/** * @file llmarketplacefunctions.cpp * @brief Implementation of assorted functions related to the marketplace * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llmarketplacefunctions.h" #include "llagent.h" #include "llbufferstream.h" #include "llhttpclient.h" #include "llinventoryfunctions.h" #include "llinventoryobserver.h" #include "llnotificationsutil.h" #include "llsdserialize.h" #include "lltimer.h" #include "lltrans.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llviewerinventory.h" #include "llviewermedia.h" #include "llviewernetwork.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" #include "reader.h" // JSON #include "writer.h" // JSON // // Helpers // static std::string getMarketplaceDomain() { std::string domain = "secondlife.com"; if (!LLGridManager::getInstance()->isInProductionGrid()) { const std::string& grid_id = LLGridManager::getInstance()->getGridId(); const std::string& grid_id_lower = utf8str_tolower(grid_id); if (grid_id_lower == "damballah") { domain = "secondlife-staging.com"; } else { domain = llformat("%s.lindenlab.com", grid_id_lower.c_str()); } } return domain; } static std::string getMarketplaceURL(const std::string& urlStringName) { LLStringUtil::format_map_t domain_arg; domain_arg["[MARKETPLACE_DOMAIN_NAME]"] = getMarketplaceDomain(); std::string marketplace_url = LLTrans::getString(urlStringName, domain_arg); return marketplace_url; } LLSD getMarketplaceStringSubstitutions() { std::string marketplace_url = getMarketplaceURL("MarketplaceURL"); std::string marketplace_url_create = getMarketplaceURL("MarketplaceURL_CreateStore"); std::string marketplace_url_dashboard = getMarketplaceURL("MarketplaceURL_Dashboard"); std::string marketplace_url_imports = getMarketplaceURL("MarketplaceURL_Imports"); std::string marketplace_url_info = getMarketplaceURL("MarketplaceURL_LearnMore"); LLSD marketplace_sub_map; marketplace_sub_map["[MARKETPLACE_URL]"] = marketplace_url; marketplace_sub_map["[MARKETPLACE_CREATE_STORE_URL]"] = marketplace_url_create; marketplace_sub_map["[MARKETPLACE_LEARN_MORE_URL]"] = marketplace_url_info; marketplace_sub_map["[MARKETPLACE_DASHBOARD_URL]"] = marketplace_url_dashboard; marketplace_sub_map["[MARKETPLACE_IMPORTS_URL]"] = marketplace_url_imports; return marketplace_sub_map; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SLM Responders void log_SLM_warning(const std::string& request, U32 status, const std::string& reason, const std::string& code, const std::string& description) { LL_WARNS("SLM") << "SLM API : Responder to " << request << ". status : " << status << ", reason : " << reason << ", code : " << code << ", description : " << description << LL_ENDL; } void log_SLM_infos(const std::string& request, U32 status, const std::string& body) { if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("MarketplaceListingsLogging")) { LL_INFOS("SLM") << "SLM API : Responder to " << request << ". status : " << status << ", body or description : " << body << LL_ENDL; } } void log_SLM_infos(const std::string& request, const std::string& url, const std::string& body) { if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("MarketplaceListingsLogging")) { LL_INFOS("SLM") << "SLM API : Sending " << request << ". url : " << url << ", body : " << body << LL_ENDL; } } // Merov: This is a temporary hack used by dev while secondlife-staging is down... // *TODO : Suppress that before shipping! static bool sBypassMerchant = true; class LLSLMGetMerchantResponder : public LLHTTPClient::Responder { LOG_CLASS(LLSLMGetMerchantResponder); public: LLSLMGetMerchantResponder() {} protected: virtual void httpFailure() { if (sBypassMerchant) { // *TODO : Suppress that before shipping! log_SLM_infos("Get /merchant", getStatus(), "SLM Connection error bypassed (debug only)"); LLMarketplaceData::instance().setSLMStatus(MarketplaceStatusCodes::MARKET_PLACE_MERCHANT); } else if (HTTP_NOT_FOUND == getStatus()) { log_SLM_infos("Get /merchant", getStatus(), "User is not a merchant"); LLMarketplaceData::instance().setSLMStatus(MarketplaceStatusCodes::MARKET_PLACE_NOT_MERCHANT); } else { log_SLM_warning("Get /merchant", getStatus(), getReason(), getContent().get("error_code"), getContent().get("error_description")); LLMarketplaceData::instance().setSLMStatus(MarketplaceStatusCodes::MARKET_PLACE_CONNECTION_FAILURE); } } virtual void httpSuccess() { log_SLM_infos("Get /merchant", getStatus(), "User is a merchant"); LLMarketplaceData::instance().setSLMStatus(MarketplaceStatusCodes::MARKET_PLACE_MERCHANT); } }; class LLSLMGetListingsResponder : public LLHTTPClient::Responder { LOG_CLASS(LLSLMGetListingsResponder); public: LLSLMGetListingsResponder() {} virtual void completedRaw(const LLChannelDescriptors& channels, const LLIOPipe::buffer_ptr_t& buffer) { if (!isGoodStatus()) { log_SLM_warning("Get /listings", getStatus(), getReason(), "", ""); return; } LLBufferStream istr(channels, buffer.get()); std::stringstream strstrm; strstrm << istr.rdbuf(); const std::string body = strstrm.str(); Json::Value root; Json::Reader reader; if (!reader.parse(body,root)) { log_SLM_warning("Get /listings", getStatus(), "Json parsing