/** * @file llmeshrepository.cpp * @brief Mesh repository implementation. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2005&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "apr_pools.h" #include "apr_dso.h" #include "llmeshrepository.h" #include "llagent.h" #include "llappviewer.h" #include "llbufferstream.h" #include "llcurl.h" #include "llfasttimer.h" #include "llfloatermodelpreview.h" #include "llfloaterperms.h" #include "lleconomy.h" #include "llimagej2c.h" #include "llhost.h" #include "llnotificationsutil.h" #include "llsd.h" #include "llsdutil_math.h" #include "llsdserialize.h" #include "llthread.h" #include "llvfile.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llviewermenufile.h" #include "llviewerobjectlist.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" #include "llviewertexturelist.h" #include "llvolume.h" #include "llvolumemgr.h" #include "llvovolume.h" #include "llworld.h" #include "material_codes.h" #include "pipeline.h" #ifndef LL_WINDOWS #include "netdb.h" #endif #include LLFastTimer::DeclareTimer FTM_MESH_UPDATE("Mesh Update"); LLFastTimer::DeclareTimer FTM_LOAD_MESH("Load Mesh"); LLMeshRepository gMeshRepo; const U32 MAX_MESH_REQUESTS_PER_SECOND = 100; U32 LLMeshRepository::sBytesReceived = 0; U32 LLMeshRepository::sHTTPRequestCount = 0; U32 LLMeshRepository::sHTTPRetryCount = 0; U32 LLMeshRepository::sCacheBytesRead = 0; U32 LLMeshRepository::sCacheBytesWritten = 0; U32 LLMeshRepository::sPeakKbps = 0; const U32 MAX_TEXTURE_UPLOAD_RETRIES = 5; std::string header_lod[] = { "lowest_lod", "low_lod", "medium_lod", "high_lod" }; //get the number of bytes resident in memory for given volume U32 get_volume_memory_size(const LLVolume* volume) { U32 indices = 0; U32 vertices = 0; for (U32 i = 0; i < volume->getNumVolumeFaces(); ++i) { const LLVolumeFace& face = volume->getVolumeFace(i); indices += face.mNumIndices; vertices += face.mNumVertices; } return indices*2+vertices*11+sizeof(LLVolume)+sizeof(LLVolumeFace)*volume->getNumVolumeFaces(); } LLVertexBuffer* get_vertex_buffer_from_mesh(LLCDMeshData& mesh, F32 scale = 1.f) { LLVertexBuffer* buff = new LLVertexBuffer(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX | LLVertexBuffer::MAP_NORMAL, 0); buff->allocateBuffer(mesh.mNumTriangles*3, 0, true); LLStrider pos; LLStrider norm; buff->getVertexStrider(pos); buff->getNormalStrider(norm); const F32* v = mesh.mVertexBase; if (mesh.mIndexType == LLCDMeshData::INT_16) { U16* idx = (U16*) mesh.mIndexBase; for (S32 j = 0; j < mesh.mNumTriangles; ++j) { F32* mp0 = (F32*) ((U8*)v+idx[0]*mesh.mVertexStrideBytes); F32* mp1 = (F32*) ((U8*)v+idx[1]*mesh.mVertexStrideBytes); F32* mp2 = (F32*) ((U8*)v+idx[2]*mesh.mVertexStrideBytes); idx = (U16*) (((U8*)idx)+mesh.mIndexStrideBytes); LLVector3 v0(mp0); LLVector3 v1(mp1); LLVector3 v2(mp2); LLVector3 n = (v1-v0)%(v2-v0); n.normalize(); *pos++ = v0*scale; *pos++ = v1*scale; *pos++ = v2*scale; *norm++ = n; *norm++ = n; *norm++ = n; } } else { U32* idx = (U32*) mesh.mIndexBase; for (S32 j = 0; j < mesh.mNumTriangles; ++j) { F32* mp0 = (F32*) ((U8*)v+idx[0]*mesh.mVertexStrideBytes); F32* mp1 = (F32*) ((U8*)v+idx[1]*mesh.mVertexStrideBytes); F32* mp2 = (F32*) ((U8*)v+idx[2]*mesh.mVertexStrideBytes); idx = (U32*) (((U8*)idx)+mesh.mIndexStrideBytes); LLVector3 v0(mp0); LLVector3 v1(mp1); LLVector3 v2(mp2); LLVector3 n = (v1-v0)%(v2-v0); n.normalize(); *(pos++) = v0*scale; *(pos++) = v1*scale; *(pos++) = v2*scale; *(norm++) = n; *(norm++) = n; *(norm++) = n; } } return buff; } S32 LLMeshRepoThread::sActiveHeaderRequests = 0; S32 LLMeshRepoThread::sActiveLODRequests = 0; U32 LLMeshRepoThread::sMaxConcurrentRequests = 1; class LLTextureCostResponder : public LLCurl::Responder { public: LLTextureUploadData mData; LLMeshUploadThread* mThread; LLTextureCostResponder(LLTextureUploadData data, LLMeshUploadThread* thread) : mData(data), mThread(thread) { } virtual void completed(U32 status, const std::string& reason, const LLSD& content) { mThread->mPendingConfirmations--; if (isGoodStatus(status)) { mThread->priceResult(mData, content); } else { llwarns << status << ": " << reason << llendl; if (mData.mRetries < MAX_TEXTURE_UPLOAD_RETRIES) { llwarns << "Retrying. (" << ++mData.mRetries << ")" << llendl; if (status == 499 || status == 500) { mThread->uploadTexture(mData); } else { llerrs << "Unhandled status " << status << llendl; } } else { llwarns << "Giving up after " << mData.mRetries << " retries." << llendl; } } } }; class LLTextureUploadResponder : public LLCurl::Responder { public: LLTextureUploadData mData; LLMeshUploadThread* mThread; LLTextureUploadResponder(LLTextureUploadData data, LLMeshUploadThread* thread) : mData(data), mThread(thread) { } virtual void completed(U32 status, const std::string& reason, const LLSD& content) { mThread->mPendingUploads--; if (isGoodStatus(status)) { mData.mUUID = content["new_asset"].asUUID(); gMeshRepo.updateInventory(LLMeshRepository::inventory_data(mData.mPostData, content)); mThread->onTextureUploaded(mData); } else { llwarns << status << ": " << reason << llendl; llwarns << "Retrying. (" << ++mData.mRetries << ")" << llendl; if (status == 404) { mThread->uploadTexture(mData); } else if (status == 499) { mThread->mConfirmedTextureQ.push(mData); } else { llerrs << "Unhandled status " << status << llendl; } } } }; class LLMeshCostResponder : public LLCurl::Responder { public: LLMeshUploadData mData; LLMeshUploadThread* mThread; LLMeshCostResponder(LLMeshUploadData data, LLMeshUploadThread* thread) : mData(data), mThread(thread) { } virtual void completed(U32 status, const std::string& reason, const LLSD& content) { mThread->mPendingConfirmations--; if (isGoodStatus(status)) { mThread->priceResult(mData, content); } else { llwarns << status << ": " << reason << llendl; llwarns << "Retrying. (" << ++mData.mRetries << ")" << llendl; if (status == 499) { mThread->uploadModel(mData); } else if (status == 400) { llwarns << "Status 400 received from server, giving up." << llendl; } else { llerrs << "Unhandled status " << status << llendl; } } } }; class LLMeshUploadResponder : public LLCurl::Responder { public: LLMeshUploadData mData; LLMeshUploadThread* mThread; LLMeshUploadResponder(LLMeshUploadData data, LLMeshUploadThread* thread) : mData(data), mThread(thread) { } virtual void completed(U32 status, const std::string& reason, const LLSD& content) { mThread->mPendingUploads--; if (isGoodStatus(status)) { mData.mUUID = content["new_asset"].asUUID(); if (mData.mUUID.isNull()) { LLSD args; std::string message = content["error"]["message"]; std::string identifier = content["error"]["identifier"]; std::string invalidity_identifier = content["error"]["invalidity_identifier"]; args["MESSAGE"] = message; args["IDENTIFIER"] = identifier; args["INVALIDITY_IDENTIFIER"] = invalidity_identifier; args["LABEL"] = mData.mBaseModel->mLabel; gMeshRepo.uploadError(args); } else { gMeshRepo.updateInventory(LLMeshRepository::inventory_data(mData.mPostData, content)); mThread->onModelUploaded(mData); } } else { llwarns << status << ": " << reason << llendl; llwarns << "Retrying. (" << ++mData.mRetries << ")" << llendl; if (status == 404) { mThread->uploadModel(mData); } else if (status == 499) { mThread->mConfirmedQ.push(mData); } else if (status != 500) { //drop internal server errors on the floor, otherwise grab llerrs << "Unhandled status " << status << llendl; } } } }; class LLMeshHeaderResponder : public LLCurl::Responder { public: LLVolumeParams mMeshParams; LLMeshHeaderResponder(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params) : mMeshParams(mesh_params) { } virtual void completedRaw(U32 status, const std::string& reason, const LLChannelDescriptors& channels, const LLIOPipe::buffer_ptr_t& buffer); }; class LLMeshLODResponder : public LLCurl::Responder { public: LLVolumeParams mMeshParams; S32 mLOD; U32 mRequestedBytes; U32 mOffset; LLMeshLODResponder(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, S32 lod, U32 offset, U32 requested_bytes) : mMeshParams(mesh_params), mLOD(lod), mOffset(offset), mRequestedBytes(requested_bytes) { } virtual void completedRaw(U32 status, const std::string& reason, const LLChannelDescriptors& channels, const LLIOPipe::buffer_ptr_t& buffer); }; class LLMeshSkinInfoResponder : public LLCurl::Responder { public: LLUUID mMeshID; U32 mRequestedBytes; U32 mOffset; LLMeshSkinInfoResponder(const LLUUID& id, U32 offset, U32 size) : mMeshID(id), mRequestedBytes(size), mOffset(offset) { } virtual void completedRaw(U32 status, const std::string& reason, const LLChannelDescriptors& channels, const LLIOPipe::buffer_ptr_t& buffer); }; class LLMeshDecompositionResponder : public LLCurl::Responder { public: LLUUID mMeshID; U32 mRequestedBytes; U32 mOffset; LLMeshDecompositionResponder(const LLUUID& id, U32 offset, U32 size) : mMeshID(id), mRequestedBytes(size), mOffset(offset) { } virtual void completedRaw(U32 status, const std::string& reason, const LLChannelDescriptors& channels, const LLIOPipe::buffer_ptr_t& buffer); }; class LLMeshPhysicsShapeResponder : public LLCurl::Responder { public: LLUUID mMeshID; U32 mRequestedBytes; U32 mOffset; LLMeshPhysicsShapeResponder(const LLUUID& id, U32 offset, U32 size) : mMeshID(id), mRequestedBytes(size), mOffset(offset) { } virtual void completedRaw(U32 status, const std::string& reason, const LLChannelDescriptors& channels, const LLIOPipe::buffer_ptr_t& buffer); }; LLMeshRepoThread::LLMeshRepoThread() : LLThread("mesh repo", NULL) { mWaiting = false; mMutex = new LLMutex(NULL); mHeaderMutex = new LLMutex(NULL); mSignal = new LLCondition(NULL); } LLMeshRepoThread::~LLMeshRepoThread() { } void LLMeshRepoThread::run() { mCurlRequest = new LLCurlRequest(); LLCDResult res = LLConvexDecomposition::initThread(); if (res != LLCD_OK) { llwarns << "convex decomposition unable to be loaded" << llendl; } while (!LLApp::isQuitting()) { mWaiting = true; mSignal->wait(); mWaiting = false; if (!LLApp::isQuitting()) { static U32 count = 0; static F32 last_hundred = gFrameTimeSeconds; if (gFrameTimeSeconds - last_hundred > 1.f) { //a second has gone by, clear count last_hundred = gFrameTimeSeconds; count = 0; } // NOTE: throttling intentionally favors LOD requests over header requests while (!mLODReqQ.empty() && count < MAX_MESH_REQUESTS_PER_SECOND && sActiveLODRequests < sMaxConcurrentRequests) { { mMutex->lock(); LODRequest req = mLODReqQ.front(); mLODReqQ.pop(); mMutex->unlock(); if (fetchMeshLOD(req.mMeshParams, req.mLOD)) { count++; } } } while (!mHeaderReqQ.empty() && count < MAX_MESH_REQUESTS_PER_SECOND && sActiveHeaderRequests < sMaxConcurrentRequests) { { mMutex->lock(); HeaderRequest req = mHeaderReqQ.front(); mHeaderReqQ.pop(); mMutex->unlock(); if (fetchMeshHeader(req.mMeshParams)) { count++; } } } { //mSkinRequests is protected by mSignal std::set incomplete; for (std::set::iterator iter = mSkinRequests.begin(); iter != mSkinRequests.end(); ++iter) { LLUUID mesh_id = *iter; if (!fetchMeshSkinInfo(mesh_id)) { incomplete.insert(mesh_id); } } mSkinRequests = incomplete; } { //mDecompositionRequests is protected by mSignal std::set incomplete; for (std::set::iterator iter = mDecompositionRequests.begin(); iter != mDecompositionRequests.end(); ++iter) { LLUUID mesh_id = *iter; if (!fetchMeshDecomposition(mesh_id)) { incomplete.insert(mesh_id); } } mDecompositionRequests = incomplete; } { //mPhysicsShapeRequests is protected by mSignal std::set incomplete; for (std::set::iterator iter = mPhysicsShapeRequests.begin(); iter != mPhysicsShapeRequests.end(); ++iter) { LLUUID mesh_id = *iter; if (!fetchMeshPhysicsShape(mesh_id)) { incomplete.insert(mesh_id); } } mPhysicsShapeRequests = incomplete; } mCurlRequest->process(); } } res = LLConvexDecomposition::quitThread(); if (res != LLCD_OK) { llwarns << "convex decomposition unable to be quit" << llendl; } delete mCurlRequest; delete mMutex; } void LLMeshRepoThread::loadMeshSkinInfo(const LLUUID& mesh_id) { //protected by mSignal, no locking needed here mSkinRequests.insert(mesh_id); } void LLMeshRepoThread::loadMeshDecomposition(const LLUUID& mesh_id) { //protected by mSignal, no locking needed here mDecompositionRequests.insert(mesh_id); } void LLMeshRepoThread::loadMeshPhysicsShape(const LLUUID& mesh_id) { //protected by mSignal, no locking needed here mPhysicsShapeRequests.insert(mesh_id); } void LLMeshRepoThread::loadMeshLOD(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, S32 lod) { //protected by mSignal, no locking needed here mesh_header_map::iterator iter = mMeshHeader.find(mesh_params.getSculptID()); if (iter != mMeshHeader.end()) { //if we have the header, request LOD byte range LODRequest req(mesh_params, lod); { LLMutexLock lock(mMutex); mLODReqQ.push(req); } } else { HeaderRequest req(mesh_params); pending_lod_map::iterator pending = mPendingLOD.find(mesh_params); if (pending != mPendingLOD.end()) { //append this lod request to existing header request pending->second.push_back(lod); if (pending->second.size() > 4) { llerrs << "WTF?" << llendl; } } else { //if no header request is pending, fetch header LLMutexLock lock(mMutex); mHeaderReqQ.push(req); mPendingLOD[mesh_params].push_back(lod); } } } //static std::string LLMeshRepoThread::constructUrl(LLUUID mesh_id) { std::string http_url; if (gAgent.getRegion()) { http_url = gMeshRepo.mGetMeshCapability; } if (!http_url.empty()) { http_url += "/?mesh_id="; http_url += mesh_id.asString().c_str(); } else { llwarns << "Current region does not have GetMesh capability! Cannot load " << mesh_id << ".mesh" << llendl; } return http_url; } bool LLMeshRepoThread::fetchMeshSkinInfo(const LLUUID& mesh_id) { //protected by mMutex mHeaderMutex->lock(); if (mMeshHeader.find(mesh_id) == mMeshHeader.end()) { //we have no header info for this mesh, do nothing mHeaderMutex->unlock(); return false; } U32 header_size = mMeshHeaderSize[mesh_id]; if (header_size > 0) { S32 offset = header_size + mMeshHeader[mesh_id]["skin"]["offset"].asInteger(); S32 size = mMeshHeader[mesh_id]["skin"]["size"].asInteger(); mHeaderMutex->unlock(); if (offset >= 0 && size > 0) { //check VFS for mesh skin info LLVFile file(gVFS, mesh_id, LLAssetType::AT_MESH); if (file.getSize() >= offset+size) { LLMeshRepository::sCacheBytesRead += size; file.seek(offset); U8* buffer = new U8[size]; file.read(buffer, size); //make sure buffer isn't all 0's (reserved block but not written) bool zero = true; for (S32 i = 0; i < llmin(size, 1024) && zero; ++i) { zero = buffer[i] > 0 ? false : true; } if (!zero) { //attempt to parse if (skinInfoReceived(mesh_id, buffer, size)) { delete[] buffer; return true; } } delete[] buffer; } //reading from VFS failed for whatever reason, fetch from sim std::vector headers; headers.push_back("Accept: application/octet-stream"); std::string http_url = constructUrl(mesh_id); if (!http_url.empty()) { ++sActiveLODRequests; LLMeshRepository::sHTTPRequestCount++; mCurlRequest->getByteRange(constructUrl(mesh_id), headers, offset, size, new LLMeshSkinInfoResponder(mesh_id, offset, size)); } } } else { mHeaderMutex->unlock(); } //early out was not hit, effectively fetched return true; } bool LLMeshRepoThread::fetchMeshDecomposition(const LLUUID& mesh_id) { //protected by mMutex mHeaderMutex->lock(); if (mMeshHeader.find(mesh_id) == mMeshHeader.end()) { //we have no header info for this mesh, do nothing mHeaderMutex->unlock(); return false; } U32 header_size = mMeshHeaderSize[mesh_id]; if (header_size > 0) { S32 offset = header_size + mMeshHeader[mesh_id]["decomposition"]["offset"].asInteger(); S32 size = mMeshHeader[mesh_id]["decomposition"]["size"].asInteger(); mHeaderMutex->unlock(); if (offset >= 0 && size > 0) { //check VFS for mesh skin info LLVFile file(gVFS, mesh_id, LLAssetType::AT_MESH); if (file.getSize() >= offset+size) { LLMeshRepository::sCacheBytesRead += size; file.seek(offset); U8* buffer = new U8[size]; file.read(buffer, size); //make sure buffer isn't all 0's (reserved block but not written) bool zero = true; for (S32 i = 0; i < llmin(size, 1024) && zero; ++i) { zero = buffer[i] > 0 ? false : true; } if (!zero) { //attempt to parse if (decompositionReceived(mesh_id, buffer, size)) { delete[] buffer; return true; } } delete[] buffer; } //reading from VFS failed for whatever reason, fetch from sim std::vector headers; headers.push_back("Accept: application/octet-stream"); std::string http_url = constructUrl(mesh_id); if (!http_url.empty()) { ++sActiveLODRequests; LLMeshRepository::sHTTPRequestCount++; mCurlRequest->getByteRange(http_url, headers, offset, size, new LLMeshDecompositionResponder(mesh_id, offset, size)); } } } else { mHeaderMutex->unlock(); } //early out was not hit, effectively fetched return true; } bool LLMeshRepoThread::fetchMeshPhysicsShape(const LLUUID& mesh_id) { //protected by mMutex mHeaderMutex->lock(); if (mMeshHeader.find(mesh_id) == mMeshHeader.end()) { //we have no header info for this mesh, do nothing mHeaderMutex->unlock(); return false; } U32 header_size = mMeshHeaderSize[mesh_id]; if (header_size > 0) { S32 offset = header_size + mMeshHeader[mesh_id]["physics_shape"]["offset"].asInteger(); S32 size = mMeshHeader[mesh_id]["physics_shape"]["size"].asInteger(); mHeaderMutex->unlock(); if (offset >= 0 && size > 0) { //check VFS for mesh physics shape info LLVFile file(gVFS, mesh_id, LLAssetType::AT_MESH); if (file.getSize() >= offset+size) { LLMeshRepository::sCacheBytesRead += size; file.seek(offset); U8* buffer = new U8[size]; file.read(buffer, size); //make sure buffer isn't all 0's (reserved block but not written) bool zero = true; for (S32 i = 0; i < llmin(size, 1024) && zero; ++i) { zero = buffer[i] > 0 ? false : true; } if (!zero) { //attempt to parse if (physicsShapeReceived(mesh_id, buffer, size)) { delete[] buffer; return true; } } delete[] buffer; } //reading from VFS failed for whatever reason, fetch from sim std::vector headers; headers.push_back("Accept: application/octet-stream"); std::string http_url = constructUrl(mesh_id); if (!http_url.empty()) { ++sActiveLODRequests; LLMeshRepository::sHTTPRequestCount++; mCurlRequest->getByteRange(http_url, headers, offset, size, new LLMeshPhysicsShapeResponder(mesh_id, offset, size)); } } else { //no physics shape whatsoever, report back NULL physicsShapeReceived(mesh_id, NULL, 0); } } else { mHeaderMutex->unlock(); } //early out was not hit, effectively fetched return true; } bool LLMeshRepoThread::fetchMeshHeader(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params) { bool retval = false; { //look for mesh in asset in vfs LLVFile file(gVFS, mesh_params.getSculptID(), LLAssetType::AT_MESH); S32 size = file.getSize(); if (size > 0) { U8 buffer[1024]; S32 bytes = llmin(size, 1024); LLMeshRepository::sCacheBytesRead += bytes; file.read(buffer, bytes); if (headerReceived(mesh_params, buffer, bytes)) { //did not do an HTTP request, return false return false; } } } //either cache entry doesn't exist or is corrupt, request header from simulator std::vector headers; headers.push_back("Accept: application/octet-stream"); std::string http_url = constructUrl(mesh_params.getSculptID()); if (!http_url.empty()) { ++sActiveHeaderRequests; retval = true; //grab first 4KB if we're going to bother with a fetch. Cache will prevent future fetches if a full mesh fits //within the first 4KB LLMeshRepository::sHTTPRequestCount++; mCurlRequest->getByteRange(http_url, headers, 0, 4096, new LLMeshHeaderResponder(mesh_params)); } return retval; } bool LLMeshRepoThread::fetchMeshLOD(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, S32 