/** * @file llmaterialmgr.cpp * @brief Material manager * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2013&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2013, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llsdserialize.h" #include "llsdutil.h" #include "llagent.h" #include "llcallbacklist.h" #include "llmaterialmgr.h" #include "llviewerobject.h" #include "llviewerobjectlist.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" #include "llworld.h" #include "llhttpsdhandler.h" #include "httpcommon.h" #include "llcorehttputil.h" /** * Materials cap parameters */ #define MATERIALS_CAPABILITY_NAME "RenderMaterials" #define MATERIALS_CAP_ZIP_FIELD "Zipped" #define MATERIALS_CAP_FULL_PER_FACE_FIELD "FullMaterialsPerFace" #define MATERIALS_CAP_FACE_FIELD "Face" #define MATERIALS_CAP_MATERIAL_FIELD "Material" #define MATERIALS_CAP_OBJECT_ID_FIELD "ID" #define MATERIALS_CAP_MATERIAL_ID_FIELD "MaterialID" #define SIM_FEATURE_MAX_MATERIALS_PER_TRANSACTION "MaxMaterialsPerTransaction" #define MATERIALS_GET_MAX_ENTRIES 50 #define MATERIALS_GET_TIMEOUT (60.f * 20) #define MATERIALS_POST_MAX_ENTRIES 50 #define MATERIALS_POST_TIMEOUT (60.f * 5) #define MATERIALS_PUT_THROTTLE_SECS 1.f #define MATERIALS_PUT_MAX_ENTRIES 50 class LLMaterialHttpHandler : public LLHttpSDHandler { public: typedef boost::function CallbackFunction; typedef boost::shared_ptr ptr_t; LLMaterialHttpHandler(const std::string& method, CallbackFunction cback); virtual ~LLMaterialHttpHandler(); protected: virtual void onSuccess(LLCore::HttpResponse * response, const LLSD &content); virtual void onFailure(LLCore::HttpResponse * response, LLCore::HttpStatus status); private: std::string mMethod; CallbackFunction mCallback; }; LLMaterialHttpHandler::LLMaterialHttpHandler(const std::string& method, CallbackFunction cback): LLHttpSDHandler(), mMethod(method), mCallback(cback) { } LLMaterialHttpHandler::~LLMaterialHttpHandler() { } void LLMaterialHttpHandler::onSuccess(LLCore::HttpResponse * response, const LLSD &content) { LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << LL_ENDL; mCallback(true, content); } void LLMaterialHttpHandler::onFailure(LLCore::HttpResponse * response, LLCore::HttpStatus status) { LL_WARNS("Materials") << "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" << mMethod << " Error[" << status.toULong() << "] cannot access cap '" << MATERIALS_CAPABILITY_NAME << "'\n with url '" << response->getRequestURL() << "' because " << status.toString() << "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------" << LL_ENDL; LLSD emptyResult; mCallback(false, emptyResult); } /** * LLMaterialMgr class */ LLMaterialMgr::LLMaterialMgr(): mGetQueue(), mGetPending(), mGetCallbacks(), mGetTECallbacks(), mGetAllQueue(), mGetAllRequested(), mGetAllPending(), mGetAllCallbacks(), mPutQueue(), mMaterials(), mHttpRequest(), mHttpHeaders(), mHttpOptions(), mHttpPolicy(LLCore::HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID), mHttpPriority(0) { LLAppCoreHttp & app_core_http(LLAppViewer::instance()->getAppCoreHttp()); mHttpRequest = LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t(new LLCore::HttpRequest()); mHttpHeaders = LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t(new LLCore::HttpHeaders()); mHttpOptions = LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t(new LLCore::HttpOptions()); mHttpPolicy = app_core_http.getPolicy(LLAppCoreHttp::AP_MATERIALS); mMaterials.insert(std::pair(LLMaterialID::null, LLMaterialPtr(NULL))); gIdleCallbacks.addFunction(&LLMaterialMgr::onIdle, NULL); LLWorld::instance().setRegionRemovedCallback(boost::bind(&LLMaterialMgr::onRegionRemoved, this, _1)); } LLMaterialMgr::~LLMaterialMgr() { gIdleCallbacks.deleteFunction(&LLMaterialMgr::onIdle, NULL); } bool LLMaterialMgr::isGetPending(const LLUUID& region_id, const