/** * @file llpanellogin.cpp * @brief Login dialog and logo display * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llpanellogin.h" #include "lllayoutstack.h" #include "indra_constants.h" // for key and mask constants #include "llfloaterreg.h" #include "llfontgl.h" #include "llmd5.h" #include "llsecondlifeurls.h" #include "v4color.h" #include "llappviewer.h" #include "llbutton.h" #include "llcheckboxctrl.h" #include "llcommandhandler.h" // for secondlife:///app/login/ #include "llcombobox.h" #include "llcurl.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llfloaterpreference.h" #include "llfocusmgr.h" #include "lllineeditor.h" #include "llnotificationsutil.h" #include "llsecapi.h" #include "llstartup.h" #include "lltextbox.h" #include "llui.h" #include "lluiconstants.h" #include "llslurl.h" #include "llversioninfo.h" #include "llviewerhelp.h" #include "llviewertexturelist.h" #include "llviewermenu.h" // for handle_preferences() #include "llviewernetwork.h" #include "llviewerwindow.h" // to link into child list #include "lluictrlfactory.h" #include "llhttpclient.h" #include "llweb.h" #include "llmediactrl.h" #include "llrootview.h" #include "llfloatertos.h" #include "lltrans.h" #include "llglheaders.h" #include "llpanelloginlistener.h" #if LL_WINDOWS #pragma warning(disable: 4355) // 'this' used in initializer list #endif // LL_WINDOWS #include "llsdserialize.h" const S32 BLACK_BORDER_HEIGHT = 160; const S32 MAX_PASSWORD = 16; LLPanelLogin *LLPanelLogin::sInstance = NULL; BOOL LLPanelLogin::sCapslockDidNotification = FALSE; // Helper for converting a user name into the canonical "Firstname Lastname" form. // For new accounts without a last name "Resident" is added as a last name. static std::string canonicalize_username(const std::string& name); class LLLoginRefreshHandler : public LLCommandHandler { public: // don't allow from external browsers LLLoginRefreshHandler() : LLCommandHandler("login_refresh", UNTRUSTED_BLOCK) { } bool handle(const LLSD& tokens, const LLSD& query_map, LLMediaCtrl* web) { if (LLStartUp::getStartupState() < STATE_LOGIN_CLEANUP) { LLPanelLogin::loadLoginPage(); } return true; } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public methods //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLPanelLogin::LLPanelLogin(const LLRect &rect, void (*callback)(S32 option, void* user_data), void *cb_data) : LLPanel(), mLogoImage(), mCallback(callback), mCallbackData(cb_data), mListener(new LLPanelLoginListener(this)) { setBackgroundVisible(FALSE); setBackgroundOpaque(TRUE); // instance management if (LLPanelLogin::sInstance) { LL_WARNS("AppInit") << "Duplicate instance of login view deleted" << LL_ENDL; // Don't leave bad pointer in gFocusMgr gFocusMgr.setDefaultKeyboardFocus(NULL); delete LLPanelLogin::sInstance; } mPasswordModified = FALSE; LLPanelLogin::sInstance = this; LLView* login_holder = gViewerWindow->getLoginPanelHolder(); if (login_holder) { login_holder->addChild(this); } // Logo mLogoImage = LLUI::getUIImage("startup_logo"); buildFromFile( "panel_login.xml"); reshape(rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight()); getChild<LLLineEditor>("password_edit")->setKeystrokeCallback(onPassKey, this); // change z sort of clickable text to be behind buttons sendChildToBack(getChildView("forgot_password_text")); LLComboBox* location_combo = getChild<LLComboBox>("start_location_combo"); updateLocationSelectorsVisibility(); // separate so that it can be called from preferences location_combo->setFocusLostCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelLogin::onLocationSLURL, this)); LLComboBox* server_choice_combo = getChild<LLComboBox>("server_combo"); server_choice_combo->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelLogin::onSelectServer, this)); // Load all of the grids, sorted, and then add a bar and the current grid at the top server_choice_combo->removeall(); std::string current_grid = LLGridManager::getInstance()->getGrid(); std::map<std::string, std::string> known_grids = LLGridManager::getInstance()->getKnownGrids(); for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator grid_choice = known_grids.begin(); grid_choice != known_grids.end(); grid_choice++) { if (!grid_choice->first.empty() && current_grid != grid_choice->first) { LL_DEBUGS("AppInit")<<"adding "<<grid_choice->first<<LL_ENDL; server_choice_combo->add(grid_choice->second, grid_choice->first); } } server_choice_combo->sortByName(); server_choice_combo->addSeparator(ADD_TOP); LL_DEBUGS("AppInit")<<"adding current "<<current_grid<<LL_ENDL; server_choice_combo->add(LLGridManager::getInstance()->getGridLabel(), current_grid, ADD_TOP); server_choice_combo->selectFirstItem(); LLSLURL start_slurl(LLStartUp::getStartSLURL()); if ( !start_slurl.isSpatial() ) // has a start been established by the command line or NextLoginLocation ? { // no, so get the preference setting std::string defaultStartLocation = gSavedSettings.getString("LoginLocation"); LL_INFOS("AppInit")<<"default LoginLocation '"<<defaultStartLocation<<"'"<<LL_ENDL; LLSLURL defaultStart(defaultStartLocation); if ( defaultStart.isSpatial() ) { LLStartUp::setStartSLURL(defaultStart); } else { LL_INFOS("AppInit")<<"no valid LoginLocation, using home"<<LL_ENDL; LLSLURL homeStart(LLSLURL::SIM_LOCATION_HOME); LLStartUp::setStartSLURL(homeStart); } } else { LLPanelLogin::onUpdateStartSLURL(start_slurl); // updates grid if needed } childSetAction("connect_btn", onClickConnect, this); getChild<LLPanel>("links_login_panel")->setDefaultBtn("connect_btn"); std::string channel = LLVersionInfo::getChannel(); std::string version = llformat("%s (%d)", LLVersionInfo::getShortVersion().c_str(), LLVersionInfo::getBuild()); LLTextBox* forgot_password_text = getChild<LLTextBox>("forgot_password_text"); forgot_password_text->setClickedCallback(onClickForgotPassword, NULL); childSetAction("create_new_account_btn", onClickNewAccount, NULL); LLTextBox* need_help_text = getChild<LLTextBox>("login_help"); need_help_text->setClickedCallback(onClickHelp, NULL); // get the web browser control LLMediaCtrl* web_browser = getChild<LLMediaCtrl>("login_html"); web_browser->addObserver(this); reshapeBrowser(); loadLoginPage(); // Show last logged in user favorites in "Start at" combo. addUsersWithFavoritesToUsername(); getChild<LLComboBox>("username_combo")->setTextChangedCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelLogin::addFavoritesToStartLocation, this)); } void LLPanelLogin::addUsersWithFavoritesToUsername() { LLComboBox* combo = getChild<LLComboBox>("username_combo"); if (!combo) return; std::string filename = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_USER_SETTINGS, "stored_favorites.xml"); LLSD fav_llsd; llifstream file; file.open(filename); if (!file.is_open()) return; LLSDSerialize::fromXML(fav_llsd, file); for (LLSD::map_const_iterator iter = fav_llsd.beginMap(); iter != fav_llsd.endMap(); ++iter) { combo->add(iter->first); } } void LLPanelLogin::addFavoritesToStartLocation() { // Clear the combo. LLComboBox* combo = getChild<LLComboBox>("start_location_combo"); if (!combo) return; int num_items = combo->getItemCount(); for (int i = num_items - 1; i > 2; i--) { combo->remove(i); } // Load favorites into the combo. std::string user_defined_name = getChild<LLComboBox>("username_combo")->getSimple(); std::string canonical_user_name = canonicalize_username(user_defined_name); std::string filename = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_USER_SETTINGS, "stored_favorites.xml"); LLSD fav_llsd; llifstream file; file.open(filename); if (!file.is_open()) return; LLSDSerialize::fromXML(fav_llsd, file); for (LLSD::map_const_iterator iter = fav_llsd.beginMap(); iter != fav_llsd.endMap(); ++iter) { // The account name in stored_favorites.xml has Resident last name even if user has // a single word account name, so it can be compared case-insensitive with the // user defined "firstname lastname". S32 res = LLStringUtil::compareInsensitive(canonical_user_name, iter->first); if (res != 0) { lldebugs << "Skipping favorites for " << iter->first << llendl; continue; } combo->addSeparator(); lldebugs << "Loading favorites for " << iter->first << llendl; LLSD user_llsd = iter->second; for (LLSD::array_const_iterator iter1 = user_llsd.beginArray(); iter1 != user_llsd.endArray(); ++iter1) { std::string