failed", reader.getFormatedErrorMessages(), body); return; } log_SLM_infos("Get /listings", getStatus(), body); // Extract the info from the Json string Json::ValueIterator it = root["listings"].begin(); while (it != root["listings"].end()) { Json::Value listing = *it; int listing_id = listing["id"].asInt(); bool is_listed = listing["is_listed"].asBool(); std::string edit_url = listing["edit_url"].asString(); std::string folder_uuid_string = listing["inventory_info"]["listing_folder_id"].asString(); std::string version_uuid_string = listing["inventory_info"]["version_folder_id"].asString(); LLUUID folder_id(folder_uuid_string); LLUUID version_id(version_uuid_string); if (folder_id.notNull()) { LLMarketplaceData::instance().deleteListing(folder_id,false); LLMarketplaceData::instance().addListing(folder_id,listing_id,version_id,is_listed); LLMarketplaceData::instance().setListingURL(folder_id, edit_url); } it++; } } }; class LLSLMCreateListingsResponder : public LLHTTPClient::Responder { LOG_CLASS(LLSLMCreateListingsResponder); public: LLSLMCreateListingsResponder() {} virtual void completedRaw(const LLChannelDescriptors& channels, const LLIOPipe::buffer_ptr_t& buffer) { if (!isGoodStatus()) { log_SLM_warning("Post /listings", getStatus(), getReason(), "", ""); return; } LLBufferStream istr(channels, buffer.get()); std::stringstream strstrm; strstrm << istr.rdbuf(); const std::string body = strstrm.str(); Json::Value root; Json::Reader reader; if (!reader.parse(body,root)) { log_SLM_warning("Post /listings", getStatus(), "Json parsing failed", reader.getFormatedErrorMessages(), body); return; } log_SLM_infos("Post /listings", getStatus(), body); // Extract the info from the Json string Json::ValueIterator it = root["listings"].begin(); while (it != root["listings"].end()) { Json::Value listing = *it; int listing_id = listing["id"].asInt(); bool is_listed = listing["is_listed"].asBool(); std::string edit_url = listing["edit_url"].asString(); std::string folder_uuid_string = listing["inventory_info"]["listing_folder_id"].asString(); std::string version_uuid_string = listing["inventory_info"]["version_folder_id"].asString(); LLUUID folder_id(folder_uuid_string); LLUUID version_id(version_uuid_string); LLMarketplaceData::instance().addListing(folder_id,listing_id,version_id,is_listed); LLMarketplaceData::instance().setListingURL(folder_id, edit_url); it++; } } }; class LLSLMGetListingResponder : public LLHTTPClient::Responder { LOG_CLASS(LLSLMGetListingResponder); public: LLSLMGetListingResponder() {} virtual void completedRaw(const LLChannelDescriptors& channels, const LLIOPipe::buffer_ptr_t& buffer) { LLBufferStream istr(channels, buffer.get()); std::stringstream strstrm; strstrm << istr.rdbuf(); const std::string body = strstrm.str(); if (!isGoodStatus()) { log_SLM_warning("Get /listing", getStatus(), getReason(), "", body); return; } Json::Value root; Json::Reader reader; if (!reader.parse(body,root)) { log_SLM_warning("Get /listing", getStatus(), "Json parsing failed", reader.getFormatedErrorMessages(), body); return; } log_SLM_infos("Get /listing", getStatus(), body); // Extract the info from the Json string Json::ValueIterator it = root["listings"].begin(); while (it != root["listings"].end()) { Json::Value listing = *it; int listing_id = listing["id"].asInt(); bool is_listed = listing["is_listed"].asBool(); std::string edit_url = listing["edit_url"].asString(); std::string folder_uuid_string = listing["inventory_info"]["listing_folder_id"].asString(); std::string version_uuid_string = listing["inventory_info"]["version_folder_id"].asString(); LLUUID folder_id(folder_uuid_string); LLUUID version_id(version_uuid_string); // Update that listing LLMarketplaceData::instance().setListingID(folder_id, listing_id); LLMarketplaceData::instance().setVersionFolderID(folder_id, version_id); LLMarketplaceData::instance().setActivationState(folder_id, is_listed); LLMarketplaceData::instance().setListingURL(folder_id, edit_url); it++; } } }; class LLSLMUpdateListingsResponder : public LLHTTPClient::Responder { LOG_CLASS(LLSLMUpdateListingsResponder); public: LLSLMUpdateListingsResponder(bool expected_listed_state, const LLUUID& expected_version_id) { mExpectedListedState = expected_listed_state; mExpectedVersionUUID = expected_version_id; } virtual void completedRaw(const LLChannelDescriptors& channels, const LLIOPipe::buffer_ptr_t& buffer) { LLBufferStream istr(channels, buffer.get()); std::stringstream strstrm; strstrm << istr.rdbuf(); const std::string body = strstrm.str(); if (!isGoodStatus()) { log_SLM_warning("Put /listing", getStatus(), getReason(), "", body); return; } Json::Value root; Json::Reader reader; if (!reader.parse(body,root)) { log_SLM_warning("Put /listing", getStatus(), "Json parsing failed", reader.getFormatedErrorMessages(), body); return; } log_SLM_infos("Put /listing", getStatus(), body); // Extract the info from the Json string Json::ValueIterator it = root["listings"].begin(); while (it != root["listings"].end()) { Json::Value listing = *it; int listing_id = listing["id"].asInt(); bool is_listed = listing["is_listed"].asBool(); std::string edit_url = listing["edit_url"].asString(); std::string