 * @file lloutfitslist.h
 * @brief List of agent's outfits for My Appearance side panel.
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2010&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$


#include "llaccordionctrl.h"
#include "llpanel.h"

// newview
#include "llaccordionctrltab.h"
#include "llinventorymodel.h"
#include "lllistcontextmenu.h"
#include "llpanelappearancetab.h"
#include "lltoggleablemenu.h"
#include "llviewermenu.h"

class LLAccordionCtrlTab;
class LLInventoryCategoriesObserver;
class LLOutfitListGearMenuBase;
class LLWearableItemsList;
class LLListContextMenu;

 * @class LLOutfitTabNameComparator
 * Comparator of outfit tabs.
class LLOutfitTabNameComparator : public LLAccordionCtrl::LLTabComparator

    LLOutfitTabNameComparator() {};
    virtual ~LLOutfitTabNameComparator() {};

    /*virtual*/ bool compare(const LLAccordionCtrlTab* tab1, const LLAccordionCtrlTab* tab2) const;

class LLOutfitListBase : public LLPanelAppearanceTab
    typedef boost::function<void(const LLUUID&)> selection_change_callback_t;
    typedef boost::signals2::signal<void(const LLUUID&)> selection_change_signal_t;

    virtual ~LLOutfitListBase();

    /*virtual*/ bool postBuild();
    /*virtual*/ void onOpen(const LLSD& info);

    void refreshList(const LLUUID& category_id);
    void computeDifference(const LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t& vcats, uuid_vec_t& vadded, uuid_vec_t& vremoved);
    // highlights currently worn outfit in list and unhighlights previously worn
    void highlightBaseOutfit();
    void ChangeOutfitSelection(LLWearableItemsList* list, const LLUUID& category_id);

    virtual void getCurrentCategories(uuid_vec_t& vcur) = 0;
    virtual void updateAddedCategory(LLUUID cat_id) = 0;
    virtual void updateRemovedCategory(LLUUID cat_id) = 0;
    virtual void updateChangedCategoryName(LLViewerInventoryCategory *cat, std::string name) = 0;
    virtual void sortOutfits();

    void removeSelected();
    void setSelectedOutfitByUUID(const LLUUID& outfit_uuid);
    const LLUUID& getSelectedOutfitUUID() const { return mSelectedOutfitUUID; }
    boost::signals2::connection setSelectionChangeCallback(selection_change_callback_t cb);
    void outfitRightClickCallBack(LLUICtrl* ctrl, S32 x, S32 y, const LLUUID& cat_id);

    virtual bool isActionEnabled(const LLSD& userdata);
    virtual void performAction(std::string action);
    virtual bool hasItemSelected() = 0;
    virtual bool canWearSelected() = 0;

    virtual void deselectOutfit(const LLUUID& category_id);

    void signalSelectionOutfitUUID(const LLUUID& category_id);

    void collapseAllFolders();
    virtual void onCollapseAllFolders() = 0;

    void expandAllFolders();
    virtual void onExpandAllFolders() = 0;

    virtual bool getHasExpandableFolders() = 0;

    void observerCallback(const LLUUID& category_id);
    virtual LLOutfitListGearMenuBase* createGearMenu() = 0;
    virtual void onHighlightBaseOutfit(LLUUID base_id, LLUUID prev_id) = 0;
    virtual void onSetSelectedOutfitByUUID(const LLUUID& outfit_uuid) = 0;
    virtual void onOutfitRightClick(LLUICtrl* ctrl, S32 x, S32 y, const LLUUID& cat_id) = 0;
    void onOutfitsRemovalConfirmation(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response);
    virtual void onChangeOutfitSelection(LLWearableItemsList* list, const LLUUID& category_id) = 0;

    static void onIdle(void* userdata);
    void onIdleRefreshList();

        LLUUID                      CategoryUUID;
        uuid_vec_t                  Added;
        uuid_vec_t                  Removed;
        uuid_vec_t::const_iterator  AddedIterator;
        uuid_vec_t::const_iterator  RemovedIterator;
    } mRefreshListState;
    std::set<LLUUID>                mChangedItems;

    bool                            mIsInitialized;
    LLInventoryCategoriesObserver*  mCategoriesObserver;
    LLUUID                          mSelectedOutfitUUID;
    // id of currently highlited outfit
    LLUUID                          mHighlightedOutfitUUID;
    selection_change_signal_t       mSelectionChangeSignal;
    LLListContextMenu*              mOutfitMenu;
    LLOutfitListGearMenuBase*       mGearMenu;


class LLOutfitContextMenu : public LLListContextMenu

    LLOutfitContextMenu(LLOutfitListBase* outfit_list)
        : LLListContextMenu(),
    /* virtual */ LLContextMenu* createMenu();

    bool onEnable(LLSD::String param);

    bool onVisible(LLSD::String param);

    static void editOutfit();

    static void renameOutfit(const LLUUID& outfit_cat_id);

    void onThumbnail(const LLUUID &outfit_cat_id);
    void onSave(const LLUUID &outfit_cat_id);

    LLOutfitListBase*   mOutfitList;

class LLOutfitListGearMenuBase
    LLOutfitListGearMenuBase(LLOutfitListBase* olist);
    virtual ~LLOutfitListGearMenuBase();

    void updateItemsVisibility();

    LLToggleableMenu* getMenu();

    virtual void onUpdateItemsVisibility();
    virtual void onThumbnail();
    virtual void onChangeSortOrder();

    const LLUUID& getSelectedOutfitID();

    LLOutfitListBase*       mOutfitList;
    LLToggleableMenu*       mMenu;