label = (*iter1)["name"].asString(); std::string value = (*iter1)["slurl"].asString(); if(label != "" && value != "") { combo->add(label, value); } } break; } } // force the size to be correct (XML doesn't seem to be sufficient to do this) // (with some padding so the other login screen doesn't show through) void LLPanelLogin::reshapeBrowser() { LLMediaCtrl* web_browser = getChild<LLMediaCtrl>("login_html"); LLRect rect = gViewerWindow->getWindowRectScaled(); LLRect html_rect; html_rect.setCenterAndSize( rect.getCenterX() - 2, rect.getCenterY() + 40, rect.getWidth() + 6, rect.getHeight() - 78 ); web_browser->setRect( html_rect ); web_browser->reshape( html_rect.getWidth(), html_rect.getHeight(), TRUE ); reshape( rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight(), 1 ); } LLPanelLogin::~LLPanelLogin() { LLPanelLogin::sInstance = NULL; // Controls having keyboard focus by default // must reset it on destroy. (EXT-2748) gFocusMgr.setDefaultKeyboardFocus(NULL); } // virtual void LLPanelLogin::draw() { gGL.pushMatrix(); { F32 image_aspect = 1.333333f; F32 view_aspect = (F32)getRect().getWidth() / (F32)getRect().getHeight(); // stretch image to maintain aspect ratio if (image_aspect > view_aspect) { gGL.translatef(-0.5f * (image_aspect / view_aspect - 1.f) * getRect().getWidth(), 0.f, 0.f); gGL.scalef(image_aspect / view_aspect, 1.f, 1.f); } S32 width = getRect().getWidth(); S32 height = getRect().getHeight(); if (getChild<LLView>("login_widgets")->getVisible()) { // draw a background box in black gl_rect_2d( 0, height - 264, width, 264, LLColor4::black ); // draw the bottom part of the background image // just the blue background to the native client UI mLogoImage->draw(0, -264, width + 8, mLogoImage->getHeight()); }; } gGL.popMatrix(); LLPanel::draw(); } // virtual BOOL LLPanelLogin::handleKeyHere(KEY key, MASK mask) { if ( KEY_F1 == key ) { LLViewerHelp* vhelp = LLViewerHelp::getInstance(); vhelp->showTopic(vhelp->f1HelpTopic()); return TRUE; } return LLPanel::handleKeyHere(key, mask); } // virtual void LLPanelLogin::setFocus(BOOL b) { if(b != hasFocus()) { if(b) { LLPanelLogin::giveFocus(); } else { LLPanel::setFocus(b); } } } // static void LLPanelLogin::giveFocus() { if( sInstance ) { // Grab focus and move cursor to first blank input field std::string username = sInstance->getChild<LLUICtrl>("username_combo")->getValue().asString(); std::string pass = sInstance->getChild<LLUICtrl>("password_edit")->getValue().asString(); BOOL have_username = !username.empty(); BOOL have_pass = !pass.empty(); LLLineEditor* edit = NULL; LLComboBox* combo = NULL; if (have_username && !have_pass) { // User saved his name but not his password. Move // focus to password field. edit = sInstance->getChild<LLLineEditor>("password_edit"); } else { // User doesn't have a name, so start there. combo = sInstance->getChild<LLComboBox>("username_combo"); } if (edit) { edit->setFocus(TRUE); edit->selectAll(); } else if (combo) { combo->setFocus(TRUE); } } } // static void LLPanelLogin::showLoginWidgets() { if (sInstance) { // *NOTE: Mani - This may or may not be obselete code. // It seems to be part of the defunct? reg-in-client project. sInstance->getChildView("login_widgets")->setVisible( true); LLMediaCtrl* web_browser = sInstance->getChild<LLMediaCtrl>("login_html"); sInstance->reshapeBrowser(); // *TODO: Append all the usual login parameters, like first_login=Y etc. std::string splash_screen_url = LLGridManager::getInstance()->getLoginPage(); web_browser->navigateTo( splash_screen_url, "text/html" ); LLUICtrl* username_combo = sInstance->getChild<LLUICtrl>("username_combo"); username_combo->setFocus(TRUE); } } // static void LLPanelLogin::show(const LLRect &rect, void (*callback)(S32 option, void* user_data), void* callback_data) { new LLPanelLogin(rect, callback, callback_data); if( !gFocusMgr.getKeyboardFocus() ) { // Grab focus and move cursor to first enabled control sInstance->setFocus(TRUE); } // Make sure that focus always goes here (and use the latest sInstance that was just created) gFocusMgr.setDefaultKeyboardFocus(sInstance); } // static void LLPanelLogin::setFields(LLPointer<LLCredential> credential, BOOL