folder_uuid_string = listing["inventory_info"]["listing_folder_id"].asString(); std::string version_uuid_string = listing["inventory_info"]["version_folder_id"].asString(); LLUUID folder_id(folder_uuid_string); LLUUID version_id(version_uuid_string); // Update that listing LLMarketplaceData::instance().setListingID(folder_id, listing_id); LLMarketplaceData::instance().setVersionFolderID(folder_id, version_id); LLMarketplaceData::instance().setActivationState(folder_id, is_listed); LLMarketplaceData::instance().setListingURL(folder_id, edit_url); // Show a notification alert if what we got is not what we expected // (this actually doesn't result in an error status from the SLM API protocol) if ((mExpectedListedState != is_listed) || (mExpectedVersionUUID != version_id)) { LLSD subs; subs["[URL]"] = edit_url; LLNotificationsUtil::add("AlertMerchantListingNotUpdated", subs); } it++; } } private: bool mExpectedListedState; LLUUID mExpectedVersionUUID; }; class LLSLMAssociateListingsResponder : public LLHTTPClient::Responder { LOG_CLASS(LLSLMAssociateListingsResponder); public: LLSLMAssociateListingsResponder() {} virtual void completedRaw(const LLChannelDescriptors& channels, const LLIOPipe::buffer_ptr_t& buffer) { if (!isGoodStatus()) { log_SLM_warning("Put /associate_inventory", getStatus(), getReason(), "", ""); return; } LLBufferStream istr(channels, buffer.get()); std::stringstream strstrm; strstrm << istr.rdbuf(); const std::string body = strstrm.str(); Json::Value root; Json::Reader reader; if (!reader.parse(body,root)) { log_SLM_warning("Put /associate_inventory", getStatus(), "Json parsing failed", reader.getFormatedErrorMessages(), body); return; } log_SLM_infos("Put /associate_inventory", getStatus(), body); // Extract the info from the Json string Json::ValueIterator it = root["listings"].begin(); while (it != root["listings"].end()) { Json::Value listing = *it; int listing_id = listing["id"].asInt(); bool is_listed = listing["is_listed"].asBool(); std::string edit_url = listing["edit_url"].asString(); std::string folder_uuid_string = listing["inventory_info"]["listing_folder_id"].asString(); std::string version_uuid_string = listing["inventory_info"]["version_folder_id"].asString(); LLUUID folder_id(folder_uuid_string); LLUUID version_id(version_uuid_string); // Check that the listing ID is not already associated to some other record LLUUID old_listing = LLMarketplaceData::instance().getListingFolder(listing_id); if (old_listing.notNull()) { // If it is already used, unlist the old record (we can't have 2 listings with the same listing ID) LLMarketplaceData::instance().deleteListing(old_listing); } // Add the new association LLMarketplaceData::instance().addListing(folder_id,listing_id,version_id,is_listed); LLMarketplaceData::instance().setListingURL(folder_id, edit_url); it++; } } }; class LLSLMDeleteListingsResponder : public LLHTTPClient::Responder { LOG_CLASS(LLSLMDeleteListingsResponder); public: LLSLMDeleteListingsResponder() {} virtual void completedRaw(const LLChannelDescriptors& channels, const LLIOPipe::buffer_ptr_t& buffer) { LLBufferStream istr(channels, buffer.get()); std::stringstream strstrm; strstrm << istr.rdbuf(); const std::string body = strstrm.str(); if (!isGoodStatus()) { log_SLM_warning("Delete /listing", getStatus(), getReason(), "", body); return; } Json::Value root; Json::Reader reader; if (!reader.parse(body,root)) { log_SLM_warning("Delete /listing", getStatus(), "Json parsing failed", reader.getFormatedErrorMessages(), body); return; } log_SLM_infos("Delete /listing", getStatus(), body); // Extract the info from the Json string Json::ValueIterator it = root["listings"].begin(); while (it != root["listings"].end()) { Json::Value listing = *it; int listing_id = listing["id"].asInt(); LLUUID folder_id = LLMarketplaceData::instance().getListingFolder(listing_id); LLMarketplaceData::instance().deleteListing(folder_id); it++; } } }; // SLM Responders End /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace LLMarketplaceImport { // Basic interface for this namespace bool hasSessionCookie(); bool inProgress(); bool resultPending(); S32 getResultStatus(); const LLSD& getResults(); bool establishMarketplaceSessionCookie(); bool pollStatus(); bool triggerImport(); // Internal state variables static std::string sMarketplaceCookie = ""; static LLSD sImportId = LLSD::emptyMap(); static bool sImportInProgress = false; static bool sImportPostPending = false; static bool sImportGetPending = false; static S32 sImportResultStatus = 0; static LLSD sImportResults = LLSD::emptyMap(); static LLTimer slmGetTimer; static LLTimer slmPostTimer; // Responders class LLImportPostResponder : public LLHTTPClient::Responder { LOG_CLASS(LLImportPostResponder); public: LLImportPostResponder() : LLCurl::Responder() {} protected: /* virtual */ void httpCompleted() { slmPostTimer.stop(); if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("InventoryOutboxLogging")) { LL_INFOS() << " SLM [timer:" << slmPostTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() << "] " << dumpResponse() << LL_ENDL; } S32 status = getStatus(); if ((status == MarketplaceErrorCodes::IMPORT_REDIRECT) || (status == MarketplaceErrorCodes::IMPORT_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR) || // MAINT-2301 : we determined we can safely ignore that error in that context (status == MarketplaceErrorCodes::IMPORT_JOB_TIMEOUT)) { if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("InventoryOutboxLogging")) { LL_INFOS() << " SLM POST : Ignoring time out status and treating it as success" << LL_ENDL; } status = MarketplaceErrorCodes::IMPORT_DONE; } if (status >= MarketplaceErrorCodes::IMPORT_BAD_REQUEST) { if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("InventoryOutboxLogging")) { LL_INFOS() << " SLM POST clearing marketplace cookie due to client or server error" << LL_ENDL; } sMarketplaceCookie.clear(); } sImportInProgress = (status == MarketplaceErrorCodes::IMPORT_DONE); sImportPostPending = false; sImportResultStatus = status; sImportId = getContent(); } }; class LLImportGetResponder : public LLHTTPClient::Responder { LOG_CLASS(LLImportGetResponder); public: LLImportGetResponder() : LLCurl::Responder() {} protected: /* virtual */ void httpCompleted() { const std::string& set_cookie_string = getResponseHeader(HTTP_IN_HEADER_SET_COOKIE); if (!set_cookie_string.empty()) { sMarketplaceCookie = set_cookie_string; } slmGetTimer.stop(); if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("InventoryOutboxLogging")) { LL_INFOS() << " SLM [timer:" << slmGetTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() << "] " << dumpResponse() << LL_ENDL; } // MAINT-2452 : Do not clear the cookie on IMPORT_DONE_WITH_ERRORS : Happens when trying to import objects with wrong permissions // ACME-1221 : Do not clear the cookie on IMPORT_NOT_FOUND : Happens for newly created Merchant accounts that are initally empty S32 status = getStatus(); if ((status >= MarketplaceErrorCodes::IMPORT_BAD_REQUEST) && (status != MarketplaceErrorCodes::IMPORT_DONE_WITH_ERRORS) && (status != MarketplaceErrorCodes::IMPORT_NOT_FOUND)) { if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("InventoryOutboxLogging")) { LL_INFOS() << " SLM GET clearing marketplace cookie due to client or server error" << LL_ENDL; } sMarketplaceCookie.clear(); } else if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("InventoryOutboxLogging") && (status >= MarketplaceErrorCodes::IMPORT_BAD_REQUEST)) { LL_INFOS() << " SLM GET : Got error status = " << status << ", but marketplace cookie not cleared." << LL_ENDL; } sImportInProgress = (status == MarketplaceErrorCodes::IMPORT_PROCESSING); sImportGetPending = false; sImportResultStatus = status; sImportResults = getContent(); } }; // Basic API bool hasSessionCookie() { return !sMarketplaceCookie.empty(); } bool inProgress() { return sImportInProgress; } bool resultPending() { return (sImportPostPending || sImportGetPending); } S32 getResultStatus() { return sImportResultStatus; } const LLSD& getResults() { return sImportResults; } static std::string getInventoryImportURL() { std::string url = getMarketplaceURL("MarketplaceURL"); url += "api/1/"; url += gAgent.getID().getString(); url += "/inventory/import/"; return url; } bool establishMarketplaceSessionCookie() { if (hasSessionCookie()) { return false; } sImportInProgress = true; sImportGetPending = true; std::string url = getInventoryImportURL(); if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("InventoryOutboxLogging")) { LL_INFOS() << " SLM GET: establishMarketplaceSessionCookie, LLHTTPClient::get, url = " << url << LL_ENDL; LLSD headers = LLViewerMedia::getHeaders(); std::stringstream str; LLSDSerialize::toPrettyXML(headers, str); LL_INFOS() << " SLM GET: headers " << LL_ENDL; LL_INFOS() << str.str() << LL_ENDL; } slmGetTimer.start(); LLHTTPClient::get(url, new LLImportGetResponder(), LLViewerMedia::getHeaders()); return true; } bool pollStatus() { if (!hasSessionCookie()) { return false; } sImportGetPending = true; std::string url = getInventoryImportURL(); url += sImportId.asString(); // Make the headers for the post LLSD headers = LLSD::emptyMap(); headers[HTTP_OUT_HEADER_ACCEPT] = "*/*"; headers[HTTP_OUT_HEADER_COOKIE] = sMarketplaceCookie; // *TODO: Why are we setting Content-Type for a GET request? headers[HTTP_OUT_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE] = HTTP_CONTENT_LLSD_XML; headers[HTTP_OUT_HEADER_USER_AGENT] = LLViewerMedia::getCurrentUserAgent(); if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("InventoryOutboxLogging")) { LL_INFOS() << " SLM GET: pollStatus, LLHTTPClient::get, url = " << url << LL_ENDL; std::stringstream str; LLSDSerialize::toPrettyXML(headers, str); LL_INFOS() << " SLM GET: headers " << LL_ENDL; LL_INFOS() << str.str() << LL_ENDL; } slmGetTimer.start(); LLHTTPClient::get(url, new LLImportGetResponder(), headers); return true; } bool triggerImport() { if (!hasSessionCookie()) { return false; } sImportId = LLSD::emptyMap(); sImportInProgress = true; sImportPostPending = true; sImportResultStatus = MarketplaceErrorCodes::IMPORT_PROCESSING; sImportResults = LLSD::emptyMap(); std::string url = getInventoryImportURL(); // Make the headers for the post LLSD headers = LLSD::emptyMap(); headers[HTTP_OUT_HEADER_ACCEPT] = "*/*"; headers[HTTP_OUT_HEADER_CONNECTION] = "Keep-Alive"; headers[HTTP_OUT_HEADER_COOKIE] = sMarketplaceCookie; headers[HTTP_OUT_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE] = HTTP_CONTENT_XML; headers[HTTP_OUT_HEADER_USER_AGENT] = LLViewerMedia::getCurrentUserAgent(); if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("InventoryOutboxLogging")) { LL_INFOS() << " SLM POST: triggerImport, LLHTTPClient::post, url = " << url << LL_ENDL; std::stringstream str; LLSDSerialize::toPrettyXML(headers, str); LL_INFOS() << " SLM POST: headers " << LL_ENDL; LL_INFOS() << str.str() << LL_ENDL; } slmPostTimer.start(); LLHTTPClient::post(url, LLSD(), new LLImportPostResponder(), headers); return true; } } // // Interface class // static const F32 MARKET_IMPORTER_UPDATE_FREQUENCY = 1.0f; //static void LLMarketplaceInventoryImporter::update() { if (instanceExists()) { static LLTimer update_timer; if (update_timer.hasExpired()) { LLMarketplaceInventoryImporter::instance().updateImport(); update_timer.setTimerExpirySec(MARKET_IMPORTER_UPDATE_FREQUENCY); } } } LLMarketplaceInventoryImporter::LLMarketplaceInventoryImporter() : mAutoTriggerImport(false) , mImportInProgress(false) , mInitialized(false) , mMarketPlaceStatus(MarketplaceStatusCodes::MARKET_PLACE_NOT_INITIALIZED) , mErrorInitSignal(NULL) , mStatusChangedSignal(NULL) , mStatusReportSignal(NULL) { } boost::signals2::connection LLMarketplaceInventoryImporter::setInitializationErrorCallback(const status_report_signal_t::slot_type& cb) { if (mErrorInitSignal == NULL) { mErrorInitSignal = new status_report_signal_t(); } return mErrorInitSignal->connect(cb); } boost::signals2::connection LLMarketplaceInventoryImporter::setStatusChangedCallback(const status_changed_signal_t::slot_type& cb) { if (mStatusChangedSignal == NULL) { mStatusChangedSignal = new status_changed_signal_t(); } return mStatusChangedSignal->connect(cb); } boost::signals2::connection LLMarketplaceInventoryImporter::setStatusReportCallback(const status_report_signal_t::slot_type& cb) { if (mStatusReportSignal == NULL) { mStatusReportSignal = new status_report_signal_t(); } return mStatusReportSignal->connect(cb); } void LLMarketplaceInventoryImporter::initialize() { if (mInitialized) { return; } if (!LLMarketplaceImport::hasSessionCookie()) { mMarketPlaceStatus = MarketplaceStatusCodes::MARKET_PLACE_INITIALIZING; LLMarketplaceImport::establishMarketplaceSessionCookie(); } else { mMarketPlaceStatus = MarketplaceStatusCodes::MARKET_PLACE_MERCHANT; } } void LLMarketplaceInventoryImporter::reinitializeAndTriggerImport() { mInitialized = false; mMarketPlaceStatus = MarketplaceStatusCodes::MARKET_PLACE_NOT_INITIALIZED; initialize(); mAutoTriggerImport = true; } bool LLMarketplaceInventoryImporter::triggerImport() { const bool import_triggered = LLMarketplaceImport::triggerImport(); if (!import_triggered) { reinitializeAndTriggerImport(); } return import_triggered; } void LLMarketplaceInventoryImporter::updateImport() { const bool in_progress = LLMarketplaceImport::inProgress(); if (in_progress && !LLMarketplaceImport::resultPending()) { const bool polling_status = LLMarketplaceImport::pollStatus(); if (!polling_status) { reinitializeAndTriggerImport(); } } if (mImportInProgress != in_progress) { mImportInProgress = in_progress; // If we are no longer in progress if (!mImportInProgress) { if (mInitialized) { // Report results if (mStatusReportSignal) { (*mStatusReportSignal)(LLMarketplaceImport::getResultStatus(), LLMarketplaceImport::getResults()); } } else { // Look for results success mInitialized = LLMarketplaceImport::hasSessionCookie(); if (mInitialized) { mMarketPlaceStatus = MarketplaceStatusCodes::MARKET_PLACE_MERCHANT; // Follow up with auto trigger of import if (mAutoTriggerImport) { mAutoTriggerImport = false; mImportInProgress = triggerImport(); } } else { U32 status = LLMarketplaceImport::getResultStatus(); if ((status == MarketplaceErrorCodes::IMPORT_FORBIDDEN) || (status == MarketplaceErrorCodes::IMPORT_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR)) { mMarketPlaceStatus = MarketplaceStatusCodes::MARKET_PLACE_NOT_MERCHANT; } else { mMarketPlaceStatus = MarketplaceStatusCodes::MARKET_PLACE_CONNECTION_FAILURE; } if (mErrorInitSignal && (mMarketPlaceStatus == MarketplaceStatusCodes::MARKET_PLACE_CONNECTION_FAILURE)) { (*mErrorInitSignal)(LLMarketplaceImport::getResultStatus(), LLMarketplaceImport::getResults()); } } } } // Make sure we trigger the status change with the final state (in case of auto trigger after initialize) if (mStatusChangedSignal) { (*mStatusChangedSignal)(mImportInProgress); } } } // // Direct Delivery : Marketplace tuples and data // class LLMarketplaceInventoryObserver : public LLInventoryObserver { public: LLMarketplaceInventoryObserver() {} virtual ~LLMarketplaceInventoryObserver() {} virtual void changed(U32 mask); }; void LLMarketplaceInventoryObserver::changed(U32 mask) { // When things are changed in the inventory, this can trigger a host of changes in the marketplace listings folder: // * stock counts changing : no copy items coming in and out will change the stock count on folders // * version and listing folders : moving those might invalidate the