lod) { //protected by mMutex mHeaderMutex->lock(); bool retval = false; LLUUID mesh_id = mesh_params.getSculptID(); U32 header_size = mMeshHeaderSize[mesh_id]; if (header_size > 0) { S32 offset = header_size + mMeshHeader[mesh_id][header_lod[lod]]["offset"].asInteger(); S32 size = mMeshHeader[mesh_id][header_lod[lod]]["size"].asInteger(); mHeaderMutex->unlock(); if (offset >= 0 && size > 0) { //check VFS for mesh asset LLVFile file(gVFS, mesh_id, LLAssetType::AT_MESH); if (file.getSize() >= offset+size) { LLMeshRepository::sCacheBytesRead += size; file.seek(offset); U8* buffer = new U8[size]; file.read(buffer, size); //make sure buffer isn't all 0's (reserved block but not written) bool zero = true; for (S32 i = 0; i < llmin(size, 1024) && zero; ++i) { zero = buffer[i] > 0 ? false : true; } if (!zero) { //attempt to parse if (lodReceived(mesh_params, lod, buffer, size)) { delete[] buffer; return false; } } delete[] buffer; } //reading from VFS failed for whatever reason, fetch from sim std::vector headers; headers.push_back("Accept: application/octet-stream"); std::string http_url = constructUrl(mesh_id); if (!http_url.empty()) { ++sActiveLODRequests; retval = true; LLMeshRepository::sHTTPRequestCount++; mCurlRequest->getByteRange(constructUrl(mesh_id), headers, offset, size, new LLMeshLODResponder(mesh_params, lod, offset, size)); } else { mUnavailableQ.push(LODRequest(mesh_params, lod)); } } else { mUnavailableQ.push(LODRequest(mesh_params, lod)); } } else { mHeaderMutex->unlock(); } return retval; } bool LLMeshRepoThread::headerReceived(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, U8* data, S32 data_size) { LLSD header; U32 header_size = 0; if (data_size > 0) { std::string res_str((char*) data, data_size); std::string deprecated_header(""); if (res_str.substr(0, deprecated_header.size()) == deprecated_header) { res_str = res_str.substr(deprecated_header.size()+1, data_size); header_size = deprecated_header.size()+1; } data_size = res_str.size(); std::istringstream stream(res_str); if (!LLSDSerialize::fromBinary(header, stream, data_size)) { llwarns << "Mesh header parse error. Not a valid mesh asset!" << llendl; return false; } header_size += stream.tellg(); } else { llinfos << "Marking header as non-existent, will not retry." << llendl; header["404"] = 1; } { U32 cost = gMeshRepo.calcResourceCost(header); LLUUID mesh_id = mesh_params.getSculptID(); mHeaderMutex->lock(); mMeshHeaderSize[mesh_id] = header_size; mMeshHeader[mesh_id] = header; mMeshResourceCost[mesh_id] = cost; mHeaderMutex->unlock(); //check for pending requests pending_lod_map::iterator iter = mPendingLOD.find(mesh_params); if (iter != mPendingLOD.end()) { LLMutexLock lock(mMutex); for (U32 i = 0; i < iter->second.size(); ++i) { LODRequest req(mesh_params, iter->second[i]); mLODReqQ.push(req); } } mPendingLOD.erase(iter); } return true; } bool LLMeshRepoThread::lodReceived(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, S32 lod, U8* data, S32 data_size) { LLVolume* volume = new LLVolume(mesh_params, LLVolumeLODGroup::getVolumeScaleFromDetail(lod)); std::string mesh_string((char*) data, data_size); std::istringstream stream(mesh_string); if (volume->unpackVolumeFaces(stream, data_size)) { LoadedMesh mesh(volume, mesh_params, lod); if (volume->getNumFaces() > 0) { LLMutexLock lock(mMutex); mLoadedQ.push(mesh); return true; } } return false; } bool LLMeshRepoThread::skinInfoReceived(const LLUUID& mesh_id, U8* data, S32 data_size) { LLSD skin; if (data_size > 0) { std::string res_str((char*) data, data_size); std::istringstream stream(res_str); if (!unzip_llsd(skin, stream, data_size)) { llwarns << "Mesh skin info parse error. Not a valid mesh asset!" << llendl; return false; } } { LLMeshSkinInfo info; info.mMeshID = mesh_id; if (skin.has("joint_names")) { for (U32 i = 0; i < skin["joint_names"].size(); ++i) { info.mJointNames.push_back(skin["joint_names"][i]); } } if (skin.has("inverse_bind_matrix")) { for (U32 i = 0; i < skin["inverse_bind_matrix"].size(); ++i) { LLMatrix4 mat; for (U32 j = 0; j < 4; j++) { for (U32 k = 0; k < 4; k++) { mat.mMatrix[j][k] = skin["inverse_bind_matrix"][i][j*4+k].asReal(); } } info.mInvBindMatrix.push_back(mat); } } if (skin.has("bind_shape_matrix")) { for (U32 j = 0; j < 4; j++) { for (U32 k = 0; k < 4; k++) { info.mBindShapeMatrix.mMatrix[j][k] = skin["bind_shape_matrix"][j*4+k].asReal(); } } } if (skin.has("alt_inverse_bind_matrix")) { for (U32 i = 0; i < skin["alt_inverse_bind_matrix"].size(); ++i) { LLMatrix4 mat; for (U32 j = 0; j < 4; j++) { for (U32 k = 0; k < 4; k++) { mat.mMatrix[j][k] = skin["alt_inverse_bind_matrix"][i][j*4+k].asReal(); } } info.mAlternateBindMatrix.push_back(mat); } } mSkinInfoQ.push(info); } return true; } bool LLMeshRepoThread::decompositionReceived(const LLUUID& mesh_id, U8* data, S32 data_size) { LLSD decomp; if (data_size > 0) { std::string res_str((char*) data, data_size); std::istringstream stream(res_str); if (!unzip_llsd(decomp, stream, data_size)) { llwarns << "Mesh decomposition parse error. Not a valid mesh asset!" << llendl; return false; } } { LLMeshDecomposition* d = new LLMeshDecomposition(); d->mMeshID = mesh_id; if (decomp.has("HullList")) { // updated for const-correctness. gcc is picky about this type of thing - Nyx const LLSD::Binary& hulls = decomp["HullList"].asBinary(); const LLSD::Binary& position = decomp["Position"].asBinary(); U16* p = (U16*) &position[0]; d->mHull.resize(hulls.size()); LLVector3 min; LLVector3 max; LLVector3 range; min.setValue(decomp["Min"]); max.setValue(decomp["Max"]); range = max-min; for (U32 i = 0; i < hulls.size(); ++i) { U16 count = (hulls[i] == 0) ? 256 : hulls[i]; for (U32 j = 0; j < count; ++j) { d->mHull[i].push_back(LLVector3( (F32) p[0]/65535.f*range.mV[0]+min.mV[0], (F32) p[1]/65535.f*range.mV[1]+min.mV[1], (F32) p[2]/65535.f*range.mV[2]+min.mV[2])); p += 3; } } //get mesh for decomposition for (U32 i = 0; i < d->mHull.size(); ++i) { LLCDHull hull; hull.mNumVertices = d->mHull[i].size(); hull.mVertexBase = d->mHull[i][0].mV; hull.mVertexStrideBytes = 12; LLCDMeshData mesh; LLCDResult res = LLCD_OK; if (LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance() != NULL) { res = LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance()->getMeshFromHull(&hull, &mesh); } if (res != LLCD_OK) { llwarns << "could not get mesh from hull from convex decomposition lib." << llendl; return false; } d->mMesh.push_back(get_vertex_buffer_from_mesh(mesh)); } } if (decomp.has("Hull")) { const LLSD::Binary& position = decomp["Hull"].asBinary(); U16* p = (U16*) &position[0]; LLVector3 min; LLVector3 max; LLVector3 range; min.setValue(decomp["Min"]); max.setValue(decomp["Max"]); range = max-min; U16 count = position.size()/6; for (U32 j = 0; j < count; ++j) { d->mBaseHull.push_back(LLVector3( (F32) p[0]/65535.f*range.mV[0]+min.mV[0], (F32) p[1]/65535.f*range.mV[1]+min.mV[1], (F32) p[2]/65535.f*range.mV[2]+min.mV[2])); p += 3; } //get mesh for decomposition LLCDHull hull; hull.mNumVertices = d->mBaseHull.size(); hull.mVertexBase = d->mBaseHull[0].mV; hull.mVertexStrideBytes = 12; LLCDMeshData mesh; LLCDResult res = LLCD_OK; if (LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance() != NULL) { res = LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance()->getMeshFromHull(&hull, &mesh); } if (res != LLCD_OK) { llwarns << "could not get mesh from hull from convex decomposition lib." << llendl; return false; } d->mBaseHullMesh = get_vertex_buffer_from_mesh(mesh); } else { //empty vertex buffer to indicate decomposition has been fetched //but contains no base hull d->mBaseHullMesh = new LLVertexBuffer(0, 0); } mDecompositionQ.push(d); } return true; } bool LLMeshRepoThread::physicsShapeReceived(const LLUUID& mesh_id, U8* data, S32 data_size) { LLSD physics_shape; LLMeshDecomposition* d = new LLMeshDecomposition(); d->mMeshID = mesh_id; if (data == NULL) { //no data, no physics shape exists d->mPhysicsShapeMesh = new LLVertexBuffer(0,0); } else { LLVolumeParams volume_params; volume_params.setType(LL_PCODE_PROFILE_SQUARE, LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE); volume_params.setSculptID(mesh_id, LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MESH); LLPointer volume = new LLVolume(volume_params,0); std::string mesh_string((char*) data, data_size); std::istringstream stream(mesh_string); if (volume->unpackVolumeFaces(stream, data_size)) { //load volume faces into decomposition buffer S32 vertex_count = 0; S32 index_count = 0; for (S32 i = 0; i < volume->getNumVolumeFaces(); ++i) { const LLVolumeFace& face = volume->getVolumeFace(i); vertex_count += face.mNumVertices; index_count += face.mNumIndices; } d->mPhysicsShapeMesh = new LLVertexBuffer(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX, 0); d->mPhysicsShapeMesh->allocateBuffer(vertex_count, index_count, true); LLStrider pos; LLStrider idx; d->mPhysicsShapeMesh->getVertexStrider(pos); d->mPhysicsShapeMesh->getIndexStrider(idx); S32 idx_offset = 0; for (S32 i = 0; i < volume->getNumVolumeFaces(); ++i) { const LLVolumeFace& face = volume->getVolumeFace(i); if (idx_offset + face.mNumIndices > 65535) { //avoid 16-bit index overflow continue; } LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16(pos[idx_offset].mV, face.mPositions[0].getF32ptr(), face.mNumVertices*sizeof(LLVector4a)); for (S32 i = 0; i < face.mNumIndices; ++i) { *idx++ = face.mIndices[i] + idx_offset; } idx_offset += face.mNumVertices; } } } mDecompositionQ.push(d); return true; } LLMeshUploadThread::LLMeshUploadThread(LLMeshUploadThread::instance_list& data, LLVector3& scale, bool upload_textures, bool upload_skin, bool upload_joints) : LLThread("mesh upload") { mInstanceList = data; mUploadTextures = upload_textures; mUploadSkin = upload_skin; mUploadJoints = upload_joints; mMutex = new LLMutex(NULL); mCurlRequest = NULL; mPendingConfirmations = 0; mPendingUploads = 0; mPendingCost = 0; mFinished = false; mOrigin = gAgent.getPositionAgent(); mHost = gAgent.getRegionHost(); mUploadObjectAssetCapability = gAgent.getRegion()->getCapability("UploadObjectAsset"); mNewInventoryCapability = gAgent.getRegion()->getCapability("NewFileAgentInventoryVariablePrice"); mOrigin += gAgent.getAtAxis() * scale.magVec(); } LLMeshUploadThread::~LLMeshUploadThread() { } LLMeshUploadThread::DecompRequest::DecompRequest(LLModel* mdl, LLModel* base_model, LLMeshUploadThread* thread) { mStage = "single_hull"; mModel = mdl; mDecompID = &mdl->mDecompID; mBaseModel = base_model; mThread = thread; //copy out positions and indices if (mdl) { U16 index_offset = 0; mPositions.clear(); mIndices.clear(); //queue up vertex positions and indices for (S32 i = 0; i < mdl->getNumVolumeFaces(); ++i) { const LLVolumeFace& face = mdl->getVolumeFace(i); if (mPositions.size() + face.mNumVertices > 65535) { continue; } for (U32 j = 0; j < face.mNumVertices; ++j) { mPositions.push_back(LLVector3(face.mPositions[j].getF32ptr())); } for (U32 j = 0; j < face.mNumIndices; ++j) { mIndices.push_back(face.mIndices[j]+index_offset); } index_offset += face.mNumVertices; } } mThread->mFinalDecomp = this; mThread->mPhysicsComplete = false; } void LLMeshUploadThread::DecompRequest::completed() { if (mThread->mFinalDecomp == this) { mThread->mPhysicsComplete = true; } if (mHull.size() != 1) { llerrs << "WTF?" << llendl; } mThread->mHullMap[mBaseModel] = mHull[0]; } void LLMeshUploadThread::run() { mCurlRequest = new LLCurlRequest(); //build map of LLModel refs to instances for callbacks for (instance_list::iterator iter = mInstanceList.begin(); iter != mInstanceList.end(); ++iter) { mInstance[iter->mModel].push_back(*iter); } std::set > textures; //populate upload queue with relevant models for (instance_map::iterator iter = mInstance.begin(); iter != mInstance.end(); ++iter) { LLMeshUploadData data; data.mBaseModel = iter->first; LLModelInstance& instance = *(iter->second.begin()); for (S32 i = 0; i < 5; i++) { data.mModel[i] = instance.mLOD[i]; } uploadModel(data); if (mUploadTextures) { for (std::vector::iterator material_iter = instance.mMaterial.begin(); material_iter != instance.mMaterial.end(); ++material_iter) { if (textures.find(material_iter->mDiffuseMap) == textures.end()) { textures.insert(material_iter->mDiffuseMap); LLTextureUploadData data(material_iter->mDiffuseMap.get(), material_iter->mDiffuseMapLabel); uploadTexture(data); } } } //queue up models for hull generation LLModel* physics = NULL; if (data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS].notNull()) { physics = data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS]; } else if (data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_MEDIUM].notNull()) { physics = data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_MEDIUM]; } else { physics = data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_HIGH]; } if (!physics) { llerrs << "WTF?" << llendl; } DecompRequest* request = new DecompRequest(physics, data.mBaseModel, this); gMeshRepo.mDecompThread->submitRequest(request); } while (!mPhysicsComplete) { apr_sleep(100); } //upload textures bool done = false; do { if (!mTextureQ.empty()) { sendCostRequest(mTextureQ.front()); mTextureQ.pop(); } if (!mConfirmedTextureQ.empty()) { doUploadTexture(mConfirmedTextureQ.front()); mConfirmedTextureQ.pop(); } mCurlRequest->process(); done = mTextureQ.empty() && mConfirmedTextureQ.empty(); } while (!done || mCurlRequest->getQueued() > 0); LLSD object_asset; object_asset["objects"] = LLSD::emptyArray(); done = false; do { static S32 count = 0; static F32 last_hundred = gFrameTimeSeconds; if (gFrameTimeSeconds - last_hundred > 1.f) { last_hundred = gFrameTimeSeconds; count = 0; } //how many requests to push before calling process const S32 PUSH_PER_PROCESS = 32; S32 tcount = llmin(count+PUSH_PER_PROCESS, 100); while (!mUploadQ.empty() && count < tcount) { //send any pending upload requests mMutex->lock(); LLMeshUploadData data = mUploadQ.front(); mUploadQ.pop(); mMutex->unlock(); sendCostRequest(data); count++; } tcount = llmin(count+PUSH_PER_PROCESS, 100); while (!mConfirmedQ.empty() && count < tcount) { //process any meshes that have been confirmed for upload LLMeshUploadData& data = mConfirmedQ.front(); doUploadModel(data); mConfirmedQ.pop(); count++; } tcount = llmin(count+PUSH_PER_PROCESS, 100); while (!mInstanceQ.empty() && count < tcount) { //create any objects waiting for upload count++; object_asset["objects"].append(createObject(mInstanceQ.front())); mInstanceQ.pop(); } mCurlRequest->process(); done = mInstanceQ.empty() && mConfirmedQ.empty() && mUploadQ.empty(); } while (!done || mCurlRequest->getQueued() > 0); delete mCurlRequest; mCurlRequest = NULL; // now upload the object asset std::string url = mUploadObjectAssetCapability; if (object_asset["objects"][0].has("permissions")) { //copy permissions from first available object to be used for coalesced object object_asset["permissions"] = object_asset["objects"][0]["permissions"]; } LLHTTPClient::post(url, object_asset, new LLHTTPClient::Responder()); mFinished = true; } void LLMeshUploadThread::uploadModel(LLMeshUploadData& data) { //called from arbitrary thread { LLMutexLock lock(mMutex); mUploadQ.push(data); } } void LLMeshUploadThread::uploadTexture(LLTextureUploadData& data) { //called from mesh upload thread mTextureQ.push(data); } static LLFastTimer::DeclareTimer FTM_NOTIFY_MESH_LOADED("Notify Loaded"); static LLFastTimer::DeclareTimer FTM_NOTIFY_MESH_UNAVAILABLE("Notify Unavailable"); void LLMeshRepoThread::notifyLoadedMeshes() { while (!mLoadedQ.empty()) { mMutex->lock(); LoadedMesh mesh = mLoadedQ.front(); mLoadedQ.pop(); mMutex->unlock(); if (mesh.mVolume && mesh.mVolume->getNumVolumeFaces() > 0) { gMeshRepo.notifyMeshLoaded(mesh.mMeshParams, mesh.mVolume); } else { gMeshRepo.notifyMeshUnavailable(mesh.mMeshParams, LLVolumeLODGroup::getVolumeDetailFromScale(mesh.mVolume->getDetail())); } } while (!mUnavailableQ.empty()) { mMutex->lock(); LODRequest req = mUnavailableQ.front(); mUnavailableQ.pop(); mMutex->unlock(); gMeshRepo.notifyMeshUnavailable(req.mMeshParams, req.mLOD); } while (!mSkinInfoQ.empty()) { gMeshRepo.notifySkinInfoReceived(mSkinInfoQ.front()); mSkinInfoQ.pop(); } while (!mDecompositionQ.empty()) { gMeshRepo.notifyDecompositionReceived(mDecompositionQ.front()); mDecompositionQ.pop(); } } S32 LLMeshRepoThread::getActualMeshLOD(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, S32 lod) { //only ever called from main thread lod = llclamp(lod, 0, 3); LLMutexLock lock(mHeaderMutex); mesh_header_map::iterator iter = mMeshHeader.find(mesh_params.getSculptID()); if (iter != mMeshHeader.end()) { LLSD& header = iter->second; if (header.has("404")) { return -1; } if (header[header_lod[lod]]["size"].asInteger() > 0) { return lod; } //search down to find the next available lower lod for (S32 i = lod-1; i >= 0; --i) { if (header[header_lod[i]]["size"].asInteger() > 0) { return i; } } //search up to find then ext available higher lod for (S32 i = lod+1; i < 4; ++i) { if (header[header_lod[i]]["size"].asInteger() > 0) { return i; } } //header exists and no good lod found, treat as 404 header["404"] = 1; return -1; } return lod; } U32 LLMeshRepoThread::getResourceCost(const LLUUID& mesh_id) { LLMutexLock lock(mHeaderMutex); std::map::iterator iter = mMeshResourceCost.find(mesh_id); if (iter != mMeshResourceCost.end()) { return iter->second; } return 0; } void LLMeshRepository::cacheOutgoingMesh(LLMeshUploadData& data, LLSD& header) { mThread->mMeshHeader[data.mUUID] = header; // we cache the mesh for default parameters LLVolumeParams volume_params; volume_params.setType(LL_PCODE_PROFILE_SQUARE, LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE); volume_params.setSculptID(data.mUUID, LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MESH); for (U32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (data.mModel[i].notNull()) { LLPointer volume = new LLVolume(volume_params, LLVolumeLODGroup::getVolumeScaleFromDetail(i)); volume->copyVolumeFaces(data.mModel[i]); } } } void LLMeshLODResponder::completedRaw(U32 status, const std::string& reason, const LLChannelDescriptors& channels, const LLIOPipe::buffer_ptr_t& buffer) { LLMeshRepoThread::sActiveLODRequests--; S32 data_size = buffer->countAfter(channels.in(), NULL); if (status < 200 || status > 400) { llwarns << status << ": " << reason << llendl; } if (data_size < mRequestedBytes) { if (status == 499 || status == 503) { //timeout or service unavailable, try again LLMeshRepository::sHTTPRetryCount++; gMeshRepo.mThread->loadMeshLOD(mMeshParams, mLOD); } else { llwarns << "Unhandled status " << status << llendl; } return; } LLMeshRepository::sBytesReceived += mRequestedBytes; U8* data = NULL; if (data_size > 0) { data = new U8[data_size]; buffer->readAfter(channels.in(), NULL, data, data_size); } if (gMeshRepo.mThread->lodReceived(mMeshParams, mLOD, data, data_size)) { //good fetch from sim, write to VFS for caching LLVFile file(gVFS, mMeshParams.getSculptID(), LLAssetType::AT_MESH, LLVFile::WRITE); S32 offset = mOffset; S32 size = mRequestedBytes; if (file.getSize() >= offset+size) { file.seek(offset); file.write(data, size); LLMeshRepository::sCacheBytesWritten += size; } } delete [] data; } void LLMeshSkinInfoResponder::completedRaw(U32 status, const std::string& reason, const LLChannelDescriptors& channels, const LLIOPipe::buffer_ptr_t& buffer) { S32 data_size = buffer->countAfter(channels.in(), NULL); if (status < 200 || status > 400) { llwarns << status << ": " << reason << llendl; } if (data_size < mRequestedBytes) { if (status == 499 || status == 503) { //timeout or service unavailable, try again LLMeshRepository::sHTTPRetryCount++; gMeshRepo.mThread->loadMeshSkinInfo(mMeshID); } else { llwarns << "Unhandled status " << status << llendl; } return; } LLMeshRepository::sBytesReceived += mRequestedBytes; U8* data = NULL; if (data_size > 0) { data = new U8[data_size]; buffer->readAfter(channels.in(), NULL, data, data_size); } if (gMeshRepo.mThread->skinInfoReceived(mMeshID, data, data_size)) { //good fetch from sim, write to VFS for caching LLVFile file(gVFS, mMeshID, LLAssetType::AT_MESH, LLVFile::WRITE); S32 offset = mOffset; S32 size = mRequestedBytes; if (file.getSize() >= offset+size) { LLMeshRepository::sCacheBytesWritten += size; file.seek(offset); file.write(data, size); } } delete [] data; } void LLMeshDecompositionResponder::completedRaw(U32 status, const std::string& reason, const LLChannelDescriptors& channels, const LLIOPipe::buffer_ptr_t& buffer) { S32 data_size = buffer->countAfter(channels.in(), NULL); if (status < 200 || status > 400) { llwarns << status << ": " << reason << llendl; } if (data_size < mRequestedBytes) { if (status == 499 || status == 503) { //timeout or service unavailable, try again LLMeshRepository::sHTTPRetryCount++; gMeshRepo.mThread->loadMeshDecomposition(mMeshID); } else { llwarns << "Unhandled status " << status << llendl; } return; } LLMeshRepository::sBytesReceived += mRequestedBytes; U8* data = NULL; if (data_size > 0) { data = new U8[data_size]; buffer->readAfter(channels.in(), NULL, data, data_size); } if (gMeshRepo.mThread->decompositionReceived(mMeshID, data, data_size)) { //good fetch from sim, write to VFS for caching LLVFile file(gVFS, mMeshID, LLAssetType::AT_MESH, LLVFile::WRITE); S32 offset = mOffset; S32 size = mRequestedBytes; if (file.getSize() >= offset+size) { LLMeshRepository::sCacheBytesWritten += size; file.seek(offset); file.write(data, size); } } delete [] data; } void LLMeshPhysicsShapeResponder::completedRaw(U32 status, const std::string& reason, const LLChannelDescriptors& channels, const LLIOPipe::buffer_ptr_t& buffer) { S32 data_size = buffer->countAfter(channels.in(), NULL); if (status < 200 || status > 400) { llwarns << status << ": " << reason << llendl; } if (data_size < mRequestedBytes) { if (status == 499 || status == 503) { //timeout or service unavailable, try again LLMeshRepository::sHTTPRetryCount++; gMeshRepo.mThread->loadMeshPhysicsShape(mMeshID); } else { llwarns << "Unhandled status " << status << llendl; } return; } LLMeshRepository::sBytesReceived += mRequestedBytes; U8* data = NULL; if (data_size > 0) { data = new U8[data_size]; buffer->readAfter(channels.in(), NULL, data, data_size); } if (gMeshRepo.mThread->physicsShapeReceived(mMeshID, data, data_size)) { //good fetch from sim, write to VFS for caching LLVFile file(gVFS, mMeshID, LLAssetType::AT_MESH, LLVFile::WRITE); S32 offset = mOffset; S32 size = mRequestedBytes; if (file.getSize() >= offset+size) { LLMeshRepository::sCacheBytesWritten += size; file.seek(offset); file.write(data, size); } } delete [] data; } void LLMeshHeaderResponder::completedRaw(U32 status, const std::string& reason, const LLChannelDescriptors& channels, const LLIOPipe::buffer_ptr_t& buffer) { LLMeshRepoThread::sActiveHeaderRequests--; if (status < 200 || status > 400) { //llwarns // << "Header responder failed with status: " // << status << ": " << reason << llendl; // 503 (service unavailable) or 499 (timeout) // can be due to server load and can be retried // TODO*: Add maximum retry logic, exponential backoff // and (somewhat more optional than the others) retries // again after some set period of time if (status == 503 || status == 499) { //retry LLMeshRepository::sHTTPRetryCount++; LLMeshRepoThread::HeaderRequest req(mMeshParams); LLMutexLock lock(gMeshRepo.mThread->mMutex); gMeshRepo.mThread->mHeaderReqQ.push(req); return; } } S32 data_size = buffer->countAfter(channels.in(), NULL); U8* data = NULL; if (data_size > 0) { data = new U8[data_size]; buffer->readAfter(channels.in(), NULL, data, data_size); } LLMeshRepository::sBytesReceived += llmin(data_size, 4096); if (!gMeshRepo.mThread->headerReceived(mMeshParams, data, data_size)) { llwarns << "Unable to parse mesh header: " << status << ": " << reason << llendl; } else if (data && data_size > 0) { //header was successfully retrieved from sim, cache in vfs LLUUID mesh_id = mMeshParams.getSculptID(); LLSD header = gMeshRepo.mThread->mMeshHeader[mesh_id]; std::stringstream str; S32 lod_bytes = 0; for (U32 i = 0; i < LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS; ++i) { //figure out how many bytes we'll need to reserve in the file std::string lod_name = header_lod[i]; lod_bytes = llmax(lod_bytes, header[lod_name]["offset"].asInteger()+header[lod_name]["size"].asInteger()); } //just in case skin info or decomposition is at the end of the file (which it shouldn't be) lod_bytes = llmax(lod_bytes, header["skin"]["offset"].asInteger() + header["skin"]["size"].asInteger()); lod_bytes = llmax(lod_bytes, header["decomposition"]["offset"].asInteger() + header["decomposition"]["size"].asInteger()); S32 header_bytes = (S32) gMeshRepo.mThread->mMeshHeaderSize[mesh_id]; S32 bytes = lod_bytes + header_bytes; //it's possible for the remote asset to have more data than is needed for the local cache //only allocate as much space in the VFS as is needed for the local cache data_size = llmin(data_size, bytes); LLVFile file(gVFS, mesh_id, LLAssetType::AT_MESH, LLVFile::WRITE); if (file.getMaxSize() >= bytes || file.setMaxSize(bytes)) { LLMeshRepository::sCacheBytesWritten += data_size; file.write((const U8*) data, data_size); //zero out the rest of the file U8 block[4096]; memset(block, 0, 4096); while (bytes-file.tell() > 4096) { file.write(block, 4096); } S32 remaining = bytes-file.tell(); if (remaining < 0 || remaining > 4096) { llerrs << "Bad padding of mesh asset cache entry." << llendl; } if (remaining > 0) { file.write(block, remaining); } } } delete [] data; } LLMeshRepository::LLMeshRepository() : mMeshMutex(NULL), mMeshThreadCount(0), mThread(NULL) { } void LLMeshRepository::init() { mMeshMutex = new LLMutex(NULL); LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance()->initSystem(); mDecompThread = new LLPhysicsDecomp(); mDecompThread->start(); while (!mDecompThread->mInited) { //wait for physics decomp thread to init apr_sleep(100); } mThread = new LLMeshRepoThread(); mThread->start(); } void LLMeshRepository::shutdown() { mThread->mSignal->signal(); delete mThread; mThread = NULL; for (U32 i = 0; i < mUploads.size(); ++i) { delete mUploads[i]; } mUploads.clear(); delete mMeshMutex; mMeshMutex = NULL; if (mDecompThread) { mDecompThread->shutdown(); delete mDecompThread; mDecompThread = NULL; } LLConvexDecomposition::quitSystem(); } //called in the main thread. S32 LLMeshRepository::update() { if(mUploadWaitList.empty()) { return 0 ; } S32 size = mUploadWaitList.size() ; for (S32 i = 0; i < size; ++i) { mUploads.push_back(mUploadWaitList[i]); mUploadWaitList[i]->start() ; } mUploadWaitList.clear() ; return size ; } S32 LLMeshRepository::loadMesh(LLVOVolume* vobj, const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, S32 detail) { if (detail < 0 || detail > 4) { return detail; } LLFastTimer t(FTM_LOAD_MESH); { LLMutexLock lock(mMeshMutex); //add volume to list of loading meshes mesh_load_map::iterator iter = mLoadingMeshes[detail].find(mesh_params); if (iter != mLoadingMeshes[detail].end()) { //request pending for this mesh, append volume id to list iter->second.insert(vobj->getID()); } else { //first request for this mesh mLoadingMeshes[detail][mesh_params].insert(vobj->getID()); mPendingRequests.push_back(LLMeshRepoThread::LODRequest(mesh_params, detail)); } } //do a quick search to see if we can't display something while we wait for this mesh to load LLVolume* volume = vobj->getVolume(); if (volume) { if (volume->getNumVolumeFaces() == 0 && !volume->isTetrahedron()) { volume->makeTetrahedron(); } LLVolumeParams params = volume->getParams(); LLVolumeLODGroup* group = LLPrimitive::getVolumeManager()->getGroup(params); if (group) { //first see what the next lowest LOD available might be for (S32 i = detail-1; i >= 0; --i) { LLVolume* lod = group->refLOD(i); if (lod && !lod->isTetrahedron() && lod->getNumVolumeFaces() > 0) { group->derefLOD(lod); return i; } group->derefLOD(lod); } //no lower LOD is a available, is a higher lod available? for (S32 i = detail+1; i < 4; ++i) { LLVolume* lod = group->refLOD(i); if (lod && !lod->isTetrahedron() && lod->getNumVolumeFaces() > 0) { group->derefLOD(lod); return i; } group->derefLOD(lod); } } else { llerrs << "WTF?" << llendl; } } return detail; } static LLFastTimer::DeclareTimer FTM_START_MESH_THREAD("Start Thread"); static LLFastTimer::DeclareTimer FTM_LOAD_MESH_LOD("Load LOD"); static LLFastTimer::DeclareTimer FTM_MESH_LOCK1("Lock 1"); static LLFastTimer::DeclareTimer FTM_MESH_LOCK2("Lock 2"); void LLMeshRepository::notifyLoadedMeshes() { //called from main thread LLMeshRepoThread::sMaxConcurrentRequests = gSavedSettings.getU32("MeshMaxConcurrentRequests"); //clean up completed upload threads for (std::vector::iterator iter = mUploads.begin(); iter != mUploads.end(); ) { LLMeshUploadThread* thread = *iter; if (thread->isStopped() && thread->finished()) { iter = mUploads.erase(iter); delete thread; } else { ++iter; } } //update inventory if (!mInventoryQ.empty()) { LLMutexLock lock(mMeshMutex); while (!mInventoryQ.empty()) { inventory_data& data = mInventoryQ.front(); LLAssetType::EType asset_type = LLAssetType::lookup(data.mPostData["asset_type"].asString()); LLInventoryType::EType inventory_type = LLInventoryType::lookup(data.mPostData["inventory_type"].asString()); on_new_single_inventory_upload_complete( asset_type, inventory_type, data.mPostData["asset_type"].asString(), data.mPostData["folder_id"].asUUID(), data.mPostData["name"], data.mPostData["description"], data.mResponse, 0); mInventoryQ.pop(); } } //call completed callbacks on finished decompositions mDecompThread->notifyCompleted(); if (!mThread->mWaiting) { //curl thread is churning, wait for it to go idle return; } static std::string region_name("never name a region this"); if (gAgent.getRegion()) { //update capability url if (gAgent.getRegion()->getName() != region_name) { region_name = gAgent.getRegion()->getName(); mGetMeshCapability = gAgent.getRegion()->getCapability("GetMesh"); } } LLFastTimer t(FTM_MESH_UPDATE); { LLFastTimer t(FTM_MESH_LOCK1); mMeshMutex->lock(); } { LLFastTimer t(FTM_MESH_LOCK2); mThread->mMutex->lock(); } //popup queued error messages from background threads while (!mUploadErrorQ.empty()) { LLNotificationsUtil::add("MeshUploadError", mUploadErrorQ.front()); mUploadErrorQ.pop(); } S32 push_count = LLMeshRepoThread::sMaxConcurrentRequests-(LLMeshRepoThread::sActiveHeaderRequests+LLMeshRepoThread::sActiveLODRequests); if (push_count > 0) { //calculate "score" for pending requests //create score map std::map score_map; for (U32 i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (mesh_load_map::iterator iter = mLoadingMeshes[i].begin(); iter != mLoadingMeshes[i].end(); ++iter) { F32 max_score = 0.f; for (std::set::iterator obj_iter = iter->second.begin(); obj_iter != iter->second.end(); ++obj_iter) { LLViewerObject* object = gObjectList.findObject(*obj_iter); if (object) { LLDrawable* drawable = object->mDrawable; if (drawable) { F32 cur_score = drawable->getRadius()/llmax(drawable->mDistanceWRTCamera, 1.f); max_score = llmax(max_score, cur_score); } } } score_map[iter->first.getSculptID()] = max_score; } } //set "score" for pending requests for (std::vector::iterator iter = mPendingRequests.begin(); iter != mPendingRequests.end(); ++iter) { iter->mScore = score_map[iter->mMeshParams.getSculptID()]; } //sort by "score" std::sort(mPendingRequests.begin(), mPendingRequests.end(), LLMeshRepoThread::CompareScoreGreater()); while (!mPendingRequests.empty() && push_count > 0) { LLFastTimer t(FTM_LOAD_MESH_LOD); LLMeshRepoThread::LODRequest& request = mPendingRequests.front(); mThread->loadMeshLOD(request.mMeshParams, request.mLOD); mPendingRequests.erase(mPendingRequests.begin()); push_count--; } } //send skin info requests while (!mPendingSkinRequests.empty()) { mThread->loadMeshSkinInfo(mPendingSkinRequests.front()); mPendingSkinRequests.pop(); } //send decomposition requests while (!mPendingDecompositionRequests.empty()) { mThread->loadMeshDecomposition(mPendingDecompositionRequests.front()); mPendingDecompositionRequests.pop(); } //send physics shapes decomposition requests while (!mPendingPhysicsShapeRequests.empty()) { mThread->loadMeshPhysicsShape(mPendingPhysicsShapeRequests.front()); mPendingPhysicsShapeRequests.pop(); } mThread->notifyLoadedMeshes(); mThread->mMutex->unlock(); mMeshMutex->unlock(); mThread->mSignal->signal(); } void LLMeshRepository::notifySkinInfoReceived(LLMeshSkinInfo& info) { mSkinMap[info.mMeshID] = info; mLoadingSkins.erase(info.mMeshID); } void LLMeshDecomposition::merge(const LLMeshDecomposition* rhs) { if (!rhs) { return; } if (mMeshID != rhs->mMeshID) { llerrs << "Attempted to merge with decomposition of some other mesh." << llendl; } if (mBaseHull.empty()) { //take base hull and decomposition from rhs mHull = rhs->mHull; mBaseHull = rhs->mBaseHull; mMesh = rhs->mMesh; mBaseHullMesh = rhs->mBaseHullMesh; } if (mPhysicsShapeMesh.isNull()) { //take physics shape mesh from rhs mPhysicsShapeMesh = rhs->mPhysicsShapeMesh; } } void LLMeshRepository::notifyDecompositionReceived(LLMeshDecomposition* decomp) { decomposition_map::iterator iter = mDecompositionMap.find(decomp->mMeshID); if (iter == mDecompositionMap.end()) { //just insert decomp into map mDecompositionMap[decomp->mMeshID] = decomp; } else { //merge decomp with existing entry iter->second->merge(decomp); delete decomp; } mLoadingDecompositions.erase(decomp->mMeshID); } void LLMeshRepository::notifyMeshLoaded(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, LLVolume* volume) { //called from main thread S32 detail = LLVolumeLODGroup::getVolumeDetailFromScale(volume->getDetail()); //get list of objects waiting to be notified this mesh is loaded mesh_load_map::iterator obj_iter = mLoadingMeshes[detail].find(mesh_params); if (volume && obj_iter != mLoadingMeshes[detail].end()) { //make sure target volume is still valid if (volume->getNumVolumeFaces() <= 0) { llwarns << "Mesh loading returned empty volume." << llendl; volume->makeTetrahedron(); } { //update system volume LLVolume* sys_volume = LLPrimitive::getVolumeManager()->refVolume(mesh_params, detail); if (sys_volume) { sys_volume->copyVolumeFaces(volume); LLPrimitive::getVolumeManager()->unrefVolume(sys_volume); } else { llwarns << "Couldn't find system volume for given mesh." << llendl; } } //notify waiting LLVOVolume instances that their requested mesh is available for (std::set::iterator vobj_iter = obj_iter->second.begin(); vobj_iter != obj_iter->second.end(); ++vobj_iter) { LLVOVolume* vobj = (LLVOVolume*) gObjectList.findObject(*vobj_iter); if (vobj) { vobj->notifyMeshLoaded(); } } mLoadingMeshes[detail].erase(mesh_params); } } void LLMeshRepository::notifyMeshUnavailable(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, S32 lod) { //called from main thread //get list of objects waiting to be notified this mesh is loaded mesh_load_map::iterator obj_iter = mLoadingMeshes[lod].find(mesh_params); F32 detail = LLVolumeLODGroup::getVolumeScaleFromDetail(lod); if (obj_iter != mLoadingMeshes[lod].end()) { for (std::set::iterator vobj_iter = obj_iter->second.begin(); vobj_iter != obj_iter->second.end(); ++vobj_iter) { LLVOVolume* vobj = (LLVOVolume*) gObjectList.findObject(*vobj_iter); if (vobj) { LLVolume* obj_volume = vobj->getVolume(); if (obj_volume && obj_volume->getDetail() == detail && obj_volume->getParams() == mesh_params) { //should force volume to find most appropriate LOD vobj->setVolume(obj_volume->getParams(), lod); } } } mLoadingMeshes[lod].erase(mesh_params); } } S32 LLMeshRepository::getActualMeshLOD(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, S32 lod) { return mThread->getActualMeshLOD(mesh_params, lod); } U32 LLMeshRepository::calcResourceCost(LLSD& header) { U32 bytes = 0; for (U32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) { bytes += header[header_lod[i]]["size"].asInteger(); } bytes += header["skin"]["size"].asInteger(); return bytes/4096 + 1; } U32 LLMeshRepository::getResourceCost(const LLUUID& mesh_id) { return mThread->getResourceCost(mesh_id); } const LLMeshSkinInfo* LLMeshRepository::getSkinInfo(const LLUUID& mesh_id) { if (mesh_id.notNull()) { skin_map::iterator iter = mSkinMap.find(mesh_id); if (iter != mSkinMap.end()) { return &(iter->second); } //no skin info known about given mesh, try to fetch it { LLMutexLock lock(mMeshMutex); //add volume to list of loading meshes std::set::iterator iter = mLoadingSkins.find(mesh_id); if (iter == mLoadingSkins.end()) { //no request pending for this skin info mLoadingSkins.insert(mesh_id); mPendingSkinRequests.push(mesh_id); } } } return NULL; } void LLMeshRepository::fetchPhysicsShape(const LLUUID& mesh_id) { if (mesh_id.notNull()) { LLMeshDecomposition* decomp = NULL; decomposition_map::iterator iter = mDecompositionMap.find(mesh_id); if (iter != mDecompositionMap.end()) { decomp = iter->second; } //decomposition block hasn't been fetched yet if (!decomp || decomp->mPhysicsShapeMesh.isNull()) { LLMutexLock lock(mMeshMutex); //add volume to list of loading meshes std::set::iterator iter = mLoadingPhysicsShapes.find(mesh_id); if (iter == mLoadingPhysicsShapes.end()) { //no request pending for this skin info mLoadingPhysicsShapes.insert(mesh_id); mPendingPhysicsShapeRequests.push(mesh_id); } } } } const LLMeshDecomposition* LLMeshRepository::getDecomposition(const LLUUID& mesh_id) { LLMeshDecomposition* ret = NULL; if (mesh_id.notNull()) { decomposition_map::iterator iter = mDecompositionMap.find(mesh_id); if (iter != mDecompositionMap.end()) { ret = iter->second; } //decomposition block hasn't been fetched yet if (!ret || ret->mBaseHullMesh.isNull()) { LLMutexLock lock(mMeshMutex); //add volume to list of loading meshes std::set::iterator iter = mLoadingDecompositions.find(mesh_id); if (iter == mLoadingDecompositions.end()) { //no request pending for this skin info mLoadingDecompositions.insert(mesh_id); mPendingDecompositionRequests.push(mesh_id); } } } return ret; } void LLMeshRepository::buildHull(const LLVolumeParams& params, S32 detail) { LLVolume* volume = LLPrimitive::sVolumeManager->refVolume(params, detail); if (!volume->mHullPoints) { //all default params //execute first stage //set simplify mode to retain //set retain percentage to zero //run second stage } LLPrimitive::sVolumeManager->unrefVolume(volume); } bool LLMeshRepository::hasPhysicsShape(const LLUUID& mesh_id) { LLSD mesh = mThread->getMeshHeader(mesh_id); return mesh.has("physics_shape") && mesh["physics_shape"].has("size") && (mesh["physics_shape"]["size"].asInteger() > 0); } const LLSD& LLMeshRepository::getMeshHeader(const LLUUID& mesh_id) { return mThread->getMeshHeader(mesh_id); } const LLSD& LLMeshRepoThread::getMeshHeader(const LLUUID& mesh_id) { static LLSD dummy_ret; if (mesh_id.notNull()) { LLMutexLock lock(mHeaderMutex); mesh_header_map::iterator iter = mMeshHeader.find(mesh_id); if (iter != mMeshHeader.end()) { return iter->second; } } return dummy_ret; } void