    void saveTextures(const uuid_vec_t& textures);
    void saveTextureScaleRatios(LLRender::eTexIndex index_to_query);

    // GLTF materials are applied to objects by ids,
    // overrides get applied on top of materials resulting in
    // final gltf material that users see.
    // Ids get applied and restored by tools floater,
    // overrides get applied in live material editor
    void saveGLTFMaterials(const uuid_vec_t& materials, const gltf_materials_vec_t& override_materials);

    bool allowOperationOnNode(PermissionBit op, U64 group_proxy_power) const;

    bool            mIndividualSelection;       // For root objects and objects individually selected

    bool            mTransient;
    bool            mValid;             // is extra information valid?
    LLPermissions*  mPermissions;
    LLSaleInfo      mSaleInfo;
    LLAggregatePermissions mAggregatePerm;
    LLAggregatePermissions mAggregateTexturePerm;
    LLAggregatePermissions mAggregateTexturePermOwner;
    std::string     mName;
    std::string     mDescription;
    LLCategory      mCategory;
    S16             mInventorySerial;
    LLVector3       mSavedPositionLocal;    // for interactively modifying object position
    LLVector3       mLastPositionLocal;
    LLVector3       mLastMoveLocal;
    LLVector3d      mSavedPositionGlobal;   // for interactively modifying object position
    LLVector3       mSavedScale;            // for interactively modifying object scale
    LLVector3       mLastScale;
    LLQuaternion    mSavedRotation;         // for interactively modifying object rotation
    LLQuaternion    mLastRotation;
    bool            mDuplicated;
    LLVector3d      mDuplicatePos;
    LLQuaternion    mDuplicateRot;
    LLUUID          mItemID;
    LLUUID          mFolderID;
    LLUUID          mFromTaskID;
    std::string     mTouchName;
    std::string     mSitName;
    U64             mCreationDate;
    std::vector<LLColor4>   mSavedColors;
    std::vector<LLColor4>   mSavedShinyColors;
    uuid_vec_t      mSavedTextures;
    uuid_vec_t      mSavedGLTFMaterialIds;
    gltf_materials_vec_t mSavedGLTFOverrideMaterials;
    std::vector<LLVector3>  mTextureScaleRatios;
    std::vector<LLVector3>  mSilhouetteVertices;    // array of vertices to render silhouette of object
    std::vector<LLVector3>  mSilhouetteNormals; // array of normals to render silhouette of object
    bool                    mSilhouetteExists;  // need to generate silhouette?
    S32             mSelectedGLTFNode = -1;
    S32             mSelectedGLTFPrimitive = -1;

    LLPointer<LLViewerObject>   mObject;
    S32             mTESelectMask;
    S32             mLastTESelected;


class LLObjectSelection : public LLRefCount
    friend class LLSelectMgr;
    friend class LLSafeHandle<LLObjectSelection>;
    friend class LLSelectionCallbackData;


    typedef std::list<LLSelectNode*> list_t;

    // Iterators
    struct is_non_null
        bool operator()(LLSelectNode* node)
            return (node->getObject() != NULL);
    typedef boost::filter_iterator<is_non_null, list_t::iterator > iterator;
    iterator begin() { return iterator(mList.begin(), mList.end()); }
    iterator end() { return iterator(mList.end(), mList.end()); }

    struct is_valid
        bool operator()(LLSelectNode* node)
            return (node->getObject() != NULL) && node->mValid;
    typedef boost::filter_iterator<is_valid, list_t::iterator > valid_iterator;
    valid_iterator valid_begin() { return valid_iterator(mList.begin(), mList.end()); }
    valid_iterator valid_end() { return valid_iterator(mList.end(), mList.end()); }

    struct is_root
        bool operator()(LLSelectNode* node);
    typedef boost::filter_iterator<is_root, list_t::iterator > root_iterator;
    root_iterator root_begin() { return root_iterator(mList.begin(), mList.end()); }
    root_iterator root_end() { return root_iterator(mList.end(), mList.end()); }