marketplace data itself // Since we should cannot raise inventory change while the observer is called (the list will be cleared // once observers are called) we need to raise a flag in the inventory to signal that things have been dirtied. // That's the only changes that really do make sense for marketplace to worry about if ((mask & (LLInventoryObserver::INTERNAL | LLInventoryObserver::STRUCTURE)) != 0) { const std::set& changed_items = gInventory.getChangedIDs(); std::set::const_iterator id_it = changed_items.begin(); std::set::const_iterator id_end = changed_items.end(); for (;id_it != id_end; ++id_it) { LLInventoryObject* obj = gInventory.getObject(*id_it); if (LLAssetType::AT_CATEGORY == obj->getType()) { // If it's a folder known to the marketplace, let's check it's in proper shape if (LLMarketplaceData::instance().isListed(*id_it) || LLMarketplaceData::instance().isVersionFolder(*id_it)) { LLInventoryCategory* cat = (LLInventoryCategory*)(obj); validate_marketplacelistings(cat); } } else { // If it's not a category, it's an item... LLInventoryItem* item = (LLInventoryItem*)(obj); // If it's a no copy item, we may need to update the label count of marketplace listings if (!item->getPermissions().allowOperationBy(PERM_COPY, gAgent.getID(), gAgent.getGroupID())) { LLMarketplaceData::instance().setDirtyCount(); } } } } } // Tuple == Item LLMarketplaceTuple::LLMarketplaceTuple() : mListingFolderId(), mListingId(0), mVersionFolderId(), mIsActive(false), mEditURL("") { } LLMarketplaceTuple::LLMarketplaceTuple(const LLUUID& folder_id) : mListingFolderId(folder_id), mListingId(0), mVersionFolderId(), mIsActive(false), mEditURL("") { } LLMarketplaceTuple::LLMarketplaceTuple(const LLUUID& folder_id, S32 listing_id, const LLUUID& version_id, bool is_listed) : mListingFolderId(folder_id), mListingId(listing_id), mVersionFolderId(version_id), mIsActive(is_listed), mEditURL("") { } // Data map LLMarketplaceData::LLMarketplaceData() : mMarketPlaceStatus(MarketplaceStatusCodes::MARKET_PLACE_NOT_INITIALIZED), mStatusUpdatedSignal(NULL), mDirtyCount(false) { mInventoryObserver = new LLMarketplaceInventoryObserver; gInventory.addObserver(mInventoryObserver); } LLMarketplaceData::~LLMarketplaceData() { gInventory.removeObserver(mInventoryObserver); } void LLMarketplaceData::initializeSLM(const status_updated_signal_t::slot_type& cb) { mMarketPlaceStatus = MarketplaceStatusCodes::MARKET_PLACE_INITIALIZING; if (mStatusUpdatedSignal == NULL) { mStatusUpdatedSignal = new status_updated_signal_t(); } mStatusUpdatedSignal->connect(cb); std::string url = getSLMConnectURL("/merchant"); log_SLM_infos("LLHTTPClient::get", url, ""); LLHTTPClient::get(url, new LLSLMGetMerchantResponder(), LLSD()); } // Get/Post/Put requests to the SLM Server using the SLM API void LLMarketplaceData::getSLMListings() { LLSD headers = LLSD::emptyMap(); headers["Accept"] = "application/json"; headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; // Send request std::string url = getSLMConnectURL("/listings"); log_SLM_infos("LLHTTPClient::get", url, ""); LLHTTPClient::get(url, new LLSLMGetListingsResponder(), headers); } void LLMarketplaceData::getSLMListing(S32 listing_id) { LLSD headers = LLSD::emptyMap(); headers["Accept"] = "application/json"; headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; // Send request std::string url = getSLMConnectURL("/listing/") + llformat("%d",listing_id); log_SLM_infos("LLHTTPClient::get", url, ""); LLHTTPClient::get(url, new LLSLMGetListingResponder(), headers); } void LLMarketplaceData::createSLMListing(const LLUUID& folder_id) { LLSD headers = LLSD::emptyMap(); headers["Accept"] = "application/json"; headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; LLViewerInventoryCategory* category = gInventory.getCategory(folder_id); Json::Value root; Json::FastWriter writer; root["listing"]["name"] = category->getName(); root["listing"]["inventory_info"]["listing_folder_id"] = category->getUUID().asString(); std::string json_str = writer.write(root); // postRaw() takes ownership of the buffer and releases it later. size_t size = json_str.size(); U8 *data = new U8[size]; memcpy(data, (U8*)(json_str.c_str()), size); // Send request std::string url = getSLMConnectURL("/listings"); log_SLM_infos("LLHTTPClient::postRaw", url, json_str); LLHTTPClient::postRaw(url, data, size, new LLSLMCreateListingsResponder(), headers); } void LLMarketplaceData::updateSLMListing(const LLUUID& folder_id, S32 listing_id, const LLUUID& version_id, bool is_listed) { LLSD headers = LLSD::emptyMap(); headers["Accept"] = "application/json"; headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; Json::Value root; Json::FastWriter writer; // Note : we're assuming that sending unchanged info won't break anything server side... root["listing"]["id"] = listing_id; root["listing"]["is_listed"] = is_listed; root["listing"]["inventory_info"]["listing_folder_id"] = folder_id.asString(); root["listing"]["inventory_info"]["version_folder_id"] = version_id.asString(); std::string json_str = writer.write(root); // postRaw() takes ownership of the buffer and releases it later. size_t size = json_str.size(); U8 *data = new