/** * @file lloutputmonitorctrl.cpp * @brief LLOutputMonitorCtrl base class * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "lloutputmonitorctrl.h" // library includes #include "llfloaterreg.h" #include "llui.h" // viewer includes #include "llvoiceclient.h" #include "llmutelist.h" #include "llagent.h" // default options set in output_monitor.xml static LLDefaultChildRegistry::Register<LLOutputMonitorCtrl> r("output_monitor"); // The defaults will be initialized in the constructor. //LLColor4 LLOutputMonitorCtrl::sColorMuted; //LLColor4 LLOutputMonitorCtrl::sColorOverdriven; //LLColor4 LLOutputMonitorCtrl::sColorNormal; LLColor4 LLOutputMonitorCtrl::sColorBound; //S32 LLOutputMonitorCtrl::sRectsNumber = 0; //F32 LLOutputMonitorCtrl::sRectWidthRatio = 0.f; //F32 LLOutputMonitorCtrl::sRectHeightRatio = 0.f; LLOutputMonitorCtrl::Params::Params() : draw_border("draw_border"), image_mute("image_mute"), image_off("image_off"), image_on("image_on"), image_level_1("image_level_1"), image_level_2("image_level_2"), image_level_3("image_level_3"), auto_update("auto_update"), speaker_id("speaker_id") { }; LLOutputMonitorCtrl::LLOutputMonitorCtrl(const LLOutputMonitorCtrl::Params& p) : LLView(p), mPower(0), mImageMute(p.image_mute), mImageOff(p.image_off), mImageOn(p.image_on), mImageLevel1(p.image_level_1), mImageLevel2(p.image_level_2), mImageLevel3(p.image_level_3), mAutoUpdate(p.auto_update), mSpeakerId(p.speaker_id), mIsAgentControl(false), mIndicatorToggled(false), mShowParticipantsSpeaking(false) { //static LLUIColor output_monitor_muted_color = LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("OutputMonitorMutedColor", LLColor4::orange); //static LLUIColor output_monitor_overdriven_color = LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("OutputMonitorOverdrivenColor", LLColor4::red); //static LLUIColor output_monitor_normal_color = LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("OutputMonitorNotmalColor", LLColor4::green); static LLUIColor output_monitor_bound_color = LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("OutputMonitorBoundColor", LLColor4::white); //static LLUICachedControl<S32> output_monitor_rects_number("OutputMonitorRectanglesNumber", 20); //static LLUICachedControl<F32> output_monitor_rect_width_ratio("OutputMonitorRectangleWidthRatio", 0.5f); //static LLUICachedControl<F32> output_monitor_rect_height_ratio("OutputMonitorRectangleHeightRatio", 0.8f); // IAN BUG compare to existing pattern where these are members - some will change per-widget and need to be anyway // sent feedback to PE // *TODO: it looks suboptimal to load the defaults every time an output monitor is constructed. //sColorMuted = output_monitor_muted_color; //sColorOverdriven = output_monitor_overdriven_color; //sColorNormal = output_monitor_normal_color; sColorBound = output_monitor_bound_color; //sRectsNumber = output_monitor_rects_number; //sRectWidthRatio = output_monitor_rect_width_ratio; //sRectHeightRatio = output_monitor_rect_height_ratio; mBorder = p.draw_border; //with checking mute state setSpeakerId(mSpeakerId); } LLOutputMonitorCtrl::~LLOutputMonitorCtrl() { LLMuteList::getInstance()->removeObserver(this); LLSpeakingIndicatorManager::unregisterSpeakingIndicator(mSpeakerId, this); } void LLOutputMonitorCtrl::setPower(F32 val) { mPower = llmax(0.f, llmin(1.f, val)); } void LLOutputMonitorCtrl::draw() { // Copied from llmediaremotectrl.cpp // *TODO: Give the LLOutputMonitorCtrl an agent-id to monitor, then // call directly into LLVoiceClient::getInstance() to ask if that agent-id is muted, is // speaking, and what power. This avoids duplicating data, which can get // out of sync. const F32 LEVEL_0 = LLVoiceClient::OVERDRIVEN_POWER_LEVEL / 3.f; const F32 LEVEL_1 = LLVoiceClient::OVERDRIVEN_POWER_LEVEL * 2.f / 3.f; const F32 LEVEL_2 = LLVoiceClient::OVERDRIVEN_POWER_LEVEL; if (getVisible() && mAutoUpdate && !mIsMuted && mSpeakerId.notNull()) { setPower(LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->getCurrentPower(mSpeakerId)); if(mIsAgentControl) { setIsTalking(LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->getUserPTTState()); } else { setIsTalking(LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->getIsSpeaking(mSpeakerId)); } } if ((mPower == 0.f && !mIsTalking) && mShowParticipantsSpeaking) { std::set<LLUUID> participant_uuids; LLVoiceClient::instance().getParticipantList(participant_uuids); std::set<LLUUID>::const_iterator part_it = participant_uuids.begin(); F32 power = 0; for (; part_it != participant_uuids.end(); ++part_it) { power = LLVoiceClient::instance().getCurrentPower(*part_it); if (power) { mPower = power; break; } } } LLPointer<LLUIImage> icon; if (mIsMuted) { icon = mImageMute; } else if (mPower == 0.f && !mIsTalking) { // only show off if PTT is not engaged icon = mImageOff; } else if (mPower < LEVEL_0) { // PTT is on, possibly with quiet background noise icon = mImageOn; } else if (mPower < LEVEL_1) { icon = mImageLevel1; } else if (mPower < LEVEL_2) { icon = mImageLevel2; } else { // overdriven icon = mImageLevel3; } if (icon) { icon->draw(0, 0); } // // Fill the monitor with a bunch of small rectangles. // The rectangles will be filled with gradient color, // beginning with sColorNormal and ending with sColorOverdriven. // // *TODO: would using a (partially drawn) pixmap instead be faster? // const int monh = getRect().getHeight(); const int monw = getRect().getWidth(); //int maxrects = sRectsNumber; //const int period = llmax(1, monw / maxrects, 0, 0); // "1" - min value for the period //const int rectw = llmax(1, llfloor(period * sRectWidthRatio), 0, 0); // "1" - min value for the rect's width //const int recth = llfloor(monh * sRectHeightRatio); //if(period == 1 && rectw == 1) //if we have so small control, then "maxrects = monitor's_width - 2*monitor_border's_width // maxrects = monw-2; //const int nrects = mIsMuted ? maxrects : llfloor(mPower * maxrects); // how many rects to draw? //const int rectbtm = (monh - recth) / 2; //const int recttop = rectbtm + recth; // //LLColor4 rect_color; // //for (int i=1, xpos = 0; i <= nrects; i++) //{ // // Calculate color to use for the current rectangle. // if (mIsMuted) // { // rect_color = sColorMuted; // } // else // { // F32 frac = (mPower * i/nrects) / LLVoiceClient::OVERDRIVEN_POWER_LEVEL; // // Use overdriven color if the power exceeds overdriven level. // if (frac > 1.0f) // frac = 1.0f; // rect_color = lerp(sColorNormal, sColorOverdriven, frac); // } // // Draw rectangle filled with the color. // gl_rect_2d(xpos, recttop, xpos+rectw, rectbtm, rect_color, TRUE); // xpos += period; //} // // Draw bounding box. // if(mBorder) gl_rect_2d(0, monh, monw, 0, sColorBound, FALSE); } // virtual BOOL LLOutputMonitorCtrl::handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { if (mSpeakerId != gAgentID && !mShowParticipantsSpeaking) { LLFloaterReg::showInstance("floater_voice_volume", LLSD().with("avatar_id", mSpeakerId)); } else if(mShowParticipantsSpeaking) { LLFloaterReg::showInstance("chat_voice", LLSD()); } return TRUE; } void LLOutputMonitorCtrl::setSpeakerId(const LLUUID& speaker_id, const LLUUID& session_id/* = LLUUID::null*/, bool show_other_participants_speaking /* = false */) { if (speaker_id.isNull() && mSpeakerId.notNull()) { LLSpeakingIndicatorManager::unregisterSpeakingIndicator(mSpeakerId, this); switchIndicator(false); mSpeakerId = speaker_id; } if (speaker_id.isNull() || (speaker_id == mSpeakerId)) { return; } if (mSpeakerId.notNull()) { // Unregister previous registration to avoid crash. EXT-4782. LLSpeakingIndicatorManager::unregisterSpeakingIndicator(mSpeakerId, this); } mShowParticipantsSpeaking = show_other_participants_speaking; mSpeakerId = speaker_id; LLSpeakingIndicatorManager::registerSpeakingIndicator(mSpeakerId, this, session_id); //mute management if (mAutoUpdate) { if (speaker_id == gAgentID) { setIsMuted(false); } else { // check only blocking on voice. EXT-3542 setIsMuted(LLMuteList::getInstance()->isMuted(mSpeakerId, LLMute::flagVoiceChat)); LLMuteList::getInstance()->addObserver(this); } } } void LLOutputMonitorCtrl::onChange() { // check only blocking on voice. EXT-3542 setIsMuted(LLMuteList::getInstance()->isMuted(mSpeakerId, LLMute::flagVoiceChat)); } // virtual void LLOutputMonitorCtrl::switchIndicator(bool switch_on) { if(getVisible() != (BOOL)switch_on) { setVisible(switch_on); //Let parent adjust positioning of icons adjacent to speaker indicator //(when speaker indicator hidden, adjacent icons move to right and when speaker //indicator visible, adjacent icons move to the left) if (getParent() && getParent()->isInVisibleChain()) { notifyParentVisibilityChanged(); //Ignore toggled state in case it was set when parent visibility was hidden mIndicatorToggled = false; } else { //Makes sure to only adjust adjacent icons when parent becomes visible //(!mIndicatorToggled ensures that changes of TFT and FTF are discarded, real state changes are TF or FT) mIndicatorToggled = !mIndicatorToggled; } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PRIVATE SECTION ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLOutputMonitorCtrl::notifyParentVisibilityChanged() { LL_DEBUGS("SpeakingIndicator") << "Notify parent that visibility was changed: " << mSpeakerId << ", new_visibility: " << getVisible() << LL_ENDL; LLSD params = LLSD().with("visibility_changed", getVisible()); notifyParent(params); } // EOF