/** * @file llpanelgrouproles.h * @brief Panel for roles information about a particular group. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2006&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_LLPANELGROUPROLES_H #define LL_LLPANELGROUPROLES_H #include "llpanelgroup.h" class LLFilterEditor; class LLNameListCtrl; class LLPanelGroupSubTab; class LLPanelGroupMembersSubTab; class LLPanelGroupRolesSubTab; class LLPanelGroupActionsSubTab; class LLScrollListCtrl; class LLScrollListItem; class LLTextEditor; typedef std::map icon_map_t; class LLPanelGroupRoles : public LLPanelGroupTab { public: LLPanelGroupRoles(); virtual ~LLPanelGroupRoles(); // Allow sub tabs to ask for sibling controls. friend class LLPanelGroupMembersSubTab; friend class LLPanelGroupRolesSubTab; friend class LLPanelGroupActionsSubTab; virtual bool postBuild(); virtual bool isVisibleByAgent(LLAgent* agentp); bool handleSubTabSwitch(const LLSD& data); // Checks if the current tab needs to be applied, and tries to switch to the requested tab. bool attemptTransition(); // Switches to the requested tab (will close() if requested is NULL) void transitionToTab(); // Used by attemptTransition to query the user's response to a tab that needs to apply. bool handleNotifyCallback(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response); bool onModalClose(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response); // Most of these messages are just passed on to the current sub-tab. virtual void activate(); virtual void deactivate(); virtual bool needsApply(std::string& mesg); virtual bool hasModal(); virtual bool apply(std::string& mesg); virtual void cancel(); virtual void update(LLGroupChange gc); virtual void setGroupID(const LLUUID& id); protected: LLPanelGroupTab* mCurrentTab; LLPanelGroupTab* mRequestedTab; LLTabContainer* mSubTabContainer; bool mFirstUse; std::string mDefaultNeedsApplyMesg; std::string mWantApplyMesg; }; class LLPanelGroupSubTab : public LLPanelGroupTab { public: LLPanelGroupSubTab(); virtual ~LLPanelGroupSubTab(); virtual bool postBuild(); // This allows sub-tabs to collect child widgets from a higher level in the view hierarchy. virtual bool postBuildSubTab(LLView* root); virtual void setSearchFilter( const std::string& filter ); virtual void activate(); virtual void deactivate(); // Helper functions bool matchesActionSearchFilter(std::string action); void setFooterEnabled(bool enable); virtual void setGroupID(const LLUUID& id); protected: void buildActionsList(LLScrollListCtrl* ctrl, U64 allowed_by_some, U64 allowed_by_all, LLUICtrl::commit_callback_t commit_callback, bool show_all, bool filter, bool is_owner_role); void buildActionCategory(LLScrollListCtrl* ctrl, U64 allowed_by_some, U64 allowed_by_all, LLRoleActionSet* action_set, LLUICtrl::commit_callback_t commit_callback, bool show_all, bool filter, bool is_owner_role); protected: LLPanel* mHeader; // Might not be present in xui of derived class (NULL) LLPanel* mFooter; LLFilterEditor* mSearchEditor; std::string mSearchFilter; icon_map_t mActionIcons; bool mActivated; bool mHasGroupBanPower; // Used to communicate between action sets due to the dependency between // GP_GROUP_BAN_ACCESS and GP_EJECT_MEMBER and GP_ROLE_REMOVE_MEMBER void setOthersVisible(bool b); }; class LLPanelGroupMembersSubTab : public LLPanelGroupSubTab { public: LLPanelGroupMembersSubTab(); virtual ~LLPanelGroupMembersSubTab(); virtual bool postBuildSubTab(LLView* root); static void onMemberSelect(LLUICtrl*, void*); void handleMemberSelect(); static void onMemberDoubleClick(void*); void handleMemberDoubleClick(); static void onInviteMember(void*); void handleInviteMember(); static void onEjectMembers(void*); void handleEjectMembers(); void sendEjectNotifications(const LLUUID& group_id, const uuid_vec_t& selected_members); bool handleEjectCallback(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response); void confirmEjectMembers(); static void onRoleCheck(LLUICtrl* check, void* user_data); void handleRoleCheck(const LLUUID& role_id, LLRoleMemberChangeType type); static void onBanMember(void* user_data); void handleBanMember(); bool handleBanCallback(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response); void confirmBanMembers(); void updateActionDescription(); void applyMemberChanges(); bool addOwnerCB(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response); virtual void activate(); virtual void deactivate(); virtual void cancel(); virtual bool needsApply(std::string& mesg); virtual bool