/** * @file llpanelface.h * @brief Panel in the tools floater for editing face textures, colors, etc. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_LLPANELFACE_H #define LL_LLPANELFACE_H #include "v4color.h" #include "llpanel.h" #include "llgltfmaterial.h" #include "llmaterial.h" #include "llmaterialmgr.h" #include "lltextureentry.h" #include "llselectmgr.h" #include class LLButton; class LLCheckBoxCtrl; class LLColorSwatchCtrl; class LLComboBox; class LLInventoryItem; class LLLineEditor; class LLSpinCtrl; class LLTextBox; class LLTextureCtrl; class LLUICtrl; class LLViewerObject; class LLFloater; class LLMaterialID; class LLMediaCtrl; class LLMenuButton; class LLRadioGroup; class PBRPickerAgentListener; class PBRPickerObjectListener; // Represents an edit for use in replicating the op across one or more materials in the selection set. // // The apply function optionally performs the edit which it implements // as a functor taking Data that calls member func MaterialFunc taking SetValueType // on an instance of the LLMaterial class. // // boost who? // template< typename DataType, typename SetValueType, void (LLMaterial::*MaterialEditFunc)(SetValueType data) > class LLMaterialEditFunctor { public: LLMaterialEditFunctor(const DataType& data) : _data(data) {} virtual ~LLMaterialEditFunctor() {} virtual void apply(LLMaterialPtr& material) { (material->*(MaterialEditFunc))(_data); } DataType _data; }; template< typename DataType, DataType (LLMaterial::*MaterialGetFunc)() > class LLMaterialGetFunctor { public: LLMaterialGetFunctor() {} virtual DataType get(LLMaterialPtr& material) { return (material->*(MaterialGetFunc)); } }; template< typename DataType, DataType (LLTextureEntry::*TEGetFunc)() > class LLTEGetFunctor { public: LLTEGetFunctor() {} virtual DataType get(LLTextureEntry* entry) { return (entry*(TEGetFunc)); } }; class LLPanelFace : public LLPanel { public: virtual bool postBuild(); LLPanelFace(); virtual ~LLPanelFace(); void refresh(); void refreshMedia(); void unloadMedia(); static void onMaterialOverrideReceived(const LLUUID& object_id, S32 side); /*virtual*/ void onVisibilityChange(bool new_visibility); /*virtual*/ void draw(); LLMaterialPtr createDefaultMaterial(LLMaterialPtr current_material) { LLMaterialPtr new_material(!current_material.isNull() ? new LLMaterial(current_material->asLLSD()) : new LLMaterial()); llassert_always(new_material); // Preserve old diffuse alpha mode or assert correct default blend mode as appropriate for the alpha channel content of the diffuse texture // new_material->setDiffuseAlphaMode(current_material.isNull() ? (isAlpha() ? LLMaterial::DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_BLEND : LLMaterial::DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_NONE) : current_material->getDiffuseAlphaMode()); return new_material; } LLGLTFMaterial::TextureInfo getPBRTextureInfo(); LLRender::eTexIndex getTextureChannelToEdit(); LLRender::eTexIndex getMatTextureChannel(); LLRender::eTexIndex getPBRTextureChannel(); LLRender::eTexIndex getTextureDropChannel(); LLGLTFMaterial::TextureInfo getPBRDropChannel(); protected: void navigateToTitleMedia(const std::string& url); bool selectedMediaEditable(); void clearMediaSettings(); void updateMediaSettings(); void updateMediaTitle(); bool isMediaTexSelected(); void getState(); void sendTexture(); // applies and sends texture void sendTextureInfo(); // applies and sends texture scale, offset, etc. void sendColor(); // applies and sends color void sendAlpha(); // applies and sends transparency void sendBump(U32 bumpiness); // applies and sends bump map void sendTexGen(); // applies and sends bump map void sendShiny(U32 shininess); // applies and sends shininess void sendFullbright(); // applies and sends full bright void sendGlow(); void alignTextureLayer(); void updateCopyTexButton(); void onCommitPbr(); void onCancelPbr(); void onSelectPbr(); // These functions are to return true if the drag should succeed bool onDragPbr(LLInventoryItem* item); bool onDragTexture(LLInventoryItem* item); void