 * @file llmeshrepository.h
 * @brief Client-side repository of mesh assets.
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010-2013, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$


#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "llassettype.h"
#include "llmodel.h"
#include "lluuid.h"
#include "llviewertexture.h"
#include "llvolume.h"
#include "lldeadmantimer.h"
#include "httpcommon.h"
#include "httprequest.h"
#include "httpoptions.h"
#include "httpheaders.h"
#include "httphandler.h"
#include "llthread.h"


#include "llconvexdecomposition.h"
#include "lluploadfloaterobservers.h"

class LLVOVolume;
class LLMutex;
class LLCondition;
class LLMeshRepository;

typedef enum e_mesh_processing_result_enum
    MESH_OK = 0,
    MESH_NO_DATA = 1,
} EMeshProcessingResult;

class LLMeshUploadData
    LLPointer<LLModel> mBaseModel;
    LLPointer<LLModel> mModel[5];
    U32 mRetries;
    std::string mRSVP;
    std::string mAssetData;
    LLSD mPostData;

        mRetries = 0;

class LLTextureUploadData
    LLViewerFetchedTexture* mTexture;
    std::string mRSVP;
    std::string mLabel;
    U32 mRetries;
    std::string mAssetData;
    LLSD mPostData;

        mRetries = 0;

    LLTextureUploadData(LLViewerFetchedTexture* texture, std::string& label)
        : mTexture(texture), mLabel(label)
        mRetries = 0;

class LLPhysicsDecomp : public LLThread

    typedef std::map<std::string, LLSD> decomp_params;

    class Request : public LLRefCount
        //input params
        S32* mDecompID;
        std::string mStage;
        std::vector<LLVector3> mPositions;
        std::vector<U16> mIndices;
        decomp_params mParams;

        //output state
        std::string mStatusMessage;
        std::vector<LLModel::PhysicsMesh> mHullMesh;
        LLModel::convex_hull_decomposition mHull;

        //status message callback, called from decomposition thread
        virtual S32 statusCallback(const char* status, S32 p1, S32 p2) = 0;

        //completed callback, called from the main thread
        virtual void completed() = 0;

        virtual void setStatusMessage(const std::string& msg);

        bool isValid() const {return mPositions.size() > 2 && mIndices.size() > 2 ;}

        //internal use
        LLVector3 mBBox[2] ;
        F32 mTriangleAreaThreshold ;

        void assignData(LLModel* mdl) ;
        void updateTriangleAreaThreshold() ;
        bool isValidTriangle(U16 idx1, U16 idx2, U16 idx3) ;

    LLCondition* mSignal;
    LLMutex* mMutex;

    bool mInited;
    bool mQuitting;
    bool mDone;


    void shutdown();

    void submitRequest(Request* request);
    static S32 llcdCallback(const char*, S32, S32);
    void cancel();

    void setMeshData(LLCDMeshData& mesh, bool vertex_based);
    void doDecomposition();
    void doDecompositionSingleHull();

    virtual void run();

    void completeCurrent();
    void notifyCompleted();

    std::map<std::string, S32> mStageID;

    typedef std::queue<LLPointer<Request> > request_queue;
    request_queue mRequestQ;

    LLPointer<Request> mCurRequest;

    std::queue<LLPointer<Request> > mCompletedQ;


class RequestStats
    RequestStats() : mRetries(0) {};

    void updateTime();
    bool canRetry() const;
    bool isDelayed() const;
    U32 getRetries() { return mRetries; }