LLMaterialID& material_id) const { get_pending_map_t::const_iterator itPending = mGetPending.find(pending_material_t(region_id, material_id)); return (mGetPending.end() != itPending) && (LLFrameTimer::getTotalSeconds() < itPending->second + MATERIALS_POST_TIMEOUT); } void LLMaterialMgr::markGetPending(const LLUUID& region_id, const LLMaterialID& material_id) { get_pending_map_t::iterator itPending = mGetPending.find(pending_material_t(region_id, material_id)); if (mGetPending.end() == itPending) { mGetPending.insert(std::pair(pending_material_t(region_id, material_id), LLFrameTimer::getTotalSeconds())); } else { itPending->second = LLFrameTimer::getTotalSeconds(); } } const LLMaterialPtr LLMaterialMgr::get(const LLUUID& region_id, const LLMaterialID& material_id) { LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << "region " << region_id << " material id " << material_id << LL_ENDL; LLMaterialPtr material; material_map_t::const_iterator itMaterial = mMaterials.find(material_id); if (mMaterials.end() != itMaterial) { material = itMaterial->second; LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << " found material " << LL_ENDL; } else { if (!isGetPending(region_id, material_id)) { LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << " material pending " << material_id << LL_ENDL; get_queue_t::iterator itQueue = mGetQueue.find(region_id); if (mGetQueue.end() == itQueue) { LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << "mGetQueue add region " << region_id << " pending " << material_id << LL_ENDL; std::pair ret = mGetQueue.insert(std::pair(region_id, material_queue_t())); itQueue = ret.first; } itQueue->second.insert(material_id); markGetPending(region_id, material_id); } LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << " returning empty material " << LL_ENDL; material = LLMaterialPtr(); } return material; } boost::signals2::connection LLMaterialMgr::get(const LLUUID& region_id, const LLMaterialID& material_id, LLMaterialMgr::get_callback_t::slot_type cb) { boost::signals2::connection connection; material_map_t::const_iterator itMaterial = mMaterials.find(material_id); if (itMaterial != mMaterials.end()) { LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << "region " << region_id << " found materialid " << material_id << LL_ENDL; get_callback_t signal; signal.connect(cb); signal(material_id, itMaterial->second); connection = boost::signals2::connection(); } else { if (!isGetPending(region_id, material_id)) { get_queue_t::iterator itQueue = mGetQueue.find(region_id); if (mGetQueue.end() == itQueue) { LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << "mGetQueue inserting region "< ret = mGetQueue.insert(std::pair(region_id, material_queue_t())); itQueue = ret.first; } LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << "adding material id " << material_id << LL_ENDL; itQueue->second.insert(material_id); markGetPending(region_id, material_id); } get_callback_map_t::iterator itCallback = mGetCallbacks.find(material_id); if (itCallback == mGetCallbacks.end()) { std::pair ret = mGetCallbacks.insert(std::pair(material_id, new get_callback_t())); itCallback = ret.first; } connection = itCallback->second->connect(cb);; } return connection; } boost::signals2::connection LLMaterialMgr::getTE(const LLUUID& region_id, const LLMaterialID& material_id, U32 te, LLMaterialMgr::get_callback_te_t::slot_type cb) { boost::signals2::connection connection; material_map_t::const_iterator itMaterial = mMaterials.find(material_id); if (itMaterial != mMaterials.end()) { LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << "region " << region_id << " found materialid " << material_id << LL_ENDL; get_callback_te_t signal; signal.connect(cb); signal(material_id, itMaterial->second, te); connection = boost::signals2::connection(); } else { if (!isGetPending(region_id, material_id)) { get_queue_t::iterator itQueue = mGetQueue.find(region_id); if (mGetQueue.end() == itQueue) { LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << "mGetQueue inserting region "< ret = mGetQueue.insert(std::pair(region_id, material_queue_t())); itQueue = ret.first; } LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << "adding material id " << material_id << LL_ENDL; itQueue->second.insert(material_id); markGetPending(region_id, material_id); } TEMaterialPair te_mat_pair; te_mat_pair.te = te; te_mat_pair.materialID = material_id; get_callback_te_map_t::iterator itCallback = mGetTECallbacks.find(te_mat_pair); if (itCallback == mGetTECallbacks.end()) { std::pair ret = mGetTECallbacks.insert(std::pair(te_mat_pair, new get_callback_te_t())); itCallback = ret.first; } connection = itCallback->second->connect(cb); } return connection; } bool LLMaterialMgr::isGetAllPending(const LLUUID& region_id) const { getall_pending_map_t::const_iterator itPending = mGetAllPending.find(region_id); return (mGetAllPending.end() != itPending) && (LLFrameTimer::getTotalSeconds() < itPending->second + MATERIALS_GET_TIMEOUT); } void LLMaterialMgr::getAll(const LLUUID& region_id) { if (!isGetAllPending(region_id)) { LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << "queuing for region " << region_id << LL_ENDL; mGetAllQueue.insert(region_id); } else { LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << "already pending for region " << region_id << LL_ENDL; } } boost::signals2::connection LLMaterialMgr::getAll(const LLUUID& region_id, LLMaterialMgr::getall_callback_t::slot_type cb) { if (!isGetAllPending(region_id)) { mGetAllQueue.insert(region_id); } getall_callback_map_t::iterator itCallback = mGetAllCallbacks.find(region_id); if (mGetAllCallbacks.end() == itCallback) { std::pair ret = mGetAllCallbacks.insert(std::pair(region_id, new getall_callback_t())); itCallback = ret.first; } return itCallback->second->connect(cb);; } void LLMaterialMgr::put(const LLUUID& object_id, const U8 te, const LLMaterial& material) { put_queue_t::iterator itQueue = mPutQueue.find(object_id); if (mPutQueue.end() == itQueue) { LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << "mPutQueue insert object " << object_id << LL_ENDL; mPutQueue.insert(std::pair(object_id, facematerial_map_t())); itQueue = mPutQueue.find(object_id); } facematerial_map_t::iterator itFace = itQueue->second.find(te); if (itQueue->second.end() == itFace) { itQueue->second.insert(std::pair(te, material)); } else { itFace->second = material; } } void LLMaterialMgr::remove(const LLUUID& object_id, const U8 te) { put(object_id, te, LLMaterial::null); } void LLMaterialMgr::setLocalMaterial(const LLUUID& region_id, LLMaterialPtr material_ptr) { LLUUID uuid; uuid.generate(); LLMaterialID material_id(uuid); while (mMaterials.end() != mMaterials.find(material_id)) { //probability that this loop will executed is very, very low (one in a billion chance) uuid.generate(); material_id.set(uuid.mData); } LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << "region " << region_id << "new local material id " << material_id << LL_ENDL; mMaterials.insert(std::pair(material_id, material_ptr)); setMaterialCallbacks(material_id, material_ptr); mGetPending.erase(pending_material_t(region_id, material_id)); } const LLMaterialPtr LLMaterialMgr::setMaterial(const LLUUID& region_id, const LLMaterialID& material_id, const LLSD& material_data) { LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << "region " << region_id << " material id " << material_id << LL_ENDL; material_map_t::const_iterator itMaterial = mMaterials.find(material_id); if (mMaterials.end() == itMaterial) { LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << "new material" << LL_ENDL; LLMaterialPtr newMaterial(new