/** * @file llpanelenvironment.h * @brief LLPanelExperiences class definition * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2013&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2013, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_LLPANELENVIRONMENT_H #define LL_LLPANELENVIRONMENT_H #include "llaccordionctrltab.h" #include "llradiogroup.h" #include "llcheckboxctrl.h" #include "llsliderctrl.h" #include "llsettingsdaycycle.h" #include "llenvironment.h" #include "llparcel.h" #include "llsettingspicker.h" #include "llfloatereditextdaycycle.h" class LLViewerRegion; class LLPanelEnvironmentInfo : public LLPanel { public: LLPanelEnvironmentInfo(); virtual BOOL postBuild() override; virtual void onOpen(const LLSD& key) override; virtual BOOL isDirty() const override { return getIsDirty(); } virtual void onVisibilityChange(BOOL new_visibility) override; virtual void refresh() override; S32 getCurrentParcelId() const { return mCurrentParcelId; } void setCurrentParcelId(S32 parcel_id) { mCurrentParcelId = parcel_id; } virtual bool isRegion() const = 0; virtual LLParcel * getParcel() = 0; virtual bool canEdit() = 0; protected: LOG_CLASS(LLPanelEnvironmentInfo); static const std::string RDG_ENVIRONMENT_SELECT; static const std::string RDO_USEDEFAULT; static const std::string RDO_USEINV; static const std::string RDO_USECUSTOM; static const std::string EDT_INVNAME; static const std::string BTN_SELECTINV; static const std::string BTN_EDIT; static const std::string SLD_DAYLENGTH; static const std::string SLD_DAYOFFSET; static const std::string CHK_ALLOWOVERRIDE; static const std::string BTN_APPLY; static const std::string BTN_CANCEL; static const std::string LBL_TIMEOFDAY; static const std::string PNL_SETTINGS; static const std::string PNL_BUTTONS; static const std::string PNL_DISABLED; static const std::string STR_LABEL_USEDEFAULT; static const std::string STR_LABEL_USEREGION; static const std::string STR_LABEL_UNKNOWNINV; static const U32 DIRTY_FLAG_DAYCYCLE; static const U32 DIRTY_FLAG_DAYLENGTH; static const U32 DIRTY_FLAG_DAYOFFSET; static const U32 DIRTY_FLAG_MASK; void setControlsEnabled(bool enabled); void setApplyProgress(bool started); void setDirtyFlag(U32 flag); void clearDirtyFlag(U32 flag); bool getIsDirty() const { return (mDirtyFlag != 0); } bool getIsDirtyFlag(U32 flag) const { return ((mDirtyFlag & flag) != 0); } U32 getDirtyFlag() const { return mDirtyFlag; } void onSwitchDefaultSelection(); void onSldDayLengthChanged(F32 value); void onSldDayOffsetChanged(F32 value); void onBtnApply(); void onBtnReset(); void onBtnEdit(); void onBtnSelect(); virtual void doApply(); void udpateApparentTimeOfDay(); void onPickerCommited(LLUUID asset_id); void onEditCommited(LLSettingsDay::ptr_t newday); void onPickerAssetDownloaded(LLSettingsBase::ptr_t settings); void onEnvironmentReceived(S32 parcel_id, LLEnvironment::EnvironmentInfo::ptr_t envifo); void refreshFromSource(); std::string getInventoryNameForAssetId(LLUUID asset_id); LLFloaterSettingsPicker * getSettingsPicker(); LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle * getEditFloater(bool create = true); LLEnvironment::EnvironmentInfo::ptr_t mCurrentEnvironment; S32 mCurrentParcelId; private: static void onIdlePlay(void *); typedef boost::signals2::connection connection_t; connection_t mCommitConnection; LLHandle mSettingsFloater; LLHandle mEditFloater; S32 mDirtyFlag; }; #endif // LL_LLPANELEXPERIENCES_H