/** * @file llmediadataclient.cpp * @brief class for queueing up requests for media data * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$ * * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llmediadataclient.h" #if LL_MSVC // disable boost::lexical_cast warning #pragma warning (disable:4702) #endif #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp> #include "llhttpstatuscodes.h" #include "llsdutil.h" #include "llmediaentry.h" #include "lltextureentry.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" // // When making a request // - obtain the "overall interest score" of the object. // This would be the sum of the impls' interest scores. // - put the request onto a queue sorted by this score // (highest score at the front of the queue) // - On a timer, once a second, pull off the head of the queue and send // the request. // - Any request that gets a 503 still goes through the retry logic // // // Forward decls // const F32 LLMediaDataClient::QUEUE_TIMER_DELAY = 1.0; // seconds(s) const F32 LLMediaDataClient::UNAVAILABLE_RETRY_TIMER_DELAY = 5.0; // secs const U32 LLMediaDataClient::MAX_RETRIES = 4; const U32 LLMediaDataClient::MAX_SORTED_QUEUE_SIZE = 10000; const U32 LLMediaDataClient::MAX_ROUND_ROBIN_QUEUE_SIZE = 10000; // << operators std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLMediaDataClient::request_queue_t &q); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLMediaDataClient::Request &q); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // LLMediaDataClient // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LLMediaDataClient::LLMediaDataClient(F32 queue_timer_delay, F32 retry_timer_delay, U32 max_retries, U32 max_sorted_queue_size, U32 max_round_robin_queue_size) : mQueueTimerDelay(queue_timer_delay), mRetryTimerDelay(retry_timer_delay), mMaxNumRetries(max_retries), mMaxSortedQueueSize(max_sorted_queue_size), mMaxRoundRobinQueueSize(max_round_robin_queue_size), mQueueTimerIsRunning(false), mCurrentQueueIsTheSortedQueue(true) { } LLMediaDataClient::~LLMediaDataClient() { stopQueueTimer(); // This should clear the queue, and hopefully call all the destructors. LL_DEBUGS("LLMediaDataClient") << "~LLMediaDataClient destructor: queue: " << (isEmpty() ? "<empty> " : "<not empty> ") << LL_ENDL; mSortedQueue.clear(); mRoundRobinQueue.clear(); } bool LLMediaDataClient::isEmpty() const { return mSortedQueue.empty() && mRoundRobinQueue.empty(); } bool LLMediaDataClient::isInQueue(const LLMediaDataClientObject::ptr_t &object) { return (LLMediaDataClient::findOrRemove(mSortedQueue, object, false/*remove*/, LLMediaDataClient::Request::ANY).notNull() || (LLMediaDataClient::findOrRemove(mRoundRobinQueue, object, false/*remove*/, LLMediaDataClient::Request::ANY).notNull())); } bool LLMediaDataClient::removeFromQueue(const LLMediaDataClientObject::ptr_t &object) { bool removedFromSortedQueue = LLMediaDataClient::findOrRemove(mSortedQueue, object, true/*remove*/, LLMediaDataClient::Request::ANY).notNull(); bool removedFromRoundRobinQueue = LLMediaDataClient::findOrRemove(mRoundRobinQueue, object, true/*remove*/, LLMediaDataClient::Request::ANY).notNull(); return removedFromSortedQueue || removedFromRoundRobinQueue; } //static LLMediaDataClient::request_ptr_t LLMediaDataClient::findOrRemove(request_queue_t &queue, const LLMediaDataClientObject::ptr_t &obj, bool remove, LLMediaDataClient::Request::Type type) { request_ptr_t result; request_queue_t::iterator iter = queue.begin(); request_queue_t::iterator end = queue.end(); while (iter != end) { if (obj->getID() == (*iter)->getObject()->getID() && (type == LLMediaDataClient::Request::ANY || type == (*iter)->getType())) { result = *iter; if (remove) queue.erase(iter); break; } iter++; } return result; } void