LLMaterial(material_data)); std::pair ret = mMaterials.insert(std::pair(material_id, newMaterial)); itMaterial = ret.first; } setMaterialCallbacks(material_id, itMaterial->second); mGetPending.erase(pending_material_t(region_id, material_id)); return itMaterial->second; } void LLMaterialMgr::setMaterialCallbacks(const LLMaterialID& material_id, const LLMaterialPtr material_ptr) { TEMaterialPair te_mat_pair; te_mat_pair.materialID = material_id; U32 i = 0; while (i < LLTEContents::MAX_TES && !mGetTECallbacks.empty()) { te_mat_pair.te = i++; get_callback_te_map_t::iterator itCallbackTE = mGetTECallbacks.find(te_mat_pair); if (itCallbackTE != mGetTECallbacks.end()) { (*itCallbackTE->second)(material_id, material_ptr, te_mat_pair.te); delete itCallbackTE->second; mGetTECallbacks.erase(itCallbackTE); } } get_callback_map_t::iterator itCallback = mGetCallbacks.find(material_id); if (itCallback != mGetCallbacks.end()) { (*itCallback->second)(material_id, material_ptr); delete itCallback->second; mGetCallbacks.erase(itCallback); } } void LLMaterialMgr::onGetResponse(bool success, const LLSD& content, const LLUUID& region_id) { if (!success) { // *TODO: is there any kind of error handling we can do here? LL_WARNS("Materials")<< "failed"<second.erase(material_id); } llassert(material_data.has(MATERIALS_CAP_MATERIAL_FIELD)); llassert(material_data[MATERIALS_CAP_MATERIAL_FIELD].isMap()); LLMaterialPtr material = setMaterial(region_id, material_id, material_data[MATERIALS_CAP_MATERIAL_FIELD]); materials[material_id] = material; } getall_callback_map_t::iterator itCallback = mGetAllCallbacks.find(region_id); if (itCallback != mGetAllCallbacks.end()) { (*itCallback->second)(region_id, materials); delete itCallback->second; mGetAllCallbacks.erase(itCallback); } if ( (mGetQueue.end() != itQueue) && (itQueue->second.empty()) ) { mGetQueue.erase(itQueue); } LL_DEBUGS("Materials")<< "recording that getAll has been done for region id " << region_id << LL_ENDL; mGetAllRequested.insert(region_id); // prevents subsequent getAll requests for this region mGetAllPending.erase(region_id); // Invalidates region_id } void LLMaterialMgr::onPutResponse(bool success, const LLSD& content) { if (!success) { // *TODO: is there any kind of error handling we can do here? LL_WARNS("Materials")<< "failed"<mGetQueue.empty()) { instancep->processGetQueue(); } if (!instancep->mGetAllQueue.empty()) { instancep->processGetAllQueue(); } if (!instancep->mPutQueue.empty()) { instancep->processPutQueue(); } instancep->mHttpRequest->update(0L); } /*static*/ void LLMaterialMgr::CapsRecvForRegion(const LLUUID& regionId, LLUUID regionTest, std::string pumpname) { if (regionId == regionTest) { LLEventPumps::instance().obtain(pumpname).post(LLSD()); } } void LLMaterialMgr::processGetQueue() { get_queue_t::iterator loopRegionQueue = mGetQueue.begin(); while (mGetQueue.end() != loopRegionQueue) { #if 1 //* $TODO: This block is screaming to be turned into a coroutine. // see processGetQueueCoro() below. // get_queue_t::iterator itRegionQueue = loopRegionQueue++; LLUUID region_id = itRegionQueue->first; if (isGetAllPending(region_id)) { continue; } LLViewerRegion* regionp = LLWorld::instance().getRegionFromID(region_id); if (!regionp) { LL_WARNS("Materials") << "Unknown region with id " << region_id.asString() << LL_ENDL; mGetQueue.erase(itRegionQueue); continue; } else if (!regionp->capabilitiesReceived() || regionp->materialsCapThrottled()) { continue; } else if (mGetAllRequested.end() == mGetAllRequested.find(region_id)) { LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << "calling getAll for " << regionp->getName() << LL_ENDL; getAll(region_id); continue; } const std::string capURL = regionp->getCapability(MATERIALS_CAPABILITY_NAME); if (capURL.empty()) { LL_WARNS("Materials") << "Capability '" << MATERIALS_CAPABILITY_NAME << "' is not defined on region '" << regionp->getName() << "'" << LL_ENDL; mGetQueue.erase(itRegionQueue); continue; } LLSD materialsData = LLSD::emptyArray(); material_queue_t& materials = itRegionQueue->second; U32 max_entries = regionp->getMaxMaterialsPerTransaction(); material_queue_t::iterator loopMaterial = materials.begin(); while ( (materials.end() != loopMaterial) && (materialsData.size() < max_entries) ) { material_queue_t::iterator itMaterial = loopMaterial++; materialsData.append((*itMaterial).asLLSD()); materials.erase(itMaterial); markGetPending(region_id, *itMaterial); } if (materials.empty()) { mGetQueue.erase(itRegionQueue); // $TODO*: We may be able to issue a continue here. Research. } std::string materialString = zip_llsd(materialsData); S32 materialSize = materialString.size(); if (materialSize <= 0) { LL_ERRS("Materials") << "cannot zip LLSD binary content" << LL_ENDL; return; } LLSD::Binary materialBinary; materialBinary.resize(materialSize); memcpy(materialBinary.data(), materialString.data(), materialSize); LLSD postData = LLSD::emptyMap(); postData[MATERIALS_CAP_ZIP_FIELD] = materialBinary; LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t handler(new LLMaterialHttpHandler("POST", boost::bind(&LLMaterialMgr::onGetResponse, this, _1, _2, region_id) )); LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << "POSTing to region '" << regionp->getName() << "' at '" << capURL << " for " << materialsData.size() << " materials." << "\ndata: " << ll_pretty_print_sd(materialsData) << LL_ENDL; LLCore::HttpHandle handle = LLCoreHttpUtil::requestPostWithLLSD(mHttpRequest, mHttpPolicy, mHttpPriority, capURL, postData, mHttpOptions, mHttpHeaders, handler); if (handle == LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID) { LLCore::HttpStatus status = mHttpRequest->getStatus(); LL_ERRS("Meterials") << "Failed to execute material POST. Status = " << status.toULong() << "\"" << status.toString() << "\"" << LL_ENDL; } regionp->resetMaterialsCapThrottle(); } #endif } void LLMaterialMgr::processGetQueueCoro() { #if 0 get_queue_t::iterator itRegionQueue = loopRegionQueue++; const LLUUID& region_id = itRegionQueue->first; if (isGetAllPending(region_id)) { continue; } LLViewerRegion* regionp = LLWorld::instance().getRegionFromID(region_id); if (!regionp) { LL_WARNS("Materials") << "Unknown region with id " << region_id.asString() << LL_ENDL; mGetQueue.erase(itRegionQueue); continue; } else if (!regionp->capabilitiesReceived() || regionp->materialsCapThrottled()) { continue; } else if (mGetAllRequested.end() == mGetAllRequested.find(region_id)) { LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << "calling getAll for " << regionp->getName() << LL_ENDL; getAll(region_id); continue; } const std::string capURL = regionp->getCapability(MATERIALS_CAPABILITY_NAME); if (capURL.empty()) { LL_WARNS("Materials") << "Capability '" << MATERIALS_CAPABILITY_NAME << "' is not defined on region '" << regionp->getName() << "'" << LL_ENDL; mGetQueue.erase(itRegionQueue); continue; } LLSD materialsData = LLSD::emptyArray(); material_queue_t& materials = itRegionQueue->second; U32 max_entries = regionp->getMaxMaterialsPerTransaction(); material_queue_t::iterator loopMaterial = materials.begin(); while ((materials.end() != loopMaterial) && (materialsData.size() < max_entries)) { material_queue_t::iterator itMaterial = loopMaterial++; materialsData.append((*itMaterial).asLLSD()); materials.erase(itMaterial); markGetPending(region_id, *itMaterial); } if (materials.empty()) { mGetQueue.erase(itRegionQueue); } std::string materialString = zip_llsd(materialsData); S32 materialSize = materialString.size(); if (materialSize <= 0) { LL_ERRS("Materials") << "cannot zip LLSD binary content" << LL_ENDL; return; } LLSD::Binary