    U32 mRetries;
    LLFrameTimer mTimer;

class LLMeshHeader

    LLMeshHeader() {}

    explicit LLMeshHeader(const LLSD& header)

    void fromLLSD(const LLSD& header)
        const char* lod[] =

        mVersion = header["version"].asInteger();

        for (U32 i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
            mLodOffset[i] = header[lod[i]]["offset"].asInteger();
            mLodSize[i] = header[lod[i]]["size"].asInteger();

        mSkinOffset = header["skin"]["offset"].asInteger();
        mSkinSize = header["skin"]["size"].asInteger();

        mPhysicsConvexOffset = header["physics_convex"]["offset"].asInteger();
        mPhysicsConvexSize = header["physics_convex"]["size"].asInteger();

        mPhysicsMeshOffset = header["physics_mesh"]["offset"].asInteger();
        mPhysicsMeshSize = header["physics_mesh"]["size"].asInteger();

        m404 = header.has("404");

    S32 mVersion = -1;
    S32 mSkinOffset = -1;
    S32 mSkinSize = -1;

    S32 mPhysicsConvexOffset = -1;
    S32 mPhysicsConvexSize = -1;

    S32 mPhysicsMeshOffset = -1;
    S32 mPhysicsMeshSize = -1;

    S32 mLodOffset[4] = { -1 };
    S32 mLodSize[4] = { -1 };

    bool m404 = false;

class LLMeshRepoThread : public LLThread

    volatile static S32 sActiveHeaderRequests;
    volatile static S32 sActiveLODRequests;
    static U32 sMaxConcurrentRequests;
    static S32 sRequestLowWater;
    static S32 sRequestHighWater;
    static S32 sRequestWaterLevel;          // Stats-use only, may read outside of thread

    LLMutex*    mMutex;
    LLMutex*    mHeaderMutex;
    LLCondition* mSignal;

    //map of known mesh headers
    typedef boost::unordered_map<LLUUID, std::pair<U32, LLMeshHeader>> mesh_header_map; // pair is header_size and data
    mesh_header_map mMeshHeader;

    class HeaderRequest : public RequestStats
        const LLVolumeParams mMeshParams;

        HeaderRequest(const LLVolumeParams&  mesh_params)
            : RequestStats(), mMeshParams(mesh_params)

        bool operator<(const HeaderRequest& rhs) const
            return mMeshParams < rhs.mMeshParams;

    class LODRequest : public RequestStats
        LLVolumeParams  mMeshParams;
        S32 mLOD;
        F32 mScore;

        LODRequest(const LLVolumeParams&  mesh_params, S32 lod)
            : RequestStats(), mMeshParams(mesh_params), mLOD(lod), mScore(0.f)

    struct CompareScoreGreater
        bool operator()(const LODRequest& lhs, const LODRequest& rhs)
            return lhs.mScore > rhs.mScore; // greatest = first

    class UUIDBasedRequest : public RequestStats
        LLUUID mId;

        UUIDBasedRequest(const LLUUID& id)
            : RequestStats(), mId(id)

        bool operator<(const UUIDBasedRequest& rhs) const
            return mId < rhs.mId;

    class LoadedMesh
        LLPointer<LLVolume> mVolume;
        LLVolumeParams mMeshParams;
        S32 mLOD;

        LoadedMesh(LLVolume* volume, const LLVolumeParams&  mesh_params, S32 lod)
            : mVolume(volume), mMeshParams(mesh_params), mLOD(lod)


    //set of requested skin info
    std::deque<UUIDBasedRequest> mSkinRequests;

    // list of completed skin info requests
    std::deque<LLPointer<LLMeshSkinInfo>> mSkinInfoQ;

    // list of skin info requests that have failed or are unavailaibe
    std::deque<UUIDBasedRequest> mSkinUnavailableQ;

    //set of requested decompositions
    std::set<UUIDBasedRequest> mDecompositionRequests;

    //set of requested physics shapes
    std::set<UUIDBasedRequest> mPhysicsShapeRequests;

    // list of completed Decomposition info requests
    std::list<LLModel::Decomposition*> mDecompositionQ;

    //queue of requested headers
    std::queue<HeaderRequest> mHeaderReqQ;

    //queue of requested LODs
    std::queue<LODRequest> mLODReqQ;

