 * @file llparticipantlist.h
 * @brief LLParticipantList intended to update view(LLAvatarList) according to incoming messages
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$


#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
#include "llevent.h"
#include "llavatarlist.h" // for LLAvatarItemRecentSpeakerComparator
#include "lllistcontextmenu.h"
#include "llconversationmodel.h"

class LLSpeakerMgr;
class LLAvatarList;
class LLUICtrl;
class LLAvalineUpdater;

class LLParticipantList : public LLConversationItemSession

	typedef boost::function<bool (const LLUUID& speaker_id)> validate_speaker_callback_t;

	LLParticipantList(LLSpeakerMgr* data_source, 
					  LLAvatarList* avatar_list, 
					  LLFolderViewModelInterface& root_view_model,
					  bool use_context_menu = true, 
					  bool exclude_agent = true, 
					  bool can_toggle_icons = true);
	void setSpeakingIndicatorsVisible(BOOL visible);

	enum EParticipantSortOrder

	 * Adds specified avatar ID to the existing list if it is not Agent's ID
	 * @param[in] avatar_id - Avatar UUID to be added into the list
	void addAvatarIDExceptAgent(const LLUUID& avatar_id);

	 * Set and sort Avatarlist by given order
	void setSortOrder(EParticipantSortOrder order = E_SORT_BY_NAME);
	const EParticipantSortOrder getSortOrder() const;

	 * Refreshes the participant list.
	void update();

	 * Set a callback to be called before adding a speaker. Invalid speakers will not be added.
	 * If the callback is unset all speakers are considered as valid.
	 * @see onAddItemEvent()
	void setValidateSpeakerCallback(validate_speaker_callback_t cb);

	 * LLSpeakerMgr event handlers
	bool onAddItemEvent(LLPointer<LLOldEvents::LLEvent> event, const LLSD& userdata);
	bool onRemoveItemEvent(LLPointer<LLOldEvents::LLEvent> event, const LLSD& userdata);
	bool onClearListEvent(LLPointer<LLOldEvents::LLEvent> event, const LLSD& userdata);
	bool onModeratorUpdateEvent(LLPointer<LLOldEvents::LLEvent> event, const LLSD& userdata);
	bool onSpeakerUpdateEvent(LLPointer<LLOldEvents::LLEvent> event, const LLSD& userdata);
	bool onSpeakerMuteEvent(LLPointer<LLOldEvents::LLEvent> event, const LLSD& userdata);

	 * Sorts the Avatarlist by stored order
	void sort();

	 * List of listeners implementing LLOldEvents::LLSimpleListener.
	 * There is no way to handle all the events in one listener as LLSpeakerMgr registers
	 * listeners in such a way that one listener can handle only one type of event
	class BaseSpeakerListener : public LLOldEvents::LLSimpleListener
		BaseSpeakerListener(LLParticipantList& parent) : mParent(parent) {}
		LLParticipantList& mParent;

	class SpeakerAddListener : public BaseSpeakerListener
		SpeakerAddListener(LLParticipantList& parent) : BaseSpeakerListener(parent) {}
		/*virtual*/ bool handleEvent(LLPointer<LLOldEvents::LLEvent> event, const LLSD& userdata);

	class SpeakerRemoveListener : public BaseSpeakerListener
		SpeakerRemoveListener(LLParticipantList& parent) : BaseSpeakerListener(parent) {}
		/*virtual*/ bool handleEvent(LLPointer<LLOldEvents::LLEvent> event, const LLSD& userdata);

	class SpeakerClearListener : public BaseSpeakerListener
		SpeakerClearListener(LLParticipantList& parent) : BaseSpeakerListener(parent) {}
		/*virtual*/ bool handleEvent(LLPointer<LLOldEvents::LLEvent> event, const LLSD& userdata);

	class SpeakerUpdateListener : public BaseSpeakerListener
		SpeakerUpdateListener(LLParticipantList& parent) : BaseSpeakerListener(parent) {}
		/*virtual*/ bool handleEvent(LLPointer<LLOldEvents::LLEvent> event, const LLSD& userdata);
	class SpeakerModeratorUpdateListener : public BaseSpeakerListener
		SpeakerModeratorUpdateListener(LLParticipantList& parent) : BaseSpeakerListener(parent) {}
		/*virtual*/ bool handleEvent(LLPointer<LLOldEvents::LLEvent> event, const LLSD& userdata);
	class SpeakerMuteListener : public BaseSpeakerListener
		SpeakerMuteListener(LLParticipantList& parent) : BaseSpeakerListener(parent) {}

		/*virtual*/ bool handleEvent(LLPointer<LLOldEvents::LLEvent> event, const LLSD& userdata);

