/** * @file llnamelistctrl.cpp * @brief A list of names, automatically refreshed from name cache. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2003&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llnamelistctrl.h" #include #include "llavatarnamecache.h" #include "llcachename.h" #include "llfloater.h" #include "llfloaterreg.h" #include "llinventory.h" #include "llscrolllistitem.h" #include "llscrolllistcell.h" #include "llscrolllistcolumn.h" #include "llsdparam.h" #include "lltooltip.h" #include "lltrans.h" static LLDefaultChildRegistry::Register r("name_list"); static const S32 info_icon_size = 16; void LLNameListCtrl::NameTypeNames::declareValues() { declare("INDIVIDUAL", LLNameListCtrl::INDIVIDUAL); declare("GROUP", LLNameListCtrl::GROUP); declare("SPECIAL", LLNameListCtrl::SPECIAL); } LLNameListCtrl::Params::Params() : name_column(""), allow_calling_card_drop("allow_calling_card_drop", false), short_names("short_names", false) { } LLNameListCtrl::LLNameListCtrl(const LLNameListCtrl::Params& p) : LLScrollListCtrl(p), mNameColumnIndex(p.name_column.column_index), mNameColumn(p.name_column.column_name), mAllowCallingCardDrop(p.allow_calling_card_drop), mShortNames(p.short_names), mPendingLookupsRemaining(0) {} // public LLScrollListItem* LLNameListCtrl::addNameItem(const LLUUID& agent_id, EAddPosition pos, BOOL enabled, const std::string& suffix, const std::string& prefix) { //LL_INFOS() << "LLNameListCtrl::addNameItem " << agent_id << LL_ENDL; NameItem item; item.value = agent_id; item.enabled = enabled; item.target = INDIVIDUAL; return addNameItemRow(item, pos, suffix, prefix); } // virtual, public BOOL LLNameListCtrl::handleDragAndDrop( S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, BOOL drop, EDragAndDropType cargo_type, void *cargo_data, EAcceptance *accept, std::string& tooltip_msg) { if (!mAllowCallingCardDrop) { return FALSE; } BOOL handled = FALSE; if (cargo_type == DAD_CALLINGCARD) { if (drop) { LLInventoryItem* item = (LLInventoryItem *)cargo_data; addNameItem(item->getCreatorUUID()); } *accept = ACCEPT_YES_MULTI; } else { *accept = ACCEPT_NO; if (tooltip_msg.empty()) { if (!getToolTip().empty()) { tooltip_msg = getToolTip(); } else { // backwards compatable English tooltip (should be overridden in xml) tooltip_msg.assign("Drag a calling card here\nto add a resident."); } } } handled = TRUE; LL_DEBUGS("UserInput") << "dragAndDrop handled by LLNameListCtrl " << getName() << LL_ENDL; return handled; } void LLNameListCtrl::showInspector(const LLUUID& avatar_id, bool is_group, bool is_experience) { if(is_experience) { LLFloaterReg::showInstance("experience_profile", avatar_id, true); return; } if (is_group) LLFloaterReg::showInstance("inspect_group", LLSD().with("group_id", avatar_id)); else LLFloaterReg::showInstance("inspect_avatar", LLSD().with("avatar_id", avatar_id)); } void LLNameListCtrl::mouseOverHighlightNthItem( S32 target_index ) { S32 cur_index = getHighlightedItemInx(); if (cur_index != target_index) { bool is_mouse_over_name_cell = false; S32 mouse_x, mouse_y; LLUI::getMousePositionLocal(this, &mouse_x, &mouse_y); S32 column_index = getColumnIndexFromOffset(mouse_x); LLScrollListItem* hit_item = hitItem(mouse_x, mouse_y); if (hit_item && column_index == mNameColumnIndex) { // Get the name cell which is currently under the mouse pointer. LLScrollListCell* hit_cell = hit_item->getColumn(column_index); if (hit_cell) { is_mouse_over_name_cell = getCellRect(cur_index, column_index).pointInRect(mouse_x, mouse_y); } } // If the tool tip is visible and the mouse is over the currently highlighted item's name cell, // we should not reset the highlighted item index i.e. set mHighlightedItem = -1 // and should not increase the width of the text inside the cell because it may // overlap the tool tip icon. if (LLToolTipMgr::getInstance()->toolTipVisible() && is_mouse_over_name_cell) return; if(0 <= cur_index && cur_index < (S32)getItemList().size()) { LLScrollListItem* item = getItemList()[cur_index]; if (item) { LLScrollListText* cell = dynamic_cast(item->getColumn(mNameColumnIndex)); if (cell) cell->setTextWidth(cell->getTextWidth() + info_icon_size); } else { LL_WARNS() << "highlighted name list item is NULL" << LL_ENDL; } } if(target_index != -1) { LLScrollListItem* item = getItemList()[target_index]; LLScrollListText* cell = dynamic_cast(item->getColumn(mNameColumnIndex)); if (item) { if (cell) cell->setTextWidth(cell->getTextWidth() - info_icon_size); } else { LL_WARNS() << "target name item is NULL" << LL_ENDL; } } } LLScrollListCtrl::mouseOverHighlightNthItem(target_index); } //virtual BOOL LLNameListCtrl::handleToolTip(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { BOOL handled = FALSE; S32 column_index = getColumnIndexFromOffset(x); LLNameListItem* hit_item = dynamic_cast(hitItem(x, y)); LLFloater* floater = gFloaterView->getParentFloater(this); if (floater && floater->isFrontmost() && hit_item && column_index == mNameColumnIndex) { // ...this is the column with the avatar name LLUUID avatar_id = hit_item->getUUID(); if (avatar_id.notNull()) { // ...valid avatar id LLScrollListCell* hit_cell = hit_item->getColumn(column_index); if (hit_cell) { S32 row_index = getItemIndex(hit_item); LLRect cell_rect = getCellRect(row_index, column_index); // Convert rect local to screen coordinates LLRect sticky_rect; localRectToScreen(cell_rect, &sticky_rect); // Spawn at right side of cell LLPointer icon = LLUI::getUIImage("Info_Small"); LLCoordGL pos( sticky_rect.mRight - info_icon_size, sticky_rect.mTop - (sticky_rect.getHeight() - icon->getHeight())/2 ); // Should we show a group or an avatar inspector? bool is_group = hit_item->isGroup(); bool is_experience = hit_item->isExperience(); LLToolTip::Params params; params.background_visible( false ); params.click_callback( boost::bind(&LLNameListCtrl::showInspector, this, avatar_id, is_group, is_experience) ); params.delay_time(0.0f); // spawn instantly on hover params.image( icon ); params.message(""); params.padding(0); params.pos(pos); params.sticky_rect(sticky_rect); LLToolTipMgr::getInstance()->show(params); handled = TRUE; } } } if (!handled) { handled = LLScrollListCtrl::handleToolTip(x, y, mask); } return handled; } // public void LLNameListCtrl::addGroupNameItem(const LLUUID& group_id, EAddPosition pos, BOOL enabled) { NameItem item; item.value = group_id; item.enabled = enabled; item.target = GROUP; addNameItemRow(item, pos); } // public void LLNameListCtrl::addGroupNameItem(LLNameListCtrl::NameItem& item, EAddPosition pos) { item.target = GROUP; addNameItemRow(item, pos); } LLScrollListItem* LLNameListCtrl::addNameItem(LLNameListCtrl::NameItem& item, EAddPosition pos) { item.target = INDIVIDUAL; return addNameItemRow(item, pos); } LLScrollListItem* LLNameListCtrl::addElement(const LLSD& element, EAddPosition pos, void* userdata) { LLNameListCtrl::NameItem item_params; LLParamSDParser parser; parser.readSD(element, item_params); item_params.userdata = userdata; return addNameItemRow(item_params, pos); } LLScrollListItem* LLNameListCtrl::addNameItemRow( const LLNameListCtrl::NameItem& name_item, EAddPosition pos, const std::string& suffix, const std::string& prefix) { LLUUID id = name_item.value().asUUID(); LLNameListItem* item = new LLNameListItem(name_item,name_item.target() == GROUP, name_item.target() == EXPERIENCE); if (!item) return NULL; LLScrollListCtrl::addRow(item, name_item, pos); // use supplied name by default std::string fullname = name_item.name; switch(name_item.target) { case GROUP: if (!gCacheName->getGroupName(id, fullname)) { avatar_name_cache_connection_map_t::iterator it = mGroupNameCacheConnections.find(id); if (it != mGroupNameCacheConnections.end()) { if (it->second.connected()) { it->second.disconnect(); } mGroupNameCacheConnections.erase(it); } mGroupNameCacheConnections[id] = gCacheName->getGroup(id, boost::bind(&LLNameListCtrl::onGroupNameCache, this, _1, _2, item->getHandle())); } break; case SPECIAL: // just use supplied name break; case INDIVIDUAL: { LLAvatarName av_name; if (id.isNull()) { fullname = LLTrans::getString("AvatarNameNobody"); } else if (LLAvatarNameCache::get(id, &av_name)) { if (mShortNames) fullname = av_name.getDisplayName(); else fullname = av_name.getCompleteName(); } else { // ...schedule a callback avatar_name_cache_connection_map_t::iterator it = mAvatarNameCacheConnections.find(id); if (it != mAvatarNameCacheConnections.end()) { if (it->second.connected()) { it->second.disconnect(); } mAvatarNameCacheConnections.erase(it); } mAvatarNameCacheConnections[id] = LLAvatarNameCache::get(id,boost::bind(&LLNameListCtrl::onAvatarNameCache,this, _1, _2, suffix, prefix, item->getHandle())); if(mPendingLookupsRemaining <= 0) { // BAKER TODO: // We might get into a state where mPendingLookupsRemaining might // go negative. So just reset it right now and figure out if it's // possible later :) mPendingLookupsRemaining = 0; mNameListCompleteSignal(false); } mPendingLookupsRemaining++; } break; } case EXPERIENCE: // just use supplied name default: break; } // Append optional suffix. if (!suffix.empty()) { fullname.append(suffix); } LLScrollListCell* cell = item->getColumn(mNameColumnIndex); if (cell) { cell->setValue(prefix + fullname); } dirtyColumns(); // this column is resizable LLScrollListColumn* columnp = getColumn(mNameColumnIndex); if (columnp && columnp->mHeader) { columnp->mHeader->setHasResizableElement(TRUE); } return item; } // public void LLNameListCtrl::removeNameItem(const LLUUID& agent_id) { // Find the item specified with agent_id. S32 idx = -1; for (item_list::iterator it = getItemList().begin(); it != getItemList().end(); it++) { LLScrollListItem* item = *it; if (item->getUUID() == agent_id) { idx = getItemIndex(item); break; } } // Remove it. if (idx >= 0) { selectNthItem(idx); // not sure whether this is needed, taken from previous implementation deleteSingleItem(idx); mPendingLookupsRemaining--; } } // public LLScrollListItem* LLNameListCtrl::getNameItemByAgentId(const LLUUID& agent_id) { for (item_list::iterator it = getItemList().begin(); it != getItemList().end(); it++) { LLScrollListItem* item = *it; if (item && item->getUUID() == agent_id) { return item; } } return NULL; } void LLNameListCtrl::onAvatarNameCache(const LLUUID& agent_id, const LLAvatarName& av_name, std::string suffix, std::string prefix, LLHandle item) { avatar_name_cache_connection_map_t::iterator it = mAvatarNameCacheConnections.find(agent_id); if (it != mAvatarNameCacheConnections.end()) { if (it->second.connected()) { it->second.disconnect(); } mAvatarNameCacheConnections.erase(it); } std::string name; if (mShortNames) name = av_name.getDisplayName(); else name = av_name.getCompleteName(); // Append optional suffix. if (!suffix.empty()) { name.append(suffix); } if (!prefix.empty()) { name.insert(0, prefix); } LLNameListItem* list_item = item.get(); if (list_item && list_item->getUUID() == agent_id) { LLScrollListCell* cell = list_item->getColumn(mNameColumnIndex); if (cell) { cell->setValue(name); setNeedsSort(); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BAKER - FIX NameListCtrl //if (mPendingLookupsRemaining <= 0) { // We might get into a state where mPendingLookupsRemaining might // go negative. So just reset it right now and figure out if it's // possible later :) //mPendingLookupsRemaining = 0; mNameListCompleteSignal(true); } //else { // mPendingLookupsRemaining--; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// dirtyColumns(); } void LLNameListCtrl::onGroupNameCache(const LLUUID& group_id, const std::string name, LLHandle item) { avatar_name_cache_connection_map_t::iterator it = mGroupNameCacheConnections.find(group_id); if (it != mGroupNameCacheConnections.end()) { if (it->second.connected()) { it->second.disconnect(); } mGroupNameCacheConnections.erase(it); } LLNameListItem* list_item = item.get(); if (list_item && list_item->getUUID() == group_id) { LLScrollListCell* cell = list_item->getColumn(mNameColumnIndex); if (cell) { cell->setValue(name); setNeedsSort(); } } dirtyColumns(); } void LLNameListCtrl::updateColumns(bool force_update) { LLScrollListCtrl::updateColumns(force_update); if (!mNameColumn.empty()) { LLScrollListColumn* name_column = getColumn(mNameColumn); if (name_column) { mNameColumnIndex = name_column->mIndex; } } } void LLNameListCtrl::sortByName(BOOL ascending) { sortByColumnIndex(mNameColumnIndex,ascending); }