    //queue of unavailable LODs (either asset doesn't exist or asset doesn't have desired LOD)
    std::deque<LODRequest> mUnavailableQ;

    //queue of successfully loaded meshes
    std::deque<LoadedMesh> mLoadedQ;

    //map of pending header requests and currently desired LODs
    typedef std::unordered_map<LLUUID, std::vector<S32> > pending_lod_map;
    pending_lod_map mPendingLOD;

    // map of mesh ID to skin info (mirrors LLMeshRepository::mSkinMap)
    /// NOTE: LLMeshRepository::mSkinMap is accessed very frequently, so maintain a copy here to avoid mutex overhead
    typedef std::unordered_map<LLUUID, LLPointer<LLMeshSkinInfo>> skin_map;
    skin_map mSkinMap;

    // workqueue for processing generic requests
    LL::WorkQueue mWorkQueue;

    // llcorehttp library interface objects.
    LLCore::HttpStatus                  mHttpStatus;
    LLCore::HttpRequest *               mHttpRequest;
    LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t          mHttpOptions;
    LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t          mHttpLargeOptions;
    LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t          mHttpHeaders;
    LLCore::HttpRequest::policy_t       mHttpPolicyClass;
    LLCore::HttpRequest::policy_t       mHttpLargePolicyClass;

    typedef std::unordered_set<LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t> http_request_set;
    http_request_set                    mHttpRequestSet;            // Outstanding HTTP requests

    std::string mGetMeshCapability;


    virtual void run();

    void lockAndLoadMeshLOD(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, S32 lod);
    void loadMeshLOD(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, S32 lod);

    bool fetchMeshHeader(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, bool can_retry = true);
    bool fetchMeshLOD(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, S32 lod, bool can_retry = true);
    EMeshProcessingResult headerReceived(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, U8* data, S32 data_size);
    EMeshProcessingResult lodReceived(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, S32 lod, U8* data, S32 data_size);
    bool skinInfoReceived(const LLUUID& mesh_id, U8* data, S32 data_size);
    bool decompositionReceived(const LLUUID& mesh_id, U8* data, S32 data_size);
    EMeshProcessingResult physicsShapeReceived(const LLUUID& mesh_id, U8* data, S32 data_size);
    bool hasPhysicsShapeInHeader(const LLUUID& mesh_id);
    bool hasSkinInfoInHeader(const LLUUID& mesh_id);
    bool hasHeader(const LLUUID& mesh_id);

    void notifyLoadedMeshes();
    S32 getActualMeshLOD(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, S32 lod);

    void loadMeshSkinInfo(const LLUUID& mesh_id);
    void loadMeshDecomposition(const LLUUID& mesh_id);
    void loadMeshPhysicsShape(const LLUUID& mesh_id);

    //send request for skin info, returns true if header info exists
    //  (should hold onto mesh_id and try again later if header info does not exist)
    bool fetchMeshSkinInfo(const LLUUID& mesh_id, bool can_retry = true);

    //send request for decomposition, returns true if header info exists
    //  (should hold onto mesh_id and try again later if header info does not exist)
    bool fetchMeshDecomposition(const LLUUID& mesh_id);

    //send request for PhysicsShape, returns true if header info exists
    //  (should hold onto mesh_id and try again later if header info does not exist)
    bool fetchMeshPhysicsShape(const LLUUID& mesh_id);

    static void incActiveLODRequests();
    static void decActiveLODRequests();
    static void incActiveHeaderRequests();
    static void decActiveHeaderRequests();

    // Set the caps strings and preferred version for constructing
    // mesh fetch URLs.
    // Mutex:  must be holding mMutex when called
    void setGetMeshCap(const std::string & get_mesh);

    // Mutex:  acquires mMutex
    void constructUrl(LLUUID mesh_id, std::string * url);

