 * @file llpanelmediasettingsgeneral.cpp
 * @brief LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral class implementation
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$

#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"

#include "llpanelmediasettingsgeneral.h"

// library includes
#include "llcombobox.h"
#include "llcheckboxctrl.h"
#include "llnotificationsutil.h"
#include "llspinctrl.h"
#include "lluictrlfactory.h"

// project includes
#include "llagent.h"
#include "llviewerwindow.h"
#include "llviewermedia.h"
#include "llsdutil.h"
#include "llselectmgr.h"
#include "llbutton.h"
#include "lltexturectrl.h"
#include "llurl.h"
#include "llwindow.h"
#include "llmediaentry.h"
#include "llmediactrl.h"
#include "llpanelcontents.h"
#include "llpermissions.h"
#include "llpluginclassmedia.h"
#include "llfloatermediasettings.h"
#include "llfloatertools.h"
#include "lltrans.h"
#include "lltextbox.h"
#include "llpanelmediasettingssecurity.h"

const char *CHECKERBOARD_DATA_URL = "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns=%22http://www.w3.org/2000/svg%22 width=%22100%%22 height=%22100%%22 %3E%3Cdefs%3E%3Cpattern id=%22checker%22 patternUnits=%22userSpaceOnUse%22 x=%220%22 y=%220%22 width=%22128%22 height=%22128%22 viewBox=%220 0 128 128%22 %3E%3Crect x=%220%22 y=%220%22 width=%2264%22 height=%2264%22 fill=%22#ddddff%22 /%3E%3Crect x=%2264%22 y=%2264%22 width=%2264%22 height=%2264%22 fill=%22#ddddff%22 /%3E%3C/pattern%3E%3C/defs%3E%3Crect x=%220%22 y=%220%22 width=%22100%%22 height=%22100%%22 fill=%22url(#checker)%22 /%3E%3C/svg%3E";

LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral() :
	mAutoLoop( NULL ),
	mFirstClick( NULL ),
	mAutoZoom( NULL ),
	mAutoPlay( NULL ),
	mAutoScale( NULL ),
	mWidthPixels( NULL ),
	mHeightPixels( NULL ),
	mHomeURL( NULL ),
	mCurrentURL( NULL ),
	mParent( NULL ),
	// build dialog from XML
	LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildPanel(this, "panel_media_settings_general.xml");

BOOL LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::postBuild()
	// connect member vars with UI widgets
	mAutoLoop = getChild< LLCheckBoxCtrl >( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_LOOP_KEY );
	mAutoPlay = getChild< LLCheckBoxCtrl >( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_PLAY_KEY );
	mAutoScale = getChild< LLCheckBoxCtrl >( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_SCALE_KEY );
	mAutoZoom = getChild< LLCheckBoxCtrl >( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_ZOOM_KEY );
	mCurrentURL = getChild< LLTextBox >( LLMediaEntry::CURRENT_URL_KEY );
	mFirstClick = getChild< LLCheckBoxCtrl >( LLMediaEntry::FIRST_CLICK_INTERACT_KEY );
	mHeightPixels = getChild< LLSpinCtrl >( LLMediaEntry::HEIGHT_PIXELS_KEY );
	mHomeURL = getChild< LLLineEditor >( LLMediaEntry::HOME_URL_KEY );
	mWidthPixels = getChild< LLSpinCtrl >( LLMediaEntry::WIDTH_PIXELS_KEY );
	mPreviewMedia = getChild<LLMediaCtrl>("preview_media");
	mFailWhiteListText = getChild<LLTextBox>( "home_fails_whitelist_label" );

	// watch commit action for HOME URL
	childSetCommitCallback( LLMediaEntry::HOME_URL_KEY, onCommitHomeURL, this);
	childSetCommitCallback( "current_url_reset_btn",onBtnResetCurrentUrl, this);

	// interrogates controls and updates widgets as required

	return true;