materialBinary; materialBinary.resize(materialSize); memcpy(materialBinary.data(), materialString.data(), materialSize); LLSD postData = LLSD::emptyMap(); postData[MATERIALS_CAP_ZIP_FIELD] = materialBinary; LLMaterialHttpHandler * handler = new LLMaterialHttpHandler("POST", boost::bind(&LLMaterialMgr::onGetResponse, this, _1, _2, region_id) ); LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << "POSTing to region '" << regionp->getName() << "' at '" << capURL << " for " << materialsData.size() << " materials." << "\ndata: " << ll_pretty_print_sd(materialsData) << LL_ENDL; LLCore::HttpHandle handle = LLCoreHttpUtil::requestPostWithLLSD(mHttpRequest, mHttpPolicy, mHttpPriority, capURL, postData, mHttpOptions, mHttpHeaders, handler); if (handle == LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID) { delete handler; LLCore::HttpStatus status = mHttpRequest->getStatus(); LL_ERRS("Meterials") << "Failed to execute material POST. Status = " << status.toULong() << "\"" << status.toString() << "\"" << LL_ENDL; } regionp->resetMaterialsCapThrottle(); #endif } void LLMaterialMgr::processGetAllQueue() { getall_queue_t::iterator loopRegion = mGetAllQueue.begin(); while (mGetAllQueue.end() != loopRegion) { getall_queue_t::iterator itRegion = loopRegion++; const LLUUID& region_id = *itRegion; LLCoros::instance().launch("LLMaterialMgr::processGetAllQueueCoro", boost::bind(&LLMaterialMgr::processGetAllQueueCoro, this, region_id)); mGetAllPending.insert(std::pair(region_id, LLFrameTimer::getTotalSeconds())); mGetAllQueue.erase(itRegion); // Invalidates region_id } } void LLMaterialMgr::processGetAllQueueCoro(LLUUID regionId) { LLViewerRegion* regionp = LLWorld::instance().getRegionFromID(regionId); if (regionp == NULL) { LL_WARNS("Materials") << "Unknown region with id " << regionId.asString() << LL_ENDL; clearGetQueues(regionId); // Invalidates region_id return; } else if (!regionp->capabilitiesReceived()) { LLEventStream capsRecv("waitForCaps", true); regionp->setCapabilitiesReceivedCallback( boost::bind(&LLMaterialMgr::CapsRecvForRegion, _1, regionId, capsRecv.getName())); llcoro::suspendUntilEventOn(capsRecv); // reget the region from the region ID since it may have gone away while waiting. regionp = LLWorld::instance().getRegionFromID(regionId); if (!regionp) { LL_WARNS("Materials") << "Region with ID " << regionId << " is no longer valid." << LL_ENDL; return; } } else if (regionp->materialsCapThrottled()) { // TODO: // Figure out how to handle the throttle. } std::string capURL = regionp->getCapability(MATERIALS_CAPABILITY_NAME); if (capURL.empty()) { LL_WARNS("Materials") << "Capability '" << MATERIALS_CAPABILITY_NAME << "' is not defined on the current region '" << regionp->getName() << "'" << LL_ENDL; clearGetQueues(regionId); // Invalidates region_id return; } LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << "GET all for region " << regionId << "url " << capURL << LL_ENDL; LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::ptr_t httpAdapter( new LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter("processGetAllQueue", LLCore::HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID)); LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t httpRequest(new LLCore::HttpRequest()); LLSD result = httpAdapter->getAndSuspend(httpRequest, capURL); LLSD httpResults = result[LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS]; LLCore::HttpStatus status = LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::getStatusFromLLSD(httpResults); if (!status) { onGetAllResponse(false, LLSD(), regionId); } else { onGetAllResponse(true, result, regionId); } // reget the region from the region ID since it may have gone away while waiting. regionp = LLWorld::instance().getRegionFromID(regionId); if (!regionp) { LL_WARNS("Materials") << "Region with ID " << regionId << " is no longer valid." << LL_ENDL; return; } regionp->resetMaterialsCapThrottle(); } void LLMaterialMgr::processPutQueue() { typedef std::map regionput_request_map; regionput_request_map requests; put_queue_t::iterator loopQueue = mPutQueue.begin(); while (mPutQueue.end() != loopQueue) { put_queue_t::iterator itQueue = loopQueue++; const LLUUID& object_id = itQueue->first; const LLViewerObject* objectp = gObjectList.findObject(object_id); if ( !objectp ) { LL_WARNS("Materials") << "Object is NULL" << LL_ENDL; mPutQueue.erase(itQueue); } else { LLViewerRegion* regionp = objectp->getRegion(); if ( !regionp ) { LL_WARNS("Materials") << "Object region is NULL" << LL_ENDL; mPutQueue.erase(itQueue); } else if ( regionp->capabilitiesReceived() && !regionp->materialsCapThrottled()) { LLSD& facesData = requests[regionp]; facematerial_map_t& face_map = itQueue->second; U32 max_entries = regionp->getMaxMaterialsPerTransaction(); facematerial_map_t::iterator itFace = face_map.begin(); while ( (face_map.end() != itFace) && (facesData.size() < max_entries) ) { LLSD faceData = LLSD::emptyMap(); faceData[MATERIALS_CAP_FACE_FIELD] = static_cast(itFace->first); faceData[MATERIALS_CAP_OBJECT_ID_FIELD] = static_cast(objectp->getLocalID()); if (!itFace->second.isNull()) { faceData[MATERIALS_CAP_MATERIAL_FIELD] = itFace->second.asLLSD(); } facesData.append(faceData); face_map.erase(itFace++); } if (face_map.empty()) { mPutQueue.erase(itQueue); } } } } for (regionput_request_map::const_iterator itRequest = requests.begin(); itRequest != requests.end(); ++itRequest) { LLViewerRegion* regionp = itRequest->first; std::string capURL = regionp->getCapability(MATERIALS_CAPABILITY_NAME); if (capURL.empty()) { LL_WARNS("Materials") << "Capability '" << MATERIALS_CAPABILITY_NAME << "' is not defined on region '" << regionp->getName() << "'" << LL_ENDL; continue; } LLSD materialsData = LLSD::emptyMap(); materialsData[MATERIALS_CAP_FULL_PER_FACE_FIELD] = itRequest->second; std::string materialString = zip_llsd(materialsData); S32 materialSize = materialString.size(); if (materialSize > 0) { LLSD::Binary materialBinary; materialBinary.resize(materialSize); memcpy(materialBinary.data(), materialString.data(), materialSize); LLSD putData = LLSD::emptyMap(); putData[MATERIALS_CAP_ZIP_FIELD] = materialBinary; LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << "put for " << itRequest->second.size() << " faces to region " << itRequest->first->getName() << LL_ENDL; LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t handler (new LLMaterialHttpHandler("PUT", boost::bind(&LLMaterialMgr::onPutResponse, this, _1, _2) )); LLCore::HttpHandle handle = LLCoreHttpUtil::requestPutWithLLSD( mHttpRequest, mHttpPolicy, mHttpPriority, capURL, putData, mHttpOptions, mHttpHeaders, handler); if (handle == LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID) { LLCore::HttpStatus status = mHttpRequest->getStatus(); LL_ERRS("Meterials") << "Failed to execute material PUT. Status = " << status.toULong() << "\"" << status.toString() << "\"" << LL_ENDL; } regionp->resetMaterialsCapThrottle(); } else { LL_ERRS("debugMaterials") << "cannot zip LLSD binary content" << LL_ENDL; } } } void LLMaterialMgr::clearGetQueues(const LLUUID& region_id) { mGetQueue.erase(region_id); for (get_pending_map_t::iterator itPending = mGetPending.begin(); itPending != mGetPending.end();) { if (region_id == itPending->first.first) { mGetPending.erase(itPending++); } else { ++itPending; } } mGetAllQueue.erase(region_id); mGetAllRequested.erase(region_id); mGetAllPending.erase(region_id); mGetAllCallbacks.erase(region_id); } void LLMaterialMgr::onRegionRemoved(LLViewerRegion* regionp) { clearGetQueues(regionp->getRegionID()); // Put doesn't need clearing: objects that can't be found will clean up in processPutQueue() }