onCommitTexture(); void onCancelTexture(); void onSelectTexture(); void onCommitSpecularTexture(const LLSD& data); void onCancelSpecularTexture(const LLSD& data); void onSelectSpecularTexture(const LLSD& data); void onCommitNormalTexture(const LLSD& data); void onCancelNormalTexture(const LLSD& data); void onSelectNormalTexture(const LLSD& data); void onCommitColor(); void onCommitShinyColor(); void onCommitAlpha(); void onCancelColor(); void onCancelShinyColor(); void onSelectColor(); void onSelectShinyColor(); void onCloseTexturePicker(const LLSD& data); static bool deleteMediaConfirm(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response); static bool multipleFacesSelectedConfirm(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response); // Make UI reflect state of currently selected material (refresh) // and UI mode (e.g. editing normal map v diffuse map) // // @param force_set_values forces spinners to set value even if they are focused void updateUI(bool force_set_values = false); // Convenience func to determine if all faces in selection have // identical planar texgen settings during edits // bool isIdenticalPlanarTexgen(); // Callback funcs for individual controls // void onCommitTextureInfo(); void onCommitTextureScaleX(); void onCommitTextureScaleY(); void onCommitTextureRot(); void onCommitTextureOffsetX(); void onCommitTextureOffsetY(); void onCommitMaterialBumpyScaleX(); void onCommitMaterialBumpyScaleY(); void onCommitMaterialBumpyRot(); void onCommitMaterialBumpyOffsetX(); void onCommitMaterialBumpyOffsetY(); void syncRepeatX(F32 scaleU); void syncRepeatY(F32 scaleV); void syncOffsetX(F32 offsetU); void syncOffsetY(F32 offsetV); void syncMaterialRot(F32 rot, int te = -1); void onCommitMaterialShinyScaleX(); void onCommitMaterialShinyScaleY(); void onCommitMaterialShinyRot(); void onCommitMaterialShinyOffsetX(); void onCommitMaterialShinyOffsetY(); void onCommitMaterialGloss(); void onCommitMaterialEnv(); void onCommitMaterialMaskCutoff(); void onCommitMaterialsMedia(); void onCommitMaterialType(); void onCommitPbrType(); void onClickBtnEditMedia(); void onClickBtnDeleteMedia(); void onClickBtnAddMedia(); void onCommitBump(); void onCommitTexGen(); void onCommitShiny(); void onCommitAlphaMode(); void onCommitFullbright(); void onCommitHideWater(); void onCommitGlow(); void onCommitPlanarAlign(); void onCommitRepeatsPerMeter(); void onCommitGLTFTextureScaleU(); void onCommitGLTFTextureScaleV(); void onCommitGLTFRotation(); void onCommitGLTFTextureOffsetU(); void onCommitGLTFTextureOffsetV(); void onClickAutoFix(); void onAlignTexture(); void onClickBtnLoadInvPBR(); void onClickBtnEditPBR(); void onClickBtnSavePBR(); public: // needs to be accessible to selection manager void onCopyColor(); // records all selected faces void onPasteColor(); // to specific face void onPasteColor(LLViewerObject* objectp, S32 te); // to specific face void onCopyTexture(); void onPasteTexture(); void onPasteTexture(LLViewerObject* objectp, S32 te); protected: void menuDoToSelected(const LLSD& userdata); bool menuEnableItem(const LLSD& userdata); static F32 valueGlow(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face); private: bool isAlpha() const { return mIsAlpha; } // Convenience funcs to keep the visual flack to a minimum // LLUUID getCurrentNormalMap(); LLUUID getCurrentSpecularMap(); U32 getCurrentShininess(); U32 getCurrentBumpiness(); U8 getCurrentDiffuseAlphaMode(); U8 getCurrentAlphaMaskCutoff(); U8 getCurrentEnvIntensity(); U8 getCurrentGlossiness(); F32 getCurrentBumpyRot(); F32 getCurrentBumpyScaleU(); F32 getCurrentBumpyScaleV(); F32 getCurrentBumpyOffsetU(); F32 getCurrentBumpyOffsetV(); F32 getCurrentShinyRot(); F32 getCurrentShinyScaleU(); F32 getCurrentShinyScaleV(); F32 getCurrentShinyOffsetU(); F32 getCurrentShinyOffsetV(); LLTextureCtrl* mPBRTextureCtrl { nullptr }; LLTextureCtrl* mTextureCtrl { nullptr }; LLTextureCtrl* mShinyTextureCtrl { nullptr }; LLTextureCtrl* mBumpyTextureCtrl { nullptr }; LLTextBox* mLabelColor { nullptr }; LLColorSwatchCtrl* mColorSwatch { nullptr }; LLTextBox* mLabelShiniColor { nullptr }; LLColorSwatchCtrl* mShinyColorSwatch { nullptr }; LLTextBox* mLabelTexGen { nullptr }; LLComboBox* mComboTexGen { nullptr }; LLRadioGroup* mRadioMaterialType { nullptr }; LLRadioGroup* mRadioPbrType { nullptr }; LLCheckBoxCtrl* mCheckFullbright { nullptr }; LLCheckBoxCtrl* mCheckHideWater{ nullptr }; LLTextBox* mLabelColorTransp { nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mCtrlColorTransp { nullptr }; // transparency = 1 - alpha LLTextBox* mLabelGlow { nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mCtrlGlow { nullptr }; LLComboBox* mComboMatMedia { nullptr }; LLMediaCtrl* mTitleMedia { nullptr }; LLTextBox* mTitleMediaText { nullptr }; LLTextBox* mLabelMatPermLoading { nullptr }; LLCheckBoxCtrl* mCheckSyncSettings { nullptr }; LLTextBox* mLabelBumpiness { nullptr }; LLComboBox* mComboBumpiness { nullptr }; LLTextBox* mLabelShininess { nullptr }; LLComboBox* mComboShininess { nullptr }; LLTextBox* mLabelAlphaMode { nullptr }; LLComboBox* mComboAlphaMode { nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mTexScaleU { nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mTexScaleV { nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mTexRotate { nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mTexRepeat { nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mTexOffsetU { nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mTexOffsetV { nullptr }; LLCheckBoxCtrl* mPlanarAlign{ nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mBumpyScaleU { nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mBumpyScaleV { nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mBumpyRotate { nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mBumpyOffsetU { nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mBumpyOffsetV { nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mShinyScaleU { nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mShinyScaleV { nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mShinyRotate { nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mShinyOffsetU { nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mShinyOffsetV { nullptr }; LLTextBox* mLabelGlossiness { nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mGlossiness { nullptr }; LLTextBox* mLabelEnvironment { nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mEnvironment { nullptr }; LLTextBox* mLabelMaskCutoff { nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mMaskCutoff { nullptr }; LLButton* mAddMedia { nullptr }; LLButton* mDelMedia { nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mPBRScaleU { nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mPBRScaleV { nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mPBRRotate { nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mPBROffsetU { nullptr }; LLSpinCtrl* mPBROffsetV { nullptr }; LLButton* mBtnAlign { nullptr }; LLButton* mBtnAlignTex { nullptr }; LLButton* mBtnPbrFromInv { nullptr }; LLButton* mBtnEditBbr { nullptr }; LLButton* mBtnSaveBbr { nullptr }; // Update visibility of controls to match current UI mode // (e.g. materials vs media editing) // // Do NOT call updateUI from within this function. // void updateVisibility(LLViewerObject* objectp = nullptr); // Hey look everyone, a type-safe alternative to copy and paste! :) // template void getChildSetCommitCallback(T*& ctrl, std::string_view name, std::function cb) { ctrl = this->getChild(name); ctrl->setCommitCallback(cb); } template void getChildSetClickedCallback(T*& ctrl, std::string_view name, std::function cb) { ctrl = this->getChild(name); ctrl->setClickedCallback(cb); } // Update material parameters by applying 'edit_func' to selected TEs // template< typename DataType, typename SetValueType, void (LLMaterial::*MaterialEditFunc)(SetValueType data) > static void edit(LLPanelFace* p, DataType data, int te = -1, const LLUUID &only_for_object_id = LLUUID()) { LLMaterialEditFunctor< DataType, SetValueType, MaterialEditFunc > edit(data); struct LLSelectedTEEditMaterial : public LLSelectedTEMaterialFunctor { LLSelectedTEEditMaterial(LLPanelFace* panel, LLMaterialEditFunctor< DataType, SetValueType, MaterialEditFunc >* editp, const LLUUID &only_for_object_id) : _panel(panel), _edit(editp), _only_for_object_id(only_for_object_id) {} virtual ~LLSelectedTEEditMaterial() {}; virtual LLMaterialPtr apply(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face, LLTextureEntry* tep, LLMaterialPtr& current_material) { if (_edit && (_only_for_object_id.isNull() || _only_for_object_id == object->getID())) { LLMaterialPtr new_material = _panel->createDefaultMaterial(current_material); llassert_always(new_material); // Determine correct alpha mode for current diffuse texture // (i.e. does it have an alpha channel that makes alpha mode useful) // // _panel->isAlpha() "lies" when one face has alpha and the rest do not (NORSPEC-329) // need to get per-face answer to this question for sane alpha mode retention on updates. // bool is_alpha_face = object->isImageAlphaBlended(face); // need to keep this original answer for valid comparisons in logic below // U8 original_default_alpha_mode = is_alpha_face ? LLMaterial::DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_BLEND : LLMaterial::DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_NONE; U8 default_alpha_mode = original_default_alpha_mode; if (!current_material.isNull()) { default_alpha_mode = current_material->getDiffuseAlphaMode(); } // Insure we don't inherit the default of blend by accident... // this will be stomped by a legit request to change the alpha mode by the apply() below // new_material->setDiffuseAlphaMode(default_alpha_mode); // Do "It"! // _edit->apply(new_material); U32 new_alpha_mode = new_material->getDiffuseAlphaMode(); LLUUID new_normal_map_id = new_material->getNormalID(); LLUUID new_spec_map_id = new_material->getSpecularID(); if ((new_alpha_mode == LLMaterial::DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_BLEND) && !is_alpha_face) { new_alpha_mode = LLMaterial::DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_NONE; new_material->setDiffuseAlphaMode(LLMaterial::DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_NONE); } bool is_default_blend_mode = (new_alpha_mode == original_default_alpha_mode); bool is_need_material = !is_default_blend_mode || !new_normal_map_id.isNull() || !new_spec_map_id.isNull(); if (!is_need_material) { LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << "Removing material from object " << object->getID() << " face " << face << LL_ENDL; LLMaterialMgr::getInstance()->remove(object->getID(),face); new_material = NULL; } else { LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << "Putting material on object " << object->getID() << " face " << face << ", material: " << new_material->asLLSD() << LL_ENDL; LLMaterialMgr::getInstance()->put(object->getID(),face,*new_material); } object->setTEMaterialParams(face, new_material); return new_material; } return NULL; } LLMaterialEditFunctor< DataType, SetValueType, MaterialEditFunc >* _edit; LLPanelFace *_panel; const LLUUID & _only_for_object_id; } editor(p, &edit, only_for_object_id); LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectionSetMaterialParams(&editor, te); } template< typename DataType, typename ReturnType, ReturnType (LLMaterial::* const MaterialGetFunc)() const > static void getTEMaterialValue(DataType& data_to_return, bool& identical,DataType default_value, bool has_tolerance = false, DataType tolerance = DataType()) { DataType data_value{}; struct GetTEMaterialVal : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor { GetTEMaterialVal(DataType default_value) : _default(default_value) {} virtual ~GetTEMaterialVal() {} DataType get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face) { DataType ret = _default; LLMaterialPtr material_ptr; LLTextureEntry* tep = object ? object->getTE(face) : NULL; if (tep) { material_ptr = tep->getMaterialParams(); if (!material_ptr.isNull()) { ret = (material_ptr->*(MaterialGetFunc))(); } } return