/** * @file lloutfitgallery.h * @author Pavlo Kryvych * @brief Visual gallery of agent's outfits for My Appearance side panel * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2015&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2015, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_LLOUTFITGALLERYCTRL_H #define LL_LLOUTFITGALLERYCTRL_H #include "llextendedstatus.h" #include "lliconctrl.h" #include "lllayoutstack.h" #include "lloutfitslist.h" #include "llpanelappearancetab.h" #include "lltexturectrl.h" #include "llviewertexture.h" #include <vector> class LLVFS; class LLOutfitGallery; class LLOutfitGalleryItem; class LLOutfitListGearMenuBase; class LLOutfitGalleryGearMenu; class LLOutfitGalleryContextMenu; class LLUpdateGalleryOnPhotoLinked : public LLInventoryCallback { public: LLUpdateGalleryOnPhotoLinked(){} virtual ~LLUpdateGalleryOnPhotoLinked(){} /* virtual */ void fire(const LLUUID& inv_item_id); private: }; class LLOutfitGallery : public LLOutfitListBase { public: friend class LLOutfitGalleryGearMenu; friend class LLOutfitGalleryContextMenu; friend class LLUpdateGalleryOnPhotoLinked; struct Params : public LLInitParam::Block<Params, LLPanel::Params> { Optional<S32> row_panel_height; Optional<S32> row_panel_width_factor; Optional<S32> gallery_width_factor; Optional<S32> vertical_gap; Optional<S32> horizontal_gap; Optional<S32> item_width; Optional<S32> item_height; Optional<S32> item_horizontal_gap; Optional<S32> items_in_row; Params(); }; static const LLOutfitGallery::Params& getDefaultParams(); LLOutfitGallery(const LLOutfitGallery::Params& params = getDefaultParams()); virtual ~LLOutfitGallery(); /*virtual*/ BOOL postBuild(); /*virtual*/ void onOpen(const LLSD& info); /*virtual*/ void draw(); void onSelectPhoto(LLUUID selected_outfit_id); void onTakeSnapshot(LLUUID selected_outfit_id); void wearSelectedOutfit(); /*virtual*/ void setFilterSubString(const std::string& string); /*virtual*/ void getCurrentCategories(uuid_vec_t& vcur); /*virtual*/ void updateAddedCategory(LLUUID cat_id); /*virtual*/ void updateRemovedCategory(LLUUID cat_id); /*virtual*/ void updateChangedCategoryName(LLViewerInventoryCategory *cat, std::string name); /*virtual*/ bool hasItemSelected(); /*virtual*/ bool canWearSelected(); /*virtual*/ bool getHasExpandableFolders() { return FALSE; } void updateMessageVisibility(); bool hasDefaultImage(const LLUUID& outfit_cat_id); void refreshTextures(const LLUUID& category_id); void refreshOutfit(const LLUUID& category_id); void onTexturePickerCommit(LLTextureCtrl::ETexturePickOp op, LLUUID id); void onTexturePickerUpdateImageStats(LLPointer<LLViewerTexture> texture); void onBeforeOutfitSnapshotSave(); void onAfterOutfitSnapshotSave(); protected: /*virtual*/ void onHighlightBaseOutfit(LLUUID base_id, LLUUID prev_id); /*virtual*/ void onSetSelectedOutfitByUUID(const LLUUID& outfit_uuid); /*virtual*/ void onOutfitRightClick(LLUICtrl* ctrl, S32 x, S32 y, const LLUUID& cat_id); /*virtual*/ void onChangeOutfitSelection(LLWearableItemsList* list, const LLUUID& category_id); /*virtual*/ void onCollapseAllFolders() {} /*virtual*/ void onExpandAllFolders() {} /*virtual*/ LLOutfitListGearMenuBase* createGearMenu(); void applyFilter(LLOutfitGalleryItem* item, const std::string& filter_substring); private: void loadPhotos(); void uploadPhoto(LLUUID outfit_id); LLUUID getPhotoAssetId(const LLUUID& outfit_id); LLUUID getDefaultPhoto(); void linkPhotoToOutfit(LLUUID outfit_id, LLUUID photo_id); bool checkRemovePhoto(LLUUID outfit_id); void addToGallery(LLOutfitGalleryItem* item); void removeFromGalleryLast(LLOutfitGalleryItem* item); void removeFromGalleryMiddle(LLOutfitGalleryItem* item); LLPanel* addLastRow(); void removeLastRow(); void moveRowUp(int row); void moveRowDown(int row); void moveRow(int row, int pos); LLPanel* addToRow(LLPanel* row_stack, LLOutfitGalleryItem* item, int pos, int