LLMediaDataClient::request(const LLMediaDataClientObject::ptr_t &object, const LLSD &payload) { if (object.isNull() || ! object->hasMedia()) return; // Push the object on the queue enqueue(new Request(getCapabilityName(), payload, object, this)); } void LLMediaDataClient::enqueue(const Request *request) { if (request->isNew()) { // Add to sorted queue if (LLMediaDataClient::findOrRemove(mSortedQueue, request->getObject(), true/*remove*/, request->getType()).notNull()) { LL_DEBUGS("LLMediaDataClient") << "REMOVING OLD request for " << *request << " ALREADY THERE!" << LL_ENDL; } LL_DEBUGS("LLMediaDataClient") << "Queuing SORTED request for " << *request << LL_ENDL; // Sadly, we have to const-cast because items put into the queue are not const mSortedQueue.push_back(const_cast<LLMediaDataClient::Request*>(request)); LL_DEBUGS("LLMediaDataClient") << "SORTED queue:" << mSortedQueue << LL_ENDL; } else { if (mRoundRobinQueue.size() > mMaxRoundRobinQueueSize) { LL_INFOS_ONCE("LLMediaDataClient") << "RR QUEUE MAXED OUT!!!" << LL_ENDL; LL_DEBUGS("LLMediaDataClient") << "Not queuing " << *request << LL_ENDL; return; } // ROUND ROBIN: if it is there, and it is a GET request, leave it. If not, put at front! request_ptr_t existing_request; if (request->getType() == Request::GET) { existing_request = LLMediaDataClient::findOrRemove(mRoundRobinQueue, request->getObject(), false/*remove*/, request->getType()); } if (existing_request.isNull()) { LL_DEBUGS("LLMediaDataClient") << "Queuing RR request for " << *request << LL_ENDL; // Push the request on the pending queue // Sadly, we have to const-cast because items put into the queue are not const mRoundRobinQueue.push_front(const_cast<LLMediaDataClient::Request*>(request)); LL_DEBUGS("LLMediaDataClient") << "RR queue:" << mRoundRobinQueue << LL_ENDL; } else { LL_DEBUGS("LLMediaDataClient") << "ALREADY THERE: NOT Queuing request for " << *request << LL_ENDL; existing_request->markSent(false); } } // Start the timer if not already running startQueueTimer(); } void LLMediaDataClient::startQueueTimer() { if (! mQueueTimerIsRunning) { LL_DEBUGS("LLMediaDataClient") << "starting queue timer (delay=" << mQueueTimerDelay << " seconds)" << LL_ENDL; // LLEventTimer automagically takes care of the lifetime of this object new QueueTimer(mQueueTimerDelay, this); } else { LL_DEBUGS("LLMediaDataClient") << "not starting queue timer (it's already running, right???)" << LL_ENDL; } } void LLMediaDataClient::stopQueueTimer() { mQueueTimerIsRunning = false; } bool LLMediaDataClient::processQueueTimer() { sortQueue(); if(!isEmpty()) { LL_INFOS("LLMediaDataClient") << "QueueTimer::tick() started, SORTED queue size is: " << mSortedQueue.size() << ", RR queue size is: " << mRoundRobinQueue.size() << LL_ENDL; LL_DEBUGS("LLMediaDataClient") << "QueueTimer::tick() started, SORTED queue is: " << mSortedQueue << LL_ENDL; LL_DEBUGS("LLMediaDataClient") << "QueueTimer::tick() started, RR queue is: " << mRoundRobinQueue << LL_ENDL; } serviceQueue(); LL_DEBUGS("LLMediaDataClient") << "QueueTimer::tick() finished, SORTED queue size is: " << mSortedQueue.size() << ", RR queue size is: " << mRoundRobinQueue.size() << LL_ENDL; LL_DEBUGS("LLMediaDataClient") << "QueueTimer::tick() finished, SORTED queue is: " << mSortedQueue << LL_ENDL; LL_DEBUGS("LLMediaDataClient") << "QueueTimer::tick() finished, RR queue is: " << mRoundRobinQueue << LL_ENDL; return isEmpty(); } void LLMediaDataClient::sortQueue() { if(!mSortedQueue.empty()) { // Score all items first request_queue_t::iterator iter = mSortedQueue.begin(); request_queue_t::iterator end = mSortedQueue.end(); while (iter != end) { (*iter)->updateScore(); iter++; } // Re-sort the list... // NOTE: should this be a stable_sort? If so we need to change to using