ret; } DataType _default; } GetFunc(default_value); identical = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedTEValue( &GetFunc, data_value, has_tolerance, tolerance); data_to_return = data_value; } template< typename DataType, typename ReturnType, // some kids just have to different... ReturnType (LLTextureEntry::* const TEGetFunc)() const > static void getTEValue(DataType& data_to_return, bool& identical, DataType default_value, bool has_tolerance = false, DataType tolerance = DataType()) { DataType data_value {}; struct GetTEVal : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor { GetTEVal(DataType default_value) : _default(default_value) {} virtual ~GetTEVal() {} DataType get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face) { LLTextureEntry* tep = object ? object->getTE(face) : NULL; return tep ? ((tep->*(TEGetFunc))()) : _default; } DataType _default; } GetTEValFunc(default_value); identical = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedTEValue( &GetTEValFunc, data_value, has_tolerance, tolerance ); data_to_return = data_value; } // Update vis and enabling of specific subsets of controls based on material params // (e.g. hide the spec controls if no spec texture is applied) // void updateShinyControls(bool is_setting_texture = false, bool mess_with_combobox = false); void updateBumpyControls(bool is_setting_texture = false, bool mess_with_combobox = false); void updateAlphaControls(); /* * Checks whether the selected texture from the LLFloaterTexturePicker can be applied to the currently selected object. * If agent selects texture which is not allowed to be applied for the currently selected object, * all controls of the floater texture picker which allow to apply the texture will be disabled. */ void onTextureSelectionChanged(LLInventoryItem* itemp); void onPbrSelectionChanged(LLInventoryItem* itemp); void updateUIGLTF(LLViewerObject* objectp, bool& has_pbr_material, bool& has_faces_without_pbr, bool force_set_values); void updateVisibilityGLTF(LLViewerObject* objectp = nullptr); void updateSelectedGLTFMaterials(std::function func); void updateGLTFTextureTransform(std::function edit); void setMaterialOverridesFromSelection(); LLMenuButton* mMenuClipboardColor; LLMenuButton* mMenuClipboardTexture; bool mIsAlpha; bool mExcludeWater { false }; LLSD mClipboardParams; LLSD mMediaSettings; bool mNeedMediaTitle; class Selection { public: void connect(); // Returns true if the selected objects or sides have changed since // this was last called, and no object update is pending bool update(); // Prevents update() returning true until the provided object is // updated. Necessary to prevent controls updating when the mouse is // held down. void setDirty() { mChanged = true; }; // Callbacks void onSelectionChanged() { mNeedsSelectionCheck = true; } void onSelectedObjectUpdated(const LLUUID &object_id, S32 side); protected: bool compareSelection(); bool mChanged = false; boost::signals2::scoped_connection mSelectConnection; bool mNeedsSelectionCheck = true; S32 mSelectedObjectCount = 0; S32 mSelectedTECount = 0; LLUUID mSelectedObjectID; S32 mLastSelectedSide = -1; }; static Selection sMaterialOverrideSelection; std::unique_ptr mAgentInventoryListener; std::unique_ptr mVOInventoryListener; public: #if defined(DEF_GET_MAT_STATE) #undef DEF_GET_MAT_STATE #endif #if defined(DEF_GET_TE_STATE) #undef DEF_GET_TE_STATE #endif #if defined(DEF_EDIT_MAT_STATE) DEF_EDIT_MAT_STATE #endif // Accessors for selected TE material state // #define DEF_GET_MAT_STATE(DataType,ReturnType,MaterialMemberFunc,DefaultValue,HasTolerance,Tolerance) \ static void MaterialMemberFunc(DataType& data, bool& identical, bool has_tolerance = HasTolerance, DataType tolerance = Tolerance) \ { \ getTEMaterialValue< DataType, ReturnType, &LLMaterial::MaterialMemberFunc >(data, identical, DefaultValue, has_tolerance, tolerance); \ } // Mutators for selected TE material // #define DEF_EDIT_MAT_STATE(DataType,ReturnType,MaterialMemberFunc) \ static void MaterialMemberFunc(LLPanelFace* p, DataType