    struct is_valid_root
        bool operator()(LLSelectNode* node);
    typedef boost::filter_iterator<is_valid_root, list_t::iterator > valid_root_iterator;
    valid_root_iterator valid_root_begin() { return valid_root_iterator(mList.begin(), mList.end()); }
    valid_root_iterator valid_root_end() { return valid_root_iterator(mList.end(), mList.end()); }

    struct is_root_object
        bool operator()(LLSelectNode* node);
    typedef boost::filter_iterator<is_root_object, list_t::iterator > root_object_iterator;
    root_object_iterator root_object_begin() { return root_object_iterator(mList.begin(), mList.end()); }
    root_object_iterator root_object_end() { return root_object_iterator(mList.end(), mList.end()); }


    void updateEffects();

    bool isEmpty() const;

    LLSelectNode*   getFirstNode(LLSelectedNodeFunctor* func = NULL);
    LLSelectNode*   getFirstRootNode(LLSelectedNodeFunctor* func = NULL, bool non_root_ok = false);
    LLViewerObject* getFirstSelectedObject(LLSelectedNodeFunctor* func, bool get_parent = false);
    LLViewerObject* getFirstObject();
    LLViewerObject* getFirstRootObject(bool non_root_ok = false);

    LLSelectNode*   getFirstMoveableNode(bool get_root_first = false);

    LLViewerObject* getFirstEditableObject(bool get_parent = false);
    LLViewerObject* getFirstCopyableObject(bool get_parent = false);
    LLViewerObject* getFirstDeleteableObject();
    LLViewerObject* getFirstMoveableObject(bool get_parent = false);
    LLViewerObject* getFirstUndoEnabledObject(bool get_parent = false);

    /// Return the object that lead to this selection, possible a child
    LLViewerObject* getPrimaryObject() { return mPrimaryObject; }

    // iterate through texture entries
    template <typename T> bool getSelectedTEValue(LLSelectedTEGetFunctor<T>* func, T& res, bool has_tolerance = false, T tolerance = T());
    template <typename T> bool isMultipleTEValue(LLSelectedTEGetFunctor<T>* func, const T& ignore_value);

    S32 getNumNodes();
    LLSelectNode* findNode(LLViewerObject* objectp);

    // count members
    S32 getObjectCount();
    F32 getSelectedObjectCost();
    F32 getSelectedLinksetCost();
    F32 getSelectedPhysicsCost();
    F32 getSelectedLinksetPhysicsCost();
    S32 getSelectedObjectRenderCost();

    F32 getSelectedObjectStreamingCost(S32* total_bytes = NULL, S32* visible_bytes = NULL);
    U32 getSelectedObjectTriangleCount(S32* vcount = NULL);

    S32 getTECount();
    S32 getRootObjectCount();

    bool isMultipleTESelected();
    bool contains(LLViewerObject* object);
    bool contains(LLViewerObject* object, S32 te);

    // returns true is any node is currenly worn as an attachment
    bool isAttachment();

    bool checkAnimatedObjectEstTris();
    bool checkAnimatedObjectLinkable();

    // Apply functors to various subsets of the selected objects
    // If firstonly is false, returns the AND of all apply() calls.
    // Else returns true immediately if any apply() call succeeds (i.e. OR with early exit)
    bool applyToRootObjects(LLSelectedObjectFunctor* func, bool firstonly = false);
    bool applyToObjects(LLSelectedObjectFunctor* func);
    bool applyToTEs(LLSelectedTEFunctor* func, bool firstonly = false);
    bool applyToRootNodes(LLSelectedNodeFunctor* func, bool firstonly = false);
    bool applyToNodes(LLSelectedNodeFunctor* func, bool firstonly = false);

     * Used to apply (no-copy) textures to the selected object or
     * selected face/faces of the object.
     * This method moves (no-copy) texture to the object's inventory
     * and doesn't make copy of the texture for each face.
     * Then this only texture is used for all selected faces.
    void applyNoCopyTextureToTEs(LLViewerInventoryItem* item);
     * Multi-purpose function for applying PBR materials to the
     * selected object or faces, any combination of copy/mod/transfer
     * permission restrictions. This method moves the restricted
     * material to the object's inventory and doesn't make a copy of the
     * material for each face. Then this only material is used for
     * all selected faces.
     * Returns false if applying the material failed on one or more selected
     * faces.
    bool applyRestrictedPbrMaterialToTEs(LLViewerInventoryItem* item);