remember) { if (!sInstance) { llwarns << "Attempted fillFields with no login view shown" << llendl; return; } LL_INFOS("Credentials") << "Setting login fields to " << *credential << LL_ENDL; LLSD identifier = credential->getIdentifier(); if((std::string)identifier["type"] == "agent") { std::string firstname = identifier["first_name"].asString(); std::string lastname = identifier["last_name"].asString(); std::string login_id = firstname; if (!lastname.empty() && lastname != "Resident") { // support traditional First Last name SLURLs login_id += " "; login_id += lastname; } sInstance->getChild<LLComboBox>("username_combo")->setLabel(login_id); } else if((std::string)identifier["type"] == "account") { sInstance->getChild<LLComboBox>("username_combo")->setLabel((std::string)identifier["account_name"]); } else { sInstance->getChild<LLComboBox>("username_combo")->setLabel(std::string()); } sInstance->addFavoritesToStartLocation(); // if the password exists in the credential, set the password field with // a filler to get some stars LLSD authenticator = credential->getAuthenticator(); LL_INFOS("Credentials") << "Setting authenticator field " << authenticator["type"].asString() << LL_ENDL; if(authenticator.isMap() && authenticator.has("secret") && (authenticator["secret"].asString().size() > 0)) { // This is a MD5 hex digest of a password. // We don't actually use the password input field, // fill it with MAX_PASSWORD characters so we get a // nice row of asterixes. const std::string filler("123456789!123456"); sInstance->getChild<LLUICtrl>("password_edit")->setValue(std::string("123456789!123456")); } else { sInstance->getChild<LLUICtrl>("password_edit")->setValue(std::string()); } sInstance->getChild<LLUICtrl>("remember_check")->setValue(remember); } // static void LLPanelLogin::getFields(LLPointer<LLCredential>& credential, BOOL& remember) { if (!sInstance) { llwarns << "Attempted getFields with no login view shown" << llendl; return; } // load the credential so we can pass back the stored password or hash if the user did // not modify the password field. credential = gSecAPIHandler->loadCredential(LLGridManager::getInstance()->getGrid()); LLSD identifier = LLSD::emptyMap(); LLSD authenticator = LLSD::emptyMap(); if(credential.notNull()) { authenticator = credential->getAuthenticator(); } std::string username = sInstance->getChild<LLUICtrl>("username_combo")->getValue().asString(); LLStringUtil::trim(username); std::string password = sInstance->getChild<LLUICtrl>("password_edit")->getValue().asString(); LL_INFOS2("Credentials", "Authentication") << "retrieving username:" << username << LL_ENDL; // determine if the username is a first/last form or not. size_t separator_index = username.find_first_of(' '); if (separator_index == username.npos && !LLGridManager::getInstance()->isSystemGrid()) { LL_INFOS2("Credentials", "Authentication") << "account: " << username << LL_ENDL; // single username, so this is a 'clear' identifier identifier["type"] = CRED_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_ACCOUNT; identifier["account_name"] = username; if (LLPanelLogin::sInstance->mPasswordModified) { authenticator = LLSD::emptyMap(); // password is plaintext authenticator["type"] = CRED_AUTHENTICATOR_TYPE_CLEAR; authenticator["secret"] = password; } } else { // Be lenient in terms of what separators we allow for two-word names // and allow legacy users to login with firstname.lastname separator_index = username.find_first_of(" ._"); std::string first = username.substr(0, separator_index); std::string last; if (separator_index != username.npos) { last = username.substr(separator_index+1, username.npos); LLStringUtil::trim(last); } else { // ...on Linden grids, single username users as considered to have // last name "Resident" // *TODO: Make login.cgi support "account_name" like above last = "Resident"; } if (last.find_first_of(' ') == last.npos) { LL_INFOS2("Credentials", "Authentication") << "agent: " << username << LL_ENDL; // traditional firstname / lastname identifier["type"] = CRED_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_AGENT; identifier["first_name"] = first; identifier["last_name"] = last; if (LLPanelLogin::sInstance->mPasswordModified) { authenticator = LLSD::emptyMap(); authenticator["type"] = CRED_AUTHENTICATOR_TYPE_HASH; authenticator["algorithm"] = "md5"; LLMD5 pass((const U8 *)password.c_str()); char md5pass[33]; /* Flawfinder: ignore */ pass.hex_digest(md5pass); authenticator["secret"] = md5pass; } } } credential = gSecAPIHandler->createCredential(LLGridManager::getInstance()->getGrid(), identifier, authenticator); remember = sInstance->getChild<LLUICtrl>("remember_check")->getValue(); } // static BOOL LLPanelLogin::areCredentialFieldsDirty() { if (!sInstance) { llwarns << "Attempted getServer with no login view shown" << llendl; } else { std::string username = sInstance->getChild<LLUICtrl>("username_combo")->getValue().asString(); LLStringUtil::trim(username); std::string password = sInstance->getChild<LLUICtrl>("password_edit")->getValue().asString(); LLComboBox* combo = sInstance->getChild<LLComboBox>("username_combo"); if(combo && combo->isDirty()) { return true; } LLLineEditor* ctrl = sInstance->getChild<LLLineEditor>("password_edit"); if(ctrl && ctrl->isDirty()) { return true; } } return false; } // static void LLPanelLogin::updateLocationSelectorsVisibility() { if (sInstance) { BOOL show_start = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ShowStartLocation"); sInstance->getChild<LLLayoutPanel>("start_location_panel")->setVisible(show_start); BOOL show_server = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ForceShowGrid"); sInstance->getChild<LLLayoutPanel>("grid_panel")->setVisible(show_server); } } // static - called from LLStartUp::setStartSLURL void LLPanelLogin::onUpdateStartSLURL(const LLSLURL& new_start_slurl) { if (!sInstance) return; LL_DEBUGS("AppInit")<<new_start_slurl.asString()<<LL_ENDL; LLComboBox* location_combo = sInstance->getChild<LLComboBox>("start_location_combo"); /* * Determine whether or not the new_start_slurl modifies the grid. * * Note that some forms that could be in the slurl are grid-agnostic., * such as "home". Other forms, such as * https://grid.example.com/region/Party%20Town/20/30/5 * specify a particular grid; in those cases we want to change the grid * and the grid selector to match the new value. */ enum LLSLURL::SLURL_TYPE new_slurl_type = new_start_slurl.getType(); switch ( new_slurl_type ) { case LLSLURL::LOCATION: { std::string slurl_grid = LLGridManager::getInstance()->getGrid(new_start_slurl.getGrid()); if ( ! slurl_grid.empty() ) // is that a valid grid? { if ( slurl_grid != LLGridManager::getInstance()->getGrid() ) // new grid? { // the slurl changes the grid, so update everything to match LLGridManager::getInstance()->setGridChoice(slurl_grid); // update the grid selector to match the slurl LLComboBox* server_combo = sInstance->getChild<LLComboBox>("server_combo"); std::string server_label(LLGridManager::getInstance()->getGridLabel(slurl_grid)); server_combo->setSimple(server_label); updateServer(); // to change the links and splash screen } location_combo->setTextEntry(new_start_slurl.getLocationString()); } else { // the grid specified by the slurl is not known LLNotificationsUtil::add("InvalidLocationSLURL"); LL_WARNS("AppInit")<<"invalid LoginLocation:"<<new_start_slurl.asString()<<LL_ENDL; location_combo->setTextEntry(LLStringUtil::null); } } break; case LLSLURL::HOME_LOCATION: location_combo->setCurrentByIndex(1); // home location break; case LLSLURL::LAST_LOCATION: location_combo->setCurrentByIndex(0); // last location break; default: LL_WARNS("AppInit")<<"invalid login slurl, using home"<<LL_ENDL; location_combo->setCurrentByIndex(1); // home location break; } } void LLPanelLogin::setLocation(const LLSLURL& slurl) { LL_DEBUGS("AppInit")<<"setting Location "<<slurl.asString()<<LL_ENDL; LLStartUp::setStartSLURL(slurl); // calls onUpdateStartSLURL, above } // static void LLPanelLogin::closePanel() { if (sInstance) { LLPanelLogin::sInstance->getParent()->removeChild( LLPanelLogin::sInstance ); delete sInstance; sInstance = NULL; } } // static void LLPanelLogin::setAlwaysRefresh(bool refresh) { if (sInstance && LLStartUp::getStartupState() < STATE_LOGIN_CLEANUP) { LLMediaCtrl* web_browser = sInstance->getChild<LLMediaCtrl>("login_html"); if (web_browser) { web_browser->setAlwaysRefresh(refresh); } } } void LLPanelLogin::loadLoginPage() { if (!sInstance) return; std::ostringstream oStr; std::string login_page = LLGridManager::getInstance()->getLoginPage(); oStr << login_page; // Use the right delimeter depending on how LLURI parses the URL LLURI login_page_uri = LLURI(login_page); std::string first_query_delimiter = "&"; if (login_page_uri.queryMap().size() == 0) { first_query_delimiter = "?"; } // Language std::string language = LLUI::getLanguage(); oStr << first_query_delimiter<<"lang=" << language; // First Login? if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("FirstLoginThisInstall")) { oStr << "&firstlogin=TRUE"; } // Channel and Version std::string version = llformat("%s (%d)", LLVersionInfo::getShortVersion().c_str(), LLVersionInfo::getBuild()); char* curl_channel = curl_escape(LLVersionInfo::getChannel().c_str(), 0); char* curl_version = curl_escape(version.c_str(), 0); oStr << "&channel=" << curl_channel; oStr << "&version=" << curl_version; curl_free(curl_channel); curl_free(curl_version); // Grid char* curl_grid = curl_escape(LLGridManager::getInstance()->getGridId().c_str(), 0); oStr << "&grid=" << curl_grid; curl_free(curl_grid); // add OS info char * os_info = curl_escape(LLAppViewer::instance()->getOSInfo().getOSStringSimple().c_str(), 0); oStr << "&os=" << os_info; curl_free(os_info); gViewerWindow->setMenuBackgroundColor(false, !LLGridManager::getInstance()->isInProductionGrid()); LLMediaCtrl* web_browser = sInstance->getChild<LLMediaCtrl>("login_html"); if (web_browser->getCurrentNavUrl() != oStr.str()) { LL_DEBUGS("AppInit")<<oStr.str()<<LL_ENDL; web_browser->navigateTo( oStr.str(), "text/html" ); } } void LLPanelLogin::handleMediaEvent(LLPluginClassMedia* /*self*/, EMediaEvent event) { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Protected methods //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static void LLPanelLogin::onClickConnect(void *) { if (sInstance && sInstance->mCallback) { // JC - Make sure the fields all get committed. sInstance->setFocus(FALSE); LLComboBox* combo = sInstance->getChild<LLComboBox>("server_combo"); LLSD combo_val = combo->getSelectedValue(); // the grid definitions may come from a user-supplied grids.xml, so they may not be good LL_DEBUGS("AppInit")<<"grid "<<combo_val.asString()<<LL_ENDL; try { LLGridManager::getInstance()->setGridChoice(combo_val.asString()); } catch (LLInvalidGridName ex) { LLSD args; args["GRID"] = ex.name(); LLNotificationsUtil::add("InvalidGrid", args); return; } // The start location SLURL has already been sent to LLStartUp::setStartSLURL std::string username = sInstance->getChild<LLUICtrl>("username_combo")->getValue().asString(); if(username.empty()) { // user must type in something into the username field LLNotificationsUtil::add("MustHaveAccountToLogIn"); } else { LLPointer<LLCredential> cred; BOOL remember; getFields(cred, remember); std::string identifier_type; cred->identifierType(identifier_type); LLSD allowed_credential_types; LLGridManager::getInstance()->getLoginIdentifierTypes(allowed_credential_types); // check the typed in credential type against the credential types expected by the server. for(LLSD::array_iterator i = allowed_credential_types.beginArray(); i != allowed_credential_types.endArray(); i++) { if(i->asString() == identifier_type) { // yay correct credential type sInstance->mCallback(0, sInstance->mCallbackData); return; } } // Right now, maingrid is the only thing that is picky about // credential format, as it doesn't yet allow account (single username) // format creds. - Rox. James, we wanna fix the message when we change // this. LLNotificationsUtil::add("InvalidCredentialFormat"); } } } // static void LLPanelLogin::onClickNewAccount(void*) { if (sInstance) { LLWeb::loadURLExternal(LLTrans::getString("create_account_url")); } } // static void LLPanelLogin::onClickVersion(void*) { LLFloaterReg::showInstance("sl_about"); } //static void LLPanelLogin::onClickForgotPassword(void*) { if (sInstance ) { LLWeb::loadURLExternal(sInstance->getString( "forgot_password_url" )); } } //static