/** * @file llpanellogin.cpp * @brief Login dialog and logo display * * Copyright (c) 2002-$CurrentYear$, Linden Research, Inc. * $License$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llpanellogin.h" #include "llpanelgeneral.h" #include "indra_constants.h" // for key and mask constants #include "llfontgl.h" #include "llmd5.h" #include "llsecondlifeurls.h" #include "llwindow.h" // shell_open() #include "llversionviewer.h" #include "v4color.h" #include "llbutton.h" #include "llcheckboxctrl.h" #include "llcombobox.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llfloaterabout.h" #include "llfloatertest.h" #include "llfloaterpreference.h" #include "llfocusmgr.h" #include "lllineeditor.h" #include "lltextbox.h" #include "llui.h" #include "lluiconstants.h" #include "llviewerbuild.h" #include "llviewerimagelist.h" #include "llviewermenu.h" // for handle_preferences() #include "llviewernetwork.h" #include "llviewerwindow.h" // to link into child list #include "llnotify.h" #include "viewer.h" // for gHideLinks #include "llvieweruictrlfactory.h" #include "llhttpclient.h" #include "llweb.h" #include "llwebbrowserctrl.h" #include "llfloaterhtmlhelp.h" #include "llfloatertos.h" #include "llglheaders.h" const S32 BLACK_BORDER_HEIGHT = 160; const S32 MAX_PASSWORD = 16; LLPanelLogin *LLPanelLogin::sInstance = NULL; BOOL LLPanelLogin::sCapslockDidNotification = FALSE; // helper class that trys to download a URL from a web site and calls a method // on parent class indicating if the web server is working or not class LLIamHereLogin : public LLHTTPClient::Responder { private: LLIamHereLogin( LLPanelLogin* parent ) : mParent( parent ) {} LLPanelLogin* mParent; public: static boost::intrusive_ptr< LLIamHereLogin > build( LLPanelLogin* parent ) { return boost::intrusive_ptr< LLIamHereLogin >( new LLIamHereLogin( parent ) ); }; virtual void setParent( LLPanelLogin* parentIn ) { mParent = parentIn; }; virtual void result( const LLSD& content ) { if ( mParent ) mParent->setSiteIsAlive( true ); }; virtual void error( U32 status, const std::string& reason ) { if ( mParent ) mParent->setSiteIsAlive( false ); }; }; // this is global and not a class member to keep crud out of the header file namespace { boost::intrusive_ptr< LLIamHereLogin > gResponsePtr = 0; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public methods //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLPanelLogin::LLPanelLogin(const LLRect &rect, BOOL show_server, void (*callback)(S32 option, void* user_data), void *cb_data) : LLPanel("panel_login", LLRect(0,600,800,0), FALSE), // not bordered mLogoImage(), mCallback(callback), mCallbackData(cb_data), mHtmlAvailable( TRUE ) { mIsFocusRoot = TRUE; mMungedPassword[0] = '\0'; mIncomingPassword[0] = '\0'; setBackgroundVisible(FALSE); setBackgroundOpaque(TRUE); // instance management if (LLPanelLogin::sInstance) { llwarns << "Duplicate instance of login view deleted" << llendl; delete LLPanelLogin::sInstance; // Don't leave bad pointer in gFocusMgr gFocusMgr.setDefaultKeyboardFocus(NULL); } LLPanelLogin::sInstance = this; // add to front so we are the bottom-most child gViewerWindow->getRootView()->addChildAtEnd(this); // Logo mLogoImage = gImageList.getImage("startup_logo.tga", LLUUID::null, MIPMAP_FALSE, TRUE); gUICtrlFactory->buildPanel(this, "panel_login.xml"); setRect(rect); reshape(rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight()); childSetPrevalidate("first_name_edit", LLLineEditor::prevalidatePrintableNoSpace); childSetPrevalidate("last_name_edit", LLLineEditor::prevalidatePrintableNoSpace); childSetCommitCallback("password_edit", mungePassword); childSetKeystrokeCallback("password_edit", onPassKey, this); childSetUserData("password_edit", this); LLLineEditor* edit = LLUICtrlFactory::getLineEditorByName(this, "password_edit"); if (edit) edit->setDrawAsterixes(TRUE); LLComboBox* combo = LLUICtrlFactory::getComboBoxByName(this, "start_location_combo"); if (combo) { combo->setAllowTextEntry(TRUE, 128, FALSE); // The XML file loads the combo with the following labels: // 0 - "My Home" // 1 - "My Last Location" // 2 - "" BOOL login_last = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("LoginLastLocation"); LLString sim_string = LLURLSimString::sInstance.mSimString; if (!sim_string.empty()) { // Replace "" with this region name combo->remove(2); combo->add( sim_string ); combo->setTextEntry(sim_string); combo->setCurrentByIndex( 2 ); } else if (login_last) { combo->setCurrentByIndex( 1 ); } else { combo->setCurrentByIndex( 0 ); } combo->setCommitCallback( &LLPanelGeneral::set_start_location ); } // Specific servers added later. childSetVisible("server_combo", show_server); childSetAction("new_account_btn", onClickNewAccount, this); childSetVisible("new_account_btn", !gHideLinks); childSetAction("connect_btn", onClickConnect, this); setDefaultBtn("connect_btn"); childSetAction("preferences_btn", LLFloaterPreference::show, this); childSetAction("quit_btn", onClickQuit, this); LLTextBox* text = LLUICtrlFactory::getTextBoxByName(this, "version_text"); if (text) { LLString version = llformat("%d.%d.%d (%d)", LL_VERSION_MAJOR, LL_VERSION_MINOR, LL_VERSION_PATCH, LL_VIEWER_BUILD ); text->setText(version); text->setClickedCallback(onClickVersion); text->setCallbackUserData(this); // HACK to move to the lower-right of the window // replace/remove this logic when we have dynamic layouts S32 right = getRect().mRight; LLRect r = text->getRect(); const S32 PAD = 2; r.setOriginAndSize( right - r.getWidth() - PAD, PAD, r.getWidth(), r.getHeight() ); text->setRect(r); } LLTextBox* channel_text = LLUICtrlFactory::getTextBoxByName(this, "channel_text"); if (channel_text) { channel_text->setText(gChannelName); channel_text->setClickedCallback(onClickVersion); channel_text->setCallbackUserData(this); // HACK to move to the right of the window, above the version string, // replace/remove this logic when we have dynamic layouts S32 right = getRect().mRight; LLRect r = channel_text->getRect(); const S32 PAD = 2; S32 version_string_top = r.mTop; if(text) { version_string_top = text->getRect().mTop; } r.setOriginAndSize( right - r.getWidth() - PAD, version_string_top, r.getWidth(), r.getHeight()); channel_text->setRect(r); } // get the web browser control #if LL_LIBXUL_ENABLED LLWebBrowserCtrl* web_browser = LLUICtrlFactory::getWebBrowserCtrlByName(this, "login_html"); if ( web_browser ) { // don't make it a tab stop until SL-27594 is fixed web_browser->setTabStop(FALSE); // painfully build the path to the loading screen std::string loading_path( gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename( LL_PATH_SKINS, "" ) ); loading_path.append( gDirUtilp->getDirDelimiter() ); loading_path.append( "html" ); loading_path.append( gDirUtilp->getDirDelimiter() ); loading_path.append( "loading" ); loading_path.append( gDirUtilp->getDirDelimiter() ); loading_path.append( "loading.html" ); web_browser->navigateTo( loading_path.c_str() ); // make links open in external browser web_browser->setOpenInExternalBrowser( true ); // force the size to be correct (XML doesn't seem to be sufficient to do this) (with some padding so the other login screen doesn't show through) LLRect htmlRect = mRect; htmlRect.setCenterAndSize( mRect.getCenterX() - 2, mRect.getCenterY() + 40, mRect.getWidth() + 6, mRect.getHeight() - 78 ); web_browser->setRect( htmlRect ); web_browser->reshape( htmlRect.getWidth(), htmlRect.getHeight(), TRUE ); reshape( mRect.getWidth(), mRect.getHeight(), 1 ); // kick off a request to grab the url manually gResponsePtr = LLIamHereLogin::build( this ); LLHTTPClient::get( childGetValue( "real_url" ).asString(), gResponsePtr ); }; #else mHtmlAvailable = FALSE; #endif // Initialize visibility (and don't force visibility - use prefs) refreshLocation( false ); } void LLPanelLogin::setSiteIsAlive( bool alive ) { #if LL_LIBXUL_ENABLED LLWebBrowserCtrl* web_browser = LLUICtrlFactory::getWebBrowserCtrlByName(this, "login_html"); // if the contents of the site was retrieved if ( alive ) { if ( web_browser ) { // navigate to the "real" page web_browser->navigateTo( childGetValue( "real_url" ).asString() ); // mark as available mHtmlAvailable = TRUE; }; } else // the site is not available (missing page, server down, other badness) { if ( web_browser ) { // hide browser control (revealing default one) web_browser->setVisible( FALSE ); // mark as unavailable mHtmlAvailable = FALSE; }; }; #else mHtmlAvailable = FALSE; #endif } void LLPanelLogin::mungePassword(LLUICtrl* caller, void* user_data) { LLPanelLogin* self = (LLPanelLogin*)user_data; LLLineEditor* editor = (LLLineEditor*)caller; std::string password = editor->getText(); // Re-md5 if we've changed at all if (password != self->mIncomingPassword) { LLMD5 pass((unsigned char *)password.c_str()); pass.hex_digest(self->mMungedPassword); } } LLPanelLogin::~LLPanelLogin() { LLPanelLogin::sInstance = NULL; // tell the responder we're not here anymore if ( gResponsePtr ) gResponsePtr->setParent( 0 ); // We know we're done with the image, so be rid of it. gImageList.deleteImage( mLogoImage ); } // virtual void LLPanelLogin::draw() { if (!getVisible()) return; BOOL target_fullscreen; S32 target_width; S32 target_height; gViewerWindow->getTargetWindow(target_fullscreen, target_width, target_height); childSetVisible("full_screen_text", target_fullscreen); glPushMatrix(); { F32 image_aspect = 1.333333f; F32 view_aspect = (F32)mRect.getWidth() / (F32)mRect.getHeight(); // stretch image to maintain aspect ratio if (image_aspect > view_aspect) { glTranslatef(-0.5f * (image_aspect / view_aspect - 1.f) * mRect.getWidth(), 0.f, 0.f); glScalef(image_aspect / view_aspect, 1.f, 1.f); } // Don't maintain aspect ratio if screen wider than image. This results in the // hand being partially cut off. JC //else //{ // glTranslatef(0.f, -0.5f * (view_aspect / image_aspect - 1.f) * (F32)BLACK_BORDER_HEIGHT, 0.f); // glScalef(1.f, view_aspect / image_aspect, 1.f); //} S32 width = mRect.getWidth(); S32 height = mRect.getHeight(); if ( mHtmlAvailable ) { // draw a background box in black gl_rect_2d( 0, height - 264, width, 264, LLColor4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.f ) ); // draw the bottom part of the background image - just the blue background to the native client UI gl_draw_scaled_image(0, -264, width + 8, mLogoImage->getHeight(), mLogoImage); } else { // the HTML login page is not available so default to the original screen S32 offscreen_part = height / 3; gl_draw_scaled_image(0, -offscreen_part, width, height+offscreen_part, mLogoImage); }; } glPopMatrix(); LLPanel::draw(); } // virtual BOOL LLPanelLogin::handleKeyHere(KEY key, MASK mask, BOOL called_from_parent) { if (getVisible() && getEnabled()) { if (( KEY_RETURN == key ) && (MASK_ALT == mask)) { gViewerWindow->toggleFullscreen(FALSE); return TRUE; } if (('P' == key) && (MASK_CONTROL == mask)) { LLFloaterPreference::show(NULL); return TRUE; } if (('T' == key) && (MASK_CONTROL == mask)) { new LLFloaterSimple("floater_test.xml"); return TRUE; } #if LL_LIBXUL_ENABLED if ( KEY_F1 == key ) { llinfos << "Spawning HTML help window" << llendl; gViewerHtmlHelp.show(); return TRUE; } # if !LL_RELEASE_FOR_DOWNLOAD if ( KEY_F2 == key ) { llinfos << "Spawning floater TOS window" << llendl; LLFloaterTOS* tos_dialog = LLFloaterTOS::show(LLFloaterTOS::TOS_TOS,""); tos_dialog->startModal(); return TRUE; } # endif #endif if (!called_from_parent) { if (KEY_RETURN == key && MASK_NONE == mask) { // let the panel handle UICtrl processing: calls onClickConnect() return