    ESelectType getSelectType() const { return mSelectType; }

    void addNode(LLSelectNode *nodep);
    void addNodeAtEnd(LLSelectNode *nodep);
    void moveNodeToFront(LLSelectNode *nodep);
    void removeNode(LLSelectNode *nodep);
    void deleteAllNodes();
    void cleanupNodes();

    list_t mList;
    const LLObjectSelection &operator=(const LLObjectSelection &);

    LLPointer<LLViewerObject> mPrimaryObject;
    std::map<LLPointer<LLViewerObject>, LLSelectNode*> mSelectNodeMap;
    ESelectType mSelectType;

typedef LLSafeHandle<LLObjectSelection> LLObjectSelectionHandle;

// Build time optimization, generate this once in .cpp file
extern template class LLSelectMgr* LLSingleton<class LLSelectMgr>::getInstance();

// For use with getFirstTest()
struct LLSelectGetFirstTest;

// temporary storage, Ex: to attach objects after autopilot
class LLSelectionCallbackData
    LLObjectSelectionHandle getSelection() { return mSelectedObjects; }
    LLObjectSelectionHandle                 mSelectedObjects;

class LLSelectMgr : public LLEditMenuHandler, public LLSimpleton<LLSelectMgr>
    static bool                 sRectSelectInclusive;   // do we need to surround an object to pick it?
    static bool                 sRenderHiddenSelections;    // do we show selection silhouettes that are occluded?
    static bool                 sRenderLightRadius; // do we show the radius of selected lights?

    static F32                  sHighlightThickness;
    static F32                  sHighlightUScale;
    static F32                  sHighlightVScale;
    static F32                  sHighlightAlpha;
    static F32                  sHighlightAlphaTest;
    static F32                  sHighlightUAnim;
    static F32                  sHighlightVAnim;
    static LLColor4             sSilhouetteParentColor;
    static LLColor4             sSilhouetteChildColor;
    static LLColor4             sHighlightParentColor;
    static LLColor4             sHighlightChildColor;
    static LLColor4             sHighlightInspectColor;
    static LLColor4             sContextSilhouetteColor;

    LLCachedControl<bool>                   mHideSelectedObjects;
    LLCachedControl<bool>                   mRenderHighlightSelections;
    LLCachedControl<bool>                   mAllowSelectAvatar;
    LLCachedControl<bool>                   mDebugSelectMgr;


    static void cleanupGlobals();

    // LLEditMenuHandler interface
    virtual bool canUndo() const;
    virtual void undo();

    virtual bool canRedo() const;
    virtual void redo();

    virtual bool canDoDelete() const;
    virtual void doDelete();

    virtual void deselect();
    virtual bool canDeselect() const;

    virtual void duplicate();
    virtual bool canDuplicate() const;

    void clearSelections();
    void update();
    void updateEffects(); // Update HUD effects

    // When we edit object's position/rotation/scale we set local
    // overrides and ignore any updates (override received valeus).
    // When we send data to server, we send local values and reset
    // overrides
    void resetObjectOverrides();
    void resetObjectOverrides(LLObjectSelectionHandle selected_handle);
    void overrideObjectUpdates();

    void resetAvatarOverrides();
    void overrideAvatarUpdates();

    struct AvatarPositionOverride
        AvatarPositionOverride(LLVector3 &vec, LLQuaternion &quat, LLViewerObject *obj) :
        LLVector3 mLastPositionLocal;
        LLQuaternion mLastRotation;
        LLPointer<LLViewerObject> mObject;

    // Avatar overrides should persist even after selection
    // was removed as long as edit floater is up
    typedef std::map<LLUUID, AvatarPositionOverride> uuid_av_override_map_t;
    uuid_av_override_map_t mAvatarOverridesMap;