// virtual

// static
void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::draw()
	// housekeeping

	// TODO: we need to call this repeatedly until the floater panels are fully
	// created but once we have a valid answer, we should stop looking here - the
	// commit callback will handle it

	// enable/disable pixel values image entry based on auto scale checkbox 
	if ( mAutoScale->getValue().asBoolean() == false )
		getChildView( LLMediaEntry::WIDTH_PIXELS_KEY )->setEnabled( true );
		getChildView( LLMediaEntry::HEIGHT_PIXELS_KEY )->setEnabled( true );
		getChildView( LLMediaEntry::WIDTH_PIXELS_KEY )->setEnabled( false );
		getChildView( LLMediaEntry::HEIGHT_PIXELS_KEY )->setEnabled( false );

	// enable/disable UI based on type of media
	bool reset_button_is_active = true;
	if( mPreviewMedia )
		LLPluginClassMedia* media_plugin = mPreviewMedia->getMediaPlugin();
		if( media_plugin )
			// turn off volume (if we can) for preview. Note: this really only
			// works for QuickTime movies right now - no way to control the 
			// volume of a flash app embedded in a page for example
			media_plugin->setVolume( 0 );

			// some controls are only appropriate for time or browser type plugins
			// so we selectively enable/disable them - need to do it in draw
			// because the information from plugins arrives assynchronously
			bool show_time_controls = media_plugin->pluginSupportsMediaTime();
			if ( show_time_controls )
				getChildView( LLMediaEntry::CURRENT_URL_KEY )->setEnabled( false );
				reset_button_is_active = false;
				getChildView("current_url_label")->setEnabled(false );
				getChildView( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_LOOP_KEY )->setEnabled( true );
				getChildView( LLMediaEntry::CURRENT_URL_KEY )->setEnabled( true );
				reset_button_is_active = true;
				getChildView("current_url_label")->setEnabled(true );
				getChildView( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_LOOP_KEY )->setEnabled( false );

	// current URL can change over time, update it here
	LLPermissions perm;
	bool user_can_press_reset = mMediaEditable;

	// several places modify this widget so we must collect states in one place
	if ( reset_button_is_active )
		// user has perms to press reset button and it is active
		if ( user_can_press_reset )
			getChildView("current_url_reset_btn")->setEnabled(true );
		// user does not has perms to press reset button and it is active
			getChildView("current_url_reset_btn")->setEnabled(false );
	// reset button is inactive so we just slam it to off - other states don't matter
		getChildView("current_url_reset_btn")->setEnabled(false );

// static 
void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::clearValues( void* userdata, bool editable)
	LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral *self =(LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral *)userdata;
	self->mAutoZoom ->clear();
	self->mAutoLoop ->setEnabled(editable);
	self->mAutoPlay ->setEnabled(editable);
	self->mAutoScale ->setEnabled(editable);
	self->mAutoZoom  ->setEnabled(editable);
	self->mCurrentURL ->setEnabled(editable);
	self->mFirstClick ->setEnabled(editable);
	self->mHeightPixels ->setEnabled(editable);
	self->mHomeURL ->setEnabled(editable);
	self->mWidthPixels ->setEnabled(editable);

// static
bool LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::isMultiple()
	// IF all the faces have media (or all dont have media)
	if ( LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mIdenticalHasMediaInfo )
			return true;
			return true;
	return false;

// static 
void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::initValues( void* userdata, const LLSD& _media_settings, bool editable)
	LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral *self =(LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral *)userdata;
	self->mMediaEditable = editable;

	LLSD media_settings = _media_settings;
	if ( LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::isMultiple() )
		// *HACK:  "edit" the incoming media_settings
		media_settings[LLMediaEntry::CURRENT_URL_KEY] = LLTrans::getString("Multiple Media");
		media_settings[LLMediaEntry::HOME_URL_KEY] = LLTrans::getString("Multiple Media");
	std::string base_key( "" );
	std::string tentative_key( "" );

		std::string key_name;
		LLUICtrl* ctrl_ptr;
		std::string ctrl_type;