    // Issue a GET request to a URL with 'Range' header using
    // the correct policy class and other attributes.  If an invalid
    // handle is returned, the request failed and caller must retry
    // or dispose of handler.
    // Threads:  Repo thread only
    LLCore::HttpHandle getByteRange(const std::string & url,
                                    size_t offset, size_t len,
                                    const LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t &handler);

// Class whose instances represent a single upload-type request for
// meshes:  one fee query or one actual upload attempt.  Yes, it creates
// a unique thread for that single request.  As it is 1:1, it can also
// trivially serve as the HttpHandler object for request completion
// notifications.

class LLMeshUploadThread : public LLThread, public LLCore::HttpHandler
    S32 mMeshUploadTimeOut ; //maximum time in seconds to execute an uploading request.

    class DecompRequest : public LLPhysicsDecomp::Request
        LLPointer<LLModel> mModel;
        LLPointer<LLModel> mBaseModel;

        LLMeshUploadThread* mThread;

        DecompRequest(LLModel* mdl, LLModel* base_model, LLMeshUploadThread* thread);

        S32 statusCallback(const char* status, S32 p1, S32 p2) { return 1; }
        void completed();

    LLPointer<DecompRequest> mFinalDecomp;
    volatile bool   mPhysicsComplete;

    typedef std::map<LLPointer<LLModel>, std::vector<LLVector3> > hull_map;
    hull_map        mHullMap;

    typedef std::vector<LLModelInstance> instance_list;
    instance_list   mInstanceList;

    typedef std::map<LLPointer<LLModel>, instance_list> instance_map;
    instance_map    mInstance;

    LLMutex*        mMutex;
    S32             mPendingUploads;
    LLVector3       mOrigin;
    bool            mFinished;
    bool            mUploadTextures;
    bool            mUploadSkin;
    bool            mUploadJoints;
    bool            mLockScaleIfJointPosition;
    volatile bool   mDiscarded;

    LLHost          mHost;
    std::string     mWholeModelFeeCapability;
    std::string     mWholeModelUploadURL;

    LLMeshUploadThread(instance_list& data, LLVector3& scale, bool upload_textures,
                       bool upload_skin, bool upload_joints, bool lock_scale_if_joint_position,
                       const std::string & upload_url, bool do_upload = true,
                       LLHandle<LLWholeModelFeeObserver> fee_observer = (LLHandle<LLWholeModelFeeObserver>()),
                       LLHandle<LLWholeModelUploadObserver> upload_observer = (LLHandle<LLWholeModelUploadObserver>()));

    bool finished() const { return mFinished; }
    virtual void run();
    void preStart();
    void discard() ;
    bool isDiscarded() const;

    void generateHulls();

    void doWholeModelUpload();
    void requestWholeModelFee();

    void wholeModelToLLSD(LLSD& dest, bool include_textures);

    void decomposeMeshMatrix(LLMatrix4& transformation,
                             LLVector3& result_pos,
                             LLQuaternion& result_rot,
                             LLVector3& result_scale);

    void setFeeObserverHandle(LLHandle<LLWholeModelFeeObserver> observer_handle) { mFeeObserverHandle = observer_handle; }
    void setUploadObserverHandle(LLHandle<LLWholeModelUploadObserver> observer_handle) { mUploadObserverHandle = observer_handle; }

    // Inherited from LLCore::HttpHandler
    virtual void onCompleted(LLCore::HttpHandle handle, LLCore::HttpResponse * response);

    static LLViewerFetchedTexture* FindViewerTexture(const LLImportMaterial& material);

    LLHandle<LLWholeModelFeeObserver> mFeeObserverHandle;
    LLHandle<LLWholeModelUploadObserver> mUploadObserverHandle;

    bool mDoUpload; // if false only model data will be requested, otherwise the model will be uploaded
    LLSD mModelData;