    // Returns the previous value of mForceSelection
    bool setForceSelection(bool force);

    // Selection methods

    // Add

    // This method is meant to select an object, and then select all
    // of the ancestors and descendants. This should be the normal behavior.
    // *NOTE: You must hold on to the object selection handle, otherwise
    // the objects will be automatically deselected in 1 frame.
    LLObjectSelectionHandle selectObjectAndFamily(LLViewerObject* object, bool add_to_end = false, bool ignore_select_owned = false);

    // For when you want just a child object.
    LLObjectSelectionHandle selectObjectOnly(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face = SELECT_ALL_TES, S32 gltf_node = -1, S32 gltf_primitive = -1);

    // Same as above, but takes a list of objects.  Used by rectangle select.
    LLObjectSelectionHandle selectObjectAndFamily(const std::vector<LLViewerObject*>& object_list, bool send_to_sim = true);

    // converts all objects currently highlighted to a selection, and returns it
    LLObjectSelectionHandle selectHighlightedObjects();

    LLObjectSelectionHandle setHoverObject(LLViewerObject *objectp, S32 face = -1);
    LLSelectNode *getHoverNode();
    LLSelectNode *getPrimaryHoverNode();

    void highlightObjectOnly(LLViewerObject *objectp);
    void highlightObjectAndFamily(LLViewerObject *objectp);
    void highlightObjectAndFamily(const std::vector<LLViewerObject*>& list);

    // Remove

    void deselectObjectOnly(LLViewerObject* object, bool send_to_sim = true);
    void deselectObjectAndFamily(LLViewerObject* object, bool send_to_sim = true, bool include_entire_object = false);

    // Send deselect messages to simulator, then clear the list
    void deselectAll();
    void deselectAllForStandingUp();

    // deselect only if nothing else currently referencing the selection
    void deselectUnused();

    // Deselect if the selection center is too far away from the agent.
    void deselectAllIfTooFar();

    // Removes all highlighted objects from current selection
    void deselectHighlightedObjects();

    void unhighlightObjectOnly(LLViewerObject *objectp);
    void unhighlightObjectAndFamily(LLViewerObject *objectp);
    void unhighlightAll();

    bool removeObjectFromSelections(const LLUUID &id);

    // Selection editing
    bool linkObjects();

    bool unlinkObjects();

    void confirmUnlinkObjects(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response);

    bool enableLinkObjects();

    bool enableUnlinkObjects();

    // Selection accessors
    LLObjectSelectionHandle getSelection() { return mSelectedObjects; }
    // right now this just renders the selection with root/child colors instead of a single color
    LLObjectSelectionHandle getEditSelection() { convertTransient(); return mSelectedObjects; }
    LLObjectSelectionHandle getHighlightedObjects() { return mHighlightedObjects; }

    // Grid manipulation
    void            addGridObject(LLViewerObject* objectp);
    void            clearGridObjects();
    void            setGridMode(EGridMode mode);
    EGridMode       getGridMode() { return mGridMode; }
    void            getGrid(LLVector3& origin, LLQuaternion& rotation, LLVector3 &scale, bool for_snap_guides = false);

    bool getTEMode() const { return mTEMode; }
    void setTEMode(bool b) { mTEMode = b; }

    bool shouldShowSelection() const { return mShowSelection; }

    LLBBox getBBoxOfSelection() const;
    LLBBox getSavedBBoxOfSelection() const { return mSavedSelectionBBox; }

    void dump();
    void cleanup();

    void updateSilhouettes();
    void renderSilhouettes(bool for_hud);
    void enableSilhouette(bool enable) { mRenderSilhouettes = enable; }