U8[size]; memcpy(data, (U8*)(json_str.c_str()), size); // Send request std::string url = getSLMConnectURL("/listing/") + llformat("%d",listing_id); log_SLM_infos("LLHTTPClient::putRaw", url, json_str); LLHTTPClient::putRaw(url, data, size, new LLSLMUpdateListingsResponder(is_listed, version_id), headers); } void LLMarketplaceData::associateSLMListing(const LLUUID& folder_id, S32 listing_id, const LLUUID& version_id) { LLSD headers = LLSD::emptyMap(); headers["Accept"] = "application/json"; headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; Json::Value root; Json::FastWriter writer; // Note : we're assuming that sending unchanged info won't break anything server side... root["listing"]["id"] = listing_id; root["listing"]["inventory_info"]["listing_folder_id"] = folder_id.asString(); root["listing"]["inventory_info"]["version_folder_id"] = version_id.asString(); std::string json_str = writer.write(root); // postRaw() takes ownership of the buffer and releases it later. size_t size = json_str.size(); U8 *data = new U8[size]; memcpy(data, (U8*)(json_str.c_str()), size); // Send request std::string url = getSLMConnectURL("/associate_inventory/") + llformat("%d",listing_id); log_SLM_infos("LLHTTPClient::putRaw", url, json_str); LLHTTPClient::putRaw(url, data, size, new LLSLMAssociateListingsResponder(), headers); } void LLMarketplaceData::deleteSLMListing(S32 listing_id) { LLSD headers = LLSD::emptyMap(); headers["Accept"] = "application/json"; headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; // Send request std::string url = getSLMConnectURL("/listing/") + llformat("%d",listing_id); log_SLM_infos("LLHTTPClient::del", url, ""); LLHTTPClient::del(url, new LLSLMDeleteListingsResponder(), headers); } std::string LLMarketplaceData::getSLMConnectURL(const std::string& route) { std::string url(""); LLViewerRegion *regionp = gAgent.getRegion(); if (regionp) { // Get DirectDelivery cap url = regionp->getCapability("DirectDelivery"); // *TODO : Take this DirectDelivery cap coping mechanism hack out if (url == "") { url = "https://marketplace.secondlife-staging.com/api/1/viewer/" + gAgentID.asString(); } else { llinfos << "Merov : DD cap = " << url << ", agent = " << gAgentID.asString() << llendl; } url += route; } return url; } void LLMarketplaceData::setSLMStatus(U32 status) { mMarketPlaceStatus = status; if (mStatusUpdatedSignal) { (*mStatusUpdatedSignal)(); } } // Creation / Deletion / Update // Methods publicly called bool LLMarketplaceData::createListing(const LLUUID& folder_id) { if (isListed(folder_id)) { // Listing already exists -> exit with error return false; } // Post the listing creation request to SLM createSLMListing(folder_id); return true; } bool LLMarketplaceData::clearListing(const LLUUID& folder_id) { if (folder_id.isNull()) { // Folder doesn't exists -> exit with error return false; } // Folder id can be the root of the listing or not so we need to retrieve the root first S32 depth = depth_nesting_in_marketplace(folder_id); LLUUID listing_uuid = (isListed(folder_id) ? folder_id : nested_parent_id(folder_id, depth)); S32 listing_id = getListingID(listing_uuid); if (listing_id == 0) { // Listing doesn't exists -> exit with error return false; } // Update the SLM Server so that this listing is deleted (actually, archived...) deleteSLMListing(listing_id); return true; } bool LLMarketplaceData::getListing(const LLUUID& folder_id) { if (folder_id.isNull()) { // Folder doesn't exists -> exit with error return false; } // Folder id can be the root of the listing or not so we need to retrieve the root first S32 depth = depth_nesting_in_marketplace(folder_id); LLUUID listing_uuid = (isListed(folder_id) ? folder_id : nested_parent_id(folder_id, depth)); S32 listing_id = getListingID(listing_uuid); if (listing_id == 0) { // Listing doesn't exists -> exit with error return false; } // Get listing data from SLM getSLMListing(listing_id); return true; } bool LLMarketplaceData::activateListing(const LLUUID& folder_id, bool activate) { // Folder id can be the root of the listing or not so we need to retrieve the root first S32 depth = depth_nesting_in_marketplace(folder_id); LLUUID listing_uuid = nested_parent_id(folder_id, depth); S32 listing_id = getListingID(listing_uuid); if (listing_id == 0) { // Listing doesn't exists -> exit with error return false; } LLUUID version_uuid = getVersionFolder(listing_uuid); // Post the listing update request to SLM updateSLMListing(listing_uuid, listing_id, version_uuid, activate); return true; } bool LLMarketplaceData::setVersionFolder(const LLUUID& folder_id, const LLUUID& version_id) { // Folder id can be the root of the listing or not so we need to retrieve the root first S32 depth = depth_nesting_in_marketplace(folder_id); LLUUID listing_uuid = nested_parent_id(folder_id, depth); S32 listing_id = getListingID(listing_uuid); if (listing_id == 0) { // Listing doesn't exists -> exit with error return false; } // Note: if the version_id is cleared, we need to unlist the listing, otherwise, state unchanged bool is_listed = (version_id.isNull() ? false : getActivationState(listing_uuid)); // Post the listing update request to SLM