a vector. mSortedQueue.sort(LLMediaDataClient::compareRequests); // ...then cull items over the max U32 size = mSortedQueue.size(); if (size > mMaxSortedQueueSize) { U32 num_to_cull = (size - mMaxSortedQueueSize); LL_INFOS("LLMediaDataClient") << "sorted queue MAXED OUT! Culling " << num_to_cull << " items" << LL_ENDL; while (num_to_cull-- > 0) { mSortedQueue.pop_back(); } } } } // static bool LLMediaDataClient::compareRequests(const request_ptr_t &o1, const request_ptr_t &o2) { if (o2.isNull()) return true; if (o1.isNull()) return false; return ( o1->getScore() > o2->getScore() ); } void LLMediaDataClient::serviceQueue() { request_queue_t *queue_p = getCurrentQueue(); // quick retry loop for cases where we shouldn't wait for the next timer tick while(true) { if (queue_p->empty()) { LL_DEBUGS("LLMediaDataClient") << "queue empty: " << (*queue_p) << LL_ENDL; break; } // Peel one off of the items from the queue, and execute request request_ptr_t request = queue_p->front(); llassert(!request.isNull()); const LLMediaDataClientObject *object = (request.isNull()) ? NULL : request->getObject(); llassert(NULL != object); // Check for conditions that would make us just pop and rapidly loop through // the queue. if(request.isNull() || request->isMarkedSent() || NULL == object || object->isDead() || !object->hasMedia()) { if (request.isNull()) { LL_INFOS("LLMediaDataClient") << "Skipping NULL request" << LL_ENDL; } else { LL_INFOS("LLMediaDataClient") << "Skipping : " << *request << " " << ((request->isMarkedSent()) ? " request is marked sent" : ((NULL == object) ? " object is NULL " : ((object->isDead()) ? "object is dead" : ((!object->hasMedia()) ? "object has no media!" : "BADNESS!")))) << LL_ENDL; } queue_p->pop_front(); continue; // jump back to the start of the quick retry loop } // Next, ask if this is "interesting enough" to fetch. If not, just stop // and wait for the next timer go-round. Only do this for the sorted // queue. if (mCurrentQueueIsTheSortedQueue && !object->isInterestingEnough()) { LL_DEBUGS("LLMediaDataClient") << "Not fetching " << *request << ": not interesting enough" << LL_ENDL; break; } // Finally, try to send the HTTP message to the cap url std::string url = request->getCapability(); bool maybe_retry = false; if (!url.empty()) { const LLSD &sd_payload = request->getPayload(); LL_INFOS("LLMediaDataClient") << "Sending request for " << *request << LL_ENDL; // Call the subclass for creating the responder LLHTTPClient::post(url, sd_payload, createResponder(request)); } else { LL_INFOS("LLMediaDataClient") << "NOT Sending request for " << *request << ": empty cap url!" << LL_ENDL; maybe_retry = true; } bool exceeded_retries = request->getRetryCount() > mMaxNumRetries; if (maybe_retry && ! exceeded_retries) // Try N times before giving up { // We got an empty cap, but in that case we will retry again next // timer fire. request->incRetryCount(); } else { if (exceeded_retries) { LL_WARNS("LLMediaDataClient") << "Could not send request " << *request << " for " << mMaxNumRetries << " tries...popping object id " << object->getID() << LL_ENDL; // XXX Should we bring up a warning dialog?? } queue_p->pop_front(); if (! mCurrentQueueIsTheSortedQueue) { // Round robin request->markSent(true); mRoundRobinQueue.push_back(request); } } // end of quick loop -- any cases where we want to loop will use 'continue' to jump back to the start. break; } swapCurrentQueue(); } void LLMediaDataClient::swapCurrentQueue() { // Swap mCurrentQueueIsTheSortedQueue = !mCurrentQueueIsTheSortedQueue; // If its empty, swap back if (getCurrentQueue()->empty()) { mCurrentQueueIsTheSortedQueue = !mCurrentQueueIsTheSortedQueue; } } LLMediaDataClient::request_queue_t *LLMediaDataClient::getCurrentQueue() { return (mCurrentQueueIsTheSortedQueue) ? &mSortedQueue : &mRoundRobinQueue; } // dump the queue std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLMediaDataClient::request_queue_t &q) { int i = 0; LLMediaDataClient::request_queue_t::const_iterator iter = q.begin(); LLMediaDataClient::request_queue_t::const_iterator end = q.end(); while (iter != end) { s << "\t" << i << "]: " << (*iter)->getObject()->getID().asString() << "(" << (*iter)->getObject()->getMediaInterest() << ")"; iter++; i++; } return s; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // LLMediaDataClient::QueueTimer // Queue of LLMediaDataClientObject smart pointers to request media for. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LLMediaDataClient::QueueTimer::QueueTimer(F32 time, LLMediaDataClient *mdc) : LLEventTimer(time), mMDC(mdc) { mMDC->setIsRunning(true); } LLMediaDataClient::QueueTimer::~QueueTimer() { LL_DEBUGS("LLMediaDataClient") << "~QueueTimer" << LL_ENDL; mMDC->setIsRunning(false); mMDC = NULL; } // virtual BOOL LLMediaDataClient::QueueTimer::tick() { if (mMDC.isNull()) return TRUE; return mMDC->processQueueTimer(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // LLMediaDataClient::Responder::RetryTimer // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LLMediaDataClient::Responder::RetryTimer::RetryTimer(F32 time, Responder *mdr) : LLEventTimer(time), mResponder(mdr) { } // virtual LLMediaDataClient::Responder::RetryTimer::~RetryTimer() { LL_DEBUGS("LLMediaDataClient") << "~RetryTimer" << *(mResponder->getRequest()) << LL_ENDL; // XXX This is weird: Instead of doing the work in tick() (which re-schedules // a timer, which might be risky), do it here, in the destructor. Yes, it is very odd. // Instead of retrying, we just put the request back onto the queue LL_INFOS("LLMediaDataClient") << "RetryTimer fired for: " << *(mResponder->getRequest()) << " retrying" << LL_ENDL; mResponder->getRequest()->reEnqueue(); // Release the ref to the responder. mResponder = NULL; } // virtual BOOL LLMediaDataClient::Responder::RetryTimer::tick() { // Don't fire again return TRUE; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // LLMediaDataClient::Request // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*static*/U32 LLMediaDataClient::Request::sNum = 0; LLMediaDataClient::Request::Request(const char *cap_name, const LLSD& sd_payload, LLMediaDataClientObject *obj, LLMediaDataClient *mdc) : mCapName(cap_name), mPayload(sd_payload), mObject(obj), mNum(++sNum), mRetryCount(0), mMDC(mdc), mMarkedSent(false), mScore((F64)0.0) { } LLMediaDataClient::Request::~Request() { LL_DEBUGS("LLMediaDataClient") << "~Request" << (*this) << LL_ENDL; mMDC = NULL; mObject = NULL; } std::string LLMediaDataClient::Request::getCapability() const { return getObject()->getCapabilityUrl(getCapName()); } // Helper function to get the "type" of request, which just pokes around to // discover it. LLMediaDataClient::Request::Type LLMediaDataClient::Request::getType() const { if (0 == strcmp(mCapName, "ObjectMediaNavigate")) { return NAVIGATE; } else if (0 == strcmp(mCapName, "ObjectMedia")) { const std::string &verb = mPayload["verb"]; if (verb == "GET") { return GET; } else if (verb == "UPDATE") { return UPDATE; } } llassert(false); return GET; } const char *LLMediaDataClient::Request::getTypeAsString() const { Type t = getType(); switch (t) { case GET: return "GET"; break; case UPDATE: return "UPDATE"; break; case NAVIGATE: return "NAVIGATE"; break; case ANY: return "ANY"; break; } return ""; } void LLMediaDataClient::Request::reEnqueue() const { // I sure hope this doesn't deref a bad pointer: mMDC->enqueue(this); } F32 LLMediaDataClient::Request::getRetryTimerDelay() const { return (mMDC == NULL) ? LLMediaDataClient::UNAVAILABLE_RETRY_TIMER_DELAY : mMDC->mRetryTimerDelay; } U32 LLMediaDataClient::Request::getMaxNumRetries() const { return (mMDC == NULL) ? LLMediaDataClient::MAX_RETRIES : mMDC->mMaxNumRetries; } void LLMediaDataClient::Request::markSent(bool flag) { if (mMarkedSent != flag) { mMarkedSent = flag; if (!mMarkedSent) { mNum = ++sNum; } } } void LLMediaDataClient::Request::updateScore() { F64 tmp = mObject->getMediaInterest(); if (tmp != mScore) { LL_DEBUGS("LLMediaDataClient") << "Score for " << mObject->getID() << " changed from " << mScore << " to " << tmp << LL_ENDL; mScore = tmp; } } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLMediaDataClient::Request &r) { s << "request: num=" << r.getNum() << " type=" << r.getTypeAsString() << " ID=" << r.getObject()->getID() << " #retries=" << r.getRetryCount(); return s; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // LLMediaDataClient::Responder // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LLMediaDataClient::Responder::Responder(const request_ptr_t &request) : mRequest(request) { } LLMediaDataClient::Responder::~Responder() { LL_DEBUGS("LLMediaDataClient") << "~Responder" << *(getRequest()) << LL_ENDL; mRequest = NULL; } /*virtual*/ void LLMediaDataClient::Responder::error(U32 status, const std::string& reason) { if (status == HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) { F32 retry_timeout = mRequest->getRetryTimerDelay(); mRequest->incRetryCount(); if (mRequest->getRetryCount() < mRequest->getMaxNumRetries()) { LL_INFOS("LLMediaDataClient") << *mRequest << " got SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE...retrying in " << retry_timeout << " seconds" << LL_ENDL; // Start timer (instances are automagically tracked by // InstanceTracker<> and LLEventTimer) new RetryTimer(F32(retry_timeout/*secs*/), this); } else { LL_INFOS("LLMediaDataClient") << *mRequest << " got SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE...retry count " << mRequest->getRetryCount() << " exceeds " << mRequest->getMaxNumRetries() << ", not retrying" << LL_ENDL; } } else { std::string msg = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(status) + ": " + reason; LL_WARNS("LLMediaDataClient") << *mRequest << " http error(" << msg << ")" << LL_ENDL; } } /*virtual*/ void LLMediaDataClient::Responder::result(const LLSD& content) { LL_DEBUGS("LLMediaDataClient") << *mRequest << " result : " << ll_print_sd(content) << LL_ENDL; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // LLObjectMediaDataClient // Subclass of LLMediaDataClient for the ObjectMedia cap // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LLMediaDataClient::Responder *LLObjectMediaDataClient::createResponder(const request_ptr_t &request) const { return new LLObjectMediaDataClient::Responder(request); } const char *LLObjectMediaDataClient::getCapabilityName() const { return "ObjectMedia"; } void LLObjectMediaDataClient::fetchMedia(LLMediaDataClientObject *object) { LLSD sd_payload; sd_payload["verb"] = "GET"; sd_payload[LLTextureEntry::OBJECT_ID_KEY] = object->getID(); request(object, sd_payload); } void LLObjectMediaDataClient::updateMedia(LLMediaDataClientObject *object) { LLSD sd_payload; sd_payload["verb"] = "UPDATE"; sd_payload[LLTextureEntry::OBJECT_ID_KEY] = object->getID(); LLSD object_media_data; int i = 0; int end = object->getMediaDataCount(); for ( ; i < end ; ++i) { object_media_data.append(object->getMediaDataLLSD(i)); } sd_payload[LLTextureEntry::OBJECT_MEDIA_DATA_KEY] = object_media_data; LL_DEBUGS("LLMediaDataClient") << "update media data: " << object->getID() << " " << ll_print_sd(sd_payload) << LL_ENDL; request(object, sd_payload); } /*virtual*/ void LLObjectMediaDataClient::Responder::result(const LLSD& content) { const LLMediaDataClient::Request::Type