    // Utility functions that operate on the current selection
    void saveSelectedObjectTransform(EActionType action_type);
    void saveSelectedObjectColors();
    void saveSelectedShinyColors();
    void saveSelectedObjectTextures();

    void selectionUpdatePhysics(bool use_physics);
    void selectionUpdateTemporary(bool is_temporary);
    void selectionUpdatePhantom(bool is_ghost);
    void selectionDump();

    bool selectionAllPCode(LLPCode code);       // all objects have this PCode
    bool selectionGetClickAction(U8 *out_action);
    bool selectionGetIncludeInSearch(bool* include_in_search_out); // true if all selected objects have same
    bool selectionGetGlow(F32 *glow);

    void selectionSetPhysicsType(U8 type);
    void selectionSetGravity(F32 gravity);
    void selectionSetFriction(F32 friction);
    void selectionSetDensity(F32 density);
    void selectionSetRestitution(F32 restitution);
    void selectionSetMaterial(U8 material);
    bool selectionSetImage(const LLUUID& imageid); // could be item or asset id
    bool selectionSetGLTFMaterial(const LLUUID& mat_id); // material id only
    void selectionSetColor(const LLColor4 &color);
    void selectionSetColorOnly(const LLColor4 &color); // Set only the RGB channels
    void selectionSetAlphaOnly(const F32 alpha); // Set only the alpha channel
    void selectionRevertColors();
    void selectionRevertShinyColors();
    bool selectionRevertTextures();
    void selectionRevertGLTFMaterials();
    void selectionSetBumpmap( U8 bumpmap, const LLUUID &image_id );
    void selectionSetTexGen( U8 texgen );
    void selectionSetShiny( U8 shiny, const LLUUID &image_id );
    void selectionSetFullbright( U8 fullbright );
    void selectionSetMedia( U8 media_type, const LLSD &media_data );
    void selectionSetClickAction(U8 action);
    void selectionSetIncludeInSearch(bool include_in_search);
    void selectionSetGlow(const F32 glow);
    void selectionSetMaterialParams(LLSelectedTEMaterialFunctor* material_func, int specific_te = -1);
    void selectionRemoveMaterial();

    void selectionSetObjectPermissions(U8 perm_field, bool set, U32 perm_mask, bool override = false);
    void selectionSetObjectName(const std::string& name);
    void selectionSetObjectDescription(const std::string& desc);
    void selectionSetObjectCategory(const LLCategory& category);
    void selectionSetObjectSaleInfo(const LLSaleInfo& sale_info);

    void selectionTexScaleAutofit(F32 repeats_per_meter);
    void adjustTexturesByScale(bool send_to_sim, bool stretch);

    bool selectionMove(const LLVector3& displ, F32 rx, F32 ry, F32 rz,
                       U32 update_type);
    void sendSelectionMove();

    void sendGodlikeRequest(const std::string& request, const std::string& parameter);

    // will make sure all selected object meet current criteria, or deselect them otherwise
    void validateSelection();

    // returns true if it is possible to select this object
    bool canSelectObject(LLViewerObject* object, bool ignore_select_owned = false);

    // Returns true if the viewer has information on all selected objects
    bool selectGetAllRootsValid();
    bool selectGetAllValid();
    bool selectGetAllValidAndObjectsFound();

    // returns true if you can modify all selected objects.
    bool selectGetRootsModify();
    bool selectGetModify();

    // returns true if all objects are in same region
    bool selectGetSameRegion();

    // returns true if is all objects are non-permanent-enforced
    bool selectGetRootsNonPermanentEnforced();
    bool selectGetNonPermanentEnforced();

    // returns true if is all objects are permanent
    bool selectGetRootsPermanent();
    bool selectGetPermanent();

    // returns true if is all objects are character
    bool selectGetRootsCharacter();
    bool selectGetCharacter();

    // returns true if is all objects are not permanent
    bool selectGetRootsNonPathfinding();
    bool selectGetNonPathfinding();

    // returns true if is all objects are not permanent
    bool selectGetRootsNonPermanent();
    bool selectGetNonPermanent();

    // returns true if is all objects are not character
    bool selectGetRootsNonCharacter();
    bool selectGetNonCharacter();

    bool selectGetEditableLinksets();
    bool selectGetViewableCharacters();

    // returns true if selected objects can be transferred.
    bool selectGetRootsTransfer();

    // returns true if selected objects can be copied.
    bool selectGetRootsCopy();

    bool selectGetCreator(LLUUID& id, std::string& name);                   // true if all have same creator, returns id
    bool selectGetOwner(LLUUID& id, std::string& name);                 // true if all objects have same owner, returns id
    bool selectGetLastOwner(LLUUID& id, std::string& name);             // true if all objects have same owner, returns id

    // returns true if all are the same. id is stuffed with
    // the value found if available.
    bool selectGetGroup(LLUUID& id);
    bool selectGetPerm( U8 which_perm, U32* mask_on, U32* mask_off);    // true if all have data, returns two masks, each indicating which bits are all on and all off

    bool selectIsGroupOwned();                                          // true if all root objects have valid data and are group owned.