	 * Menu used in the participant list.
	class LLParticipantListMenu : public LLListContextMenu
		LLParticipantListMenu(LLParticipantList& parent):mParent(parent){};
		/*virtual*/ LLContextMenu* createMenu();
		/*virtual*/ void show(LLView* spawning_view, const uuid_vec_t& uuids, S32 x, S32 y);
		LLParticipantList& mParent;
		bool enableContextMenuItem(const LLSD& userdata);
		bool enableModerateContextMenuItem(const LLSD& userdata);
		bool checkContextMenuItem(const LLSD& userdata);

		void sortParticipantList(const LLSD& userdata);
		void toggleAllowTextChat(const LLSD& userdata);
		void toggleMute(const LLSD& userdata, U32 flags);
		void toggleMuteText(const LLSD& userdata);
		void toggleMuteVoice(const LLSD& userdata);
		 * Return true if Agent is group moderator(and moderator of group call).
		bool isGroupModerator();

		// Voice moderation support
		 * Check whether specified by argument avatar is muted for group chat or not.
		bool isMuted(const LLUUID& avatar_id);

		 * Processes Voice moderation menu items.
		 * It calls either moderateVoiceParticipant() or moderateVoiceParticipant() depend on
		 * passed parameter.
		 * @param userdata can be "selected" or "others".
		 * @see moderateVoiceParticipant()
		 * @see moderateVoiceAllParticipants()
		void moderateVoice(const LLSD& userdata);

		 * Mutes/Unmutes avatar for current group voice chat.
		 * It only marks avatar as muted for session and does not use local Agent's Block list.
		 * It does not mute Agent itself.
		 * @param[in] avatar_id UUID of avatar to be processed
		 * @param[in] unmute if true - specified avatar will be muted, otherwise - unmuted.
		 * @see moderateVoiceAllParticipants()
		void moderateVoiceParticipant(const LLUUID& avatar_id, bool unmute);

		 * Mutes/Unmutes all avatars for current group voice chat.
		 * It only marks avatars as muted for session and does not use local Agent's Block list.
		 * @param[in] unmute if true - avatars will be muted, otherwise - unmuted.
		 * @see moderateVoiceParticipant()
		void moderateVoiceAllParticipants(bool unmute);

		static void confirmMuteAllCallback(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response);

	 * Comparator for comparing avatar items by last spoken time
	class LLAvatarItemRecentSpeakerComparator : public LLAvatarItemNameComparator, public LLRefCount
		LLAvatarItemRecentSpeakerComparator(LLParticipantList& parent):mParent(parent){};
		virtual ~LLAvatarItemRecentSpeakerComparator() {};
		virtual bool doCompare(const LLAvatarListItem* avatar_item1, const LLAvatarListItem* avatar_item2) const;
		LLParticipantList& mParent;

	void onAvatarListDoubleClicked(LLUICtrl* ctrl);
	void onAvatarListRefreshed(LLUICtrl* ctrl, const LLSD& param);

	void onAvalineCallerFound(const LLUUID& participant_id);
	void onAvalineCallerRemoved(const LLUUID& participant_id);

	 * Adjusts passed participant to work properly.
	 * Adds SpeakerMuteListener to process moderation actions.
	void adjustParticipant(const LLUUID& speaker_id);

	bool isHovered();

	LLSpeakerMgr*		mSpeakerMgr;
	LLAvatarList*		mAvatarList;

	std::set<LLUUID>	mModeratorList;
	std::set<LLUUID>	mModeratorToRemoveList;

	LLPointer<SpeakerAddListener>				mSpeakerAddListener;
	LLPointer<SpeakerRemoveListener>			mSpeakerRemoveListener;
	LLPointer<SpeakerClearListener>				mSpeakerClearListener;
	LLPointer<SpeakerUpdateListener>	        mSpeakerUpdateListener;
	LLPointer<SpeakerModeratorUpdateListener>	mSpeakerModeratorListener;
	LLPointer<SpeakerMuteListener>				mSpeakerMuteListener;

	LLParticipantListMenu*    mParticipantListMenu;

	 * This field manages an adding  a new avatar_id in the mAvatarList
	 * If true, then agent_id wont  be added into mAvatarList
	 * Also by default this field is controlling a sort procedure, @c sort() 
	bool mExcludeAgent;

	// boost::connections
	boost::signals2::connection mAvatarListDoubleClickConnection;
	boost::signals2::connection mAvatarListRefreshConnection;
	boost::signals2::connection mAvatarListReturnConnection;
	boost::signals2::connection mAvatarListToggleIconsConnection;

	LLPointer<LLAvatarItemRecentSpeakerComparator> mSortByRecentSpeakers;
	validate_speaker_callback_t mValidateSpeakerCallback;
	LLAvalineUpdater* mAvalineUpdater;