hgap); void removeFromLastRow(LLOutfitGalleryItem* item); void reArrangeRows(S32 row_diff = 0); void updateRowsIfNeeded(); void updateGalleryWidth(); LLOutfitGalleryItem* buildGalleryItem(std::string name); void onTextureSelectionChanged(LLInventoryItem* itemp); void buildGalleryPanel(int row_count); void reshapeGalleryPanel(int row_count); LLPanel* buildItemPanel(int left); LLPanel* buildRowPanel(int left, int bottom); void moveRowPanel(LLPanel* stack, int left, int bottom); std::vector<LLPanel*> mRowPanels; std::vector<LLPanel*> mItemPanels; std::vector<LLOutfitGalleryItem*> mItems; std::vector<LLOutfitGalleryItem*> mHiddenItems; LLScrollContainer* mScrollPanel; LLPanel* mGalleryPanel; LLPanel* mLastRowPanel; LLUUID mOutfitLinkPending; LLUUID mOutfitRenamePending; LLTextBox* mMessageTextBox; bool mGalleryCreated; int mRowCount; int mItemsAddedCount; LLPointer<LLViewerTexture> mTextureSelected; /* Params */ int mRowPanelHeight; int mVerticalGap; int mHorizontalGap; int mItemWidth; int mItemHeight; int mItemHorizontalGap; int mItemsInRow; int mRowPanelWidth; int mGalleryWidth; int mRowPanWidthFactor; int mGalleryWidthFactor; LLListContextMenu* mOutfitGalleryMenu; LLHandle<LLFloater> mFloaterHandle; typedef std::map<LLUUID, LLOutfitGalleryItem*> outfit_map_t; typedef outfit_map_t::value_type outfit_map_value_t; outfit_map_t mOutfitMap; typedef std::map<LLOutfitGalleryItem*, int> item_num_map_t; typedef item_num_map_t::value_type item_numb_map_value_t; item_num_map_t mItemIndexMap; LLInventoryCategoriesObserver* mTexturesObserver; LLInventoryCategoriesObserver* mOutfitsObserver; }; class LLOutfitGalleryContextMenu : public LLOutfitContextMenu { public: friend class LLOutfitGallery; LLOutfitGalleryContextMenu(LLOutfitListBase* outfit_list) : LLOutfitContextMenu(outfit_list), mOutfitList(outfit_list){} protected: /* virtual */ LLContextMenu* createMenu(); bool onEnable(LLSD::String param); bool onVisible(LLSD::String param); void onUploadPhoto(const LLUUID& outfit_cat_id); void onSelectPhoto(const LLUUID& outfit_cat_id); void onRemovePhoto(const LLUUID& outfit_cat_id); void onTakeSnapshot(const LLUUID& outfit_cat_id); void onCreate(const LLSD& data); void onRemoveOutfit(const LLUUID& outfit_cat_id); void onOutfitsRemovalConfirmation(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response, const LLUUID& outfit_cat_id); private: LLOutfitListBase* mOutfitList; }; class LLOutfitGalleryGearMenu : public LLOutfitListGearMenuBase { public: friend class LLOutfitGallery; LLOutfitGalleryGearMenu(LLOutfitListBase* olist); protected: /*virtual*/ void onUpdateItemsVisibility(); private: /*virtual*/ void onUploadFoto(); /*virtual*/ void onSelectPhoto(); /*virtual*/ void onTakeSnapshot(); /*virtual*/ void onRemovePhoto(); /*virtual*/ void onChangeSortOrder(); bool hasDefaultImage(); }; class LLOutfitGalleryItem : public LLPanel { public: struct Params : public LLInitParam::Block<Params, LLPanel::Params> {}; LLOutfitGalleryItem(const Params& p); virtual ~LLOutfitGalleryItem(); /*virtual*/ BOOL postBuild(); /*virtual*/ void draw(); /*virtual*/ BOOL handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask); /*virtual*/ BOOL handleRightMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask); void setDefaultImage(); void setImageAssetId(LLUUID asset_id); LLUUID getImageAssetId(); void setOutfitName(std::string name); void setOutfitWorn(bool value); void setSelected(bool value); std::string getItemName() {return mOutfitName;} bool isDefaultImage() {return mDefaultImage;} bool isHidden() {return mHidden;} void setHidden(bool hidden) {mHidden = hidden;} private: LLPointer<LLViewerFetchedTexture> mTexturep; LLUUID mImageAssetId; LLTextBox* mOutfitNameText; LLTextBox* mOutfitWornText; LLPanel* mTextBgPanel; bool mSelected; bool mWorn; bool mDefaultImage; bool mHidden; std::string mOutfitName; }; #endif // LL_LLOUTFITGALLERYCTRL_H