    // returns true if all the nodes are valid. Accumulates
    // permissions in the parameter.
    bool selectGetPermissions(LLPermissions& perm);

    // returns true if all the nodes are valid. Depends onto "edit linked" state
    // Children in linksets are a bit special - they require not only move permission
    // but also modify if "edit linked" is set, since you move them relative to parent
    bool selectGetEditMoveLinksetPermissions(bool &move, bool &modify);

    // Get a bunch of useful sale information for the object(s) selected.
    // "_mixed" is true if not all objects have the same setting.
    void selectGetAggregateSaleInfo(U32 &num_for_sale,
                                    bool &is_for_sale_mixed,
                                    bool &is_sale_price_mixed,
                                    S32 &total_sale_price,
                                    S32 &individual_sale_price);

    // returns true if all nodes are valid.
    bool selectGetCategory(LLCategory& category);

    // returns true if all nodes are valid. method also stores an
    // accumulated sale info.
    bool selectGetSaleInfo(LLSaleInfo& sale_info);

    // returns true if all nodes are valid. fills passed in object
    // with the aggregate permissions of the selection.
    bool selectGetAggregatePermissions(LLAggregatePermissions& ag_perm);

    // returns true if all nodes are valid. fills passed in object
    // with the aggregate permissions for texture inventory items of the selection.
    bool selectGetAggregateTexturePermissions(LLAggregatePermissions& ag_perm);

    LLPermissions* findObjectPermissions(const LLViewerObject* object);

    bool isMovableAvatarSelected();

    void selectDelete();                            // Delete on simulator
    void selectForceDelete();           // just delete, no into trash
    void selectDuplicate(const LLVector3& offset, bool select_copy);    // Duplicate on simulator
    void repeatDuplicate();
    void selectDuplicateOnRay(const LLVector3 &ray_start_region,
                                const LLVector3 &ray_end_region,
                                bool bypass_raycast,
                                bool ray_end_is_intersection,
                                const LLUUID &ray_target_id,
                                bool copy_centers,
                                bool copy_rotates,
                                bool select_copy);

    void sendMultipleUpdate(U32 type);  // Position, rotation, scale all in one
    void sendOwner(const LLUUID& owner_id, const LLUUID& group_id, bool override = false);
    void sendGroup(const LLUUID& group_id);

    // Category ID is the UUID of the folder you want to contain the purchase.
    // *NOTE: sale_info check doesn't work for multiple object buy,
    // which UI does not currently support sale info is used for
    // verification only, if it doesn't match region info then sale is
    // canceled
    void sendBuy(const LLUUID& buyer_id, const LLUUID& category_id, const LLSaleInfo sale_info);
    void sendAttach(U8 attachment_point, bool replace);
    void sendAttach(LLObjectSelectionHandle selection_handle, U8 attachment_point, bool replace);
    void sendDetach();
    void sendDropAttachment();
    void sendLink();
    void sendDelink();
    //void sendHinge(U8 type);
    //void sendDehinge();
    void sendSelect();

    void requestObjectPropertiesFamily(LLViewerObject* object); // asks sim for creator, permissions, resources, etc.
    static void processObjectProperties(LLMessageSystem *mesgsys, void **user_data);
    static void processObjectPropertiesFamily(LLMessageSystem *mesgsys, void **user_data);
    static void processForceObjectSelect(LLMessageSystem* msg, void**);

    void requestGodInfo();