updateSLMListing(listing_uuid, listing_id, version_id, is_listed); return true; } bool LLMarketplaceData::associateListing(const LLUUID& folder_id, S32 listing_id) { if (isListed(folder_id)) { // Listing already exists -> exit with error return false; } // Post the listing update request to SLM LLUUID version_id; associateSLMListing(folder_id, listing_id, version_id); return true; } // Methods privately called or called by SLM responders to perform changes bool LLMarketplaceData::addListing(const LLUUID& folder_id, S32 listing_id, const LLUUID& version_id, bool is_listed) { if (isListed(folder_id)) { // Listing already exists -> exit with error return false; } mMarketplaceItems[folder_id] = LLMarketplaceTuple(folder_id, listing_id, version_id, is_listed); update_marketplace_category(folder_id, false); gInventory.notifyObservers(); return true; } bool LLMarketplaceData::deleteListing(const LLUUID& folder_id, bool update_slm) { if (!isListed(folder_id)) { // Listing doesn't exist -> exit with error return false; } mMarketplaceItems.erase(folder_id); if (update_slm) { update_marketplace_category(folder_id, false); gInventory.notifyObservers(); } return true; } // Accessors bool LLMarketplaceData::getActivationState(const LLUUID& folder_id) { // Listing folder case if (isListed(folder_id)) { marketplace_items_list_t::iterator it = mMarketplaceItems.find(folder_id); return (it->second).mIsActive; } // We need to iterate through the list to check it's not a version folder marketplace_items_list_t::iterator it = mMarketplaceItems.begin(); while (it != mMarketplaceItems.end()) { if ((it->second).mVersionFolderId == folder_id) { return (it->second).mIsActive; } it++; } return false; } S32 LLMarketplaceData::getListingID(const LLUUID& folder_id) { marketplace_items_list_t::iterator it = mMarketplaceItems.find(folder_id); return (it == mMarketplaceItems.end() ? 0 : (it->second).mListingId); } LLUUID LLMarketplaceData::getVersionFolder(const LLUUID& folder_id) { marketplace_items_list_t::iterator it = mMarketplaceItems.find(folder_id); return (it == mMarketplaceItems.end() ? LLUUID::null : (it->second).mVersionFolderId); } // Reverse lookup : find the listing folder id from the listing id LLUUID LLMarketplaceData::getListingFolder(S32 listing_id) { marketplace_items_list_t::iterator it = mMarketplaceItems.begin(); while (it != mMarketplaceItems.end()) { if ((it->second).mListingId == listing_id) { return (it->second).mListingFolderId; } it++; } return LLUUID::null; } std::string LLMarketplaceData::getListingURL(const LLUUID& folder_id) { S32 depth = depth_nesting_in_marketplace(folder_id); LLUUID listing_uuid = nested_parent_id(folder_id, depth); marketplace_items_list_t::iterator it = mMarketplaceItems.find(listing_uuid); return (it == mMarketplaceItems.end() ? "" : (it->second).mEditURL); } bool LLMarketplaceData::isListed(const LLUUID& folder_id) { marketplace_items_list_t::iterator it = mMarketplaceItems.find(folder_id); return (it != mMarketplaceItems.end()); } bool LLMarketplaceData::isVersionFolder(const LLUUID& folder_id) { marketplace_items_list_t::iterator it = mMarketplaceItems.begin(); while (it != mMarketplaceItems.end()) { if ((it->second).mVersionFolderId == folder_id) { return true; } it++; } return false; } bool LLMarketplaceData::isInActiveFolder(const LLUUID& obj_id) { S32 depth = depth_nesting_in_marketplace(obj_id); LLUUID listing_uuid = nested_parent_id(obj_id, depth); bool active = getActivationState(listing_uuid); LLUUID version_uuid = getVersionFolder(listing_uuid); return (active && ((obj_id == listing_uuid) || (obj_id == version_uuid) || gInventory.isObjectDescendentOf(obj_id, version_uuid))); } // Private Modifiers bool LLMarketplaceData::setListingID(const LLUUID& folder_id, S32 listing_id) { marketplace_items_list_t::iterator it = mMarketplaceItems.find(folder_id); if (it == mMarketplaceItems.end()) { return false; } (it->second).mListingId = listing_id; update_marketplace_category(folder_id, false); gInventory.notifyObservers(); return true; } bool LLMarketplaceData::setVersionFolderID(const LLUUID& folder_id, const LLUUID& version_id) { marketplace_items_list_t::iterator it = mMarketplaceItems.find(folder_id); if (it == mMarketplaceItems.end()) { return false; } LLUUID old_version_id = (it->second).mVersionFolderId; if (old_version_id == version_id) { return false; } (it->second).mVersionFolderId = version_id; update_marketplace_category(old_version_id, false); update_marketplace_category(version_id, false); gInventory.notifyObservers(); return true; } bool LLMarketplaceData::setActivationState(const LLUUID& folder_id, bool activate) { marketplace_items_list_t::iterator it = mMarketplaceItems.find(folder_id); if (it == mMarketplaceItems.end()) { return false; } (it->second).mIsActive = activate; update_marketplace_category((it->second).mListingFolderId, false); gInventory.notifyObservers(); return true; } bool LLMarketplaceData::setListingURL(const LLUUID& folder_id, const std::string& edit_url) { marketplace_items_list_t::iterator it = mMarketplaceItems.find(folder_id); if (it == mMarketplaceItems.end()) { return false; } (it->second).mEditURL = edit_url; return true; }