LLMeshRepository::uploadModel(std::vector& data, LLVector3& scale, bool upload_textures, bool upload_skin, bool upload_joints) { LLMeshUploadThread* thread = new LLMeshUploadThread(data, scale, upload_textures, upload_skin, upload_joints); mUploadWaitList.push_back(thread); } S32 LLMeshRepository::getMeshSize(const LLUUID& mesh_id, S32 lod) { if (mThread) { LLMeshRepoThread::mesh_header_map::iterator iter = mThread->mMeshHeader.find(mesh_id); if (iter != mThread->mMeshHeader.end()) { LLSD& header = iter->second; if (header.has("404")) { return -1; } S32 size = header[header_lod[lod]]["size"].asInteger(); return size; } } return -1; } void LLMeshUploadThread::sendCostRequest(LLMeshUploadData& data) { //write model file to memory buffer std::stringstream ostr; LLModel::convex_hull_decomposition& decomp = data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS].notNull() ? data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS]->mConvexHullDecomp : data.mBaseModel->mConvexHullDecomp; LLModel::hull dummy_hull; LLSD header = LLModel::writeModel( ostr, data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS], data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_HIGH], data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_MEDIUM], data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_LOW], data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_IMPOSTOR], decomp, dummy_hull, mUploadSkin, mUploadJoints, true); std::string desc = data.mBaseModel->mLabel; // Grab the total vertex count of the model // along with other information for the "asset_resources" map // to send to the server. LLSD asset_resources = LLSD::emptyMap(); std::string url = mNewInventoryCapability; if (!url.empty()) { LLSD body = generate_new_resource_upload_capability_body( LLAssetType::AT_MESH, desc, desc, LLFolderType::FT_MESH, LLInventoryType::IT_MESH, LLFloaterPerms::getNextOwnerPerms(), LLFloaterPerms::getGroupPerms(), LLFloaterPerms::getEveryonePerms()); body["asset_resources"] = asset_resources; mPendingConfirmations++; LLCurlRequest::headers_t headers; data.mPostData = body; mCurlRequest->post(url, headers, body, new LLMeshCostResponder(data, this)); } } void LLMeshUploadThread::sendCostRequest(LLTextureUploadData& data) { if (data.mTexture && data.mTexture->getDiscardLevel() >= 0) { LLSD asset_resources = LLSD::emptyMap(); std::string url = mNewInventoryCapability; if (!url.empty()) { LLSD body = generate_new_resource_upload_capability_body( LLAssetType::AT_TEXTURE, data.mLabel, data.mLabel, LLFolderType::FT_TEXTURE, LLInventoryType::IT_TEXTURE, LLFloaterPerms::getNextOwnerPerms(), LLFloaterPerms::getGroupPerms(), LLFloaterPerms::getEveryonePerms()); body["asset_resources"] = asset_resources; mPendingConfirmations++; LLCurlRequest::headers_t headers; data.mPostData = body; mCurlRequest->post(url, headers, body, new LLTextureCostResponder(data, this)); } } } void LLMeshUploadThread::doUploadModel(LLMeshUploadData& data) { if (!data.mRSVP.empty()) { std::stringstream ostr; LLModel::convex_hull_decomposition& decomp = data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS].notNull() ? data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS]->mConvexHullDecomp : data.mBaseModel->mConvexHullDecomp; LLModel::writeModel( ostr, data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS], data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_HIGH], data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_MEDIUM], data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_LOW], data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_IMPOSTOR], decomp, mHullMap[data.mBaseModel], mUploadSkin, mUploadJoints); data.mAssetData = ostr.str(); LLCurlRequest::headers_t headers; mPendingUploads++; mCurlRequest->post(data.mRSVP, headers, data.mAssetData, new LLMeshUploadResponder(data, this)); } } void LLMeshUploadThread::doUploadTexture(LLTextureUploadData& data) { if (!data.mRSVP.empty()) { std::stringstream ostr; if (!data.mTexture->isRawImageValid()) { data.mTexture->reloadRawImage(data.mTexture->getDiscardLevel()); } LLPointer upload_file = LLViewerTextureList::convertToUploadFile(data.mTexture->getRawImage()); ostr.write((const char*) upload_file->getData(), upload_file->getDataSize()); data.mAssetData = ostr.str(); LLCurlRequest::headers_t headers; mPendingUploads++; mCurlRequest->post(data.mRSVP, headers, data.mAssetData, new LLTextureUploadResponder(data, this)); } } void LLMeshUploadThread::onModelUploaded(LLMeshUploadData& data) { createObjects(data); } void LLMeshUploadThread::onTextureUploaded(LLTextureUploadData& data) { mTextureMap[data.mTexture] = data; } void LLMeshUploadThread::createObjects(LLMeshUploadData& data) { instance_list& instances = mInstance[data.mBaseModel]; for (instance_list::iterator iter = instances.begin(); iter != instances.end(); ++iter) { //create prims that reference given mesh LLModelInstance& instance = *iter; instance.mMeshID = data.mUUID; mInstanceQ.push(instance); } } LLSD LLMeshUploadThread::createObject(LLModelInstance& instance) { LLMatrix4 transformation = instance.mTransform; if (instance.mMeshID.isNull()) { llerrs << "WTF?" << llendl; } // check for reflection BOOL reflected = (transformation.determinant() < 0); // compute position LLVector3 position = LLVector3(0, 0, 0) * transformation; // compute scale LLVector3 x_transformed = LLVector3(1, 0, 0) * transformation - position; LLVector3 y_transformed = LLVector3(0, 1, 0) * transformation - position; LLVector3 z_transformed = LLVector3(0, 0, 1) * transformation - position; F32 x_length = x_transformed.normalize(); F32 y_length = y_transformed.normalize(); F32 z_length = z_transformed.normalize(); LLVector3 scale = LLVector3(x_length, y_length, z_length); // adjust for "reflected" geometry LLVector3 x_transformed_reflected = x_transformed; if (reflected) { x_transformed_reflected *= -1.0; } // compute rotation LLMatrix3 rotation_matrix; rotation_matrix.setRows(x_transformed_reflected, y_transformed, z_transformed); LLQuaternion quat_rotation = rotation_matrix.quaternion(); quat_rotation.normalize(); // the rotation_matrix might not have been orthoginal. make it so here. LLVector3 euler_rotation; quat_rotation.getEulerAngles(&euler_rotation.mV[VX], &euler_rotation.mV[VY], &euler_rotation.mV[VZ]); // // build parameter block to construct this prim // LLSD object_params; // create prim // set volume params U8 sculpt_type = LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MESH; if (reflected) { sculpt_type |= LL_SCULPT_FLAG_MIRROR; } LLVolumeParams volume_params; volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_SQUARE, LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 1, 1 ); volume_params.setShear ( 0, 0 ); volume_params.setSculptID(instance.mMeshID, sculpt_type); object_params["shape"] = volume_params.asLLSD(); object_params["material"] = LL_MCODE_WOOD; object_params["group-id"] = gAgent.getGroupID(); object_params["pos"] = ll_sd_from_vector3(position + mOrigin); object_params["rotation"] = ll_sd_from_quaternion(quat_rotation); object_params["scale"] = ll_sd_from_vector3(scale); object_params["name"] = instance.mModel->getName(); // load material from dae file object_params["facelist"] = LLSD::emptyArray(); for (S32 i = 0; i < instance.mMaterial.size(); i++) { LLTextureEntry te; LLImportMaterial& mat = instance.mMaterial[i]; te.setColor(mat.mDiffuseColor); LLUUID diffuse_id = mTextureMap[mat.mDiffuseMap].mUUID; if (diffuse_id.notNull()) { te.setID(diffuse_id); } else { te.setID(LLUUID("5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f")); // blank texture } te.setFullbright(mat.mFullbright); object_params["facelist"][i] = te.asLLSD(); } // set extra parameters LLSculptParams sculpt_params; sculpt_params.setSculptTexture(instance.mMeshID); sculpt_params.setSculptType(sculpt_type); U8 buffer[MAX_OBJECT_PARAMS_SIZE+1]; LLDataPackerBinaryBuffer dp(buffer, MAX_OBJECT_PARAMS_SIZE); sculpt_params.pack(dp); std::vector v(dp.getCurrentSize()); memcpy(&v[0], buffer, dp.getCurrentSize()); LLSD extra_parameter; extra_parameter["extra_parameter"] = sculpt_params.mType; extra_parameter["param_data"] = v; object_params["extra_parameters"].append(extra_parameter); LLPermissions perm; perm.setOwnerAndGroup(gAgent.getID(), gAgent.getID(), LLUUID::null, false); perm.setCreator(gAgent.getID()); perm.initMasks(PERM_ITEM_UNRESTRICTED | PERM_MOVE, //base PERM_ITEM_UNRESTRICTED | PERM_MOVE, //owner LLFloaterPerms::getEveryonePerms(), LLFloaterPerms::getGroupPerms(), LLFloaterPerms::getNextOwnerPerms()); object_params["permissions"] = ll_create_sd_from_permissions(perm); object_params["physics_shape_type"] = (U8)(LLViewerObject::PHYSICS_SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL); return object_params; } void LLMeshUploadThread::priceResult(LLMeshUploadData& data, const LLSD& content) { mPendingCost += content["upload_price"].asInteger(); data.mRSVP = content["rsvp"].asString(); mConfirmedQ.push(data); } void LLMeshUploadThread::priceResult(LLTextureUploadData& data, const LLSD& content) { mPendingCost += content["upload_price"].asInteger(); data.mRSVP = content["rsvp"].asString(); mConfirmedTextureQ.push(data); } bool LLImportMaterial::operator<(const LLImportMaterial &rhs) const { if (mDiffuseMap != rhs.mDiffuseMap) { return mDiffuseMap < rhs.mDiffuseMap; } if (mDiffuseMapFilename != rhs.mDiffuseMapFilename) { return mDiffuseMapFilename < rhs.mDiffuseMapFilename; } if (mDiffuseMapLabel != rhs.mDiffuseMapLabel) { return mDiffuseMapLabel < rhs.mDiffuseMapLabel; } if (mDiffuseColor != rhs.mDiffuseColor) { return mDiffuseColor < rhs.mDiffuseColor; } return mFullbright < rhs.mFullbright; } void LLMeshRepository::updateInventory(inventory_data data) { LLMutexLock lock(mMeshMutex); mInventoryQ.push(data); } void