	} data_set [] = 
        { LLMediaEntry::AUTO_LOOP_KEY,				self->mAutoLoop,		"LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
		{ LLMediaEntry::AUTO_PLAY_KEY,				self->mAutoPlay,		"LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
		{ LLMediaEntry::AUTO_SCALE_KEY,				self->mAutoScale,		"LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
		{ LLMediaEntry::AUTO_ZOOM_KEY,				self->mAutoZoom,		"LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
		{ LLMediaEntry::CURRENT_URL_KEY,			self->mCurrentURL,		"LLTextBox" },
		{ LLMediaEntry::HEIGHT_PIXELS_KEY,			self->mHeightPixels,	"LLSpinCtrl" },
		{ LLMediaEntry::HOME_URL_KEY,				self->mHomeURL,			"LLLineEditor" },
		{ LLMediaEntry::FIRST_CLICK_INTERACT_KEY,	self->mFirstClick,		"LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
		{ LLMediaEntry::WIDTH_PIXELS_KEY,			self->mWidthPixels,		"LLSpinCtrl" },
		{ "", NULL , "" }
	for( int i = 0; data_set[ i ].key_name.length() > 0; ++i )
		base_key = std::string( data_set[ i ].key_name );
		tentative_key = base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX );
		// TODO: CP - I bet there is a better way to do this using Boost
		if ( media_settings[ base_key ].isDefined() )
			if ( data_set[ i ].ctrl_type == "LLLineEditor" )
				static_cast< LLLineEditor* >( data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr )->
					setText( media_settings[ base_key ].asString() );
			if ( data_set[ i ].ctrl_type == "LLCheckBoxCtrl" )
				static_cast< LLCheckBoxCtrl* >( data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr )->
					setValue( media_settings[ base_key ].asBoolean() );
			if ( data_set[ i ].ctrl_type == "LLComboBox" )
				static_cast< LLComboBox* >( data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr )->
					setCurrentByIndex( media_settings[ base_key ].asInteger() );
			if ( data_set[ i ].ctrl_type == "LLSpinCtrl" )
				static_cast< LLSpinCtrl* >( data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr )->
					setValue( media_settings[ base_key ].asInteger() );

			data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr->setEnabled(self->mMediaEditable);
			data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr->setTentative( media_settings[ tentative_key ].asBoolean() );

	// interrogates controls and updates widgets as required

// Helper to set media control to media URL as required
void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::updateMediaPreview()
	if ( mHomeURL->getValue().asString().length() > 0 )
		if(mPreviewMedia->getCurrentNavUrl() != mHomeURL->getValue().asString())
			mPreviewMedia->navigateTo( mHomeURL->getValue().asString() );
	// new home URL will be empty if media is deleted so display a 
	// "preview goes here" data url page
		if(mPreviewMedia->getCurrentNavUrl() != CHECKERBOARD_DATA_URL)
			mPreviewMedia->navigateTo( CHECKERBOARD_DATA_URL );


// virtual
void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::onClose(bool app_quitting)

void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::checkHomeUrlPassesWhitelist()
	// parent floater has not constructed the security panel yet
	if ( mParent->getPanelSecurity() == 0 ) 

	std::string home_url = getHomeUrl();
	if ( home_url.empty() || mParent->getPanelSecurity()->urlPassesWhiteList( home_url ) )
		// Home URL is empty or passes the white list so hide the warning message
		mFailWhiteListText->setVisible( false );
		// Home URL does not pass the white list so show the warning message
		mFailWhiteListText->setVisible( true );

// static
void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::onCommitHomeURL( LLUICtrl* ctrl, void *userdata )
	LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral* self =(LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral *)userdata;