    LLViewerInventoryCategory* getSelectedOutfit();

    void onWear();
    void onAdd();
    void onTakeOff();
    void onRename();
    void onSave();
    void onCreate(const LLSD& data);
    bool onEnable(LLSD::String param);
    bool onVisible(LLSD::String param);

class LLOutfitListGearMenu : public LLOutfitListGearMenuBase
    LLOutfitListGearMenu(LLOutfitListBase* olist);
    virtual ~LLOutfitListGearMenu();

    /*virtual*/ void onUpdateItemsVisibility();

class LLOutfitAccordionCtrlTab : public LLAccordionCtrlTab
    struct Params : public LLInitParam::Block<Params, LLAccordionCtrlTab::Params>
        Optional<LLUUID> cat_id;
        Params() : cat_id("cat_id") {}

    virtual bool handleToolTip(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask);

    LLOutfitAccordionCtrlTab(const LLOutfitAccordionCtrlTab::Params &p)
        : LLAccordionCtrlTab(p),
    friend class LLUICtrlFactory;

    LLUUID mFolderID;
 * @class LLOutfitsList
 * A list of agents's outfits from "My Outfits" inventory category
 * which displays each outfit in an accordion tab with a flat list
 * of items inside it.
 * Starts fetching necessary inventory content on first opening.
class LLOutfitsList : public LLOutfitListBase

    virtual ~LLOutfitsList();

    /*virtual*/ bool postBuild();

    /*virtual*/ void onOpen(const LLSD& info);

    //virtual void refreshList(const LLUUID& category_id);

    /*virtual*/ void updateAddedCategory(LLUUID cat_id);
    /*virtual*/ void updateRemovedCategory(LLUUID cat_id);

    // highlits currently worn outfit tab text and unhighlights previously worn
    /*virtual*/ void onHighlightBaseOutfit(LLUUID base_id, LLUUID prev_id);

    //void performAction(std::string action);

    /*virtual*/ void onFilterSubStringChanged(const std::string& new_string, const std::string& old_string);

    /*virtual*/ void getSelectedItemsUUIDs(uuid_vec_t& selected_uuids) const;

    // Collects selected items from all selected lists and wears them(if possible- adds, else replaces)
    void wearSelectedItems();

     * Returns true if there is a selection inside currently selected outfit
    /*virtual*/ bool hasItemSelected();

    Collapses all outfit accordions.
    /*virtual*/ void onCollapseAllFolders();
    Expands all outfit accordions.
    void onExpandAllFolders();

    /*virtual*/ bool getHasExpandableFolders() { return true; }

    LLOutfitListGearMenuBase* createGearMenu();


     * Wrapper for LLCommonUtils::computeDifference. @see LLCommonUtils::computeDifference
    //void computeDifference(const LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t& vcats, uuid_vec_t& vadded, uuid_vec_t& vremoved);

    void getCurrentCategories(uuid_vec_t& vcur);

     * Updates tab displaying outfit identified by category_id.
    /*virtual*/ void updateChangedCategoryName(LLViewerInventoryCategory *cat, std::string name);

    /*virtual*/ void sortOutfits();

    /*virtual*/ void onSetSelectedOutfitByUUID(const LLUUID& outfit_uuid);

     * Resets previous selection and stores newly selected list and outfit id.
    /*virtual*/ void onChangeOutfitSelection(LLWearableItemsList* list, const LLUUID& category_id);

     *Resets items selection inside outfit
    void resetItemSelection(LLWearableItemsList* list, const LLUUID& category_id);

     * Removes the outfit from selection.
    /*virtual*/ void deselectOutfit(const LLUUID& category_id);

     * Try restoring selection for a temporary hidden tab.
     * A tab may be hidden if it doesn't match current filter.
    void restoreOutfitSelection(LLAccordionCtrlTab* tab, const LLUUID& category_id);

     * Called upon list refresh event to update tab visibility depending on
     * the results of applying filter to the title and list items of the tab.
    void onRefreshComplete(LLUICtrl* ctrl);

     * Applies filter to the given tab
     * @see applyFilter()
    void applyFilterToTab(const LLUUID& category_id, LLAccordionCtrlTab* tab, const std::string& filter_substring);

     * Returns true if all selected items can be worn.
    bool canWearSelected();

    void onWearableItemsListRightClick(LLUICtrl* ctrl, S32 x, S32 y);
    void onCOFChanged();

    void onListSelectionChange(LLUICtrl* ctrl);

    /*virtual*/ void onOutfitRightClick(LLUICtrl* ctrl, S32 x, S32 y, const LLUUID& cat_id);

    static void onOutfitRename(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response);

    //LLInventoryCategoriesObserver*    mCategoriesObserver;

    LLAccordionCtrl*                mAccordion;
    LLPanel*                        mListCommands;

    typedef std::map<LLUUID, LLWearableItemsList*>      wearables_lists_map_t;
    typedef wearables_lists_map_t::value_type           wearables_lists_map_value_t;
    wearables_lists_map_t           mSelectedListsMap;

    typedef std::map<LLUUID, LLAccordionCtrlTab*>       outfits_map_t;
    typedef outfits_map_t::value_type                   outfits_map_value_t;
    outfits_map_t                   mOutfitsMap;

    // IDs of original items which are worn and linked in COF.
    // Used to monitor COF changes for updating items worn state. See EXT-8636.
    uuid_vec_t                      mCOFLinkedItems;

    //LLOutfitListGearMenu*         mGearMenu;

    //bool                          mIsInitialized;
     * True if there is a selection inside currently selected outfit
    bool                            mItemSelected;