LLPanel::handleKeyHere(key, mask, called_from_parent); } } } return LLPanel::handleKeyHere(key, mask, called_from_parent); } // virtual void LLPanelLogin::setFocus(BOOL b) { if(b != hasFocus()) { if(b) { LLPanelLogin::giveFocus(); } else { LLPanel::setFocus(b); } } } // static void LLPanelLogin::giveFocus() { if( sInstance ) { // Grab focus and move cursor to first blank input field std::string first = sInstance->childGetText("first_name_edit"); std::string pass = sInstance->childGetText("password_edit"); BOOL have_first = !first.empty(); BOOL have_pass = !pass.empty(); LLLineEditor* edit = NULL; if (have_first && !have_pass) { // User saved his name but not his password. Move // focus to password field. edit = LLUICtrlFactory::getLineEditorByName(sInstance, "password_edit"); } else { // User doesn't have a name, so start there. edit = LLUICtrlFactory::getLineEditorByName(sInstance, "first_name_edit"); } if (edit) { edit->setFocus(TRUE); edit->selectAll(); } } } // static void LLPanelLogin::show(const LLRect &rect, BOOL show_server, void (*callback)(S32 option, void* user_data), void* callback_data) { new LLPanelLogin(rect, show_server, callback, callback_data); if( !gFocusMgr.getKeyboardFocus() ) { // Grab focus and move cursor to first enabled control sInstance->setFocus(TRUE); } // Make sure that focus always goes here (and use the latest sInstance that was just created) gFocusMgr.setDefaultKeyboardFocus(sInstance); } // static void LLPanelLogin::setFields(const std::string& firstname, const std::string& lastname, const std::string& password, BOOL remember) { if (!sInstance) { llwarns << "Attempted fillFields with no login view shown" << llendl; return; } sInstance->childSetText("first_name_edit", firstname); sInstance->childSetText("last_name_edit", lastname); // Max "actual" password length is 16 characters. // Hex digests are always 32 characters. if (password.length() == 32) { // This is a MD5 hex digest of a password. // We don't actually use the password input field, // fill it with MAX_PASSWORD characters so we get a // nice row of asterixes. const char* filler = "123456789!123456"; sInstance->childSetText("password_edit", filler); strcpy(sInstance->mIncomingPassword, filler); /*Flawfinder: ignore*/ strcpy(sInstance->mMungedPassword, password.c_str()); /*Flawfinder: ignore*/ } else { // this is a normal text password sInstance->childSetText("password_edit", password); strncpy(sInstance->mIncomingPassword, password.c_str(), sizeof(sInstance->mIncomingPassword) -1); /*Flawfinder: ignore*/ sInstance->mIncomingPassword[sizeof(sInstance->mIncomingPassword) -1] = '\0'; LLMD5 pass((unsigned char *)password.c_str()); pass.hex_digest(sInstance->mMungedPassword); } sInstance->childSetValue("remember_check", remember); } // static void LLPanelLogin::addServer(const char *server, S32 domain_name) { if (!sInstance) { llwarns << "Attempted addServer with no login view shown" << llendl; return; } LLComboBox* combo = LLUICtrlFactory::getComboBoxByName(sInstance, "server_combo"); if (combo) { combo->add(server, LLSD(domain_name) ); combo->setCurrentByIndex(0); } } // static void LLPanelLogin::getFields(LLString &firstname, LLString &lastname, LLString &password, BOOL &remember) { if (!sInstance) { llwarns << "Attempted getFields with no login view shown" << llendl; return; } firstname = sInstance->childGetText("first_name_edit"); LLString::trim(firstname); lastname = sInstance->childGetText("last_name_edit"); LLString::trim(lastname); password.assign( sInstance->mMungedPassword ); remember = sInstance->childGetValue("remember_check"); } // static. Return TRUE if user made a choice from the popup BOOL LLPanelLogin::getServer(LLString &server, S32 &domain_name) { BOOL user_picked = FALSE; if (!sInstance) { llwarns << "Attempted getServer with no login view shown" << llendl; } else { LLComboBox* combo = LLUICtrlFactory::getComboBoxByName(sInstance, "server_combo"); if (combo) { LLSD combo_val = combo->getValue(); if (LLSD::TypeInteger == combo_val.type()) { domain_name = combo->getValue().asInteger(); if ((S32)USERSERVER_OTHER == domain_name) { server = gUserServerName; } } else { // no valid selection, return other domain_name = (S32)USERSERVER_OTHER; server = combo_val.asString(); } user_picked = combo->isDirty(); } } return user_picked; } // static void LLPanelLogin::getLocation(LLString &location) { if (!sInstance) { llwarns << "Attempted getLocation with no login view shown" << llendl; return; } LLComboBox* combo = LLUICtrlFactory::getComboBoxByName(sInstance, "start_location_combo"); if (combo) { location = combo->getValue().asString(); } } // static void LLPanelLogin::refreshLocation( bool force_visible ) { if (!sInstance) return; LLComboBox* combo = LLUICtrlFactory::getComboBoxByName(sInstance, "start_location_combo"); if (!combo) return; LLString sim_string = LLURLSimString::sInstance.mSimString; if (!sim_string.empty()) { combo->setCurrentByIndex( 3 ); // BUG? Maybe 2? combo->setTextEntry(sim_string); } else { BOOL login_last = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("LoginLastLocation"); combo->setCurrentByIndex( login_last ? 1 : 0 ); } BOOL show_start = TRUE; if ( ! force_visible ) show_start = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ShowStartLocation"); sInstance->childSetVisible("start_location_combo", show_start); sInstance->childSetVisible("start_location_text", show_start); } // static void LLPanelLogin::close() { if (sInstance) { gViewerWindow->getRootView()->removeChild( LLPanelLogin::sInstance ); gFocusMgr.setDefaultKeyboardFocus(NULL); delete sInstance; sInstance = NULL; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Protected methods //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static void LLPanelLogin::onClickConnect(void *) { if (sInstance && sInstance->mCallback) { // tell the responder we're not here anymore if ( gResponsePtr ) gResponsePtr->setParent( 0 ); // JC - Make sure the fields all get committed. sInstance->setFocus(FALSE); LLString first = sInstance->childGetText("first_name_edit"); LLString last = sInstance->childGetText("last_name_edit"); if (!first.empty() && !last.empty()) { // has both first and last name typed // store off custom server entry, if currently selected LLComboBox* combo = LLUICtrlFactory::getComboBoxByName(sInstance, "server_combo"); if (combo) { S32 selected_server = combo->getValue(); if (selected_server == USERSERVER_NONE) { LLString custom_server = combo->getValue().asString(); gSavedSettings.setString("CustomServer", custom_server); } } sInstance->mCallback(0, sInstance->mCallbackData); } else { // empty first or last name // same as clicking new account onClickNewAccount(NULL); } } } // static void LLPanelLogin::newAccountAlertCallback(S32 option, void*) { if (0 == option) { llinfos << "Going to account creation URL" << llendl; LLWeb::loadURL( CREATE_ACCOUNT_URL ); } else { sInstance->setFocus(TRUE); } } // static void LLPanelLogin::onClickNewAccount(void*) { if (gHideLinks) { gViewerWindow->alertXml("MustHaveAccountToLogInNoLinks"); } else { gViewerWindow->alertXml("MustHaveAccountToLogIn", LLPanelLogin::newAccountAlertCallback); } } // static void LLPanelLogin::onClickQuit(void*) { if (sInstance && sInstance->mCallback) { // tell the responder we're not here anymore if ( gResponsePtr ) gResponsePtr->setParent( 0 ); sInstance->mCallback(1, sInstance->mCallbackData); } } // static void LLPanelLogin::onClickVersion(void*) { LLFloaterAbout::show(NULL); } // static void LLPanelLogin::onPassKey(LLLineEditor* caller, void* user_data) { if (gKeyboard->getKeyDown(KEY_CAPSLOCK) && sCapslockDidNotification == FALSE) { LLNotifyBox::showXml("CapsKeyOn"); sCapslockDidNotification = TRUE; } }