    LLVector3d      getSelectionCenterGlobal() const    { return mSelectionCenterGlobal; }
    void            updateSelectionCenter();

    void pauseAssociatedAvatars();

    void resetAgentHUDZoom();
    void setAgentHUDZoom(F32 target_zoom, F32 current_zoom);
    void getAgentHUDZoom(F32 &target_zoom, F32 &current_zoom) const;

    void updatePointAt();

    // Internal list maintenance functions. TODO: Make these private!
    void remove(std::vector<LLViewerObject*>& objects);
    void remove(LLViewerObject* object, S32 te = SELECT_ALL_TES, bool undoable = true);
    void removeAll();
    void addAsIndividual(LLViewerObject* object, S32 te = SELECT_ALL_TES, bool undoable = true, S32 gltf_node = -1, S32 gltf_primitive = -1);
    void promoteSelectionToRoot();
    void demoteSelectionToIndividuals();

    void convertTransient(); // converts temporarily selected objects to full-fledged selections
    ESelectType getSelectTypeForObject(LLViewerObject* object);
    void addAsFamily(std::vector<LLViewerObject*>& objects, bool add_to_end = false);
    void generateSilhouette(LLSelectNode *nodep, const LLVector3& view_point);
    void updateSelectionSilhouette(LLObjectSelectionHandle object_handle, S32& num_sils_genned, std::vector<LLViewerObject*>& changed_objects);
    // Send one message to each region containing an object on selection list.
    void sendListToRegions( const std::string& message_name,
                            void (*pack_header)(void *user_data),
                            void (*pack_body)(LLSelectNode* node, void *user_data),
                            void (*log_func)(LLSelectNode* node, void *user_data),
                            void *user_data,
                            ESendType send_type);
    void sendListToRegions( LLObjectSelectionHandle selected_handle,
                            const std::string& message_name,
                            void (*pack_header)(void *user_data),
                            void (*pack_body)(LLSelectNode* node, void *user_data),
                            void (*log_func)(LLSelectNode* node, void *user_data),
                            void *user_data,
                            ESendType send_type);

    static void packAgentID(    void *);
    static void packAgentAndSessionID(void* user_data);
    static void packAgentAndGroupID(void* user_data);
    static void packAgentAndSessionAndGroupID(void* user_data);
    static void packAgentIDAndSessionAndAttachment(void*);
    static void packAgentGroupAndCatID(void*);
    static void packDeleteHeader(void* userdata);
    static void packDeRezHeader(void* user_data);
    static void packObjectID(   LLSelectNode* node, void *);
    static void packObjectIDAsParam(LLSelectNode* node, void *);
    static void packObjectIDAndRotation(LLSelectNode* node, void *);
    static void packObjectLocalID(LLSelectNode* node, void *);
    static void packObjectClickAction(LLSelectNode* node, void* data);
    static void packObjectIncludeInSearch(LLSelectNode* node, void* data);
    static void packObjectName(LLSelectNode* node, void* user_data);
    static void packObjectDescription(LLSelectNode* node, void* user_data);
    static void packObjectCategory(LLSelectNode* node, void* user_data);
    static void packObjectSaleInfo(LLSelectNode* node, void* user_data);
    static void packBuyObjectIDs(LLSelectNode* node, void* user_data);
    static void packDuplicate(  LLSelectNode* node, void *duplicate_data);
    static void packDuplicateHeader(void*);
    static void packDuplicateOnRayHead(void *user_data);
    static void packPermissions(LLSelectNode* node, void *user_data);
    static void packDeselect(   LLSelectNode* node, void *user_data);
    static void packMultipleUpdate(LLSelectNode* node, void *user_data);
    static void packPhysics(LLSelectNode* node, void *user_data);
    static void packShape(LLSelectNode* node, void *user_data);
    static void packOwnerHead(void *user_data);
    static void packHingeHead(void *user_data);
    static void packPermissionsHead(void* user_data);
    static void packGodlikeHead(void* user_data);
    static void logNoOp(LLSelectNode* node, void *user_data);
    static void logAttachmentRequest(LLSelectNode* node, void *user_data);
    static void logDetachRequest(LLSelectNode* node, void *user_data);
    static bool confirmDelete(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response, LLObjectSelectionHandle handle);