apply(std::string& mesg); virtual void update(LLGroupChange gc); void updateMembers(); virtual void draw(); virtual void setGroupID(const LLUUID& id); void addMemberToList(LLGroupMemberData* data); void onNameCache(const LLUUID& update_id, LLGroupMemberData* member, const LLAvatarName& av_name, const LLUUID& av_id); protected: typedef std::map role_change_data_map_t; typedef std::map member_role_changes_map_t; bool matchesSearchFilter(const std::string& fullname); U64 getAgentPowersBasedOnRoleChanges(const LLUUID& agent_id); bool getRoleChangeType(const LLUUID& member_id, const LLUUID& role_id, LLRoleMemberChangeType& type); LLNameListCtrl* mMembersList; LLScrollListCtrl* mAssignedRolesList; LLScrollListCtrl* mAllowedActionsList; LLButton* mEjectBtn; LLButton* mBanBtn; bool mChanged; bool mPendingMemberUpdate; bool mHasMatch; LLTextEditor* mActionDescription; member_role_changes_map_t mMemberRoleChangeData; U32 mNumOwnerAdditions; LLGroupMgrGroupData::member_list_t::iterator mMemberProgress; typedef std::map avatar_name_cache_connection_map_t; avatar_name_cache_connection_map_t mAvatarNameCacheConnections; }; class LLPanelGroupRolesSubTab : public LLPanelGroupSubTab { public: LLPanelGroupRolesSubTab(); virtual ~LLPanelGroupRolesSubTab(); virtual bool postBuildSubTab(LLView* root); virtual void activate(); virtual void deactivate(); virtual bool needsApply(std::string& mesg); virtual bool apply(std::string& mesg); virtual void cancel(); bool matchesSearchFilter(std::string rolename, std::string roletitle); virtual void update(LLGroupChange gc); static void onRoleSelect(LLUICtrl*, void*); void handleRoleSelect(); void buildMembersList(); static void onActionCheck(LLUICtrl*, void*); bool addActionCB(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response, LLCheckBoxCtrl* check); static void onPropertiesKey(LLLineEditor*, void*); void onDescriptionKeyStroke(LLTextEditor* caller); static void onDescriptionCommit(LLUICtrl*, void*); static void onMemberVisibilityChange(LLUICtrl*, void*); void handleMemberVisibilityChange(bool value); static void onCreateRole(void*); void handleCreateRole(); static void onCopyRole(void*); void handleCopyRole(); static void onDeleteRole(void*); void handleDeleteRole(); void updateActionDescription(); void saveRoleChanges(bool select_saved_role); virtual void setGroupID(const LLUUID& id); bool mFirstOpen; protected: void handleActionCheck(LLUICtrl* ctrl, bool force); LLSD createRoleItem(const LLUUID& role_id, std::string name, std::string title, S32 members); LLScrollListCtrl* mRolesList; LLNameListCtrl* mAssignedMembersList; LLScrollListCtrl* mAllowedActionsList; LLTextEditor* mActionDescription; LLLineEditor* mRoleName; LLLineEditor* mRoleTitle; LLTextEditor* mRoleDescription; LLCheckBoxCtrl* mMemberVisibleCheck; LLButton* mDeleteRoleButton; LLButton* mCreateRoleButton; LLButton* mCopyRoleButton; LLUUID mSelectedRole; bool mHasRoleChange; std::string mRemoveEveryoneTxt; }; class LLPanelGroupActionsSubTab : public LLPanelGroupSubTab { public: LLPanelGroupActionsSubTab(); virtual ~LLPanelGroupActionsSubTab(); virtual bool postBuildSubTab(LLView* root); virtual void activate(); virtual void deactivate(); virtual bool needsApply(std::string& mesg); virtual bool apply(std::string& mesg); virtual void update(LLGroupChange gc); virtual void onFilterChanged(); void handleActionSelect(); virtual void setGroupID(const LLUUID& id); protected: LLScrollListCtrl* mActionList; LLScrollListCtrl* mActionRoles; LLNameListCtrl* mActionMembers; LLTextEditor* mActionDescription; }; class LLPanelGroupBanListSubTab : public LLPanelGroupSubTab { public: LLPanelGroupBanListSubTab(); virtual ~LLPanelGroupBanListSubTab() {} virtual bool postBuildSubTab(LLView* root); virtual void activate(); virtual void update(LLGroupChange gc); virtual void draw(); static void onBanEntrySelect(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* user_data); void handleBanEntrySelect(); static void onCreateBanEntry(void* user_data); void handleCreateBanEntry(); static void onDeleteBanEntry(void* user_data); void handleDeleteBanEntry(); static void onRefreshBanList(void* user_data); void handleRefreshBanList(); void onBanListCompleted(bool isComplete); protected: void setBanCount(U32 ban_count); void populateBanList(); public: virtual void setGroupID(const LLUUID& id); protected: LLNameListCtrl* mBanList; LLButton* mCreateBanButton; LLButton* mDeleteBanButton; LLButton* mRefreshBanListButton; LLTextBase* mBanCountText; }; #endif // LL_LLPANELGROUPROLES_H