type = getRequest()->getType(); llassert(type == LLMediaDataClient::Request::GET || type == LLMediaDataClient::Request::UPDATE) if (type == LLMediaDataClient::Request::GET) { LL_DEBUGS("LLMediaDataClient") << *(getRequest()) << " GET returned: " << ll_print_sd(content) << LL_ENDL; // Look for an error if (content.has("error")) { const LLSD &error = content["error"]; LL_WARNS("LLMediaDataClient") << *(getRequest()) << " Error getting media data for object: code=" << error["code"].asString() << ": " << error["message"].asString() << LL_ENDL; // XXX Warn user? } else { // Check the data const LLUUID &object_id = content[LLTextureEntry::OBJECT_ID_KEY]; if (object_id != getRequest()->getObject()->getID()) { // NOT good, wrong object id!! LL_WARNS("LLMediaDataClient") << *(getRequest()) << " DROPPING response with wrong object id (" << object_id << ")" << LL_ENDL; return; } // Otherwise, update with object media data getRequest()->getObject()->updateObjectMediaData(content[LLTextureEntry::OBJECT_MEDIA_DATA_KEY], content[LLTextureEntry::MEDIA_VERSION_KEY]); } } else if (type == LLMediaDataClient::Request::UPDATE) { // just do what our superclass does LLMediaDataClient::Responder::result(content); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // LLObjectMediaNavigateClient // Subclass of LLMediaDataClient for the ObjectMediaNavigate cap // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LLMediaDataClient::Responder *LLObjectMediaNavigateClient::createResponder(const request_ptr_t &request) const { return new LLObjectMediaNavigateClient::Responder(request); } const char *LLObjectMediaNavigateClient::getCapabilityName() const { return "ObjectMediaNavigate"; } void LLObjectMediaNavigateClient::navigate(LLMediaDataClientObject *object, U8 texture_index, const std::string &url) { LLSD sd_payload; sd_payload[LLTextureEntry::OBJECT_ID_KEY] = object->getID(); sd_payload[LLMediaEntry::CURRENT_URL_KEY] = url; sd_payload[LLTextureEntry::TEXTURE_INDEX_KEY] = (LLSD::Integer)texture_index; LL_INFOS("LLMediaDataClient") << "navigate() initiated: " << ll_print_sd(sd_payload) << LL_ENDL; request(object, sd_payload); } /*virtual*/ void LLObjectMediaNavigateClient::Responder::error(U32 status, const std::string& reason) { // Bounce back (unless HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, in which case call base // class if (status == HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) { LLMediaDataClient::Responder::error(status, reason); } else { // bounce the face back LL_WARNS("LLMediaDataClient") << *(getRequest()) << " Error navigating: http code=" << status << LL_ENDL; const LLSD &payload = getRequest()->getPayload(); // bounce the face back getRequest()->getObject()->mediaNavigateBounceBack((LLSD::Integer)payload[LLTextureEntry::TEXTURE_INDEX_KEY]); } } /*virtual*/ void LLObjectMediaNavigateClient::Responder::result(const LLSD& content) { LL_INFOS("LLMediaDataClient") << *(getRequest()) << " NAVIGATE returned " << ll_print_sd(content) << LL_ENDL; if (content.has("error")) { const LLSD &error = content["error"]; int error_code = error["code"]; if (ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED_CODE == error_code) { LL_WARNS("LLMediaDataClient") << *(getRequest()) << " Navigation denied: bounce back" << LL_ENDL; const LLSD &payload = getRequest()->getPayload(); // bounce the face back getRequest()->getObject()->mediaNavigateBounceBack((LLSD::Integer)payload[LLTextureEntry::TEXTURE_INDEX_KEY]); } else { LL_WARNS("LLMediaDataClient") << *(getRequest()) << " Error navigating: code=" << error["code"].asString() << ": " << error["message"].asString() << LL_ENDL; } // XXX Warn user? } else { // just do what our superclass does LLMediaDataClient::Responder::result(content); } }