void LLPanelLogin::onClickHelp(void*) { if (sInstance) { LLViewerHelp* vhelp = LLViewerHelp::getInstance(); vhelp->showTopic(vhelp->preLoginTopic()); } } // static void LLPanelLogin::onPassKey(LLLineEditor* caller, void* user_data) { LLPanelLogin *This = (LLPanelLogin *) user_data; This->mPasswordModified = TRUE; if (gKeyboard->getKeyDown(KEY_CAPSLOCK) && sCapslockDidNotification == FALSE) { // *TODO: use another way to notify user about enabled caps lock, see EXT-6858 sCapslockDidNotification = TRUE; } } void LLPanelLogin::updateServer() { if (sInstance) { try { // if they've selected another grid, we should load the credentials // for that grid and set them to the UI. if(!sInstance->areCredentialFieldsDirty()) { LLPointer<LLCredential> credential = gSecAPIHandler->loadCredential(LLGridManager::getInstance()->getGrid()); bool remember = sInstance->getChild<LLUICtrl>("remember_check")->getValue(); sInstance->setFields(credential, remember); } // update the login panel links bool system_grid = LLGridManager::getInstance()->isSystemGrid(); // Want to vanish not only create_new_account_btn, but also the // title text over it, so turn on/off the whole layout_panel element. sInstance->getChild<LLLayoutPanel>("links")->setVisible(system_grid); sInstance->getChildView("forgot_password_text")->setVisible(system_grid); // grid changed so show new splash screen (possibly) loadLoginPage(); } catch (LLInvalidGridName ex) { LL_WARNS("AppInit")<<"server '"<<ex.name()<<"' selection failed"<<LL_ENDL; LLSD args; args["GRID"] = ex.name(); LLNotificationsUtil::add("InvalidGrid", args); return; } } } void LLPanelLogin::onSelectServer() { // The user twiddled with the grid choice ui. // apply the selection to the grid setting. LLPointer<LLCredential> credential; LLComboBox* server_combo = getChild<LLComboBox>("server_combo"); LLSD server_combo_val = server_combo->getSelectedValue(); LL_INFOS("AppInit") << "grid "<<server_combo_val.asString()<< LL_ENDL; LLGridManager::getInstance()->setGridChoice(server_combo_val.asString()); /* * Determine whether or not the value in the start_location_combo makes sense * with the new grid value. * * Note that some forms that could be in the location combo are grid-agnostic, * such as "MyRegion/128/128/0". There could be regions with that name on any * number of grids, so leave them alone. Other forms, such as * https://grid.example.com/region/Party%20Town/20/30/5 specify a particular * grid; in those cases we want to clear the location. */ LLComboBox* location_combo = getChild<LLComboBox>("start_location_combo"); S32 index = location_combo->getCurrentIndex(); switch (index) { case 0: // last location case 1: // home location // do nothing - these are grid-agnostic locations break; default: { std::string location = location_combo->getValue().asString(); LLSLURL slurl(location); // generata a slurl from the location combo contents if ( slurl.getType() == LLSLURL::LOCATION && slurl.getGrid() != LLGridManager::getInstance()->getGrid() ) { // the grid specified by the location is not this one, so clear the combo location_combo->setCurrentByIndex(0); // last location on the new grid location_combo->setTextEntry(LLStringUtil::null); } } break; } updateServer(); } void LLPanelLogin::onLocationSLURL() { LLComboBox* location_combo = getChild<LLComboBox>("start_location_combo"); std::string location = location_combo->getValue().asString(); LL_DEBUGS("AppInit")<<location<<LL_ENDL; LLStartUp::setStartSLURL(location); // calls onUpdateStartSLURL, above } std::string canonicalize_username(const std::string& name) { std::string cname = name; LLStringUtil::trim(cname); // determine if the username is a first/last form or not. size_t separator_index = cname.find_first_of(" ._"); std::string first = cname.substr(0, separator_index); std::string last; if (separator_index != cname.npos) { last = cname.substr(separator_index+1, cname.npos); LLStringUtil::trim(last); } else { // ...on Linden grids, single username users as considered to have // last name "Resident" last = "Resident"; } // Username in traditional "firstname lastname" form. return first + ' ' + last; }