	// check home url passes whitelist and display warning if not


// static
void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::onBtnResetCurrentUrl(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void *userdata)
	LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral* self =(LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral *)userdata;

void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::preApply()
	// Make sure the home URL entry is committed

void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::getValues( LLSD &fill_me_in, bool include_tentative )
	if (include_tentative || !mAutoLoop->getTentative()) fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::AUTO_LOOP_KEY] = (LLSD::Boolean)mAutoLoop->getValue();
	if (include_tentative || !mAutoPlay->getTentative()) fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::AUTO_PLAY_KEY] = (LLSD::Boolean)mAutoPlay->getValue();
	if (include_tentative || !mAutoScale->getTentative()) fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::AUTO_SCALE_KEY] = (LLSD::Boolean)mAutoScale->getValue();
	if (include_tentative || !mAutoZoom->getTentative()) fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::AUTO_ZOOM_KEY] = (LLSD::Boolean)mAutoZoom->getValue();
	//Don't fill in current URL: this is only supposed to get changed via navigate
	// if (include_tentative || !mCurrentURL->getTentative()) fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::CURRENT_URL_KEY] = mCurrentURL->getValue();
	if (include_tentative || !mHeightPixels->getTentative()) fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::HEIGHT_PIXELS_KEY] = (LLSD::Integer)mHeightPixels->getValue();
	// Don't fill in the home URL if it is the special "Multiple Media" string!
	if ((include_tentative || !mHomeURL->getTentative())
		&& LLTrans::getString("Multiple Media") != mHomeURL->getValue())
			fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::HOME_URL_KEY] = (LLSD::String)mHomeURL->getValue();
	if (include_tentative || !mFirstClick->getTentative()) fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::FIRST_CLICK_INTERACT_KEY] = (LLSD::Boolean)mFirstClick->getValue();
	if (include_tentative || !mWidthPixels->getTentative()) fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::WIDTH_PIXELS_KEY] = (LLSD::Integer)mWidthPixels->getValue();

void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::postApply()
	// Make sure to navigate to the home URL if the current URL is empty and 
	// autoplay is on

void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::setParent( LLFloaterMediaSettings* parent )
	mParent = parent;

bool LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::navigateHomeSelectedFace(bool only_if_current_is_empty)
	struct functor_navigate_media : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool>
		functor_navigate_media(bool flag) : only_if_current_is_empty(flag) {}
		bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face )
			if ( object && object->getTE(face) && object->permModify() )
				const LLMediaEntry *media_data = object->getTE(face)->getMediaData();
				if ( media_data )
					if (!only_if_current_is_empty || (media_data->getCurrentURL().empty() && media_data->getAutoPlay()))
						viewer_media_t media_impl =
							return true;
			return false;
		bool only_if_current_is_empty;
	} functor_navigate_media(only_if_current_is_empty);
	bool all_face_media_navigated = false;
	LLObjectSelectionHandle selected_objects =LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection();
	selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &functor_navigate_media, all_face_media_navigated );
	// Note: we don't update the 'current URL' field until the media data itself changes

	return all_face_media_navigated;

const std::string LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::getHomeUrl()
	return mHomeURL->getValue().asString(); 

void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::updateCurrentUrl()
	// Get the current URL from the selection
	const LLMediaEntry default_media_data;
	std::string value_str = default_media_data.getCurrentURL();
	struct functor_getter_current_url : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< std::string >
		functor_getter_current_url(const LLMediaEntry& entry): mMediaEntry(entry) {}
		std::string get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face )
			if ( object )
				if ( object->getTE(face) )
					if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() )
						return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getCurrentURL();
			return mMediaEntry.getCurrentURL();
		const LLMediaEntry &  mMediaEntry;
	} func_current_url(default_media_data);
	bool identical = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedTEValue( &func_current_url, value_str );

	if ( LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::isMultiple() )
		mCurrentURL->setText(LLTrans::getString("Multiple Media"));