data, int te = -1, const LLUUID &only_for_object_id = LLUUID()) \ { \ edit< DataType, ReturnType, &LLMaterial::MaterialMemberFunc >(p, data, te, only_for_object_id); \ } // Accessors for selected TE state proper (legacy settings etc) // #define DEF_GET_TE_STATE(DataType,ReturnType,TexEntryMemberFunc,DefaultValue,HasTolerance,Tolerance) \ static void TexEntryMemberFunc(DataType& data, bool& identical, bool has_tolerance = HasTolerance, DataType tolerance = Tolerance) \ { \ getTEValue< DataType, ReturnType, &LLTextureEntry::TexEntryMemberFunc >(data, identical, DefaultValue, has_tolerance, tolerance); \ } class LLSelectedTEMaterial { public: static void getCurrent(LLMaterialPtr& material_ptr, bool& identical_material); static void getMaxSpecularRepeats(F32& repeats, bool& identical); static void getMaxNormalRepeats(F32& repeats, bool& identical); static void getCurrentDiffuseAlphaMode(U8& diffuse_alpha_mode, bool& identical, bool diffuse_texture_has_alpha); DEF_GET_MAT_STATE(LLUUID, const LLUUID&, getNormalID, LLUUID::null, false, LLUUID::null); DEF_GET_MAT_STATE(LLUUID, const LLUUID&, getSpecularID, LLUUID::null, false, LLUUID::null); DEF_GET_MAT_STATE(F32, F32, getSpecularRepeatX, 1.0f, true, 0.001f); DEF_GET_MAT_STATE(F32, F32, getSpecularRepeatY, 1.0f, true, 0.001f); DEF_GET_MAT_STATE(F32, F32, getSpecularOffsetX, 0.0f, true, 0.001f); DEF_GET_MAT_STATE(F32, F32, getSpecularOffsetY, 0.0f, true, 0.001f); DEF_GET_MAT_STATE(F32, F32, getSpecularRotation, 0.0f, true, 0.001f); DEF_GET_MAT_STATE(F32, F32, getNormalRepeatX, 1.0f, true, 0.001f); DEF_GET_MAT_STATE(F32, F32, getNormalRepeatY, 1.0f, true, 0.001f); DEF_GET_MAT_STATE(F32, F32, getNormalOffsetX, 0.0f, true, 0.001f); DEF_GET_MAT_STATE(F32, F32, getNormalOffsetY, 0.0f, true, 0.001f); DEF_GET_MAT_STATE(F32, F32, getNormalRotation, 0.0f, true, 0.001f); DEF_EDIT_MAT_STATE(U8, U8, setDiffuseAlphaMode); DEF_EDIT_MAT_STATE(U8, U8, setAlphaMaskCutoff); DEF_EDIT_MAT_STATE(F32, F32, setNormalOffsetX); DEF_EDIT_MAT_STATE(F32, F32, setNormalOffsetY); DEF_EDIT_MAT_STATE(F32, F32, setNormalRepeatX); DEF_EDIT_MAT_STATE(F32, F32, setNormalRepeatY); DEF_EDIT_MAT_STATE(F32, F32, setNormalRotation); DEF_EDIT_MAT_STATE(F32, F32, setSpecularOffsetX); DEF_EDIT_MAT_STATE(F32, F32, setSpecularOffsetY); DEF_EDIT_MAT_STATE(F32, F32, setSpecularRepeatX); DEF_EDIT_MAT_STATE(F32, F32, setSpecularRepeatY); DEF_EDIT_MAT_STATE(F32, F32, setSpecularRotation); DEF_EDIT_MAT_STATE(U8, U8, setEnvironmentIntensity); DEF_EDIT_MAT_STATE(U8, U8, setSpecularLightExponent); DEF_EDIT_MAT_STATE(LLUUID, const LLUUID&,setNormalID); DEF_EDIT_MAT_STATE(LLUUID, const LLUUID&,setSpecularID); DEF_EDIT_MAT_STATE(LLColor4U, const LLColor4U&, setSpecularLightColor); }; class LLSelectedTE { public: static void getFace(class LLFace*& face_to_return, bool& identical_face); static void getImageFormat(LLGLenum& image_format_to_return, bool& identical_face, bool& missing_asset); static void getTexId(LLUUID& id, bool& identical); static void getPbrMaterialId(LLUUID& id, bool& identical, bool& has_pbr, bool& has_faces_without_pbr); static void getObjectScaleS(F32& scale_s, bool& identical); static void getObjectScaleT(F32& scale_t, bool& identical); static void getMaxDiffuseRepeats(F32& repeats, bool& identical); DEF_GET_TE_STATE(U8,U8,getBumpmap,0, false, 0) DEF_GET_TE_STATE(U8,U8,getShiny,0, false, 0) DEF_GET_TE_STATE(U8,U8,getFullbright,0, false, 0) DEF_GET_TE_STATE(F32,F32,getRotation,0.0f, true, 0.001f) DEF_GET_TE_STATE(F32,F32,getOffsetS,0.0f, true, 0.001f) DEF_GET_TE_STATE(F32,F32,getOffsetT,0.0f, true, 0.001f) DEF_GET_TE_STATE(F32,F32,getScaleS,1.0f, true, 0.001f) DEF_GET_TE_STATE(F32,F32,getScaleT,1.0f, true, 0.001f) DEF_GET_TE_STATE(F32,F32,getGlow,0.0f, true, 0.001f) DEF_GET_TE_STATE(LLTextureEntry::e_texgen,LLTextureEntry::e_texgen,getTexGen,LLTextureEntry::TEX_GEN_DEFAULT, false, LLTextureEntry::TEX_GEN_DEFAULT) DEF_GET_TE_STATE(LLColor4,const LLColor4&,getColor,LLColor4::white, false, LLColor4::black); }; friend struct LLPanelFaceSetTEFunctor; }; #endif