 * @file llpanelpeople.h
 * @brief Side tray "People" panel
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$


#include <llpanel.h>

#include "llcallingcard.h" // for avatar tracker
#include "llfloaterwebcontent.h"
#include "llvoiceclient.h"

class LLAvatarList;
class LLAvatarName;
class LLFilterEditor;
class LLGroupList;
class LLMenuButton;
class LLTabContainer;
class LLNetMap;
class LLAccordionCtrl;
class LLAccordionCtrlTab;

class LLPanelPeople
    : public LLPanel
    , public LLVoiceClientStatusObserver
    virtual ~LLPanelPeople();

    bool postBuild() override;
    void onOpen(const LLSD& key) override;
    bool notifyChildren(const LLSD& info) override;
    // Implements LLVoiceClientStatusObserver::onChange() to enable call buttons
    // when voice is available
    void onChange(EStatusType status, const LLSD& channelInfo, bool proximal) override;

    // internals
    class Updater;

    bool updateNearbyArrivalTime();


    typedef enum e_sort_oder {
        E_SORT_BY_NAME = 0,
        E_SORT_BY_STATUS = 1,
        E_SORT_BY_MOST_RECENT = 2,
        E_SORT_BY_DISTANCE = 3,
    } ESortOrder;

    void                    removePicker();

    // methods indirectly called by the updaters
    void                    updateFriendListHelpText();
    void                    updateFriendList();
    void                    updateNearbyList();
    void                    updateRecentList();

    bool                    isItemsFreeOfFriends(const uuid_vec_t& uuids);

    void                    updateButtons();
    const std::string&      getActiveTabName() const;
    LLUUID                  getCurrentItemID() const;
    void                    getCurrentItemIDs(uuid_vec_t& selected_uuids) const;
    void                    setSortOrder(LLAvatarList* list, ESortOrder order, bool save = true);

    // UI callbacks
    void                    onFilterEdit(const std::string& search_string);
    void                    onGroupLimitInfo();
    void                    onTabSelected(const LLSD& param);
    void                    onAddFriendButtonClicked();
    void                    onAddFriendWizButtonClicked();
    void                    onDeleteFriendButtonClicked();
    void                    onChatButtonClicked();
    void                    onGearButtonClicked(LLUICtrl* btn);
    void                    onImButtonClicked();
    void                    onMoreButtonClicked();
    void                    onAvatarListDoubleClicked(LLUICtrl* ctrl);
    void                    onAvatarListCommitted(LLAvatarList* list);
    bool                    onGroupPlusButtonValidate();
    void                    onGroupMinusButtonClicked();
    void                    onGroupPlusMenuItemClicked(const LLSD& userdata);

    void                    onFriendsViewSortMenuItemClicked(const LLSD& userdata);
    void                    onNearbyViewSortMenuItemClicked(const LLSD& userdata);
    void                    onGroupsViewSortMenuItemClicked(const LLSD& userdata);
    void                    onRecentViewSortMenuItemClicked(const LLSD& userdata);

    bool                    onFriendsViewSortMenuItemCheck(const LLSD& userdata);
    bool                    onRecentViewSortMenuItemCheck(const LLSD& userdata);
    bool                    onNearbyViewSortMenuItemCheck(const LLSD& userdata);

    // misc callbacks
    static void             onAvatarPicked(const uuid_vec_t& ids, const std::vector<LLAvatarName> names);

    void                    onFriendsAccordionExpandedCollapsed(LLUICtrl* ctrl, const LLSD& param, LLAvatarList* avatar_list);

    void                    showAccordion(LLAccordionCtrlTab* tab, bool show);

    void                    showFriendsAccordionsIfNeeded();

    void                    onFriendListRefreshComplete(LLUICtrl*ctrl, const LLSD& param);

    void                    setAccordionCollapsedByUser(LLUICtrl* acc_tab, bool collapsed);
    void                    setAccordionCollapsedByUser(const std::string& name, bool collapsed);
    bool                    isAccordionCollapsedByUser(LLUICtrl* acc_tab);
    bool                    isAccordionCollapsedByUser(const std::string& name);

    LLTabContainer*         mTabContainer;
    LLAvatarList*           mOnlineFriendList;
    LLAvatarList*           mAllFriendList;
    LLAvatarList*           mNearbyList;
    LLAvatarList*           mRecentList;
    LLGroupList*            mGroupList;
    LLNetMap*               mMiniMap;

    LLAccordionCtrl* mFriendsAccordion = nullptr;
    LLAccordionCtrlTab*     mFriendsAllTab = nullptr;
    LLAccordionCtrlTab*     mFriendsOnlineTab = nullptr;

    LLButton*               mNearbyGearBtn = nullptr;
    LLButton*               mFriendsGearBtn = nullptr;
    LLButton*               mRecentGearBtn = nullptr;
    LLButton*               mGroupDelBtn = nullptr;

    LLButton*               mNearbyAddFriendBtn = nullptr;
    LLButton*               mRecentAddFriendBtn = nullptr;
    LLUICtrl*               mFriendsDelFriendBtn = nullptr;

    LLTextBox*              mGroupCountText = nullptr;

    std::vector<std::string> mSavedOriginalFilters;
    std::vector<std::string> mSavedFilters;

    Updater*                mFriendListUpdater;
    Updater*                mNearbyListUpdater;
    Updater*                mRecentListUpdater;
    Updater*                mButtonsUpdater;
    LLHandle< LLFloater >   mPicker;

    boost::signals2::connection mNearbyFilterCommitConnection;
    boost::signals2::connection mFriedsFilterCommitConnection;
    boost::signals2::connection mGroupsFilterCommitConnection;
    boost::signals2::connection mRecentFilterCommitConnection;