LLMeshRepository::uploadError(LLSD& args) { LLMutexLock lock(mMeshMutex); mUploadErrorQ.push(args); } //static F32 LLMeshRepository::getStreamingCost(const LLSD& header, F32 radius) { F32 dlowest = llmin(radius/0.06f, 256.f); F32 dlow = llmin(radius/0.24f, 256.f); F32 dmid = llmin(radius/1.0f, 256.f); F32 dhigh = 0.f; F32 bytes_lowest = header["lowest_lod"]["size"].asReal()/1024.f; F32 bytes_low = header["low_lod"]["size"].asReal()/1024.f; F32 bytes_mid = header["medium_lod"]["size"].asReal()/1024.f; F32 bytes_high = header["high_lod"]["size"].asReal()/1024.f; if (bytes_high == 0.f) { return 0.f; } if (bytes_mid == 0.f) { bytes_mid = bytes_high; } if (bytes_low == 0.f) { bytes_low = bytes_mid; } if (bytes_lowest == 0.f) { bytes_lowest = bytes_low; } F32 cost = 0.f; cost += llmax(256.f-dlowest, 1.f)/32.f*bytes_lowest; cost += llmax(dlowest-dlow, 1.f)/32.f*bytes_low; cost += llmax(dlow-dmid, 1.f)/32.f*bytes_mid; cost += llmax(dmid-dhigh, 1.f)/32.f*bytes_high; cost *= gSavedSettings.getF32("MeshStreamingCostScaler"); return cost; } LLPhysicsDecomp::LLPhysicsDecomp() : LLThread("Physics Decomp") { mInited = false; mQuitting = false; mDone = false; mSignal = new LLCondition(NULL); mMutex = new LLMutex(NULL); } LLPhysicsDecomp::~LLPhysicsDecomp() { shutdown(); } void LLPhysicsDecomp::shutdown() { if (mSignal) { mQuitting = true; mSignal->signal(); while (!mDone) { apr_sleep(100); } } } void LLPhysicsDecomp::submitRequest(LLPhysicsDecomp::Request* request) { LLMutexLock lock(mMutex); mRequestQ.push(request); mSignal->signal(); } //static S32 LLPhysicsDecomp::llcdCallback(const char* status, S32 p1, S32 p2) { if (gMeshRepo.mDecompThread && gMeshRepo.mDecompThread->mCurRequest.notNull()) { return gMeshRepo.mDecompThread->mCurRequest->statusCallback(status, p1, p2); } return 1; } void LLPhysicsDecomp::setMeshData(LLCDMeshData& mesh) { mesh.mVertexBase = mCurRequest->mPositions[0].mV; mesh.mVertexStrideBytes = 12; mesh.mNumVertices = mCurRequest->mPositions.size(); mesh.mIndexType = LLCDMeshData::INT_16; mesh.mIndexBase = &(mCurRequest->mIndices[0]); mesh.mIndexStrideBytes = 6; mesh.mNumTriangles = mCurRequest->mIndices.size()/3; LLCDResult ret = LLCD_OK; if (LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance() != NULL) { ret = LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance()->setMeshData(&mesh); } if (ret) { llerrs << "Convex Decomposition thread valid but could not set mesh data" << llendl; } } void LLPhysicsDecomp::doDecomposition() { LLCDMeshData mesh; S32 stage = mStageID[mCurRequest->mStage]; //load data intoLLCD if (stage == 0) { setMeshData(mesh); } //build parameter map std::map param_map; static const LLCDParam* params = NULL; static S32 param_count = 0; if (!params) { param_count = LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance()->getParameters(¶ms); } for (S32 i = 0; i < param_count; ++i) { param_map[params[i].mName] = params+i; } //set parameter values for (decomp_params::iterator iter = mCurRequest->mParams.begin(); iter != mCurRequest->mParams.end(); ++iter) { const std::string& name = iter->first; const LLSD& value = iter->second; const LLCDParam* param = param_map[name]; if (param == NULL) { //couldn't find valid parameter continue; } U32 ret = LLCD_OK; if (param->mType == LLCDParam::LLCD_FLOAT) { ret = LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance()->setParam(param->mName, (F32) value.asReal()); } else if (param->mType == LLCDParam::LLCD_INTEGER || param->mType == LLCDParam::LLCD_ENUM) { ret = LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance()->setParam(param->mName, value.asInteger()); } else if (param->mType == LLCDParam::LLCD_BOOLEAN) { ret = LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance()->setParam(param->mName, value.asBoolean()); } if (ret) { llerrs << "WTF?" << llendl; } } mCurRequest->setStatusMessage("Executing."); LLCDResult ret = LLCD_OK; if (LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance() != NULL) { ret = LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance()->executeStage(stage); } if (ret) { llwarns << "Convex Decomposition thread valid but could not execute stage " << stage << llendl; LLMutexLock lock(mMutex); mCurRequest->mHull.clear(); mCurRequest->mHullMesh.clear(); mCurRequest->setStatusMessage("FAIL"); completeCurrent(); } else { mCurRequest->setStatusMessage("Reading results"); S32 num_hulls =0; if (LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance() != NULL) { num_hulls = LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance()->getNumHullsFromStage(stage); } mMutex->lock(); mCurRequest->mHull.clear(); mCurRequest->mHull.resize(num_hulls); mCurRequest->mHullMesh.clear(); mCurRequest->mHullMesh.resize(num_hulls); mMutex->unlock(); for (S32 i = 0; i < num_hulls; ++i) { std::vector p; LLCDHull hull; // if LLConvexDecomposition is a stub, num_hulls should have been set to 0 above, and we should not reach this code LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance()->getHullFromStage(stage, i, &hull); const F32* v = hull.mVertexBase; for (S32 j = 0; j < hull.mNumVertices; ++j) { LLVector3 vert(v[0], v[1], v[2]); p.push_back(vert); v = (F32*) (((U8*) v) + hull.mVertexStrideBytes); } LLCDMeshData mesh; // if LLConvexDecomposition is a stub, num_hulls should have been set to 0 above, and we should not reach this code LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance()->getMeshFromStage(stage, i, &mesh); mCurRequest->mHullMesh[i] = get_vertex_buffer_from_mesh(mesh); mMutex->lock(); mCurRequest->mHull[i] = p; mMutex->unlock(); } { LLMutexLock lock(mMutex); mCurRequest->setStatusMessage("FAIL"); completeCurrent(); } } } void LLPhysicsDecomp::completeCurrent() { LLMutexLock lock(mMutex); mCompletedQ.push(mCurRequest); mCurRequest = NULL; } void LLPhysicsDecomp::notifyCompleted() { if (!mCompletedQ.empty()) { LLMutexLock lock(mMutex); while (!mCompletedQ.empty()) { Request* req = mCompletedQ.front(); req->completed(); mCompletedQ.pop(); } } } void make_box(LLPhysicsDecomp::Request * request) { LLVector3 min,max; min = request->mPositions[0]; max = min; for (U32 i = 0; i < request->mPositions.size(); ++i) { update_min_max(min, max, request->mPositions[i]); } request->mHull.clear(); LLModel::hull box; box.push_back(LLVector3(min[0],min[1],min[2])); box.push_back(LLVector3(max[0],min[1],min[2])); box.push_back(LLVector3(min[0],max[1],min[2])); box.push_back(LLVector3(max[0],max[1],min[2])); box.push_back(LLVector3(min[0],min[1],max[2])); box.push_back(LLVector3(max[0],min[1],max[2])); box.push_back(LLVector3(min[0],max[1],max[2])); box.push_back(LLVector3(max[0],max[1],max[2])); request->mHull.push_back(box); } void LLPhysicsDecomp::doDecompositionSingleHull() { LLCDMeshData mesh; setMeshData(mesh); //set all parameters to default std::map param_map; static const LLCDParam* params = NULL; static S32 param_count = 0; if (!params) { param_count = LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance()->getParameters(¶ms); } LLConvexDecomposition* decomp = LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance(); for (S32 i = 0; i < param_count; ++i) { decomp->setParam(params[i].mName, params[i].mDefault.mIntOrEnumValue); } const S32 STAGE_DECOMPOSE = mStageID["Decompose"]; const S32 STAGE_SIMPLIFY = mStageID["Simplify"]; const S32 DECOMP_PREVIEW = 0; const S32 SIMPLIFY_RETAIN = 0; decomp->setParam("Decompose Quality", DECOMP_PREVIEW); decomp->setParam("Simplify Method", SIMPLIFY_RETAIN); decomp->setParam("Retain%", 0.f); LLCDResult ret = LLCD_OK; ret = decomp->executeStage(STAGE_DECOMPOSE); if (ret) { llwarns << "Could not execute decomposition stage when attempting to create single hull." << llendl; make_box(mCurRequest); } else { ret = decomp->executeStage(STAGE_SIMPLIFY); if (ret) { llwarns << "Could not execute simiplification stage when attempting to create single hull." << llendl; make_box(mCurRequest); } else { S32 num_hulls =0; if (LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance() != NULL) { num_hulls = LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance()->getNumHullsFromStage(STAGE_SIMPLIFY); } mMutex->lock(); mCurRequest->mHull.clear(); mCurRequest->mHull.resize(num_hulls); mCurRequest->mHullMesh.clear(); mMutex->unlock(); for (S32 i = 0; i < num_hulls; ++i) { std::vector p; LLCDHull hull; // if LLConvexDecomposition is a stub, num_hulls should have been set to 0 above, and we should not reach this code LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance()->getHullFromStage(STAGE_SIMPLIFY, i, &hull); const F32* v = hull.mVertexBase; for (S32 j = 0; j < hull.mNumVertices; ++j) { LLVector3 vert(v[0], v[1], v[2]); p.push_back(vert); v = (F32*) (((U8*) v) + hull.mVertexStrideBytes); } mMutex->lock(); mCurRequest->mHull[i] = p; mMutex->unlock(); } } } { completeCurrent(); } } void LLPhysicsDecomp::run() { LLConvexDecomposition* decomp = LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance(); decomp->initThread(); mInited = true; static const LLCDStageData* stages = NULL; static S32 num_stages = 0; if (!stages) { num_stages = decomp->getStages(&stages); } for (S32 i = 0; i < num_stages; i++) { mStageID[stages[i].mName] = i; } while (!mQuitting) { mSignal->wait(); while (!mQuitting && !mRequestQ.empty()) { { LLMutexLock lock(mMutex); mCurRequest = mRequestQ.front(); mRequestQ.pop(); } S32& id = *(mCurRequest->mDecompID); if (id == -1) { decomp->genDecomposition(id); } decomp->bindDecomposition(id); if (mCurRequest->mStage == "single_hull") { doDecompositionSingleHull(); } else { doDecomposition(); } } } decomp->quitThread(); //delete mSignal; delete mMutex; mSignal = NULL; mMutex = NULL; mDone = true; } void LLPhysicsDecomp::Request::setStatusMessage(const std::string& msg) { mStatusMessage = msg; }