    // llcorehttp library interface objects.
    LLCore::HttpStatus                  mHttpStatus;
    LLCore::HttpRequest *               mHttpRequest;
    LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t          mHttpOptions;
    LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t          mHttpHeaders;
    LLCore::HttpRequest::policy_t       mHttpPolicyClass;

// Params related to streaming cost, render cost, and scene complexity tracking.
class LLMeshCostData

    bool init(const LLMeshHeader& header);

    // Size for given LOD
    S32 getSizeByLOD(S32 lod);

    // Sum of all LOD sizes.
    S32 getSizeTotal();

    // Estimated triangle counts for the given LOD.
    F32 getEstTrisByLOD(S32 lod);

    // Estimated triangle counts for the largest LOD. Typically this
    // is also the "high" LOD, but not necessarily.
    F32 getEstTrisMax();

    // Triangle count as computed by original streaming cost
    // formula. Triangles in each LOD are weighted based on how
    // frequently they will be seen.
    // This was called "unscaled_value" in the original getStreamingCost() functions.
    F32 getRadiusWeightedTris(F32 radius);

    // Triangle count used by triangle-based cost formula. Based on
    // triangles in highest LOD plus potentially partial charges for
    // lower LODs depending on complexity.
    F32 getEstTrisForStreamingCost();

    // Streaming cost. This should match the server-side calculation
    // for the corresponding volume.
    F32 getRadiusBasedStreamingCost(F32 radius);

    // New streaming cost formula, currently only used for animated objects.
    F32 getTriangleBasedStreamingCost();

    // From the "size" field of the mesh header. LOD 0=lowest, 3=highest.
    std::array<S32,4> mSizeByLOD;

    // Estimated triangle counts derived from the LOD sizes. LOD 0=lowest, 3=highest.
    std::array<F32,4> mEstTrisByLOD;

class LLMeshRepository

    static U32 sBytesReceived;
    static U32 sMeshRequestCount;               // Total request count, http or cached, all component types
    static U32 sHTTPRequestCount;               // Http GETs issued (not large)
    static U32 sHTTPLargeRequestCount;          // Http GETs issued for large requests
    static U32 sHTTPRetryCount;                 // Total request retries whether successful or failed
    static U32 sHTTPErrorCount;                 // Requests ending in error
    static U32 sLODPending;
    static U32 sLODProcessing;
    static U32 sCacheBytesRead;
    static U32 sCacheBytesWritten;
    static U32 sCacheBytesHeaders;
    static U32 sCacheBytesSkins;
    static U32 sCacheBytesDecomps;
    static U32 sCacheReads;
    static U32 sCacheWrites;
    static U32 sMaxLockHoldoffs;                // Maximum sequential locking failures

    static LLDeadmanTimer sQuiescentTimer;      // Time-to-complete-mesh-downloads after significant events

    // Estimated triangle count of the largest LOD
    F32 getEstTrianglesMax(LLUUID mesh_id);
    F32 getEstTrianglesStreamingCost(LLUUID mesh_id);
    F32 getStreamingCostLegacy(LLUUID mesh_id, F32 radius, S32* bytes = NULL, S32* visible_bytes = NULL, S32 detail = -1, F32 *unscaled_value = NULL);
    static F32 getStreamingCostLegacy(LLMeshHeader& header, F32 radius, S32* bytes = NULL, S32* visible_bytes = NULL, S32 detail = -1, F32 *unscaled_value = NULL);
    bool getCostData(LLUUID mesh_id, LLMeshCostData& data);
    bool getCostData(LLMeshHeader& header, LLMeshCostData& data);


    void init();
    void shutdown();
    S32 update();

    void unregisterMesh(LLVOVolume* volume);
    //mesh management functions
    S32 loadMesh(LLVOVolume* volume, const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, S32 detail = 0, S32 last_lod = -1);

    void notifyLoadedMeshes();
    void notifyMeshLoaded(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, LLVolume* volume);
    void notifyMeshUnavailable(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, S32 lod);
    void notifySkinInfoReceived(LLMeshSkinInfo* info);
    void notifySkinInfoUnavailable(const LLUUID& info);
    void notifyDecompositionReceived(LLModel::Decomposition* info);