    // Get the first ID that matches test and whether or not all ids are identical in selected objects.
    void getFirst(LLSelectGetFirstTest* test);

    // Observer/callback support for when object selection changes or
    // properties are received/updated
    typedef boost::signals2::signal< void ()> update_signal_t;
    update_signal_t mUpdateSignal;

    LLPointer<LLViewerTexture>              mSilhouetteImagep;
    LLObjectSelectionHandle                 mSelectedObjects;
    LLObjectSelectionHandle                 mHoverObjects;
    LLObjectSelectionHandle                 mHighlightedObjects;
    std::set<LLPointer<LLViewerObject> >    mRectSelectedObjects;

    LLObjectSelection       mGridObjects;
    LLQuaternion            mGridRotation;
    LLVector3               mGridOrigin;
    LLVector3               mGridScale;
    EGridMode               mGridMode;

    bool                    mTEMode;            // render te
    LLRender::eTexIndex mTextureChannel; // diff, norm, or spec, depending on UI editing mode
    LLVector3d              mSelectionCenterGlobal;
    LLBBox                  mSelectionBBox;

    LLVector3d              mLastSentSelectionCenterGlobal;
    bool                    mShowSelection; // do we send the selection center name value and do we animate this selection?
    LLVector3d              mLastCameraPos;     // camera position from last generation of selection silhouette
    bool                    mRenderSilhouettes; // do we render the silhouette
    LLBBox                  mSavedSelectionBBox;

    LLFrameTimer            mEffectsTimer;
    bool                    mForceSelection;

    std::vector<LLAnimPauseRequest> mPauseRequests;

// *DEPRECATED: For callbacks or observers, use
// LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->mUpdateSignal.connect( callback )
// Update subscribers to the selection list
void dialog_refresh_all();

// Templates
// getSelectedTEValue
template <typename T> bool LLObjectSelection::getSelectedTEValue(LLSelectedTEGetFunctor<T>* func, T& res, bool has_tolerance, T tolerance)
    bool have_first = false;
    bool have_selected = false;
    T selected_value = T();

    // Now iterate through all TEs to test for sameness
    bool identical = true;
    for (iterator iter = begin(); iter != end(); iter++)
        LLSelectNode* node = *iter;
        LLViewerObject* object = node->getObject();
        S32 selected_te = -1;
        if (object == getPrimaryObject())
            selected_te = node->getLastSelectedTE();
        for (S32 te = 0; te < object->getNumTEs(); ++te)
            if (!node->isTESelected(te))
            T value = func->get(object, te);
            if (!have_first)
                have_first = true;
                if (!have_selected)
                    selected_value = value;
                if ( value != selected_value )
                    if (!has_tolerance)
                        identical = false;
                    else if (!LLCheckIdenticalFunctor<T>::same(value, selected_value, tolerance))
                        identical = false;
                if (te == selected_te)
                    selected_value = value;
                    have_selected = true;
        if (!identical && have_selected)
    if (have_first || have_selected)
        res = selected_value;
    return identical;

// Templates
// isMultipleTEValue iterate through all TEs and test for uniqueness
// with certain return value ignored when performing the test.
// e.g. when testing if the selection has a unique non-empty homeurl :
// you can set ignore_value = "" and it will only compare among the non-empty
// homeUrls and ignore the empty ones.
template <typename T> bool LLObjectSelection::isMultipleTEValue(LLSelectedTEGetFunctor<T>* func, const T& ignore_value)
    bool have_first = false;
    T selected_value = T();

    // Now iterate through all TEs to test for sameness
    bool unique = true;
    for (iterator iter = begin(); iter != end(); iter++)
        LLSelectNode* node = *iter;
        LLViewerObject* object = node->getObject();
        for (S32 te = 0; te < object->getNumTEs(); ++te)
            if (!node->isTESelected(te))
            T value = func->get(object, te);
            if(value == ignore_value)
            if (!have_first)
                have_first = true;
                if (value !=selected_value  )
                    unique = false;
                    return !unique;
    return !unique;