    S32 getActualMeshLOD(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, S32 lod);
    static S32 getActualMeshLOD(LLMeshHeader& header, S32 lod);
    const LLMeshSkinInfo* getSkinInfo(const LLUUID& mesh_id, LLVOVolume* requesting_obj = nullptr);
    LLModel::Decomposition* getDecomposition(const LLUUID& mesh_id);
    void fetchPhysicsShape(const LLUUID& mesh_id);
    bool hasPhysicsShape(const LLUUID& mesh_id);
    bool hasSkinInfo(const LLUUID& mesh_id);
    bool hasHeader(const LLUUID& mesh_id);

    void buildHull(const LLVolumeParams& params, S32 detail);
    void buildPhysicsMesh(LLModel::Decomposition& decomp);

    bool meshUploadEnabled();
    bool meshRezEnabled();

    void uploadModel(std::vector<LLModelInstance>& data, LLVector3& scale, bool upload_textures,
                     bool upload_skin, bool upload_joints, bool lock_scale_if_joint_position,
                     std::string upload_url, bool do_upload = true,
                     LLHandle<LLWholeModelFeeObserver> fee_observer= (LLHandle<LLWholeModelFeeObserver>()),
                     LLHandle<LLWholeModelUploadObserver> upload_observer = (LLHandle<LLWholeModelUploadObserver>()));

    S32 getMeshSize(const LLUUID& mesh_id, S32 lod);

    // Quiescent timer management, main thread only.
    static void metricsStart();
    static void metricsStop();
    static void metricsProgress(unsigned int count);
    static void metricsUpdate();

    typedef boost::unordered_map<LLUUID, std::vector<LLVOVolume*> > mesh_load_map;
    mesh_load_map mLoadingMeshes[4];

    typedef std::unordered_map<LLUUID, LLPointer<LLMeshSkinInfo>> skin_map;
    skin_map mSkinMap;

    typedef std::map<LLUUID, LLModel::Decomposition*> decomposition_map;
    decomposition_map mDecompositionMap;

    LLMutex*                    mMeshMutex;

    std::vector<LLMeshRepoThread::LODRequest> mPendingRequests;

    //list of mesh ids awaiting skin info
    typedef boost::unordered_map<LLUUID, std::vector<LLVOVolume*> > skin_load_map;
    skin_load_map mLoadingSkins;

    //list of mesh ids that need to send skin info fetch requests
    std::queue<LLUUID> mPendingSkinRequests;

    //list of mesh ids awaiting decompositions
    std::unordered_set<LLUUID> mLoadingDecompositions;

    //list of mesh ids that need to send decomposition fetch requests
    std::queue<LLUUID> mPendingDecompositionRequests;

    //list of mesh ids awaiting physics shapes
    std::unordered_set<LLUUID> mLoadingPhysicsShapes;

    //list of mesh ids that need to send physics shape fetch requests
    std::queue<LLUUID> mPendingPhysicsShapeRequests;

    U32 mMeshThreadCount;

    LLMeshRepoThread* mThread;
    std::vector<LLMeshUploadThread*> mUploads;
    std::vector<LLMeshUploadThread*> mUploadWaitList;

    LLPhysicsDecomp* mDecompThread;

    LLFrameTimer     mSkinInfoCullTimer;

    class inventory_data
        LLSD mPostData;
        LLSD mResponse;

        inventory_data(const LLSD& data, const LLSD& content)
            : mPostData(data), mResponse(content)

    std::queue<inventory_data> mInventoryQ;

    std::queue<LLSD> mUploadErrorQ;

    void uploadError(LLSD& args);
    void updateInventory(inventory_data data);

extern LLMeshRepository gMeshRepo;

